Cause and Effect in How to Get Rid of Anxiety and Panic
If you have the cause then I have effect, so perhaps we can pull them together and get rid of anxiety and panic. What is your reason? What are the grounds you stand? What sources cause you to panic and feel anxiety? What is the root of your problems? Do you have a foundation that gives you basis to feel panicky and anxious?
What did you make happen? What did you bring about? Did you produce a chaos that struck the emotions causing you panic and anxiety? What trigger did you set off? You had to instigate something, now take responsibility, and own up. Did someone else set off the trigger? Sometimes this happens; still you have to take responsibility somewhere, since if you struck out in anger, thus you lost control of your emotions while allowing stress to overwhelm you. The many situations that go on in life makes me wonder if we even have a future. Many people may act outrageously instead of allowing their mind to control itself in existence. In other words, I am going to kick your ass. This statement is common, and most times the person saying it is responsible for his own anger. Don’t resort to violence, rather grow up, and resort to intelligence. Some people sit around saying:
I am in a financial situation now that I cannot get out of; my nerves are shot and I cannot handle it anymore. I think I am going to die. They are going to throw me behind bars and throw away the keys. Does this sound familiar to you:
I am too minutes from going to jail, since the judge sentenced me today, telling me that I am to spend one year in jail.
My kids are getting on my nerves; I don’t know what to do anymore. I think I will just give up and walk away from my responsibilities and let someone else deal with them.
Are you starting to think now? If not read from the beginning, answer the questions and tell me what you find. You will probably find many causes and effects; however, you will also see that sometimes we have control and sometimes we do not. Now, if you want me to tell you how to get rid of anxiety and panic, then you have to work with me. I said, what is your responsibility? What did you do to cause the effects of anxiety and panic? Possibly you did not cause them, but perhaps you are not dealing with the situation well. We have a source, so let’s get to the root.
Testing, testing...pull out that brainpower since I will need you to help me if you want to get rid of anxiety and panic. We need to stop resorting to stupidity and get on the road to recovery, thus healing from denial. Is anyone in there? I said come out of denial. If you want to eliminate stressors, which increase stress and avoid panic and anxiety then you have to face reality. Reality is a strong word that terrifies the majority of people. If you think not, then ask why Bush was on a golf course during the terrorist attack instead of finding a way to resolve the problem, he was ignoring reality making you think he had a plan? No, instead, he made it bigger and we are still at war as a result.
What am I talking about? Decisions, responsibility, and reality; along with a variety of other details that should help you to see how to eliminate anxiety and panic.