"Anti-GOP Taglines" -- "The elephant is the perfect symbol for Republicans: they never forget, lead each other around by the tail, and think everyone should work for peanuts." -- "The Republican National Committee has announced it's changing the emblem of the Republican Party - from an elephant to a condom. The Republican National Chairman explained that the condom more clearly reflects the Party's current stance... owing to the fact that a condom accepts inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed. Please make certain your Republican friends make the appropriate changes on any of their campaign literature." -- One can always tell when a Republican is taking Viagra because he gets taller. -- I got a Republican Bucket today from KFC for the g'kids.... all right wings and assholes. -- "Republicans are good for one thing: getting elected every 30 or 40 years so people can be reminded how terrible they are." - Bob Shrum -- Little kid got on the school bus today wearing a T-shirt with the slogan "Proud to be a Democrat." Bus driver asked why he was a Democrat and the kid said "Because my parents are Democrats." "So," said the bus driver, "What if your parents were lying, biblethumping, perverted hypocrites? Then what?" The kid replied: "Then we'd be Republicans." -- "Much has already been published about the sex life of former President Clinton. However, little has been reported on the sexual practices of the current Commander-in-Chief. It has recently been learned that the President and Mrs. Bush only do it with Laura Bush on top since George W. Bush can only fuck up." -- Nostradamus Quatrain #652: "From out of the west there will come a great conqurer who struggles to master his own native tongue. When he nearly chokes to death on a pretzel, beware...for he will force the masses to accept his mark on the forehead...that mark is a NASCAR logo." -- "Conservatives remind me of Yosemite Sam, Wile E. Coyote, and Elmer Fudd. They bring the guns, the stupidity, and of course, the failure." -- SAVE AMERICA!: Spay or neuter your Republican! -- Did you hear about KFC's new Republican Bucket? Full of right wings and assholes. -- Q. Why did the US Postal Service recall the GW Bush stamps? A. Users couldn't decide which side to spit on. -- Q. What do you get when you cross a Republican with a boomerang? A. A nasty smell you can't get rid of. -- Rush: omni-ignorant (ignorant on all subjects) -- Rush: a kinder and gentler Nazi -- "Pat Buchanan wants a blinder, more Gentile nation." - Dennis Miller -- "The Religious Right scares the *hell* out of me." - Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ, ret.) -- "A conservative is a man who wants the rules changed so that no one can make a pile the way he did." - Gregory Nunn -- "Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill -- "If guns are outlawed, how will conservatives win any arguments?" - Unknown -- "Guns don't kill people -- it's those nasty little bullets!" -- "Whin guns er outlawed only da gubbermint will have guns!" -- "I'm not worried about the bullet with my name on it... just the thousands out there marked 'Occupant.'" - Unknown -- "The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." - John Kenneth Galbraith -- "If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them." - Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965) -- The conservative credo: "Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again..." -- "The Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see his way to bless the Republican Party the way it's been carrying on, the the rest of us ought to get it without asking." - Will Rogers, 1928 -- "Facts are stupid things." - Ronald Reagan -- "I would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964." - Ronald Reagan -- "If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all." - Ronald Reagan -- "Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?" - Ronald Reagan -- "I still think Nancy does most of his talking; you'll notice that she never drinks water when Ronnie speaks." - Robin Williams, _Playboy_, 1982 -- "Reagan's platform seems to be: 'Hey, I'm a big friendly guy and I need lots of sleep.'" - Roy G. Blount -- "Reaganomics, that makes sense to me. It means if you don't have enough money, it's because poor people are hoarding it." - Kevin Rooney, _GQ_, 1984 -- "I believe that Ronald Reagan can make this country what it once was -- an arctic region covered with ice." - Steve Martin, 1980 -- "Ronald Reagan was the least knowledgeable president I ever met." - Rep. Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill Jr. (1912-1994) -- "If Reagan had run unopposed, he would have lost." - Mort Sahl -- "Ronald Reagan is a triumph of the embalmer's art." - Gore Vidal -- "If Reagan's the answer, it must have been a very silly question." - Anonymous -- Republicans: "Only the SOS should happen." -- W.H.I.N.E. - The Conservative Broadcasting System -- Call the conservative hotline: 1-800-WHINE. -- The NRA Loaner: because when you need a gun, 5 days is a LONG LONG time! -- "By our readiness to allow arms to be purchased at will and fired at whim, we have created an atmosphere in which violence and hatred have become popular pastimes." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. -- "With all the violence and murder and killings we've had in the United States, I think you will agree that we must keep firearms from people who have no business with guns." - Robert F. Kennedy, May 1968 -- I carry in my mind...a world with an unborn JERRY FALWELL! -- "This isn't a man who is leaving with his head between his legs." - Dan Quayle -- "Rush Limbaugh stole my whole act." - Howard Stern -- A gun kills a child every two hours. - The Children's Defense Fund -- Conservatism: The worship of dead revolutions. -- "I do not make 'ad hominem' attacks on Clinton. They all deal with policy -- or character." - Rush Limbaugh/"The Flush Rush Quarterly" -- "Women should not be allowed to serve on a jury..." - Rush Limbaugh -- Q: What are "feminazis"? A: "Ugly women who can't get dates." - Rush Limbaugh Q: What is a "Rush Limbaugh"? A: "A fat man who can't get laid." - Feminazis -- How cold is it? People were seen huddling around Bob Dole to keep warm! -- "I have told you time and time again the only information highway you need is this radio show." - Rush Limbaugh -- "Any fool can make a rule, and every fool will mind it." - Henry David Thoreau -- "I was not lying. I said things that later on seemed to be untrue." - Richard Nixon -- I'm straight, but not narrow: support gay rights. -- Practice safe Net surfing: wait, get educated, & stay liberal. -- We have less than 5 billion years left: REPENT! -- Republican Health Care Plan: marry a Canadian. -- "It's a sport in this town to ruin people's lives." - V. Foster -- Draw this peanut: become an NRA member! -- Go Limbaugh, and leave the thinking to Rush! -- Tractor pulls: (n.) Events for people who are smarter than Rush Limbaugh. -- "Manly yes, but Rush likes it too!" -- "What would a Bob Dole presidency be like? Boring." - Mario Cuomo -- "All government bothers my conscience." - Jerry Brown -- "God doesn't have a legislative agenda." - Colin Powell -- Phil Gramm's a 7.2 on the sphincter scale. -- The GOP: "A rising tide lifts all yachts." -- "You *must* have that child...so we can starve it!" -- The GOP -- ROTFL: Rave On, Torrid Firearms Lovers! -- Gingrich, Limbaugh & McVeigh, Inc. - "We cynicize, agitate & demolish." -- Conservatism: The worship of dead revolutions. -- GOP vision: "The United States of Pottersville" -- 104th Congress to America: "Was it good for you?" -- Oink if you like Rush! -- The NRA loaner: Because when you need a gun, 5 days is a LONG time! -- Conservatives are REICH wing. -- Rush is REICH. -- No Newt is good Newt. -- Gingrich Health Plan: Instant divorces for dying cancer patients. -- Go Limbaugh...and leave the thinking to Rush! -- "The public be damned, I work for my stockhholders!" - C. Vanderbilt -- GOP 1980: Voodoo economics. GOP 1995: Deja-voodoo economics. -- FLUSH RUSH & NUKE NEWT -- Clinton: briefs Packwood: Boxer's -- What reeks in here? Oh yeah, the conservatives. -- Gingrich Welfare Plan: $4.5 million book deals for all inner-city youths. -- NASCAR: "Non-Athletic Sports Created Around Rednecks" -- |