In keeping with requirements of the ill-conceived Freedom of Information Act, President Bush's personal schedule and public appearances for the coming week are provided below. - The White House SUNDAY ------------ MORNING: 8:00 - 3 Miles on Treadmill 8:05 ...see doctor for bruises obtained while falling from treadmill... 9:00 - Church 11:00 - Policy Review w/ Karl (investigate if it is possible to blame treadmill defects on Kerry. Call rich friends, and suggest starting a "Treadmill Veterans For Truth" group.) AFTERNOON: 12:00 - Fund-Raising Lunch 1:30 - Event: Christen launch of Navy cargo barge USS George H.W. Bush 1:35 ...see doctor about slivers of glass in hand. 3:00 - Nap 5:00 - Flashcard Geography Lesson w/ Condi 5:30 ...ask Condi for a "do over"... EVENING: 8:00 - Watch O'Reilly Factor (Must remember to try NOT to move lips while watching) 8:01 ...doze off... 9:00 - "Laura Time" 9:01 ...doze off. 9:20 - Bed MONDAY ------------- MORNING: 8:00 - Jazzercise 8:05 ...see doctor for cramp in little toe... 9:00 - Prayer Squad 10:00 - Public Speaking Tutor AFTERNOON: 12:00 - Strategy Lunch (ask when I'll be allowed to sit at the "big table") 1:00 - Event: Preside over ribbon-cutting ceremony for Yellowstone National Park Circumferential Snowmobile Expressway. 1:05 - see doctor for paper cut. 3:30 - Nap 5:00 - Leak rumors to Limbaugh EVENING: 8:00 - Read Pages 10-15: "Life & Times of Teddy Roosevelt" (Cliff's Notes) 8:01 - ...doze off... 9:00 - "Barney Time" 9:20 - Bed TUESDAY -------------- MORNING: 8:00 - Trampoline Aerobics 8:01 - ...doze off on trampoline... 9:00 - Prayer Squad 10:00 - "Bi-Partisan Breakfast" (Ha!) (ask, again, about sitting at big table) 11:00 - Breakfast Post-Mortem w/ Dr. Bill & Dennis AFTERNOON: 12:00 - Heritage Foundation Lunch 1:30 - Rose Garden Ceremony: "A Very Special Tribute to Ron Reagan Jr." 1:35 - See doctor about a possible thorn infection 3:00 - Nap 5:30 - Trim Cuticles EVENING: 8:00 - Shred Enron Documents 8:01 - ask someone how to work shredder (accidentally shredded the manual). 8:02 - see doctor about a serious paper cut 9:00 - "Jenna Time" Call 9:10 - Bed WEDNESDAY ------------------- MORNING: 8:00 - Sauna (Got to remember how good snorting coke and steam, at the same time, feels.) 9:00 - Prayer Squad (God's late, AGAIN!!!) 10:00 - Sexual Tension-Filled Telephone Mano a Mano w/ Karen Hughes 10:02 - See Doctor about right hand blister. 11:00 - Speech Rehearsal ("I'm George Bush and I approved of this massage...I mean message.") AFTERNOON: 12:00 - Petrochemical Millionaire's Club Luncheon 12:02 - Thank the staff for remembering to put the table cover with the presidential seal on the card table. 1:30 - Officiate at National Rifle Association AK-47 Appreciation Parade 3:00 - Nap 5:30 - Head measuring for new stetson hat 5:33 - see doctor for bruises, on forhead, from tape. EVENING: 8:00 - Narcotics Anonymous Meeting 8:10 - score! 9:00 - "Barbara Time" Call 9:10 - Bed THURSDAY ---------------- MORNING: 8:00 - Tae-Bo 9:00 - Prayer Squad 10:00 - Sexual Tension-Filled "Mano a Mano" w/ Karen Hughes 11:00 - Weekly Status Report Due on Cheney's Desk 11:30 - Thank Rove for writing report. AFTERNOON: 12:00 - All-white meat luncheon at Bob Jones University 1:30 - Personal Portfolio Review w/ Paul O'Neil 3:00 - Nap 5:30 - Circle Jerk w/ Tony Blair & Vincente Fox EVENING: 6:00 - Dinner at the Gingrich's 8:00 - Line Dancing in the East Room 9:00 - Mom & Dad Call 11:45 - Bed FRIDAY ----------- PERSONAL DAY - CRAWFORD, TX SATURDAY ---------------- PERSONAL DAY - CRAWFORD, TX |