How Important is Fiber in Your Diet?
Fiber is a very important part of your diet. It can help lower cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.
Eating foods containing fiber helps irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis and constipation.
Eating about 4 ½ cups of fruits and vegetables is recommended. Good choices are apples, prunes, broccoli, beans, carrots, green peas, cauliflower, pears, oranges, berries and figs.
Choosing whole grain bread over white bread and whole grain cereals are excellent sources of fiber. Brown rice is also a better choice than white rice for you.
Oatmeal, multi-grain cereals (cooked or dry), popcorn, whole wheat bread, bran and muffins are high in fiber too.
For a healthy breakfast, eat a bowl of oatmeal, sprinkle with a little cinnamon or brown sugar. This will help keep you full longer also.
Always read the labels on cereals before you buy them. Some may not have as much fiber as you think.
For an added dose of fiber add ¼ cup wheat bran to your meat loaf, it gives it a really good taste.
Make it a goal to eat beans at least once a week.
Add fiber into your diet slowly and gradually over a period of time, this will help your body adjust to your dietary changes and cut back on your risk of bloating, gas and cramping.
Drink a lot of fluids. This is important when adding fiber to your diet, fluids help your body digest the fiber better. Aim for 8 glasses a day.
Some quick and easy ideas for adding more fiber into your diet try adding a sliced banana or other fruit to your cereal.
When your hungry for a snack, keep celery sticks, carrot sticks and cut up fruit on hand and reach for them instead of high fat and high sugar snacks.
Eat a whole orange with breakfast instead of drinking a glass of orange juice one morning a week .
These ideas will help you add more fiber to your diet and get started down the road to good health and nutrition. Just remember to limit your intake of foods high in calories, cholesterol, sodium and fat.