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Sponsorship 101 -- Knowing the Basics

Marketing strategies have, over the years, evolved into an arena of different
tactical methods in promoting products that range from people to things. One
such method, which has been growing at a rapid speed, is sponsorship.

Although it's still in what we may consider in its 'infancy stage', numerous
companies have adapted the use of sponsorship as one of their major promotional
tools. But what exactly is this tool?

Below are the basics of this marketing strategy -- a run down of what
sponsorship is and what it encompasses.

The low-down of sponsorship

Basically, sponsorship is a business connection or relationship between two
parties, wherein one provides support for the other. These parties may be an
individual person, a group of people, or a whole organization. Applicable terms
to designate the nature of each party may be termed as sponsor and sponsee or
rights holder.

The word 'sponsor' simply indicates a person or organization willing to
represent and vouch for a certain thing, individual, or group. Relatively, 'to
sponsor' would mean to give support. The sponsor's support may be through
providing funds, products, or services to the 'sponsee'.

The 'sponsee's' role, on the other hand, creates itself as the representative
of the sponsor. Their main duty is to promote the name of the sponsor, be it a
large company or individual. Their exposure would usually be through
advertising and media avenues, and in turn promote the sponsor's name and the
product or service they provide.

This business relationship that is created is a partnership between the two
parties and is naturally aimed to be in the long-term. The longer the business
relationship lasts, the greater the benefits and value that can be acquired by
both sponsor and 'sponsee'.

Kinds of sponsorship

Marketing extensively spans throughout every business venture; and because of
this there are many kinds of sponsorships available to individuals and
organizations. The following sponsorships below are business areas that
popularly make use of sponsorships in their promotional strategies.

Educational Sponsorship

Sponsorship in education can take on several types of support by a third-party
individual or organization that wishes to partner with an educational
institution. The forms of sponsorship in education can be through supporting a
student's stay within the school; providing books and educational materials for
students; sponsoring for uniforms, equipment and the like; and so on.

Sports Sponsorship

Sports sponsorship may be considered as one of the most popular and
media-covered kind of sponsorship, in which it allows large companies or
corporations to support athletes or a sport organization through a variety of
services. These services include sponsoring major events and/or games,
providing athletes with necessary equipment, gears, nutritional needs, etc. All
these bear the sponsor's name, which in turn benefits them by letting their
'sponsees' advertise for them by wearing or using their name.

Arts Sponsorship

Sponsorship in the arts may not be as well known or media-covered to that of
sports sponsorship, but rather attract a specific type of attention. Sponsoring
for art events are for organizations that hold a certain image or brand. These
are often upheld for brand exclusivity and/or luxury, independent of popularity

Television and Radio Sponsorship

An organization or individuals funding for television and radio programs is
making use of media as their avenue for being known or recognized. Sponsorship
of this kind reaches a lot of potential consumers, clients, and even 'sponsees'
to cater to the sponsor's services or products.

Sponsorship -- the Good and the Bad

Promoting a company's product or service is no light task; but with the number
of tools that are available for marketing, it becomes easier. There is,
however, no single perfect marketing strategy for product or service promotion.
Tools that help in disseminating commercial information to the public are not
fool-proof -- sponsorship is no exception.

Although sponsorship has become a vital part of a company's marketing strategy,
it is not entirely faultless. With the good comes the bad, all of which business
organizations should be aware of when sponsoring events, individuals, other
groups, and the like.

Advantages of sponsorship

There are many benefits that come with sponsorship -- both to sponsors and
sponsees. With its nature as being loosely a financial support of activities,
events and such -- sponsorship then provides a broad opportunity of reaching
goals. For sponsors, these goals generally may be part of their marketing aims,
letting their name be known or commercially circulated. For sponsees, goals may
include the needed equipment or financial means provided by their sponsors.

The most common recognized sponsorship advantages are discussed below:

Enhancing and/or building an image association that is positive -- Companies
often engage in sponsorship to be visible and to create a clear union relevance
between the sponsored individual, event, or organization, and the company itself.

This aim for creating a clear association helps create appeal to the sponsor's
targeted audience, offering them a positive perception of the company name by
relating with the sponsee.

Generating product and/or service awareness -- Sponsorship provides a direct
way for sponsors to relate with their consumers by actively supporting a
sponsee that people know or follow. For example, athletes sponsored by major
companies directly make the consumers (their fans) aware of the company by the
sponsee's use of the company's name like their equipment, clothes, etc.

Building goodwill -- People most often approve of sponsorship since it's
perceived that such a sponsor is willing to help out someone or something in
need. This commitment that the company showcases gives people positive
reactions that would make them remember the company.

Creating exclusivity -- A sponsor's ability to promote itself through
supporting a sponsee generates product/service recognition to its targeted
market. The targeted market than associates the sponsor's name with the
sponsee, succeeding in creating proper visibility in spite of other
competitors, and therefore increase in sales.

Generate positive publicity -- Anything that involves products and services
need exposure for people to take notice of it. This sponsorship advantage makes
use of an arena for potential consumers to always have an encounter with the
sponsor's name, leaving a mark in their minds about a specific product/service
offered and specialized by the company (sponsor).


As with advantages, comes the downside. Below are most common sponsorship

Development of controversies leading to negative attitudes -- the presence of
competitors is on its own a disadvantage for sponsors. There will always be a
challenger to each company to stay on top. Controversies that affect the
sponsor will often lead to faltered belief from its consumers and would at most
also create a negative sponsor-sponsee association.

Absence of standardization -- The partnership between a company and its
supported individual, organization, or event has no sure-fire way of how best
to benefit the both parties. Different methods of support are applied to
sponsees depending on their needs and the sponsor's needs as well. This points
out to a lack of standardization, and therefore requires more time on planning
and evaluation.

More time is consumed -- As sponsorship promotes a more 'intimate' business
relationship, this also causes more time to be spent on a sponsor-sponsee plan.
The amount of time needed in planning and execution is bigger since sponsorship
should be very detailed.

A Sure Hit Sponsorship Proposal

The company you work for is planning to have a major event, and you're in the
marketing group, assigned with the specific tasks of finding suitable sponsors
for your event. It seems like a cinch -- find potential sponsors; call them up;
give a sales pitch; and you're done. Problem is: each company you called asked
you for a sponsorship proposal. You sit there, brainstorming on a plan but have
no idea how it should look like.

The good thing about this is that you're not alone. A number of people and
organizations may have heard of sponsorship but never thought of the process
involved in acquiring a sponsor. The reason for such is that sponsorship --
although now being adapted by numerous companies -- has no specific document

The good thing is that like every other proposal plan, a similar format can be
used in proposing sponsorships. There is no perfect proposal layout, but the
format below targets the two main targets that every sponsorship proposal
should aim at -- avoiding rejection and securing a meeting with potential

What your sponsorship proposal should have

Before writing your proposal plan, key points such as the type and number of
sponsors should be established. These points are important considerations since
they will be part of your 'physical pitch' in order to lure your potential

Executive Summary

The executive summary should be located at the beginning of the sponsorship
proposal. This will provide your target sponsor a brief but informative
description about the event your organization will be holding. The
opportunities, benefits and gains should be included as well as the deadline
for the sponsor's decision and their investment. Keep this summary simple and
easy to understand.


Like every introduction, provide the necessary information your sponsor/s would
want to know. This includes details about your organization and the upcoming
event. Basically provide a background that will let the sponsor know the nature
of the organization; the reason for holding a major event; any relevant and
important that help in garnering a positive response from sponsor prospects.

Event/Affair Description

In the introduction, though the event is mentioned, it is not broken down
detail by detail. It is rather in this section of your sponsorship proposal
that you give a comprehensive insight to every detail the upcoming event has.
Such points may include the day, date and time; the venue of the event; target
market or patrons; what should be achieved in the event and the reason behind

Any information about similar and/or past events that the organization has had
can be included. This provides the sponsor prospects to see the pattern of how
the events went and if it would be ideal for them to support it.

Sponsorship Investment

Simply put, this area of the proposal is a break down of what you want your
sponsor to support. This is your organization's request for the sponsor's
resources which may be their service, cash, prizes, product/s,
promotions/advertising, or expertise. It is vital to include a price in this

Taking account of the actual and realistic costs will give the sponsor the idea
that your organization is ready to make such a commitment. Also make sure that
the benefits you propose to offer the sponsor prospect/s corresponds to the
amount or level of support your organization is asking from them.

Sponsor Gains/Benefits

This part of the sponsorship plan should be an outline of all benefits and
opportunities that the sponsor/s will gain from supporting the event. Benefits
specified should involve tangible and intangible gains.

Quantifying the benefits is also encouraged to give the sponsor/s a bracket of
measurement that they can refer to when considering their decision.

Sponsor Decision Deadline

Usually, a proposal for sponsorship should not exceed two weeks. A deadline
with a mean amount of ten days lets the sponsor prospect/s see that your
organization is willing to wait a span of time that is reasonable for sponsor
consideration. At the same time, it is also a message that sends out a time
constraint so that the prospects can give it the proper attention.

This area should be clearly stated so that a timeline can be established. Also
so that other scheduled activities, such as setting up a meeting and further
presentation, can be followed through on time.


As with every proposal, this part should be a page of reference or sources that
were used in stating facts and statistics that support the proposal. This area
also includes relevant tables, charts, budget lists, background sources and the
like that should help in the enhancement of the sponsorship proposal.

The Legal Side of Sponsorship

Sponsorship, by nature, is a business affair; and as with anything that is in
the arena of deals, partnerships and mergers, a legal agreement is always in
the works. This is most especially practiced in sponsorship, since its form of
business is through partnering with an individual or organization as a tactic
for market exposure.

Protection is the key word when drawings up contracts are presented between
sponsor and sponsee. This is to prevent any anomalies or set backs that may
occur in the event that one party doesn't reach the agreed upon aims.

To help in creating a legal agreement, below are guidelines and key points to
consider when formulating a letter of agreement or contract between a sponsor
and sponsee.

A guideline in agreement

It is important to always take a sufficient amount of time and very careful
consideration when drafting a contract. This applies to all business ventures
other than sponsorship a huge number of companies thrive in having
partnerships. In any relationship, it is most important to think through such
considerations in order to have something to 'fall back' on.

In sponsorship, a letter of agreement will usually be enough to seal the deal
between sponsor and sponsee, but this will highly depend upon the value of
sponsorship and the size of the company that is involved. If the value is very
high, like that of major athletes and big time corporations, a contract is the
choice most would go for.

In creating an agreement or contract, it is important to take into account the
following points:

* It is best to always get a commitment in writing. A handshake or
  word-of-mouth agreement will never suffice.

* Write down everything that is discussed and agreed upon during
  sponsor-sponsee meetings

* It is good to take advice on that commitment that a sponsor or sponsee is
  getting into. There are consultants that specialize in these kinds of

* An organization or individual should never commit to anything it/she/he
  cannot be sure to deliver. In short, promises that can't be kept should not 
  be made

* An agreement should be simple and direct in writing. It is best to avoid too
  much legal terms, although at times this cannot be done without.

The crucial point to understand when it comes to legal agreements is to have a
very clear statement of what the sponsor and the sponsee has agreed to. Usually
a lawyer will always point out any necessary areas in which have to clarified
and put into more detail.

In order to get a view on what should be clearly stated and defined in any
legal agreement or contract, the following list bellows breaks down what
usually is considered between sponsor and sponsee partnerships:

* The nature of both sponsor and sponsee -- whether the former is capable and
  relevant enough to support a person or organization; and whether the latter 
  can live up to the needs of the sponsor in return

* Cash and benefits -- this should be clearly defined as to what each party
  will be getting out of the partnership

* The actions involved for both sponsor and sponsee -- this area should list
  down the roles of each party within the partnership.

* The length or contract term -- The agreement or contract should also state
  how long such partnership between a sponsor and sponsee should last, and the
  terms of which a contract can be stopped or turn invalid

* Early exit -- this part of the agreement is more of a 'back up' plan for each
  party, wherein if either fails to comply with its responsibilities and
  obligations, then there is a chance for the other party to exit gracefully.

The Caltex View on Sponsorship

With every successful, big time company, comes the responsibility of involving
itself with community welfare and support. Whether it is through the advocacy
of the environment or to the society, this responsibility showcases the
company's ability to connect and partner itself with its customers and patrons.
Caltex is no exception to this.

The Caltex brand, under the Chevron Corporation, is a leader in commercial and
global market of automotive diesel fuels, kerosene, industrial and marine
diesel fuels, and fuel oils. Their operations cover regions of Asia-Pacific,
Africa-Pakistan, Latin America, North America, and Europe -- which is basically

In 'connecting' with the public, Caltex has vision in promoting assistance to
those who are less fortunate. Partnerships made with the company are dedicated
to help those who are in need; and to assist the disadvantaged improve their
lives by through helping them reach their full potential and achieve their

As with all community involvement of corporations, Caltex also takes part in
offering and dealing with sponsorships. Aside from its society reach-out
reason, the company takes sponsorship as one of its key marketing ways in
communicating with its various customers and patrons. It is through sponsoring
that the company is able to associate itself with partners that have the same,
if not similar, values and characteristics.

A deeper look

Caltex views sponsorship as a way of business since it involves the trading of
products, services and/or money for commercial value, brand recognition, and
company exposure. The company deems this marketing tool as one of its most
effective ways to reach out and build valuable partnerships with various target
consumers and clients.

Usually, the type of sponsorship Caltex gives out is for those who reflect the
brand's value, which is all about renewing one's drive momentum. This is in
relation with their tagline 'What drives you'; and seeks for sponsorship
proposals that exude such kind of excellence and motivation.

In typical fashion, sponsorships in the past have been associated with sports
that involve speed, focus, and concentration -- all of which are key elements
in winning. Some sponsorship that Caltex has done in the past include: Caltex
Masters Golf Tournament in Singapore, Caltex Voet Van Africa Marathon, Caltex
V8 Car Championships in New Zealand, and Caltex Delo Customer Car Show in the

Sponsorship guidelines

In choosing viable events to sponsor, Caltex uses various criteria to evaluate
proposals that are submitted to them. In a minimum sense, the proposal that the
company seeks out are which have the following:

* A reflection of Caltex's brand image -- these include the best in
  Performance, People, Partnership

* The event should be able to maximize the presence and exposure of Caltex.
  This can be achieved through on-site branding, use of internet, and media

* Media presence should be involved which means that the event is able to
  generate free publicity because it presents itself as a unique, popular,
  innovative event.

* The type of sponsorship requested is sole sponsorship, or any type which
  signifies the highest level of sponsorship

* The organization giving out the proposal has a good track record in terms of
  viewer-ship and attendance; and has a large base of loyal followers

* There is a 'standing out' effect in the event which topples over competitors
  and has Caltex as the dominant brand of the bunch.

Sponsorship and Philanthropy -- Two Acts of Support

Charities, non-profit organizations, and independent organizations are always
in need of funding. Donations given to such institutions are often a large
source of their income for operations and causes. There are generally two ways
to receive donations -- one is through philanthropic means; the other through
business partnership or sponsorship.

One versus the other

Philanthropy is generally seen as the first means of giving when it comes to
charitable foundations; sponsorship on the other hand, usually comes as an
alternative. Although giving is generally thought as the much preferred method
of funding; it may come as a surprise to know that sponsorship for non-profit
institutions is a more rewarding and productive means of support for both

Corporations typically have two main business reasons for sponsorship; and
these are tax savings and public relations. Although any form of help or
support generates an overall positive effect, it is mainly through these two
reasons why sponsorship is pushed on by businesses.

In terms of satisfying both parties -- sponsors get the chance to associate
themselves with a charitable institutions and create a chance for them to
acquire tax breaks, and at the same time expose their company name to the
public. Sponsees, in this case the non-profit organization, are able to
increase the level of support given by their current sponsors; and at the same
time open new ways in gaining capital.

With philanthropy, the means of exposure and recognition is fairly low in
percentage. Usually recognition is through annual reports that generate a
little fanfare. Sponsorship, however, gives itself an amount of exposure that
highlights a new partnership for the public to see. Through this publicity, the
aim for awareness is reached by both sponsor and sponsee.

Some examples where sponsorship thrives in donations and public awareness are
the following: A bookstore may donate books to an orphanage and at the same
time let the public know about the store to gain customers. A clothing company
sponsors specially designed t-shirts for volunteers to wear when there is a
charitable event; and through wearing the t-shirt, the company not only helps
in donating, but also makes the public aware of their brand.

Sponsorship for charities is basically seen as a win-win partnership. One helps
the other through different gains and results. It is also through sponsoring,
that charitable institutions have a lighter load on figuring out the means for
which to get resources. For example, when an event is sponsored by a
corporation, the charity wouldn't have to worry how to provide the food and
drinks needed since it would be covered by the sponsor's funding.

By supporting through the use of sponsoring, a business uses their budget for
advertising and marketing, leaving their funds for philanthropy (if there is
ever) alone and untouched. Through using such a budget, the business is able to
use the costs as tax-deductibles from their expenses. This way, sponsorship
helps in letting the business be cost-efficient.

It should not be seen, however, that philanthropy is a less useful means for
support. Donations and funding of this nature is often praised and
well-advocated by the public. It is only shown that sponsorship has a more
business-side in handling contributions and help to other organizations --
where they see it fit to practice a give-and-take method; and see it best to
have profit-producing ventures.

Sponsor a Child -- Save a Life

Just as sponsorship is basely defined as a marketing tool for organizational or
individual support; so is 'child sponsorship' denoted as a means to aid a young
individual, usually through financial and/or educational sustenance.

The children who need assistance are usually from 'developing countries' which,
as most often is, lack the proper resources to sustain proper living. Some of
the top countries that benefit from child sponsorship include Africa, India,
Afghanistan, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

It is not, however, only the developing countries that receive child
sponsorship, but also those of develop ones. Even powerhouses such as the
United States have children support organizations that help out the young
through means of donation. This denotes the diversity and span in which
sponsoring children and young adults are applied.

Saving Lives

There are basically two ways in sponsoring the young -- either through
individual or organizational means. As individuals, this is directly giving out
help to those who are in need of it. As organizations, there are specific
institutions that act as the 'bridge' for sponsors and child sponsees, where
they find the best possible candidates for support and most efficiently utilize
the 'help' donated by sponsors.

But how does this sponsorship save lives? The number of ways in which this kind
of support assists in the improvement of living and prevents loss of life is
beyond counting. In developing countries, areas that have been witness of war,
economic ruin, political turmoil, natural disasters, and oppression (most often
girls and women) -- the donations that are given address these issues and
focused on the improvement of a child's life.

In more specific ways, individuals and organizations work with the family of
the child and other community members to develop the ability of that community
to 'take care' of itself. The child that is given assistance benefits from
programs that enable him/her to attend and succeed at school, provide needed
medical care and orientation in hygienic living.

Child sponsorship not only helps the children, but their family as well.
Families are given the knowledge on how to improve their lives by economic
programs that provide parent trainings which teach them how to properly support
themselves and their children. These programs are most often through proper
child sponsorship organizations. Some organizations that practice these
applications of programs are Save the Children, UNICEF, and Food for the Hungry.

The Sponsor's Role as Hero

Of course when one helps another, it is always a two-way effect. The one helped
and the helper, although in different manners, are affected. Sponsors have the
opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children by giving out support.

A very important point to understand that the assistance given, whether
financial or otherwise, is not only a physical act on economical or community
improvement. In its core, child sponsorship is giving hope to those who need
it. It is letting the community and the children involved know that they have a
chance in living a good life. This point is essentially the most important gift
that sponsors (most often unconsciously) give.

As the chain reaction of giving leads to saving lives, sponsors become heroes
in the sense that they have helped. Their assistance, however meagre, provided
the chance for life improvement by allowing the children and communities
involved the access to opportunities they've never had.

Soar High With Media Sponsorship

One integral part of creating the right kind of exposure for your business is
through the use of media. Through radio, television and the like -- product
and/or brand circulation becomes widespread and typically popular.

This use of media as a medium for brand dissemination is called media
sponsorship. The challenge of setting up and publicizing an event are what
marketers always face. With limited budgets, the reality of buying airtime
exhausts the resources of an organization, most especially to those of which
have small businesses.

It is through media sponsorship that an organization gains the opportunity to
get their event aired through media forms. This kind of support allows for
stretching a marketing budget, print placement and more commercial airing
coverage. Most often, media sponsorship is applied through the following --
radio, print, television, and outdoor advertising.

How to land a media sponsorship

In order to get a media sponsorship, several measures have to be considered
before reaping the benefits of exposure through media. First, there is a need
to find out who are the eligible media partners one can work with. When
choosing a partner, it is essential to look for an outlet that has a similar
target audience as the business.

If the business is locally established, the best candidates for media
sponsorship would be through local radio and television stations. Finding a
common ground with sponsor prospects is beneficial in that it would align with
a company's vision and business interest.

It also serves to be cautious with the type of media sponsorship an event may
have. Questions to ask in evaluating a sponsor are typically the same with that
of corporate sponsorship. These questions may include the type of exposure that
will be given; whether or not the publicity will result with a positive or
negative feedback; and the like.

As with every lookout for sponsorship, a proposal is needed to be developed and
passed to a potential media sponsor. It is with the sponsorship proposal that a
donor will look and decide whether or not a business and/or its event is
'worthy' of a sponsorship.

Lining a business or event up with a media sponsor is considered as a powerful
way to attract attendees, volunteers, and/or donations. In order to stand out,
the time it takes to build a good proposal may be extensive, but in the long
run, will also prove to be most beneficial.

It is also important to tickle a media sponsor's fancy in order for them to
sponsor an event. The reason for such is that media is everywhere, and every
opportunity that can involve the media's participation, will almost always be

Media sponsorship's goal

One has to also note that media will use sponsorship as their own gain. One
reason is because participation in event leads others to see the media as
fully-informed, and earns a good image reputation in the community.

Another note is that the media considers any publicity as good publicity. Since
they are the leaders in television and radio -- the opportunity to spread
products of the media is made possible.

As with advantages to the sponsee, media sponsorship helps save money for the
sponsee since advertising will be taken care of through radio, television
and/or print. This will also give the sponsee more credibility since it is
sponsored with a 'public' organization in which people will come to associate
one with the other.

So You Want a Corporate Sponsorship -- Here's How

Let's say you're a budding athlete, with top ranking and stats as a tennis
player. You have what it takes to become a world-class sports player in your
field but have limited amount in terms of funds. The answer, as most would
suggest, is to get a corporate sponsorship.

As sports are one of the major kinds of areas that corporations use as a market
for brand exposure, you'd think that sponsorship would be a cinch. The case is
that its not. Obtaining a corporate sponsorship is not as easy as 1, 2, and 3.
Reaching your dreams as a world-class tennis player, aside from the skill and
talent, also needs a little tinkering in 'selling yourself'.

Get noticed

How exactly can you put your skills and talents 'out there' in the market for
potential sponsors? Below are the ways:

The right kind of resume

As with every type of job, building a resume is an important part in getting
employers to notice you. This is the same with corporate sponsors and the type
of athlete they are looking for. The amount of hard work, training, way of
playing will be the pinnacle points that sponsors will look for. The 'package'
in which you come in is very important and the only way to be considered is
that if your 'accomplishments' are worthy of review and consideration.

Depend on yourself to do your 'advertising'

Nothing comes easy, and this includes wanting a sponsorship. You have to earn
what you want, and having to be your own agent is a crucial step. Depending on
someone else to do your 'contacting' will not result in the way you want to be
exposed and seen.

Get in touch with companies; write sponsorship letters; invite them to see you
play -- those are what you should do to get their attention. When a company
sees the dedication and amount of perseverance one takes in wanting a
sponsorship, it won't be long before they offer it you themselves.

It is in this area that you will learn how to face rejection and deal with
issues that address your ability as an athlete. Don't forget to always be
positive in all dealings. Starting out is always the hard part, and once this
obstacle is overcome, everything else will be a breeze at doing.

Act as your ambassador

Let's say you've landed a small sponsorship and received a small amount of
support. This is good as that sponsorship often starts small. It is important
to remember that 'keeping an A is harder than earning an A' -- which also
applies to sponsorship.

Always keep in touch with your sponsor, letting them in on updates regarding
your training and athletic status is very good. Through this practice, doors of
bigger sponsorship opportunities will open because the closer you bring yourself
to your sponsors, the bigger the chance for more lucrative support.

Always challenge yourself

It is not only through contact and appeal that makes sponsor continue and offer
support and backup. It is also through your performance as an athlete that
ultimately will bring in the 'big bucks'. Always upping your game to become
better and eventually number one is an important aspect in all sponsorships.

The need to be on top, and the need to be ambitious gears one into availing all
the support since sponsoring someone with that kind of attitude, talent and
skills is a perfect equation of give-and-take between sponsors and sponsees.

Points to Consider with Corporate Sponsorship

You own a business and a chance of getting sponsored falls into your lap. You
think it's an opportunity of a life-time, it's not everyday some other
organization wants to sponsor your venture. Of course, as with all chances such
as this, the excitement of landing a seemingly good deal takes over.

But before you actually take on the offer of sponsorship, there is a need for
proper evaluation on your part. Through this practice, you are taking a look at
the aspects of the offer and the arrangement of agreement that is prepared for
your business. Do not be drawn immediately by the publicity your business will
receive, for all sponsorships include an amount of exposure.

It is best to choose carefully when being offered a sponsorship. Elements of
relevance and compatibility are very important for your business's image and
market longevity. To give the proper evaluation, below are questions to ask.

Questions that need to be asked

Will this add more customers/clients/buyers?

Adding customers means increasing sales. The name that sponsors you has no
bearing whatsoever if the result it yields neither brings or adds customers to
your doorstep. It would be a total waste of time, money and effort on both
parties if this happens.

Considering the target market that the sponsor also targets should be an
insight into the type of customers should also be compatible with your
business. If this is mismatched, it's better to pass on the offer.

Am I the only business being sponsored by this company?

Big time organizations sponsor many events that house different businesses.
Having your business sponsored by such companies mean that you will be
showcased with other sponsored businesses. By this, association with the other
businesses is created. Decide whether or not you want your business to be
attached to other sponsees; and see if this will prove to be beneficial or

What kind and how much publicity will I get?

Good and great exposure to the public is what all want to obtain. This is also
the 'sales pitch' of sponsor offers -- a big amount of publicity. As will all
sales pitches, it is important to research if this is true and the investment
you decide to make will reap benefits. Simply put, getting your money's worth
and equal levels of give-and-take between sponsor and sponsee are what you're
aiming at.

What is in the 'fine print' of the offer?

Don't go on jumping in with just a handshake and word of promise. A detailed
and lengthy contract is the best way to protect your business when the need
arises. It is better to prevent something bad happening than finding a way to
resolve it.

With contracts and written arrangements, be sure to look over every aspect and
fine print. It is usually in the detail that loopholes may be fixed and that
anomalies eliminated for both parties. The target is a win-win situation, and
through contract evaluation this is possible. Balance is what should be

What other companies have similar arrangements as this?

Before signing on with the offer of sponsorship, added research on
organizations with the same interests is a good practice. This gives your
business an opportunity to compare the offers and see whether you are doing
what is best for your venture.

No Idea What Corporate Sponsorship Is?

Here's the Chance to Find Out

In the fast changing times, where one day you're ahead of your business, and
the next you're struggling to make ends meet, the key to knowing how to stay on
top of things is of the utmost importance. You've heard of partnerships,
mergers, business benefactors and the like, but do you really know what they
are, and which will be a good add-on to your business?

Having know-how on things will always be to your advantage. Getting on top will
require ample amount of information and use of tools that are essential to
product/service circulation. One marketing tool that has been around for a long
time, but only recognized just recently over the years is corporate sponsorship.

A Tool for Endorsement

Endorsements are a type of support that is considered to be a very powerful way
to get ahead of the business world, and one of the best way to utilize this
support is through corporate sponsorship. This form of sponsorship is a two-way
relationship between two business institutions where the schema has one who
gives money (financial backing), and the other advertises the name.

Whether in a large or small-scale dealing, corporate sponsorship helps business
names and their particular product or service to be exposed. Good examples are
the advertising of sports labels through endorsing athletes to use the label's

Brands such Nike, Adidas, and Fila partner with either a star athlete or team,
giving them products to use which will in turn expose the brand name to the
public when commercials are aired or when there are games broadcasted on
television and the internet.

The role of corporate sponsorships in events

Typically, most corporate sponsorships are tied to a specific event. These
events are diverse and may include trade shows, marathons, basketball games,
academic competitions, tournaments, etc.; and all of which offer big
opportunities for corporate sponsoring.

Corporate sponsoring does not only include financial or product backing on the
sponsee, but entails a few other things that should be considered. One is the
relevance of the sponsor and sponsee -- whether or not a potential partnership
is good for both parties.

A potential sponsor should have a corporate culture that is like that of the
event. Mismatching events with sponsors will only confuse the public and often
not a good image result between either of the two parties. For example, you
can't have an Animal Welfare organization support an event that promotes the
use of fur. To do that would be contradicting, financially wasteful, and
overall a 'suicide' on both the organization and the event.

Going for corporate sponsorship

Most business organizations consider and apply corporate sponsorship due to
sole fact that it exposes their business name and purpose. This exposure is
considered to be far reaching compared to other forms of advertising and the
percentage of cost is usually smaller to those of other tool use.

When a sponsor and sponsee are the right match and deal under the right
circumstances, the overall result will always benefit both parties. Both will
be given good exposure, and the name that is advertised will be broadcast far
and wide in every aspect.

Having corporate sponsorship also emphasizes that a certain individual or
organization is serious in its dealings and is committed to its chosen field.
The fact that a business went for sponsorship makes it know that it wants to
excel and be known to the public so that it can propagate in the best way

How Sponsorship Topples Over Advertising

There isn't a great issue over which fairs better between sponsorship and
advertising. Both are marketing tools that strategically apply to different
situation. There are however usual times when a business is faced with choosing
between both tools. These times usually are a point of exposure as to which tool
can give more and help increase a brand's visibility. This arena
is where sponsorship takes over.

What sponsorship accomplishes better than advertising is in the establishment
of qualitative attributes. These attributes include brand image towards
consumers, generating awareness, and consumer's choice of such brand. On these
attributes, sponsorship has more lead on enhancing them, which advertising
falls short of.

Sponsorship's winning features

With sponsorship, as compared to advertising, the following feature it builds
includes the following:

* credibility -- refers to the integrity that sponsorship builds

* exclusivity -- the form of differentiation that sets clients into high status

* image enhancement

* relevance to lifestyle

* prestige that it offers

There are other points that make sponsorship a winner; and these are also
quantitative benefits that are not available through advertising. The first of
which is having a live audience for product and brand circulation. Sponsorship
provides opportunities for on-site sales and sampling, customer feedback,
surveying, sales-force interaction and product testing -- all of which involve
the participation of an audience. Through live product presentations, the
exposure is greater and the promotion of brand and product names is at a rapid

When we compare sponsorship and advertising, one mode to look into is how
interaction is done. With advertising, interaction is one-way and generally a
monologue. On the other hand, sponsorship is more like a dialogue where the
opportunity of a company to have live exchange with its target customers is
highly practiced.

As with interaction, product sampling is another plus to sponsorship. Events
that are sponsored allow people to have on site trials on products. This way,
awareness of a certain brand name or service is heightened. Examples on-site
trials include food sampling, test driving, official clothes worn in the event,

With sponsorship, an organization's name becomes associated into a sponsored
event's actions unlike that of advertising. This means that sponsorship is able
to surpass the medium of media and place itself in the environment where
everyone can see it, For example, when sponsorship is incorporated in movies;
the audience has no escape in seeing the brand or logo being promoted because
it is part of the film. They can't just eliminate a scene like changing a
channel on TV; they have to sit through the film and take in everything that
comes with it.

Lastly, sponsorship provides entertainment to its client. How? This is done
through the events that are sponsored. When the word 'event' comes to mind, it
is always a happening that does not come everyday. It is a break from the
everyday routine that clients have. With advertising, nothing is disrupted from
normal life. Everyone is accustomed to see bill boards, ad placements and

With sponsored events, the setting is different and the aim is to provide an
avenue for people to interact with the business through a social activity.
Events also make great places to have informal sales and networking; and with
the chosen venue, which is most often a hospitable one, the event becomes
desirable and unique to lounge in.

Even Alcoholics Need Sponsors

When the term 'sponsorship' is used, what comes to mind is typically a business
relationship and representation between a sponsor and a chosen event or
business. This is a common conception associated with business and marketing
terms since it's used as a popular promotional tool.

Sponsorship, however, should be understood as a widespread concept; where the
root meaning of 'support' and 'help' is the core of it. This type of
sponsorship is found in discrete and protective programs -- one of which
includes the support of recovering alcoholics.

Yes, even victims of destructive addictions need sponsors. This form of support
is not the same as with marketing where 'exposure' is the goal. The aim for
sponsoring alcoholics is to provide the necessary means for recovery and a
return to normal life.

AA -- Alcoholics Anonymous

A widespread organization, where the term sponsor and sponsorship is practiced,
is Alcoholics Anonymous or simply AA. AA is a meeting society that is informal
in nature, with the goal of helping alcoholics achieve sobriety. A twelve-step
program devised early on is used as the guidelines for which recovering
alcoholics follow.

Historically, AA began with practicing sponsorship. This sponsorship entailed
an alcoholic sharing his experience, hope and strength with a fellow alcoholic.
This was overtime formalized and developed as a great tool in achieving
permanent sobriety among alcoholics.

Each member of AA is eligible in becoming a sponsor. As a sponsor, they are
given an opportunity to help other new members who wish to 'sober up'. This
type of sponsorship is in no way financially-based; rather it is regarded as a
type of personal support-system in recovery.

Sponsors are regarded as a teacher, friend, tutor, older brother or sister, and
experienced guide to the sponsees. Basically, a sponsor in the AA program is
someone who has also gone through the twelve-step recovery guide. This way, a
sponsee is able to relate with his/her sponsor by leading them through a mutual
sharing of experiences and stories.

What to look for in a sponsor

For a recovering alcoholic, matching up with a sponsor is like choosing a best
friend. Sponsees are given free reign on deciding who their sponsor should be,
and this is often a good process for them. Looking for the best sponsor,
however, is not as easy as it seems. The qualifications may differ from each
available sponsor, leaving sponsees sometimes confused.

A solution to choosing sponsors is through temporary sponsors. This member type
provides an easier transition for a sponsee before he/she finds the right
sponsor -- this is done by providing the necessary information every recovering
alcoholic should know. Temporary sponsors also serve as a temporary guide in
answering any clarifications or questions a sponsee may have regarding his or
her situation and progress as an AA member.

As a suggestive guide, the factors to look for when deciding on a sponsor are
the following:

* The potential sponsor should be able to relate with the sponsee

* He/she has had more time in recovery than the sponsee

* He/she is available for personal meetings, phone conversations and group

* Lives by the guidelines of the twelve-step program

* Can be a friend and also a firm guide to the sponsee

* Can emphasize the spiritual aspects of the program

* He/she can 'walk the talk' in all affairs

Corporate Sponsorship and the Movie Industry

A Match Made in Heaven or Not?

Commercialism is everywhere. We see it in the streets we walk on, the malls we
shop in, the music we listen to, and even the movies we watch. Companies have
taken every opportunity and chance to stick their name everywhere for people to

Sponsorship is no stranger when it comes to sticking brands and company names
for the right kind of exposure. As a tool for marketing, this has been most
profitable and cost-effective, leading other businesses to follow suit.

It's only normal for sponsorship to reach the arts industry, particularly the
movie industry. With all the hype of technological advancements in movie
production such as CGI effects and animation, its no wonder corporations have
taken a slice to expose their name.

Over the last decade, movie patrons have been seeing corporate brand names in
the films they watch. One very good example is Ewan McGregor and Scarlett
Johansson's futuristic take on 'The Island'. This movie, although not garnered
as a box-office wonder, had numerous corporate logos in every scene -- with
Microsoft as the leading sponsor.

With all that, the question then raised is whether corporate sponsorship is a
blessing or curse for the movie industry.

Positive and negative aspects

Corporate sponsorship helps the funding of big-budgeted movies, and the
financial constraints are lessened when producing the film. This gives more
time for the production team to focus on the quality of the movie, and in turn
decrease the 'headache' of budgeting
the expenses the production has.

With better focus on developing the movie -- its story line, scenery, and
character profiles -- the outcome of the film has a bigger chance of getting
positive critique. It will allow movie goers to evaluate the movie as something
the production team really took time to do, and did not compromise in making.

With corporate sponsorship and the amount of funding it gives as support, film
productions have a bigger opportunity to create the exact type of 'feel' they
want their movies to be without having to worry on the amount of money that
needs to be considered. Sponsorship takes the mind off on 'getting money' and
presents realism in the movie by allowing the production to uses brands that
people have seen and also used.

More money means better funding and better choices. With sponsorship,
production crews can get the best of what money can afford them -- from
equipment to actors to sets. All these result into a feature that is marketable
and the gains are most often profitable.

The downside of all this, however, is the detachment a movie may present to its
viewers. A movie's aim is to present a film that can let others relate to it or
understand whatever issues are presented. With corporate sponsorship, viewers
may feel that they are just watching a very long commercial. The brand exposure
that may be pasted in every scene can be distracting and lose whatever essence
the film wants to convey.

The type of movie that uses corporate sponsorship is those with graphic
animations. A large amount of money is required to develop such productions.
The outcome of the film may turn out to be just a display of animation and
graphics, leaving out the real plot of the story, making the film less
appealing and fake. It would then feel that instead of supporting a film,
sponsorship actually demeans it.

Child Sponsorship -- Do or Don't?

Sponsorship that gears towards the improvement of children's lives has been one
of the forefronts to improve the living of those situated in poverty-stricken,
third-world countries. The number of charities that advocate children has been
growing year by year, encouraging others to lend a hand in child sponsorship,
and in turn save lives.

The ability for sponsors or donors to lend a hand to children who are in need
has been considered to be a fountain of good, spurting out health, hope,
confidence, and friendship between the two parties. Usually in financial form,
this amount however small, creates a huge impact on the life of a child and
his/her community.

The dispute over child sponsorship

With all the positive feedback garnered by child sponsorship, there is still an
amount of criticism attached to it. The discussion on whether this form of
support is the best way to improve children's lives has been prompted over
time. One point that is widely considered as a pinnacle of such dispute is the
lack of general policies for charities and organizations that give out such

The lack of standardization among these institutions has raised questions about
proper dissemination of financial support among the sponsees; and has also come
across talks on corruption. The arguments involved in sponsoring children don't
only focus on the 'money' but also the welfare and form of impact that is put
upon the child.

Below is a peek into some common 'pro' and 'con' statements raised when dealing
with child sponsorship.

The good and the bad

A brief look into the process of child sponsorship usually involves three
entities -- a willing sponsor, a charity chosen by the sponsor/donor, a sponsee
or a candidate in need of sponsorship. The sponsor/donor gives a regular
donation, whether financial or otherwise, to help the sponsee. This donation is
bridged by the chosen charity and is utilized based on the charity's vision and
mission practice.

As a form of sponsor/sponsee relationship, communication between the two is
commonly through reports given by the charity, and the occasional letters and
cards that a child may write for the sponsor. This process more or less covers
how charity involvement helps in child sponsorship.


One of the 'good' that this form of support gives is that a great way to spend
money is on helping others improve their living conditions and create a better
quality of life for them.

Next is that the help that is bestowed on the sponsees creates a wonderful
impact upon them. This impact is usually in the form of security, opportunity
and hope; and that this way of experience for the children is manifested
through programs that are educational, hygienic, medical, and/or spiritual in

Depending on the scheme of a charitable institution, there is focus among the
chosen sponsees of the charity. The ripple effect that happens when child
sponsorship is done also creates a better community where the sponsee lives.
Charities have a way of including the environment to create an overall
improvement in the lives of the sponsees.

Improvement also spans through cultural sharing, wherein the relationship
formed by sponsor-charity, charity-sponsee, and sponsor-sponsee allows an
avenue for all parties to be culturally aware resulting in understanding and
tolerance between each other.

The observed progress of sponsored children is also a motive for organizations
that do such to be given more exposure and in turn help make others aware of
the help they can give. This way, more funding is possible and in turn more
children are given better lives.


In correspondence to the pro points given, there is also a concern for it.
First, critics believe that sponsoring a child is too costly. By costly, they
mean that the a big percentage of donations are not used on children's programs
but rather on the administration's system of progress tracking such as
translation reports, salaries for non-volunteers, etc. In addition, the issue
on harbouring money for the charity's personal use also raises a red flag.

Sponsorship is also deemed as a tool for dependency, where the family and the
child will be too reliant on their sponsor. Relying too much may result in
lesser efforts on the sponsee's part on escaping poverty, and leave it instead
unto the charity's hands.

Another concern is that when there is an amount of focus given by an
institution towards a child, it may create isolation between the child and
his/here community. The reason for such is that other community members may
feel left out and unworthy of improvement -- and may result in jealous quarrels
and bouts.

A Pursuit on Personal Sponsorship

Let's say you're seeking for sponsorship but have no idea where to begin. This
guide helps in what to consider when planning on a sponsorship package that is
worthy of attention from any sponsor prospects that you might have.

Proceeding with sponsorship

It is an integral part before undertaking any major project, to do the
necessary research that is associated with your cause. This also applies when
seeking sponsorship. It is important for you to be aware on key items in the
world of sponsorship. It takes a lot of hard work, time and energy in creating
a worthy sponsorship package; but in the long-term will most benefit you.

The things that need you to be aware of so that you are fully equipped with
sponsorship information are the following:

Sponsorship benefits

Knowing this will let you become aware of the necessary results that should
come from when a sponsor and sponsee partnership is established. This way,
you'll know what you're getting yourself into, whether the sponsorship fits
best with your needs and will in turn be beneficial to the other party.

Sponsorship can benefit you in many ways; and one of the most visible
advantages is being able to secure much-needed monetary donations or funds to
help support you in your cause, be it traveling, training or through equipment.
In personal sponsorship there are two forms:

* Project-based -- you are given sponsorship to attend or facilitate on a
  specific event or cause

* Given in trust -- a harder to obtain form where funds are given to you and
  used in a more discretionary way

Aside from monetary funding, other benefits include products and/or services,
and fundraising support. The former is usually through providing you with
products and/or services needed to operate on for an event or cause. The latter
offers more of a partnership where support is garnered through commercial
involvement and in turn attracts the sponsor's existing customers to take
notice of you and your event or cause.

Reasons why people (individuals) and companies sponsor

Know the guidelines for which sponsorships are obtained from either an
individual or company is a crucial step. The reason behind this is that by
knowing the points for which sponsors give out support will help you target
them with attention-grabbing details that will spark their interest.

For example, athletes get sponsored because they possess characteristics that
sparked the sponsor's interest. This may be through the athlete's vitality,
history in playing and other impressive sports stats.

By knowing these, you then can prepare for targeting a sponsor. It is also
important to take into account not only what a sponsor is looking for but also
the assets which you possess. Evaluation of your assets either as an athlete,
student candidate, or event manager will help you realize your market value and
see whether you are ready and equipped to be marketed as a sponsee.

Of course, these terms may seem like you are treated as an object. This should
not be any hindrance or discouragement in getting sponsored. It is important
for you to understand that with sponsorship, business is the nature of the deal.

When a sponsor-sponsee partnership is established, it means that such a
relationship has been created to bring in profits to both parties and provide
the necessary exposure to each.

Win Yourself a Corporate Sponsorship through Writing

It takes the right amount of attitude and attitude to get things done. This is
also applicable in trying to attain financial backing from donors. A number of
essential skills are required, and one of these is the ability to 'sell
yourself' to land a deal.

One way of 'selling yourself' or your idea is through writing. Before any
face-to-face meeting is established in any deal-making, there is always the
preliminary of formal and matter-of-fact introduction and purpose that needs to
be done. Writing a successful letter is a very good way of getting noticed.

Getting financial backup or sponsorship by the 'big time' businesses is
something that should not be unplanned. The skills needed in creating a winning
sponsorship letter are not at all difficult, but needs an amount of thinking to
be effective. Below are what to consider when writing a sponsorship letter, and
will help create a positive response from the organization you have chosen.

Consider this.

You should have a variety of candidate sponsors in mind that you want backing
up your event; but also consider the interest each sponsor has. Similar
interests among all sponsors should be targeted. Carelessly choosing any
organization to sponsor your event will most likely generate bad results.

Research is essential in choosing sponsors. Taking note of the cultures of
sponsors in relevance to your business or event is important and proves helpful
when addressing key issues when writing your letter.

Another important point to consider is what the company will get in return if
they decide to sponsor. You should understand that sponsorship is basically
give-and-take, and the appeal of gain for corporations is a key in getting them
as sponsors. Money is not just thrown away by big companies so it is ideal to
consider what form of exposure they will get.

Your letter's format

In putting together your sponsorship letter, it is best to be direct to the
point. No one wants to read a letter and have to guess the reason for reading
it. A short pleasantry followed by the 'asking' part will give immediately
point out what you want and eliminate any wading that will merely board the

Below is a breakdown on how your letter should more or less be arranged.

First Paragraph -- This part should be an introduction of your event or
business and the amount of money you want donated. It is essential to keep this
brief and not too much word of flattery or embellishment.

Second Paragraph -- This part should be a more detailed account on the benefits
of your event that you provide, such as non-profit programs and the like.

Third Paragraph -- This area in your letter showcases a personals story form
one of customers or clients, letting the potential sponsor see the impact you
make on those who patronize your business and the kind of good it brings them.

Fourth Paragraph -- In this paragraph you should state the levels of
sponsorship and basically discuss what the corporation will get in turn if they
decide to sponsor your event based on different financial amounts.

Fifth Paragraph -- Don't beg, but be clear on stating your need for assistance.
Re-state your reason for writing, the amount you prefer to be given and how
beneficial it would be to them, you and your customers.

Last Paragraph -- As with most letters of request, always include a 'thank you'
part in the last paragraph. Thank them for taking the time to evaluate and
considering the letter. Also provide in this area the means for contacting you,
and your intention of staying in touch by including a follow-up call.

Why Small Businesses Should Consider Corporate Sponsorship

It is plain to see that small business organizations outnumber that of big-time
corporations. The span of small business ventures are is very wide and most
often have few means of marketing due to financial constraints.

Whether the business is that of a pet shop, a small grocer, or a bookstore,
there is still advertising involved. Believe it or not, the tool that can be
included in such advertising is corporate sponsorship. It doesn't necessarily
mean that this kind of sponsorship is only made for big businesses -- if that
were the case, then sponsoring wouldn't be overall effective.

It is essential to understand that capital is not the base consideration for
exposure. There are many attainable opportunities in the market for small
business ventures, and corporate sponsorship can prove to be a profitable
investment for such.

Small business can benefit from corporate sponsorship; and below are just some
of the gains that can be acquired.

What small businesses can benefit

Business visibility

As with all businesses, being known is the forefront of advertising's use. If a
business is highly visible is a steep climb, but finding means for positive
visibility is even more difficult. Small businesses, due to its size, tend to
become wallflowers as opposed to those big businesses and their flashy lights.
With corporate sponsorship, positive visibility is easier achieved, giving a
small business the opportunity to put them in the right kind of sight.

This is only possible when the right match of between a sponsor and a business
is made. A small business should align itself with a sponsor that has similar
culture and ethics. If the partnership is mismatched, however, the small
business can suffer greatly. So it is very important as well to consider the
market trends when looking out for the right kind of corporate sponsor.

Cost-efficient advertising

Advertising is usually a big bite out of spending that is made in business big
and small. It is a downside but more so for small enterprises since their funds
are not that vast. Corporate sponsorship is then the tool to help in alleviating
such costly means of exposure.

Businesses that are small have a chance to be exposed little by little through
corporate sponsorship. It is through this sponsoring that a business is given
more options on advertising cost. An example of a good and inexpensive way of
exposure is through conventions.

Corporations often sponsor conventions that give small business the opportunity
to showcase their products and/or services. Bake fairs, often sponsored by
big-named food brands, allows people to sell their baked goods and give them
the publicity they need to be known.

High status attainment

Partnering with a big time company, however small a business is will eventually
attain itself a VIP status. Aligning with an organization that attracts or has
many patrons will catapult a small business into the big-time scene as well.

This analogy is akin to the thought that sticking with big names will allow
others to remember you. This is most often true, and a business that affiliates
itself with a productive sponsorship will experience such an effect.

Increase in profit

With popularity comes the gain that every business aims for. The more people
know about a certain product or service, the more sales that business will
generate. This is the reason why brand exposure is necessary -- so that sales
will be high.

Being sponsored by a corporation allows a small business has access and
visibility to a vast number of potential consumers and clients, which will in
turn increase profits. One thing to keep in mind also is that sponsorship will
not only be the bases for sales increase, but also the quality of the product
and/or service that is acquired by buyers.

Image improvement

In addition to having more exposure to the public and becoming more visible in
the market, small business that are corporately sponsored also enhances their
image. When a business is backed up by the right kind of sponsor, it only
signifies that the product or service being sold is something to take a look at
and is worthy of notice.

The Seriousness of Immigration Sponsorship

It is no great shock when one gets into another country through illegal means.
Illegal aliens have been present ever since, and it has always been an aspect
for immigration centres world-wide to keep a keen look-out for such.

There is always a desire or need for someone to live in a foreign land -- be it
a business or personal reason. A number of ways have been offered in allowing
this, from working visas, student visas, to tourist visas. One way that is also
been practiced over the years is through immigration sponsorship.

Immigration sponsorship is when one person who resides in the desired foreign
land backs up the immigrant candidate. This is usually done within families,
like a son or daughter petition or through marriage. Whichever way, this type
of sponsorship is not something that lightly taken, but considered to be a
heavy responsibility.

Immigration application

Immigration fraud entitles one to severe penalties and should not be attempted
at all. Once there is proof of fraud, this eradicates any chance for the person
involved to ever become an immigrant.

Since a number of people have the desire to live in the United States, the
immigration process stated is based on the form I-129F, the immigration
sponsorship form. This form is used when someone in the US wants to sponsor
their fiance who is foreign-born to migrate to America.

The following parts of the I-129F are discussed below.

Information on sponsor's biography -- This part has questions that should be
answered correctly, since it deals with basic but important information such as
name, birth date, place of birth, address of the sponsor. It also asks whether
the sponsor acquired his/her US citizenship through naturalisation or birth,
and inquires about any prior relationships that resulted in marriage and
divorce or annulment. This inquiry is very important so that any anomalies may
be settled and any suspicion on 'convenient-marriage-for-citizenship' may be
put to rest.

Information of fiance or sponsee -- This part of the form is addressed to the
sponsee, and potential immigrant. The questions asked is similar to that of the
sponsor's, only with added questions. These added questions include any prior US
travels that the sponsee may have taken; and whether or not he/she is currently
staying in America.

By sponsoring the fiance, it is the sponsor's responsibility to make sure all
fields that require information on the immigration form be correctly filled.

Existing children -- Another part of the I-129F is the inquiry on whether or
not there are existing children for either party. The children may be between
the sponsor and sponsee, or from a previous relationship by either party. Any
minor child between sponsor and sponsee usually allows that child the chance to
accompany the sponsee when moving to America.

Crucial information

Crucial information that is always carefully looked over is whether the sponsor
or sponsee are really a couple and that they have met prior to sponsorship. It
is of the utmost importance that the two parties have met because this can be a
major ground for immigration dismissal.

It may seem that the reigns on immigration sponsorship are too tight, but they
are strict for good reason. Immigration frauds through marriage have happened
one too many times. These guidelines make sure that these illegal processes are
not tolerated in any way.

The Popularity of Sports Sponsorship

Sports sponsorship can be observed and dated back to Rome and Ancient Greece
where prominent society members supported the arts festival as well as the
sports played. By support, it didn't mean the proper sponsorship or patronage
that was considered as a marketing tool. It rather meant continuation of such
festivals and athletic events for entertainment.

Today, however, sponsorship through sports has become one of the most popular
kinds of sponsorship due to the amount of exposure it can get for both sponsor
and sponsee. Sponsoring an athlete or sport means that the sponsor is
exchanging products or money for the right to link and associate the company
name with the sporting event or athlete.

Why do organizations sponsor sports?

Aside from the popularity tag sports sponsorship gives, a number of other
benefits also appeal to the company's interest. Some of the most common
benefits are given below:

Added value to brand

Companies that sponsor sports want their product or range of products to have
added value when attached to a sports event or group. By value, this points to
product quality, price and/or content. Companies use sports as a leverage to
stand out among other competitors, and in turn create for themselves a top
position where consumers can remember the name, and possibly have permanent
brand recognition.

So what exactly do sports have that other types of sponsorships don't
necessarily offer? To view in terms of goals -- sporting events have always had
one definite output, and that is there is always a winner in the end. There is
always competition; a test of which team or athlete will overcome the other,
proving who is superior.

Gold medals, trophies, world records, global awareness are involved in sports
and are the symbol of status of teams or athletes in a particular sport.
Winners become popular enough to become household names, and this is what
appeals to corporations who want to give out sponsorships. They want their name
attached to that household name -- which will in turn become a household name.

Major corporations such as Gatorade have applied this kind of sponsorship and
come out as one of the most popular brands for beverage products. They attach
themselves with major sporting events and give relevance by pointing out the
benefit of the product to the athlete. This then sticks to the minds of
consumers and sports enthusiast about which sports drink is the one to stick to.

Sports sponsorship does not only apply to major companies, but also to small
businesses as well. The general idea of brand awareness is still applied and
the only difference is the level or scale it covers.

All in all, organizations support sporting events with specific objectives,
each of which is addressed below:

* Brand Awareness -- this objective seeks to let consumers become aware of the
  product name.

* Brand Image -- this objective attempts to create a specific style and/or
  personality that distinguishes a brand from its other competitors, and in 
  turn may give premium pricing

* Consumer relations -- corporations support sporting events to directly
  involve themselves with consumers and potential clients, proving that their
  company is capable of providing proper services and/or products

* Community relations -- A more altruistic approach is for this objective
  wherein the company is concerned about the welfare of a community; and so 
  supporting a sports event can make themselves know to the community

* Employee relations -- this objective for a corporation is to promote employee
  loyalty that will in the long term be very beneficial to the business

The Low-Down on Animal Sponsorship

Sponsorship can be applied in many avenues, from businesses big and small to
helping out a community and even through supporting an animal. Animal
sponsorship is not at all new these days, but is slowly gaining more notice
that before. With all the talk and concern about our environment, it is no
surprise that animal preservation is part of it.

Animal sponsorship can either be for those of domesticated or wild animals. All
in all, the same concept on sponsorship is applied and that is helping the
living conditions of the sponsee. Domesticated animals include pets, while
those of the wild are most often found in zoos or wildlife sanctuaries.

The process in animal sponsorship is basically that same to that of child
sponsorship. The only difference is that the sponsee cannot be monitored
through the usual programs that are applied to human communities.

Sponsoring an animal still includes three parties -- sponsor, organization,
sponsee. The sponsor donates funds to the organization responsible for helping
out animals, and in turn uses the funds for the well-being of the sponsee,
which is either through medical or survival needs.

Benefits does not only apply to the animal

As with every partnership, the benefits of sponsorship have an impact on the
sponsor and the involved organization as well. For the sponsors, the reward for
saving a life is usually enough, and most often is the motivation in helping the
animal in the first place.

In more of a broken-down reason, sponsors either sponsor pets or wild animals
that they feel need help but which the sponsor cannot directly give. For pet
sponsoring, a donor usually does this when he/she doesn't have the time or
means to take care of a pet. The desire is there but the resources for care are
limited. Animal sponsorship is their alternative for situations such as these.

Wildlife preservation also works this way. Only specialists can take care of
untamed animals, and help can only be provided by an outside through financial
support. This way the organization that takes the sponsorship is equipped to
hand out the 'taking care' part to those who are experts at it.

With most sponsorship, sponsors are usually recognized through giving out
certificates that take not of the help they have given. Other organizations
also have newsletters that inform the sponsor on any updates on the sponsee.

Moving on towards the organization, the benefits they acquire through animal
sponsorship are also immense. The most important and aspired benefit is to
build rapport with the public and spreading their 'message' to everyone.

When a sponsor advocates through a chosen organization, that organization gains
exposure and will help in advertising itself to other potential donors that may
be interested in promoting their cause. With more funds, there is bigger means
for helping the animals and the quality is better ensured as with little

Animal sponsorship also creates doors of opportunity for such institutions to
'step up' their game and provide a more intricate system in helping improve the
quality of life for the animals involved. Using the funds for better equipment,
tracking and medical care would become less important so the quality becomes
more on the focus.

The potential for bigger funding is also made possible and ultimately results
in a three-way return of investment for all parties.

A Look into Nokia's Sponsorship Program

As one of today's leading brand of telecommunications technology, Nokia has
proven true to its vision of 'connecting people'. The use of their brand spans
countries from those in Asia to America, and is widely known as a tried, tested
and versatile mobile instrument.

With its rapid growth over the years, Nokia is now seen as a power corporation
capable of developing ubiquitous, intuitive and beautiful technology. Its
growth is duly based on the company's strategy on growing, building, and
transforming its products and services based on the needs of the changing times
-- all of which have been a pinnacle point in the company's success.

As a well-established corporation, Nokia in turn has taken up the
responsibility of 'giving back' to the community. It aims to be an
environmental leader by developing environmentally sound commerce practices;
and producing products that offer sustenance. In addition, Nokia has also taken
up the goal of taking up a role in society by providing a number of programs
that aid in community development.

Sponsorship guidelines

As part in community involvement and at the same time in marketing
communications, Nokia involves sponsorship as an integral part of their
business strategy. A number of requests for sponsorship, prizes, support, and
assistance of all sorts are received by Nokia often.

Because of the huge amount of sponsorship requests, the need for setting
guidelines for such were developed by the company as a means for screening
viable proposals. These guidelines involve a number of requirements that a
sponsorship proposal should encompass in order for it to garner the attention
it needs.

The key requirements that Nokia looks for in sponsorship proposals are the

* The proposal should be relevant and fitting with Nokia's brand

* The proposal must provide a clear message towards Nokia's consumers, clients,
  and/or buyers

* The proposal should be innovative, creative, and unique and to be able to
  stand out

* There should be a clear and solid outline that shows a return of investment

* The proposal should exude an excellence in execution and logistics

In addition to the key requirements mentioned above, there is additional
information that should be in a potential sponsorship that assists Nokia in its
proposal evaluation. These are:

* Details on the organization that requests for sponsorship -- this includes
  name, full address, organization description, and relevant credentials

* An outline and description of key persons in the organization that are
  involved in the proposal

* Details on the benefits and their corresponding numerical value that Nokia
  will acquire from sponsoring

* A full detailed description on the event that is to be sponsored -- this
  includes the location, venue, and time.

* A valid timeline of the proposal/project

* An exact requirement on the type of support Nokia is to provide

* Details on the exposure extent that Nokia will have in sponsoring the event

* Information on other sponsors involved in the event

All these are required for Nokia to give its consideration on taking up a
sponsorship proposal. There are also tips that the company includes for an even
more attention-grabbing sponsorship. The reason for giving out such tips and
hints is the company's desire to be able to give out as much sponsorships that
will both profit them and their sponsee.

Some tips and hints that Nokia shares are the following:

* Be sure to include the following information, as it sometimes has a tendency
  to not be included -- name, return contact numbers, and valid address

* Proposals can be emailed but should be under five megabytes

* Pictures, images and such are very helpful

* The proposal should be short but have quality information

* Don't waste time 'sucking up' to Nokia, but instead focus on what is requested

* Do definitive research

* Clearly outline the benefits for both sponsor and sponsee

* Persistence is key, but it does not mean 'hassling' the company with numerous
  update calls and emails

A Look into Canada's Immigration Sponsorship

The popularity of migrating in developed countries has always been prevalent
among those who seek a better life. Through work, study, and family connection
it is possible for anyone to get into a country of their choice. The catch,
however, is that its not an easy feat.

One of the top countries rapidly growing with immigrants is Canada. From nurses
to waiters, Canada has been accepting migrants from all over the world. The
quality of life is high and opportunities for work and career are widespread
and many.

Its may be no surprise that you know one or two people who have already moved
to Canada. They have taken the steps in order for them to become immigrants;
and try their luck in living in a foreign and developed country. If you seek
the same thing, there are many ways for you to achieve it; and if by chance you
have a family member already living there -- the best choice for entry is
through Canada's Family Class Sponsorship.

How family class sponsorship works

For you to be qualified for family class sponsorship, it must be a two-way
agreement between you and a relative living in the country. A qualified
relative means that he or she must already be a Canadian citizen or a permanent
resident of Canada. If this is established, then the next thing to acquire is
the willingness of that relative to sponsor you for Canadian immigration.

The relationship between you and your relative, however, has some perimeters to
be considered. If that relative is far from being a first-degree relation,
chances are slim, but still possible. The list below defines the type of
relationship that is qualified for sponsorship:

* Spouse (wife/husband); common-law or conjugal partner

* Grandparent/s or parent/s

* A dependent child (typically under the age of 21)

* Under 18, unmarried, or orphaned brother, sister, grandchild, niece, nephew

* A child that is under 18 and intended for adoption

* Other relative/s that are not mentioned above

For the willing sponsor, a number of qualifications for him/her to be able to
help another relative get into Canada are also required. Aside from being a
citizen or permanent resident of Canada, the sponsor should be financially
capable to provide for the sponsee. Financial capability means that the sponsor
is able to give the essential needs such as food, shelter, clothing and other
basic necessities of everyday living.

The sponsor should also acquiesce in entering an agreement with Canada's
government in providing the essential needs for the sponsee over a period of
time. Also in agreement is that the sponsor should also make an effort into
making the sponsee self-supporting.

Other sponsor qualifications include the following:

* He/she is 18 years old or above; 
* Is not in prison or any similar facility;
* Is not bankrupt; and 
* Is not charged with any serious or major offence

Process and processing time

When the qualifications have been met, it is then possible for you (as a
sponsored relative) to apply for immigration -- either from within or outside
of Canada. This application is the first step in the immigration process and
can vary based on the form of application.

Your application goes through a number of stages, and additional fees are
required along the way. The downside for all immigration applicants, however,
is that nothing is 100% sure; so making sure all your requirements are met is a
very important part when applying.

The processing time is also a major factor that depends on your type of
relationship with your sponsor. The chances of faster processing time is when
your relative is of first-degree kin. Either way, processing times can be as
short as six months to a full blown decade, depending on your circumstances.

A Look into Boeing's Corporate Sponsorship

Boeing is the leading aerospace company in the world, and by far the largest
manufacturer of jetliners for commercial use, and also military aircrafts. They
are the forefront runners in aerospace innovation and leadership, continuously
creating new and more efficient products.

As it is a large corporation, Boeing gives out corporate sponsorships to those
in need of support in funding. Organizations are welcomed by the company to
give unsolicited sponsorship proposals since they seek to proactively create
partnerships with strategic and appropriate partners.

Evaluation Process

Building long-term partnerships is the goal that Boeing aims to attain in
sponsorship. They support a select number of events and activities which have
similar interests and values. In order for this to possible, an evaluation
process is conducted by Boeing to see whether an outside organization is an
ideal sponsorship partner.

All sponsorship proposals given to Boeing go through the following processes:

* Unsolicited and solicited proposals are received by Boeing Corporate

* Boeing Corporate Communications then performs a preliminary overview that is
  based on their evaluation criteria.

* If the sponsorship proposal has potential, it is shared with a team of
  managers responsible for sponsorship program development projects.

* The sharing is evaluations of the sponsorship proposal -- taking into account
  the proposal's location, subject and scope -- seeing if it fits with Boeing's
  brand and strategy on sponsorship.

Evaluation Criteria

There are six general criteria developed by Boeing in evaluating sponsorship
proposals. These measures ensure that the benefit garnered is for both parties
-- sponsor and sponsee.

Sponsorship proposals are subject to evaluation based on the following:

* The tangible benefits involved if a partnership is pursued.

* The longevity the proposal offers if a partnership between the organization
  and Boeing is established.

* The capability of the proposal to target necessary audiences and build the
  right kind of relationships.

* How Boeing will be exposed through such a sponsorship -- will it be a
  positive venture, will it bring in more customers and good feedback, etc.

* What kind of additional resource is the proposal going to generate.

* Will a long term relationship prove to be sustainable and overall beneficial
  to both parties?

There are specific ineligible activities that Boeing has no interest of
pursuit. Some of these activities are mentioned below:

* Little leagues and other local sports organizations 
* Charities that hold fundraising events 
* Individual or family sponsorship requests 
* Daredevil stunts and sports 
* Events that do not have any Boeing facility, product or technology 
* Religious activities 
* Sponsoring travel expenses

Current Sponsorships

There are currently a number of organizations that are sponsored by Boeing.
These companies are also large business that have passed the evaluation process
and fit the evaluation criteria that Boeing stands by,

Some of the current sponsorships include the following below:

* Chicago Bears -- This team is contracted by Boeing under a five-year
  sponsorship agreement.

* Museum of Flight -- This organization, relevant to the nature of Boeing,
  provides a detailed and extensive look into Boeing's history and bright 

* The John F. Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts -- The events held by this
  institution are sponsored by Boeing. These events are Kennedy Center's Annual
  Gala Weekend in April, 2004 -- 2008; and Kennedy Center's Annual Honors Week 
  in December, 2004 -- 2008.

A Timeline of Sponsorship

Throughout the years, marketing strategies have evolved to suit the needs of
both companies and targeted consumers. In the advent of technological
advancements, so have the tools for promotion followed to adapt such changes.

Sponsorship is no exception when it comes to progressive changes in marketing.
From the simplest giving out of financial support to digital and web
advertising, the use of sponsorship as a marketing tool has spanned through the
changing times.

A history of sponsorship is presented below, based on eras of different
applications of marketing and advertising tactics.

Eras of sponsorship styles

Arts Patronage in 1600

The earliest form of sponsorship was seen in the support given to actors in the
1600s wherein the arts, particularly the theatre, were the avenue for
sponsorship. During this era, to be sponsored meant that the upper crust of
society maintained the funding of the plays.

This is very prominent in the European places, where the aristocratic society,
such as the Queen, favoured chosen plays and offered their approval as support.
Such support gave a 'go signal' for other people
to patronize the play and further help theatre groups through funding the
writers involved and the needed props that were to be used in the acts.

The beginning of advertising in 1631

Within the same decade, advertising through sponsorship had begun. The main
benefit that sponsorship offered was exposure to the public. This benefit
helped form the basis of exposing services and/or products in modern-day

It was through newspaper sponsorship in 1631 that classified advertisements
were run by a French company. This company sponsored the ads in their newspaper
to disseminate throughout the community the products/services of a particular

The early pioneers of 1910 through 1970

In 1924, the first sponsored radio program -- The Eveready Hours -- was
created. This paved the way for today's television and radio show sponsorships
that overall make use of media to circulate products/services to the public.

Other important points within 1910-1970 that are relevantly important to
today's sponsorship practices are the following: The first industries that
foreran sponsorship were sports including golf, motor sports, and tennis. The
popular brands Bosch and Firestone started sponsorship Indianapolis 500, a
racing event.

Development era 1970-1984

Corporate sponsorship began during this era; and unlike its positive acceptance
in modern-day, it was not immediately accepted by the event managers then.
Corporations started patronizing the forerunners of sponsorship -- golf,
tennis, and motor sports.

It was during these years that sponsorship meant exposure of the sponsor in
television. These broadcasts were often free and thus fully appealed to
sponsors; and aside from that, it was also an opportunity for corporate heads
to spend time with famous sports players.

Sponsorship continues to rapidly grow in 1983

The explosion of sponsorship happened during this time where a man named Peter
Ueberroth paved the way by selling sponsorship for the Olympic Games in Los
Angeles that came up to more than 400 million dollars in worth. This single
event, coupled along with difficulty of having the government give out proper
funding and support, led to the use of sponsorship marketing.

It was during 1983 that a number of companies had an increase of sales in
sponsoring, and further influenced a new acceptance of corporate sponsorship in
event managers and handlers.


Further development of sponsorship strategies were continuously focused on by
companies during the 90's. With its popularity among businesses, the need for
sophistication in sponsor/sponsee relationships was given importance.

Things like measured sales, business to business opportunities, incentive
activation and distributions, became part of sponsorship. These, added with
sponsor-sponsee relevance, were vital points of consideration.

2000 to present

It is in these years in sponsorship timeline and still continuing that the
technological age's impact on society has been great. This includes marketing
strategies and the form of sponsorship individuals and organizations offer in
this digital age. Through the Internet, companies can market for proper
sponsees and in turn the sponsees can look for the exact kind of sponsorship
they need.

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