Considering Protective in How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Panic
Protective is a defense mechanism we have within us. Protective extends further however, since it is a caring nature, shielding and protecting defender. What does this have to do with anxiety and panic? Everything!
If you learn to protect self, you will find fewer problems. For instance, if you learn that drinking excessively causes harm you will slow down, thus protecting self. This will reduce anxiety and panic. Likewise, if you smoke you will cause panic and anxiety to increase, since it will affect your health, thus, you are not protecting self.
Most times people deal with dread, fear, worry, anxiety, stress, and the like failing to see the reality and imagined triggers that stimulate the emotions. Most times the person will run to escape the feelings, rather than learning to deal with them as they come along.
Panic is real when you come face to face with a serial killer, however panic is not real when a bill comes along and you have less than a week to pay the darn thing. Most times, if you dig up resources, ask questions and the like you will find a solution to your problem. Likewise, fear is real when you come face to face with a rapist or murderer; however, fear is not real when you have a bill. Bills are a part of life, and most times when we do not have the money now we can make arrangements. Thus, think before you allow panic and anxiety to control your life.
To see how protection and how to protect self works us can consider logic, truths, and reality: I am a firm believer that reality, truth, and beliefs are helpful tools in eliminating many problems, in return eliminating stressors.
Therefore, we are going to take a test.
I have the choice to decide what is right for me and what affects my life. True or False
Did you know your choices in life often are trampled down by influences? You do have limited choices, but most of all your choices are controlled.
Did you know that most people could care less about what happens to the next person? Yes or NO
IT is a fact that most people will not go out of their way to care for you as a person. History shows this logic plain and clear.
We are all related in some way or another through hereditary. True or False
Yes, we are all related, since the first creation of man’s roots or genes come forward to us all.
Do the dead go to hell or heaven? Yes or No
No, the dead are buried and conscious of nothing, which you can check the facts.
Notice the last question is in the form of religion. Why? Because most problems come from misbelieves in religion form. Thus, it pays to study, learn, and weigh out the truths, since false religion is one of the primary sources that lead to many problems.
Still, we have other issues that we want to consider. The mind is full with influences, false beliefs and the like. Thus, you have to establish truth within you and remove the lies to help ease the mind. Lies is evil, thus removing them will help you eliminate anxiety and panic.
Overall, you have to protect self and your mind and body from harmful elements of life to avoid panic and anxiety. Still, at some point or another you will experience chaos, yet it is up to you to deal with it, or let it deal with you.