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 The Super Seventies Archives

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he Super Seventies Archives is a collection of over 80 text files with loads of information in the categories of Music, Lifestyles, Culture, Movies, Television, and Politics.

Music Icon Music

Lifestyles Icon Lifestyles

Culture Icon Culture

Movies Icon Movies

  • The Greatest Moments in Seventies Movies - From Midnight Cowboy to Kramer Vs. Kramer, pop-culture chronicle Entertainment Weekly exhaustively unspools the history of the Seventies era in film. Plus the best Seventies movie lines and Best Picture Oscar winners.
  • The Best Movie Soundtracks of the Seventies - These 23 soundtrack albums from the 1970s were among the 100 best movie soundtracks of all time as chosen by Entertainment Weekly magazine in Oct. 2001. Plus the Top 10 '70s movie stand-alone tunes and director Cameron Crowe's favorite soundtrack albums.
  • Easy Rider - A 1986 review of the 1969 counterculture movie classic by David Zinman.
  • The 15 Greatest Rebel Movies of the Seventies - Rolling Stone film critic Peter Travers counts down his favorite Hollywood rebel movies of the decade.
  • Disaster Flicks of the 1970s - From Airport to The China Syndrome, Terry Lawson looks back at nine popular disaster films of the Seventies that began one of Hollywood's most enduring movie genres. Also, a Dazed and Confused high school essay on "Dubious Disaster Films."
  • Five to Frighten: '70s Drive-In Horror - by Paul Gaita. Rent these five flicks for the ultimate in '70s drive-in kitsch. From Pulse! magazine. Also, a Dazed and Confused high school essay on horror flicks.
  • Thirty Top Cult Films of the 1970s - Some of the most bizarre '70s flicks ever to hit the big (and little) screens at the stroke of midnight.
  • Notes from a 'Nasty Ebert': The Best of '70s and '80s Porn - Ted McIlvenna, a connoisseur and scholar of the classic age of hardcore movies (1971-1987), presents his list of the ten top porn flicks ever made. From Esquire.
  • Very '70s in the '90s - Marshall Fine of Gannett News Service reviews some of the recent and more serious cinematic studies of the "Age of Embarrassment" in this 1997 newspaper article.
  • The Must-Watch Movies of the 70's Five essential films from the 1970s that have managed to capture the attention of Turner Classic Movies fans.

TV Icon Television

  • The Best of '70s Television - as chosen by the editors of TV Guide for their 40th anniversary issue.
  • Rock on Late-Night Seventies TV - by Ben Fong-Torres. This 1974 essay discusses the top three '70s late-night rock shows -- Midnight Special, In Concert and Rock Concert -- and their respective producers Burt Sugarman, Dick Clark and Don Kirshner. From Rolling Stone.
  • Memorable TV Commercials of the 1970s - "Give it to Mikey...;" "I'd like to buy the world a Coke;" "You deserve a break today;" "Don't leave home without it;" and over 100 more '70s commercial catchphrases. From People Weekly and Retro Hell.
  • The Top Twenty Seventies Telecasts - Where were you on these twenty separate evenings during the Seventies? Most everyone in America was watching TV. Also a list of the most watched movies of the decade.
  • Seventies TV's 10 Top Catchphrases - "Come on down!" as TV Guide's Carrie Bell counts down several top catchphrases of Seventies TV.
  • Seventies TV's Most Unexpected Moments - Twenty super-surprising TV events in the '70s that made stunned viewers say, "I can't believe what I just saw!" From TV Guide.
  • 'All in the Family' Episode List - by Vince Waldron. A list of the popular and revolutionary Seventies sitcom's 202 episodes, their storylines and original air dates.
  • Mary Tyler Moore: In Her Own Words - as told to L.A. Times film critic Cecil Smith in 1976.
  • Remembering Johnny Carson - John Bushkin fondly remembers the king of Seventies late-night TV.
  • 'Schoolhouse Rock' of Ages - A brief history of the Seventies Saturday morning cartoon favorite. By Chanel A. Lee in Entertainment Weekly.
  • Seventies Childrens' and Cartoon Series - Info and recollections of several popular kids' shows and cartoon series of the decade. Excerpted from the book Retro Hell.
  • Soul Train - Seventies Fun (The TV Show) The history and influence of the popular Seventies soul/R&B TV show.
  • The Existential House of Brady - by A. McClain. There's more than meets the eye beneath the mustard-yellow veneer of this 1970s blended family. Taken from The Existential House of Brady: A Comparative Analysis of 'The Brady Bunch' to Homer's 'The Iliad' and 'The Odyssey' which doesn't exist, but should.
  • 'That '70s Show': '70s Teens for the '90s - Biographical sketches of the actors in FOX's hit series, a visit to the show's groovy retro set, and Mary Tyler Moore guest stars on the series. From USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and TV Guide.

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