Disabilities Hindering Learning
Learning is a slow process that we strive to understand down through the years. Some of us have a gifted mind, while others struggle with words, math, science, and so forth. Some of us might be great in math and a failure in history. It all depends on the person to determine the learning disability.
For example, I know a woman that dropped out in 3rd grade. This woman began having children early, since back then it was reasonable. Now the woman did not have the skills to handle financial obligations and so forth. The woman taught her self, down through the years through observation learning how to manage on her level of education.
In other words, her experience became a valuable tool, far more than education. This woman was smart as a whip, and could manage her money well.
She never went back to school; since she was married to a man that constantly hindered her. He too dropped out of school in 7th grade, but she had one over him.
As you can see, we all are different and we all learn differently. Education is a wonderful thing, but unfortunately, education is lacking in its own reality.
We can see this when we watch our children being controlled. We are forced to believe that our parental rights are lesser than the leader’s rights.
Living in a corrupted system can make it difficult for anyone to learn. Since, the system expects us all to behave according to codes of the law, or ethnics this too presents its own problems. I can’t tell you how many people I hear complaining each day about our world and all the chaos.
I often tell these people if you haven’t learned to defend your honor then stop your complaining. Frustration sets in when people complain and never do anything about it. As a protestor, I know it takes effort, consistency, and knowledge to make something happen.
When we are children we often say things like when I grow up, I am going to be astronaut. As we continue to grow, our plans often change. I see a problem here because this person set them self up for a series of failure.
When we are growing up, we often set outrageous goals for our self. Our mind responds to the plan by directing us toward the goal. Common sense tells our mind that it is natural to do what we expect of our self or do what is right.
Therefore, if you are learning keep your goals on a realistic scale. If you have a mental disorder, or suffer ADHD, then set small goals for your self.
It is important that you realize that the answers are somewhere inside of you. Down through your life you may have not grasp a problem clearly. Going over the problems can help you to see the answer clearer.
Teachers do not always help, since some of them lack the ability to help others on their level of understanding. I’ve had problems with instructors that were not clear. Nothing the woman said made sense. In the end, I found out that I was right and this woman had some learning to do.
This led me to encourage others with a learning disability to consider all possibilities, since you might not be the one with the problem. It is important not to set your self up for failure. If you are struggling to learn, you might want to get a physical or an evaluation by a mental health expert. Once you understand your problem, it makes it easier to move ahead.
If you are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorders (ADHD/ADD), make sure you grasp a deeper meaning.
It is important to know what is wrong and understand to avoid corrupted therapy. In other words, if you know what you are dealing with. When the Psychiatrist or Doctor prescribes you that pill, you will be ready to argue when you know you are right!
Learning disabilities are not necessary a failure, rather learning disabilities are a special gift.
Since, you have a special eye for learning; you have a different path in life to follow.