![]() ![]() Single Parenting ![]() All About Single Parents The Wikipedia Web site defines single parents are parents without partners in raising a child or children. A single parent, accordingly is one parent who is not living with the child's or children's other significant parent, Definitions and descriptions of single parents vary and differ from one society or country to another society or nation. Different cultures also foster different treatment and classification for single parents. In one country, however, single parents are treated differently according to geographic locations. For example, single parents in the industrial and commercial cities are treated differently and are provided with different perks as compared to those single parents who are based in provinces or the rural areas. Single parenthood is becoming a very popular style of living nowadays. However, not all societies are readily prepared to accept and treat the trend or concept as a rising trend or norm. The technical definition of single parents Single parents are either left alone or abandoned by the other significant parent or their partners. The abandonment involved may come in different occasions and forms. Single parents are usually abandoned by their respective partners after divorce, after separation (both legal and in principle), after the other parent is jailed, after practical abandonment or after the other parent dies. Single parents, in more rare cases, do not really have to be the child or children's biological parents. Yes, blood and DNS affinity may not be the only basis on parenthood. This also applies to single parents. Single parenthood really is a choice, especially if the child is not really biologically from the single moo or single dad. What a noble situation if that happens! Single parents, according to recent studies, also become such through different means. Single parents have or attain their children by legal or in-principle adoption or by bearing the child through artificial insemination or surrogate parenting. Single parenthood, therefore, is a choice. Single parents practically choose to be such. You know how hard it is to raise children nowadays. Financially, physically, emotionally and mentally, single parenthood can really be draining. In other countries, especially those characterized by strict and old-fashioned norms or cultures, single parents are still considered outcasts. That is because during those rare cases, single parents are treated like they have done unforgivable mistakes or misgivings. The rising trend of single parents A recent commissioned study or research in the United States alone reveals that about three children in every ten children on a nationwide average live in homes run by single parents. The most common and prevalent type of single parents are those situations where there is the single mom. It should also be noted, however, that the other type of single parenthood, those with the father acting as both the mom and the dad of the child is also rapidly increasing. The father as the single parent is the common single parenthood setting in the Islamic countries. That is because the governments of these nations still do not recognize the value and the ability of women, particularly moms to raise children or even carry on such great responsibilities. The 2002 Census report in the United States show that there were only 15% of custodial parenthoods, whose single parent carrying on the responsibility of raising the child is the father. For comparison, that figure has risen by 10% over the past ten years. It means, in the 1990s, it was very rare that single dads carry on the responsibility of solely raising the child. Tides have turned since then, apparently. Single dads are now becoming a popular notion, concept or situation in the modern society. Single parenthood Indeed, you must not be too judgmental against single parents, especially in these times. It is because the trend and concept of single parenthood is becoming not uncommon to almost all societies around the world. Gone were the days when children raised by single parents were called bastards and were teased ceaselessly in school. The legislative sector now has instituted laws to protect children of single parents. Single parenthood is becoming too popular and common that it is now an accepted situation and occurrence. Commend and congratulate single parents. The choice they have made for their lives are truly courageous. Understanding Single Parents Separation or independence might come as a big surprise to you. At first, you will most probably be feeling panicky finally realizing that you have to take care of your kids and never forget this, yourself as well. If you do not take care of yourself, then you do not make yourself immune to certain negative circumstances that may hinder the care and love that you can give your children. As a single parent, you have to assure yourself with good health. Aside from the fact that it could add up to your expenses, if you get weak, who will take care of your kids then? However, you can also see separation from a different light. As a single parent, you have to take control of your life, in different ways that are new and could turn out to be very exciting, as you learn to embrace and accept the changes in your life and the lives of your children as well. Making decisions would not be the same because, now, the decisions you have to make should be supportive of your family. Once you are in a more effective control over your life and your kids', it would be eventual that better choices should be made. These said choices are very effective of your relations with your parents, you children, the parents of your spouse, if your are single because of his or her death, or your ex-spouse, if you had either an annulment or a divorce. These choices are also capable of affecting your health and your happiness. However, due to misfortune, you could be having problems raising your kids. You are not alone on this. There are quite a big number of single parents out there. There is no reason for you to isolate yourself from the world. There are also coaches who are always ready to advise you. You can definitely learn a lot from these coaches, parent coaches or kid coaches, and apply what you have learned in your life as a single parent. You can work as a so-called "team" with these coaches to prevent problems within your family. They will be giving you advices that can do so; all you have to do is read on. As a single parent, you must not force your children to trust you. If this whole single parent thing is okay with you, it might not be the same thing with them. Trust is not bought, it is gained. If your kids are finally comfortable having you as their only parent, you will know so. Your kids will just eventually learn to solve their own problems the right way and accept the decisions you will make because of trust, and not force. It is in truth that children can get really stubborn at times; it is already part of their system. But do not, under any circumstances, punish your kids. If you will submit your kids into punishment when they do wrong, they will most probably grow old evading responsibilities rather than to accept them. Yes, parenting has indeed evolved. Parenting in the society today is very different from the kind of parenting that your parents grew up with. The rules have changed and there was a rapid increase of the dangers of your children. If you go to certain experts on this kind of situation, they will probably tell you to put your child on time out. This is not a very helpful advice but still, you must not put the professionals to blame for they, too, are products of society. They most probably grew up in the same kind of parenting as you did. What you most definitely need, as a single parent, are tools and a step by step know how in finding and attaining new hope and happiness, together with your family. There are various kinds of single parents. Some are single parents because of a divorce, some were not even married at all, other single parents are such because they were widowed, and some, dut to a very kind heart, adopted those unfortunate children to give them a better life. Whatever it is that led you to being a single parent does not matter, what matters is the ife that you have now being a single parent to your kids. Questions Most Single Parents Ask About Relationships Single parents do have special issues when they are looking for relationships. Developing a romance or having on overnight guest can sometimes be awkward with children at home. And practical obstacles, such as baby sitters' schedules, can make it difficult to exercise the freedom a single parent would otherwise have. But, often, there are ways to handle these so that you can have the life you want and still be a loving and responsible parent. When you have children to care for, many questions arise which childless singles do not have to consider. 1) Are you concerned about making the most of visitation time with your kids? 2) Do you think potential partners are scared off because you're a parent 3) Do you worry how to answer a child's questions about your romantic life 4) Do you wonder when you should introduce your child to someone you're dating 5) Are you concerned about the legal implications of getting involved with somebody? Here are some solutions to the common questions single parents are concerned with. Potential partners are driven away by single parenthood If you have a kid and you are dating someone who dislikes or has little interest in children, then you are probably better off thinking of this relationship as temporary rather than work it out to be potentially lasting commitment. By expecting that the person will change, you may be setting yourself up for disappointing in the long run. As a relationship develops, it eventually becomes important to introduce your significant other to your kids. If, over time, there's a clash between them, your relationship might not be feasible, no matter how romantic you both feel when the two of you are alone. Making the most of kids' visitation time If you have to balance visitation time with your social life, the principle is to make your activities and the general climate as normal for all of you as possible. That way, your kid will also have much less difficulty adjusting when he or she goes home to the custodial parent. Always remember that you have divorced your spouse, but not your kids. Introducing the significant other to the children When you are beginning to get more involved, it's time to let the other person meet the kids. Make some observations. How does your friend interact with your kids?... * Does your friend make an effort to get to know your children? * Does he or she seem jealous of or threatened by them? * Is he or she competing with the kids for your attention? If your partner resents their presence, this is unlikely to change, leaving your torn as the relationship progresses. Your kids are here to stay, but your partner may not be. Any adult who puts a parent in the position of having to choose is exhibiting immature behavior. Facing questions about your romantic life Children ask questions about a single parent's partners at different ages. Tell them the truth. If you are seriously involved with someone, it's okay to let them know. ON the other hand, there's no reason why they need to know the details of your relationship that don't concern them. Kids of single parents simply want assurance that everything that affects them will be all right. They may fear being told, suddenly, that their life is going to change without their needs being considered. They will usually ask what they need to know. The Plight of Single Parents For the past 25 years, single parenthood has become more and more common in society. New set-ups are emerging aside from the traditional nuclear family. Single parenthood is commonly brought about by three things: divorce, death of the spouse or teenage pregnancy. Cohabitation outside a matrimonial set-up is common but it changes not so much the real parental status as the statistics behind it. The number of single parent families has doubled in the last two decades. US census estimates that 59 percent of children in America will live with a single parent at least once. There are about 12 million single parents in the United States. About 20 million or 28 percent of children under 18 live with a single parent. 84 percent of those who live with one parent live with their mother. Families which are headed by women are more vulnerable. Women's social position is still relatively weaker than that of men. Single mothers have to cope with existing gender-based limitations for gainful employment vis-à-vis a very demanding family life. Although 53.3 percent of single mothers in the U.S. are in the labor force, 3.9 million or 28 percent of households with a female single parent are in poverty compared to just 5.5 percent of two-parent families. This is because of the fact that the median family income for U.S. female single parents is $25,500 which is about half the average income of all families and less than half of the income of married-couple families. Adjusting for inflation, it is even less than the median family income of married-couple families in 1969 ($39,800). In comparison, 13.3 percent of households run by male single parents are in poverty. This is much less than the rate for single mothers, but still more than twice the poverty rate for married-couple families. There had been policy proposals for single parents to receive social benefits but these have been controversial. According to liberal individualist, if people choose to have children, they are responsible to look after them. The collectivist position which dominates continental Europe holds that children are other people's business as well. This position also believes that the interest of the children is far greater than any concerns about the morality of the parents. Aside from these economic realities, single parents also have to face the reality that children who live with single parents or even with a parent and step-parent, experience disadvantages in terms of psychological functioning, behavioral problems, education, and health. Children with single parents are one and a half times likely to drop out of school and work in their early teens and twenties than children who grew up with two parents. Children with single parents are also twice as likely to have a child before the age of 20 as those raised in two-parent family. Many psychologists and child development workers argue however that these studies are oversimplified and outdated. Many factors are involved in the psychological development of a child raised in a single parent home. Cooperation between divorced parents and quality of attention given to the child are examples. No child in a single parent family is by default doomed for a maladjusted life. Single parents must model self-respect and self-nurturance to the children and establish a support system for the family. Many studies have shown that children with single parents tend to have poorer academic performance and receive less intellectual stimulation than children living with married parents. However, studies in the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University indicate that having a support system like a grandparent in the home, appears to buffer some of these negative effects. Children who live with a single parent and a grandparent fare just as well academically as children living with married parents. These findings contradict the idea that living with two married parents is the only situation in which children can thrive. Single Parenting, A New type of family A family is said to be the foundation of the society. When you say a family, it must have a father, mother and their children. How About Single Parenting? In this modern age, single parenting is now acceptable in our society. Single parenting is the term we used for a person building a family or raising a child without marriage or without the present of husband or wife. Anyone can be a single parent depending upon the relationship you established with your partner. Single parenting is sometimes caused by divorce. Single parents are very common to western countries where divorce is legal. If the court finds the marriage unsuitable and no hope for reconciliation between the couple, the court has no choice but to grant the divorce. Single parenting can be also caused by the death of the partner. They said that life is too short and no one knows your death. Single parents who are widow usually had a hard time of accepting their faith. Single parenting caused by death underwent to some stages like anger, denial, depression, bargaining, and the last is acceptance. These stages are also common to divorce single parents. Single parenting caused by adoption of a child are widely accepted these days. Most single man and women believed that singleness are their destiny but most them are only caused by their pursued career and disregard the idea of being married and having their own children until they reach maturity and become a good provider. Single men and woman opt to adopt to feel more complete. Single parents who have adopted usually feel that their life is incomplete without a child and only realizes the needs of it when they already feel the loneliness of being alone and money cannot fill-up their desire to have their own family even without a husband or wife. They have realized that success is no meaning if there is no one you can share with it. Single adoptive parenting is ideal also for those who are sterile people who are sure enough that can give and share their life to the children who needs loving and caring. Single parenting can also be caused by early pregnancy. These kinds of single parents are very common to teenagers, who become rebellious from their parents. They felt neglected by their parents not only of their needs but their love and attention that they expected from them. Because of this feeling of being neglected, teenagers learn to find and look for someone who can fulfills their needs for love and affection that commonly resulted of early pregnancies from their boyfriends. Single parenting caused by early pregnancy is very difficult to manage because what we can expect from teenagers are immaturity, inconsideration and unpreparedness to face the future. Because of immaturity, relationship of teenagers towards their partner usually ends early. Single parenting which is caused by early pregnancy are committed by teenagers who are adventurous. They want to know everything and anything under the sun even it is far beyond the limit and their age. Being adventurous of teenagers can be good if they gain knowledge and experience from what they do but it can also harm them without them knowing. Teenagers who are adventurous of sex and relationships may result to early pregnancy that leads often to single parenthood. They even have no courage to make a background check of their partner. How Society can help Single Parents Single parenting is never easy. It drains the body of every single parent, working like a dog at work, running a household, provide their children of all their needs from food, shelter, education and medicine and clothing. It also drains their mind by thinking for the betterment of their child from their spiritual, emotional, social, physical and mental behavior. Single parenting can change the totality of a person. Single parents should have a different method in molding the character of their child for they are prone from bullies and criticism from other people. Single parents should learn how to deal and cope to the moods of their child especially the single adoptive parents. Children of single adoptive parents are characterized as doubtful and sometimes you need to show them your sincerity of having them in your life. Single parenting needs understanding and encouragement from the society. To be able to do this, people should learn to accept single parents as equal from the common idea of family life. They should help to shower and nurture love to their children. They should be able to think better ways of how to lessen the burdens of single parent. On Single Parenting: Few Truths Of Single Parenting Global way of living has changed significantly over the last twenty-five years. It has affected different aspects of our lifestyle -- from the general way of thinking, education, finances, child and healthcare, even the way we manage our families. This fast-paced change has shaped the way we live our lives, including parenting. Single parenting is defined as a parent (whether the wife, or the husband) doing the role of maintaining the nuclear family, as a result of death, divorce, separation, or personal choice. This type of parenting is an additional arm of the traditional nuclear and extended family types that we have learned since childhood. Nuclear families consist of two parents, and children who are living in the same house. Extended families, on the other hand, consists of two parents, children and aunts, uncles or grandparents living in the same house. Since the 80's, the number of single parent families in the US have doubled. The top three causes of single parenting are: death of a spouse, divorce and personal choice (unwed teenage mothers, choice of raising a family without a partner, etc). These causes have a significant effect on the family's way of life, and require major adjustments to the entire family emotionally. Feelings of resentment, guilt and despair are typical of the spouse who is left behind. Grief is the most often feeling felt by the individual left behind. This can lead to depression, losing control of one's own life. More adverse effects of grief leads to drug and alcohol addiction, and even death. Studies have defined the 5 Steps of Grief: 1) Denial -- This stage comprises of feelings of guilt and denial. The feeling of "he is just away, and will come back" are the usual reactions to this stage. 2) Anger -- This stage comprises of extreme anger towards the person who left or died. 3) Bargaining -- This stage comprises of negotiating with God, if the partner has died, or negotiating with the partner regarding changing what went wrong in the relationship. 4) Depression -- This stage comprises of the near-realization that the situation will not change. This is where the acknowledgement of what happened starts. 5) Acceptance -- This stage is the acknowledgement and acceptance of the grief, and letting go of the feelings of despair. The effects of single parenting are usually felt not just by the spouse left behind, but to the entire family as well, particularly children. Studies have shown that children have felt betrayed, taken advantaged of, and felt inadequate as a result of parent separations. To combat the grief brought about by single parenting, the following tips have been suggested: 1) Accepting responsibilities -- Being a single parent means maximizing all resources to take care of the family. This means looking for all possible, even creative solutions to solve a problem. One should not spend time blaming others for what happened, but instead, look for ways in addressing the problem. An example is looking for alternative ways to find transportation for a child's first day of school. Instead of screaming and whining, the parent should look for alternatives -- looking for relatives who can drop off the child or working around the parent's schedule to drop off the child to school. 2) Family as the first choice -- Successful single parent families have made their family as the top priority. These means determining non-negotiables and balancing commitments. Single parents usually forego career changing decisions for the family. 3) Communication -- The parent and the child need to establish open communication between the two of them, to know what the wants and needs of each other, and to fulfill these wants and needs. Communication is the key to an open relationship. Clear communication channels foster an open relationship between the parent and the child. 4) Taking care of yourself -- If the parent does not take control of his/her life, he cannot take control of his/her child's life. One should take care of himself/herself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Taking care of onself ensures a positive environment of hope and love in the family. 5) Establish routine -- Routines before the divorce or death should be kept, because this is the child's only anchor that things have not drastically changed. Walks on the park, reading bed times stories, or the usual Christmas dinner should be continued even after the death or divorce. Different Effects of Single Parenting to Children and Single Parents What are effects of single parenting to adult? Single parenting is a tough and very challenging task. Many single parents suffer the negative effects of single parenting. Financial struggles is one of the negative effects of single parenting. This, however, can be solve by finding a job that can support both you and child. Single parents can also find a job within their local community that may afford them to sustain the needs of their children. Single Parents should also learn to cut the cost of their daily expenses such as food, transportation, personal cost and child cost. Single parents should learn how to save their time and energy because they are playing two roles for their children. Cost cutting of food expenses like shopping food once a week with a list in your hand to lessen impulse buying. Shopping food alone at discounted grocery stores than in convenient stores with high prices may help you save some bucks too. Also, plan your meals for one week. As much as possible, use your electrical appliances efficiently. Your personal and child cost can be cut by exchanging or sharing your services with friends like babysitting, window washing and gardening. You can also barter your talents like typing, sewing and painting. You can also trim your child's hair by your own. One of the negative effects of single parenting is isolation. You can overcome this by getting support from your family, relatives and friends and even social groups in your community. Try to mingle and participate in your church activities and activities held by your community. The lack of support, another negative effects of single parenting, can be remedied by establishing a connection and communication to the people around you. Communication is important for every single parent to make others understand their situation and gain support from them. Emotional distress, also one of the negative effects of single parenting, can be conquered by letting yourself go on an emotion process aided by a professional. This emotional process is management of emotion from denial, anger, depression, bargaining and until you reach acceptance. What are the effects of single parenting to children? Not only adults suffer the negative effects of single parenting. In fact, children are the most affected by it. Children being raised with this type of parenting are in high risk of experiencing behavioral and emotional distress due to stress. They may also have a hard time to adjust to their present situation a divorce or death of one of their parents. Children sometimes become confused, lonely, fearful, sad and angry. There's a solution to the negative effects of single parenting. If single parents will only have an open mind, they will understand that children needs proper care and enough love to understand and fight the negative effects of single parenting. How to reduce the negative effects of single parenting? Healing your child from the negative effects of single parenting may be started by engaging your child into different activities that they love. Sports are good examples of activities that can help single parents and their children forget the hardships or traumatic experiences that they have gone through. For married couples who are planning for a divorce, let your child know what's really happening with your relationship. Talk to your child and assure them that they are not the reason for the divorce. To reduce the negative effects of single parenting, single parents must talk to their children. Always. Let them express their feeling about the divorce, about the moving, and changing of schools. Let your children know that whatever happens to the marriage, you still love them. Parents, as much as possible, must settle their difference amicably so that their children can adapt easily to the situation and to lessen the tension on their part. Children need security, a loving, nurturing and healthy environment for better emotional growth and psychological development. Whatever kind of family you have, children will grow up to be fine men or women even if they are a product of single parenting. It's up to the single parent how they will raise their child into a loving and respectful person. Unveiling the Possible Effects of Single Parenting Times are rapidly changing. The elderly always argue that the modern culture has forsaken and outgrown the values taught and instilled by old customs, beliefs and traditions. Moralists and conservative people are almost always raising their brows and expressing disgust over how current belief and culture systems are evolving. What has been unacceptable in the old world is now becoming fast and rapidly rising trends. Taboos and outcast-driving issues of yester years are now very common have set minds of people that they actually are just normal and acceptable. The Child Because single parenting or parenthood is somehow a choice and decision, taken by the parent, one voice is still unheard of. It is that of the child's. Psychologists and advocates argue and insist that single parenting has adverse mental, emotional and psychological effect to the child. Tests from time to time validate that premise. Several studies have found that the child's thinking and mental mind set is somehow altered or affected if that child was raised by a single parent. Although single parents must be commended for raising a child alone, he or she should not be blamed for any mental or psychological result of the situation to the child, as psychological assert. Tests and observations have consistently concluded and found that single parenting makes children more aggressive and rebellious. Experts say the behavior could be the outcome of the angst and humiliation the child experiences while growing. Because traditional and normal families have two parents, the mom and the dad, jointly raising kids, single parenting somehow makes the child feel abnormal, different and unaccepted. The society can sometimes be too cruel for such children, which can make things worse. Humiliation and awkward feeling of insecurity is dangerous if left untreated or undetected in the child. That child can take the burden for the rest of his or her life. Single parents One of the issues that were raising the ire of people decades and even centuries back is the issue of single parenting. A quick look at social philosophies link single parenting to adventurism and liberation of people. The Catholic Church has always been the dominating mentor and guide of traditions, norms and living. The church is so adamant to advocate the sanctity of the sacrament of marriage of matrimony. That is why the procreation outside wedlock is strictly considered a ground for excommunication. It is one of the greatest sins, according to the Catholic Church, to engage in pre-marital sex. Single parenthood, in that sense, can be taken in as a punishment of some sorts, to the people who disobey the teachings of the church. But radical thinkers think otherwise. So, is it? Single parenting is becoming a rapidly rising trend in the society. Studies in the US alone indicate that there are four single parents to every ten parents, there are two single parents for every 10 adults in the country. Your great grandparents must be really turning up their graves of they could be able to hear such statistics. How times have changed! Thus, single parents and their children both need professional help through counseling. Reasonable advise and guides should be given both to the child and the single parent to make sure both of them deal with past, present and future issues from single parenting. Counseling from professionals can form or make up a support system that will make single parenting easier and more effective. Because single parenting is no ordinary parenting, the parent and the child must learn to accept the situation minus the negative feeling. Nowadays, single parenting is becoming a normal occurrence. Society is not that judgmental anymore towards the single parent and the child. Probably, it can be because of the immunity due to the rising number of single parents. Anyway, it can be positive because at least, single parents choose to be productive. Effects of Single Parenting: Coping With Reality The number of single parents has increased over the last twenty years. The number of children who have been a product of single parents have continually grown as well. This is because the overall change in society has changed drastically over the past years. How a person reacts to certain situations, and how one copes with change have affected decisions involving families today. Studies have shown that there are effects, whether positive or negative on being a single parent to children. Conflicting studies have shown that there are positive and negative effects of single parenting. Some studies show that children who have been exposed to single parenting have lower self-esteem that that of shared parenting. On the other hand, some studies show that single or shared parenting does not have any effect on the growth or well-being of a parent. How a parent deals with a child, and oneself can mold the dynamics of the family, which can lead to the emotional well-being of both the parent and the child. If the single parent relationship between the parent and child is carefully managed, the following positive outcomes may be felt within the family: 1) Gradual lessening of tension- Prior to being a single parent, feelings of tension are present and are felt by the parents and children. Oftentimes, the feelings of the child are not felt by both parents. When the situation is explained to the child, this can lead to a feeling of understanding on why the separation happened. This understanding can help the child cope with the current situation, and thus gradually release tension towards the child's parents, and to other people as well. 2) More time with each other- Tension felt during the discussions on separation and divorce lead to neglecting children. Screaming matches, and not speaking to each other are common feelings felt by children and the parent. The effect of being a single parent thus gives more time to address the needs of children, and open communication channels between the two. Planning vacations, and bonding sessions with each other can be a result of this. More time would lead to a more relaxed family atmosphere. 3) Re-establishing ties with the community- Children and parents can work together, and can even establish relationships with the community because of this effect of single parenting. Single parents can ask help from their neighbors regarding the care of their children, such as baby-sitting or helping out with household chores. This often leads to a positive feeling of involvement on both the parent and the child, and the neighborhood as well. 4) Out of the box experience to the child- Since the child now shuttles between two separate parents, the child can broaden his/her experiences pertaining to life. The child is more sensitive and aware to what goes around his/her life, and can feel that the world does not revolve around him. 5) A sense of accomplishment -- When a child is designated with small responsibilities, a sense of accomplishment usually is felt. Since additional responsibilities have been added, a feeling of openness is added to the sense of accomplishment felt. This is because a feat has been done to help out in the household. This makes the child feel that he/she is an important member of the household. 6) Prioritizing to lead to work and life balance -- Single parents need to learn the value of prioritizing. Sometimes, new tasks are needed to be able to look for new types of jobs to support the family. Schedules, school and financial obligations need to be prioritized to be able to maintain work and life balance. Attaining work life balance is a continuous challenge to the parent, due to additional responsibilities of managing a family. 7) Active role in decision making -- Children can play an active role in the decision making of single parents. Single parents need additional minds to think most especially in making major decisions. Theories Regarding Single Parenting Theories regarding single parenting depends upon the the beliefs and ideals of a person. Some people base their concept or theories on experiences of single parents. Some of them base it on analytical thinking. There are theories regarding single parenting that is said to be irritating to the ears of single parent especially if it affects the morality of a person as a Christian. Nevertheless, if we will listen to the person sharing his theories regarding single parenting, you can pick up a little knowledge that you can share to others. There are theories regarding single parenting that sometimes caused a debate like theories regarding single parents punishing their children every time they did something wrong. Others agree on this concept while others do not. For those who agree that this theory regarding single parenting is right, say that to be able to create fine men and women, punishment is needed. It lessens their mistakes in life. If not punished, they will do the same mistakes their single parents have done. On the contrary, people who disagreed in this theory regarding single parenting, they believe that punishment will only make children become fearful, non-cooperative, and dependent to others. Theories regarding single parenting may vary according to the beliefs, customs and tradition revolving around the community. Unknowingly, people produced theories according to their experience and pass it out to next generations. Handling your children should not base on any concept or theories regarding single parenting. Nurturing, caring, loving is enough for a child to understand what you feel for him. Don't let any theories regarding single parenting manipulate your lives. Better make it a guide but not necessarily follow all those concepts. Learn to pick only the beneficial ones. Learn from the lessons of the theories regarding single parenting. Theories regarding single parenting sprouted like a mushroom through the years because of the great need of single parents to mold their children with good attitude. There are theories regarding single parenting that deals on educating single parents to teach their children on how to strengthen the faith to God. It is very important to strengthen the faith of every child especially children of single parents because it can be their weapon in every struggles in life. Theories regarding single parenting that are the topics of debates must be analyzed with balanced judgment. Single parents must have a wide knowledge to be able to sort capture only all the good lessons from bad. Theories of single parenting existed many years ago. Even in history books, we read about it. The topic of before still remains the topic of today. Theories on single parenting differ according to the needs of single parent. Single parenting which has resulted from divorce must understand theories on single parenting that are appropriate for them. They should learn how to cope on their situation. They must also learn to avoid bad comments pertaining to the other parent of the child. Single parents should learn to settle amicably the differences between the other parents of the child. Single parents must also learn the right time of dating again on opposite gender. Theories regarding single parenting might help them. Theories regarding single parenting on rebellious stage of children should be deal with maturely. Children who are product of a divorce or separation usually becomes rebellious especially on adolescence age. Rebellious child are sensitive in nature. Single parents must understand their needs. Rebellious child might need more attention and care. They sometimes need something but got difficulty achieving it. Theories on single parenting have the purpose of educating parents to become a role model to their children. Single parents made a mistake in the past but it does not mean they are bad parents. Becoming a role model to children will inspired children to finish their study become professional on their chosen career in the someday. Single parents should be careful on theories regarding single parenting that they will use on their child for on these theories regarding single parenting depend the future of their children. Single parents should never stop on learning for the sake of their child. Single parents should give extra nurturing and caring to their children for children of single parents have the special needs of love and care. How to Manage Stress and Single Parenting Being a single parent is not easy. It is like doing two jobs in one sitting. Single parenting requires you to be an understanding mother or a tough and a providing father all at the same time. Stress and single parenting, therefore, works together, giving single mom and dad a terrible headache every single day. Stress and single parenting are the usual topics in self-help books in parenting. Psychologists believe that raising children and even just a child is a very stressful task that requires ample management of emotional, behavioral and spiritual aspect of a single parent. Without the proper guide from self-help books, counsellors, group therapy, a single parent will deteriorate emotionally due to stress. So how could you manage stress and single parenting? Psychologists say that in order for a parent to manage both stress and single parenting, he or she should enumerate things that brings him or her the stressors. The universal stressors in single parenting for a female parent is how she could manage her household while she works her way to earn a living for 8 to 9 hours during the day. Self-help books on how to manage stress and single parenting gives single moms a good advice. Firstly, if their job requires them to be out of the house in the usual office hours, she could hire a nanny during those times that she is away. But if she wants to have a quality time with her child or children, it would be for the best if she would leave her day job and establish a work from home business or job. The internet isn't there to merely entertain us. In fact, billions of dollars worth of business deals have been transacted through the internet. Of course, this isn't just on sales transactions -- sales on goods sold such as in Amazon or Ebay -- but also those transactions that pay off a service using Paypal or other online payment mode. Yes, believe it or don't, many people, single parent or not, who earn a living through the internet not for selling goods but for offering and selling a service. If you are a fast typist, you can offer typing services through 'telecommuting.' It is a secretarial job that doesn't require a single parent to be 'on-site' or at the place where the office is located. Some employers, especially those who are always on the go, hire 'virtual assistant' to help them with clerical or typing or secretarial jobs. Employers simply email the typing or research job to their virtual assistant with the instructions on how to do it and when to submit it, and the virtual assistant shall submit to the employer the typing and research job at the time the employer has specified. The virtual assistant will be paid online via Paypal or Online Checks, every 15th and 30th of the month, or as agreed by both parties. This way you can manage both stress and single parenting. Even if your two children are howling at each other, you can pacify them while you are waiting for the next job that your virtual boss will give you. Working online or telecommuting is one of the best ways that you can manage stress and single parenting. As for single dads, the problem that they usually face is how to keep in-tune with his child or children's feelings and emotional needs. This is the most usual cause of stress with a male doing the single parenting. Of course, unlike a single mom, not all single dads want to work at home. They feel that this is not a very manly job. To psychologists, however, single dads doesn't have that much liberty to think this way. Single parenting is totally different to regular parenting (a household with a mother and a father). A single parent must adjust to the usual activities expected of a 'regular' parent. So, a single dad must accept the fact that he can't be just like 'any other dad' and work his bottom from sunrise till night. A single dad needs to be at the side of his children, like a mother. If he can't accept this fact, he cannot possibly manage stress and single parenting. All About SPARK (Single Parents Raising Kids) Single Parents Raising Kids or more popularly known as SPARK is an organization of single parents based in the Montgomery County in the United States state of Maryland. SPARK also covers other single parents in the surrounding areas. SPARK as an organization of single parents was instituted and formed in 1987. The founders were nine single parents who have successfully coped p with life being single parents. The nine SPARK founders initially aimed to make SPARK an organization or venue in helping numerous single parents to cope up and deal with stressful single parenting issues. Some Facts About Single Parenting and Ways To Cope Being a single parent is no easy task. It is like doing two jobs in one sitting. Single parenting requires you to be an understanding mother or a tough and a providing father all at the same time. Stress and single parenting, therefore, works together, giving single mom and dad a terrible headache every single day. Stress and single parenting are the usual topics in self-help books in parenting. Psychologists believe that raising children and even just a child is a very stressful task that requires ample management of emotional, behavioral and spiritual aspect of a single parent. Without the proper guide from self-help books, counsellors, group therapy, a single parent will deteriorate emotionally due to stress. So how could you manage stress and single parenting? Psychologists say that in order for a parent to manage both stress and single parenting, he or she should enumerate things that brings him or her the stressors. Here are some facts about single parenting in the US: - There currently are more or less 11.9 million single parents in the country - 84% of kids growing under a single parent live with their mothers - Among all racial groups, the percentage of two-parent households has been drastically declining over the years - Around 28% of American children aged 18 years old and below live with a single parent - 85% of custodial parents are mothers and only about 15% are fathers - 53.7% of custodial single parents work full time jobs, while 30% are temps - Around 59% of single parents in custody of their children have some sort of child support agreements with the other parent - The average household income for custodial parents is US$28,000 - Most single parent settings exist in metropolitan areas If you are a single parent, you really need not fear. There are a lot ways you can obtain support, both financially and emotionally. The US government offers financial support for single parents who have proven themselves unable to provide enough care for their children. The law acknowledges that single parents face responsibilities that are much more complicated than families with two parents, hence the provision for financial assistance. This way, the government takes part in reducing the pressures and hardships single parents face every single day. Despite the absence of a partner, single parents are not alone in the challenging task of rearing their kids. The government is there and very much willing to help. Internet sites like SingleParentsNetwork.com and SingleParentsMingle.com also provide venues for single parents to meet other single parents. They provide articles relevant to single parents' situations and fora for single parents to discuss challenges that face them and their children. Counseling from professionals can also form or make up a support system that will make single parenting easier and more effective. Because single parenting is no ordinary parenting, the parent and the child must learn to accept the situation minus the negative feeling. Nowadays, single parenting is becoming a normal occurrence. Society is not that judgmental anymore towards the single parent and the child. Probably, it can be because of the immunity due to the rising number of single parents. Anyway, it can be positive because at least, single parents choose to be productive. Ethnically Speaking: The Trends In Single Parenting Ethnic studies have discovered that 90% of single parents are women, while in 1995 32% of Black families are single parent households with dependent children. Only 8% of White families are single parent households and 7% in South Asian families. Around half of Black women aged 30 and above are primary income generators in single parent households, while only one in ten among South Asian women have this scenario. Such figures indicate the sharp difference of Black and White single parent households. Other ethnic studies of black and white women ages 15 and 44 found that family disruption is a major concern in future choices of children in terms of childbearing and marriage. An ethnic study conducted by Bumpass and McLanahan found that the daughters of single mothers have a: - 53% chance of being married during their teen years - 111% change of having teenage births - 164% change of having premarital births - 92% chance of experiencing their own marital-related problems. The developing behavior of girls that grew up and having their father die early also leads to different effect. - Black children are not significantly affected if their mother is widowed early in life. - Parental family status does not have a considerable impact on whether white or black girls who grew up in families would get married again after getting divorced. - The results show that when family background traits are kept constant. Bumpass and McLanahan arrived on the conclusion that the finding give strong evidence that women who spend a portion of their livelihood in a single parent environment have a bigger chance of getting married and bearing children early, to have children out of wedlock and have major martial issues that will likely end in divorce. Regardless of what ethnic group you are in, being a single parent is hard. Those coping with being a single parent normally feel the following: sadness, abandonment, confusion, guilt, fear of being alone, and anxiety. The following advises are crucial to help fight combat these feelings: 1) Forgive and forget -- Letting go of unwanted feelings can make one feel happier and lighter. Holding on to anger provides more stress that letting go. Forgetting will make more bearable for you to move on and possibly develop a relationship, and preserving your relationship with your kids. 2) Maintain network and ties with your community -- Having honorary uncles and aunts in the community develops camaraderie between the kid and the neighbourhood, and the parent and the neighbourhood. It also enables children better understand that creating relationships is an helpful way to forget the bad feelings that they felt during the divorce of their parents. 3) A sense of accomplishment -- When a child is assigned with small tasks, a sense of accomplishment is normally felt. Since additional responsibilities have been given, a feeling of openness is added. This is due to the fact that a goal has been achieved to assist in the household. This makes the child feel that he is an integral member of the household. 4) Take responsibility -- Before, the responsibility of caring for the family was shared between two individuals. Now, only one is tasked to provide for the whole family. Taking responsibility gives power to a single parent to be extra careful in making decision and managing the family. In addition, the parent can request assistance from the children on major decisions such as what items are essential in the grocery 5) Do not forget the old habits -- Children need stability in their lives after a traumatic divorce. Rituals as going to dinner every Wednesday or the parent fetching the child from school every Friday should be kept. In this way, the child will feel that even if the parents are divorce, the good rituals are still there. 6) Different experience for the child -- Since the child now shuttles between two separate parents, the child can further broaden his perception on how life should be tackled. The child is more receptive and aware to what goes around him, and accepts that the world is not perfect. Challenges Of Single Parenting One of the hardest issues to survive in, as a single parent, is an overwhelming emotion that you should complete the role of both mother and father. This feeling evolves and will be more intense if the other single parent is not portraying a role that is active with the children. You would probably fight this feeling often in two ways. Either you try to compensate by being both the mom or dad or you get on one of those wild life hunting explorations to search for a partner to fill in the other role. May I tell you a piece of advice? Neither one of these options will work. It is easier to say it than to do it. Single parents always bring this feeling of guilt for the reason that their children do not obtain the love and care they could be getting from another parent. So what are you supposed to do? It is a very difficult situation. For example, you are a single father with three children. This gets even more complicated if two out of the three are girls and you will have to choose between being a mom or to hunt for the mom to be able to have a better orientation for your daughters. You would most probably go on an exploration to fill the second. Not a year has passed and you would probably go back to being a single parent. As mentioned, this is never the answer. The lesson on that example is that you cannot replace the mom or the dad. Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to find people who are ready to be a huge portion of both yours and your children's life. What is really meant is that this should not be the reason of the relationship you from. Instead of feeling that you need to replace your wife or your husband for your kids, why don't you focus on what you need to provide or give to them? Being a single parent is not a reason for you to feel guilty. You should rather be proud that your sons and daughters have you. This article is written to help you, single parents, realize that your children love you and if you are going to find another spouse or feel guilty, you are not going anywhere. Yo have to comprehend that single parents do not have to have a mate to make your kids glad. If you are a single parent, then you are probably strongly thinking that you should fill both roles. This is empowered by the feeling of guilt for fitting our children in difficult positions. You have to get over this and recover as fast as you could. You are only human; you are not a super hero. You cannot do everything by yourself and you should never feel that you are second best just because of this. Your children do not all the time give a helping hand either. Children are not evil, crazy or anything of that kind, they are just being what they are, kids. It is what kids always do, and it turns out that it really works well for them. You need to adapt to working with your kids with your own provisions and not feel lower than appropriate for the reason that you cannot do something. In total, you gain the respect of your kids if you follow what this article just said. No matter how much and how well you try, you surely cannot be both your children's mom and dad. So take this as an advice, quit trying. You do not need to be fit and lean to make your kids love and appreciate you. They love you just the way you are. You should even appreciate yourself first in order to make your children and others appreciate you. You should know that parenting exercise is different. Hmmm: You are most probably thinking that being a single parent drains your energy and will not let you have time for yourself. Well, tell you what, it does not. It helps you become stronger and it makes you appreciate yourself because of what you do. Single Parents and How They Are to Maintain Their Emotional Health The number of single parents has increased over years. The number of children who have been a product of single parents have continually grown as well. This is because the overall change in society has changed drastically over the past years. How a person reacts to certain situations, and how one copes with change have affected decisions involving families today. Studies have shown that there are effects, whether positive or negative on being a single parent to children. Stress and single parenting are the usual topics in self-help books in parenting. Psychologists believe that raising children and even just a child is a very stressful task that requires ample management of emotional, behavioral and spiritual aspect of a single parent. Without the proper guide from self-help books, counsellors, group therapy, a single parent will deteriorate emotionally due to stress. So how could you manage stress and single parenting? Psychologists say that in order for a parent to manage both stress and single parenting, he or she should enumerate things that brings him or her the stressors. The universal stressors in single parenting for a female parent is how she could manage her household while she works her way to earn a living for 8 to 9 hours during the day. Self-help books on how to manage stress and single parenting gives single moms a good advice. Firstly, if their job requires them to be out of the house in the usual office hours, she could hire a nanny during those times that she is away. But if she wants to have a quality time with her child or children, it would be for the best if she would leave her day job and establish a work from home business or job. The internet isn't there to merely entertain us. In fact, billions of dollars worth of business deals have been transacted through the internet. Of course, this isn't just on sales transactions -- sales on goods sold such as in Amazon or Ebay -- but also those transactions that pay off a service using Paypal or other online payment mode. Yes, believe it or don't, many people, single parent or not, who earn a living through the internet not for selling goods but for offering and selling a service. Some employers, especially those who are always on the go, hire 'virtual assistant' to help them with clerical or typing or secretarial jobs. Employers simply email the typing or research job to their virtual assistant with the instructions on how to do it and when to submit it, and the virtual assistant shall submit to the employer the typing and research job at the time the employer has specified. This way you can manage both stress and single parenting. Even if your two children are howling at each other, you can pacify them while you are waiting for the next job that your virtual boss will give you. Working online or telecommuting is one of the best ways that you can manage stress and single parenting. As for single dads, the problem that they usually face is how to keep in-tune with his child or children's feelings and emotional needs. This is the most usual cause of stress with a male doing the single parenting. Of course, unlike a single mom, not all single dads want to work at home. They feel that this is not a very manly job. To psychologists, however, single dads doesn't have that much liberty to think this way. Single parenting is totally different to regular parenting (a household with a mother and a father). A single parent must adjust to the usual activities expected of a 'regular' parent. So, a single dad must accept the fact that he can't be just like 'any other dad' and work his bottom from sunrise till night. A single dad needs to be at the side of his children, like a mother. If he can't accept this fact, he cannot possibly manage stress and single parenting. Articles On Single Parenting Becoming Popular in Modern Days There are many articles concerning about single parenting. Single parents need not worry on how to handle your situation as a single parent to your children. You may search for articles like this one through various website and even in local magazines. For more brief and precise articles about single parenting, you may also visit the libraries and bookstores. Reading and understanding the articles for single parenting may give you tips and guides in handling your day-to-day relationship with your children. Because of the growing number of people who are becoming single parents caused by break-up of marriage, teenage pregnancies, divorce and death of other partner, the publication of articles on single parenting have also increases. There is a growing demand for self-help tips in raising a child or children by a single parent. There are articles on single parenting that focuses on a single mom or dad who lose a husband or a wife because of death. These articles help a widow or widower handle grief and how to continue their life without a partner in life. There are also articles on single parenting that teach about proper caring of infants, toddlers and kids who are in school already. These articles cover the basic management of kids' tantrums and their attitudes towards you as a parent and to other people. Single parents, especially teenage single mother, will also gain knowledge from these articles on single parenting such as basic childcare, bathing an infant, first aid techniques.. A woman who is expecting her first baby without a partner to help her in child rearing may also benefit from the contents of these articles on single parenting. These articles will show her to take care of her body during and after pregnancy. It is also good for every single parent to start reading articles on single parenting and child psychology so that she could raise her child morally upright. When their child grows and starts asking questions, they must know how to answer these questions, most especially the sensitive ones. Do not take for granted the questioning of your child because you would not know the effect in the event that you ignore them. Children who are raised in a wrecked home or are the product of a teenage pregnancy are said to be more sensitive than children who are raised in a normal home because they feel that they are the usual topic in school and in their community. You must help to cope up by searching on the articles on single parenting that will solve the problem of your child. You must obtain a regular communication with your child so that you can also monitor his companions, his favorite things to do and problems he is encountering outside your home. There are articles on single parenting that you must disregard especially those that only confuse. Remember that articles on single parenting are written by humans only, and human are not perfect. Many authors of articles on single parenting use their opinions as their basis of writing their articles. Sometimes it is not informative. To avoid waste of your money examine first the articles on single parenting before you purchase. Articles on single parenting must be informative, specific and goal oriented. Articles on single parenting should be informative in a way that you can gain learning, knowledge, methods, and ideas that can help you in your way of raising your child and becoming you as a better person. Articles on single parenting must contain specific and more precise information for easy understanding. Most single parents are commonly on the lower income earner and sometimes force to stop their education to support their child. Single parents need to feed useful articles regarding single parenting that is understandable to apply the knowledge as possible. Authors of articles on single parenting are advised to feature articles that are more on a goal-oriented topic. Every single parent goal is to secure better future for the children. Authors may write an article on single parenting that is more inspirational in achieving their goal. They may also discuss topics that will establish their morals and strengthens their faith and give them strong determination in achieving success. For those single parents who are cutting their cost on buying things to save for the most essential needs, they may visit public libraries near their place. They may borrow articles on single parenting that is functional for them. Single parents must not stop on learning for they will be their child's first teacher. Single parents must show their child that they are interested in learning to make them a role model and children will also become interested in studying and reading materials. Children of young age are very willing to attend school and learn their alphabet. Children must gain support from the parents in also achieving the goal of their child. Education is one of the rights of the child. Do not disappoint your child. It is better to enhance the talents and abilities of children than make them useful and productive. Articles on single parenting are great help for single parents in guiding the path of every child and make them leaders of your community. Meeting A Lover's True Love: Dating and Meeting A Single Parent's Children Dating and meeting a single parent's children can cause tension and nervousness between a new couple. A lot of expectations need to be set as this is not a conventional relationship. One person has no strings attached, while the other person has a huge string attached -- a child. The person dating a recently single parent needs to be open and understanding as well. The person needs to understand that there are responsibilities involved, such as defensive feelings from children, as well as comparisons between the new person and the old spouse. Dating is a combined feeling of excitement, nervousness and anticipation. Added to meeting a single parent's children double these combined feelings for both you and your partner. The question is, what are the "nice to knows" in dating and meeting single parent's children? On Dating 1) Make sure that the previous relationship has no more to do's- Studies have shown that the feeling of being treated as a "rebound" is common when dating a single parent. This is because these newly single parents look for partners as soon as possible, to replace the feeling that they had with their own partners. Being the date, a person needs to make sure that there are no more strings to be addressed in the previous relationship of the single parent. 2) Make sure to complement your date of his looks -- Newly single parents invest on their looks to be able to boost their confidence. They enhance their looks by coloring their hair, trying on new make-up, experimenting on different scents or losing excessive pounds to prepare themselves on being available in the market again. Complimenting them on how they look will definitely boost their confidence and make your date more open to feedback. 3) Manage expectations that you are different from the previous one- Comparisons are the main reasons for fights between a new single parent and his/her respective date. A newly single parent can either look for a date who has similar characteristics, or look for a date that is entirely different from his previous relationship. New dates need to make sure that he/she is different from the previous one. 4) Maintain a non-sexual relationship with your date at the early stages of the relationship. Be open to the fact that your relationship can either work or not work. Having a sexual relationship may complicate things, most especially if your date has a child. On Meeting a Single Parent's Child/ren 1) Understand that there are established routines already -- When a single parents lets you meet his/her children for the first time, make sure to understand that there are routines already, and the child/ren see you as a threat to these routines. Just make sure to let them feel that you will not do anything to their routine. An example is the weekly breakfast routine. When your partner brings you for this routine for the first time, the children will see you as a distraction who will soon take away their weekly routine. 2) Delay the sleep-over -- Children today are different in the way they think. Sleeping over connotes sexual relations, even if there is none between the two of you. Try postponing the sleep-overs when you feel that the children have accepted you already. 3) Encourage your partner to separate dating and parent time -- Ask your partner to separate dating and parent time. This will not compromise both of your feelings and avoid unnecessary tension. 4) Be open to the fact that you will be introduced when your relationship has long-term potential. -- Newly single parents will introduce you to their family if they see that what you have can escalate to a long-term commitment. If you are not yet introduced to his family, give it time. These are just simple tips to help you out in the phenomenon of dating and meeting a single parent's child/ren. These tips can go a long way in maintaining a possible relationship between you and your partner. Consequences of Single Parenting There are a lot of consequences in being a single parent. It is not as easy as everyone imagines. There are so many issues surrounding a single parent. Some are good, but some are extremely bad. In everything that you do, there are consequences. And because being a single parent is an abnormality, society keeps a watchful eye on everything that you do. You always have to watch your actions so that it will not have a deterrent effect on your children. You also have to have an open communication with your children so that you will always have knowledge on what is roaming inside their mind. Since being a single parent is vulnerable to gossips, we must always be knowledgeable of what is happening around us so that it would not affect our children. The biggest consequence of being a single parent is probably its effect on the child's reputation and emotions. In a weak foundation, the child with a single parent might notice his or her difference with other kids. If not properly talked about, he or she might start thinking that he or she is different and it may be a reason for him or her to be disturbed. As a parent, you must always remind your child that he or she is not different from others. He or she is still a normal kid, just like everybody else. The bulk of the responsibility is thrown mostly to the parent. And honestly, it is really the parent's responsibility especially during the early ages of your son and daughter. You should always remind your child about his or her status and that it should not affect him or her as a person. As a parent, you must really be hands-on with how you take care of your children. It is a must that your presence is always felt. That you are always there to guide your kid. It is important and a must that you efficiently perform your duties and responsibilities as a parent. Single parents must be really close to his or her child. If you concentrate more on work and leave no time for your kids, there might be a gap on your relationship and you and your kid will not be that close. You should also show your love to your kids for they lack affection. Since you are a single parent, you should give much more love as you are filling in the shoes of both a mom and a dad. But that is not as easy as it sounds, because you are the only one that makes it work for you and your family. Of course, you cannot do it all by yourself. Single parents are not super heroes but they are close to it. Time is the biggest enemy of a single parent. And because of that, the biggest consequence of it is having no time to spend with your kids. As a result, you may not be close to him. Another one is because of the lack of a parent figure inside the house when you are not around, the kids might lack the value that parents teach. Also, because of your absence, the children might not respect your authority as their parent. And at times, because of work, you might be not around during special occasions, like the kid's birthday, PTA meetings, the child's recital and other kid of events that require the presence of a parent. Since you are the only working with no support, you might not be able to attend to these and may cause trouble. A kid requires a lot of work, and if you cannot attend to your child's needs then he or she might look out for someone else. Your child might be prone to drugs and other bad deeds because of the lack of presence and attention inside the house. The child might even forget that he or she still has a parent. You must remember it is not how long you spend your time with your kids; it is how you spend quality time with your kids. Even if you are tired from work, you must always let them feel your love. You may not always be physically present but what is important is that we instill in the values and discipline so that they would be able to face the world with the parent on the child's mind. The most important thing is that they would understand the situation and respect you for what you are and not who you are not. Single Parents and The Rise of Crime Rates Among Children The hardest thing to face as a single parent are the intense emotions associated with being both a mother and a father to a child. This is further magnified when the other parent is absent or is deliberately not doing anything to fulfill his part in the caring for the children. More often than not, the single parent's psychological well being bogs down. Single parents might try to cope with this strain by either trying to compensate by adopting both mom and dad roles, or by scouring the social scene for a partner to help him or her in the rearing of the child. The pressure is definitely high. However, if truth be told, none of the above will help. If anything, they might even cause you to become more stressed. And when you end up being more stressed than ever, chances are this will reflect and magnify on your child. If you are a single parent, ask yourself. How does your behavior and general outlook toward life affect your kid? Upon closer scrutiny, you might just find out that your child's constant tantrums and bouts of unexplained anger might just be the result of your continuing negativity. It is for these reasons that you should be careful. Several studies show that children coming from single-parent households are more susceptible to destructive or rebellious behavior, not just because society imposes the need for a two-parent structure, but also, more often than not, the custodial parent is either too guilty that he or she smothers his child, or too busy to make ends meet to show how much he or she cares. According to one study, about 90% of the change in crime rates between 1973 and 1995 had been accounted for by children born into single-family setups and those that had been born outside of marriage. While this is not entirely true for all cases of that cover single parent households, we cannot discount the fact that majority of reports conducted in lieu of single parenthood and crime rates show that they are, indeed, linked. Children born into two-parent, or 'intact' homes, are also susceptible to committing crime, so it would be impulsive to generalize that all kids under one-parent households are likely to become criminals. Sure, two-parent settings place some sort of balance to a child's psychological well-being. However, it should also not be discounted that kids who grew up under an unhappy but intact home are also prone to some form of destructive behavior. If you are a single parent, the best thing you can do to prevent this from happening is to be there for your child. You don't really need to be available 24-7 and spend so much just to show him or her that you care. The mere fact that you make it clear, in the occasions that you can, that your child's well-being is your utmost priority is enough. Never forget to tell your child that you love him or her. Do away with discussing the negative, especially if it's against the other parent, no matter how distressed you are with him or her. If you are having trouble reaching out to your kid, particularly if you're realizing this need just now and your child is already a teen, seek counselling. Or have a one on one talk with your child so that both of you will understand each others feelings openly. Honesty is key in a single parent setting. If both parent and child are honest about what they think and feel, the less likely a rebellion would occur. While you do feel somehow guilty for being a single parent (you may sometimes even think it's your fault that your kid is exhibiting rebellious behavior), you should immediately try to take it out of your system. Guilt will only magnify the ill effects on your child and might even push him or her further into ill behavior. Simply put, a positive attitude will do wonders. A happy household, whether in a two-parent or single parent setting, is still a happy household. And this is all that is going to matter. Dating Single Parents I really admire single parents, with all the hardships in their life; they are still able to endure all of it. For their children, they are able to suck up everything that life has thrown at them. But single parents are humans too, with emotions that people usually feel. They also long for love and affection not only from their children but also from other people as well. They also long for a companion who would grow old with them. So for single parents to go on dates is not a distant reality. First question about dating single parents is if it is right and proper for them to go on dates. In my opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong about it. They are single anyway. Plus everybody needs love and a partner in life, it is just sad if society will dictate it for them to be lonely all their life. They also have the right to be happy and be with somebody else who could support them in their life aside from their children. Raising a family is also hard if you are the only one answering and supporting the family's needs. As the saying goes, "it takes two to tango", you will really need a partner to help you raise your family well. Life is hard to face when you are all alone. Let's face it, when the kids grow up they will have their own families and eventually move out. That is why it is perfectly of for single parents to date. People should not think that what they are doing is immoral because they are doing it for themselves and the children. It is really hard for a single parent to find a partner that would easily accept them, there past and there present situation. Some even view them as immoral people because of certain factors. They tag single moms with immorality because of the early pregnancy, or that they got pregnant before they got married. Single dads are often looked at as irresponsible men or a cheater that is why their partners left them. But of course, there are so many outside factors that deal with that. Those are just some of the examples how society looks at single parents. In reality, single parents are hardworking and responsible people that are able to fend for their kids even if they are the only one supporting the family's financial needs. It is just sad how they degrade them. People should not be judged because of the mistakes they have committed in the past. For those who would look at single parents with an open mind and get to know them better, they would realize that these people are very responsible. They have dealt with almost all problems they could possibly encounter and overcame it. Single parents would be a very great partner because they are very mature and have different views on things. I really wish that these single parents would date and find a mature and responsible partner to help them in forming a new, strong and normal family. If you are already dating a single parent, there are some issues you will have to deal with. The biggest issue that you will encounter is dealing with his/her children. When you are dating a single parent, it is as if you are also dating his/her own children. As you start to accept him or her as a person, you should already have first accepted the fact that the person that you love is already a parent. And that by loving him or her, you should already love the children. Dating and having a relationship with a single parent is like a package, you already have an instant family. For starters, you will have to get the trust of the person you want to have a relationship with. I guess you have to prove to him or her that you are mature, responsible and will be loving to his or her children. Once that is done and you are maintaining a relationship, you will have to get the trust of his or her children. Since your partner is a single parent, it is natural that his or her children are not used to their parent having a partner. At first, they will be very suspicious of your motives; they will be protective of their mom or dad. It is believed that getting the kid's trust and getting them to like you is the toughest part. Once you get it, you already have dealt with the problems of dating a single parent. SPARK as an organization Like most other organizations, non-government organizations that is, Single Parents Rising Kids or SPARK has a self-imposed mission of building a community characterized by interaction among local single parents. SPARK aims to help single parents in Maryland provide a support group system to strengthen each other and be able to share experiences and insights on related experiences to make each other learn from experiences and mistakes. SPARK purposely aims to attain its mission statement by instilling active participation among its members and planning and presenting a program of family that is balanced. The organization also aims to give out social and educational programs to each of its members. As an active organization, SPARK comes out with a monthly calendar of events that can help its members interact comfortably though informal and friendly gatherings. To do such, SPARK once in a while organizes concerts, movie premieres, pot-luck dinners and other activities that would help members appreciate and interact with each other in the most comfortable and conducive means. The headquarters of SPARK is located at SPARK Incorporated, PO ox 288, Rockville, Maryland 20848. SPARK membership It should be noted that SPARK, being a non government organization, is also and mostly, to be emphasized clearly, not a for-profit organization. That means SPARK exists mainly because of its advocacy roles and commitments and not because of any other causes. The organization, being a social interaction group, is not intended to generate income or revenues to its founders and leaders. Instead, the compensation SPARK gets is the great feeling it attains if it effectively provides support and wisdom or insights to its members, which are all single parents. SPARK is a volunteer-organization that is run and managed by volunteers. Solicitations and contributions that make SPARK running and existing are generated through the voluntary contribution and offer of single parent members. SPARK is open to all single parents in Maryland and the adjoining states whose child or children are below or under eighteen years. The child or children may be with or without custody. Purpose of SPARK Single Parents Raising Kids is an organization whose purpose include giving members great and bright ideas to resolve emotional, social and financial problems arising from single parenthood. Thus, SPARK principally aims to provide single parents the opportunity to: * Participate in wholesome but fun activities with other single parents. * Learn more and generate more knowledge about single parenthood. * Share insights on experiences that could be beneficial other single parents. Insights on SPARK The modern generation of single parents are somehow very much more fortunate than their counterparts in the past generations. Gone were the days when single parents are ostracized and looked down by the society due to the stigma and social burden incurred from a failing marriage or pregnancy out of wedlock. Te single parents of today are really lucky to be able to enjoy most stuff and support groups that help them out carry the burdensome role of having to raise a child or children solely amid all the odds. SPARK is one organization that could have helped many a single parent in the decades and centuries that have passed. However, it is better late than never. Thank God, single parents now have to get support from SPARK Now wish that SPARK expand from Maryland to the rest of the world. Single Parents and Dating: How To Mingle Single parenting doesn't have to be such a drag on your social life. When your kids are old enough to understand, you can probably start on the dating scene once again. But, hey, it all really depends on you when you think you're ready to begin mingling with new people once more. If you have been avoiding some singles activities because you call them 'meat markets', you might want to consider going with your own plan. You can take along your own close-knit group. You can go out and just practice flirting. Or you can enjoy an evening's worth of superficial meetings at a bar. In short, when you have follow your own agenda, you can always enjoy mingling with other singles whether or not you meet someone special. Singles Activities Almost every community has a singles scene. Whether you live in small town or a metropolis, you're likely to find activities for singles at churches. You don't really need to have any kind of strong religious convictions, as most of their activities are organized around nonreligious events. Groups likes YMHA, YMCA and YWCA also have programs for singles. You are also likely to meet people like you in professional organizations, or writing group, or a theatre company. To simplify things, singles, or even single parents, are everywhere. You just have to know where and how to look for them. Here are some alternative ways to find the singles scene in your community: - Check local newspapers and magazines for listings of singles organizations and groups. There is no rule against joining groups just to meet other people, so go ahead and sign up for something that interests you. - Try some singles bars or nightclubs. If you're a bit courageous, you can go alone. But for starters, you might want to go in a group. - Do things you've never done before. Develop new interests and venture into novel activities. Who knows, you might be able to meet someone interesting at the oddest of places. To find out about groups in your area that share your interest, check the listings in your local papers. Sundays and Fridays are usually packed with information about singles events. The larger the city, the easier it will be for your to find local resources. But wherever you are, you are likely to find clubs and organizations that are meant for people of wide-ranging interests. There are gourmet coulbs for singles, supermarkets for singles, lectures and discussions centered on singles... the possibilities and opportunities are endless! So what are you waiting for? Get your groove and get back on the social scene. Being a single parent is not a curse, nor should it deprive you from enjoying life. You never know, love could be just around the corner. Meeting Other Single Parents If you find yourself single all of a sudden after a marriage, you may first feel confused upon your re-entry into the dating scene. This is admittedly uncomfortable, yes, but the good thing is you are not alone. There are a lot of other single parents out there waiting to meet you and, probably, share another chance at a happy family life with you. Dating skills, like most things in this world, tend to dry up when not in use. But with a little warming up, you will soon return to you best performance and be enjoying the benefits of single life, particularly if the people you're intending to meet share your interests, and, well, family backgrounds. That is, people with kids, like yourself. Internet sites like SingleParentsNetwork.com and SingleParentsMingle.com provide venues for single parents to meet other single parents. They provide articles relevant to single parents' situations and fora for single parents to discuss challenges that face them and their children. So if you've recently become a single parent and find yourself a little helpless and gasping for breath, these sites will give your the support you need. And what better way to gain information and help than getting them from people who are experiencing the same trials and triumphs as you do! Of course, you can never discount the fact, that you might, just MIGHT, be able to find romance in another single parent you meet at such Web sites. But since this is your second, or maybe third, or fourth, chance at a meaningful relationship, as with any relationship, you still have to be discerning and careful. After all, your dating activities will not just affect you but your children, as well. The effect even magnifies this time, as both you of already have kids. When meeting a fellow single parent, be sensitive to his or her concerns and issues. Don't think that all the ills that happened to you are exclusive to you alone. There is a 100% chance that the other person has experienced the same, or worse fate. Remember, both of you are single parents. There wouldn't be any huge difference if you really think about it. The good thing about meeting fellow single parents is that there is no need for a good pickup line or an ice breaker. The mere fact that both of you have kids is a good starting point for a meaningful conversation. This actually helps lessen the pressure of having to impress the other person, because, well, you're going through the same things, really, and don't need to kid each other and pretend to care. There are a lot of other single parents social sites on the Internet. A simple Google or Yahoo! search will produce a flood of listings. If you're not too keen on meeting people from the Internet, then getting back to the regular dating scene shouldn't be a problem for you. Consider it a smorgasbord of different people. The world is your apple. Whether or not you meet fellow single parents to share common interests or to seek romantic prospects, you should never forget that your responsibility, first and foremost, is to your children. There is a reason why 'parent' is attached to your name. Be one first. Effect of Single Parenting On A Child In today's generation, people are more liberated. And because of that, a lot of things are going on today that was never heard of before. Say for example, the concept of being a single parent. Single parents are scattered all over the world, so we can't say that it is because of culture or economic status. Rich or poor, a lot of single parents are out there. So is being a single parent bad? Some would say that they would prefer to be a single parent. Some would say that having a mom and a dad is still proper for a child. Some experts have pointed out some bad traits on children with single parents. They say that having a single parent has certain effects on a child. Of course, some effects are good but some are also bad. Since a lot of single parents are dealing with their children by themselves, it is important that you notice and discuss some good and bad effects of solo parenting. Let us start on the good effects of being a single parent. As an effect of being a single parent, you will be very close to your child or children. You will be the only one they will look up to and you will have their undivided unconditional love. You will also be the only authority they will look up to. You will be able to have all of their respect and love, making it easy for you to make rules and also for them to follow. In your family, there will be no pairing up or partnership between members. Your family will be very close and the single parent will be in full control. Close family ties s the greatest effect a single parent can have on a child. The child and single parent will have a very good, if not best, and a very open relationship. They will have a good communication line and no secrets will be kept from each other. They will share everything with each other that will lead to a harmonious relationship between parent and child. So if you look at it, being a single parent will be great considering the fact that how good your relationship would be as parent and child. But being a single parent also has its flaws. The difference may have some not so good effects on your child. Of course, a normal family consists of a mother, a father and the children. In the case of a single parent, a mother or a father is missing. Because of that, it is no longer normal. And as you know, the society looks down on anything that is not normal. The child might start feeling that he or she is different. And that may have some unwanted psychological effects on the child. One example that might bring the child's feeling down is when his or her peers start teasing him or her for having only one parent. He or she might start thinking that having one parent is bad and the child points out the blame to his or her parent. The child will have a gap with the parent that will be very hard to fill up. Another problem that may arise as an effect of being a single parent on a child is his or her lack of either a father figure or a mother to care for him or her. The child might seek for someone that has never been there and it might be a cause for the child to be hard-headed. The child might also get jealous seeing other kids with complete parents. The child may become disturbed because of that. The child might be looking for complete parents in some special occasions that usually require two parents like father's day or mother's day. As a single parent, you have to answer all the financial needs of your family. So that means you have to work for you to feed them. You can't really spend much time with your children so that you can have a good life. You will really have a hard time teaching them values because you are not always at home. Always remember that it is not about being a single parent. It is about how you bring up your children and the time you spend with them. And also being how efficient you are as a parent, single or not. Tips for Single Parents When Traveling Single parents have a tough role balancing their time between work and home duties as a mother and father. Sometimes single parents need to travel for business trips or even for vacation and bonding moments with their children. What to bring during travel trips? It is advised for single parents traveling with an infant to pack not more than one suitcase. Better pack your child clothing inside your own suitcase because you are still carrying your baby's car seat and strollers only by yourself or you can accompany a nanny for convenience for every trip only. Single parents traveling with their children should ride a train as much as possible. Children love trains. These are the best form of travel: either you ride a plane, train or car. Think of any activities that will capture the interest of your child. You can bring along their favorite toys too. Better be early when traveling especially for single parents to avoid fighting with other passengers. Your child needs to be comfortable and being early on your trip will make them relax. Bring along kiddie meals, spoon and dish and small container of milk and juices that will suit the taste of your children. They may not like the food offered on the plane. Medicines are very important for every single parent traveling with kids. Single parent should know all about sickness that can affect your children during trips or better consult your pediatrician before traveling. Best destination when traveling with kids -- Kids love adventure and they will love you more if you will participate in their adventures. This is the chance for single parents to travel with their kids during holidays for having fun with them. You may frequent your trip to unwind your self for the heavy roles you are doing as a single parent. Single parents traveling with their kids in Disneyland, wherever Disneyland you may bring them, it does not matter. All that matters to them is the fun and laughter. They may enjoy themselves with the cartoon character like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. There are also play areas design for toddlers and kids. Single parents traveling with their kids but with a minimal budget can bring their child in a zoo. Kids especially toddlers like animals. Even in television, they imitate their sounds and behavior of animals. Treating your kids even with a small budget will be a lot of fun. Children also love beaches and water. Swimming gives great delight to your kids. They love swimming and playing and building castle made by the sand. It is important for your child to have an activity that will make them busy and worthy on your every trip. Problems facing by single parents during travel. Single parents traveling with their kid usually face various problems especially for a divorcee or separated single parents. Single parents traveling with kids should make a habit of bringing along their legal documents whenever you travel inside or outside the country. Single parents traveling with kids local destination needs only less legal documents than traveling abroad. You may contact your tour agent to check all the requirements before traveling. Because you are only traveling on your own country, you are probably more particular of the laws and requirements when traveling. Single parents traveling with their kids outside the country require a passport for the kids and the parent itself. Many countries not only requires a passport but still need some additional legal documentation such as death certificate if case of death of other parent, court order of sole custody and permission or notarized Affidavit of Consent from the other parent to prevent the other of kidnapping their children. For those single parents who are traveling with their kids outside the country, they need to arrange their travel beforehand. You may call the consulate to double check the documentation requirement of your country of destination. Try to be friendly with the consulate of the country of destination and tell them your situation to ensure that you will have a smooth travel. Many countries today require a visa before entering their country in order to assist their visitor properly. Single parents should indicate the duration of your visit, purpose of your travel, country of origin and how you are entering the country destination if it is either on land, sea or air. After single parents contacted the consulate of the country, they must also coordinate to their travel agent, airline, or cruise line where their travel has been booked. Do not hesitate to tell them your arrangement with the consulate of the country of your destination and your situation as a single parent. ![]() Single Parents Dating: It Is Time To Move On Being a single parent is not the end of the world. It doesn't mean that you will shut all doors closed from dating someone else. Single parents also need to go out on a date for them to relax and unwind from their heavy role as a mother and father. Single parents dating or going out is healthy. Single parent dating friends. If you think you are not ready to enter into a new relationship, dating old time friends is an option for you. You can say to your friends things that you cannot say to your family or relatives. Friends can also advise you if you are spoiling your child. Friends can also be a good help whenever you need help in your work and at home. Single parents dating prospects. But if you think that you are ready for another serious relationship, you can do so but better be careful the next time around. Single parents dating again should be more careful and cautious for the sake of their child and their self. Single parents who wish to go out on a date may do so with help from a friend. Better assess yourself first if you have the time to accommodate a date with your humongous tasks at hand. Don't say yes if you haven't set your schedule yet. Remember that you are not only a mother but also the father of your child. You need to plan ahead of a week if you are really eager to find a date. Single parents dating again feel the thrill and fear of trying to find love again. But you need to know more about the person. Finding love needs time. To avoid committing mistakes again, evaluate your date's character. You need to make sure that your chosen partner can also provide nurturing and love to your child. Yes, maybe he loves you but did he love your child too? Prospects of single parents dating. Single parents should assess their self. They should know what kind of relationship they want. They should also talk to their child or children if they want to have a new dad or mom. Listen to your child if they are ready to have an addition to your family. What to do when on a date? To ensure that you will have a fun and safe date, make someone know where are you going and who is your date. Let someone know what time they will expect you home. Don't forget to bring along your mobile phone in case of emergency and for easy access to you. Single parents dating should avoid watching movies because you are still in getting-to-know you stage. Watching movies needs silence while munching your popcorn and sipping your soda. You cannot know the guy this way. His family background, his likes and dislikes, his plans and ambitions, you wouldn't know if you are only watching movies. It is better to date in public places if you are dating for the first time. When is the appropriate time for single parents to go out on a date? Single parents dating for the second time find it hard to tell their children especially if they are a widow or a divorcee. They need to consider the feelings of their children. They need to ensure that their children can cope up with this new environment. Single parents always make a mistake by entering in a relationship so soon after the death of the husband or a divorce because they feel alone and need someone who can bring back their smile again. Coping from a lost loved one is a long healing process. It is advised that widow should take two years approximately to enter into a new relationship. For a divorced man or woman, it is advised to entertain a suitor at least six months to one year or until all legal matters including estate, property, insurance matters has been settled from past relationship. When single parents jump into a serious dating, they should be cautious with their actions to lessen the risk of conflict with their children. Remember that you are not the only one who had suffered loss from the past but also your children. Just make sure before entering into a date, you are ready to handle difficult situation like introducing you new partner to your children and what will you do if your children resent your new partner. Single Parents and Relationships: Self-Regulation Single parents, whether they like or not, need to practice some sort of restraint or self-regulation when it comes to their dating activities, as their child could take it the wrong way and end up resenting his or her parent. Or, worse, believe that his or her parent's impulsive dating actions are good and acceptable. While nobody can really pinpoint what is good or bad for a child because every single parent set-up is unique, one thing remains the same: the child should be given the primary protection. And that means you, as a single parent, should learn to regulate your actions, especially those infront of your child. Imagine when you were still single and childless. When you bring a date back to your house, you were always concerned that somebody, your parents, might walk in and discover the two of you necking. Now imagine if, as an actively dating single parent, your child walks in and finds you in such. Isn't the thought actually more alarming? Keeping romantic relationships is not taboo with single parents. However, you must understand that there is a certain level of restraint should be exercised, or you could inflict some psychological harm on your child, no matter how minor you might think it is. And it's not just about dating. Regulation should also govern with parent to child relationships, as most single parents make the mistake of letting their kids call the shots because of guilt. Remember this: there is no reason to feel guilty for your separation with your child's other parent. While children with intact, two-parent homes have the best of both worlds, this is not always the case. In fact, studies show that kids in single-parent homes have a higher sense of self-esteem than those who come from unhappy intact homes. So, if you feel guilty for the choices you made, seek counselling. Don't act out your guilt toward your kids. If you provide a happy home for your child and keep your role as a single parent straight, your will for your kid as much as any parent, or two, can ever be. Another pitfall of single parenting is trying to please children too much. Again, usually out of guilt. And while regulating your actions will help ensure a smooth relationship path for you and your kids, you must also not do so at your personal expense. Don't deprive yourself on their behalf or use them as a smoke-screen to avoid from having to get out and face the world and continue living. You have a life to live. And though your kids mean the world to you and should always be at the forefront, you must not forget to take care of yourself. Although many single parents are seeking involvement, each of us must decide for ourselves what kinds of relationships we can handle at this time. Thus, you might have found that romantic attachments are not a priority right now. If you're a single parent looking for involvement, you know how demanding such a lifestyle can be. Knowing that you can choose to manage your children and a signficant other at the same time gives you the freedom to explore all the possibilities in store out there. Available Scholarships for Single Parents To Improve their Style of Living A family with a single parent as the head of the family is growing in numbers every year. This is said to be caused by parental breakup and unwanted pregnancies. Women are more affected in this situation than men because of the tremendous task of feeding the family and nurturing them emotionally at the same time. Families with a single mom are commonly seen in areas wherein unemployement is rampant. Sometimes teenage single mothers are forced to stop their education because no one will take care of their kids and they need to earn to support them. Most single mothers have a lower income capacity. Because of the increasing rate of single parents, the government, state, and various universities and colleges offers scholarship for single parents especially female single parents who are determined to improve their earning potential, fund for their dorm fees, tuition fees and other related educational expenses. The primary vision and mission of offering scholarships for single parents are not only to improve the single head future income capacity but also to give hope, improve their confidence and to have determination for their own good and their children. Scholarship for single parents usually covers the tuition fees, books and other related educational expenses of the successful candidates. Some source of scholarships for single parents also provided restrictions to those who want to avail the scholarships. Scholarship for single parent are only limited to single parents students with least one dependent child who really needs financial help. A single parent who get a scholarship should not marry during the terms of the scholarship grant. Single parent students who has the support of her family (willing to take care kids while the parents are in school), may avail of scholarships for single parent full-time. For those single parents who cannot leave their children easily (if they have special kids) may avail of scholarships for single parent that offer part-time class load requirements. Single parent students covered by scholarships for single parents are being trained to enhance their skills on writing, interpersonal communication and computer. Single parent students are also taught of the learning techniques for success and career exploration. There is also some sources of scholarships for single parents who are strict in regards to the grade requirement. Every single parent who has been awarded of scholarship for single parent are required a passing grade of 2.5 grade-point averages while others require a 3.0 GPA. There are scholarships that ask for repayment too. Some scholarships for single parents are strict with regards to the attendance. Single parents are advised to look for scholarships that will give them convenience because they are playing double roles at their home. There are many courses and programs that single parent may enroll and choose from. Scholarships for single parents are extended to the following courses: accounting course, business courses, computer courses, interior design, health services and office management. A single parent who is good in numbers may choose the accounting course. Single parents who have the desire to continue their education but lack the financial aid may search for scholarships for single parents online at the websites of universities and colleges or even government websites. You may also call or visit some colleges to check if they are offering scholarship fora single parent like you. Government and states are also offering scholarships for single parents. Single parents are awarded the amount of tuition, books and dorm for two years until they finish their graduate program. Single parents who decide to pursue their education must explain to their children the benefit of finishing their studies. Enlighten your children's mind that before you achieve the success both of you must sacrifice for your time will be divided between your studies, work and them. There is also scholarship for single parents who are aiming to help not only the single students but also their children. This kind of scholarship program facilitates services for their students by taking care of the children while the parent students are in school. This kind of scholarships are limited depending on the funds of the donors of the scholarships. This kind of scholarship for single parents benefited not only the single parents but also the child itself. They send and educate their single parent student children into pre-school and in public school. They also provide childcare for children from 12 months through school age. Different Scholarships For Single Parents In Kansas Scholarships for single parents have sprouted like mushrooms throughout the years. They have been established to lessen the burden of every single parent from financial and emotional distress. Communities, universities and colleges and even local governments of states are willing to join and provide hope for single parents like the state of Kansas. Scholarship for single parents in Kansas provided by the government are increasing annually but it is also unfortunate to say that tuition fees of public schools and universities in Kansas are also tremendously increasing every year. The remarkable growth of educational expenses is one of the burdens of single parents in Kansas who wish to continue their studies to improve their lifestyles. This burden is not only experienced by single parents residing in Kansas but also in all 50 states. Finding scholarships for single parents in Kansas are available in directories and on-line inquiry. Single mom or dad who wishes to apply for scholarship for single parents in Kansas must meet the requirements of sponsors. It is limited for single parents only. They must be enrolled in an institution or school. Single mom or dad availing the scholarship for single parents in Kansas shall maintain a grade-point average depending upon the requirements of the sponsor. Scholarship for single parents in Kansas can be awarded and enjoyed by anyone even ordinary single parents residing only in Kansas. There are many options this grant or scholarship for single parents in Kansas have that single parents may choose so as to finish their education. Applying a scholarship for single parents in Kansas may be done in two ways. The easiest way of applying a scholarship for single parent in Kansas is by completing the on-line application form provided in their websites. It is the fastest and economical way for single parents because it does not require traveling. The second way of applying a scholarship for single parents in Kansas is by securing an application form, filling-up and mailing your form to the sponsors. Single parents who are applying for state scholarship for single parents in Kansas may address it to the State of Kansas Student Aid Application. Most scholarship for single parent in Kansas requires their applicant to pass the entrance examination and should be a resident of Kansas at least year before enrolling in a program. Scholarships for single parents in Kansas are available in all counties in Kansas such as Ford, Kiowa, Pratt, Kingman, Butler, Greenwood, Woodson, Allen Bourbon, Crawford, Cherokee, Harper, Summer, Cowley, Meade, Seward, Clark and Finney. Scholarship for single parents in Kansas can be avail by enrolling in Associates' Degree Programs like Accounting technology, Electronics, Graphic design, Medical Assisting, Paralegal course, and Sales and Marketing. Single parents have many alternatives in enhancing their abilities while enjoying their scholarship for single parents in Kansas. Single parents may also enroll in the university or college Diploma Programs such as Advertising, Business, Computer Software Application, Criminal Justice and alike. For the additional knowledge of single parents who wants to enroll in a four-year or short-term period course or programs but also want to apply for scholarships for single parents in Kansas, they may inquire at many Kansas colleges and universities. There are different types of undergraduate scholarships for single parents in Kansas depending upon where they want to belong. State scholarships for single parents in Kansas are scholarship awarded to needy who belong to top 20 to 40% high school students residing in the State of Kansas. The Nursing Service Scholarship for single parents is designed for single parents who want to take up nursing programs in return of practicing their program in hospitals located in the state of Kansas. Single parents who want to enjoy this kind of scholarship for single parents must sign an agreement before enjoying its benefit. The Math or Science Teacher Service Scholarship for single parents is designed for single parents who want to share their talents by teaching future students of Kansas. This kind of scholarship also requires single parents to sign an agreement that they must be Kansas at least two years in return of their scholarship. The Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship for single parents in Kansas is designed for single parents in Kansas belong to an ethnic or racial group. This kind of scholarship for single parents in Kansas must be financially incapable but academically competitive. Vocational scholarship for single parents in Kansas designed for single parents who are enrolled in vocational programs at Kansas. Single parents are required to take the vocational exam of sponsors. Understanding the Psychological Well Being of Single Parents Probably the hardest thing to face as a single parent is the intense emotion linked with being both a mother and a father to a child. This is further magnified when the other parent is absent or is deliberately not doing anything to fulfill his part in the caring for the children. More often than not, the single parent's psychological well being bogs down. Single parents might try to cope with this strain by either trying to compensate by adopting both mom and dad roles, or by scouring the social scene for a partner to help him or her in the rearing of the child. The pressure is definitely high. However, if truth be told, none of the two methods will help. If anything, they might even cause you to become more psychologically stressed. Majority of single parents feel guilty for the absence of the other parent, often blaming themselves for the loss. This is especially complicated if the custodial parent is male and he has a daughter or three daughters, making it difficult for him to portray motherly duties. Chances are, he will go on wild hunting trip to look for somebody to fill the position, which, more often than not, particularly for those who go out to just look for a replacement parent, ends up in vain. To cope with the other parent's absence, you must first acknowledge and admit that nobody will ever replace your child's mom or dad. Sure, somebody nice and appropriate could come along, but if you make this search your daily goal, then you might as well be driving you and children to loony house. While finding someone to fill the spot addresses a big need, this should not be your sole purpose in life. Always remember that your children need YOU to care for them, and do not just see you as a nanny or private eye tasked to find them a good parent. Instead, focus on what you can give your kids, even without a partner. Being a single parent is not a sin. Nor is it a reason for you to go on guilt trips every single day. You should even be proud that you have successfully reared your kid or kids on your own, and prouder that they have you. Whether or not you find a new spouse or partner, your children will still be happy to have you with them. Always keep in mind that you are only human and cannot do everything at once. Not always being a hero to your kids does not make you less of a person. Remember, what does not kill you will only make you stronger. Capitalize on the relationship you currently have with your kids and improve on that, instead of just dwelling on the fact that you're alone and don't have a partner. Kids today are more resilient and understanding than we give them credit for, so never underestimate their power to understand your limitations. Be honest about your feelings and they will be honest with theirs, as well. You could be pleasantly surprised with their responses. Mortgage for Single Parents: Housing Options For Single Parents Being a single parent has a lot of responsibilities. These include food, transportation, healthcare, insurance payments, and mortgage payments. The government mandated child-support payments take care of majority of these, but single parents still have to make the monthly necessary payments to pay these items. These payments usually range from $4000 -- 6000 per year. From combined incomes, the single parent needs to support the family through of her income. This is exacerbated when the partner does not contribute to the expenses. One needs to take on additional jobs to be able to address the growing expenses of the family. This leads to feelings of not having control over one's life and a feeling of helplessness. Being financially independent is the biggest challenge of single parents to date. Being debt-free is a big factor in happiness among single parents. One of the most popular debts of single parents is the mortgage. The mortgage of single parents has significantly increased over the past twenty years. A recent study conducted in Britain stated the debt difference between a home-owning single parents and single parents who rented apartments. Findings showed that the debt of single parent homeowners are at 13% while single parents who rented apartments was at 25%. Either way, the study shows that single parents are struggling with mortgage payments. Several alternatives, such as moving to a complex to lower payments or living with other single parents have been done, however, does minimal, or no help in the mortgage payments. One way of securing financial independence, in terms of mortgage payments for single parents, is having a strong income power. The single parent needs to analyze his finances to be able to figure out what works in terms of the mortgage payments. Sometimes, the single parent realizes that he/she needs to take on additional jobs in order to support the mortgage payments. In choosing the right mortgage for single parents, one needs to think about the following, current financial standing, dynamics of changing finances, how long one intends to keep the house, and the change of mortgage payments. One needs to take into consideration fixed mortgage rather than yearly mortgage and refinancing for example. The bank also reviews one's credit limit, when the single parent applies for this. For easier Loan approvals, iHomeMortgage.com recommends to follow the following: Income items - W2 forms for the last two years - most recent pay stubs covering a 30 day period - Federal tax returns (1040s) for the last two years, if: - You are self-employed - earn regular income from capital gains - earn sizable interest income, etc. - earn more than 25% of your income from commissions or bonuses - own rental property - you are in a career where you are unlikely to take non-reimbursed business expenses - Year to date Profit and Loss Statement (for self-employed) - Corporate or Partnership tax returns (if you own more than 25% of the business) - Pension Award letter (for retired individuals) - Social Security Award (for those on Social Security) Asset items - Bank statements for the previous two months on all accounts - Statements for two months on all stocks, mutual funds, bonds, etc. - Copy of latest 401K statement - Explanations for any large deposits and source of those funds - Copy of HUD2 Settlement Statement on recent sales of homes - Copy of Estimated HUD1 Settlement Statement if a previous home is for sale, but not yet closed - Gift letter (if some of the funds came as a gift from a family member Credit Items - Landlord's name, address, and phone number - Explanations for any of the following items which may appear on your credit report: - late payments - credit inquiries in the last 90 days - charge-offs - collections - judgments - liens - copy of bankruptcy papers Other - Copy of purchase agreement - Documented receipts of child support FHA Loans - Copy of Social Security Card -Copy of Driver's License VA Loans - Copy of DD214 Refinances - Copy of most recent monthly mortgage bill Meeting Single Parents If being a single parent attacked you like an ambush, then you would feel highly uninitiated when it comes to being a single parent. You probably think that you can just reenter the dating area as easy as you walk in your closet. But that is not how reality dictates dating and being a single parent, combined. You might feel more awkward than not when you decide to make a comeback in the dating area. Contrary to what most of the people think about dating, dating is actually not as easy as it poses itself to be. Just so you would know, dating actually requires a certain kind of emotional and social muscle and these muscles can definitely atrophy without use. All you need is a little warming up and some certain exercises. Exercises like going out, drinking coffee, strolling around the park, and stride in the areas where you think you are most likely to meet your match. And when you do, then consider yourself one of the luckiest people in the world. Then afterwards you will soon be back to your days of peak dating where you harvested you romantic benefits. Just like all of those ambitious exercise regimens, if you concentrate yourself too much on ambivalence, low-energy and inconsistency, then do not expect that you will attain the kind of results that you expected. Do you really want to have the kind of ending you desired? Then follow the steps that this article will tell you. First and foremost, you have to wrap up whatever it was that went on in your past. Because if you do not, this will in turn be an unmovable obstacle to your path to new healthy relationships. If you felt a certain longing feeling for an ex-lover, drop it. This is most definitely not healthy for you, not just in terms of meeting other people to date, but it is not good for your health as well. You can get either too fat, for eating all those junk food while moping around, or too thin because, according to you, you do not have the will to live anymore, therefore stop eating. You also do not need to avenge yourself, making that guy's or that girl's life a living hell. Just forget what has passed and move on. Next, you must make a decision. You cannot just decide to enter a relationship because a friend told you to do so. You are not a dummy. You were made with your own will and intellect, so it is definitely not right when you do anything which your friend tells you and you are not exactly comfortable with that. You make your decisions because it is what you are comfortable with, and it helps in your molding into a better person. Another is that you must get your life organized. Ask anyone; no one would date you if you cannot even tell your left sock apart from your right sock. Dating someone will definitely not help you organize your life, not even a little. It might distract you from certain disasters that are knocking on your door but will not be a solution. In fact, it might even make things worse, if things can even get worse. What you really have to do is you have got to deal with yourself first. Do not seek the salvation of others if you can't even help yourself. Got that? When meeting with single parents, it is important that you understand their situation. You should not assume the result because first of all, you are just a newbie in the single parent profession, so do not assume being an expert on the topic. Next, their situation might not always be the same as yours, so if you give them the wrong kind of advice, it might make their problem worse. And most importantly, you must not treat them like they are different from us. We must always keep in mind that they are still normal people with a different situation. We should also start a good conversation so that they would be comfortable with you. You will have to remember that you should not get things complicated by asking about their past and putting them into awkward situations that might put the person in a spot. He/she would definitely want to be out of there because of the uncomfortable feeling. Always remember that you do not the control of what he/she thinks and must bear at all times. How Many Single Parents Are Enrolled In College? To date, experts estimate that there are two out of ten college students, regardless of gender, that are single parents by choice or by chance. The estimate looks not alarming, but the thing is that experts believe and assert that the number of single parents in college are constantly and rapidly rising. With the advent of rising and more popular liberated principles adopted by the modern generation, single parenthood is not a taboo anymore. In the United States alone, it is estimated that more and more single parents are emerging and the number is consistently rising as time goes by. Single parenthood is becoming a popular life style among adults. What is more concerning is the obvious and logical fact that because teen age pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies are occurring in the country, the young people are bugged and burdened by the single parenthood. The alarming situation has prompted the rise and proliferation of single parenthood issues not just in the United States but in the whole world. There are more and more single parents enrolled in college nowadays. Single parents enrolled in college are becoming a concern for parents, people and the government moreover. Single parents and the challenges For single parents enrolled in college, the situation s really a cause for alarm. That is because college life is generally not an easy life. With the time constraints and the issues arising from academic performance and requirements, college students who are also single parents are subjected to many and different forms of pressure. For one, the pressure brought about by the society on single parents enrolled in college are pressuring above all. Single parenting in those situations is becoming more of a burden or some sort of punishment. Society view single parents as uncaring and wild spirited individuals who do not intend or care to designate before finally giving in to the pleasure of sex. With the popularity and drive against pregnancies and STDs through contraceptives, it is logical to assert that single parents in college were not adequately oriented to the benefits of responsible sex. Thus, single parents in college are perceived by colleagues and classmates as promiscuous and sex-starved individuals. It is a stigma not unique to single parents enrolled in college. Single parents in general strive to prove people wrong about the notion. It is the first and basic dilemma among single parents enrolled in college. Time management Time management is another area where single parents enrolled n college are striving at. Because class schedules conflict with the time single parents should be allotting to their children this becomes a problematic area of concern. It is very difficult to balance academic life and single parenthood together. For college students, time management is already a problem. What more if they are enrolled college students and at the same time, single parents. Time for single parents are already burdensome. To say the least. Exams are making crams out of college students. Exams coinciding with say, regular physician check ups for the child, is a hell, for example. Financial constraints Financial constraints is one area where most single parents enrolled in college are striving and finding difficulty at. College requires more money for books, tuition fees and other expenses. Balancing finances between college needs and single parenting is very hard and pressuring. This is how most single parents enrolled in college fail at. Thus, statistics have it that there is a significant rising number of single parents enrolled in college that resort to filing an adoption. Single parents enrolled in college are somehow forced to find surrogate or adoptive parents for their child, parents who can give out all the comforts and necessities needed by a growing child. There are government aids and financial support that are extended to single parents. However, most single parents in college can not take that either because of non awareness, or because they cold not qualify to be eligible for such government financial support. The Advantages of Home Buying Programs For Single Parents Several shops and groceries stores are now offering home buying programs for single parents. Single parents may not need to go to stores and shop personally. All they have to do is avail the home buying programs for single parent. Home buying programs for single parents covers shopping through website. You can shop online with a discounted rate and goods are delivered in front of your doors. Saving energy and time means a lot to single parents. Their saved time and energy may be used to other useful things or chores. Single moms and dads are very thankful with these home buying programs for single parents, which afford them more time to monitor their kids' activity. To avail one of the ome buying programs for single parents, a mom or a dad must apply for membership. They may register at various shopping malls, websites, groceries, drugstores, bookstores, bakeshops or hardware stores. The home buying programs for single parents are not only available at product oriented establishment but also at service oriented establishments. Service oriented establishments include barbershop, hair salon, massage and spa, health care and dental care. Home buying programs for single parents offer products at discounted rates while others offer a 'buy one take one' scheme. Some establishments also offer surplus products in good quality conditions. Service oriented establishments normally offer rebates or discounts. Sometimes they even offer free services for single parents. They even offer home rewards based on the consumables. Home buying programs for single parents also offers home rewards wherein a mom or a dad can earn points for every shopping or services that they availed. Earning points in home buying programs for single parents have a corresponding product or item. Home buying programs for single parents also offers free delivery. Members of home buying programs for single parents may place their orders via internet and through phone. Customers who purchased through home buying programs for single parents don't need to pick-up the goods. All they have to do is wait for the items to be delivered at their doorsteps. Some establishment requires certain distance to deliver the goods to their local customers. Customers living outside the delivery perimeter do not have to worry. The establishment offers delivery charges that every single parents will surely can afford. Establishments also benefit greatly with their home buying program for single parents. The program minimizes and controls the number of people purchasing in the store, which in effect lessens the number of personnel. Home buying program for single parents also decreases the tension felt by the crews in dealing customers not to mention the advantage that they give to single parents. Establishment offering home buying programs for single parents sprouted like mushrooms through years because of the advantages it caters to the single parents. Single parents who come home straight from the office do not have much energy to carry heavy load of shopping items. It is very clear and understandable that single parents also need to rest and recharge their energy. Some single parents are not well informed about home buying programs to save on energy and cut the cost of their expenses. Single parents who are in doubt of availing the home buying programs due to lack of information may simply call the desired establishment they wish to register for home buying programs for single parents and ask for their assistance. Single parents should not take for granted the home buying programs even others are requiring for membership with payments in a lower amount. There are other establishments that are offering home buying programs for single parents with lifetime membership. Just think of the advantages of home buying programs for single parents that will bring to the life of single parents. The quality time, quality product and reserve energy that single parents will enjoy because of the home buying programs for single parents. Single parents nowadays are very blessed because of modern technology they are now enjoying. These are one of the benefits of modernization. Computers and telephones are considers as necessity especially for single parents. Because of computers, establishments can create strategies and techniques to that can give convenience to people like the home buying programs for single parents. Grants For Single Parents Single parents are growing in number throughout the country and all over the world. In fact, with the rising trend toward woman empowerment, more females are opting to raise kids on their own than getting married (but that's a different story). Despite the absence of a partner, single parents are not alone in the challenging task of rearing their kids. The government is there and very much willing to help. The US government offers financial support for single parents who have proven themselves unable to provide enough care for their children. The law acknowledges that single parents face responsibilities that are much more complicated than families with two parents, hence the provision for financial assistance. This way, the government takes part in reducing the pressures and hardships single parents face every single day. All single parents qualify for government assistance, particularly those who are in dire need of financial help. To apply for aid, the single parent must first secure and fill up a form from the city hall. Information sought on the forms should be honestly and completely filled out because these will determine his or her eligibility for the assistance being offered. Yes, while all single parents are eligible for government help, there still are certain guidelines that need to be fulfilled to protect the fund from unscrupulous people. Also, keep in mind that financial assistance will only be given to those single parents who truly need them, and not to those who earn hefty salaries. Single parents that may avail of government financial help are those that have been divorced, or if the other parent is either handicapped, seriously injured, or deceased. In addition, it also applies to those single-parent families where the other parent has abandoned them for about a year. The time frame is given, because, under law, it is only until then that abandonment can be officially and legally claimed. If the other parent is imprisoned, the custodial parent may also apply for government support. It can also cover those whose children had been born out of marriage, or if the other parent has not been identified. The following single parent situations will exclude the applicant from obtaining government sponsored financial assistance: - if the child is being supported by the single parent's partner - if the single parents is already receiving pensions for his or her disability or for other reasons - if the child is being cared for by foster parents - if the child is waiting to claim an inheritance from one or both of his or her parents However, even if the governement offers assistance, single parents should not simply rely on these to care for their kids. As a single parent, you must be responsible and resilient enough to seek ways to finance your and your child's well being without having to apply for help. Go get a job, who cares if it's temporary? The important thing is you're exercising all the effort and energy to provide the best you can for your child. Government Grants For Single Parents The US government offers financial support for single parents who have proven themselves unable to provide enough care for their children. The law acknowledges that single parents face responsibilities that are much more complicated than families with two parents, hence the provision for financial assistance. This way, the government takes part in reducing the pressures and hardships single parents face every single day. Single parents are growing in number throughout the country and all over the world. In fact, with the rising trend toward woman empowerment, more females are opting to raise kids on their own than getting married (but that's a different story). Despite the absence of a partner, single parents are not alone in the challenging task of rearing their kids. The government is there and very much willing to help. All single parents qualify for government assistance, particularly those who are in dire need of financial help. To apply for aid, the single parent must first secure and fill up a form from the city hall. Information sought on the forms should be honestly and completely filled out because these will determine his or her eligibility for the assistance being offered. Yes, while all single parents are eligible for government help, there still are certain guidelines that need to be fulfilled to protect the fund from unscrupulous people. Also, keep in mind that financial assistance will only be given to those single parents who truly need them, and not to those who earn hefty salaries. Single parents that may avail of government financial help are those that have been divorced, or if the other parent is either handicapped, seriously injured, or deceased. If the other parent is imprisoned, the custodial parent may also apply for government support. It can also cover those whose children had been born out of marriage, or if the other parent has not been identified. In addition, it also applies to those single-parent families where the other parent has abandoned them for about a year. The time frame is given, because, under law, it is only until then that abandonment can be officially and legally claimed. Here are some of the grants offered for single parents: - state child care subsidies - low income home energy assistance program (LIHEAP) - women, infant & children's program (WIC) - temporary assistance to needy families (TANF) The following single parent situations will exclude the applicant from obtaining government sponsored financial assistance: - if the child is being supported by the single parent's partner - if the single parents is already receiving pensions for his or her disability or for other reasons - if the child is being cared for by foster parents - if the child is waiting to claim an inheritance from one or both of his or her parents However, even if the governement offers assistance, single parents should not simply rely on these to care for their kids. As a single parent, you must be responsible and resilient enough to seek ways to finance your and your child's well being without having to apply for help. Go get a job, who cares if it's temporary? The important thing is you're exercising all the effort and energy to provide the best you can for your child. Government Aids for Single Parents in the US He number of single parents is rapidly increasing and growing not just in the United States, but also in other countries. Raising a child or children alone and solely is never an easy and comfortable task. That is why single parenting is a very hard and ardent job and responsibility that only the strong willed, courageous and responsible people chose or opt to take If given the chance, according to one social poll, majority of the population in the United States would not resort to being a single parent. Single parenthood, therefore, is a choice, not a random destiny given to anyone. Financial assistance for single parents Financial support is given by the government to any single parent who obviously and direly need financial support. The law recognizes the hard and very imposing responsibility single parents have, that is why financial aids are given to single parents. In that way, the hardships and pressures experienced by single parents are somehow reduced and alleviated. Government grants for single parents are accessible to the general public, especially the needy single parents. To process an application if a single parent seeks financial or money support for single parenting, he or she must obtain a form from the local or nearest City Hall. The forms should be honestly and clearly filled out because the information will have to be verified and will form the basis for approving the financial aid application. For single parents, be advised that while financial aids for single parents are available and open to every single parent in the land, qualifications and eligibilities do exist and are set to protect the funds from abusive and money greedy people. Take note that financial aids will not be given to single parents whose salaries and compensation is very huge and more than enough to comfortably and even luxuriously support the child or children. Eligibility To qualify for the financial assistance provided by the government to single parents, the single parent, above all must be first and foremost divorced. Another case for eligibility for financial assistance is when the other significant parent, mom or dad, is already dead, or is seriously injured, disabled or handicapped. Experts and the government assumes that during those cases, parent support to the child in terms of the financial aspect is almost too impossible and hopeless. Thus, the government intervene and provides the financial parenting or providing role. Another case for eligibility for single parenthood financial assistance is when the other parent has abandoned the child for about or more than a year already. It is because during the said span of time, or time frame, can it be rightly asserted and assumed that there exists abandonment. Imprisonment of the other parent can also be grounds or causes for financial support. Or if the child has been born while the parents are not legally tied or married, in other words, the child is born obviously and apparently out of wedlock. Another desperate case is when the other parent is not identified, which is a case rapidly rising nowadays. Children and single parents with the following situations, take note, are not eligible for filing or seeking financial assistance or support from the government. - The child is a rightful heir for any property or pension due to the single parent or both parents. - The single parent receives or attains additional disability pension funds either because of his disability or because he has children. - The child is under the custody of foster parents or he or she is under the custody of a daycare center. - If the child is currently raised and supported by the single parent's domestic or current partner. Partners bounded by common-law marriages are covered by this provision. - The single parent is also eligible to receive or be granted public pension benefits. Financial aids may be provided to the single parents. In turn, single parents must first and foremost realize that single parenting not only involves the financial aspect but above all, the caring and emotional support only they can give is far more great, noble and essential than the financial assistance extended to single parents by the government. Government Assistance For Single Parents Being a single parent is a tough job. Imagine you should be a mom and a dad all at the same time. This means that you will be nurturer as well as a provider. Tough, isn't it? But don't you worry. There are government assistance for single parents to help you do these two arduous parenting jobs. If you are a mom, being a nurturer comes naturally. There poses a problem if you are a dad. There are government assistance for single parents to help a father develop his 'maternal' skills. There are support groups available that will guide single parents on the basics of child rearing. There are also available government assistance for single parents who are jobless. Single moms, particularly have a problem with this. Their being a mother always comes first and oftentimes lose their jobs in the process. When they are employed, they lose focus with their jobs and thus becomes perennialy late and absent to tend to a sick child or attend a parent-teacher meeting in school. There are government assistance for single parents with this kind of problem. All a single mom should do is go to the nearest local goverment office and ask for a job that aptly fits a single mother. Yes, there are jobs that are 'single parents' friendly. The local government collate all the businesses within the county that has 'special considerations' for single parents. If any of these 'single parents friendly' companies hire you, don't ever think that you have the liberty to be absent whenever you want to. Of course, your being absent or late should have a valid reason. Otherwise, you will also end up fired for abuse of confidence. Aside from these, there are still lots of government assistance for single parents. This includes montly stipend if you are jobless which you can apply at your nearest local office. Within a specified time, of course, you should have found a job. The local government will assist you in finding a job. In a month or so, if you seek for government assistance for single parents, you will undoubtedly find a job that suits your needs and understands your special situation. Also there is a government assistance for single parents who want to go back to school or enrol to college. State universities and private colleges offer scholarships for single parents. You could ask your local government office about this. They have a list of schools that offer such scholarship. Aside from the scholarship, you may also get or be awarded a montly stipend to finance your daily school work needs and some for your household. This is of course while you are at school. The moment you finish school, the issuance of monthly stipend will be stopped. Why is the federal government doing all these assistance for single parents? The Federal Government values the sanctity and importance of a family. Today, being a family doesn't mean a household must have a father and mother before it will be called as such. As long as there is a single parent who is maintaining the happiness and peace in a household, that home deserves to be called a family. So, in order for single parents to give a bright future to their child or children the federal government extends assitance to single parents. They help single parents reach their dreams for their children, feed them properly, bring them to school for education, and nurture their emotional and spiritual needs to be a good person and citizen when they grow up. Some single parents are hesitant or even stubborn to seek for assistance being offered by the local government. Don't be. Do not deny your children of what they deserve just because you are too stubborn to admit that you need help. Besides, the help that you will get from the local government comes from our taxes, and your taxes that you have paid and paying too, taxes that all of us citizens have religiously paid with our efforts and sweat. By seeking help, you are merely reaping what you funded in the Federal Government's tax fund. Government's Financial Help for Single Parents It is good to note that governments around the world are now recognizing the value and nobility of single parenting. Single parenting is basically a courageous choice and decision that one without enough courage and bravery is ready to deal with. Experts noted that single parents, almost all of them, had been given the choice or option whether they would get on with the life or not. But they still decided to take on the role against all odds. Single parents could have killed the child during pregnancy through abortion, but they had he greater guts and conscience not to do that, which is really commendable. The Catholic Church and Rome is advising its people and believers to avoid or prevent the occasions of sins that could lead to single parenthood. But once a person becomes a single parent, the Church is all out on its moral and spiritual support. If given the chance, according to one social poll, majority of the population in the United States would not resort to being a single parent. Single parenthood, therefore, is a choice, not a random destiny given to anyone. Financial help for single parents Financial help or aid is given by the government to any single parent who obviously and direly need financial support. The law recognizes the very hard and very imposing responsibility single parents assume and take, that is why financial help is extended to single parents. In that way, the hardships and pressures experienced by single parents are purposely and somehow reduced and alleviated, if not totally eliminated. The morale of the single parent in continually raising the child is also boosted. Seeking financial help For single parents seeking financial help or support from the government, here are ways and procedures on how to finally secure that much needed financial help or support. To process an application if a single parent seeks financial or money help or support for single parenting, he or she must obtain a form freely available from the local or nearest City Hall. The application for financial help forms should be honestly and clearly filled out because the information will have to be verified and will form the basis for approving the financial aid application. No more padding or unnecessary tarnishing of information. Remember, the more honest you become, the better would be the outcome. Be advised that while financial help and aid for single parents are available and open to every single parent in the land, qualifications and eligibilities do exist and are set to protect the funds from abusive and money greedy people. Not all single parents are qualified for that, but believe it or not, the provisions are really bright and necessary. Take note that financial help and money aids for single parents will not be given to single parents whose salaries and compensation is very huge and more than enough to comfortably and even luxuriously support the child or children. That would be too unfair to those who are basically and already deprived of basic and comfortable living. Who are eligible for financial help? To qualify for the financial help or assistance provided by the government to single parents, the single parent, above all must be first and foremost divorced. Another case for eligibility for financial assistance is when the other significant parent, mom or dad, is already dead, or is seriously injured, disabled or handicapped. Other eligibility requirements basically require the financial help applicant to prove that the financial help or support is really and badly needed by the single parent and the child. A single parent is very much qualified for financial help if his or her partner is imprisoned regardless of the case that made him or her partially incapable to provide finances and full financial support to the child. Or if the child has been born while the parents are not legally tied or married, in other words, the child is born obviously and apparently out of wedlock. Financial Assistance for Single Parents Single parents are becoming too popular and widely accepted a concept nowadays. Gone were the days when single parents are left solely and alone to raise their child or children alone. The Federal Government and all legitimate governments around thew world are now recognizing the increasing and growing trend of single parenting. Single parents, as you might have noticed, are everywhere. The lady sitting beside you in the bus ride home or the sales lady attending to your needs in the grocery might probably be among those single moms that are struggling hard to make both ends meet and raise their child or children single handedly. Governments are mandated and are expected to care for and give protection to their constituents. Governments do protect their people, and that protection given should never be discriminative. Thus, single parents should be given equal rights as those who are normal parents or those single individuals. That is why governments from around the world are following the United States government model for compensating or providing financial assistance to single parents. The government program that supports or gives financial aid to children and single parents are being adopted and closely watched by all governments all over the world now. It is always assumed that since single parents take the sole responsibilities of single parenting in raising children, they are financially crunched and striving. The times are really hard nowadays, and earning to raise children can get really tough especially since the society is not so kind to single parents. Financial assistance given to single parents In the United States, financial support or assistance to single parents. The government effort is really a major feat. However, not all single parents are fully fitted and eligible for the program. To be able to attain or receive financial support or aid from the government, single parents should be found positive of fit for the following requirements. Children of single parents will be subsidized or given financial assistance by the government until they reach 18 years. However, the child's situation is subject to thorough probing. First, the single parent must be first and foremost divorced. Another case for eligibility for financial assistance is when the other significant parent is already dead, or is seriously injured, handicapped or disabled. It is assumed that during those cases, parent support to the child is almost too impossible and hopeless. Thus, the government intervene and provides the financial parenting or providing role. Another case for eligibility for single parenthood financial assistance is when the other parent has abandoned the child for about or more than a year already. It is because during the span can it be rightly asserted and assumed that there exists abandonment. Imprisonment of the other parent can also be grounds or causes for financial support. Or if the child has been born while the parents are not legally tied or married, in other words, the child is born obviously and apparently out of wedlock. Another desperate case is when the other parent is not identified, which is a case rapidly rising nowadays. Children and single parents with the following situations, take note, are not eligible for filing or seeking financial assistance or support from the government. * The child is a rightful heir for any property or pension due to the single parent or both parents. * The single parent receives or attains additional disability pension funds either because of his disability or because he has children. * The child is under the custody of foster parents or he or she is under the custody of a daycare center. * If the child is currently raised and supported by the single parent's domestic or current partner. Partners bounded by common-law marriages are covered by this provision. * The single parent is also eligible to receive or be granted public pension benefits. Thus, filing for financial assistance or support among single parents would not be that easy. Be reminded that such stringent requirements are established to avoid fraud and anomalous activities by bad people who will take on or abuse single parenthood to illegally attain benefits and funds. Financial Aid for Single Parents You would probably think that as a single parent, you could do what has to be done all on your own. You feel that you have what it takes to be a good single parent. Hopefully, you are not one of those who assume that they are in the lineage of super heroes, handling every weight on their shoulders. You would get yourself busy on all sides with the different activities that can show your kids that you, as a new family, can handle it on your own. But has it ever occurred to you that it might not be all about your relationship with your kids? Yes it is primarily about that, but can you do so without financial help? Financial complications usually come up when households of single parents try to have college education covered. This is where you realize that you need aid after all, financial aid. There are certain policies in having financial aid determined for single parents, like you if ever you are one, that are deemed to be highly confusing at times. This article would gladly give you an overview of the process. In case you do not know, the custodial parent is the one with whom the child, specifically a student, has lived the most in the span of the twelve months that have already passed. If the student admits that he or she did not live with a certain parent more than the other parent, then his or her parent who has provided msot of the financial support in the past twelve months will be the one to fill out the fafsa. Another situation would be if the student got to live with each of his or her parents with the equal amount of time and also if the parents provided an equal level of assistance, in terms of finances, then the parent who will claim the student for purposes of income tax should be the one to do the filling out of the fafsa. You must never forget that any child support or any alimony that has been received from a non-custodial parent must alwas be included on the fafsa. It might be a bit too late to say this, since this article has been mentioning it for quite some time now. Fafsa actually is an acronym for free application for federal student aid. Now you know, so you can stop creasing your forehead in wonder everytime you read the acronym fafsa. The federal government does not put the income or the assets of a non-custodial parent to consideration, especially when the student's financial need is being determined. Just in case you do not know, many private colleges take into account the assets and income of the non-custodial parent, even if he or she does not want to be included in contributing to college costs. These said colleges would ask for a supplemental financial aid form from a non-custodial parent. This said financial aid form does a whole lot in affecting the awarding of the aid of the school, however, it is neither federal nor state. Still, there are special cases wherein a number of private collges will waive the requirements for non-custodial information. There is, however, a criterion that has to be met so that a certain single parent household will not be automatically qualified for a waiver. First, the non-custodial parent should not be found nor located. So this would only make it eventual that that certain parent has not made any form of child support payment recently, and it is also an indication that that parent has not been consistent in his or her child support payments. Next, if the separation or the divorce has happened in tha past of the past, which means it was really a long time ago, then it is highly reasonable to expect a provision from that non-custodial parent. And lastly, if the said non-custodial parent has a history of neglect or of abuse either with the child or with the other parent. Court records will be used for documentation for the said criteria. Hopefully, it is now clear to you that the criteria must be documented first so that there will be a waiver for the information regarding the non-custodial parent. Black Single Parents: Seek Help And You Shall Receive If before single parents were being scorned in public and were regarded as immorals, this attitude has, fortunately, been reversed in our days. Single or divorced parents are treated equally and are in fact being given special considerations by the Federal Government because of the hardships that single parents are facing in order to properly raise a child or children. This special considerations are not only for 'white' Americans. Black single parents, just like any other citizens of the United States, may avail of the special programs that the Federal Government has for American single parents. In Arkansas, black single parents may enrol for a scholarship program. They may attend college for free, while they receive a monthly stipend to help their way in school. In Arkansas, they believe that if black single parents are educated, or any other American single parents for that matter, their child or children will grow up a better person and citizen. Everything starts from a family; and in Arkansas, they think that not only a household with a mother or a father can be properly called a family. Even a family being headed by a black single parent can create a happy, successful and peaceful family. Black single parents who are currently jobless may get assistance from the local government for job placement. The local government will locate a job near the residence of the applicant so as for him or her to manage his or her household while he or she is earning for a living. In fact, while a black single parent is in the process of job hunting, the local government may assist him or her with the monthly expenses that his or her household may accrue, until such a time he or she finds a job. Local governments may suggest to black single parents, especially females, to work home based so that they can have more quality time with their child or children. It is now a fact that the internet is not just a medium where a black single parent may meet a new date. Everyone, especially those who has the will to do so, may earn decently through the internet. Top online shopping marts on the net today rake if not millions, billions of dollar as profit. Black single parents can partake too with the yearly billion dollars of marketing and for profit transactions in the internet. They can sell their own goods via net, and they can offer too their services via net. They can work as a virtual secretary, content writer, forum posters (yes, they can be paid for that), or marketing or ad clickers. There are various legitimate jobs on the internet. All they have to do is scout via net for a telecommuting job and check their registration at the Securities and Exchange Commission if they really are a legitimate online business. For household management, black single parents may find group therapy sessions designed for single parents helpful. Group therapy sessions are not only for the disturbed; these help groups are created with the help of the local government to assist white and black single parents in household management. Even before problems arise, this help groups are there to teach white and black single parents on how to maintain harmony in his or her household and how to be both a mom and a dad to their child or children. So, of course, when problems arise, these help group will support white and black single parents all the way. They will serve as a shoulder to lean on for white and black single parents who are not with any person to confide their problems with. Besides, sharing ones problems with a co-single parent is the same as sharing ones problems to a friend who understands. White and black single parents must not pass the opportunities that the local government has in store for them. They can't stubbornly claim that they can raise their child or children on their own. They must accept the help that the local government has extended for them. These help are for the betterment of their household and should not be passed up simply for pride. Articles On The Effects Of Single Parents And Black Males Single parents are everywhere. The US Census found that in 2002, three out of ten children in the United States were raised and are living in with single parents. It is believed that the figure has further gone up nowadays. Today, it is estimated that single parents, or the number of single parents in the society, are far more, or have significantly grown over the years. The assumption can be attributed to the growing perception that single parents are now enjoying the comfort and acceptance by the society that previously were not accorded or provided to them. Black males are a significant demographic section where the number of cases of single parenthood is significantly and rapidly increasing. Experts say black males being single parents at the same time pose greater challenge to the person. For one, racial or color discrimination, although the issue is not existing politically anymore, is still bugging a number of African Americans in the country. Second challenge for the single parents who are black males is their gender. It is found that male single parenting are far lagging behind female single parenting. Although feminism is now on the run, and men and women have equal right, men still are not comfortable to assume domesticated roles in the society. That is why a number of efforts are initiated by experts and psychologists. To reach the black male- single parents demographic, articles, books and expert advise on single parenting are provided and made accessible over the Internet. Hence, there are a number of literature or articles that are accessible online and that are targeting the black male single parents around. Here are some of them: 'Parent Trapped: Dating for Single Parents'. This article is authored by an unnamed single parent. He himself is very much involved in the issue, based on his status. Thus, it takes one to really and effectively know one. The single parent reader, probably and purposely male black, can relate to the predicaments, joys and experiences of the author. This will be a great reading experience for them. 'The Bad Rap Against Mothers'. The article is published in a well-know and main steam magazine years ago but is so beautifully written that the essence is far living its life span. The article is written by a single mom, who was abandoned by a black male lover or partner. 'The Bad Rap Against Mothers, Part 2' is the second installment or spin off of the first. The article aims to help readers by enumerating and analyzing the hardships and difficult situations single parenthood poses to single moms. In this article, the single mom-author imagines how it could have been if she had been the one to leave his black male ex-partner. 'The Bad Rap Against Mothers, Part 2' also aims to create the next generation of very 'exceptional men' who will grow up gracefully with manners and principles that will never ever aim to hit or disrespect women and other beings. The author believes single parents can do exactly that -- raising good and well-founded men. 'Come Back Home' is excerpted from the very popular and best-selling 'Chicken Soup for the Single Parent's Soul: Stories of Hope, Healing and Humor'. The article incites that every single parent has his or her own different and personal story to tell. However, the differences are bounded and should be unified by the thread of comfort and of hope that aims to give out peace of mind to everyone. 'Get More Time with your Children and Manage Your Child Support' is written basically and particularly for black males who are also single parents. The article can also apply and touch the hearts of white males who are also single parents. Through the article, readers will have a sneak peek at the personal and actual expenses and money issues surrounding male single parents, both black and white. 'Dreaming Through the Twilight' is somehow mushy and cheesy as the title implies. However, the article, which is also published in a book -- a collection of personal diary-style articles -- is so profoundly written. The article targets principally the black male single parents who are difficultly dealing with their current single parenthood situations. Single Parenting and Black Males Single parenting is becoming a fast-growing trend in modern societies, not just in the developed countries around the world but also in the third world or to term it the more politically correct word, developing countries. Times have really changed since those days when single parents were treated as outcasts of the society. Previously, especially during those times and era when values and morals were strictly imposed within societies, single parents were treated as if their situations were some sort of punishment to them. Single parenthood is not unique to the average white men and women in the United States. It can be noted that the black race or the so-called African Americans in the country are also subject to the issue and concerns regarding single parenthood. Thus, the number of black males who are also single parents in the country and also in other nations are currently the same and equal to the number of white males who are single parents. The borders and difference separating the black race from the white have really disappeared and melted that issue previously concerning whites are now also issues hounding the blacks. Thus black male single parents are now living on an era when single parents are treated with much respect and dignity than the way they were treated by he previous generations. Black males and the single parenting Single parenting is also not unique to the average black males. The US Census of 2002 estimates that three in every ten children in the United States are raised by single parents. What is so vague about the statistics is that the demographics were not clearly defined, meaning the actual number of black males who are also single parents are not really identified or set out. It is assumed, however, that the number of single parents who are incidentally also black males rise along with those of white males, or of female counterparts. It can be noted, however, that the modern society is knowledgeable and informed about safe sex and contraceptives. But, there are instances when contraceptives don not really work as intended, and so the number of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted birth of children are rapidly rising. Black males who are also single parents do experience the same experiences and issues being reported and experienced by other single parents around the world. Black males who are also single parents are also now equally privileged as their other counterparts. They are also qualified for compensations and financial assistance and support from the federal government. Articles about single parents and black males There are a number of literature or writings that tackle the issue of single parenting particularly and specifically for the black males. It is assumed that male single parenting is very hard because males, in general, are not domesticated. The traditional and conventional norms of the society have it that males are not really completely coping up with the challenges of single parenthood. Psychologists do assert that male single parents are far worse compared to their female counterparts, because females are more emotionally stabled to cope with the single parenthood situation. Here are some of the recommended reading digests that black males who are also single parents could read. The following articles are so timely and will surely be helpful to the black males who are also single parents. The articles are accessible online, for everyone to read them. Read on. " Black Men: the Crisis Continues" by Slaim Muwakkil. The article came out and was published in one of the modern magazines. The article touches on the political issues hounding the black population, particularly the black males. 'The Blak Family: 40 Years of Lies" by Kay S. Hymowitz. The magazine article discusses the social implications of single parenting among black males and in the general the whole black race. "Parent Trapped: Dating for Single Parents" is an article available online that tackles the issue of single parents finally moving on with life to experience dating once again. Issues bugging black males regarding single parenting are discussed. Effective Vacation Tours For Single Parents Single parents sometimes feel helpless and lonely because of the heavy responsibilities that they shoulder such as family expenses not to mention to responsibilities in caring for their children. Single parents who think they are getting drowned on their responsibility may take vacation tour as a break from never ending duties. Vacation tours for single parents are good to refresh the mind and body from the workload they are encountering everyday. Vacation tours may also be good for the children to get the full attention of their parents. Children sometimes feel neglected because of the busy schedule from work of parents. Children are given limited time and sometimes leave them in the care of other people. Vacation tours for single parents can bridge the gap of single parents to their children. During vacation tours, single parents may get along well with their child. No phone calls from the boss, no meetings to attend and no interruptions can take place between them. Because of the growth rate of people becoming a single parent, most travel agencies offer vacation tour for single parents accompanied by their children. There are also travel agencies designed only for vacation tour for single parents or adults traveling alone with their kids. They arrange their trips either by land, air or sea. They also help single parents to comply all the requirements needed for the vacation tours for single parents. Single parents who wish to have vacation tours with their kids may plan ahead of time. Planning a vacation tours for single parents with their kids going abroad, need more time of preparing rather than planning for vacation tours for single parents locally. Preparing vacation tours for single parents who are going outside the country must prepare at least 2 months before their date of departure. Single parents are required to apply for a visa before entering other countries. There are countries that requires foreigner to secure a visa but there are also countries that do not need to be able to enter into their country. Taking vacation tours for single parents in local destination needs only shorter time of preparation. Being a resident of your country, you are more particular on your countries law and order. You can easily accomplish the requirements need for your vacation tours. To check all the requirements of your country of destination, better visit the website of the corresponding country you wish. You may also call their consulate and you may tell them that you wish to go on vacation tour with your children. You may also tell them your situation being a single parent going on a vacation tour. Single parents may also contact a travel agency that offers not only vacation tours for single parents but also caters assistance in securing all the requirements needed for your vacation. It will save your time and energy of every single parent. Remember that single parents double their time for the family and work as well. Travel agencies who offer vacation tours for single parents are expected to be more considerate and patient in dealing with their clients, given the single parents hard situation. They should understand the sentiments of every single parent who feels he or she is losing time for herself and her children. How employers can help single parents in their situation? Many companies nowadays are able to construct a program for their single parent employees like vacation tours for single parents. Vacation tours for single parents are awarded to the single parent employees for the good job they have done in helping their company in achieving success. Other companies may do the same program of vacation tours for single parents to make them more productive and aggressive with their work. They will realize their companies are not only interested with the work they are rendering but that the companies are also concern with their situation. Vacation tours for single parents is a good opportunity for single parents who want to show more beautiful places to their kids without spending their own money. If all companies will have a vacation tours for single parents, every single parents will not take granted this kind of opportunity. Singles Grand Rapids, the Meeting Place for Single Parents in Michigan Gone were the days when single parents are treated meanly and differently by the society. Today, single parents are treated the way any other married or single men and women are treated---with utmost respect and dignity. Single parents currently are not burdened with the usual dilemma and assumption that the society looks at them further down compared to their single counterparts. Children or a child out of wedlock, were or was previously viewed by the society as liabilities or some sort of punishment for the single parent's lack of conviction, right judgment, or worse, promiscuity. Single parents are often viewed, in the pervious and ancient era, as outcasts that inflicted the curse upon themselves through their promiscuous and wild nature. Women or single moms had been the most discriminated among all single parents. Single parents in Michigan Michigan is on state in the United States where single parents are fairly given the equal chance to go on with life despite the emotional and physical baggage brought about by single parenthood. In Michigan, single parents can move freely and without discrimination just like how normal and average people move around and enjoy life. Thus, single parents in Michigan are free spirited and are welcome to party, enjoy and date around. There are especially designated places in Michigan where single parents meet up. There seems to a formal organization, yet it is unformally founded, in Michigan for single parents. There are party clubs, restaurants and places or park spots where single parents in Michigan occasionally meet and converge n a form of somehow a support group for each other. Single parenting can really be tough, that is why single parents must be given a break to enjoy and simmer life. The Singles Grand Rapids Single Grand Rapids is a social networking Web site located and based in Michigan. The online site manly covers happenings, meeting places, social groups, personal ads and much much more events, involving single parents specifically located and based in Michigan. Single Grand Rapids is a virtual place, just like Friendster.com, where single parents in Michigan can virtually connect with each other, compare notes or organize their own group events or trysts. Single parents in Michigan use Single Grand Rapids as a venue to hook up, for dating, meeting and simply hanging out in the state. Single Grand Rapids has thus become the most popular social networking Web site within Michigan. Single Grand Rapids truly has evolved to become the common venue for dating and hooking up among single parents in Michigan. Features of the Single Grand Rapids in Michigan Jus like any other Internet site accessible and available to anyone in the Internet nowadays, Single Grand Rapids is characterized by numerous features hat set it apart and outstanding from the rest. There are several special features and value added services integrated within the Single Grand Rapids Web site that may particularly suit and lure single parents' interests. For one, and as a start, Single Grand Rapids in Michigan has the special service called the 'Grand Rapids Singles---Meeting Places' where single parents in Michigan set out venues and dates for their occasional and regular trysts, convention, hanging out or meeting. The Web site is also featuring its so-called 'Grand Rapids Singles---Personals' where single parents in Michigan connect with each other personally, through buttons or sections that categorize preferences. Under this section, there is the female seeking male, female seeing female, male seeking female and male seeking male subsections. Everyone is so much covered. There is also the controversial 'Grand Rapids Single Parent' where single parents meet up and hook up. Special modes of communications are also provided by the feature, specifically for the single parents in Michigan. Indeed, single parents in Michigan are never left up and left behind. Just like any other people, they are now not treated like mutants and outcasts. There are more hook ups and dates going on around involving single parents. Just open your eyes, and maybe you will find that you might be dating a single parent currently. Be open-minded and open about the possibility. Doing It The Right Way: Single Parents In Harrisburg PA Sydney Styles was an incoming college senior living in Harrisburg PA when she applied to become an intern in a local publishing group specializing in kiddie magazines. The flexible environment of the company encourage her to work hard despite only being an intern, as she hoped her bosses will be impressed and possibly consider her for a permanent position once she gets out of college. While in her third week in the company, she met Rob who worked at the stacking department. Rob was a happy-go-lucky type of person that only dreamt of becoming the supervisor of the division. After a company party Sydney was too tired to driver her car due to having too many drinks. Rob volunteered to drive her home and Sydney obliged. Intoxication and slight physical attraction came into play and they eventually made the rest of the night more interesting. Sydney finished her practicum work after a few weeks but during this period she also discovered that this might have also marked a new start in her life. While working in the machine shop, Rob was critically hurt in an accident. Rob lapsed into a coma in the ensuing days and eventually died, as he developed a major staph infection that triggered a deadly infection. Sydney never knew what happened to Rob, as she went back to Harrisburg PA. Sydney realized one morning that the "one night stand" happened not only resulted to a good time but also unwanted pregnancy. Sydney was forced to stop schooling despite the fact that she only needed to complete a few more semesters. Sydney realized the fate of many college kids in the US, as she became a single parent at the age 19. Statistics in the last two decades show that the number of single parents has sharply increased. One of the main drivers of the increase is that society has drastically changed over the past years. A person's attitude to certain situation and how he copes with life changing incidents have become less and less rational. Sydney was unprepared to cope with reality of being a single parent, as she decided to drop out. Losing a partner in life is very problematic for a single parent. Those living in Harrisburg PA have shows strong self esteem given that they live in the state's capital. Government support is also an option, as it provided financial assistance to single parents that are struggling to cope with everyday expenses. Being a single parent in Harrisburg PA or in any community is not an impossible task. Here are some tips to help you cope with the situation and eventually move on with life. 1) Gradual decreasing of tension- before becoming a single parent, tension is evident and felt by the parents and children. Normally, both parents do not understand the feelings of the child. When a certain situation is explained to a kid, this can result in a feeling of understanding strengthen ties between child and parent. This practice can help the child adjust with the situation, and slowly but surely alleviate tension towards the child's parents, and to other people. 2) Increased time- Tension is normally felt during the time parents discuss divorce. Children and the parent normally feel tension from screaming and not talking to each other. Being a single parent gives more time to solve the needs of children, and open communication lines between the two. Planning outings and bonding activities should be given a premium. More time would result in a more conducive family atmosphere. 3) Unique experience for the child -- Since the child now travels between two separate parents, the child can broaden his perception on how life should be approached . The child is more receptive and aware to what goes around his/her life, and accepts that the world does not owe him anything. 4) Decision making responsibilities -- Children can do an active role in the decision making process of single parents. Single parents need additional input especially in making major decisions. 5) A sense of accomplishment -- When a child is assigned with small tasks, a sense of accomplishment is normally felt. Since additional responsibilities have been given, a feeling of openness is added. This is due to the fact that a goal has been achieved to assist in the household. This makes the child feel that he is an integral member of the household. Psychological Well Being of Single Parents In South Africa Being a single parent in South Africa is already considered as a statistic. This is because of the high number of this rate versus combined parenthood. Ironically, the reason for single parenthood is very different from their Western counterparts. In Western countries, typical reasons for single parenthood range from divorce, death of a spouse or a personal choice. In South Africa, the main reason of single parenthood is AIDS. AIDS is rapidly killing people aged, 19-45 in South Africa. These ages are the potential parents of future generations. According to Professor Clifford Odimgegwu, Professor of the University of Witwatersrand in Southern Africa, the grandparents are currently taking care of the orphans from parents who have died of this disease. The AIDS epidemic has become alarming, and has already disrupted two layers of the population pyramid. This pyramid consists of those in the five-year old age bracket who will eventually be the adults in the future generations. More than 10 million children in South Africa have been dying of AIDS. The other part of the pyramid is the 19-45 age bracket, who will comprise the senior citizens of the region. (http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2006-03/2006-03-08-voa65.cfm). Losing a partner is very stressful for the parent. The psychological well being of single parents in South Africa has been very poor primarily because of the reason on why the partner was lost. The reputation of AIDS in progressive countries have mellowed considerably. In South Africa, however, it is still in the same ranks as the deadly illnesses of the olden times, as the Black Plague or the Bubonic Plague because of its sheer number. The government has been very helpful in helping parents cope with the loss of a parent, whether through AIDS or through divorce. Divorce also ranks as a high factor in single parenthood. In South Africa, 50% of married couples end in divorce. These individuals become single parents. South African individuals have not developed coping skills on becoming a single parent. They need assistance in coping with this event. The FAMSA is an organization in South Africa which helps out in counseling of individuals regardless of financial status. These organization is a beneficial tool of the South African government in managing the way of thinking of these individuals in coping with problems, particularly single parenthood. Newly single parents develop feelings of sadness, abandonment, confusion, guilt, fear of being alone, and anxiety. The following tips have been recommended to be able to combat these feelings: 1) Forgive and forget -- Letting go of unnecessary feelings can make one feel lighter, and happier. Holding on to anger is more stressful than letting it go. Forgetting will make it easier to move on to the next relationship, and maintaining the current relationship with your children. 2) Maintain network and relationships within the community -- Having honorary aunts and uncles within the community fosters camaraderie between the child and the neighborhood, and the parent and the neighborhood as well. It also helps children understand that building relationships is an effective way to let go of the bad feelings that they felt during the separation of their parents. 3) Take responsibility -- Before, the responsibility of caring for the family was shared between two individuals. Now, only one is responsible for the entire family. Taking responsibility empowers a single parent to be more careful in decision making and managing the household. In addition, the parent can ask help from the children on decision making such as what items to buy during grocery shopping. 4) Do not forget the old rituals that you used to do -- Children need consistency in their lives after seeing their parents separate. Rituals as going out for dinner every Wednesday or the parent picking up the child from school every Friday should be maintained. In this way, the child feels that even if the parents are separated, the rituals are still there. The psychological well being of single parents in South Africa are alarming, but slowly increasing towards the positive. The government, through FAMSA, has been a tremendous help in making sure that single parents are helped. ![]() ![]()