"The Seven Deadly Sins of Donald Trump" One cannot call themself a Christian and support Donald Trump. Donald Trump is a living embodiment of the "Seven Deadly Sins": I. LUST: Has had several extramarital affairs and multiple wives. II. GLUTTONY: He's not exactly in the best physical shape, regularly pigs out on fast food, and he frequently brags about all the money he supposedly has. III. GREED: Again, he claims to be worth billions. IV. ENVY: A small, petty person who's not only clearly jealous by how respected President Obama was (and still is), but that his opponent in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton, received 3 million more votes than he did, and his opponent in the 2020 election, President Biden, received 7 million more votes than he did. V. WRATH: Look no further than former FBI director James Comey who was apparently fired for not giving into Trump's attempts to obstruct justice, also his pledge to "seek revenge" on his current perceived political enemies. VI. PRIDE: A man who wants to take credit for everything positive, even if he had nothing to do with it, while never, ever taking the blame for any of his failures. VII. SLOTH: Has played an obscene amount of golf, while spending many of his weekends at his luxury Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. ### |