Disorders causing Learning Problems
Our minds are at times cluttered with confused ideas, thoughts and emotions. When the mind is in an uproar, it is often difficulty to think or comprehend.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the leading disabilities that are claiming the minds of millions of children around the world. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder will often hinder a child, since the child will have difficulty concentrating.
The child will also become bored after working a task for a short time. Sometimes the child will vent his frustrations by interrupting the class. This all leads to learning problems, since the mind is in chaos.
Children with Attention Deficit Disorders find it difficult to focus for a length of time. Most times, children with Attention Deficit Disorders will forget, and carelessly act out inappropriately. Often the child will display behaviors that include loosing other people’s property. The child will speak out even if it hurts someone else’s feelings.
These people appear to show no regards for how others feel or think. On the other hand, when the symptoms are mild the child will display a personality that can confuse the average person.
Psychopathy individuals will show fewer symptoms, than most, ADHD patients, fooling some of us into believing that these individuals are more aggressive.
Attention Deficit patients are often fidgety and have difficulty staying put in one place for too long. When a person has disorders that include hyperactivity behaviors, it is time to redirect our tactics in teaching.
The child learns at a level much greater than the normal minds. The child can bounce around a room, while someone is instructing the child on science and never miss a beat. Since, most children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders has hearing impairments, there mind relates to linguistic at a different level of understanding.
Often you will see hand and eye coordination when a child is diagnosed with ADHD.
As you can see this brings forth additional handicaps that may discourage the child from learning. Unfortunately, when a child has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, mental health experts will prescribe drugs. The prescriptions include Ritalin and Adderall XR or Adderall, which was recently, took off the market in Canada. Adderall XR has caused deaths, and since several lives were claimed. New studies are in development.
Medicines are not always the answer when it comes to mental problems. Today researchers are leaning toward natural herbs as a better source of treatment.
Recently, I’ve done my own research and evaluation on ADHD and its symptoms. I’ve noticed that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity symptoms are similar to bipolar. This leads me to believe that the child may have a chemical imbalance that is causing the symptoms to flare.
If a chemical imbalance is, involved, medical treatment could fix the problem easily.
At one point DSM-IV, writers linked ADHD to the central nervous system, which was correct. However, ADHD later became a series of symptoms that were defined by the political rulers and mental health experts.
The central nervous system is the central element of destruction when injure is current. The central nervous system controls the ganglia, brain, nerves, spinal cord, and a portion of the receptor organs. The organs are the part of the brain that sends out stimuli, transmitting impulses. The peripheral part of the nervous system is layered outside of the central nervous system and its components include the optical and cranial nerves.
The peripheral also joins with the autonomic nervous system and the spinal nerves. When the optical nerve is affected, it disables a person’s ability to focus, since it will decrease the necessary components of sound and sights ability to function.
In other words, when the optical has impairments it can cause illusions to occur. It is amazing that the so-called experts are drugging children with ADHD, rather than searching for medical solutions to fix the problem.
Chiropractic treatments have proven effective for helping people cope with ADHD. Yet the experts try desperately to disqualify these individuals, simply because greed is the focus and not eliminating the problems.
In conclusion, did you know that mental health experts have to diagnose a patient with long-term mental illness to be paid by insurance providers?