The Super Seventies "Classic 500" | 

his list makes no claims at definitiveness, rather it's just a sampling of some of the wonderful Seventies albums we've enjoyed the most over the years. Many well-known Seventies rock/pop classics are represented, and perhaps a few you might have missed along the way. Regardless, they're all part of the great mosaic of Seventies popular music that has been such an integral part of "the soundtrack of our lives."
Kudos to the many talented writers and reviewers who helped deepen our understanding of this music and helped raise it to an artform worthy of serious criticism.
And most of all, thanks to the musicians.
P.S. - Also included (whenever possible) is release date, Billboard chart position, R.I.A.A. gold/platinum certification information, and original advertising art of the albums!
P.P.S. - After perusing this list, don't forget to check out our Readers' Favorite Seventies Albums section for reviews of almost 300 more great Seventies albums, and then our list of 100 Other Recommended Seventies Discs links!

PLEASE NOTE: Most of the "Classic 500" albums featured on Super Seventies RockSite! can be ordered through or Just click on the convenient direct links at the end of our review for even more information about the album and/or how to order it from these fine online businesses. Thanks!