Death an Illusion From the highest forms of Life down through the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms, we see Life everywhere present--Death an illusion. Back of all visible forms of material life there is still the beginnings of manifested life pressing forward for expression and manifestation. And underneath all is the Spirit of Lif -longing, striving, feeling, acting. In the mountain and the ocean--the flower and the tre -the sunset--the dawn--the suns--the stars--all is Lif -manifestations of the One Life. Everything is Alive, quick with living force, power, action; thrilling with vitality; throbbing with feeling; filled with activity. All is from the One Lif -and all that is from the One Life is Alive. There is no dead substance in the Univers -there can be non -for Life cannot Die. All is Alive. And Life is in All. Carry with you this Central Thought of the Lesson: CENTRAL THOUGHT: _There is but One Life, and its manifestations comprise all the forms and shapes of the Universe. From Life comes but Lif -and Life can come only from Life. Therefore we have the right to expect that all manifestations of the One Life should be Alive. And we are not mocked in such belief. Not only do the highest Occult Teachings inform us that Everything is Alive, but Modern Science has proven to us that Life is present everywher -even in that which was formerly considered dead matter. It now sees that even the atom, and what lies back of the atom, is charged with Life Energy and Action. Forms and shapes may change, and do chang -but Life remains eternal and infinite. It cannot Di -for it is LIFE._