Breaking down the Walls of Complexity in Learning Disabilities
From the day we are born, we have the ability to see, hear, smell, touch, and even relate to the people around us. A newborn baby can sense its mother when she is near. The baby has the ability in the womb and after birth to sense when a mother is sad, happy, depressed, tense and so forth. Therefore, we can see learning begins when the egg is futile.
If a child is reared by, a mother that suffers bipolar disabilities the child will learn to act out irrationally, since mother is an example. If the father is an alcohol, the child might learn to drink when the emotions are threatened. A child might even resort to alcohol if he or she feels happy for no apparent reason. The child may believe (as he or she was taught) that happiness is punishable.
What children observe and hear are examples that help determine the direction a child may adhere to in life. This does not mean that the child grew up in a dysfunctional home with parents that lack the ability to support the family. Rather, we have alcoholics, bipolar, mental illnesses, and other complexities in homes of all occupations.
There is not one person singled-out in life to suffer more than others do, so it appears. Once this child reaches the age to attend Head Start he or she will meet the person (s) that will teach them a new set of rules. The rules may include happiness is a good thing, while irrational thinking is bad.
Now the child is confused because mommy breaks out into uproar when stress hits and dad gets drunk every time he looses control. Dad appears happy under that mechanism that temporarily brings relief, but the child knows that the happiness is false pretense.
Therefore, the child evaluates the new teachers rules comparing them to the rules his parents forced him to believe. Where were his beliefs? How do his beliefs fall into the picture?
His beliefs are rarely seen because everyone that teaches us, teaches us to believe in accordance to their learning.
In this article, I’m going to tell you a story about a young child that grew up in a poverty-stricken home. The child was raised by a paranoid schizophrenia, and mothered by a woman that was defeated by the man she called her husband. The mother taught this child that boys were better than girls’ were since this is how she was forced to believe. The mother also let the child know that a child is to be seen, and never heard, and sometimes seeing the child is a waste of parental time.
The father taught the child that talking, crying, over happily, showing any emotions at all was a source of trouble. The child feared the father in that if she showed any emotions that angered him logically or illogically. She would reap punishment.
The young child was taught that education had no value, other than a system that was controlling the lives of others. To a degree, this man was right since the National Education Association is constructed to rule, rather than to focus on helping each child learn individual.
Later, as the child grew she observed children mocking, mimicking, criticizing, and hurting others. At the same time, she watched as the teachers stood by punishing the children that fought to protect their self against the bullies. She observed the leaders and how they behaved when complex problems presented self. The result was war!
Now the woman could have learned to act out as the people around her acted, but she had her own beliefs and this she stood firm that no one would tear her down. As you can see, this woman had a tremendous struggle ahead, since complexity was attempting to hinder her learning ability. Yet she learned by investigating, analyzing, comparing, contrasting, observing and so forth to find the facts to prove her stand in life. Now look carefully at this illustration and tell me.
What do you see or what you have learned from the story? Can you see that learning is effective when we stand up for what we believe based on facts to prove our allegations? If you cannot see, then continue the complexity of understanding learning disabilities.