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Termite Intrusion

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Even the mention of a termite can send terror into the heart of a homeowner.
Many people know that a termite can cause huge damage to a home and when you
take one termite and add it to another termite and then another and another and
another, you might find yourself with a home that is not only unsound but
extremely difficult to sell and live in. Many people know about the termite,
but not many people know specifics about this pesky insect.

A termite -- also known as a white ant -- is a member of a group of social
insects much like regular ants. They most often feed on dead plant material
including wood, leaf litter, and soil. The termite can cause huge damage to
structures such as houses, building, crops, and forests.

The termite superficially resembles an ant and is called a white ant only
because of their social behaviors and similar size. However, the regular
termite is softer, whiter, shorter-legged, fatter and generally much slower
moving. In actuality, a termite is much more similar to the common cockroach.
Some experts feel like the termite belongs in its own classification of insects
instead of being clumped together with ants in the Hymemoptra class or a super
order which contains all of them called the Dictyoptera class.

The common termite has a biting mouthpart and their soft bodies are rarely
longer than one centimeter in length. As a colony, they typically inhabit dark
nests and tunnels, only venturing out when the winged alates emerge to leave
their parent colony, when constructing shelter or, in the case of grass- and
leaf-litter-feeders, when harvesting their food. The alate is basically a baby
termite growing into a full blown termite and getting ready to venture out into
the world to find their own food source to decimate!

As with ants, the termite resides in a colony along with other termites. That
is why they are referred to as social insects. Termite colonies can number
anywhere from hundreds to even millions of inhabitants. They work together to
survive and use self-organized swarm intelligence to obtain food sources and
sustain the colony. Just as with ants, there is a certain hierarchy within the
colony. It is usually "ruled" by a queen and there are workers, soldiers,
nymphs, and reproductive termites responsible for re-populating the colony.

While a termite is a dreaded insect for most people, they are easily recognized
and easily controlled when you know that you have a problem. If you take the
time to know about the common termite, see the signs that you may have a
termite problem, and then take steps to alleviate the problem, you will have
much luck in repairing the damage that these invading insects can do.

Effect of Termite Damage

You may be surprised at the devastating effect of termite damage on a building.
When you have a swarm of termites, they can eat through whole wood beams and
cause such problems with the structure of the building that could make it
uninhabitable. The effect of termite damage often takes a period of several
years to cause serious structural problems which is why you need to really pay
attention to what's happening inside your home when it comes to inspecting the
building for termite damage and take steps to control that damage before it
does become a huge problem.

The effect of termite damage will cause the integrity of the wood to become
compromised. That means when the termites begin feasting on the wood of your
home, they can weaken the wood, cause drywall to crumble, eat away window sills
and door frames, and so much more. Even though these small little insects are
less than a centimeter in length, the effect of termite damage on a structure
can be huge and very expensive.

As a property owner, you should know what to look for when doing an inspection
of your property to see if you have a termite problem. If you don't take steps
right away to inspect for a possible termite infestation, the effect of termite
damage on your structure could get out of control before you even know it. Start
by looking around the outside of your home near the foundation where the soil
meets the base of the home. Termites can enter a home through the smallest
opening, so pay special attention to any cracks in the foundation and fill
those cracks with an appropriate filling agent to keep the termites from
getting in.

Another effect of termite damage can be the presence of termites in places
where you cannot readily see as in the crawl space or in the walls of a home.
This invisible damage can be difficult for the everyday person to see which is
why it is a good idea to have a professional termite inspection done on your
building for peace of mind. Plus, a licensed professional can point out the
obvious effect of termite damage and make suggestions as to how you can take
steps to correct the problem.

You may also want to look at pictures that show the effect of termite damage on
a building. We're willing to bet that once you see how termites can wreak havoc
on a structure, you'll want to take care of the problem immediately. The effect
of termite damage can be stopped, but only if you take steps to do so as soon as
possible. Check it out and then take action!

What Does a Termite Look Like?

People who own homes, building, or grow crops often ask themselves the question
"What does a termite look like?" The reason is simple -- know what a termite
looks like can alert the homeowner or farmer to possible property damage that
is caused by these tiny little pests. Most people say that a termite looks like
a little white ant, but the reality is that because there is a hierarchy within
these very social insects, depending on what job the termite does within the

So what does a termite look like? The worker termites most closely resemble
small white ants. They are responsible for foraging for food that will sustain
the colony. They are white and soft bodied and smaller in size -- just like an
ant. Soldier termites are responsible for defending the colony against
predators, so they will look a lot like the worker termites except they have a
larger head with mandibles that are used for defense.

Reproductive termites are winged insects that are larger than the workers and
soldiers and tend to swarm during certain times of the year. They are also
white and soft bodied, but they are easily identified by the presence of wings
on their bodies. These termites are responsible for laying eggs and insuring
the continuation of the colony. They can lay thousands of eggs at a time so
termite colonies can grow quite quickly and take over a small space within a
matter of days.

When asking what does a termite look like, you need to also know how to
identify the king and queen of the colony. They are the ones who "rule" the
colony and are responsible for insuring all members are doing their jobs and
taking care of the colony itself. The queen termite is the largest termite in
the colony. She has an elongated body that is usually lighter in color. The
king termite is smaller than the queen and his elongated body is darker in

Termite colonies live in large mounds some as tall as four feet! That is where
they live. The worker termites go out and find food -- usually in the form of
damp wood, leaf debris, and loose cellulite matter. The workers then bring food
back to the termite mound where members feed on the matter.

Asking yourself "What does a termite look like?" is a responsible thing to do
when you own property. Identification of termites and termite damage is so
important because once you find them, you can begin treating the damaged areas.
The sooner you find the damage, the easier it is to control. Plus, now when
someone asks you "What does a termite look like?" now you can speak with

What Do Termite Mounds Look Like?

In some regions, notably arid and tropical savannas, termites will build large
and elaborate mounds for the colony to live in which begs the question -- what
do termite mounds look like? Believe me, if you see one, you'll know it is a
termite mound because the termite mounds have very distinctive forms and are
obviously not part of the natural landscape surrounding it. For example, the
compass termite builds tall, wedge-shaped mounds with the long axis of the
mound orienting from North to South.

Some termite mounds can be up to four feet tall, but most commonly are in the
area of one to two feet. They house the termite colony and protect it from
outside predators and the weather. In all actuality, termite mounds can be
quite beautiful and some have even attracted tourists because of how large and
elaborate they are. For the entomologist, termite mounds are complex and highly
sought out to study.

The North to South orientation that many termite mounds take on actually serves
a specific purpose. It has been experimentally shown to aid in thermoregulation
or maintaining a specific temperature within the mound itself thus allowing the
termites to regulate their body temperature as well. The column of hot air
rising in the above ground mounds helps drive air circulation currents inside
the subterranean network.

When considering the question what do termite mounds look like, you must
realize that not all species of termites build termite mounds. As we said
previously, they most often occur in dry conditions where the air is very dry
and the weather tends to be hot. Some of the largest mounds are located in
Australia and Africa.

Termite mounds are complex structures and are studied by entomologists as well
as engineers because of their complexity. Believe it or not, there are even
some engineers who are attempting to recreate one of the largest termite mounds
located in Australia so that they can study the thermoregulation properties that
exist naturally within the mound. They are hoping that this natural technology
can help contribute to society in someway as well as conserving our energy
resources that we use.

Not only is the termite mound used to house colonies of termites and store
their food, it has other uses as well. The Ancient African medicine practice
called Siddha utilizes some of the material that the termite mound is made of
to prepare their medicines. They have found specific properties within the
mounds that contribute to their homeopathic medicines that help to heal their

If you beg the question what do termite mounds look like and take the time to
explore these complex structures, we're pretty sure you'll be surprised at what
you can find. They are amazing to see and even more amazing to study. Not only
that, when someone asks you -- in everyday conversation -- "What do termite
mounds look like", you'll know exactly what to say!

Termite Understanding

If you are a homeowner, you own any type of man-made structure, or you are a
farmer, having an understanding of the common termite is essential. The common
termite can cause unbelievable damage to both structures made of wood as well
as plant material since their main food sources are dead plant material. That
includes wood, leaves, fruits, vegetables, and basically anything that has gone
"past its prime" and is fodder for their teensy tiny stomachs.

When you have an understanding as to how the termite feeds and where they are
most commonly found, you will be better able to control them and minimize the
damage that they are able to cause. You see, understanding a termite will help
arm you with information that can help you know better how to combat these
pests and get them away from that which you hold dear whether it be your home,
your business, or your fields.

If you are trying to get an understanding of the termite, you should realize
that termites live in colonies much like ants. These colonies are ruled by
queens and they have a specific hierarchy of jobs that each termite does. As
far as who determines which termites do which jobs is a mystery to us humans,
but they do each have a certain job that they are expected to do within the

The queen termite rules the colony and lets all of the other termites what they
need to do to keep their society functioning. To have a complete understanding
of the termite society, you should also know that there is a king within the
colony as well. This is totally unlike the ant colonies as they are ruled
simply by a queen. Within the termite colony, the understanding is similar to
that of us humans -- their decisions rule.

After the king and queen, in the termite colony, you will have workers. These
termites are responsible for foraging for food, bringing it back to where the
nest is, and storing the food so that the rest of the colony members can use it
for nourishment later. The termite colony also has soldiers who are responsible
for defending the colony against predators. Even though many people consider
termites pests -- which they are -- they are still living creatures dedicated
to surviving no matter how devastating they can be to humans and their
structures and crops. The soldiers will do what they have to do in order to
make sure that the colony survives.

In getting an understanding of the termite, you will need to get all kinds of
information so that you know how to combat them. Remember that there are
soldier termites out there, and they will do what they have to in order to make
sure that the colony survives. However, when you have a better understanding of
how the termite colony works, you will have more tools to keep them from
devastating your home and your life.

Can a Termite See

Have you been wondering about the age old question, can a termite see? Me
either, but it is an interesting question. After all, these small pests can
infiltrate a home and cause a huge amount of damage, but how do they find their
food source? Do they see a tasty huge old Victorian home and call all their 
bodies to road trip on into the foundation? The truth is that in most termites, 
they have no eyes, so the easy answer to the question can a termite see is 
"No." Some of the reproductive members of a termite colony will have eyes because 
they also have wings, but in general, termites cannot see.

So how do they find their food? That's almost as good a question as can a
termite see! Termites are blind, and they really have no method to their
madness, so to speak, when it comes to finding a food source. Basically, they
wander around moving about until they encounter some type of resistance at
which time they switch directions and keep going until they find something they
are able to eat. We're not talking about a cross country road trip, but let's
just say you have termites in a wood pile behind your home. When they finish up
with the wood and decide they want a different kind of wood and head toward your
house, the travel across your yard might feel like a cross country journey to

Some people consider the question can a termite see frivolous, but it really
can mean a lot to the person who is interested in getting rid of or preventing
a termite problem. If they can't see, all they can really rely on is touch.
They like wet places -- especially wet places with damp wood. Take steps to
make sure you have no leaks around your home that may attract your blind enemy.
Don't let the soil underneath your house get wet in any way, and keep the soil
away from the foundation of your house if at all possible.

When doing landscaping work, you may want to use a wood mulch to decorate. If
you want to do this, keep the mulch away from the foundation of the house and
always use black landscaping to keep the termites from emerging from the soil
and eating through your mulch. An even better idea is to use stone when

We hope we've answer your question about can a termite see effectively. For
more information, you may also want to consult an encyclopedia or look on the
Internet to become fully informed about those pesky termites!

Termite Identification

Identification of the common termite can be done quite easily even by people
who don't know much about termites themselves. Most commonly, people refer to
the identification of a termite as a "little white ant". While this is
generally true as termites do closely resemble the common ant, there are
differences in termites which can make identification a little more in-depth.

Termites are social insects and live in a very strict social civilization. Each
termite in the colony looks different which makes identification a little more
complicated. Their specific job within the colony dictates how they look.
Inside the termite colony, there are workers, soldiers, queen, kings, and

Workers represent the majority of the colony population and are responsible for
caring for eggs, constructing and maintaining tunnels, foraging for food and
feeding and grooming of other caste members. They are white and soft bodied.
Identification of the worker termite is where the "little white ant" comment
comes in because the worker termite does look like a lightly colored ant.

Soldiers are responsible for defending the colony. They are white, soft bodied
with an enlarged, hardened head containing two large jaws, or mandibles, which
are used as a weapon against predators. Identification of the soldier termite
can be done by looking at the head and noticing it is larger than a worker

The Queen termite creates the colony by laying eggs and tending to the colony
until enough workers and nymphs are produced to care for the colony. She can
live for more than ten years and produce hundreds of eggs each year. Colonies
can each have several million termites with the help of secondary queens who
also produce eggs. Identification of the queen termite can be done by looking
at her body as she will have a longer body that is lightly colored with a small

The King termite assists the queen in creating and attending to the colony
during its initial formation. He will continue to mate throughout his life to
help increase the colony size. Identification of the King termite, again, can
be done by looking at his body. His body is shorter than the queen's and dark
in color, but it is still larger than that of the other colony members.

Finally, there are winged reproductives. These termites produce the offspring
in the colony and swarm at certain times of the year. King and queen termites
are included in the reproductive classification, but they are not winged.
Identification of the reproductive termite is not surprisingly done by looking
for the wings on the body. Their size is somewhere in between the King and

What Does Termite Damage Look Like

Many home owners often ask themselves the question "what does termite damage
look like?" It's a question you should ask yourself as a responsible property
owner. You should be aware of what termite can do to your home or building, so
asking "What does termite damage look like" should spur you to educate yourself
so you can be prepared for the possibility that termites could be taking over
your home.

So what does termite damage look like? Signs of termite damage in a home
include the presence of mud tubes. The termites live in these mud tubes and
they are most likely going to be located near the foundation of the home.
Places where wood touch soil is a good place for you to start when looking for
termite damage. Termites feed on wood, and they especially like moist wood.
That is most likely going to be near the foundation of the home.

Termites eat through the wood and will begin with a small hole that gets them
inside in the first place. Then they burrow through the wood making small
tunnels. If the damage has been around for awhile, many of these tunnels can be
very long. What does this type of termite damage look like? It looks like a small 
animal has been making trails through the wood of your house.

Some signs that termites might be feeding on the wood in your home include wood
that sound hollow when tapped on with the handle part of a screwdriver, soft
wood that is easily probed with a tool, and a thin or gritty material found on
the surface of damaged material. You may also see discarded wings, termite
droppings, or cracked and bubbling paint. Once you know what to look for --
especially the mud tubes -- that's a sure sign of the presence of termites.

You may also want to utilize the Internet to find pictures of termite damage.
Just use your favorite search engine and enter the words "what does termite
damage look like". If you're using Google, they have a separate "Images" tab
that will bring up hundreds of pictures so you have a reference point when you
are looking for termite damage in your structure.

Asking yourself "what does termite damage look like" is a question that every
responsible property owner should be thinking about. You want to protect your
investment, so it is very important to look for termite damage and know what
you're looking for. Then when someone else asks you "what does termite damage
look like", you'll have an answer for them right away!

Termite Inspection

A termite inspection is a visual inspection of the readily accessible areas of
a home for evidence of wood-destroying insects (WDI) and wood-destroying
organisms (WDO). The inspector will conduct the termite inspection by visually
looking at the entire interior of a home (including accessing and entering any
sub-space such as basements and crawlspaces) and exterior of the property. In
areas where Drywood termites are prevalent, and in houses where there are no
sub-areas, the attic may also be accessed and inspected during a termite

After the termite inspection has been performed, the findings are reported on
the applicable/appropriate form. The average termite inspection takes
approximately 30 to 45 minutes for a thorough inspection, depending on the size
and conditions (e.g. clutter; storage of personal items, etc.) of the home and
property. You want your inspector to be thorough during the termite inspection
and be able to identify any existing damage as well as check for any possible
future damage, so be patient with them and take heed of any findings.

Once you have your termite inspection done and the report in hand, you need to
consult with a licensed pest control company so they can work with you to
formulate a plan to either get rid of existing termites or prevent any from
coming in. During your termite inspection, ask the inspector where problem
areas might be in and around your house so you can let the pest control company
where they should concentrate during application of termite killing chemicals.

Depending on your location, a termite inspection will probably cost somewhere
in the neighborhood of about a hundred dollars. The pest control that is done
after the termite inspection, however, is a whole other story. Depending on the
amount of damage and infestation, as well as how much of the home needs to be
treated, your price will vary. It's important that you get a price quote before
you begin service.

After your termite inspection and pest control treatment, you should see
results immediately. The pests should disappear directly after chemicals are
applied -- now repairing the damage is another story! Every responsible home
owner should have a termite inspection done periodically so that no infestation
occurs or so that any present infestation can be tackled right away. You've
spent money investing in your home -- that last thing you want is for these
devastating little attackers to take it away from you!. Any money you spend on
a termite inspection will be well worth the money!

Termite Inspection Second Opinion

Sometimes it is a good idea to cover your tracks and have a termite inspection
second opinion on your home. If you've called a licensed, professional termite
inspector and he or she has found significant termite infestation, you may want
to seek out another inspection just to be sure. If you get serious bad news from
your doctor regarding your health, you will probably get a second opinion before
taking on serious treatment. The same should for a termite inspection second

Before you seek out a termite inspector to look at your home, you should call
around and get cost estimates. After that, you can make your choice as to who
you want to do the initial inspection of your home. Now let's say that
inspector tells you that your home is infested and treatment is going to be
thousands of dollars. Before you faint, know that a termite inspection second
opinion is probably in order in this type of a situation.

Take another look at your original price list and find your second favorite to
come out and do your termite inspection second opinion. When they get there,
you have two choices. First, you could present them with the original
inspection report, or you could wait and see what the second inspector comes up
with and compare the two on your own. If you go with the first choice, you may
not get an honest second opinion as that inspector may be trying to undercut
his or her competition. If you go with the second choice, you may have
unanswered questions after the inspector leaves that will remain unanswered if
you don't follow up.

Another advantage to a termite inspection second opinion is that you will be
taking steps to avoid people who are trying to scam you into getting expensive
termite treatments that you really don't need. By exploring other termite
inspectors and getting their opinion, you can better gauge the effectiveness of
their inspection as well as their assessment of what needs to be done on and in
your home.

A termite inspection second opinion -- just like having an original termite
inspection -- is something a responsible homeowner should do if any signs of
infestation and damage are found. You've invested a lot of money in your home
and you want it to be pest free and safe to live in. By the same token, you
don't want to be "taken for a ride" by unscrupulous people either. So seek out
a termite inspection second opinion and have peace of mind.

Termite Treatment

If you find that you have a termite problem in your house, it is so important
to pursue termite treatment as soon as possible after identification of the
problem. Termites can cause awful devastation to a wood structure that can
sometimes be irreparable. Termite treatment should take place even before the
discovery of a problem which is one of the things we will discuss in this

Let's begin with getting termite treatment to prevent termites. When you buy a
home or building, you are making a significant investment and you want to
protect it from damage as much as possible. Pest control companies have
chemicals that they use to prevent termites from taking over your wood
structure that are applied safely and have show to work extremely well. There
are also some things you can do yourself to take away the termite's food source
and prevent infestation before it happens. These include:

* Repair structural and plumbing leaks.

* Pull all mulch and landscaping back at least 6 inches from the foundation.

* Remove piles of trash and debris from around the home.

* Keep firewood stacked away from the structure.

* Make sure downspouts are long enough to direct water away from the foundation.

* Keep gutters clean.

* Avoid direct wood to ground contact when building porches or decks. If you do
find that you are facing a termite problem, that's when treatment needs to start
-- and as quickly as possible! Usually termites are found during a home
inspection when a person goes to buy a new home. Rarely is a termite inspection
done with a new construction home. The home inspector will use a variety of
techniques to see if the home or structure has a termite problem. If he or she
does find evidence of termite damage, he or she will be able to recommend a
termite treatment program to rid the pests from the structure.

The most common form of termite treatment is done with pesticide sprays usually
applied outside the structure around areas where the termites might get into the
building. After the initial termite treatment, it's important to continue
treatment on a regular basis to prevent re-infestation. If you have had
termites once, chances are good that you will get them again, and you want to
protect your home or building as much as you can.

With regular termite treatment, you can insure that you are keeping your
structure sound and strong as well as safe. With the large variety of products
available for termite treatment these days, there really is no reason to put it
off any longer. Call your local pest control company and ask them about termite
treatment for your home or building.

Termite Control

If you own any type of wood structure or farm crops, termite control should be
one of the top things you should be thinking about if you want to keep your
crops and your buildings. Termite control is such a huge issue for people who
own their own homes whether they live there or not, that termite control
companies are making money hand over fist as they struggle to take charge over
termites and keep them from destroying structures and crops.

Essentially, termite control is most often done with the use of chemicals. The
chemical manufacturing companies have developed all sorts of eco-friendly
chemicals that can help with termite control. Most of these chemicals are not
harmful to humans and are extremely effective when it comes to eradicating a
termite problem both before and after it starts.

There are lots of ways that you can approach termite control, however. If you
are concerned about the effects of chemicals on our environment, then you might
want to consider a green approach to termite control. That means you will have
to remove any possible food sources for these foraging pests that can take over
your home and eradicate the wood before you even know it is happening.

Termites lay their eggs in damp, moist soil. That means if you have a crawl
space, you should take steps to either spray that crawl space with chemicals to
kill off the living termites and prevent the hatchlings from growing to
maturity. What happens when you do this type of termite control is that you are
killing off the living bugs and when the eggs hatch, there are no worker
termites that can help get food to those "children" and so they die from
starvation. It might sound cruel, but it is even crueler when you consider what
those "babies" can do to your home if they grow to adulthood.

You must make sure that you eliminate any type of moisture leakage that can
make the wood that holds your house up structurally unsound. Wet wood is a
buffet table for the common termite, so eliminating the source of the moisture
is the best start toward termite control you can take.

Having the expertise of a professionally licensed pest control company is
another great step you can take toward termite control. No one wants termites
in their home, so taking steps to make sure that they don't come around in the
first place is the best thing you can do for yourself and your home. Termite
control begins with making sure that you don't get a problem started. A
professionally licensed pest control company can help you come up with a
termite control plan that works for you and can keep your home safe from
infesting termites.

When to Do Termite Control

If you are the owner of a home or building, you might be wondering when to do
termite control on your property in order to minimize damage to the structure.
Most termites begin to reproduce and lay their eggs in the spring -- not unlike
many other animals. They burrow into moist soil and lay their eggs. The eggs
will incubate until they hatch. While waiting for the eggs to hatch, the worker
termites are literally going to work on your house so they can provide
nourishment to the new babies that are about the join the colony. So if you are
asking yourself when to do termite control, our simple answer is to do it right
before spring.

That's the easy answer, though. In all actuality, when to do termite control
should be undertaken throughout the year to prevent those pesky insects from
getting into the moist soil underneath your house in the first place. You
should have a solid plan to make sure that they don't get under there in the
first place and then you can concentrate on when to do your termite control
throughout the year.

Once the warm weather hits and the rains begin -- remember April showers bring
May flowers -- you should be very cognizant of what might be happening in and
around your house. That is the ideal time to know when to do termite control.
You may have leaks somewhere that you weren't even aware of.

The first places you need to look is in and around the bathroom and kitchen
areas where running water is used most often. Look around the pipes that run
underneath the house and see if the fit between the pipe and the wood is tight
and there is no chance of water leaking through in any way. If you find
anyplace where water can get through -- or termites can get in, you need to
take serious steps to plug up those places before you have a problem created.

After that, you need to make a plan regarding termite control that may or may
not involve chemicals. Chemicals are the most effective way to kill existing
termites and keep away termites as well. Most modern day chemical treatments
are safe to use for humans and won't cause any adverse effects by their
presence. If you are wondering when to do termite control, you should plan your
chemical applications to coincide with the peak season for termites which would
be early spring. Once you are able to gain control, then the likelihood of
problems occurring is much less than later on in the year.

Eliminate Termite Control

When you have termites, it can be devastating to your home, but when you
eliminate them with termite control products and chemicals, you will be taking
responsible steps towards protecting your property and keeping your home safe
and sound. It is possible to eliminate termites with control procedures done by
a licensed, professional pest control company.

The process of eliminate termite control aims to completely get rid of the
termites that are currently infesting the home or structure. The earlier you
get to an infestation, the better chance you have to eradicate them and start
on a prevention program that will keep them from returning. Eliminate termite
control procedures usually involve the use of chemicals that are sprayed around
the foundation of the structure as well as into the walls where termites like to

You can actually take some steps to eliminate termite control and the need for
drastic measures that may have to be taken on your home. Take a good look at
the foundation of the structure and note any cracks that may have formed. Use a
good filler to seal off the cracks as these are where termites like to enter the

Look for areas where the soil meets the foundation and also note any places
where moisture has accumulated near wood. Termites feed on damp, wet wood and
drift toward where the wood is made weak and where it is easier for them to
tunnel. Use a protective barrier in the form of a chemical treatment and take
steps to seal off any places where water can seep underneath the house.

Eliminate termite control will take care of getting rid of an existing termite
infestation, but the only way you can effectively control any incidence of
re-occurrence is with annual preventative treatments by a pest control company.
You can do everything possible to eliminate termite control problems, but
without preventative treatments, you may find that you will pay more money to
get rid of these pests than what you will pay if you just take the time to have
annual termite treatments.

You will never eliminate the need for termite control. As a responsible home or
building owner, you must think about these pests that like to take control of
the wood in your structure and devastate it making your building unsound and
unsafe to inhabit. Take steps to eliminate termite control problems right now
and be sure that your home or building is kept safe.

Termite vs. Flying Ant Identification

Because the termite bears a certain similarity to the ant, it can be confusing
to tell them apart which is why you should know how to perform a simple termite
vs. flying ant identification test. If you own a structure or grow crops, it is
the responsible thing to do to be able to tell which pest is a termite and
which is a flying ant. That's why if you see a pest, use the following advice
to do a termite vs. flying ant identification test.

The easiest way to tell the difference between the two is to inspect the body
parts of the insect, which can be done without the use of a microscope or field
glass in most cases. Termites have two visible body parts: a head and a body.
All ants have three distinct body parts: head, abdomen and thorax. In other
words, the ant's body is separated into two body parts.

We have all seen ants in our lifetime. Ants can be found indoors, outdoors, on
plants, in our lawns and in flower or vegetable garden. There are many
different species of ants in the United States but they all have one thing in
common: the classic head, abdomen, thorax sections of their body. If you find
winged insects in or around your home and want to make sure that they are not
termites, pull back their wings and look closely at the body parts. If the bug
you inspect looks like an ant, it is usually an ant. If it does not have three
visible body parts but does have a head and a long body, it is probably a

Another identifying characteristic that separates winged ants from winged
termites is the antennae. All ants have antennae that have a fairly severe
bend or "elbow" but termite antennae to not have this sharp bend. A termite's
antennae are beaded; an ant's antennae have segments that sometimes end in
small club. The different sections of an ant's antennae are often important to
those involved in inspection and treatment of homes and lawns for ant
infestations. The number of sections, size of club, and even absence of a club
are all important factors in the identification of the invading ant or termite

The termite swarmer has four wings, as does the swarming ant. The difference
lies in the length of the wings. When the wings of either flying insect are
folded (in a resting position or when found dead) and appear to be two wings of
the same or equal length. Closer inspection reveals the true evidence. When
you gently spread out the wings you will find that there are now four wings,
instead of two.

An ant swarmer and a termite swarmer both have 2 pairs or 2 sets of wings. The
wings of a swarming termite are all the same length. The wings of a swarming
ant are different. The front wings (those that are visible when the wings are
not spread) are longer than the rear wings. When at rest, the front wings are
folded over so that the rear set of wings are not visible.

One thing you need to remember when doing a termite vs. flying ant
identification test is that the purpose of a winged termite is not to eat wood
but to propagate the species. They cannot hurt you, but what they can do is lay
eggs inside your home that will grow into a colony of its own and cause complete
devastation to the structure itself. Sometimes that destruction is so severe
that it requires rebuilding, and, in rare cases, razing of the structure itself.

Termite Treatment Slab

It is possible for you to get termite treatment if your home is built on a slab
as opposed to having a crawl space. If your home doesn't have a basement,
chances are good that it was built on a concrete slab. Termite treatment for a
slab home ideally should be done during construction. Holes should be drilled
into the slab itself and a pesticide injected into the holes so that once the
house is constructed, there's little chance that termites can get in and start
damaging your home.

Post-construction termite treatment for a slab home, however, is possible. It
is possible to trench around the outside of a slab after it has been poured,
but this alone usually will not give satisfactory termite control because the
termite colony may be entering the structure from the soil under the slab. You
see, slab will crack or shrink away from the foundation wall allowing termites
to infest the wood above. In addition, concrete slabs usually have many other
points of entry such bath traps, plumping outlets, etc.

Termite treatment for slab construction requires a lot of time and labor. Slab
construction often will require precise drilling to block all termite entry
points. Slabs must be drilled vertically along all cracks and construction
joints at 12-inch intervals and no more than 6 inches from the foundation. The
soil below the slab must be treated from the bottom of the slab to the top of
the footing. This method of drilling and treating is also used for dirt-filled
porches and stress cracks sometimes found in slabs.

It is also very important to treat the soil underneath your home because
termites lay their eggs in the soil. Once the eggs are hatched, they live in
the soil and burrow underneath your structure until they are ready to feed and
make their way to the top and into the wood. Application of the pesticide --
called termiticide -- can be done in a variety of ways and establishes a
barrier that will keep the termites away from the wood that constructs your
home or building.

Termite treatment for a slab home, as we've said, should ideally be done before
the structure is built. However, that doesn't mean that there is nothing that
can be done to keep termites away. Contact a pest control professional and let
them know that you want to have termite treatment for your slab home. They will
not only be happy to come out and inspect your home for damage, but they will be
able to develop a pest control treatment program that you can follow to be sure
that your structure remains termite free!

Termite Tenting Preparation

If you have an especially large termite infestation, your pest control company
may suggest a termite tenting preparation for your home. Termite tenting
preparation is generally used when the entire house, or at least a majority of
it, is infested inside the home or structure. The pest control company will
erect a giant tent around your house and then they will release a termite
killing gas into the home or structure.

As with any procedure that involves pesticides, termite tenting preparation is
often considered dangerous, unnecessary, and outlandishly expensive, but the
truth is that if your home has a bad termite problem, this may be the best
option for you. By fumigating the structure with termite killing gas, it's a
way to kill off any of the worker termites that are residing inside your home
and can allow you to begin gaining control of a damaging situation.

What happens when you choose a termite tenting preparation for your structure?
First, the structure is covered with a tarp or tent that is sealed and secure.
You will have to stay out of the home for at least two to three days and be
sure that all food products are inside sealed bags which the pest control
company can usually provide for you. They will release the termite killing gas
inside the structure and place fans inside to circulate the gas. Warning signs
will be placed around your property to keep anyone outside of the structure
while the gas is circulating and killing the termites.

On the second day of your termite tenting preparation, the tarp will be removed
and the gas will be aired out of the home. On the third day, your pest control
company will verify that all of the gas is removed from the home by using
special instruments to gauge how much, if any gas is left. These instruments
will determine if it is safe for you to come back into your home.

Many people are apprehensive about termite tenting preparation because of the
use of the powerful gas used to kill the termites. While the gas can be lethal
when breathed in in large doses, but it is actually safe once the home has been
cleared by the pest control company. The gas that is used does not stick to
surfaces, so it won't adhere to things like dishes, countertops, and furniture.
Some people, however, choose to wipe down all exposed surfaces for piece of
mind, and that's alright.

When you have a termite tenting preparation done to your home, it will kill all
live termites inside the structure. It will not, however, kill the termite eggs
that remain. However, when the baby termite eggs hatch, there will be no worker
termites to feed them, so they will die off quickly. It is also important to
have the area under your house treated as well to kill any subterranean
termites that have taken up residence under your home. If you neglect this step
of the procedure, you will risk re-infestation.

Termite tenting preparation for severe termite infestations can be a good way
to get rid of your termites in one fell swoop. However, don't forget to
formulate a follow-up plan with your pest control company to prevent those
pesky insects from coming back!

Termite Resistant Mulsh

Many people use mulsh to landscape their property and make it look better, but
is there a termite resistant mulsh on the market that can cause these invading
pests to stay away from your home? Landscape mulshes are commonly used to
provide many benefits including water and soil conservation, weed control, soil
temperature buffering, and soil organic matter improvement. These benefits and
the increasing interest in utilizing yard waste have resulted in a wide array
of mulshes being used for weed and water management and for decorative purposes
around houses. Recently, questions have been raised about organic mulches being
possible attractants to termites and whether there is a termite resistant mulsh
that can be developed.

Since mulsh is most often made of wood and compost items, it seems natural that
termites will be attracted to them as a food source. However, a specific study
was done using various breeds of termites and what mulshes they are attracted
to in order to find a termite resistant mulsh. One of the findings of this
study -- conducted in 1999 showed that the termites tended to stay away from
cypress and redwood mulshes.

There were two other woods that proved to be a termite resistant mulsh. The
melaleuca wood mulsh was not eated by the termites at all. Cypress heartwood
was found to be extremely resistant to termite damage and the termites stayed
away from this type of mulsh as well.

If you want to have a termite resistant mulsh as part of your landscaping
program, look for those made with cypress and redwood. Place a protective piece
of black landscaping plastic on the soil before applying the mulch because
termites live in the soil and can come up into the mulch without the plastic
being laid down. If you are applying the mulsh around your home, choose one
like melaleuca to place closest to the house since that's the mulsh termites
least prefer. It might be a good idea to consider stone instead of mulsh,

Even though stone might be more expensive to landscape with, at least that way
you won't tempt the termites to come for a visit. Mulsh is a nice addition to a
landscaped yard, so look for a termite resistant mulsh made of the woods listed
above so that they aren't as tempted to eat through it. Of course, please
realize that there is no such thing as a one hundred percent termite resistant
mulsh. Just pick one that will keep them away and use the plastic to keep the
termites in the soil and out of your house.

Termite Queen

The common termite is also known as a white ant, and like an ant colony, the
termite colony is ruled by a queen termite. As can be expected by her title,
the termite queen rules the colony and is responsible for its day to day
operations. She is also responsible for proliferating the colony by giving
birth to thousands of new termites each and every day. As any pregnant woman
can tell you, at least it doesn't take nine months to give birth to a termite
baby -- that's way too long! The queen is done with her reproduction
responsibilities within a couple of days.

A termite queen isn't a faithful mate. She will become impregnated by any male
who wants to give his seed to her. However, you will often find that there will
be one specific male who wants to be the queen's king. Once her king has taken
his "throne", you will find them together often. Sort of like my daughter with
whichever guy she met at the bar last night. But I digress.

The amazing thing about the termite queen is that she is able to lay thousands
of eggs every single day. That explains why if you see on termite, you will see
hundreds more. It sure doesn't take long for them to accumulate. When the queen
termite is impregnated, she can grow to almost ten times her regular size. As
you can imagine, that makes it difficult to get around the colony. That is when
the worker termites come into play.

If the termite queen needs to move about, she employs the strength of her
worker termites. It takes a lot of the worker termites just to move the termite
queen a few inches, but they are actually rewarded in the end. The queen bee
secretes a juice from her posterior end which the worker bees then feed on so
they can replenish themselves after their massive job.

The queen termite is the only one in the colony with wings, so she can move
about easily -- of course, assuming she isn't carrying a load of eggs! Unlike
with ant colonies, a termite colony can have several king and queen termites.
While that might seem contradictory to some, but actually, the queens and kings
are bred to fly away from the colony and establish yet another one. That's why
when you have one termite; you've probably got hundreds and even thousands.

The main job of the termite queen is to reproduce other termites so that they
can spread and form their own colonies. While that's not exactly a welcome
thought for those of us who fight termites, for the colonies, it is nirvana.

Termite Pictures

Having termite pictures at your disposal when you think you have a termite
infestation can be a great tool in identifying these horribly devastating
little creatures. You can find termite pictures in many places, but a great
place to start is on the Internet. If you do a quick Google search for "termite
pictures" and then click on the "Images" tab above the search bar, you will have
hundreds and hundreds of termite pictures at your disposal.

Once you have the termite pictures, you can then set about deciding whether or
not you have a termite problem. If you suspect you have termites, look for
burrow holes in damp wood areas and try to see if you can locate insects that
look like ants but are white in color. If they look like small white ants, then
they are worker termites and they will cause the most amount of damage. If you
have one, you have hundreds and eradicating them as quickly as possible is
necessary to minimize any damage to your structure or crops.

There are also winged termites that swarm during certain times of the year. 
These termites are called reproductives and are responsible for laying eggs that 
will insure the continuation of the colony. They look like small ants but with 
wings. Getting rid of these types of termites is important as winged 
reproductives can lay thousands of eggs at one time and hatch time is quick, so 
you can have an infestation grow within a matter of days.

The king and queen termites are also responsible for the continuation of the
colony. The queen also lays her own eggs and can live for over ten years
producing hundreds of eggs each year. The king is responsible for mating with
both the queen as well as the reproductives and he will do so during his entire
life span. They are larger than the other termites -- the queen has a lighter
colored body and the king has a darker colored body. They most often stay in
the colony mound, but then can be found outside the mound as well. Killing the
king and queen won't destroy the colony since other female termites lay eggs as
well and there are other queens ready to take her place.

Look on the Internet or in your local library for termite pictures so that you
can easily identify the various types of termites. Once you know what the
termite looks like, then you can take measures to get rid of them. Termite
pictures will show you the specific qualities of each type of termite and allow
you to take action quickly before they can do a lot of damage.

Termite Mounds

In some regions -- notably arid and tropical savannas, the single termite along
with their colony member will construct extremely large and elaborate mounds
which will house their colonies. These mounds can have very distinctive forms
and are often tall wedge-shaped termite mounds with the long axis oriented
approximately north to south. Actually, this formation has a purpose in their
lives as they show to help in thermoregulation -- or the temperature control
that will allow the termites to live comfortably in a conducive environment to
help them grow and thrive.

There is a column of hot air rising in these above ground termite mounds that
will help drive circulation currents inside the network of the mound thus
keeping it cool enough inside that they can thrive and repopulate. Who doesn't
love a cool environment -- especially when you are trying to live in a place
that is typically warm and humid? That's why termite mounds are so important to
the termite colonies.

Some mounds can reach heights of six feet, but most of them will build their
mounds somewhere around two feet or so. The structure of the termite mounds can
be quite complex. Temperature control is essential for those species that
cultivate fungal gardens. Even for those who don't, much effort and energy is
spent maintaining the colony within a narrow temperature range with a specific
range of a degree or two which makes the living environment comfortable and
wonderful living conditions.

One of the reasons that termite mounds are able to regulate temperature so
consistently is because of the complex system of ducts and holes that they
build within the structure of the structure. What is perhaps one of the more
fascinating facts of the insect world is that there is no other species of
insect that is capable of constructing such an effective structure as the
termite mound.

With literally millions of inhabitants in a single mound, located in a nest
buried approximately a meter beneath the ground, they face a formidable
challenge to ventilate the colony and maintain both temperature and moisture
constants whilst protecting the colony from the harsh environment outside in
which they would perish. These termites are like aliens on our own planet. So
specialized have they become in their method of survival, that they must
construct their habitats with the same due diligence as we would in placing a
human colony on another planet. 

Where we struggle to derive enough energy to thrive with our current
technologies, termites have evolved construction methods which only utilize
renewable energy sources. To us, it is currently inconceivable that renewable
energy resources alone can supply enough energy for our race to thrive in the
face of the growing decline of our non-renewable energy supplies. So how
successful is their race at thriving? There is estimated to be some 500
kilograms of termites for every human alive, which shows they must be doing
something right.

Termite Inspector

A termite inspector is someone who is professionally trained to go into a
structure and look for evidence of termite infestation and damage. Becoming a
termite inspector consists of a certain amount of in-class training as well as
on-the-job experience. Often, the amount of time it takes to get certification
is somewhere in the area of a few weeks. If you are interested in becoming a
termite inspector, you should look for a training program that is certified
with the American Association of Pest Control Services and pick a program that
is within your budget.

There are many advantages to becoming a termite inspector not the least of
which is the income potential. There are homes and buildings everywhere. At
some point, they will all need to have a termite inspection. You can usually
set your own hours and -- depending on where you live -- expect income in the
area of $800 to $1,400 per week depending on how often you work.

Many termite inspectors are also home inspectors which is a great advantage in
the real estate business. All homes that are being sold through a realtor will
probably have a home inspection as well as a termite inspection. If you take
the extra time to become a home inspector as well, your chances of being used
by a realtor are doubled and the more money you will make!

Once you've gotten the appropriate training, you will want to become certified
and join various associations to add to your credibility as a termite
inspector. That way people who are thinking of hiring you will have confidence
in your abilities and they will trust that you are a professional who will do a
good job for them.

From the home owner's point of view, when you want to find a termite inspector,
start with the Yellow Pages. Call several companies and obtain price quotes as
well as what the price includes. Compare the rates you have been given and
choose a company based on the best price with the most reliable credentials.

Once your termite inspector is done with the actual inspection, he or she will
present you with a complete report that will indicate any problem areas or
possible infestations. Don't be afraid to go over anything you don't understand
with your termite inspector. It is important to know what it is on the report
and where you have to concentrate on to make sure that termites don't take over
your home!

Termite Inspection Fraud

Just as with many other construction scams, termite inspection fraud occurs
much more often than it should. That is why you -- as a consumer -- should take
steps to be sure that you don't become a victim of termite inspection fraud.
There are many, many unscrupulous people out there who are just waiting for
someone to fall for their scams. Termite inspection fraud is on the rise which
is why you need to be prepared if, and when, it occurs with you!

One very common termite inspection fraud that happens on an alarmingly regular
basis is when the "inspector" brings in "evidence" of termite infestation such
as waste pellets or shed wings from the reproductive flying termite. It is
similar to the "plant the evidence" scam that some dirty cops use to bust
someone they've been trying to bust for awhile. The purpose of this scam is to
"prove" to you that there are termites in your home. We're willing to bet that
the termite inspector also provides termite eradication services as well.

Another common ruse in termite inspection fraud is for the inspector to point
out damage that they allege was made by termites when in all actuality, it
wasn't. For the common person, seeing and recognizing true termite damage can
be difficult. When you have a scam artist who is pulling a termite inspection
fraud on you, they are usually very good at convincing you that you have a
problem when no problem exists. That can cost you hundreds of dollars that is
spent unnecessarily. A situation like this requires a second opinion.

Termite inspection fraud can also occur when a termite inspector also provide
fumigation services to a homeowner after making their evaluation and
determination that a problem does exist. They will offer you their services and
promise that they will use a specific chemical designed to get rid of termites,
but what they are really using is a cheap knock-off of the real chemical. What
you will get is the removal of some of the termites, but not all of them. That
means re-infestation is going to happen. Ask to see the chemicals that are
being used and be sure that they are in a labeled container.

If you think that you are a victim of termite inspection fraud, you should take
steps to make sure that other people aren't made a victim like you. Call your
Better Business Bureau and even call the police. Your local newspaper can also
be a great tool to help alert the public about termite inspection fraud. If you
have found yourself a victim of termite inspection fraud, take steps to make
sure no one else becomes a victim. And, by all means, be an advocate for your
fellow man!

Termite Inspection Exterior

A termite inspection of the exterior of a building is, of course, a visual
inspection requiring a little knowledge of where the termites might be able to
enter the home and where they are able to live. A termite inspection on the
exterior starts by looking around the foundation of the house and taking note
of any wood on the home that is close the ground. The reason for this is
because termites (and other bugs) love to eat wood. Termites do not eat
concrete or brick, so a house that is solid brick or one that has the
foundation rising at least 36 inches above the ground has a lower risk of being
invaded. By contrast a house that has a wooden frame and wooden siding is higher
risk if the wood is near the ground.

Now that doesn't mean that termites cannot be found in brick houses or ones
with concrete foundations. Termites can be very resourceful at finding their
way through cracks if they believe there might be wood on the other side.
Termites love moisture combined with wood, so a home with water damage anywhere
is more at risk than one without. While it is important to do a visual termite
inspection exterior, you should always also look for signs of termites while
inside the home.

The termite inspection exterior is very convenient for the home owner because
they don't have to home when the inspector is there. The inspector can come out
to your home, perform the inspection and then leave his report in your mailbox
for you to look at when you get home! No scheduling means no hassles for your
termite inspection exterior. Of course, if there is some evidence of termites,
you will probably want to make contact with your inspector to see what he or
she suggests as far as treatment of your home.

You can even do your own termite inspection on the exterior of your home. Of
course, it will be a casual inspection, but as a responsible home owner, you
will want to be very cognizant of what is happening around your home. You, of
course, will need to know what to look for. As said above, look for places
where wood is close to the ground and where there is any moisture that could
attract termites. Note any cracks in the foundation and, most of all, when
doing your exterior termite inspection, look for damage already done such as
small holes or tracks that look like little burrow holes.

Termite Illustrations

If you suspect you may have a termite problem, having termite illustrations on
hand as a reference point can be a very valuable tool. You can find them in
many places including your local library. Simply find a book on termites and
then look at the illustrations that are provided. Most libraries have copy
machines that allow you to make copies for a small fee.

More importantly, and probably much more easily found are the termite
illustrations that you can find on the Internet. I did a Google search and was
able to come across hundreds and hundreds of websites that feature termite
illustrations that show fine detail of termites and what each specific termite
looks like.

You see, within a termite colony, there are five different classifications of
termites and each of them have a unique appearance. Worker termites resemble
ants only they are white instead of black. They have soft bodies and are less
than a centimeter in length. Soldier termites resemble the workers except they
have a larger head with pincers that extend out. Soldier termites are
responsible for protecting the colony.

Winged reproductive termites are even larger than the soldier termite. They are
distinguished by their larger, elongated body and their wings. Winged termites
are known to swarm during certain times of the year and are responsible for
producing and laying eggs that will sustain the colony and replenish its
members. The king and queen termites are close in resemblance and are the
largest in the colony. The king is smaller than the queen and has a darker
color, elongated body. The queen is the largest of the termites and has a very
large, elongated body that is whitish in color. Both the king and queen make
sure the colony is working smoothly along with reproductive responsibilities.

When artists do termite illustrations, they try and include as much detail in
them as possible so that the everyday person will be able to distinguish not
only the termite in general, but the different termites within the colony as
well. Being able to identify specific characteristics of the various members of
a termite colony can help you realize how far your problem has gotten. Once you
compare your insects to the termite illustrations you have accumulated, you can
tell the exterminator how serious the problem is and they can formulate a plan
to get rid of the infestation.

Look for termite illustrations where you can and keep them on hand for easy
reference. It's a good idea if you own any structures or crops because termites
can wreak devastation before you even know it.

Termite Home Treatment

If you own a home, it is so important to pay attention to termite home
treatment so that you can protect not only your investment in that home, but in
your safety inside that home as well. Termites eat wood -- the wood that most
likely constructs the beams that hold up your roof and secure your walls. When
that wood becomes compromised with the damage that termites can wreak by the
holes and tunnels that they dig, your home could literally fall down around
you. That's why termite home treatment is so very important to not only
consider but pursue as well.

It's a good idea to have your home checked for termites at least on a yearly
basis by a licensed pest control professional. They will perform a variety of
tests to determine if your home currently has termites and then they can
recommend a termite home treatment system that will help you get rid of those
termites and minimize the damage they can do. A licensed pest control company
can also make suggestions as to how you can prevent termites from infesting
your home in the first place.

When you go about making the choice for a termite home treatment program, you
need to decide whether or not you want to go for chemical or non-chemical
treatments. If maintaining the environment is a big issue in your personal
agenda, you may want to opt for non-chemicals ways to keep termites away from
your property. A lot of the non-chemical treatments involve using natural
materials to keep termites away and taking steps to make sure that the termites
don't have any food sources. That means keeping areas that might become moist
dry and minimizing the access points for termites to get into your home and
begin feasting on your wood.

If your home is already infested with termites, your only really effective
option is to go with a chemical treatment. Extensive research by this writer
has shown that the only way you can get rid of termites once and for all --
when they have already set up house in YOUR home is with chemicals. Termite
home treatment chemicals aren't as toxic as they once were and often termite
home treatment can be done with a minimum of invasion into your life and little
damage to your health. What the chemicals can -- and will -- do is get rid of
wood eating termites that can devastate your home.

Termite Fumigation Concerns

If you have found yourself with a termite problem and are facing the reality
that you have to get rid of it with chemicals which brings to mind termite
fumigation concerns. After all, you are using strong chemicals which will be
placed in and around places where you and your family live, eat, and breathe.
Having termite fumigation concerns is natural and often, there's really no need
to worry.

One of the most common chemicals used in termite treatment is Vikane which is a
gas that is usually used in conjunction with tenting a home. That means that the
whole home is sealed under a tent-like structure and then the Vikane gas is
pumped into the home and circulated with fans. The tent is then sealed and left
to sit for a day. On the second day, the tent is removed and the house is
allowed to air out. By the third day, you can expect to be able to be let back
into your house. Many people have a lot of termite fumigation concerns when
using this treatment, but the truth is that Vikane gas doesn't stick to objects
like furniture or countertops, and once the gas is aired out, there is only a
small amount of gas that will remain in your home that has been proven safe for
humans to breathe in.

If you are having your home treated with termite control chemicals, your
termite fumigation concerns may be even larger because the chemicals will be
sprayed around you and you will still be inside the home. It's alright to be
concerned, but don't become overly so. Almost all of the chemicals used in
termite fumigation these days are safe for humans to be around. The chemicals
will be injected into the walls of your home and in the crawl space, so you
probably won't have to have direct contact with them and they are OK to breathe
in without suffering any damage to your body.

Some other termite fumigation concerns might include thoughts about the
fumigation itself. In fact, one of the most common questions asked is whether
or not the treatment is effective and will it kill other pests such as spiders
and ants. In answer to the first part of that question, the treatment will be
effective and will often be guaranteed by your pest control company. Fumigation
is a whole house treatment and will get rid of your termite infestation problem.
As long as you continue with annual treatments, your house should remain pest
free. The second part is also easy to answer. The gas used for the fumigation
treatment is meant directly for termites, so, no, it won't get rid of other
pests in the home.

You are perfectly justified to have termite fumigation concerns when it comes
to you and your family. Rest assured that the only ones being hurt in a termite
fumigation are the termites!

Termite Eggs

Just like many other insects, the termite is reproduced through the laying and
hatching of eggs. Unlike the typical male/female dynamic that we, as humans,
know, the queen of the termite colony can become impregnated with eggs from
multiple colony members just so that the society is kept going. In other words,
termites aren't monogamous.

At maturity, a queen termite can lay several thousands of eggs each and every
day. In some species of termites, the queen will actually be able to add an
extra set of ovaries that will produce even more eggs resulting in an enlarged
abdomen along with increased fecundity which is the ability to make more eggs
and produce more offspring. Just as with humans, queen termites will increase
in size to almost one hundred the times of her regular size. During the time of
pregnancy when the female termite is full of eggs, she is effectively
immobilized -- as is to be expected.

What is slightly humorous about the pregnant queen termite is that while she is
immobilized, she has to utilize the "manpower" of the worker termites to move
her. In fact, if she wishes to move from one place to another, it can take
hundreds of worker termites just to move her a few inches. The good news for
those worker termites is that their reward is a juice that is secreted from the
queen's posterior. That's right, they are rewarded with a juice that the queen
termite gives them to drink which revitalizes them and gives them something to
look forward to.

When termite eggs first hatch, they take the form of nymphs, which eventually
turn into different members of the termite colony. The largest part of the
termite colony is made up of worker termites. The wingless worker termites are
blind and most likely to be found in termite infested wood. Soldier termites
are sterile, wingless, blind termites whose sole purpose is to defend the
termite colony.

Termite colonies also contain winged reproductives and supplementary
reproductives all of which produce termite eggs. Winged reproductives use their
swarm intelligence to swarm to a new location during swarm season, where they
shed their wings and pair up to start a new termite colony. Supplementary
reproductives serve as replacements for the termite king or termite queen
should one of them die.

Unfortunately, termite eggs are produced at an alarming rate and one or two
termites can reproduce into hundreds and hundreds within a few days of time. At
that point, those termite eggs start to grow and then begin their destruction on
your structures and/or crops.

Termite Deterrents

Owning a home or a building requires a certain amount of dedication to the
maintenance of that structure which means that you will want to find termite
deterrents that will help keep these foraging insects away from your valued
structure. Termite deterrents are objects, smells, and/or chemicals that will
keep termites from coming into your home and devastating the wood that is the
basis of your structure and can seriously compromise its integrity.

The best termite deterrents come in chemical form. These chemicals are created
specifically to keep termites away from structures and they are extremely
effective when sprayed in typical spaces where termites are known to burrow.
That means that chemical termite deterrents should be applied around the
foundation of a house, underneath the structure in the crawl space, and around
areas where termites would be able to crawl into the structure and begin
feeding. This can be tricky since the worker termite is less than a centimeter
in length and is able to crawl through a miniscule opening to start gathering
food for the colony.

One study done in 2005 has shown some promise that the sap of the sugar pine
tree could be one of the great termite deterrents that you can use. This study
showed that the typical termite was disgusted by the sap of the sugar pine
making it an advancement in natural termite deterrents like no one has been
able to find as of yet.

The sad reality is that termites are amazingly resilient creatures. They look
for a source of food and then are relentless in their pursuit of a feast for
not only themselves but for the rest of their colony as well. They aren't
especially picky in what they eat as long as it is damp, dank, wet, and stinky.
Oh, yes, and it should be made of wood or a wood product as well. What is
frustrating to pest control experts is the lack of effective termite deterrents
that aren't chemical in nature.

As a society, we are tending toward "green" products in order to combat global
warming and saving the ozone layer thus preserving the Earth from all of the
man-made damaging agents we are introducing into the atmosphere. Termite
deterrents that are not chemical are few and far between, however, which is
frustrating for entomologists and scientists alike.

For now, if you are looking for termite deterrents, your best bet is to go to
your local home improvement store and try to find termite bait that you can
place strategically around your home that will, hopefully detract the attention
of the termites away from the wood of your home and into the bait traps you have
set. Other than that, termite deterrents are going to be chemical in nature and
most effective coming from a professional pest control company.

Termite Damage

As a home or building owner, you need to know that termite damage to your
structure can be quite devastating and make that structure dangerous and
weakened. Termite damage can be small and subtle, but when you look around your
property, it can be a little more obvious especially when you know what to look
for. It is a good idea to periodically inspect your property yourself to see if
you can find any termite damage. Even better, you may want to employ the use of
a professional pest control company to do a termite inspection at least once a

To be a responsible property owner means that you need to pay special attention
to what is happening with your building. So, look for termite damage yourself on
a periodic basis and see if you can find any evidence that you may have a
termite problem. The key is that you need to know what to look for first and
where to look.

Termites eat wood, and they especially love damp wood that is close to the
ground, so you need to start looking around the foundation of the structure.
Look for swarms of small flying insects since termites tend to swarm at certain
times of the year. Also look for a small white insect that slightly resembles an
ant. These are worker termites, and they do the most damage to the wood as they
are responsible for gathering the food source for the colony.

Unlike ants, termites do not roam around out in the open. They will either
tunnel through wood (or other material) or else travel inside pencil-size (or
larger) mud tubes that they build from soil, wood particles and other
materials. You will find these tubes on foundation walls, floor joists or other
parts of the house. Tubes may also hang from the floor system or may be found
protruding from cracks between boards and beams and even through holes termites
may chew through sheet rock on walls and ceilings.

If you find evidence of mud tubes, there may be termite damage that is
occurring deep inside your home. You should break open the tubes to see if
termites are still active. An empty tube doesn't necessarily mean that termites
are gone; they may have simply abandoned this particular tunnel. Termites often
rebuild damaged tubes, which is another indication of current activity. 'Old'
tubes are dry and crumble easily, leaving behind "etching" on the surface that
may be visible for years (an indication that a house had termite activity at
some time). Without knowing the inspection history of the house, it is
impossible to tell or guess at the age of tunnels or etching.

When looking for termite damage, you should also look for small holes and
burrow tunnels that are odd in shape and extend along the wood. Termite damage
is easy to recognize when you know what to look for. Be aware that termite
damage can be devastating to your building and the problem needs to be taken
care of as soon as possible.

Termite Apprentice

If you are interested in becoming a termite inspector, a good way to break into
the field is to find a place as a termite apprentice. There are many termite
apprentice programs that are offered by accredited schools and even
universities that only take a couple of days to take. These termite apprentice
programs are in the form of intense classes that will teach you all sorts of
information including termite biology, practical field identification of
wood-destroying organisms, their damage, and the safe use of tools, chemicals,
and other equipment used to rid the home of these devastating insects.

Because these courses are short, they can be quite intense and require a lot of
work. But when you want to become a termite inspector, the termite apprentice
program is a great way to get into the field and know what you're doing right
off the bat. These courses are often not very expensive, but when you consider
the experience that you are able to pick up, you will soon realize that they
are well worth the money.

Once you have taken a termite apprentice course, you will probably want to hook
up with a licensed professional termite inspector and ask if you can be their
termite apprentice so you can gain experience in the field. Many termite
inspectors are happy to take on a termite apprentice -- especially if you are
willing to work with them in the field to help alleviate their work load.
Often, your termite apprentice course will be able to find someone who is
willing to work with you and teach you the business. Sometimes these will be
paid positions and sometimes they won't. What you have to do is weigh the
experience you are getting with the necessity of a paycheck. Some people just
can't sign on to be a termite apprentice because they need the money, so find
someone you trust and talk honestly with them about your expectations as well
as theirs.

Often, when you are trying to get into a new field of work, the best thing you
can do for yourself is get some on-the-job training. Plus, for a termite
inspector, it is a welcome advantage having some help in the field as well. So
if you are interested in the lucrative field of termite inspection, you may
want to seriously check out becoming a termite apprentice. Not only with the
experience be invaluable, but you will learn so much more than you could ever
hope to find from a textbook.

Termite Appearance and Morphology

Knowing termite appearance and morphology is essential in identification of
these pests and eventual eradication of the colony. Most people think of
termites as little white ants, but termite appearance and morphology is so much
more than thinking they are little white ants. In fact, the common termite only
superficially resembles an ant. The reason people think of the termite as white
ants is because of their similar size and social habits.

Like ants, termites live in colonies with very specific structure. Each termite
has a specific job to do in order to make the colony work. Worker termites bring
food back to the mound that is home to colony and they do the most damage to
structures and crops. Soldier termites defend the colony from predators. They
have very strong mandibles and can cause damage to anyone trying to destroy the
colony. Reproductive termites are winged and lay eggs so that the colony is
always growing. The king and queen "rule" the colony and are responsible for
making sure that the colony continues and that all members are doing their jobs.

As far as termite appearance and morphology is concerned, the termite is
softer, whiter, shorter-legged, fatter and generally much slower moving. In all
actuality, they are not even closely related to ants. Ants, along with bees and
wasps, belong to the Order Hymenoptera. Termites are much closer to cockroaches
and mantids, and all three are sometimes clumped into a super order called
Dictyoptera. Some scientists have concluded that termites should be classified
as a family Termitidae within the cockroaches' order Blattodea.

Termites have biting mouthparts, and their soft bodies are small, rarely over
one centimeter in length. Typically, they will occupy dark nests and tunnels
only venturing out when the winged alates emerge to leave the parent colony,
when constructing shelter or when harvesting their food.

The bodies of flying termites are darker while the termites that remain in the
nest or mound are generally white in color with only their heads having color.
The wings of termites are long and slender in pairs that are similarly sized
and shaped. The name of the Order they belong to is derived from their having
equal wings. Isopteron (iso=equal, pteron=wing). The wings are quickly shed
after a flight with a simple body flick when the swarming termites find a new
nest site, pair up, and dig in. The remnant of a termite wing is a distinct
triangle, but they are small, so don't try looking for one too hard!

Knowing about termite appearance and morphology can help you identify termites
around structures and in crops. Once you are able to determine you have a
termite problem, you can take steps to eradicate them before they cause too
much damage.

Termidor Termite Treatment vs. Sentricon

There is a current debate right now in the pest control industry as to whether
or not Termidor termite treatment vs. Sentricon termite treatment is better.
These are two very popular termite control chemicals and Termidor termite
treatment vs. Sentricon can bring about some heated debates in the bug control
business. So what do you think? I suppose we should give you a little
background information first.

The Sentricon System consists of a series of bait stations surrounding the
perimeter of your house. The pest control company periodically monitors these
stations and, once they detect termite activity, they replace the wood bait
with a poison that is supposed to wipe out the colony. Sentricon is probably
the most 'green' solution out there, but its effectiveness has also been
brought into question by a number of so-called experts.

That's the first part of the Termidor termite treatment vs. Sentricon debate.
So what is the Termidor system?

Termidor is a chemical termiticide that provides a soil barrier surrounding
your house. Published reviews of Termidor say that it is far more effective
than Sentricon, and not particularly dangerous to people. Termidor costs about
$50 more than Sentricon up front, but the annual contract, which covers
monitoring, periodic reapplication, if necessary, and repair of any termite
damage is about $150 less for Termidor as compared to Sentricon.

It is obvious that Sentricon is the more eco-friendly solution to the problem
of termites. However, it might not be as effective as other chemicals out
there. Termidor, on the other hand, introduces chemicals into your yard as well
as into the soil that surrounds your structure. Some people feel that any
chemicals that are exposed to people are horrible not only for the environment
so they oppose the use of Termidor.

So when we consider the Termidor termite treatment vs. Sentricon termite
treatment debate, the choice really isn't clear. Our job isn't to sway you
towards one or the other. It depends on your point of view and what you feel is
the best choice for you. If you are committed toward living a clean, green
lifestyle, then you will want to choose Sentricon. If you're more interested in
making sure that termites don't infest your home, then you might want to
consider Termidor for its effectiveness.

As new chemicals begin to emerge onto the pest control scene, there is likely
to be debate. That's why it's no surprise that the Termidor termite treatment
vs. Sentricon debate rages on. It's likely to keep raging as well. Choose your
side and argue to your heart's content.

St.Pete termite

If you live in the great state of Florida and find that you have a termite
problem, you are very lucky since you have easy access to one of the premier
termite eradication companies in the state -- St. Pete Termite. This amazing
company is located in St. Petersburg, Florida and is a member of the Fumigation
Advisory Council of Florida. St. Pete Termite has also received numerous awards
including the prestigious Commitment to Excellence Certification in tent
fumigation by Dow Agrosciences.

St. Pete termite has been in business since 1946 and has committed themselves
to providing termite fumigation services to the people of Florida on a large
scale. They have state of the art technology for termite and general pest
control and keep up-to-date with any new technologies that might come about
from research and testing in the field of pest control. Their employees are
highly trained and they offer up guarantees that assure you will be getting the
best service and rid you of your pest problems.

When St. Pete Termite was founded, their owners wanted to fill a gap in the
pest control industry. What they wanted to do was give Floridians a choice in
who they wanted to take care of their termite problem -- a company who could do
the job effectively versus a company who could come into your home and do the
best they could without any type of promise or guarantee that the job would be
done correctly and efficiently.

One of the great things about St. Pete Termite is that they specialize in tent
fumigation. What that means is that if you have a termite infestation, they
will come in and spray your home with the most effective chemicals on the
market. They will then erect a tent around the area that has been treated and
allow those chemicals to go to work and get rid of your termite problem.

This company is one of the premiere termite and pest
control companies in the greater Tampa Bay area. They have successfully
fumigated all sorts of structure like high-rise towers, commercial buildings,
boats, condominiums, and even mobile homes. St. Pete Termite is a company that
takes pride in their work and does every single thing that they can do to
eradicate a termite problem and save your structure.

Something to keep in mind about St. Pete Termite is that they are fully
licensed and sanctioned in the state of Florida. That means that the Florida
government deems them able to provide the services that they advertise and that
they do so with an amazing sense of accuracy. If you are in Florida and want to
contact St. Pete Termite, go to their website at

Pictures of Termite Damage

If you think you might have a problem with termites, it can be advantageous to
have pictures of termite damage that you can refer to when you are looking
around your home for evidence. Having pictures of termite damage to refer to
can help you look for the same types of damage in your own home and that can be
extremely helpful so that you know exactly what to look for.

Termites can cause an alarming amount of damage to the wood of a structure.
They can decimate the foundation and the wood that holds the home together
making it unsafe to live in and leading to possible hundreds of dollars of
damage in repairs. Pictures of termite damage can be found in many places, but
your best bet is to look on the Internet. Use your favorite search engine and
type in the words "pictures of termite damage". You will find hundreds of
pictures out there on the World Wide Web and you may be shocked at what you
find in those images.

What might be even more disturbing when looking at pictures of termite damage
is realizing that the same type of damage could be happening in your home and
you may not even know it! Termites can be devastating to homes and buildings
made of wood. They can infest in seconds and where there is one, there are
hundreds. The worker termites burrow through the wood gathering food for the
rest of the colony that will sustain them and help the colony grow.

Another advantage to having pictures of termite damage is so that you have a
reference point when doing a self-check of your home to see if you might have a
termite problem. The termites leave very specific trails and evidence when they
have been someplace. Referring to pictures of termite damage that you have
found can make identification easier. Once you've identified a possible
problem, then you can take steps toward getting a professional inspection and
start treatment right away.

Pay special attention to pictures of termite damage and realize that the
devastation that these insects can cause is almost unimaginable. The key to
locating and eradicating termites is to educate yourself about these wood
boring pests. That's why you should find pictures of termite damage and realize
that without knowing what to look for, you may be clueless and be unable to
identify a possible problem. Then you can take steps to make sure that your
home doesn't end up as one of the pictures of termite damage on the Internet.

Photos Termite Damage Infestation

If you suspect that you may have a termite problem, it can be helpful to find
some photos of termite damage infestation to help you realize not only what
could happen to your home, but also what to look for when you are inspecting
your home. There are many places you can find photos of termite damage
infestation, but the best place to start with is on the Internet. Many pest
control companies are committed to educating the home owner on termites and
termite damage, so they publish photos of termite damage infestation on their
websites so the average person knows what termites can do to a structure.

Use your favorite search engine and enter "photos termite damage infestation".
If you use Google, they have a separate section above the search box that says
"Image". Click on that and you will find hundreds of photos of termite damage
infestation. It can help if you print out these pictures so that you can have a
reference point when you start looking in your home for evidence of termites.
Any responsible home or building owner needs to periodically look around the
structure to try and find any evidence of termite damage. If your home or
building has termites, you absolutely must take steps to eradicate the problem
before they take over your home and cause irreparable damage.

Photos of termite damage infestation can be quite shocking when you see them.
When the termites eat through the wood of a structure and are left untreated to
do their work, they can literally eat through an amazing amount of wood that can
structurally damage the building and make it unsafe to live in. Then the repairs
that must be made can be extremely expensive and often extensive. That's why you
should take steps to look at photos of termite damage infestation to spur you
towards not only having your home inspected for termites, but also to pursue
treatment of the home so that you don't find yourself with the same damage
shown in the photos.

The last thing you want to have happen is to have your home taken over by these
damaging insects. They are a fact of life in the world of nature, and while they
serve no useful purpose, they're not going away. Find photos of termite damage
infestation and remember what is shown in those photos. Then take steps to make
sure that your home doesn't show up in the photos of termite damage infestation
on the Internet as well.

Phantom Termite Treatment

One of the most effective products on the market today in the field of pest
control is Phantom termite treatment used for the extermination and prevention
of termite infestation. Phantom termiticide-insecticide is a remarkable termite
control product, employing the world's most advanced termite pest control
technology. It is also the most vital component of an effective termite
treatment plan.

In some of the most extensive testing a pest control product has ever been
subjected to, Phantom has consistently proven to provide superior termite
control under almost any condition. And, Phantom is proving to be highly
impressive at keeping termites from coming back. Long-term field trials by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service showed no signs of re-infestation
at over 98% of study sites seven years after treatment by Phantom.

Phantom termite treatment is highly flexible, utilizing effective non-repellent
technology. In fact, nearly 500 Experimental Use Permit trials on actual
real-world structures have proven Phantom effective against every key
subterranean termite species- even in structures where other leading
termiticides have failed. Phantom termite treatment came onto the market in
2001, and since then, it has had consistently proven to be overly effective in
the treatment and eradication of termites.

As most homeowners know, termites can cause huge, devastating damage to a wood
structure. Often, that damage can cost hundreds to repair if it is even
repairable. That's why it is so important to have a termite treatment plan for
your structure that you stick to faithfully. Once termites get into the wood of
your structure and take over, it's not all that difficult to get rid of them and
prevent them from coming back.

Pest control companies all over the country agree that Phantom termite
treatment is one of the best termiticides on the market and should always be
included in all termite treatment programs that they develop. Phantom termite
treatment has even been called revolutionary because of its effectiveness in
preventing and getting rid of termites.

You should not try to get rid of termites on your own. This is a complex
project that requires certain skills that the everyday person doesn't have.
Working with pesticides such as Phantom termite treatment requires special
training which is why you really need to have the services of a professional
pest control company treat your home. And when you call the pest control
company, be sure to let them know you want them to treat your home with Phantom
termite treatment. Let them know you want nothing but the best for your home and
Phantom termite treatment is just that -- the best!

Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form

The National Pest Management Association is the association that licensed and
professional termite inspectors belong to, and they will provide to each pest
control agent the NPMA-33 Termite Inspection Form that must be completed at the
end of each termite inspection that they do. Completion of the form will give
both the NPMA information about the inspection and it will allow the homeowner
as well as the termite inspector have a record of the inspection as it was done
and what was found during the inspection. The Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form
can be found in a variety of places including certain pest control software
that many termite inspectors use to keep track of their business.

The Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form is most often used during real estate
transactions to provide evidence either of a termite infestation or evidence
that the home is clean. It can be request by the buyer, the seller, or the real
estate agent. The Npma-33 Termite Inspection Form is easy to use and easy to
understand, but here are some of the finer points you should know about.

The first section of the Npma-33 termite inspection form gives general
information about the location of the property being inspected and the specific
areas being inspected. The name of the inspection company, address, and phone
number will also be displayed as well as their business license number. The
license number is the number given to the inspection company by the state they
are registered in that gives them the permission to conduct pest control
services according to your state's guidelines.

After this section of the NPMA-33 termite inspection form, there should be some
general information about the property being inspected including the address,
the seller's name, the buyer's name, and the date of the inspection. Included
in this section of the NPMA-33 termite inspection form is the name of the
inspector, his or her signature, license number, and credentials as issued by
the state the inspection is taking place in.

Finally, we get to the "meat" of the NPMA-33 termite inspection form. This is
where the findings are listed specifically. This section can include diagrams
-- and actually, it should. These diagrams will show any infestations and any
potential problem areas that should be concentrated on. This part of the
NPMA-33 termite inspection form should also list what types of pests are -- or
could be a problem -- and any suggestions as to how to eradicate any existing
or possible problems.

The NPMA-33 termite inspection form should be completed in its entirety and
presented to any interested parties upon completion of the inspection. The
NPMA-33 termite inspection form should be completely filled out and have no
spaces left blank. After that, preventative treatment can commence or repair
work can begin.

Natural Termite Treatment

Many people are very cognizant about the chemicals that we use to control pests
which is why there is a new trend toward natural termite treatment to rid our
structures of these pesky and damaging insects. While the use of chemicals is
the most effective way to get rid of termites, you can still take measure with
natural termite treatment to minimize the damage and keep termites out of your
home or building.

Natural termite treatment is the use of termite prevention and control without
chemical use. Instead, physical controls are installed during construction such
as sand barriers or metal termite shields. If termite infestation does occur,
least toxic methods of treatment are used. What that means is that natural
termite treatment is geared toward keeping those pests out instead of killing
those who have already gotten in.

What you really need to do is use natural termite treatment to prevent termites
from coming into your structure in the first place. That means you won't use
chemicals to keep those pesky termites away, but you will use certain
strategies to make sure that they have no food sources that will attract them
to your place.

One of the first things you can do in natural termite treatment is to remove
any source of chronic moisture since termites are attracted to damp wood for
their food source. Moist soil is necessary for termites to survive. Termites
travel back and forth between soil and food sources because they must obtain
moisture from the soil. In addition, capillary action and water vapor buildup
can result in excessive dampness which can actually wick through a concrete
slab or masonry foundation to the wood framing above it, thus attracting

In above-ground foundations, moisture barrier films such as 6 mil polyethylene
can be used to cover the area under the structure. This will help decrease
moisture buildup in sub-flooring. Foundation wall vents should be placed to
provide cross ventilation for homes with crawl spaces. If re-grading or
remodeling covers vents, additional vents may be needed. Some experts recommend
the use of moisture barriers under slab foundations as well in natural termite
treatment programs.

Areas subject to moisture build-up, such as bathrooms, should be given special
attention since they are likely to be attack areas. Areas under tubs and drains
leading to the exterior (such as air conditioner drains) should be considered
vulnerable spots. This is a very important part of natural termite treatment
since elimination of moisture will take away the termite's food source and they
won't come for a visit!

Natural termite treatment is a great way to keep our environment healthy and
ecologically sound. We should do what we can to make sure that our Earth
survives despite our use of chemicals -- and natural termite treatment is a
great place to start!

Infrared Technology and Termite Inspection

One of the most exciting innovations in the pest control industry is the use of
infrared technology and termite inspection. Infrared technology is used to
detect heat in small spaces and is perfect for use in the termite inspection
because it can detect colonies that are massed together and make it easier for
the pest control operator to pinpoint the location of the infestation and
effectively get rid of the problem in one fell swoop.

Finding termites can be difficult, yet knowing where they are located is
important when deciding on the correct eradication program. The traditional
method is to simply tap on the wood with the back of a screwdriver, or to poke
holes in walls or even pull them apart. Infrared technology and termite inspect
now offers a new, high technological detection system that is quick, effective
and does not require any damage to houses.

Infrared technology and termite inspection is being used with an increased
frequency because it can easily detect the presence of termites by simply
inserting a small camera at the end of a thin rod and then manipulating the
camera around to find the termite swarms. Because termites mass together to
work on the wood, where there is one, there is always more. That's why infrared
technology and termite inspection go hand in hand.

Thermal imaging technology detects heat patterns. When termites invade
buildings, the normal heat patterns of the walls, floors and roof are changed
due to the presence of termites. The thermal camera records this change in heat
patterns and indicates the exact location of any termite infestation. A color
image shows hot spots as red or yellow and cold spots as blue or purple and
these heat patterns indicate termite infestations. That means that infrared
technology and termite inspection can be much more effective than the normal
ways of doing a termite inspection.

However, termites are considered cold blooded insects, so how can they generate
heat? Termites are hosts to bacteria, which live in their gut, and these
bacteria help break down and digest cellulose, the main component of wood. It
is this digestion and chemical reaction that generates the heat. That's why
infrared technology and termite inspection makes the location of termites much
easier thus allowing the pest control company to target the specific areas
where termites are located and make the treatment effective. The pest control
company that pairs infrared technology and termite inspection together is one
that is highly effective and employing the latest tools in pest control so that
they can do a great job for you -- the consumer.

Infrared Cameras and Termite Identification

There is an exciting new technology that has come about in the world of termite
infestation that involves infrared cameras and termite identification. The
invention currently has a patent pending, but it is causing a real buzz in the
world of pest control. It's amazing that a connection was not made earlier
between using infrared cameras and termite identification. Infrared cameras
have been around for quite some time, so when this new invention was brought
onto the market, many pest control companies began embracing the technology as
a legitimate way to find termite infestation and combat the problem before it
gets out of control.

Termites are extremely destructive to wood material. Termites attack and
destroy wood almost everywhere in the world, with the exception of climate
zones that experience hard freezing. There are close to fifty species of
termites in the United States, the majority of losses to wood material being
caused by subterranean species. It is difficult to put a dollar amount estimate
on termite damage. However, renowned termite scientist Dr. Nan Yao Su at the
University of Florida has estimated that the total annual cost of termite
control and damage repair for the United States alone was $11 billion in 1999.

When trying to determine if there is a termite infestation in a structure, it
can be a bit difficult. Only about thirty percent of wood in a structure is
visible. Since termites like dark, damp places, they are likely lurking is
parts of the structure that are not easily seen. Therefore, there needs to be
another method of detection which involves tapping the surface of the wood
while listening for a characteristic sound indicative of an underlying gallery
void. When a suspected area is located, the inspector applies a sharp probe,
such as a screwdriver, to break the wood surface and locate wood galleries and
live termites.

This method has significant disadvantages. The confirmation of an active
infestation requires some localized damage to the wood. Also, when termites are
exposed in this manner, the destruction induces termites to retreat from the
disturbed area and may reduce the effectiveness of a subsequent localized
treatment. For quite some time now, pest control experts have been longing for
a less invasive way to find termites in a structure which is why it only makes
sense to connect infrared cameras and termite identification.

Infrared cameras seek out areas of heat to identify the presence of various
objects making termite identification easier and more effective. Since termites
are living, breathing organisms, they do have a certain amount of heat within
their bodies. You will never have just one termite in one area; you will have
hundreds, so the heat they generate as a group is easily visible with an
infrared camera. The inspector simply inserts a small tube with a camera on the
end of it into any small area to see if they can detect excessive areas of heat
thus indicating a termite infestation.

Infrared cameras and termite identification have taken the pest control field
to new heights and have opened up all sorts of new doors in the field of
termite treatments.

Homemade Termite Killer

For those people who are ecologically conscious, finding a way to make a
homemade termite killer might become a priority if termites are around your
house or you think you might be susceptible to termite infestation. The most
effective way to get rid of termites is with chemicals, but some people just
aren't comfortable with using chemicals which has prompted them to try and find
a homemade termite killer that will be effective and easy to use. Unfortunately,
there is no easy homemade termite killer that has proven to be as effective as

But that doesn't mean there isn't a way to get rid of termites without the use
of chemicals. Termites are resilient creatures who simply look for a food
source and "go to work". The best homemade termite killer you can employ is to
remove their food source. That means getting wet wood dry, cleaning up damp
leaves around the base of your home, and making sure that there are no
miniscule entryways for termites to enter your home and begin their damage.

Unlike other pests, you can't sprinkle some hot pepper sauce on them or spray
them with a vinegar and water mixture to kill them. They'll live through it and
continue to breed despite your best efforts. Don't try these methods as they
will only cause you frustration and make you angry that you can't use a
homemade termite killer to get rid of these unwelcome guests.

One web page that we found suggests that you take a cardboard box and wet it
down. Then you place it around your home and monitor it. Termites like soft
food and the weakened cardboard -- that is made of wood -- makes it a great
buffet for invading termites. Once you find termites in the damp cardboard,
take it somewhere and burn it and then continue the process. It takes
diligence, but eventually, you'll gain control -- at least somewhat.

Another poster on this web page went to a local home improvement store and
bought some termite bait for $18.88. She placed it around the foundation of her
home and changed it as the box said. Since she monitored it faithfully and
changed the bait according to directions, she found that she didn't get a
termite problem at all. What is funny about her story is that a pest control
company came out to assess her home and give her an estimate on how she could
control termites. Their estimate was over $1,300! In her quest for a homemade
termite killer, she found a commercial product that worked just as well as a
pest control company's but for much, much, much less the cost.

Use common sense when trying to come up with a homemade termite killer and be
diligent about your efforts. If you take the time to pay attention to your
home, you will eventually be able to come up with a homemade termite killer
that will meet all of your needs and keep your home safe.

Do It Yourself Termite Treatment

In general, it is not recommended that you undertake a do it yourself termite
treatment program for termite infestation. Getting rid of termites requires the
use of powerful chemicals and it can be dangerous for anyone to try and
manipulate these chemicals without the special training that goes along with
them. A do it yourself termite treatment program also requires that you know
what areas around your structure to target so that you can be most effective in
getting rid of these pesky insects.

However, if you are an avid fan of doing things on your own, you can try a do
it yourself termite treatment, but do so with the most information you can get
first. You must know where the termites are (if you already have them) and
where to target to get rid of them. If you are just doing a preventative do it
yourself termite treatment, you'll have to know what areas to spray so the
termites won't come in and start infesting your structure. If you miss even one
small space, you will risk a termite invasion, so you must be well prepared and

First, you will need to find some type of pesticide product. There is a very
helpful website online at that offers up not
only advice for a do it yourself termite treatment program, but they also offer
the appropriate chemicals you will need to get the job done. Their latest
recommendation is a chemical called Termidor which has been proven to be one
hundred percent effective in tests and trials at environmental test sites.
That's one heck of a guarantee, isn't it?

Many do it yourself termite treatments call for the use of termite baits.
Instead of injecting chemicals into the soil which will only last a few years,
you can now place termite bait directly into the ground around the outside of a
structure which the termites will find, feed on and die. The technology of
termite bait systems are constantly changing and improving.

Baiting colonies of termites is simple and can also be used as a monitoring
tool to detect termites where they are not yet a problem. Termite baits
eliminate and control in conditions where the structure is untreatable with
soil termiticides (near a body of water for example), or there is a concern
about pesticide use, and even in structures where soil treatments have failed.

Just take caution when you are undertaking a do it yourself termite treatment.
Often, it is best left up to professionals, but you can do it yourself as long
as you do your research first and take caution with the chemicals you must use.

Building Structural Repair for Termite Damage in NJ

Just as in all parts of the country, finding a company that can do building
structural repair for termite damage in NJ isn't a difficult thing to do. There
are many pest control companies that will assess your home as well as the damage
that has been done. Then it is up to you to find a contractor that specializes
in building structural repair for termite damage in NJ. A general contractor
will do, but it is best to find a company that has experience in this specific
type of construction.

Termites can do some pretty devastating damage to a structure that can result
in thousands of dollars of damage. They eat through the wood that frames the
home or building making the structure un-solid and thus dangerous to inhabit.
That is why it is so important to have that damage fixed as soon as you find it
and have it assessed. The first step you should make when looking for a place
that will do building structural repair for termite damage in NJ is to look in
the Yellow Pages or online and call them for estimates. Most companies will do
a free estimate and give you a ballpark idea of how much it will cost to repair
the damage done by the termites.

You should get several estimates first and then look into the company's
credentials. Are they members of any professional associations? Are they
licensed, bonded, and insured? Will they offer any type of guarantee for their
work? Ask questions about what specifically is going to be done to repair the
damage. You don't want any surprises when they show up to work. They will be
able to tell you if you will be able to remain in the building or if you have
to vacate it during the repair process.

We were able to find many places that offer building structural repair for
termite damage in NJ just by doing a quick Google search. Check out these
company's websites and see what they have to offer. You may also want to ask
your pest control company who they recommend. They work with these types of
contractors all the time, and will probably be able to point you toward a
reputable company.

Finding a good, reliable company for building structural repair for termite
damage in NJ really is not a difficult proposition. Use all the resources you
have at your fingertips and choose a company based on reputation, guarantee of
service, and your comfort level in working with them. You'll be able to have a
few choices in those who specialize in building structural repair for termite
damage in NJ, so look around and take your time -- but not too much time! If
you have termites present in your building, they will continue to do damage
until they are removed!

Bayer Termite Control

One of the most well-known pest control chemical companies in the pest control
business is Bayer Termite Control. The Bayer Termite Control Company produces
one of the most trusted and most effective chemicals in the termite eradication
business -- Premise. This chemical has been proven to get rid of termites
effectively with just one application and then with annual applications, it can
keep termites away for good.

The Bayer Termite Control Company has worked hard to develop the Premise
chemical for termite control and they have come up with a product that is
trusted by pest control companies all over the country. Bayer termite control
conducted extensive studies on the Premise product before they released it for
sale over seven years ago. What they found was that Premise performed much
better than comparable chemicals on the market which was very exciting for them.

After releasing Premise for commercial use, Bayer termite control almost
instantly became one of the most trusted and respected termite chemical company
in the business. They pride themselves on their products and even offer an
iron-clad guarantee to companies who use their product.

Part of the Bayer termite control guarantee has terms and conditions of the
guarantee that states in effect if Premise fails to stop termites at any time
within seven years of initial treatment, Bayer termite control will reimburse
up to one hundred percent of product and labor costs involved in re-treatment
to a maximum of $1000 for residential accounts and $5000 for commercial

Bayer termite control will also guarantee to pay the termite controller's
damage claim insurance deductible up to $500 per structure". It is a condition
of this guarantee that annual inspections are carried out by the same company
installing the Premise termiticide soil treatment. There are very few companies
who are that confident of their product that they will offer up a guarantee that
is as good as this one!

When you use the Premise chemicals produced by Bayer termite control, you can
be assured that you are getting effective treatment of your termite problem and
that the problem will not be coming back! Not only is that peace of mind,
that is unfailingly knowing that your home will be protected from termite
damage because you were smart enough to trust a company like Bayer termite
control. You've made an investment in your home, so you owe it to yourself and
your home to use the best products to keep it safe and sound. Using Bayer
termite control is a good choice!

Amount of Damage a Termite Can Do

As a homeowner, you may be surprised at the amount of damage a termite can do.
Even though these pesky insects are less than a centimeter in length, the
amount of damage a termite can do far outweighs its small size. There is never
just one termite inside a home -- there are hundreds and hundreds. The worker
termites are the ones who eat through the wood to provide nourishment to the
rest of the colony, and they can really wreak havoc on a wood structure.

Termites eat wood and cellulose materials. They are especially attracted to wet
or damp wood in dark places. They burrow into the wood by gnawing through the
material and making trails through the wood that can weaken the wood itself
causing problem with the integrity of the wood. The amount of damage a termite
can do is multiplied by the fact that there is more than one termite working on
the wood. They work together to get food for the colony and thus cause a huge
amount of damage to your structure.

Most places that are targeted by termites within a structure are the wood beams
and frames, window sills, sub floors, and door frames. When you look for the
damage and know what to look for, you'll be able to realize the amount of
damage a termite can do to a home. It can be very surprising and even shocking.
The first step toward saving your home or building is education. Know what to
look for and how it can work against your home when you have a termite

One woman tells us that she had no idea about the amount of damage a termite
can do. She never even thought about it until she felt a floorboard that was
loose. She went outside and saw a swarm of bugs around the foundation of her
house, and she began to do some research. A pest control company was called in
and she found out that she did, indeed, have a termite infestation. What
surprised her the most was when the termite inspector showed her the amount of
damage that a termite could do as she looked into the hole the inspector had
cut into her wall. She was amazed and shocked.

Don't let yourself wonder about the amount of damage a termite can do. Do your
research either in the library or online. Realize that if you have termites,
they can really wreak havoc on your home or building and cause damage that
could cost hundreds of dollars to repair. The amount of damage a termite can do
is overwhelming, but you can stop the problem in its tracks if you act fast. So
get busy!

Allstate Indemnity Coverage and Termite Damage

There are many questions that have arisen in our courts regarding Allstate
indemnity coverage and termite damage that have caused policy holders some real
headaches. Basically, an indemnity policy is a protection again future loss for
a property owner that may be filed by another person. Most of the time, a
problem comes into play during a real estate transaction in the case of termite
damage. In fact, there was a case involving Allstate Indemnity Coverage and
Termite Damage that was filed by a buyer against a seller several years ago.

Essentially what happened in that case is that the buyer of a piece of property
found out that there was termite damage to a home. They sued the sellers for not
disclosing the problem at which time, the seller tried to fall back on their
Allstate indemnity coverage and termite damage clause in the policy. Allstate
denied the claim thus making the seller responsible for fixing the damage and
compensating the buyers. The buyers also had Allstate insurance and tried to
file again their own homeowner's policy which was also subsequently denied.

At that point, the buyers and sellers teams up to file their own suit against
Allstate for breach of conditions in the policy that they believed covered them
against structural damage due to termites. Allstate, of course fought back and
argued that a homeowner's policy generally doesn't cover termite damage to a
structure and will pay only if another party is harmed. The Allstate indemnity
coverage and termite damage clause did not, they argued, cover pre-existing
termite damage and no one was physically injured so the lawsuit should be

After a lot of legal wrangling, a settlement was reached, but that lawsuit
caused a lot of insurance companies to more specifically spell out the exact
terms of their indemnity coverage when it comes to termite damage. The Allstate
indemnity coverage and termite damage case made a lot of home owner's policies
change quite a bit and now most indemnity policies don't offer much coverage at
all unless there is physical injury directly caused by termite damage on a

Allstate indemnity coverage and termite damage actually did many homeowners a
favor by spelling out specifically what is covered and what is not. The lawsuit
may have been an eye-opener for the insurance industry that ended up working out
to the advantage of the home owner as opposed to the big business of the
insurance industry.

Advance Termite System

One of the most popular termite control products that is on the market today is
the Advance termite system. The Advance termite system is a bait control product
that is placed in certain places around the perimeter of your home and is
non-invasive to the home itself. With some termite control products, the
landscaping must be disturbed or holes must be drilled into your home's slab
base. The Advance termite system doesn't require any of this.

The bait that is used in the Advance termite system is placed and locked into
secure stations that don't allow access by unwanted guests. That means that
this bait is safe to have around children and pets. The bait is specifically
tailored to catch termites before they get into your home and start to
devastate the wood that your structure is built with.

The Advance termite system will kill the entire colony or colonies that are
attacking or could attack your home. This is advantageous because chemical
treatments only address parts of the colony -- not the entire colony. If you
ignore part of the colony, you will risk the continuation of termite damage and
infestation, so it is best to eliminate them entirely and have peace of mind
that you won't have future problems.

The Advance termite system provides home and building owners with the latest
advancement in termite bait technology by utilizing a dual-stage process. This
process features and ultra low disturbance design to pattern the termite's
natural feeding behaviors. That alone will lead to enhanced colony elimination.
The Advance termite system also has a unique second food source that has been
shown to be preferred by termites over the wood used in most home along with
other baiting systems.

With a baiting system used to eliminate termites, you need to provide the
termites with a maximum amount of food to detract them from the wood in your
structure. The Advance termite system uses a very large containerized bait load
which allows for maximum bait to be fed to the colony in a shorter time frame.
This allows for elimination of the colony faster and gives you a peace of mind
that other baiting systems can't provide.

The baiting stations provided by the Advance termite system are very sturdy.
This is advantageous because it minimizes the possibility of tampering or
damage from lawn mowers, children, and pets. The Advance termite system is
definitely one of the more non-invasive options you can consider for termite
control and one you should consider because of its proven ability to eliminate
entire colonies of termites and protect your valuable home.

Termite Poems

Believe it or not, the termite has actually had poems written for it. Poetry
can be written about any subject -- as any good writer knows. But when you
think about writing poems for a termite, that just seems a little too strange
even for the most seasoned writer. In reality, there are some termite poems
that exist. Most are humorous and we'll share just a few we've found.

Famed humorist Ogden Nash is well known for his hilarious short poetry and
sharp witticisms on human life. While he hasn't written many poems to the
termite, he did write one that has been studied by students in many grades and
evaluated for its social relevance as well as humorous quality. His poem "The
Termite" is as follows:

Some primal termite knocked on wood
And tasted it, and found it good!
And that is why your Cousin May
Fell through the parlor floor today.

This is considered one of the great poems of its time and for it to be about a
termite makes it humorous in and of itself. It is a simple four line poem that
rhymes yet says a lot about the way a termite works. The poem brings a sense of
humor to the actual destruction that a termite can wreak on a home.

Mr. Nash has been known to write poems about obscure subjects which is why it
really is no surprise to fans of his that he would write "The Termite". He has
a unique way of looking at a seemingly mundane topic and putting a spin on it
so that it becomes interesting.

When you dissect "The Termite", you will realize that this is one of Mr. Nash's
most prolific poems simply because it is simple, funny, and so, so true. He is
telling us that a termite found a piece of wood and thought it looked like a
good piece of food. Of course, termites eat wood so when they chew through it,
the wood becomes unstable and then poor Cousin May fell through the floor
because that doggone termite decided to have dinner!

Of all poems written in the world over the years, there are precious few that
have been written about the common termite. But Ogden Nash decided that there
needed to be at least one. So, as this writer imagines, he sat down at his desk
with a small notepad and jotted down 26 little words and made one of his poems
about a little termite one of the most studied ones around. Bravo, Mr. Nash,

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