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              "The 1st Annual Ditto-Head Convention"

Ditto-Heads of America
Cesspool, Texas

For immediate release

Ditto-Heads of America President, xona anox, today announced the first
annual DILDO-HEAD convention to be held in Cesspool, Texas.

"This will be an excellent opportunity for Ditto-Heads all over
America to come together to celebrate Rush Limbaugh and the spirit of
Ditto-Headism," said president xona.  We have an extensive program
that will take place over three days and there will be many nationally
known political, sports, religious, and business leaders and
personalities in attendance.  In addition, there will be numerous
booths and displays by various organizations like the KKK, White
Christians for the salvation of America, Christian identity, Bigots
and Homophobes of America, The Family Research Council, and others of
similar persuasion.

Planned events include:  Find the queer, grope the feminist, and name
the abortion doctor.  In addition, Sen. Trent Lott will host the
cross burning contest, which is sure to be an event crowd pleaser.
Congressman Henry Hyde, Bob Barr, Dan Burton, and former speaker Newt
Gingrich will host the adulterers' contest with Rep. Henen Chenowith
being the prize as the "DILDO-HEAD SLUT FOR A NIGHT" going to the

The Main event will be the great one himself, Rush Limbaugh, who will
speak about his greatness and his many accomplishments for the white
Far-right christian fundamentalists, whom he so proudly represents.
And, to honor his recently departed Mother, there will be a special
cock sucking contest to see who can win the MA Ma Limbaugh Trophy as
the best cocksucker in America.

All sorts of Limbaugh memorabilia will be available, such as his
soiled underwear, rubber models of his 1/2 inch penis, and balloons
filled with his gas so the average DILDO-HEAD can take it home, pop it
open and inhale the true essence of Rush Limbaugh.

It is expected that thousands of Ditto-Heads will attend the
DILDO-HEAD Convention.  Price of admission for the three day event is
$49.95, which includes a nice a nice 8 by 10 glossy of Rush at an
all-you-can-eat-buffet, doing what his does best.

So, all you Ditto-heads, come on down to Cesspool, Texas, and join the
thousands of human turds that called themselves ditto-heads for what
is sure to become an annual American Event.

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