Beating down Self-How to be a Public Speaking Star
Beating down one self is a common trait of the human race unfortunately. Not everyone does this, but many of us will which can lead to nervousness, lack of confidence, low self-esteem and the like. If you are preparing to give a speech, thus the first thing you want to do is learn to be honest with you.
To get started sit down and pick your brain to find your good points, and see if you can come up with qualities about you that you can use as an advantage. What type of person are you? What good things have you said and done in life that made a difference? If you see we are moving toward self-talk, which is one of the best therapeutic strategies ever used in therapy both internally and externally.
Once you have all the good qualities about you pulled together, search through them to see what areas could benefit you while speaking in public.
The next step is setting up small goals for you, such as what you want to present in the speech, and how you want the speech to affect the crowd. Always, think of the people in the crowd as you start writing your speech, since it is these people you want to impress. Furthermore, always work toward goal specific. If you know what it is you want before starting, the people will know what it is you are saying.
Getting started
You are now finishing the writing of your speech. You are aware that notes are to be written in legible structure on index cards. If you have problems writing notes, which are legible, practice taking notes, since you will need these cards throughout the speech. Practice works toward quality.
If you feel the speech is complex, try to gather a group of people to give your speech to, so that you can work through the process. Make sure the people are willing to watch you give the speech, critique you, and offer helpful suggestions along the way. Any advice if positive and in sync is always helpful.
While you are writing and reading the speech, be sure to look through the papers while listening to self talk out loud, looking for areas you may need to change. Always think positive and try to write a positive speech regardless of the complexity.
Exercise is a healthy building tool for delivering a quality speech. In other words, while you write the speech, practice delivering the words out loud as you move along so that you can hear the affects of the speech. This will help you tremendously. Practice sound, clearness, effectiveness and tone. If you feel you are talking to low work on your tone as you move along. Try to reach a balanced tone.
Timing Self
While giving your speech time yourself as you move along. Set the timer so that it will go off at the time you are to finish your speech. This will help you move toward precision in giving a quality speech in the time allotted.
Writing the Speech
During the process of writing the speech make sure you read, reread and rewrite where necessary. Take out what you can’t use and keep what you can. Always note the key points while reading a speech and speaking it out loud.
Again, if you make mistakes during your preparing and practicing do not beat self down, rather take the time to realize you are human and as long as you try your best, you did the best you could.