Children Relating in How to Master and Command your Emotions
Self Help Guide for Children
Children find it difficult to relate to their emotions, especially at what time they have to deal with peer pressures, school pressure, family pressures, sibling pressures, and the like. Children often drown their emotions in music, which sometimes leads to drugs and alcohol. This leads to other unproductive behavior patterns, which becomes habitual. We can see susceptibility is in the equation, yet kids are often misunderstood. Therefore, we are going to relate to music from now and afar to see how emotions relate and respond.
Relating Emotions to Music
Think of all the songs we’ve heard down through the years pertaining to emotions. For example, the Bee Gee’s sung, “Emotions taking me over,” and other singers sung songs such as “Emotions.” As you can see, the songs listed relate to emotions. The people unable to express their feelings sing in a song what they are truly feeling inside. What is being expressed is a need that has not been fulfilled. Sometimes, as people will allow music to drown out our sorrows and miseries. We search for lyrics that explain how we feel, using the lyrics to associate with our emotions and feelings. We all go through times in our life when we say, “I wish things were this way again.”
The truth is we can’t go back to a single moment in our history, however we can make better what the results came from our histories showing. In other words, bring back the moment by making it better.
Let’s consider the song by the Bee Gees. “It’s just emotions taking me over, caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul. If you don’t come back, come back to me darling,” Stopping here we can see many emotions and feelings expressed in a single line of lyrics. Yet, what are they saying to us? What are they expressing? The person is saying his emotions are taking over, and he is caught up in his own sorrows, which are lost in his being. In other words, he does not have control of his situation; therefore, a fear is making him feel sorrow inside. The person he wants to come back has the control and he wants this person to see this through his words and expressions of emotions coming from feelings and heart.
One of the greatest songs of our time is “Broken Road.” This song expresses loads of emotions, yet this person is illustrating that he has overcome those emotions by accepting his pain and hurt and seeing them as paths to success. In the song he points out that “God blessed the broken road that led” him straight to her. As you can see, he sees past the pain and suffering he feels and sees beyond to the road to success.
As you can see, seeing past the bad can lead you to good results, which in turn puts you in command and making you master of your emotions.
Think of a time when you experienced peer pressure. Think about how you handled the pressure. Review the situation carefully and see how you can improve the next time the situation comes your way. Think about the consequences. If you realize that doubts, fears, or other negative elements are in the way, consider how you can remove them.
Now think of your favorite song and think of how it relates to how you feel now. Consider assertively expressing those emotions without infringing on the rights of others as you do so. What you doing…you are working to master and command your emotions.