![]() ![]() Web Video ![]() The Power of Web Video There has never been a means that touches so many people on such an intimate level than with video. Whether you are going to the movies, watching your television, or recently, surfing the web, you are able to view videos that are interesting to you. But why is video so powerful in explaining a message, telling a story or selling a product? Perhaps the reason why individuals are so connected with video is because it stimulates two of the most powerful senses in our bodies, which is sound and sight. Because of this, video is a very influential way to get you message across. Since video activates and uses the most dominate of our senses, we are more than likely to remember the message that is being displayed to us. And it is with this knowledge that many people begin to market their web videos in order to get their message across. But what is the real reason why web video is so powerful? In order to understand this, you must first understand how the Internet was before the introduction of web videos. The Internet before web video was a textual and image driven source of information, and for many years this was a powerful way to inform viewers about products and news. However, because the majority of Internet connections were dial-up, the use of web video was extremely minimal. Yet, as technology developed so did the look of the Internet. Soon, the majority of Internet users switched from standard dial-up connections and upgraded to high-speed broadband connections. Because of this, the Internet began to transform from a static page, to a place where interactivity and video became commonplace. Today, the use of web video is extremely prominent, and it seems that everyone from internet marketers to the mother of two living down the street is taking advantage of the power of web video. The reason why so many people are beginning to adopt video as a means to divulging information is because it is a easy, and extremely effective way to connect with their audience on an intimate level. When you can see and hear an actual person speaking with you, than you are more than likely to listen and retain the information that they are giving you. This makes web video an extremely powerful force in advertising, as well as in society commentaries. Because there are so many options in obtaining your web video information, individuals are beginning to adopt a new form of entertainment and that is through portable video devices. Because of the upgraded iPod's and PSP systems, users are able to download their favorite videos and view them wherever they are. Because of this video blogging has moved from a new way of communicating to one of the most popular methods. With web video, individuals are able to have their opinions heard at a larger scale that before now has never been obtained. It's unsure to say where the future of web video is going to take us, however, there are several things that are for certain. Web video isn't going to go anywhere, and the use of video to obtain information is going to grow stronger throughout the next several years. Should You Use Free Web Hosting For Your Web Video Website When you have decided to take part of the web video craze on your website, you probably have many questions. Some of these questions range from what type of video should you make, is your video long enough and even down to should you put music in your video? However, the most important question that you must answer is should you use a free web hosting company for your web videos? While many people use these free web hosting services for their web videos, it is not the best way to host your web video. But why is this? The main reason why hosting your web video on a free server is because many of these free servers will have bandwidth restrictions, but what exactly is this? Every time someone views your video, the video is sent from the hosting server to their computer. This requires bandwidth, and the longer your video, and depending on how it is optimized, you will use a certain amount of bandwidth. If you are like most people, than you want your web video to be extremely popular, and thus it will help your business, or ego, grow. However, when you use a free web hosting server that has limited bandwidth, you may quickly exceed this bandwidth. What happens after this usually depends on the web hosting service you are with, although many of these hosting companies will simply shut down your website after it has exceeded your monthly allowance. While the above answer should be enough reason to not host your web video site on a free web hosting service, many people still think that this is the best way to promote their video and website. Another major downside to using a free web host for your web video website is because it will make you and your business, if you have one, seem extremely unprofessional. This appearance of unprofessionalism is only increased by the every-lingering pop ups. These banners, ads and whatever else is crawling around your website is nothing more than an annoyance to your website visitor. Many people when they come across a website that is loaded with banners and other pop-up advertisements quickly leave because they do not want to risk the chance of infecting their computer by spyware and other malicious content. When you hose your web videos, and website, on a free hosting service, than you are literally destroying any chance of creating a reputable and loyal relationship with your visitors, which will hinder or completely stop any sales that you hoped would occur from your web videos. Of course, if you want to host your videos for free, you do have many great options. These options are from the many, reputable, web video hosting sites, such as YouTube and Google Video. These sites will host your web video for free, and you can then direct traffic to your website from the video itself. This is a great way to save money on the amount of bandwidth you have to purchase, as well as giving you a sense of clout among the millions of web videos out there. The Importance of Web Video in Marketing If you are in the competitive field of Internet marketing, than you have probably realized that you must have the most current and technologically advanced methods of promoting your product or service, while many Internet marketers rely solely on text marketing, there are some that are moving into a modernized way of marketing. This method is through web videos, and it is quickly becoming one of the most vital ways for an Internet marketer to get information about their product or service to their customers. But why is web video so vital to the Internet marketer? The main reason why web videos are so important to Internet marketers is because it allows them to connect with their potential customers on an intimate basis. Since there are so many Internet marketers consuming the web, it is extremely important that you stand out from the crowd. Also, another reason why Internet marketing is boosted by web videos is because it sets them apart from the various scams and other schemes that are surrounding the web. More than likely, a customer has been scammed by an Internet marketer, thus many people do not pay heed to the marketing efforts that you put forth. A main reason for this is because you are following the same paths that many scammers have used. Thus, if you want to make a sale and gain the trust of a customer, than you must think outside of the box. A great way to interact with your customers, and provide them with pivotal information is through using web videos. With a web video you are able to show the customer the product or service in action, without having to use fancy words or tricky sentences. You can be honest and upfront about the product and build a relationship with the customer. This is very important in turning a potential customer, into a purchasing customer. One great way to utilize web video is to simplify the product and give all of the information that the customer needs in less than three minutes. If you are able to successfully do this, you will help gain loyalty from the customer and they will be more likely to purchase your product or service. Web videos are a great way to interact with potential customers, and also a great way to showcase your product. There are only so many words and photographs that you can use to get your message across, however, when you use video in conjunction with these other two communication methods, you will have a very successful stent at selling your product. They key to becoming a world class Internet marketer is to be honest, give important information and reason with the customers. Allow them to feel that you understand where they are coming from, and how the product will actually enhance their life. And by using web videos, you are able to successfully do this. Remember, always make sure that the product is the star of your video and explain all of the benefits of owning this product or using your service. Planning Your Web Video When you're making a web video, you need to treat it like a major motion picture. Although, you will most likely not have to go to the extremes that Hollywood professionals do, there are some traits that you must pick up from them. The most important out of all these traits is designing and planning your web video. Making a web video that is powerful, entertaining and informative does not just "happen." It takes time to plan out what you want to say, how you want to say it and the overall look that you want your web video to be. The post effective web videos are those that are composed and shot with care. The more time that you put into your web video, the better it will look. However, it is understood that many people who want to make powerful web videos simply don't have the time to sit around and map out every detail of the video. While doing so guarantees that you will have a aesthetically pleasing video, there is a simpler way to organize your web video. Before you ever begin to film, you must first have a shooting, or concept, script. Whether you literally write down dialogue that you want to say, or if you just need to organize your thoughts, always write a shooting script for a web video. If you are making a video for a product that you are selling, than you will want to explain the product clearly, and also demonstrate the product. This is one of the greatest aspects of web video, individuals are actually able to see the product in action before purchasing it. With your shooting script, you will also want to lay out where you want to film the video and how many people are needed. You may find that you can do this all yourself, however, usually the more people that you have helping you the easier the project will be, and the better the ending result will also be. While many people do not understand how to compose a professional shot, it is very easy to learn. When you are looking through your camera, what you see in the screen is what will be recorded. Take a moment before you begin filming to make sure that everything in the "frame" is what you want to be seen. Make all of the surrounding objects neat, or simply take them away. If you're going for a unique look to your web video, make sure that all of the elements that you want to be seen are visible within the frame. A great way to make sure that you have a beautiful shot every time is to follow a simple rule, that even Hollywood filmmakers follow, and that is the Rule of Thirds. When you're filming in the Rule of Thirds, imagine that the screen is split into a basic tic-tac-toe formation. Always make sure that the person you are filming has their head placed on either the right or left side of the screen. Instead of filming a person that is precisely in the middle of the frame, move them over to the right or left section of the screen pattern. This will provide the viewer with a sense of balance, and will give your web video a professional appeal to it. You can see the Rule of Thirds in action within almost every web video or even in movies. Next time you watch an interview, or a character in a film is giving a monologue, 90% of the time they will be positioned either on the right or left side of the screen, following the Rule of Thirds. Also, the most important part of filming a web video is to make a story out of the video. This doesn't mean that there needs to be dramatics involved, although this can make for an interesting addition to your video, it simply means that you will want to create a sense of flow to the information that is being given out. The Best Software For Web Video When you have decided to start making web videos, you may think that you don't need the assistance from various types of software. However, when you do use software to help with your web video you are able to create videos that are interesting, entertaining and good-looking. This is because with web video software they will take all of the guesswork out of creating a video, and will allow you to think more about the content you want to make, and not how you're going to make it. There are some web video software titles that you should definitely own because they will help you immensely with the large task ahead of you. Perhaps the best web video software available is the Easy Web Video. After you have used this software, you will understand why its title is the way it is. This is one of the only types of professional web video software titles available, and it is absolutely perfect for anyone. It doesn't matter if you have never shot a web video before, or if you have been doing this for years. You will be able to benefit from this software. What makes this software so great is how it simplifies the monotonous tasks that all web video filmmakers have to go through. It's because of its way of streamlining the process of creating a web video that so many people will only use this software to make their videos. Once you have a finished copy of your web video, you are able to easily upload and covert their video in a matter of minutes. Within this particular web video software, you are able to customize the html code as well as even put affiliate links inside of the video, which is extremely important for many Internet Marketers. This web video software is not to be missed, and if you are serious about creating a presence on the Internet through web videos, than you must have this software. Another type of web video software is the Webmaster Mediamaker. This particular software is one of the most put-together software packages available for web video makers. With this software, you are able to perform many different tasks, all of which will simplify your life as a web video filmmaker. Whether you want to convert your video to flash or block websites from accessing your video, you can do so through this software. One of the coolest features about this web video software is its ability to let you change your video player appearance. Now, with this software, you can have a video player that not only plays your videos with extreme clarity, but also, you can make the actual video player a great aesthetic asset to your website. When you're searching for web video software, you want to have a program that allows you to customize your web video in all aspects. This is a great web video software title, and if you are looking for a way to create powerful videos, starting from the video player, than you will love this software. How To Edit Your Video For The web A web video is only as great as the editing that created it. It doesn't matter if you have used a state-of-the-art camera, and had perfect angles, if you do not edit your video correctly for the Internet; than you will quickly find that your video is not suitable for Internet use. Just because your video looks great on film, and on your computer, it doesn't always mean that it will look good when being used on the Internet. This is why there are several rules that you must follow when you are editing a web video. There are many great web video editing tips out there, however, there are several that are the foundational tips you must follow. Of course, like any video, you must film with editing in mind. When you are filming your web video, make sure that you stay away from sudden camera movements, and long-distance shots. Because of the averagely small size of a web video, when your video features many long-distance shots, you will notice that the clarity is off, and many people will not know what they are looking at. Keep everything simple, for the most part, and always make sure that you stick with close-ups. As Where To Post Your Web Video So you've spent countless hours thinking, planning, filming and editing your web video. And finally, the video is ready to be distributed across the Internet. However, there is only one problem; you aren't quite sure where you should put your video? There are literally hundreds of websites that allow you to upload your web video; however, not all of these sites will give you the traffic that you want desire. When you are searching for locations to post your web video, you will want to ensure that they have enough daily traffic to give your video a chance to shine. Of course, there are plenty of websites that will allow you to have this exposure, they key is putting your video on the right sites. For many individuals who make web videos there is only one site that provides them with enough traffic and daily viewers to satisfy their need for page views. This site is YouTube, and it is quickly becoming one of the top sites for individuals to be entertained, informed and enlightened. With the ability for literally anyone to post a video, you are able to show the world what you have to say. However, the key in getting your video seen by YouTube members is by placing keywords that are popularly searched and relate directly to what your video is about. If you are showing a new product, type in keywords that refer to the product and what it fixes. It is very simple to gain views from YouTube; however, you must know how to describe your video properly. Another website that is quickly becoming popular in posting videos is MySpace. There have been many individuals who have gained notoriety through this site, and if you are promoting a service or product, than you don't want to miss this website. The reason why videos do so well on this website is because it allows you to watch videos and then instantly show your friends, because MySpace is more than a video hosting site, it is an extremely popular social networking site. Thus, if your video truly sheds light on a particular subject, or is very helpful, it won't be long until your video makes its rounds throughout thousands of friend's lists. Of course, make sure that your video clearly explains its topic and is very helpful, because the last thing that you want to do is mislead an army of MySpacers. If you want to post your video on another site that has millions of visitors, than you will want to put your video on Google Video. This amazing website will allow you to post your video, similar to YouTube, and then let people search for the video either through the main page at Google Video, or through the Google search engine. Again, this is where putting proper keywords is extremely important, if not pivotal to your videos success. Remember, if you put time and energy into your video, you will want to also put time and energy into where and how you post your videos. By doing so, you will most likely experience web video success, and increased traffic to your website. As a web video filmmaker, close-ups will be your new best friend, and it is a great way to keep your audience's attention. Also, when you are editing your web video, you want to keep sudden, or quick, transitions at a minimum. This is because just in case some of your viewers are running at a lower Internet connection, when you have quick transitions, their player might actually skip over a pivotal scene, and it will make the video seem choppy. The main rule in web video editing is to make sure that everything is smooth. If you look at some very popular web videos, you will notice that there is very little actual camera movement and camera editing performed. Actually, there is a rule among many web videographers that they follow exactly. This rule basically says that all of their web videos should be done with one take. This means keeping massive amounts of transitions and different shots at a minimum. While some videos require having many different shots, especially if you are making a how-to video, try to keep these shots smooth and precise. However, if you are merely explaining a product, try to do so in a single shot, which will require little-to-no actual video editing. The only editing that you may do is add text screens and other types of informative frames. Editing for the web is much different than any other type of editing. If you have performed editing for actual films and other productions, you may find that editing for the web is boring, or extremely easy. However, once you see the finished product on the Internet, and understand how smooth editing and minimal transition shots reflect the overall condition of the web video, than you will finally understand why minimal editing is key. Web Video Filming Tips Unless you are a professional videographer, you probably don't have any credientials to fall back on when you're making a web video. The fact is, most people that make web videos have little to no experience in filming, and the techniques that come with it. If you are not a professional filmmaker, than it is easy to make blatant mistakes that will cost you viewers and credibility, however, there is hope. Making a web video is not nearly as complex as making a major motion picture, and actually most people can make a very attractive web video once they learn several basic techniques. When you're making a web video, you must remember several things in order to ensure a beautiful outcome. Like most things in life, how you present something is how the viewer will respond. Basically, the delivery of your web video accounts for the success of the video itself. It doesn't matter if you have the answer to world hunger, if you do not divulge this information correctly, most viewers won't watch the video past five seconds. When you are shooting your web video, remember, everything that is viewed online is much smaller than it would actually be. If you have filmed a non-web video before, than you may have a difficult task in front of you. You must learn how to create larger-than-life illustrations to your message. Remember, video on the Internet is usually only 320 x 240 pixels, which is very small. You must provide your information to where it is easily seen, even on a small scale. As you're preparing to film, make sure that you do not use certain types of camera movements, as well as various types of colors and patterns. Always stay away from detailed clothing patters, such as stripes and other types of lines. These will usually come across as a pixilated mess when it is streamed over the Internet. Also, avoid moving the camera around frequently. The reason why this is not a good idea is because if a viewer as a slower internet connection, than they will most likely have a video that skips, and if the camera is moving around frequently they will have a very unpleasing viewing experience. In the same manner, make sure that what you are filming does not move a lot. If you're filming a person, make sure they don't sway side-to-side or move around. In order to keep the look of your web video as professional as possible, make sure that you stay away from high-contrast lighting and spots of very bright light. This will usually come across as blurs of light when viewed over the Internet, and will ruin the quality of your web video. Also, it is a great idea to invest in a tripod. When you use a tripod you are able to capture perfectly still shots, and if you have to move, you can make the movement extremely smooth and lucid. And most importantly, keep the camera in focus. While many people rely on the auto focus feature on their digital camcorder, this is not always a good idea. Although, there are many camera's that do not allow you to manually focus, try to find a camera that does allow you to do this. You will have better control over the quality of the video, and you won't have to worry about the picture going out of focus because a car drove past the lens. Adding Captions To Your Web Video Once you have decided to take part in making web videos, you have probably taken all of the necessary steps to creating magnificent videos. You have most likely figured out what you want to say, how you want to say it and where you're going to film. However, there is probably one aspect about web videos that you did not think of. When you're in the production and editing phase of your web videos, do you ever think, "How will individuals who can't hear well understand my video?" More than likely, you have not thought about adding any type of hearing assistance aid to your web video, because honestly, no one has said you have to. Because there is no regulation regarding putting captions onto your personal web video, you probably have not thought about adding captions to your video. However, this is a tragedy because there are currently over 20 million individuals who are hard of hearing. And because of this, they may watch your video and not understand what you are saying or doing, because they can't hear you. Many people do not add captions to their web video because it is honestly hard work. It is a long process to add captions, however, if you are able to do it there are major benefits. The main benefit is gaining a whole new following, which are the individuals who are hard of hearing. If you want to add captions to your web videos but don't want to wait the extra days to upload your video, there are options for you. What you can do is when you first complete your video, you upload it where you want, whether this be on YouTube or you personal blog. However, after you have finished your first version of the video, and it is running live, begin to add captions to the same video. Since the video is already available for people to watch, you will not have to sacrifice viewers because you want to add captions. You can now take your time to add captions, and then when you are finished you can upload a second video for the hearing impaired. This will not only grow your viewership, but it will show that you care about these millions of people who are hard of hearing. If you are afraid that you don't know how to add captions, you don't want to take the time, than you can use a service to add the captions for you. There is a company called dotSub, which will actually transcribe and add captions to your personal video. This is great if you have a popular video blog, but you want to make it accessible for individuals who are hard of hearing. When you find yourself in this standpoint, than you can submit your video to this company, and they will do all of the work for you. One of the best features about this company is the fact that they can transcribe and add captions to your video in a multitude of different languages. Thus, if you have an international audience, they are more than able to understand what your video is telling them. Best Editing Software For Your Web Videos Let's say that you just got back home from an amazing day of filming for your web video. You are certain that the video will gain you massive amounts of attention and traffic to your website; however, as you sit down at your computer you realize that you are missing something very important -- editing software. You can have the greatest camcorder in the world, however, if you do not have sufficient editing software, than your web video will look unprofessional and unappealing. Editing software is extremely important for anyone who wants to make web videos, because this is how your video is actually put together. There are literally hundreds of different types of video editing software available for you to choose from, however, the results you will have greatly depend on the type of editing software you use. While many editing systems boast that they will give you amazing results, when you are a first-time web video filmmaker, you will need an editing software that is powerful, yet user-friendly. And throughout the years there are several editing software companies that have proven themselves in the filmmaking field. Perhaps the most popular editing software is Final Cut Pro. This great software will allow you to edit your video quickly, easily and professionally. Actually, many film industry professionals rely on Final Cut Pro to give them the high-quality results they require. You can get these same types of results from Final Cut Pro, even if you are filming with an average grade digital camcorder. This is because within the Final Cut Pro system, you can add filters and effects that will create a web video that looks as if it was made by top Hollywood filmmakers. There has really never been an editing software that is so complete, and yet, so easy to use. Actually, Final Cut Pro has won the coveted Emmy award for its wonderful additions to the filmmaking world. Imagine what your web video will look like after you have edited it with this wonderful software? Another great film editing software is the Windows Movie Maker. If you have a recent computer that runs on the Windows operating system, than you will most likely have Windows Movie Maker already installed onto your computer. While this isn't the most comprehensive and professional editing software, it will still provide you with ample resources to compile a very professional and appealing web video. It is true that the quality of your web video greatly depends on the camera you use, however, it also depends on the exact type of film editing software that you use. Even if you can't afford the highest-grade editing software, there are still many great, and free, editing software suites that you can use, all of which will give you results that you'll be proud to show off. The Power of Video Blogging Blogging has become one of the most popular ways to get your viewpoints of society a told to millions of people. However, this form of self-expression has moved into the 21st century through the means of web video. It used to be that when a person was to make a blog, they would do so only in text and picture format. And this format became extremely popular, and even an obsession for some individuals. However, since the introduction of high-speed Internet, and the wide availability of these broadband connections, millions of people have moved off of their keyboards and onto their digital camcorders. Video blogging is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to connect and talk with the world around you. Actually, since video blogging has become so popular, there is even a new term for it, it's called vlog. But how can you access these vlogs and also, why are they becoming so popular? To answer the first question, you can find video blogs just about anywhere you look. However, one of the most popular places to find video blogs is through YouTube, it is here that thousands of individuals update their video blogs everyday, allowing you the chance to actually hear them talk about what's going on in their world, instead of just listening to it. But, why are video blogs so popular? One would think that many people wouldn't want to publish their faces across the Internet for anyone to view, however, this presumed paranoia is nothing more than that, presumed. Many people find that expressing their feelings about a certain situation, or explaining a solution to a problem, is much easier and faster than simply typing it out. With video blogs, you are able to connect with your audience in an extremely intimate way. Instead of reading cold words on a highly decorated background, you are able to actually sit and watch another person discuss something that is very important to them. Did you know that 85% of what we learn and absorb is done through only two senses of our body? These two senses are our sight and sound. Thus, when you are watching, or creating, a video blog you are able to understand and absorb more information than simply reading text alone. It's because of the power of video that so many marketers and advertisers have begun to use video instead of texts and sounds. This can be true by visiting MySpace or any other popular website, because when you visit them you will most likely see an advertisement that isn't made of solely text, but with a video included. Because you are watching a video, there is a longer lasting impression of the product in your mind. However, no matter why you decide to watch or make a video blog, there is one thing that everyone has in common. We live in a society that is predominately standoffish and distant, however, with the power of web video, and video blogging, individuals are able to connect with their fellow man, without actually seeing them. Tips for Video Blogging So you've decided to give your fingers a rest and put your best face forward. You want to get involved in video blogging, and why not, it is a great way to connect with your audience and provide them with interesting information in half the time it would normally take them to read it. However, when you have decided to make a video blog, there are several things that you must remember. These tips will allow you to have a video blog that individuals actually want to see, and it will keep your blog interesting and informative. The first of these tips is to make sure that you keep all of your video blog entries short. In most cases you will want to keep your blog in the range of one to three minutes. If you feel that you have much more to say than in this short time span, simply, create a sequel to your first blog. But remember, you will not want to keep your blog longer than four minutes, because many people that are watching video blogs are not there for thirty minutes. They want to be entertained in a short amount of time, and then move on. This is why having more video blog entries is better than having fewer, longer entries. The next step is to talk about a story that is interesting. Even if your story is just about what happened to you at the grocery store today, make sure that you have a beginning, middle and end. However, again if you feel your story would take longer than the suggested amount of time, either don't talk about it or make it into a multi-post story. Many video bloggers will not only write about their story, but they will also include a video that helps describe the story. A good example of this is say you saw the strangest dog in the entire world today while walking down the street. Upon seeing it you took a short fifteen second video. After you have finished writing about the dog, you can include the video to allow your readers to see exactly what you saw. Videos are much more powerful than photos, because the video actually places you in a moving scene, instead of a stagnant one. Of course, this next tip is something that everyone should follow. When you are recording your video blog, make sure that there is no background noise. There is nothing more annoying than hearing a strange noise when the speaker is trying to talk. Many times, individuals will tune out what you're trying to say, and will focus on the background noise, or they will simply leave your blog. Also, make sure that you utilize close-ups instead of longer distanced shots. This is because when you are talking into a camera, the viewer wants to clearly see who is speaking to them. It's the same concept as in real life, you wouldn't listen to a person who was trying to give you information from across the room, so don't set up your video blog to where you are distanced from the camera. A good way to discover if you are at the correct distance from the camera is by looking at the screen and making sure that only your chest and up is visible. You don't want to show your whole torso, because you would be too far away for the viewers. And remember, always use good lighting. Don't sit in front of a window that has the sun shining through it, always face your lighting, and never have a backlight for video blogging. ![]() What To Look For In A Web Video Hosting Company When you want to start a website that hosts your web videos, you must be very careful with whom you choose to host your site. The decision of figuring out who you want to host your website is extremely important because if you choose the wrong host, you may unexpectedly have a host that will hinder the success of your website. In extreme cases, if you choose the wrong web host, your website could be shut down, or you could be billed hundreds of dollars. This is why doing your homework, and knowing what to look for in a web video host is extremely important. But, what exact qualities should you look for in a web video hosting company? Since there is thousands of hosting services that you can choose from, you are able to be picky about which one you want to host your site with. However, you must be very careful and read all of the information about a web hosting service before you sign a contract with them. Perhaps the most important thing you must research is understanding all of the technical features that your potential web host is offering you. In order to have a web host that will properly host your website; you must first understand what type of technical features your site will require. After doing so, you will be able to narrow your search to only hosting companies that provide the services you require. No matter what type of technical features you need, there are some features that remain the same for any type of web hosting service. Since you desire to host a web video site, than you will need to have a hosting service that gives you higher file size limits. In most cases, you have to compress your web video before you can upload it onto a host's server. However, if the hosting company has very small file size limits, you may have to compress your video to an extremely small size, which will ruin the quality of your video. If you are concerned about this, and know that you have larger sized video files, than you will want to choose a web hosting service that has no limit on file sizes. Another feature that you must look for in a web video hosting service is how much storage space are you getting? Some website hosting companies actually have a limit on how many videos you can have live on your site at one time. Other companies will have a limit on how much storage space you have for your files. There are some website hosting companies that allow you to upload as many videos as you desire, however, some of these companies do have strict storage limits. The best bet is to find a hosting company that has a larger storage capacity, as well as a higher limit to videos you can upload. A worse case scenario would be you found a hosting company that allows you to have unlimited videos, but limited storage space. What you would want to do is then purchase more storage space as needed. This may become expensive, however, for some websites it is the only answer. When you're looking for a web hosting company, make sure that you understand all of the needs you have, because the worst feeling the world is signing an agreement with a hosting company, only to realize that they are missing one pivotal feature. Web Video Troubleshooting When you have a website that is home to web videos, you will most likely run into problems that are difficult to answer. These issues can be from an inability to play the video, to not being able to hear sound, to the video not even showing up. Having web video issues is a part of using such a technological feature on your website. However, it's comforting to know that many of the problems that you may encounter with a web video are easily fixed and can be so in a matter of minutes. Perhaps one of the most common types of web video errors is individuals saying they cannot see the video, or they can see the picture but they can't hear anything. While this may be the result of something bigger, most of the time it is just because the person attempting to view the web video does not have the most recent updated version of the particular video player you are hosting. Whether you have a Windows Media Player, Real Player or QuickTime Player, all of these require individuals to have the most up-to-date version of its player in order to view web videos properly. If you are getting complaints that sound familiar with the ones above, simply tell your visitors to update their player and see if it works, most of the time, it will. Another main problem that people have with web video is when they start playing the video, it stops and starts again, and the pauses and then starts. This cycle can repeat for several minutes, which causes many of the viewers to simply stop watching the video. There are several reasons why this could be happening to the viewer. The reason why a video will do this when it's playing is because either the viewer has a slower Internet connection, or the users computer is simply too old to sustain that much data transfer. Did you know that it can up to 12 minutes for a person with dial-up connection to download one minute of video; of course, this all depends on how the video is compressed. Another reason why the video is performing in this manner is because there are simply too many people on the network, thus it is slowing the download speed of the video down. A great way to help this problem is to simply push pause and allow the video to download for several minutes. Another reason why web videos may not work is because they are not in the correct format. If you are allowing individuals to download a certain type of video, make sure that they understand what format it is in. An example of this would be letting your visitors know that in order to view a certain video they must have the QuickTime format installed, which is the .qt or .mov format. A great way to eliminate the worry and frustration from your website visitors is to clearly put links to the various media players websites, which will direct visitors to the download site for the particular player. This will ensure that even if a person doesn't have a particular player downloaded onto their computer, they are able to obtain this player quickly and return to view your web video. Web Video Contests If you have made any type of web videos, did you know that you could enter these videos into various types of contests? One of the greatest aspects of web videos is not the fact that they provide viewers with information, but rather they allow individuals to explore themselves creatively. And what a better way to showcase your creative web video than by uploading it into an online web video contest, which you can win prizes that normally include cash. However, there are several things that you need to know before you submit your web video into a contest. Before you submit any web video into an online contest, you need to make sure that you read all of the rules and regulations. This is because not every contest is open to any type of video submission. Normally these types of contests are made for a specific type of video. The reason why they do this is because it will limit the number of submissions, thus making their job slightly easier, while still rewarding the best type of video in a certain category. There are literally hundreds of different types of web video contests available, all of which have a specialized genre. If you are looking for a place that is unlike traditional contests, but still rewards you with cash, than you may be interested in AtomFilms. This company specializes in releasing only high-quality web videos, which means that if your video get selected, than you will have the ability to say your video was on AtomFilms. However, bragging rights is only half of the prize; after your video has been featured you are available to receive royalties from this web video. The limit to the amount of money that you make with your web video through AtomFilms is limitless; however, don't expect to quit your day job. Another great web video contest is the various contests that are featured on YouTube. Who would have thought that the world's most popular video sharing site would be home to some really amazing video contests? There are always several different types of contests that are live, thus it is a great way to fill your time by making a certain type of video, as well as gaining a following through the promotion your video will receive. Of course, like all video contests, make sure that you read the rules and follow them. The last thing that you want to happen is have your video removed because you did not follow the rules. Also, remember that many of these video contests require that your film be formatted a certain way. In order to make sure that your video is received and reviewed promptly; make sure that you have formatted your video to the format that has been requested. Online web video contests are a great way to have fun with a passion you have, as well as being rewarded for your time. However, there are also many different reasons why individuals take part in online video contests. Perhaps the number one reason is to have a public outlet to express themselves. And it's because of this, that many people find themselves constantly submitting their web videos to contests. Quick Tips For Lighting Your Web Video So you've outlined your web video, have all of the information that you need and you're ready to go out and begin filming the video that will increase traffic to your site and inform millions of people about a certain topic. However, there is only one problem. As you sit outside, or in your living room, you look through your camera's viewfinder only to find that the lighting is off. While you see that the lighting needs help, you don't know what to do. However, there are a couple of quick tips for lighting your web video that will give you the light you need, and get rid of the light you don't. If you want to have a beautifully lit web video, than you will want to engage in 3-Point Lighting. This is a great way to light any type of web video, and it also ensures you will stay away from hotspots and shadows, which can ruin a video. 3-Point Lighting stands for the three main type of lights that you will be using. These lights include Back Light, Key Light and Fill Light. It doesn't matter what type of light you use, as long as you follow the rules that are associated with this type of lighting process. After you have followed the process of lighting your video in this manner, you will have a gorgeous outcome. First of all, you need to understand what the Key Light is, and how you can use it. The Key Light is a light that you place in front of your main subject. Of course, you will never want to place the light directly in front of your subject, because this would ultimately wash the subject out and create unattractive shadows. When you are placing your Key Light, you will want to put it at a 30 to 45 degree angle in front of the main subject you're shooting. Make sure that the Key Light is to the side of the camera. This light will give you perfect lighting for the subject, without washing it out. The next light in the 3-Point Lighting concept is the Fill Light. You will place this light directly across from the Key Light, on the other side of the camera. How you know you have the Fill Light in the correct position is the light will be parallel to the Key Light, and it will soften the shadows that the Key Light has created. You must be careful in how bright the Fill Light is, because you do not want to put too much light on the subject. Normally, when you are using a Fill Light, you only use 50% of the light's power, or you use a soft light. It is suggested that you do use a soft light instead of a spotlight, because it provides a beautiful contrast without being too bright. The last light in the 3-Point Lighting design is the Back Light. The Back Light is exactly what it sounds like, it is lighting the back of the subject. This is very important because it will literally separate the main subject from the background by creating a nice outline of light around the rim of the main subject. You will want to place the Back Light directly behind the main subject, and also make sure that it aligns directly with the camera. Some filmmakers decide to place the Back Light above the subject; however, this can be dangerous. Make sure that when you do this it is tied down appropriately; also make sure that the Back Light does not create awkward shadows on the main subject. This is a common mishap and can cause the subject to look sickly. The purpose of the Back Light is to allow the subject to seem three-dimensional and to also separate it from the background itself. If you want to light your background, you will need to use a separate light. Web Video Audio Tips Filming a web video requires attention to even the slightest detail. However, if you have never filmed a web video before, than you may only be concerned with how the video looks. While this is very important, there is something that you must pay attention to even more than how the video looks. If you have ever watched a web video, and the audio was off, either it was too quite or it didn't match with what was happening on the screen, you probably stopped the video and went to another website. This is because the audio of a web video is extremely important in getting your message across. But how do you ensure that your web video has great audio quality? The main step to having amazing audio with your web video is to make sure that you have all of the proper equipment. Now, this doesn't mean that you have to go out and purchase a $500 boom microphone that motion pictures use, however, it does mean that you will need to have at least the basic equipment needed. Many people when they film a web video simply use the microphone that is located on their video camera. While this may be passable for more visually-focused web videos, many videos require a person to talk. When you use the pre-installed microphone on your camera, you are going to get low-quality sound, and if it is windy outside, or if there is any type of background noise, your audio will be a mess. This is why having a decent hand-held microphone is very important. If you are worried that holding a hand-held microphone will make your web video look "cheap," there are several ways to cheat the system. If you have more than one person helping you with your web video, simply allow the extra person to hold the microphone out of frame while you are speaking. This will ensure that you are clearly, and professionally, heard but you don't have to worry about holding an awkward microphone. However, if you do not have an extra person to hold the microphone, you can simply place the microphone close to you, but keeping it out of the shot. In order to do this, you may want to have a close-up done on yourself, or the subject that you are filming. Since the frame will be closer on you, you will not have to worry about the microphone showing up in the shot. You can place the microphone on a table by you, however, this may result in strange noises, especially if you have a neighbor that lives below you. A great tip on filming and recording audio in this manner is to hold the microphone in your lap with it facing your mouth. This will let you have a shot that is focused on your mid-waist and up, as well as allowing the microphone to be close enough to your mouth to record the audio. Make sure that you speak louder than you normally do when the microphone is in your lap, however, don't yell. Web videos are awkward when the speaker is having to force themselves to be louder. Web Video and Businesses If you own your own business than there are several things that you can do to increase your business visibility, however, the most powerful means to advertise your business is through the Internet. For many years the best way to advertise for your business was through normal, text ads and other types of articles. Even though there are many businesses that have found success through these means, with the ever evolving technology that surrounds the Internet, soon businesses have found a new means to promote their company. This new way of advertising is through web videos, and it is quickly becoming one of the best ways to create brand loyalty and help build a customer base. Whether you own a huge business, or if you are just starting off, you can benefit from using web videos as a main source of advertising. One of the greatest reasons why so many businesses, large and small, are using web videos to promote themselves is because it is cost effective. This is a huge reason why so many small businesses are taking hold of web videos, because they only have to pay for the cost of making the video, and in some cases this is close to zero. Many businesses that use web videos host them on popular vide sites, such as YouTube or Google Video. However, if you want to make a video about your business there are several steps that you should take to ensure a positive feedback. If you run a specialty store, or something that has a niche audience, than you want to design your web video around your customers needs. A great way to gain customers and create a good brand loyalty is by making a web video that not only informs customers about your product or service, but also gives them something in return. An example of this would be if you owned a computer repair store, you would want to publicize your company, as well as help your potential customers. A great way of doing this is by showing your customers how to fix a common problem with their computer. After you have shown them something that is useful, begin to mention your company, and soon many individuals will begin to call or visit your website because you helped them without asking for money. This is a great way to let your customers actually trust you, and when customers trust a business, they usually will stay with them for many years. If you have owned a business for any time span, than you understand repeat customers make up most of your businesses revenue, thus you want to make as many repeat customers as possible. By allowing your customers to trust you, you will have a better chance of building a relationship with the customer. Using web videos are a great way to not only promote your business, but also to help people. In a world that is surrounded by cut-throat advertising, it is imperative that you have a business concept that allows individuals to trust you, as well as feel that you are there to help them. After you have done so, you have created a successful web video campaign. Making Money Through Web Videos There is an ever-growing quest to make money through the Internet. This is made evident by thousands of ads claiming you can make huge amounts of income with small amounts of work. Sadly, most of these ads are scams, and millions of people have spent their hard earned money, in an attempt to make money themselves. However, if you are interested in making web videos, than you can actually turn a profit by doing so. This may sound difficult; however, it is very easy to start making money through web videos. One of the best ways to make money through your web videos is by using ad revenue sharing sites. These types of sites allow you to place your web video on their sites; however, whenever your video generates income through the ads that are placed on the page, you are created a certain amount of money. While you will most likely not become rich through this type of site, you will however, make a decent amount of money. The key to making the most money off of ad revenue sites is by uploading as much content as you can, and making each video for a specific type of audience. This why you will have a targeted audience that will be more interested in clicking through the ads at the end of your video. Some good ad revenue video sites are Revver and Google Video. Another way that you can make money through web videos is by going through a more professional approach that can end up being quite profitable. These types of websites are places where you can sell your videos, and photos, such as iStockVideo. This website allows you sell your videos; however, they must be of a certain quality. In order to maximize your sells through these types of sites, make sure that you take time with the videos and make them as unique and powerful as possible. You will then see then income starting to roll in. If you want to have a unique way to make money through web videos, than simply begin to search sponsors. Say you really love a certain product, and you want to create videos about this product, however, before you do, contact the company that makes this product. Let them know that you want to begin a web video campaign, and show them your ideas. You may be surprised that it may be quite easy to get web video sponsors, and after doing so, you will be able to have someone to actually pay you for making a web video. This is a great way to create a constant income, because if you do a good job, than most companies will keep having you make videos for them. Remember, the key is to be professional in your videos and have at least five to ten videos already outlined and ready to film. There are many different ways that you can make money through making web videos; all it takes is a desire to succeed and a desire to be creative. After you have done these two, you are on your way to making money by doing something you love. Learning The Emotional Peaks and Valleys of Web Videos There are several aspects that make some web videos stand out, and other sink among the millions of videos. These aspects vary depending on what the video is about, and the overall content of the video. However, there are some key steps that you must take in order to have a beautiful, professional and entertaining video. It doesn't matter if you are making a video to discuss a political topic, explain a new product or if you're making a how-to video. No matter why you're filming, there are several tips that you can follow that will make your video stand out from the millions of others. The greatness of most web videos comes from the pre-production phase. It is here that you will discuss how you want your video to look, what you want to say and why you want to say it. When you figure out the answers to all of these questions, than you will be on your way to creating a wonderful web video, of course, figuring out how you want your video to look is extremely important. If you are going for a more polished look, than you will want to spend more time discovering the actual appearance of your video, all the way down from lighting, clothing and camera angles. If you want to create a web video that has presence than you want to set a mood. The success of a web video all depends on what mood it is giving out to its viewers. If you want a humorous video, than there are steps to creating a video that exudes humor, and likewise with serious web videos. The planning of how you want to convey your message is extremely important. Of course, there are several tips that everyone must follow if they want to properly explain their content. The first of these is making sure that your web video has a story. In order to understand how to make a story, you must first realize what a story is. When you think of a great story, there are usually items called peaks and valleys. A peak is a strong emotional moment; you can convey this many different ways. If you are making a video about a product, than the "peak" of the story would be explaining how this product can enhance your life and what it will do for you. The same concept is true for the "valley" of a video. In the same product web video, the valleys would be showing how the product works, and also how it is made. This is a great way to engage the viewers, as well as keep their information. If you want to make a lasting impact on your web video audience, than you must touch their emotions in one way or another. It doesn't matter if your web video makes individuals happy, sad, angry or even content, when you are able to create a video that alters the mood or emotion of the viewer, than you have a very successful web video on your hands. How To Get Traffic Through Web Video There is one common goal among all webmasters and that is to increase their page views and traffic. However, the main question is, how can you do this? With literally thousands of how-to books circling the web, and bookstores, explaining that they have the "secret" to increased traffic; it is very difficult for a webmaster to choose the correct way to gain traffic. While some of these books actually have great tips and information on gaining visitors to your site, there is one method that has proven itself in the last couple of years as being one of the best ways to attract loyal viewers, and potentially customers. This is done through the medium of web video, and it is an extremely powerful method to creating a high-profile website that is visited by thousands of individual's everyday. Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why so many webmasters are using web video as a means to drive traffic is because it is a great, and free, way to interact with potential visitors, as well as providing them with pivotal information that is fun to watch. Web video is an amazingly powerful way to show your viewers information, and inform them of your various website and products. There are several keys that you must follow when making a web video for website promotion. When you follow these tips, you will be able to have an extremely successful web video campaign, and you will reap the benefits of this. The most important key to using web video for website promotion, is to make videos that are interesting, entertaining and above all else, informative. Individuals will find your videos based on what they are about. If you are selling a how-to book on fixing home appliances, the best way to reach your audience is to make short videos on how to fix various problems within your home. An example of this would be to make a web video explaining the steps to fixing a leaky faucet. This not only will give your viewers a chance to see how informative your information is, but you will also be helping them out as well. More than likely, when you provide a web video that answers a question, the viewers will come to your site to find other answers to their various questions. This is a great way to build loyalty with the potential customer, as well as giving them an actual reason to purchase your product. After you have compiled several videos on your topic, you will then need to post these videos online in order for them to be seen. Yet, the biggest question is, where should you post you web videos? There are literally hundreds of various web video sites that allow you to put your own video on their server. However, the key is finding the correct site to place your video on. It's no question that YouTube is the most popular video site on the Internet. And by placing your video, along with proper keywords, on YouTube you will soon be experiencing a flow of constant traffic to your site. Although, if you do not want to go through and post your videos on all of the various websites by hand, you can use video submission services to do this for you. Perhaps the best out of all these systems is Traffic Geyser. This system will submit your video to all of the major video hosting websites, thus growing your traffic immensely. Video Players For Your Website When you have a website, it is very easy to want to have a place to showcase your web videos. Whether you have videos that further explain your products and services, or if you just want to add funny videos of you and your friends, there is one thing that you must have on your website. This one thing is a web video player, and you might be surprised that there are many different types of video players that you can choose from. However, even though there are many different types of video players, which one is perfect for your website? The answer to this depends on the type of videos that you are playing, and also how you want to play them. When you are going to add video to your website, you must first know what format you want your videos to be in. There are three main video players, all of which come with their own unique format. These three video players are QuickTime, Real Video and Windows Media. All three of these video players are perfect for many different types of uses, and they all come with their own specifications. However, no matter what type of video player you install on your website, you need to make sure that you have the most current version of that player. This is incredibly important because since technology is ever-evolving, so are the various video players you can use. Thus, in order to make sure that your video player will work properly with all types of browsers and Internet users, you must have the updated version of any video player. However, if you want to use a different type of video player, besides the three mentioned above there are several options that you can choose from. Many people do not want to go through the trouble of having to install and run a video player by hand. This is why the entire process is made easier by uploading your video to YouTube or Google Video and then embedding the video into your website. While this may not give the upmost professionalism that you may require, it is extremely easy and it provides you with an added benefit. As a webmaster, you want to gain as much traffic to your website as possible. One great way of doing this is through web videos; however, if you put a video solely on your website, it is possible that no one will see this video unless they discover your site. This may not be a concern if you already have a loyal viewership to your website, if you do not, than you may want to explore posting your videos on YouTube, or similar sites. All of these types of sites allow you to copy the URL to the video, and actually embed the video onto your website. By doing this, you will have the video on your site, but it is also searchable through YouTube. Thus, if your video becomes popular on YouTube, you will increase the traffic to your website. By doing this, it is a great way to maximize your time and productivity. The Importance of Web Video Optimization When you film a video, than you are more than likely not going to be able to simply upload it in the exact same format that you shot it in, because video files are usually huge in size and would weigh down any web server, which is why you must optimize your web video. Many people who are first getting started in making and distributing their web videos do not understand that it is extremely important that they optimize their video for the web. The reason why you must optimize your web video is because you have to have a video that is under a certain size, or it would simply take too long to download, and would cost you massive amounts of bandwidth whenever someone views it. But how do you exactly optimize a video for the web? Optimizing your video for the web begins when you first take your camera out of its case. How you film your video will play a major role in how well it will interact with the Internet. There are several production tips that you must follow if you want to have a video that is perfect for the web. Make sure that when you are filming a video you minimize any type of camera movement. This includes zooming and out, as well as panning over to view another object. If you do have to move the camera in your video, use a tripod because you will receive smooth transitions, and you can move the camera so slowly that it will not cause a disruption in how the video will be seen. Another tip for optimizing your video for the web while you are actually filming it is by using ample amounts of light. Make sure that you stay away from "hot spots," which are areas of extreme bright white light, but it is very important that you use ample lighting for the individuals in the video to be seen. After you have filmed and edited your web video, begins the process of optimizing its actual size for the internet. When you are in this process, it is always a good idea to cut the frame rate below 15fps, or frames per second. The reason for this is because when you cut the frame rate, it allows more data to be stored in each frame, thus giving you picture quality that is much better than if you were to keep your frame rate at a higher pace. Of course, you must also make sure that the overall size of the video fits within the standard requirements for web videos. With all web videos you will want to make sure that they are sized at 320 x 240 pixels. This is the perfect size for the Internet, because it is not too small, or too large. Thus, it is the perfect size for speedy viewing, without loosing the quality of the video. However, make sure that when you re-size your web video, you do not make it any smaller than 320 x 240 pixels because it will make the video so small it will be hard for most individuals to even see clearly what is on the screen. The Importance of Lighting Your Web Video Have you ever sat down and watched a web video, only to find that it is a huge disappointment. While there are many reasons why a web video can be disappointing, not enough information, didn't clearly explain the point, there is one major cause for individuals to not watch a web video. This cause is from bad lighting. Did you know that bad lighting can seriously alter the way your video looks, feels and is responded to? Lighting for web videos isn't exactly different from lighting for actual films; however, it does take an understanding of how the Internet will show your video. There are several tips that if you follow, you will have a beautifully lit web video. The first tip in lighting your web video is understanding what type of lights to actually use. While many people that are filming their very web video simply use their house lights, some understand the need for extra lighting; however, they usually go too far. You may notice that many web videos look washed out, or are too bright to see the details of the video. This is because the individual used harsh light. The key to having perfect lighting for web video is by using soft-light. But what exactly is soft light? This phrase is easy to define, basically in order to have soft light; you want to defuse the light as much as possible. You can do so by detracting the light from directly hitting where your camera is filming. You want to have a glow, instead of a harsh beam. These harsh light beams are called hotspots, and they are the enemy to have a beautifully lit shot. When you are filming inside, it is easy to go overboard and have too much light. The key to softening the light is to deter it through several methods. Some individuals simply put a thin sheet over the light in order to defuse it enough to get rid of hot spots, but still let enough light to go through to give the shooting area a soft, yet bright, glow. By pointing a light directly at the subject that you are filming, you are going to drain them out and create shadows and various hot spots. Remember, hot spots and shadows, or any other type of contrasting light is not cohesive to a great web video shot. Always look through your camera's viewfinder and try to point out any shadows and extra-bright areas. By doing so, you will have a finished product that looks professional and clean. Filming outside can sometimes be a difficult task because you have an ever-changing source of light, when you are filming during the daytime. Instead of putting your subjects directly under the sun, which will cause them to squint and look washed out; set them back to where the sun's rays are not directly in their faces. You can defuse the light by using reflectors, which will allow you to sit in the shade while still obtaining enough light to clearly see the subjects. One of the biggest tricks of the trade is to lay down a white sheet directly in front of the subject that you are filming. This will reflect the light, as well as giving the shot a nice glow. Equipment You Need For Web Videos So you've decided to make your first web video. This is a great step, especially if you are making a web video to help promote a product or service. However, there are several things that you must have in order to make your web video look professional, and entertaining to watch. Of course, the main items that you must have in order to make a web video are a digital video camera and a computer. However, the type of camera you have can greatly increase the quality of your video, or it can decrease it. While there are literally hundreds of different types of digital cameras out there that will record decent video, there are some that are way better than others. If you are looking for a camera that will keep your web video looking professional and crisp, as well as easy to upload into your computer, you will want a hard drive camcorder. These hard drive camcorders will allow you to record stunning images, however, it is how you upload these videos into your computer for editing that makes them so great. With a hard drive camera, you are able to record video without the need of tapes or DVDs. This is made possible because the camera records information onto its hard drive. Once you have recorded everything that you need, you can simply attach the camcorder to your computer, usually through a USB cord, and then your computer begins to upload the videos into its own hard drive. After you have done this, you can then begin the editing process. Choosing the right type of camcorder for web videos is extremely important, and if you know that you are going to be filming many web videos, than it is a good idea to invest in a decent camera that has great resolution and user-friendly exporting options. Another piece of equipment that you will want to have is a microphone. While every camcorder comes with a built-in microphone, they will not give you the professional quality that you desire. You do not have to go out and purchase a $300 microphone in order to get good audio quality; however, you will want to have a microphone that allows you to guard wind and other types of background noises. Another reason why having a microphone is so important is because it will give you the chance to make videos that are not only pleasing to the eye, but also to the ears. Did you know that sight and sound makes up for 85% of the information that we absorb around us? This is why making sure you have a great quality camera and microphone is so important. However, if you don't have this last piece of equipment, than you will most likely not be able to post your videos online. The last piece of mandatory equipment for making web videos is a computer. Whether you are working with a desktop computer, or laptop, it is very important that your computer can handle the amount of CPU's you are going to be requesting of it. However, even though you want to have your computer run smoothly, you will also want to ensure that it has enough memory to hold all of the information that you are going to be putting in it. With many different files that need to be saved, such as massive video files, audio files and the other various types of media that will begin to accumulate onto your computer, you must ensure that you have ample memory. Many individuals that make web videos usually invest in an external hard drive. These are great accessories to have, and will keep your computer running smoothly, because the amount of memory needed will be spread out among different hard drives. ![]() ![]()