Dependency in How to Command and Master your Emotions
Self Help Dependent People
If you are always depending on others to carry your load, it is likely you will not move toward commanding and mastering your own emotions. However, there are traits of a dependent person that makes them surpass others and opens the roadway quicker to gaining control of your own mind. To help you see and understand we can consider:
Dependent Person: A person may feel stressed from policy, rules, and guidance, since it is a threat to their weak personality flaw. This person strives to meet his or her own needs. Often these types of people had areas in their life where illnesses, dramas, or traumas existed, which hindered their development stage. The person may feel internally timid, which is a fearful trait. This is often visual in the person’s behavior patterns. The most positive quality of this type of person is his or her will to become humble. This is a modest trait. The person often unassuming, and is meek in many ways, a fabulous natural quality.
Briefly we can see dependent people need to cultivate natural qualities and eliminate qualities that could lead them to harm. This is a step in learning to command and master the emotions. A person of this nature may lack confidence in self. The person’s humbleness often prevents them from seeing their skills and abilities in full light. Therefore, we need to set boundaries and limits to the humbleness, since we do not want to eliminate such fine quality to achieve.
It depends on the dependency level; however, some of these types of people lack control of emotions, since they often have difficulty controlling their aggressions and anger. We see fear here, since this person has not established a realism of discomfort, and a will to assert self. If the person asserts self, he or she may fear danger. Therefore, we see abuse in this equation. Someone along the path has mentally altered this person’s natural mind and interrupted his or her developing stage.
Now we can move into psychology at a deeper level, however the point is we need to help these souls to learn to control their own minds. We must remove their fears in order to achieve this mission. These people often fear desertion, which means the person has not learnt to love self. We need to bring this person to a comfortable zone with self to help him or her move ahead and learn positive examples. This will clear the mind of all the negative instilled inside of the person. Fear and negative are two major sources of hindrance, i.e. stopping the person from gaining control.
The type of person we are considering is a submissive natured person. This is an outstanding quality; however, it needs development in order to prevent overly submission. For instance, we can preview a sample of a submissive nature, which is natural. Terry followed Larry’s rules to the detail.
We see an example of an employee following the employer’s advice carefully. This is a submissive natural trait. Now, Carry followed Cork’s rules beyond what she believed.
We are picturing relationships where Carry does everything that Cork wants her to do, although it is against her beliefs and nature. This is excessive submissive qualities that are unnatural and needs cultivating and development. This will help Carry to lighten the load and free her mind of fears, which brings her in command of her emotions.
A dependent person may feel a strong need for others to like them, and will conform to actions that he or she may not like. This brings an unpleasant feeling to the emotions, which causes harm. Therefore, we need to get this person to see that as long as you like yourself, it does not matter what others think of you. You can like me or not, yet it is not going to change who I am and what I know I can do as a person. You don’t make me in other words; I make myself who I am!