Criticizing in How to Master and Command your Emotions
Are you ready to jump the gun? Are you fast to criticize what others say or do to you? Do you criticize your every move? Do you criticize the every move of other people? If so then you are not in control of your emotions.
Criticism comes in good form and bad form. Bad forms of criticizing leads to trouble and weighed down emotions. A person constantly criticizing self and others is showing disapproval of the person or self, while condemning the self or others around him or her. Criticism is a censure that disparagingly carps other people’s rights, as well as a crime against God, since you are passing judgment on another person. This contradicts appraisal, which leads you to assessing ongoing, while constant analyzing others around you and self. It is an ongoing evaluation. Thus, positive criticism is visual in constructive analyzing and appraisal while evaluating, assessing, analyzing, and moving toward positive.
Condemning others only weigh down the emotions, since at what time you are giving judicial response, it is a punishment to the party or self-involved. This is a blaming, accusing action that leads to mistrust, lies, and the like, which is another major setback on the emotions.
Therefore, before you cast down judgment on self or others use you head to think critically about the situation. Why are you criticizing? Do you think you are better than everyone else is? Do you have a grandiose personality flaw? Do you have the ability to analyze asses, evaluate, review, and appraise while taking in account what others and self say and do?
An over criticizing person is self-indulged and often thinks of self rather than care for what others feel inside. The person may have confusion in the mind, which is most likely truth. This big blocker prevents them from relating, accepting, and resolving which takes the person to commanding and mastering his or her own emotions.
To help you see at what time a person is overly criticizing we can consider a few examples:
Tim struck out angrily at Roy at what time he said Tim was late for his meeting. The problem is clear here, since Tim is feeling guilty for not showing up at his meeting on time, thus the escape goat becomes Roy, since he is someone Tim can blame or accuse for his failures. This is a fear rooted that causes Tim to act in such a profound way. Therefore, Tim has to face and own up to his fears, learn responsibility, and move toward mastering and commanding his emotions. If Tim had control, he would have said something to the effect. “Yes, Roy, I realize I am late for my meeting, I need to get ready now so that I can try to make amends. This is showing that Tim realizes his failure. He is facing his fear. In addition, he is concentrating on ways to make amends for his lack of responsibility. He accepts and is taking control, thus Tim is master and commander of his emotions in this illustration.
As you can see, an evil state of mind, or mind filled with fear can erupt emotions and hinder us from progressing in life. IT is up to you to take control of your mind while learning to accept you mistakes accept discomfort and learn to take responsibility of your actions, words, and behaviors. We must learn to do what is right to have a clear working mind, which brings us in master and commander position. The emotions must be tamed.