Directional Learning
When a child is growing, often confusion steps in and hinders him from learning. Few children are able to cope with the confusion, since many find it difficult. Many times fathers will expect their children, especially boys, to learn their skills. In other words, fathers sometimes expect their child to become them.
Furthermore, when the child begins school, he is presented with science, math, history, social studies and so forth. The child may have set his own goals to reach, and is confused because new information has opened new doors.
The child may struggle with learning, since he is leaning on his father, his self, and the new choices presented to him. His understanding may lean more toward science, making other information confusing. He sees that math plays a part in science, since most scientific studies are based on statistics.
Somewhere down the road, however he sees a role model that peeks his interest and more confusion sets in. The role model is a TV icon with a good name and interesting behaviors. The influences around him, however tell him that his interest is superficial. TV role models are fictional characters he is told.
Thus, he ventures off and finds a reality based role model of similar characteristic as his TV companion. Now, his mind is consumed and his frustrations become real. From the beginning, his expectations of being like dad were cultivated.
Dad is a construction worker, coming home each night tired from an exhausting day. The child observes each action, behavior, word and results displayed by dad. The child searches his mind to determine if his TV companion is fiction, comparing the character to dad’s reality.
Finally, he stumbles through the schoolbooks to find out what he wants to be in life. As you can see, this chaos can lead the child into a whirl spin of confusion. The child forgets about his own goals and struggles to please everyone else. Adding to the many pressures, society consumes his mind, telling him he has to be like everyone else, or he is not normal.
Learning disabilities are understatements in most instances, since we all have learning inabilities. Simply, because we do not see the way another person sees we are at risk of becoming a titled learning-disabled person. We can look at the many examples and see the truth in this statement.
For example, at one time learning-disabled individuals were said to be dumb. Later, scientist discovered that these handicapped individuals had a lot to teach us. The mentally retarded individuals are often regarded as failures. At least at one time, this was true.
Nowadays, even the mental retardation is under carefully study, as researchers are learning new information. Recent studies have proven that the mentally severed are capable of learning. Although no answer has been found to understand why retardation has developed, new studies have shown there is hope.
Still, scientist is trying to categorize this learning disability, since mental, physical, and condition falls into the disabilities sub-symptoms.
Mentally handicapped individuals have a different way of learning. These people if appropriate education and consideration is in tact can benefit society in many ways.
Unlike, the child above going through many changes in life, these special people are going through another reality, far different from ours. Still, it is a difference, and yet history has shown our modern children that inappropriate punishment is ok.
Bad examples can be seen throughout our history. At one time the criminal justice system institutionalized the mentally handicap; thus removing the handicapped individuals’ from society.
The victims were placed in mental institutions, similar to prison, and beaten and tortured regularly.
The people were tortured, simply because they were different. Today the inhuman influences that posed threats against these innocent souls continue to excuse their behaviors.
The child above sees this as he goes down the road through history. As you can see, the many obstacles we must cross to learn the facts, is outweighing the in large numbers.
Learning observational skills, investigative skills, research, and learning how to collect evidence to state a fact is an affective method of learning on any level.
Finally, it is important to learn self-talk when learning. Self-talk can help you find out who you are and what you want to achieve. Self-talk helps you to avoid influences.