"The Web is not one of those magical plants that ince October of 1996, Super Seventies RockSite! has strived to bring its growing number of visitors some of the best and most current information on Seventies music and culture on the Web with several dynamic features: Favorite Seventies Artists In The News, Seventies Single Spotlight, EXTRA!, as well as our massive archive of album and singles reviews, photos, interviews, MIDI's, lyrics, text files, trivia quizzes & games, and the ever popular Seventies Almanac. Countless hours have been devoted to researching, compositing, programming, organizing, and polishing what we hope is one of the most informative and comprehensive sites on Seventies music and culture on the Web. We've also tried to make this site as straightforward and user-friendly as possible, allowing visitors to quickly access the information they're looking for or to make casual browsing a pleasant experience. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the hundreds of visitors who have supported our efforts by ordering CD's, books, movies, posters, gifts and other merchandise from the many fine online businesses whose links and banners appear throughout this site. This speaks volumes in letting us know that our diligent efforts are sincerely appreciated by the regular and occasional visitors to this site. Again, thank you very much for encouraging quality content on the Net. It has been my privilege to share with a worldwide audience whatever musical knowledge, resources, and editing skills I might possess to remind my own generation about their favorite Seventies memories, as well as enlighten younger people about the music and cultural highlights of the decade. And as always, thanks for visiting Super Seventies RockSite! - The Webmaster P.S. - Our site has always been and will remain free. If you would like to donate to our efforts -- even as little as $1 -- please use the secure PayPal donation button below. After the donation, you will be redirected back to this page. Thank you!
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Ever wonder what music your fellow '70s music fans are interested in? Here were our top sellers for 2011.
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