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RC Hobbies

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Getting Started With A Radio Controlled Model Hobby

Radio controlled hobbies can be pretty costly. Toy grade models might be good
for kids, but someone who is pursuing a radio controlled model hobby should
invest in a hobby grade model.

The most common and preferred RC model is the car. But let this not limit your
search and options. The concept and principle of the RC model is virtually the
same, and all hobby grade models are simple and robust in design. Most require
some practice to master the control. A car is a good place to start, and later
you can invest in an airplane or other more advanced model. A person who has
access to a free open ground (even a big football field is fine!) can safely
invest in assembling a hobby grade RC airborne device since in the beginning
stages, one requires lots of space to practice the control of the model.

There are dedicated hobby grade RC model makers who have hundreds of different
models, and they will almost surely have one that suits your pocketbook and
preference. It is a good idea to shop around at a few hobby grade RC model
shops before investing in a model. This is because you might find a better
model for your preferences, the cost might vary a little, and you will
hopefully get to know more hobbyists that you can connect to by visiting these

The only limit to the amount that you can invest is solely based on your own
capability. If you wish, you can invest in a low end model or you can go for
the latest high end models with sophisticated circuits and controls. This is
especially true with respect to the airborne models. But, wise investment is
required and investment is NOT recommended if you are not a real radio
controlled device enthusiast, since these hobby grade RC toys are costlier than
the toy grade models available in retail shops. If you are questioning whether
you can find time to play with the RC model, then the hobby grade toy is
probably not for you.

In earlier times when internet was non-existent, face to face meeting was the
only way the enthusiasts could contact each other. Even phone or snail mail was
too clumsy to interact effectively. But the enthusiasts have always traveled
long distances for the sake of their hobby just to meet one another. This is
the indulgence in the hobby. But, the advent of internet has virtually reduced
the world, your "arm's length away" being just "a-click-of-your-mouse-away".
Real life meeting is not at all required, but still one can connect to another
remote control hobby enthusiast from another end of the world. Real life groups
are still the most effective means to get to pursue the hobby more effectively.
Online groups can be of help to connect and to organize more extensive events,
and to know about the various hobby related activities taking place.

Time is the most important factor when considering any hobby. A hobby is an
activity that has grown more than just a "wish to try" activity, and you yearn
to do it day in and day out. One might not always find the time, but the
passion for the activity is what makes it worthwhile. If the thought of playing
with remote controlled toys piques your interest, then it means you possibly
have a flair for RC controlled models and you should give a try.

The Many Types Of Radio Controlled Hobbies

Radio controlled toys and projects have a huge following among hobbyists all
across the globe. The concept is certainly a fun one -- a miniature model of
some real-life vehicle, fully functional and ready to get around. There are
many different types of radio controlled hobbies that can be enjoyed. All it
takes is basic knowledge of the radio equipment and the motors, and you can
enjoy all of them in some way or another.

The most basic (and arguably the most fun) type of radio controlled hobby is
the remote control car. Small model cars can be rigged in a way that will allow
you to accelerate, steer, and brake them at will. There are numerous ways that
you can accomplish this. The first is to just buy a remote controlled car and
some good batteries. However, if you are interested in the technical aspect of
it then this may seem uninteresting. Another option is to build a model or a
kit from scratch, putting together all of the components of the car and
installing the radio control system. Still another option is to take a
pre-existing toy, and mount all of the radio components inside.

Toy cars aren't the only radio controlled hobby. Remote controlled boats are
also very popular. It is fairly easy to convert a boat toy to be radio
controlled. The biggest challenge faced by those trying to make a radio
controlled boat is the issue of having a waterproof area for the engine and
electrical equipment. Usually this is solved by placing the motor in the hull
of the boat, and having the propeller emerge underwater through some sort of
rubber, watertight seal. It is a good idea to buy this part of the boat
pre-made, since a do-it-yourself, trial and error approach could lead to quite
a few ruined engines before you get it right.

Radio planes are probably the most difficult project to undertake. Since a
plane requires very detailed calculations and measurements in order to stay
afloat, you will have to be attentive every step of the way. Makers of radio
controlled airplanes will usually take one of two routes. The first is to buy
kits that include cutout pieces of some sort of light wood that can be
assembled using glue. After that is done, the radio and motor equipment are
purchased and added in. The second method is to skip the kit, and find (or even
make your own) plans for a model plane. After you have plans, you buy all of the
necessary wood to make the plane from scratch.

Airplanes aren't the only radio controlled devices that take to the skies.
Remote control helicopters are becoming more and more popular. They require
around the same (perhaps a little less) detail as planes, and allow for a more
interesting flying experience since they can hover in midair, and go backwards
/ forwards on command. The novelty of flying a toy helicopter is what attracts
many people to building one, while planes usually attract those who enjoy the
technical and mathematical aspects of getting the plane to leave the ground.
Both are extremely rewarding, especially after hours and hours of labor.

These are some the many different ways that you can apply the intricacies of
radio electronics to regular toys. While these make up the main areas that are
focused on in this hobby, they certainly don't confine you. If you have an idea
for a radio controlled toy that is not a car, a boat, a plane, or a helicopter
then by all means pursue it. By starting with the more basic toys, you can
learn about the radio systems and the motors that power whatever it is that
propels the vehicle forward. All it takes is this basic knowledge, and the
hobby of radio controlled toys can span a vast number of possibilities.

Getting Started With Ham Radio Control As A Hobby:

Ham or amateur radio as a hobby involves some hard work in the form of getting
licensed, and acquiring knowledge of the technical details. The hobby itself
starts in the first step by one getting the ham device. Selection of a good ham
radio is best done under the guidance of a person who knows about the radios
well. More than that, one must know the local laws and rules with respect to
the ham operation.

Getting to know your ham: It is important to know about hams and, to know about
your own ham as soon as you feel the urge to buy / assemble one. If you want to
know about the ham, then again, internet, books and other hobbyists are all
good places to start with. If you know no technical details of the electronics
but find yourself fascinated by the idea, then it is time to learn a bit of
jargon in the field.

So, if you do not know something, you should come out and seek answers either
from those who might know or from resources like the library or the internet.
One must spend some time and effort to learn about the hobby that one wants to
pursue. Just a wish is not a good enough reason to pursue a hobby. One needs
more than just a wish to be able to pursue an activity as a hobby. So, 
recognition of the hobby and the right kind of activity that suits you is 

Ham operation can be taxing and sometimes it can be tiring in spite of the
modern equipment that does the scanning on its own. It is like the
astrophysicist searching for some communications from aliens. If that idea
grabs your attention, then this hobby will be to your liking since the activity
is virtually the same, except for the helpful fact that we know there is someone
who exists for sure, and one gets more than just "radio signals of unknown
nature". You get interaction from real people, from out there in the world, who
live in flesh and blood as you do.

Your choice of equipment depends on how involved you are, and what your budget
is that you can afford to invest in a ham equipment. There are good stores out
there that sell ham radio at a reasonable cost. Again, as usual, it's wise to
chat with those who are ham radio operators, and also to visit and know the
prices from various shops that sell ham radios to be able to select the best

The cost of the radio equipment that can connect to longer distances will be
higher than the ones that have a lesser range. Moreover, the recent
advancements like digital voice transmission and such can be more costly than
the simple Morse code wireless telegraphing model.

Getting licensed is the next hurtle. The amateur radio operator license exam
does not require Morse code proficiency any more as it is has been allowed to
be dropped as agreed in 2003 in the World Radiocommunication Conference in
Geneva. The test will include the knowledge of ham etiquette, the communication
laws that apply internationally as well as in your region and such. Once
licensed, one is free to use the allotted bandwidths and is allowed to change
or modify the equipment within the limits imposed by "spurious standards".

So: what are you waiting for? Go get a ham and get your license: get going!

Resources For The Beginner Who Wants To Pursue Radio Controlled Hobbies

If electronic gadgets fascinate you and you want to do more than just use them,
then you are a great candidate for pursuing a radio controlled hobby. If
designing and assembling electronic devices is your fascination then you will
be interested by RC models, whereas if you are more interested in wireless
transmission and making communication contacts with people around the world,
then you are more cut out to pursue hams.

These overlap many times, and most ham operators have a flair for radio
controlled models, and vice versa. This is because they are attracted to
anything that concerns radio waves. The best resource available to a beginner
in radio controlled hobbys is the internet. It is a storehouse of information
with valuable bits of knowledge on all aspects of the hobby. But interestingly,
as opposed to amateur radio which is far easier to search for online, searching
for RC model enthusiast groups is a bit tricky! If you try to use any search
engine to search for remote controlled toys, you will find scores and scores of
sites listed, most of which deal with sales of the toy grade or sometimes hobby
grade models.

This does not mean that one wont find good resources on the subject online,
just that one might have to change the keyword to find the best results. One
other way is to use the online communities and forums which can be
indispensable tools for connecting to people with similar interests. There are
dozens of Yahoo!, MSN, AOL, and Google groups for this purpose. In addition to
this, there are online communities, blogs and friends network sites. These will
be good places to start. There are numerous groups and one must try to find one
with people close to home as well as those that have activities related to the
hobby. One word of caution always applies that one should never reveal
personally identifiable details online unless you are confident in what you are

The benefit of online search is that distance is not a factor, and there are
virtually no other restrictions. You may also meet with more experienced
hobbyists who can guide you pretty well in pursuing your hobby. Talking to
experienced hobbyists can help you make a good decision, and can help you learn
a lot. There is a lot available online and someone must know where and how to
get to the useful information. You must try to collect information on the
history of the hobby that you are pursuing, and the current issues and
contemporary relevant things with regard to the hobby.

You should consider the amount of time you want to devote to your hobby. Time
is an important aspect that one needs to consider before pursuing one's hobby
in a serious manner. Without adequate time available on hand, one cannot pursue
the hobby of amateur radio. RC hobbies involving toys and devices also requires
some time.

Financial investment should also be considered. This is one important criteria
and is the bridge that changes you from "I want to be a radio hobbyist" to "I
am a radio hobbyist". Amateur radio sets are available in ready-to-use form.
The costlier models usually have a longer range and better quality. On the same
grounds, the better and latest RC models will require a considerable investment.

Just use all of the resources at your disposal, and you are sure to find that
radio controlled hobbies are very fun and rewarding.

Radio Controlled Toys -- Hobby Grade Devices For Serious Hobbyists

Radio controlled (RC) toys can be toy grade or hobby grade.

The toy-grade Radio Controlled devices can be available at a cheap rate in
almost every retail store. They are made of non-serviceable parts and are
produced in bulk. The toys are not very robust in their speed or abilities. A
radio controlled device of one toy cannot be used in another toy. They are not
durable and are of "soft" material; these toys are mostly not able to take on
the rugged terrain outdoors. They are available in "ready to use", "buy and
play" models and need no assembly. The only thing that will be required is to
open the battery case and put in the batteries, and then the toy is ready for

On the other hand, hobby grade radio controlled toys are made of durable
material, and are custom made. They are mostly simple in their design. The
design is simple and can be re-used / remodeled, and can be serviced. The radio
controller and the parts can easily be used in another hobby grade toy. They are
durable and more robust. They are not always available in ready-to-use state,
though there are many hobby-grade RC stores that will deliver the toy in
assembled state. Many hobbyists like to buy the toy in parts, and prefer to do
the assembly themselves. The design, assembly, and driving of the radio
controlled toy is in itself a hobby. The serious hobbyists also indulge in the
RC sports that have their rules and specifications, not to mention the winnings
which usually will be an enhancement to their current RC toy or another RC toy.

Every RC toy is available as a toy grade or a hobby grade toy nowadays. They
can be airplanes, helicopters, boats, cars and robots.

Airplanes come in various sizes and shapes ranging from small flyers to gas
turbine driven aerobatic models. The models can be tethered to a fixed pole via
rope, or can be free flying models. They can be electrically propelled, or fuel
driven models. The latest radio controlled models can reach up to 250mph. RC
airborne toys require a high level of knowledge and control, and will need
supervision of adults. They are not suitable for younger kids. They are
relatively more expensive than the rest of the RC models. This is another
reason that younger kids cannot use it safely, since a crash can result in
damage that can be too costly.

The RC car is the one most common toy among radio controlled model hobbyists.
The cars come in various sizes and shapes and can also be fuel driven or
electrically powered. Just like the cars come in various sizes and shapes, so
do the enthusiasts! RC cars are relatively safe compared to the airborne toys,
and can be controlled even by a child. They can be "off-road" or "on-road"
models, referring to the terrain on which they can drive on. The RC car races
are common for the radio controlled model hobbyists.

Helicopters: Another airborne radio controlled model. It is different from the
airplane in design and flight, and some say that it is much more interesting to
fly. However, the same considerations that apply to helicopters apply here too.

A radio controlled boat was the first "toy" to be remote controlled. Tesla
demonstrated the remote control boat model which he showed to the public as a
device that "obeyed people's commands", where in reality it was him controlling
the boat according to the people's commands.

Robotics: These are most popular in Japan, but the popularity is quickly
catching up in other nations in the west too. Robotic hobbyists who design,
control and model the robotics for various activities are common, and there are
various competitions held regularly for them to create the best robot. Robotics
however, are actually moving from radio controlled models to the latest
artificial intelligence models and voice controlled models. But, radio
controlled models of robots are still very popular as toys, as hobbies as well
as a safety tool for remote handling of bombs and such.

Radio Controlled Devices:

Building, driving, and modifying radio-controlled car kits or other toys is a
popular hobby among radio controlled enthusiasts. The radio controlled devices
are a popular hobby, and are a key component in a sport that involves
displaying the skill of the user in controlling the device efficiently.

Radio Controlled devices, or remote controlled devices as they are also called,
are devices that are worked remotely from a distance. The first demonstration of
the remote controlling activity was perhaps by Jagdish Chandra Bose when he
ignited gun powder and struck a gong from a distance using electromagnetic

Tesla was the first to demonstrate a remotely controlled ship calling
teleautomata, using transmitter and receiver showing how ships and mechanical
gadgets can be controlled on a wireless principle in 1898. He also constructed
a wireless tower which remained unfinished due to economic constraints. This
showed the farsightedness of Tesla. He laid the foundations for the radio
controlled devices that we have today. American inventor Armstrong remarked
about Tesla: "The world will long have to wait for a mind equal to Tesla's, a
mind of such creative possibilities and such wealth of imagination."

The remote controlled devices are commonly called RC devices -- RC stands for
Radio Controlled. In 1937 the first radio controlled airplane was flown by Dr.
William Good and his twin brother Walter. Dr. William was a specialist in
radios and Walter made aeromodels, and they combined them to create the RC
plane. Radio control had also been employed in WWII. In the 1960s, the
availability of transistors revolutionized the circuits and made them more
compact and light.

Principle of the modern RC toys: In the mid to late 60's, a British company
named Mardave, based in Leicester, began to produce the first commercially
viable RC Cars. Their first cars were Nitro or gas powered cars sold in the
local area in the early 70's. All such devices require a transmitter with
controls, a throttle trigger and the wheels for turning. The receiver is placed
in the body of the toy.

The models can be electric models as well as fuel models. The electric models
work with electrical speed control, and the fuel control systems utilize the
radio control mechanisms to regulate the fuel input and the such.

The radio controlled models can be toy grade or hobby grade. The toy grade
devices are available in retail shops, and are available at a far lesser price.
They are ready made assembled models, and usually utilize electric power. Hobby
grade models are available at a greater cost but are more durable and
serviceable. They usually require assembly, and most often run on gasoline or

These radio controlled cars are also used in races, and the cars or toys used
in the races should confirm to the specifications. The RC devices can be
varied, and include cars, boats, airplanes, helicopters and robotics. The small
robots, cars and toys are usually for indoor play. Robotics combined with remote
control technology is frequently seen in the international robotics contests
held annually in Japan and other countries. Robotics are another hobby, which
are even more interesting when combined with radio controlled or remote
controlled toys.

The uses for radio control are limitless, and cars only scratch the surface. In
reality, there are hundreds of different ways that you can enjoy radio
controlled hobbies.

Activities For Radio Hobbyists

Amateur radio or ham is largely a hobby activity. The majority of thel hobby
time is spent on making contact and having conversations with people in distant
regions and from different cultures. Two way communications, identifying their
location and station, zone, region and place is the usual custom. This is
always followed by other casual communications. If the contact is made for a
contest to make two way communication with as many stations or ham radio
operators as possible, this all the information that is shared.

DX-ing and DX-peditions: An amateur radio operator's main hobby is to make
contact with as many stations as possible from as many parts of the world as
possible. DX stands for Distant Stations. The DX-ing usually is followed with
the QSO. (a Q code., see below) which means "a conversation".

DX-peditions are different in the sense that they are expeditions organized /
planned solely for the purpose of making contacts with some special or rare
stations and regions. Some people travel long distance just to make contact
with some unrepresented region or place.

Radio Frequency scanners available now a days form the tool of great use in
these attempts. The radio scanner scans for signals until a strong signal is
found and so on.

QSL cards: The Q code is a standardized collection of three-letter message
encodings, all starting with the letter "Q", initially developed for commercial
radiotelegraph communication, and later adopted by other radio services,
especially amateur radio. In today's audio signal transmission age, the Q codes
are not essential. but still in use and are viewed as a sort of tradition.

As a part of DX-ing and DX-peditions the QSL card or the proof of contact card
is shared. QSL is one such Q-code that means "I acknowledge receipt". The
common practice was that the ones who made contact at a particular frequency
exchange a QSL card in the mail to confirm their contact and conversations.
These QSL cards can be used as a proof of their making contact and amateur
operators who make contact with a certain number of other amateur radio
operators in a specified time is awarded. Moreover, they are distinguished and
honored since they are deemed to be efficient amateur radio operators.

Remote region contacting: Some countries have less amateur radio operators, and
making contact with these is considered special. So, when a radio amateur from
these regions makes contact, other ham operators flock to make communication
with this / these hams. Making contact with these less represented places has
its awards and special considerations in the award programs.

Hamfests: Social events for the ham families and friends. It's something akin
to the family oriented social fests where there are sales, exchanges, meetings
and fun. Similarly, the fest is filled with selling and exchanging hams,
meeting real life ham friends and fun events for a day or sometimes over few

Discussion groups and Nets: Ham operators form a discussion group based on
common interests other than ham or it can also be a ham related discussion
group and they can form nets or networks.

If a radio hobbyist gets involved with all of these different activities, he or
she is sure to never be bored. Look into some of them, and see if you would like
to get involved.

Radio Sports For Die-Hard Hobbyists

Radiosport as a term is sometimes used as two separate words, or as a single
word. It refers to the use of amateur radio equipment or the "ham", in short,
as a part of playing some sort of game. It might be group event or a single
person event. It can involve other competitors in real time like a race or like
a performance or achievement over a given time frame.

The contests are usually sponsored events, and can last anywhere between a few
hours and 2 days, the world wide contests being two days usually. It can be
local in a specific region, or may involve traveling a long distance. It can be
a cumulative contest taking place over many weekends, or a sprint contest which
lasts only a few hours. The rules are specific for the event and they include
which stations (which regions) may participate and the like.

This is usually called radiosports. This can be any of the following.

Dx-Contest: This is when stations are to make two way contact with as many
stations as possible over the longest distance possible. This is called the
International DX-Contest today. Awards may be given for the following
accomplishments. The "Worked All States Award" if the entrants make contact
with someone from every state in the USA. The "Worked All continents Award" is
given for making contact with someone from every continent. "Worked All Zones
Award" is the same concept with time zones. Other awards include the DX Century
Club award, and the UHF/VHF Century Club award.

Another event is an Amateur Radio Direction finding using radios. A specific
number of transmitters needs to be found from a specific region in a map before
reaching the end line. This relies on the athletic ability of the ham operator
as well as some direction finding skill with radios.

Fox Oaring or Bunny hunting: This is similar to the previous contest but
involves more short range equipment of the hams, and so it relies more on the
direction finding skills of the contestant rather than the athletic ability.
It's more technical in nature than the previous contest, and the radio can
detect signals only 100 meters or so away, so the contestant must locate the
transmitter hidden in an area of 200 meter radius.

A more severely restricted game than the Fox Oaring is the Radio orienting
contest in compact areas. This requires very high technical skills.

There is another form of the amateur radio direction finding, or bunny hunting,
that utilizes transportation with vehicles over long distances. The hams have to
travel in their vehicles to the specific region and find the transmitter.
Whoever finds the transmitter first and reaches the finish line is the winner.
A variation is that the one to find a specific number of transmitters hidden in
different places first is the winner. This relies on the traveling skill,
orientation skill and the equipment efficiency too.

These events are called ARDF contests, which is short for Amateur Radio
Direction Finding Contests. Contests or radiosports are just a part of the
hobby activity. Entering contests is not a requirement, but there are many who
pursue this almost obsessively, and collect winning certificates by the dozen
in fact. On the other extreme are those that are equally passionate about being
a ham, but do so purely for communication and satisfaction.

The significant thing about hams that needs to be mentioned here is that the
hams can and do make regular contact with space stations. Many astronauts are
licensed amateur radio operators and use their radios for educational purpose
as well as an emergency backup.

So what was once spanning a small region locally in the beginning now has
penetrated into space! What was once only Morse code based has now evolved into
greater variations involving voice, digital transmission and so on. It is
exciting to see how much radio transmission has changed in recent years.

Where To Find Guidance on a Radio Controlled Project

Undergoing the entire complicated process of building a remote controlled model
is a very daunting thing to do. If you are passionate about getting to know
radio controlled hobbies better than anyone else, then you will definitely have
to start somewhere. However, with no previous experience you will probably run
into quite a few hitches as you work on your project. For example, if you are
building a model airplane and you plan to install a motor in it, there are
countless things that could get in your way. Maybe you don't understand how
exactly to piece together the wings. Maybe your plane catches fire every time
you try to run it. Maybe you don't even know where to start.

No matter what is getting in your way, there are many ways that you can get
past it. A good start for any radio control project is to find plans or
blueprints that you can follow for the entire length of the project. You can
buy kits that include all of the pieces, or you can find plans on the internet
and cut your own wood. It just depends on how much effort you want to put into
the project. After you have the plan (which should include diagrams and exact
measurements), you can begin to gather supplies. If you stick with everything
that the plan says, you will be much less likely to hit a snag. As you work,
you will learn skills required to make personal touches to the plan.

The best way to have constant support no matter what goes wrong is to make
friends with some sort of expert in the field. Is your uncle's wife's cousin a
fanatic for remote controlled hobbies? Get his phone number, call him up, and
see if you can get some help. Most of the time people will be more than happy
to share their knowledge with someone who is interested in similar things. You
can also meet radio control gurus at conventions, races, or even supply shops.
It is good to know someone locally, since you can meet wit them and show them
whatever your problem is, and they can even glue a few pieces together, or do
whatever else needs to be done.

For small inquiries that don't require hands-on assistance, you can use the
internet. There are numerous online communities for radio controlled hobbies,
which come in the form of message boards, mailing lists, or blogs. These can be
found with a quick search engine keyword, and are usually home to numerous
extremely intelligent people whose combined knowledge covers pretty much
everything about radio controlled hobbies. If you ask a question of these
communities, you will almost immediately receive multiple helpful responses.
Using advanced technology like digital cameras and microphones, you can get an
even more personal response.

Finally, you can get your information from a good, old-fashioned book.
Libraries are full of so much knowledge, it is surprising that they go so
unappreciated in today's culture. If you go to the library in search of books
about radio controlled hobbies, you will find numerous resources that will help
you out greatly. Your query could range from the electronic aspect to the
construction. In a similar vein, you can subscribe to magazines that regularly
cover this sort of hobby, giving new plans, details, and advice for all

If you use all of these different resources, you should have no problem
building and enjoying the radio controlled hobby that you've always wanted.
Embarking on the journey alone is definitely not advisable, since you will have
to do many things that no normal human is faced with. From cutting the wood into
precise chunks that will make up the different components to installing the
electrical parts, each step requires close attention to detail. It is good to
have backup in case you don't quite understand something.

The Basics Of Radio Controlled Plane Flight

Radio controlled planes can rack up quite a bill when you consider all of the
different things you have to buy in order to enjoy the hobby. You have to buy
the plane model itself, as well as all the radio and motor equipment to keep it
in the air. Then you have to buy gasoline, or pay for electricity to charge the
battery. All in all it can be a very expensive venture. After you spend all of
this money, nothing is worse than seeing your investment crash to the ground
and erupt into a huge fireball (well, maybe not the fireball part; however, you
can expect all of your components to be smashed beyond any working state). So
when you fly your plane for the first time, you have to use extreme caution in
making sure that you don't ruin your plane and consequently waste your money.

The most important part is to choose the day and the place carefully. On the
ideal day, there are perfectly clear skies, with little to no wind. Hopefully
it is also warm, but if it isn't that won't jeopardize your mission (unless you
are shivering so much that you can't effectively control the plane). You should
go to a place that offers some sort of good take-off point. Sidewalks and roads
are perfect for this. You should also try to look for an area that is low on
houses, trees, and preferably doesn't have many people around.

First you need to check all of your equipment. Even if you are a pro at
handling radio controlled planes, nothing can save you from faulty equipment.
Check and double-check everything before you send the plane up. Be sure to pay
special attention to the landing gear. Make sure it is secure, and that it will
be able to withstand the force of impact when the plane touches the ground after
you are done flying. Also check all of the connections between the motor and the
fuel supply or batteries. Test all of the radio equipment to make sure that
every motion is interpreted by the plane. Hold it in your hand as you or a
friend tries all of the levers and knobs.

Set your plane on some sort of surface that will act as a good runway. If
you're in a park with sidewalks, find a large strip of sidewalk that will give
your plane plenty of room to roll, gather speed, and take off. Just make sure
there are no people walking in the way. Get up to speed, and if everything goes
right you should lift smoothly in the air. Hopefully you will have read through
the manual that came with your plane. Every radio controller is slightly
different, so I can't give you detailed instructions on that aspect of the
flight. You will have to read your manual to find out how to do it well.

After the flight you need to do yet another inspection of the equipment. If it
was in good shape at the beginning of the flight and the flight went by without
a hitch, it isn't likely to have some sort of new problem that has suddenly
shown up. However, you should always investigate anyways, and save yourself
some grief in the future. If you notice something wrong, you can take the plane
directly home and take care of it, rather than wait until you notice it the next
time you come out to fly.

Follow all of these procedures, along with any local laws or regulations that
may affect your flying session. Flying is a fun hobby, and if you are able to
follow all of the guidelines that I have provided, as well as any other factors
that may affect you personally, then you will find it to be a very enjoyable and
worthy pastime.

Choosing A Radio Controlled Plane

When you buy a radio controlled plane for the first time, you may have some
difficulty choosing the plane that will introduce you to the remote controlled
hobby. You will want something that will be fairly cheap to purchase, and will
give you a chance to learn how to fly remote controlled planes before you move
onto more advanced planes. If you buy the first plane that you see, you could
end up having a very bad experience for your first time, and be completely
turned away from the hobby. This is why it is very important to know that there
are many different characteristics that you can look for. In this article I will
go over most of them. So read on to find out about what you need to look for to
have the best experience possible when you fly a radio controlled plane for the
first time.

First you need to assess your own building skills. You can buy airplane kits
that require you to build the entire thing from scraps of wood, or you can buy
kits that just require you to snap a few parts together. If you want to make a
huge, prolonged project out of your radio controlled plane, then you can buy
one that requires full assembly. However, you should always be sure that your
building skills are up for it. If you don't want to spend the time required to
do this, or if you don't have the prowess to build it, then you can buy a plane
that does not require any assembly at all. You just pull it out of the box, and
you're ready to go flying for the afternoon.

Next you will want to look for something that has stability for people without
are flying for the first time. It may not seem like it, but to fly a radio
controlled plane you need at least some skill. But, if you search for the right
item you can find something that is more geared towards beginners. Slow flying
speed is always a benefit, just as driving slow is a good way to learn how to
control a car for the first time. You will want a light plane with larger wings
that can catch the wind better. This will make takeoff easier. You will also
want to look for planes that have flat bottoms, and wings mounted high on the
body. If you get a plane that has all of these features, your maiden flight
will be as smooth as possible.

Next you need to consider the model of the airplane you are going to buy. You
can get model replicas of almost any type of plane, from the first Wright
Brothers' plane to modern military jets. If you are buying a model plane, you
are probably already interested in planes to begin with. Think of what plane
you are most intrigued by when you look through plane books, and see if you can
find a kit that is modeled after that plane. This will give you a personal
interest in the model that you are getting. When you fly it for the first time,
it will be almost like being in the cockpit of the actual plane.

After you have decided on these issues when picking your plane, the rest is
just up to personal preference. But if you pay close attention to these and
pick your plane carefully, you will find that radio controlled flying is a
great way to spend your time. It is a very rewarding hobby, and it can last you
a lifetime if you choose planes that are compliant with your level of skill.
After all, you don't want to go out on your first flight and then crash your
plane directly into the ground or a tree. So choose your first plane carefully,
and you can avoid being immensely frustrated in the future.

The Tools Needed For Radio Controlled Hobbyists

Building a radio controlled project requires a huge amount of time and detail
when you are putting the pieces together, or even cutting the pieces out to be
assembled. Most people who do it as a hobby will have many different tools that
they use throughout the course of assembling a radio controlled project. If you
want to build something for the first time, you will need some materials that
will come in immensely handy throughout the process. Here I will name some of
the main ones, but you will most likely need to find some more specific tools
to fit your personal needs.

Of course, the first thing you need is the raw material that will be used to
construct the project. Most radio controlled projects are made out of wood. If
your plans don't call for a specific type, you will have to choose it yourself,
which can be tough. Balsa wood is the most popular choice, especially for toy
airplanes and helicopters. It is extremely light, while maintaining a good
level of solidity. You can build an entire airplane frame out of it, and it
will have a minimal amount of flex. IF you are building a larger model of an
airplane or other vehicle, then balsa may be too soft, in which case you will
want to look for other woods.

The radio and motor equipment is the 2nd most important part. If you are a
really enthusiastic radio controlled hobbyist as well as an engineer of some
sort, then you may consider making it all out of the various components. It is
possible to buy all of the electric components of the radio and motor systems
separately. However, if you do this you will have to deal with all of the
electrical concepts and parts including transistors, resistors, and all those
other things that make it so daunting. There is no shame in buying transmitters
or motors pre-assembled and just gluing them wherever they need to go. It will
definitely save you some time.

The first tool that should never leave the arsenal of a radio control
enthusiast is a good old X-Acto Knife. Even if you are buying a kit that allows
for easy assembly, you will still need the X-Acto knife to shave off any bumps
or extra pieces of wood / plastic that are getting in the way. If you are
building it entirely from scratch, the knife will be perfect for cutting
outlines from thinner pieces of wood, cutting notches for the electrical
equipment to keep steady, or just getting everything to the exact shape that
you want it. You can buy them for just a few dollars at your local hobby store,
or home improvement store.

Depending on the material that you are using to build your project, you will
need some type of tack or glue to hold it together. There are many different
choices for this area. You can use superglue, wood glue, or epoxy, and each one
will hold fairly sturdy. Look up the type of wood or plastic that you are using,
and see what type of tack is recommended to fasten it. If you are building a
remote control boat or even a submarine, you will have to consider the matter
of waterproofing it to avoid ruining the electrical components when you first
put it in the water. This is usually accomplished through some sealing putty
for cracks and a spray-on sealant to keep the wood from soaking.

At some point you will have to cut all of the wood into the segments that you
require to piece together the final product. While it is possible with a
handsaw, it is definitely not the best choice. A table saw works best for
larger pieces, but for finer details you would be hard pressed to find a better
tool than a Dremel Tool. They look like electric toothbrushes, and have quickly
rotating heads that can grind away balsa wood in a matter of seconds. They
allow for maximum accuracy, whether you are shaping a piece of wood or making
holes for wiring.

The Roots Of Radio Hobbyists

Radio hobbyists can play with their equipment all day without giving a thought
to the origins of their hobby. Early radio hobbyists were part of something
that was, at the time, new and fairly crazy.

After radio technology was stabilized, there was a steady growth of radio
signaling in the fields of navigation of ships and for rescue operations. On
the other hand, the amateur radio operators also started to dominate the air.
The first documented and famous amateur wireless enthusiast was a then young
man named Irving Vermilya born in 1890 when wireless transmission was being
born. The young man since age 12 heard Marconi and built his own wireless
transmission equipment and was often "heard" telegraphing with ships during
that time. In 1911 he became a member of the Radio Club that had been formed.
He got himself certified in 1912 when law mandated all wireless operators to be
certified. In his own words,

This was pre-audio era, and communication was purely in Morse code. Irving then
organized his own amateur group who had regular meetings monthly and would
communicate daily wishing "GM" (good morning) and "GN" (good night), some of
the first amateur jargon to be used. He also proceeds to describe in his series
of articles published in QST magazine in 1917 as to how they managed to lay the
telegraph lines and such and how they "drew juice" for the wireless operation
from the electric lines instead of relying on batteries.

Meanwhile, apart from the "professionals" and "amateurs", with audio wireless
signal transmission there was a new revolution setting in. A Dutch engineer in
Hague was the first to make regular wireless transmission via radio. This could
be considered the first regular radio broadcast. After this there was slow
development until the commercial radio stations came into being.

The requirement to be certified killed the enthusiasm in many amateurs, and the
number of amateurs dwindled. But then after WWI, there was a boom. The first
radio clubs were formed in 1909 and this was the beginning of the radio hobbies
which included radio as a part of the hobby activity.

During the WWI the amateur radio operators were asked to stop their activity
and dismantle the equipment. Radio operators in uniform helped in military
communications. They got back on the air again by November 1919 again. A
similar lull in amateur radio happened during Second World War and got back on
air by 1946. After lots of battles over the frequency range that the amateurs
can tune into, the amateur radio is here to stay!

At present there are more than 170,000 ham operators which is possibly not the
complete picture. It is still increasing. So, with Irving Vermilya was born the
amateur radio operation, since he was the first radio hobbyist. After lots of
developments, including the discovery of the transistor which greatly decreased
the size of the radio equipment, the old ways still remains which included
"waiting for someone to signal".

The rules to get oneself certified and licensed included a Morse code
proficiency until the World Radiocommunication Conference in Geneva in 2003
that eliminated the need for Morse code proficiency from the licensure tests.
Taking effect from February 23, 2007 the Morse code has been eliminated from
the tests for amateur radio license tests.

The Process Of Building A Radio Controlled Plane

People can spend hundreds and hundreds of hours on building a radio controlled
plane. It is a hobby that is very pervasive throughout the world, and no matter
where you can go you can find at least a few die-hard enthusiasts who will
continue to devote their time to creating the best radio controlled plane
possible. Some people get started on the project on a whim, without putting
proper thought into the amount of effort that it will take to get finished. If
you are thinking about making a radio controlled plane, you should know exactly
what will be required of you. You may decide that it is too much work for too
little payoff -- or you may be passionate enough to stick with it and give it a

The first, and the longest, part of the process is to build the model. By
itself, the model is no more than a bunch of wood, glue, and maybe a bit of
metal in the shape of a plane. How much effort you spend on this will be
dependent on what your goal is. Do you just want something that will get off
the ground? If that's the case, the style won't matter too much to you. You can
build a very basic box that will be able to lift off. However, most of the time
hobbyists will create lifelike representations of existing airplanes. This
involves creating an airframe out of a light material such as balsa wood, then
covering up the sides with some kind of plastic. The dimensions are usually
scale representations of whatever plane the model is based off of.

After the basic model is built, the builder will begin to bring the whole
project together by installing the motor and radio components. They should
always be easily removable, in case they need to be replaced. Get everything
fit in to make sure you created the model correctly. Usually, you will buy all
of the motors and radio transmitters in one set, and by following some quick
instructions you can get it all pieced together. After you have installed it
once to make sure, you should take it all out and finish the details of the
model. Add decals, paint it, and do anything else that you have in mind. Once
that is done with, put the motor equipment back in one last time.

Unless you have followed directions word for word down to every last detail,
your plane probably won't be ready to fly right away. At this point you can
take it out to a field or a park and attempt a takeoff, but you shouldn't hold
your breath. You might have been lucky enough to get it right the first time,
but you will probably need to make some tweaks. This is by far the most
frustrating part of making a radio controlled plane. You will have to determine
whether it is a problem with aerodynamics, or whether your radio equipment
simply isn't working. If you are stuck on this step, it's a good idea to
consult a radio controlled hobby expert to see if you can get a diagnosis.

The process definitely takes a lot of time and a lot of effort, but it is worth
it in the end. When you can make a flawless takeoff and maneuver the plane
through the air, you will be proud of the work that you have done. While you
are toiling over building the model, getting everything to work right, and
getting it to take off, just imagine that first moment when you are able to
take off. Go out to the park one day, and see if you can catch another model
plane enthusiast out flying his or her plane. Take a turn, and get a taste for
what is coming in the future. If you keep reminding yourself of that, you will
be able to remain inspired.

Remote Controlled Cars Make A Fun Hobby

If someone is interested in radio controlled hobbies, they almost always start
with a car. Unlike a boat or a plane, cars usually won't be completely
destroyed if they fail. It is very easy to make a basic radio controlled car,
but as you do it you will discover that there is a huge amount of knowledge
that can be gained. As you gain this knowledge, you can start to use advanced
techniques to create cars that are stronger, faster, or more efficient than
your previous ones. You can throw one together in a few minutes, or you can
spend months creating an amazing car with superb speed and handling. The amount
of effort you put into it is entirely up to you.

If you are just starting with radio controlled hobbies, it is probably wise to
just buy a pre-made radio controlled car. You can buy these in toy shops almost
anywhere. It may be slow and clumsy, and it may not satisfy your technological
urges, but it is a good place to start. Play with it for a couple of days, and
then take it apart. Look at the way the motors are connected to the wheels, and
look at the general architecture of the car. After you understand it all, you
will have much better luck when you start to build your own. You may even be
able to use a few parts, such as the body of the car or the radio equipment.
The motors will probably not be as strong as you would like.

After you have gained this essential basic understanding of the way that radio
controlled cars work, you can start on whatever you want your next project to
be. For most people, their goal is to build a model car from wood or plastic,
install the electrical components, paint it, apply decals, and basically get it
looking as good and performing as good as possible. Others may want to build an
incredibly fast remote controlled car to show off to friends. No matter what
you want to do, you will only be able to achieve it if you take it one step at
a time and learn everything there is to know about remote controlled hobbies.

Many different resources can help you out along your way to becoming an expert
in radio controlled hobbies. You will probably be spending a lot of time
researching all of the different information that you need. You can find it all
over the internet, including many different tutorials. For more specific
questions, you can go to community groups and forums. This is where people from
all over the world gather together on the internet to discuss their hobby,
support each other, and brag about their latest accomplishments. Usually they
are very welcoming to newcomers, especially if you are very clear and polite in
asking your question.

Radio controlled cars don't have to be without competition. If you want to put
your car up against those of other enthusiasts, you can find many different
races and exhibitions around the world. Just do a quick internet search, and
find out what the nearest option is. You might have to take a weekend trip, but
it will be worth it to be around those who are as passionate as you about what
you are doing. These meetings may include races, or just a good old convention
to share tips and tricks with other radio hobbyists. You would be surprised at
the large amount of information that you can learn from the people who go to
these events.

Starting a new hobby may be daunting at first, since there is a wealth of
information that you probably know nothing about. However, if you just get
started with the basics and use all of your resources that are at your
disposal, you will be able to succeed.

Radio Controlled Hobbies: A Technological History

You push a lever on your remote, and your remote control plane veers to the
left. It almost seems like magic. Radio control is one of the most magical
inventions of the modern era. It has a very long and intriguing history.

Linguistic research into the origins of the word radio reveals that it was from
the prefix "radio-"meaning concerned with radiations. The word radio came into
being before Hertz's discovering of electromagnetic radiations. Initially what
was radio-telegraphy and radio-telephony over time came to be just radio. One
of the first people to popularize the term was another pioneer in America in
the field of wireless transmission: Dee Forest.

Tesla demonstrated wireless telegraphy in 1893 almost eight years after the
discovery of the electromagnetic waves by Hertz. Jagdish Chandra Bose in 1894
used electromagnetic waves to ignite gun powder and strike a gong in Calcutta
(Now Kolkatta) in India. That possibly was the dawn of wireless/radio
communications and its applications in science. Tesla in 1896 transmitted
wireless signals for nearly 30 miles distance and patented his first four tuned
circuit wireless system as being the first practical wireless transmission
equipment. Marconi in 1899 spanned the English channel with this wireless

The dawn of the new century also was the beginning of a new era when Marconi
performed the first trans-Atlantic radio signal in 12th December, 1901. The
crystal sets which were patented by J.C. Bose came to be commonly used for
detecting and receiving radio signals. There have been numerous disputes over
who exactly was the first to conceive the idea or wireless transmission, Tesla
or Marconi. In between somewhere there is one Popov who was also a pioneer in
this field! Tesla is said to have run into financial troubles that greatly
limited his run in the race. But nevertheless, Tesla seems to have been the
first, but the controversy over this is not our concern now. Whoever it was,
the truth stands is that it was one of the finest inventions in the history of

The first decade of the century saw many entrepreneurs and experimenters
working with wireless radio but it was about at the near end of the first
decade that definite hobby interests sparked. Radio signals were originally
produced by spark transmitters, which were noisy and inefficient. Then the
alternator-transmitter and then the arc-transmitter came into being.

The invention of vacuum-tude diodes and triodes revolutionized the radio
transmission and receivers. The invention of triode amplifier generators made
audio possible and started a new era of "audio radio". The vacuum tubes were
the staple component for a long time until the invention of the transistor
which made the equipment more precise, concise and efficiently mobile!

Then, AT&T used the vacuum tubes to transmit voices over phone lines and this
lead to the experimenting of speeches over long distances for audience to hear
over loudspeakers. Commercialization was thought about from the initial days
but there was no way to restrict the transmission to specific paid users and
broadcasting remained commercial-free. Then AT&T started the idea of
advertising to finance the programming, and it is here to stay until this very
date. There have been constant innovations in the field of radio broadcasting
with the latest craze being internet radio. So, radio is NEVER out of date but
it is forever coming in new forms.

Modern Radio Hobbyists

An amateur radio is called a Ham radio, and the operator is called as an
amateur radio operator. They pursue the ham radio operation as a hobby, and it
is a vastly popular hobby at that.

The origin of the word "ham" for an amateur radio operator is rather
interesting. "Ham" was used to mean anybody who was NOT efficient or talented
in the field. In the early days, the amateur operators had a notorious
reputation for sending in garbled Morse code. So, these amateur operators were
called by many names including "ham" as opposed to the professional wireless
operators. But, over time, the name stuck up for the amateur radio operators
and now it is no longer used in its initial derogatory way.

The hobby of amateur radio operators was also of public service during many
times. In 1920 Amateur Police Radio was instituted to help "relay" information
on crimes and thefts of vehicles and was very successful. Apart from using ham
radio to connect to friends, families, they also connect to complete strangers.
The ham operators have time and again been of great service during emergencies
and disasters like earth quakes and other natural disasters in transmitting
reliable real time information about the condition and for the speedy movement
and dispersal of the relief measures. This is a great public service since
during these emergencies the only thing that works is the radio! The phone
lines severed, other communication methods are ruled out and it is common for
even the mobile networks to be clogged in traffic during these emergencies
leaving hams as a great tool. There have been many documented evidence of the
ham radio enthusiasts helping someone in trouble or helping to locate and nab a

Thus, the first radio hobby started out as amateur radio operation. It was
restricted to few miles and must be relayed across. Now, all powerful and
advanced radio equipments are still evolving and improving. So, one does not
need to rely on relay anymore but can almost connect to half way across the
world as opposed to the initial days.

The amateur radio has become very organized since the first clubs of 1909. Each
has a unique identifiable code by which they are known. The first hobbyists
relied on communication by making connections to as many radio operators who
were as distant as possible, with their meager equipment. Usually they were
constantly upgrading it. This was called Dxing, when one would try to connect
to as many amateur radio operators as possible. The radio enthusiasts are on
the look out for constant updates and most are proficient in the wireless
technology. Even though they now get ready-made ham equipments, most are known
to have a good knowledge of the working of the ham equipment as well as minor
repairs and such.

In the day of the mobiles, internet, and blue-tooth, ham radio has its own
place and reputation. After all, the disasters and emergencies have themselves
to be a special place that the radio transmission can come in handy. There is
also the family radio service, also known as the Walkie Talkie to operate
within around about 2-3 miles. A modification of the same is used when the
parents can fix a transmitter to a child's bag or pocket, and when the child
walks out of the range, the parents are sent an alarm! As you can see, radio
usage is not just limited to hobbies, but it spans across many different useful

Making a Radio Controlled Boat

For some reason, being able to control a miniature boat as it skims over the
water of a local lake is something that many people find very appealing. It
doesn't matter whether you are a kid or an adult; remote controlled boats are
universally fun. On top of that, nothing is more fun than undergoing a huge and
daunting project, and eventually seeing the results come through. Therefore you
should consider building a remote controlled boat on your own, out of materials
that you can buy from any local craft or hobby store. If you are here, you have
likely already considered this prospect. It is more than possible, and probably
easier than you would think.

Since you have taken the more interesting route and decided to build your
remote controlled boat rather than buy one pre-made, you will have quite a few
more challenges facing you that you wouldn't have run into otherwise. However,
all of the hard work that you put into your remote controlled boat will pay off
in the end, and you will feel like you have really accomplished something when
you take it out to a lake for a day and it is able to successfully navigate the
treacherous waters. You will probably be frustrated along the way as your boat
falls apart, or even sinks into the water never to be seen again. However, if
you persevere you will be glad that you did.

Unless you have experience in the construction of boats, you will probably want
to use plans that someone else has created. You can find plans for remote
control boats all over the place -- on the internet, in magazines, or in books.
You may even use the plans for a full-sized boat, and make a scaled model of it.
As long as you are confident that the motor and radio components will not
interfere, this is a good route to take. Regardless of where you get your plan,
you will need one that is utterly clear in every aspect. Even the slightest typo
or misreading could result in your boat sinking, or spinning in circles
struggling to stay afloat.

As you build the boat, you will need quite a few supplies, first, the wood is a
very important part. If you are using custom plans, wood is probably the
material you will be working with. You can find quantities of light wood such
as balsa at your local hobby store. You should always get extra, since a wood
that light is prone to snapping when you least expect it. The wood is held
together using glue, and you will start with a hull-shaped structure then plate
it with sheets of wood. After it is all done, you caulk the holes and cracks
with some sort of putty, then spray it all with a sealant to make it
waterproof. After that, you are free to paint it however you see fit.

The motor equipment on a radio controlled boat must have more attention paid to
it than other remote controlled projects like cars or planes. If even one
droplet of water gets into the electrical components, your entire project will
be ruined, and you will have to buy new (possibly expensive) radio equipment.
Waterproofing the motor equipment is fairly difficult, and you should always
test it with no electricity involved before you actually go out on your maiden
voyage. It is usually accomplished by having the motor extend an arm through a
waterproof sealant that will prevent any water from getting in.

There are many parts to the process of creating a radio controlled boat, and
each one needs to have close attention paid to it. As long as you can invest
this time, you should have a great experience. You don't want the little
sailors in your boat frantically tossing things overboard as they try to stay
afloat, do you?

Introduction To Radio Controlled Helicopters

Nobody is truly complete unless they have a hobby they are passionate about.
Having a hobby will give you something to spend your time on, and something to
enjoy when you have free time. If you are trying to find what hobby you can
stick with, you should think about experimenting with radio controlled hobbies.
You can build models of almost any vehicle, from boats to cars to planes to
helicopters. Many hobbyists will get their start with helicopters. Helicopters
are very complicated, but using the right kits you can get started without a
problem. Once you fly your helicopter, you will feel that the entire experience
was very rewarding. Flying the helicopter is a blast.

The most important part of flying a model helicopter is to be proficient in
controlling it. You should understand exactly how to fly the helicopter,
otherwise you run the risk of crashing it and ruining your entire investment,
which is never good. Borrow a flight manual from someone who you know has a
radio controlled helicopter. Take that chance to read through it and find out
about all of the different terms, and the many knobs and levers that are
required to maneuver the craft through the air. After you have read through it,
take someone's helicopter out for a test flight to see if you have what it takes
to control one of your own. If you crash it, be prepared to pay up!

After you have decided that you will be able to handle a helicopter, and that
you even want a helicopter, you can start looking for your own kit. You can buy
radio controlled helicopters that come completely assembled and ready to fly
right out of the box. However, there is not much fun in this, and they will
probably only allow for a few hours of entertainment. The real fun comes when
you buy a model that has to be constructed from hundreds of small plastic
pieces. It may be frustrating while you are in the middle of the process, but
at the end when you have a great looking helicopter that flies smoothly, you
will be glad you spent the time.

Your helicopter building experience doesn't have to be limited to the simple
kits. There are many different options for extremely advanced helicopters that
have different shapes and features. You can find these in specialty shops all
over the internet, and even in some brick-and-mortar locations. You shouldn't
buy a helicopter just because it looks interesting. Do research before you
commit to building a particular one, so that you can find out what all it has
to offer. You can find reviews and customer experiences all over the internet,
on many different commerce sites. Find out about how well it flies, how easy it
is to maneuver, the ease of assembly, and anything else that may matter.

So once you get everything built, what are you going to do with your radio
controlled helicopter? It seems pretty boring to just take it out for a flight
every weekend. If you're really passionate about it, you should look for ways
that you can interact with others who are equally interested. This can be in
the form of clubs where you just go flying every month or two, or large
conventions with hundreds of remote control enthusiasts crowded in, talking and
exchanging ideas. Getting involved like this will give you a chance not only to
have an outlet for your passion, but also to find out more about it and become
better at building and flying helicopters.

If the thought of flying a toy helicopter seems at all exciting to you, then
look into getting a kit today. It is a great feeling to discover a new hobby
that you are good at and enthusiastic about, so don't hold yourself back if you
think it could be a positive addition to your life.

Getting Started with Radio Controlled Hobbies

Remote controlled hobbies come in many different forms. No matter what kind of
model you build, you are almost sure to have a great time controlling it and
enjoying the work that you have done. The thought of putting the whole thing
together seems very daunting to some people, and exciting to others. The key to
having a great time with radio controlled hobbies is to embark on a project that
fits with how much you want to work. You can buy remote controlled vehicles in
varying states of completion, from completely together to "no two pieces are
connected". Read on to find out about how to choose which one will be right for

Casual hobbyists or beginners will usually start with cars that are assembled
at least most of the way. These usually only require a quick installation of a
few batteries in order to get going. They can be fun to fly / drive around for
a little bit, but usually they aren't a good choice if you want to get into
more competitive areas such as races or exhibitions. Some people decide to
begin their radio control hobby with easy toys like these, since they allow you
to familiarize yourself with the layout of the vehicle of choice. While you
become more familiar with them, you still don't have to pay very much money,
since those ones are often significantly cheaper. Just avoid buying a kids toy,
and aim for something that is meant to be a more hobby grade version.

The next option is to buy model kits that come with all of the parts needed to
put together the model. They are all perfectly measured, and all of the design
has been done for you. All you have to do is pop the pieces out and glue them
together. This is the most popular option, since it provides a lengthy
challenge without getting too ridiculously complicated. These kits can be
bought all over the place. They can be found in the average hobby store. If you
look at the hobby stores and you aren't able to find the type of car that you
want, then you should look at some online specialty shops to see if they have
anything to offer that would better suit your needs.

The final, and by far the most difficult option is to build a remote control
project entirely from raw materials. This requires immense planning and effort.
To accomplish this, you first need to find plans for whatever you want to build.
You will want to find very detailed diagrams and lists of what you need. Next
you will buy all of the tools and parts from their corresponding stores, and
get started! Building a remote control project from scratch requires very
detailed measurements, so you will have to measure down to the very last
millimeter before you cut the wood or plastic. Oftentimes your first project
won't turn out good unless you are very skilled. However, you will gain more
talent with every piece you add.

If you were still on the fence as to whether or not you would get started with
radio controlled hobbies, hopefully you have made up your mind by now. It is a
quite enjoyable hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. As you can
see, the amount of effort required to enjoy the hobby can vary widely. Young
children can drive radio controlled cars around, and it only takes a minimal
amount of money and effort. At the same time, the serious hobbyists can spend
hundreds of dollars, and hours of time putting together cars that will beat all
of the competition in looks, speed, and handling. So, if you want to get started
with radio controlled hobbies, all you have to do is choose a project that fits
with how much you want to commit.

Finding Components For Your Radio Controlled Hobby

There are two approaches to building a radio powered model of a vehicle such as
a boat, car, plane, or helicopter. The first is to buy a kit that contains
everything that you need. If you buy this, all you need to do is snap
everything together, or glue it into place. This is a great place to start for
anyone who is interested in radio controlled hobbies. However, after you make
this first project, you will probably want to move on to the more advanced
method of construction. This involves finding very precise plans for a radio
controlled project, and creating it from scratch. You will use wood, power
tools, and glue to get your miniature vehicle looking as close to the real
thing as possible.

Throughout the course of building a radio controlled project from scratch, you
will almost certainly find yourself lacking certain items. Whether your
exacto-knife breaks or you accidentally set your wood on fire, you should
always have a vendor that you can fall back on for your supplies. There are
many different choices for people who you can buy components from, both local
and long-distance. Usually hobbyists will end up finding certain people who
they are comfortable buying from, but here you will find some of the main ones
that you should investigate before you decide on a single one.

Local hobby stores will almost always have some form of whatever you want. If
you just need a quick substitute for some item that you lost or broke, then
craft stores will have what you need. You can find knives, some kinds of wood,
paint, model glue, and various other small items. However, most of the time you
won't be able to find products that are specifically geared towards radio
controlled hobbies. You will have to decide for yourself whether you can make
do, but more often than not you will want to hold off and buy specialized items
that will allow for the ultimate in precision.

To find tools that are specifically used for radio controlled hobbies, you
should look online for specialty stores. There are many web pages that sell (or
even just point you towards) items that are perfect for the project that you are
working on. Usually they will have user reviews so that you can see what kind of
response the items get from radio controlled hobbyists who use the item for the
same thing that you need it for. Before you buy from a certain site, you should
search on the internet for experiences that people have had with it. How fast is
their shipping? Do their customers ever receive broken items? These things are
rarely problems, but you should still be sure before you order.

EBay has quite a few tools and parts that can be useful in the making of a
radio controlled project. If you know exactly what you are looking for, you can
usually find it for less than any other site. However, if you want to look
around for something and find out about the best items to use, eBay is probably
not the best choice since it doesn't provide user reviews and recommendations
for the items. This is why it is a good idea to do your research on a site that
is geared towards radio controlled hobbies, and then find the same items on eBay
after you have decided which ones will work best for you.

If you buy high quality parts for your remote controlled project, you will
probably not have to buy them again. If you buy cheap and low quality parts,
they will break very soon and you will end up buying them over and over again
(which will ultimately be more expensive than if you had bought the nice parts
to begin with). So do the research, and find out about the best tools and parts
to suit your needs.

Competitions Offered To Radio Control Car Enthusiasts

When you build a remote controlled car, you usually pour hundreds of hours, and
even more dollars into making it a creation that you can be proud of. Well,
after you have put so much effort into it, how much fun is it to just keep it
all to yourself and never show off what you have worked so hard to complete?
Some would say that it is a complete waste of effort. If you are building a
radio controlled car, you should plan on entering it in many different
competitions. There are quite a few RC car competitions of many different
types. Here I will go over some of the main kinds of competitions that you can
get involved in. Each one requires a type of car that is specifically tailored
to it. Sometimes you can swap a few parts out and have a car that is ready for
a different competition, but more often than not it is a totally different type
of car.

The first type of competition is the kind that most people would imagine; a
simple race track. It's set up just like a NASCAR event. A large paved road is
used as the track, and all of the cars are lined up in rows at the beginning.
The number of laps can vary greatly, from sprint races to longer marathon races
requiring dozens of laps. At these events, speed is the number one factor.
Nobody will care if your car looks ridiculous if it is capable of speeds far
higher than those of the competition. In these competitions, you will find the
highest level of technical detail put into cars, with high-tech engines
prevailing. Light, gas-powered cars with firm wheels are the best type of car
for these competitions.

The second type of competition is definitely a fun one, and perhaps the most
popular. It is the same as the first in the fact that it is a race. However,
this race occurs on an off-road track. An off-road track will usually include
lots of rough terrain, with steep hills and perhaps even ramps or obstacles.
These tracks will really give the cars a beating. Most entrants will have
remote control cars that look more like trucks, with huge shock absorbers. Many
creative methods are used to keep cars in the running. Some even have wheels on
both sides, in case the car flips over when it hits a bump. Many advanced
driving techniques are required to stay in the running, and this is what makes
off-road racing one of the most exciting sports.

Finally, there are exhibition competitions that are designed to consist of
short segments. These segments show off one particular skill of your car -- its
agility, its speed, or its handling. You will be asked to accelerate down a
straight road, just to see the maximum speed that your car can reach. You can
also do slalom events, winding in and out of cones. The exact setup varies
greatly from competition to competition, but you can always expect something
along these lines.

Any competition involving remote control cars is most likely to be a fun time,
even if you don't have what it takes to win. It's good just to go and have the
company of your fellow radio control enthusiasts.

Choosing How To Run Your Radio Controlled Car

If you are building a radio controlled car, you will be faced with choices
every step of the way. You will have to decide how to build the model, how to
incorporate the radio transmitter, and how you want to paint it. You will also
have to decide how you want to power your car. There are several different
choices, and unfortunately there isn't one that stands out as better than the
rest. Each powering method has its own benefits and tradeoffs that may affect
your decision. You will have to consider these benefits compared with what
exactly you want to do with your car. Here are the three main ways that you can
power a radio controlled car.

The first and most basic way to power a remote controlled car is to have a
battery pack running the motors. This is the kind of system that you will see
in beginning cars. If implemented correctly, it can be fairly effective. Its
main strong point is that it is very light. Cars using electric power can reach
all new levels of lightness. However, like all of the options, there is a
tradeoff: electric cars are the slowest of them all. So, you will have to
decide whether you want a light car that handles well, or a speed demon that
will tear up the competition. And that brings us to the next choice, which is
definitely a bit speedier than the electric option.

Gas-powered cars are by far the most common when you are looking at hobby grade
cars. The equipment required to handle all of the gas and combustion weighs
quite a bit, and tends to make the car less agile. However, it makes up for
this deficiency by being one the fastest choices. These types of motor kits are
very easy to find. If you want one for your car, your best bet would be to look
in some online specialty shops, or your local hobby shop. While it is not
necessarily a positive aspect in my book, the fact that the cars are much
louder when they run on gasoline seems to attract some people, who enjoy
creating the noisy little machines.

RC cars that run on nitro gasoline are quickly becoming the most popular and
fastest growing segment of remote control cars. Nitro vehicles can come in many
different forms. You can build the popular and durable trucks that will take
jumps at high speeds and go on off road driving courses. Alternatively, if you
are trying to reach very high speeds, you can build the type of racecar that is
meant to speed along pavement, tracks or other prepared surfaces. As with gas,
nitro requires the heavy motor equipment that some people find cumbersome.
However, they are perfect if you want to swap out your electric motor during a
race or other event.

If you build your car the right way and avoid attaching the engine in
permanently, you can switch whenever you feel a different one would be more
appropriate. The average remote control enthusiast will accumulate quite a few
different engines over the years, and will become familiar with which ones are
best to use in a given situation. So don't worry too much about buying the
wrong engine and being "stuck" with something that you didn't want. Just
consider the pros and cons of each one, and compare them with your goals with
your remote control car project. Think about how much speed you want, compared
to how much agility or how much turning speed. If you have a local hobby store
that stocks all of the different types of engines, then go in and ask to test
drive a few of them to get a feel for the type of engine. You will be glad that
you put so much thought into it.

Building The Fastest Radio Controlled Car

Many people think of remote controlled cars as toys for kids. However, there is
a huge difference between remote control cars for kids and remote control cars
for adults. The complexities of the cars have a very wide gap. Kids cars will
run on just a few AA batteries. RC cars for adults feature full miniature
engines. Lots of the popular motor kits run on fuel such as gasoline or nitro.
Others run on large battery packs that are essentially beefed up versions of
kids toys. These cars require just as much maintenance as a real car, since
they have all of the same components (plus all of the radio transmitting gear!)
to deal with.

When building a remote controlled car, you will have many different choices
regarding the quality of the components that you use to make it. You can stick
with some simple hobby store components, but those are not likely to make a car
that will win any races. If you want to go all-out on a project, you can get top
quality parts. You should be prepared to spend some money to get what it takes,
but once you have it all together you will have a car that you can truly be
proud of. If you want to assemble this type of amazing car, you will need to
look for several things in particular when buying components. These will help
you get the maximum performance for your money.

The fastest engine choice that you can find is a nitro engine. Nitromethane is
an alternative to regular gasoline, and runs much better for RC cars. It is
usually heavier, and therefore more cumbersome on the handling of the car.
However, if you are going to be on a fairly straightforward and tame race
course, it is a great choice and will provide a huge speed. The only down side
is that nitro engines are known for wearing down faster, and breaking at a
higher rate. If you use a nitro engine frequently, you can almost expect it to
break after intense usage. It is a good idea to have an electric engine that
you can swap it out with when the need arises.

The other parts of the car are equally important when you are aiming for
absolute fastness. If you are you going all-out on a project, you should expect
to spend quite a bit on components like wheels and axels. Usually you want to
get wheels that are extremely firm and light. If you have the opportunity to go
out to a hobby store and test out a few different components, you will be able
to decide exactly what you want based on experiencing it first-hand. This is
the best way to shop for anything, and the same goes for remote control cars.
Since the parts are usually highly swappable, you can directly compare one with
another by trying them in quick succession.

If you aren't a very technically inclined person, the thought of picking all of
these parts might not sound very fun. However, you might not have to go through
this process. It is possible to buy kits that include all top of the line
parts, and are quite easy to assemble. With these you won't get the high level
of customization that you would get out of building a regular home-made car.
Being able to choose all of the parts separately is a great benefit, although
90% of the time you can replace individual parts if you decide that you want to
go for something that is of a higher quality or a little bit faster than what
you had before.

All of these things really add up. If you have one part of a car that doesn't
perform as well, the entire thing will be affected. Therefore you need to
choose your parts carefully to have the best remote controlled car possible.

Building A Radio Controlled Car Without Breaking Your Wallet

Across the nation, there are thousands of people who are extremely passionate
about building and racing remote controlled cars. If you ask one of them how
much money they could spend on building a remote controlled car, you will be
surprised at the answer. It is possible to spend hundreds and hundreds of
dollars on top notch equipment to create an insanely fast and good looking car.
If you want to get into the hobby of building radio controlled projects, then
you will definitely have to spend some money along the way. You will be faced
with very expensive components. However, you don't need to buy expensive parts
for your first car. Read on to find out some of the ways that you can save

You should never buy cheap supplies just because they are cheap. If this is
your first radio controlled car, you want to get an accurate feel for the hobby
without spending too much. This is why you want to buy top quality parts that
will make for a great car. At the same time, you may find that the hobby is not
for you at all. You may burn out on it after just a few hours of putting
together your model. If this is the case, that is another even better incentive
to avoid buying expensive parts for your first car. Usually hobbyists will start
to invest more money and more time in their 2nd or 3rd car, after they know that
they have the expertise to do it right.

The best way to build your first radio controlled car is to buy a kit that
includes just the radio components and the motors. The radio control kits only
cost 20 or 30 dollars at your local craft store. Buy it before you start to put
the car together, so that you can know what dimensions you need to allow for.
You can build the car itself from cheap wood and glue (And time. Lots of time.)
Go to your local hobby store or lumber store and look for some sort of light
wood that you can use to make the car. You will use some sort of epoxy or
superglue to hold it all together.

If you would like to take an even less do-it-yourself approach, you could buy a
remote control car kit that includes the model for the car. Unless you are a
master craftsman, this finished product will probably look better than anything
that you could have made from scratch. These kits are very cheap as well. You
won't get much control over how the car looks, which is a huge advantage of
building it on your own from scratch. If you want to make it look a certain
way, all you have to do is cut the wood a little bigger or a little smaller.
Ultimately it is up to you -- both will give you good experience in building
remote control cars, so it just depends on how much time you want to spend.

If you tried to race against some of the more advanced cars with your kit
assembled car, you would be left in the dust almost instantaneously. Your car
definitely won't have much power and it probably won't have much in the looks
department. However, neither of these is important compared to the valuable
thing that the new car has given you: experience. By sticking with the easy car
when you first start getting into the hobby, you will be ahead of the game when
you go to build a nice custom car. In addition to this, it will have allowed
you to decide whether it is a hobby that you would like to stick with. So even
if you are the type that likes to jump headfirst into things, just hold
yourself back and stick with the inexpensive car kits.

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