Avoidance in How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Panic
We sometimes like to avoid things that strike the emotions. This will only lead to problem. Instead of voiding problems, it is wise to face the issues, rather than dismiss them. If you allow problems to add up, it will only cause you bigger problems later. Facing problems is the only solution for eliminating panic and anxiety. Facing problems also means facing your fears.
Avoidance is the process of evading what you fear. When you start dodging bullets the bullets in time will aim, hit, and fire. Once the bullets start firing they usually shoots in numbers, thus building up fire to hit the target. What you have to do is reverse those bullets and aim them in another direction. In other words, search the mind for new ideas that will help you to better self. If you work to better self, you will soon find anxiety and panic redirecting its bullets to another person searching to get rid of anxiety and panic.
Bullets when they hit the fan will cause enormous pain, thus avoidance is bullets that hit, hit, and finally burn out your emotions. The emotions are powerful and if you gain control of your emotions, you will feel an enormous power within. Emotions express feelings, sentiment, sensations, and passion. Sentiments deliver responses, reactions, attitudes, opinions, and outlooks. Sensations are our feeling that helps us to sense while expression impressions, delivering awareness, conscious and so forth. Now if avoidance
One of the biggest problems in life is people fail to get to know self. Often the reason is simple, such as they do not want the big responsibility that comes along with knowing self. Responsibility includes liability, blame, and accountability, which is a deep threat to the emotions. The deal is learning to accept, understand, and go with it. If you face responsibility, you will soon face consciousness, reliability, and trustworthiness. Therefore, what are you afraid of, take responsibility?
We come from a life that breaks us down mentally, and tears us apart like shreds. Each day we survive another bullet goes in our soul (body) making us turn another way and try to avoid the reality impact. Impacts often strike the emotions leading to reactions, which lead to consequences. Thus, if you train the mind to learn that reactions lead to consequences and consequences lead to responsibility you have a chance.
What an amazing finding if you just stop avoidance, wake up, and build you. If you are afraid to find who you are, prepare since the rest of your life you will have problems. Now if you think responsibility is bad, try ongoing problems, and see what you come up with. You can measure the value and come up with an overwhelming product. It takes you to stop the bullets firing in your direction. If you think you are at war now, keep avoiding problems and one day you will wake up in a literal war.
Life is a vacation, or else a misery. If you view life as a vacation, often you will find your mind feeling less stress, which eliminates panic and anxiety. Anxiety is worry. Sometimes we fret or worry over things we have no control more than often we worry over things we do have control. It takes you to take your control and live your life with responsibilities while stopping the avoidance to lead your life. if you sit down and think of how you respond to your emotions you will soon see that most times your emotions control you, take control now and stop avoiding.