"SIGNS THAT YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES MAY BE TURNING LIBERTARIAN" 1. Do they call Sam Nunn and Bill Bradley "liberals"? 2. Have the words "statist" and "statism" replaced their past right-wing rhetoric? 3. Have they reduced the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution to two: The Second and the Tenth? 4. Do you ever hear them say "States' Rights Yesterday, States' Rights Today, and States' Rights Forever!"? 5. Are you beginning to see only magazines like "Soldier of Fortune," "Guns & Ammo," "The American Spectator," CATO Institute position papers, and travel brochures for Western Montana or Northern Idaho in their rooms? 6. Do they seem to have no concern for others, society, or even the planet itself? 7. Have you noticed that their rhetoric and writings include at least one of the following words" "I", "ME", "MY", "MINE", at least twice per sentence? 8. Do they rant on often about the ATF, the UN, Black Helicopters, and Janet Reno? 9 Do they spend the major portion of their time talking about or playing with military-style weapons? 10. Do they speak fondly of David Koresh, Randy Weaver, and Timothy McVeigh? If so, dial 911 and ask for help as soon as possible. A loser is a terrible thing to mind. |