How To Plan Your Week Making Money At Hom 6 Days To Six Figures |
Jeff Schuman |
Jeff Schuman
Is it really possible to earn a 6 figure income on the internet? The answer to that is yes, but not everyone will do it! WHY?
The biggest lie told everyday on the internet is you can make money at home doing nothing.
"Join my program and I will build your downline for you. I do all of the work. This is so easy anyone can do it in their underwear. Buy my book and you will be successful."And on and on.... We have all fallen for this at one time or another.
My book shelf is full of books I have bought online and never finsished reading. Who has ime to read all of this stuff and still actually work at making money?
Here are the only 2 books you need to make money on the internet.
1. "The Insiders Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The
Internet" By Corey Rudl.
team-schuman /marketingtips
This is in my opinion the bible for making money online. While it carries an expensive price tag if you never bought another book these 1,000+ pages would be all you ever need to earn how to make money online. I use it everyday.
2. "Super Affiliate Handbook" by Rosalind Gardner
team-schuman /superaffiliate
Without a doubt the best book ever written on making money at home with affiliate programs. Rosalind Gardner explains in detail how she makes over $400,000 dollars a year selling other people's stuff. I read this 3 times on vacation in Mexico and still refer back to it over and over again.
Learning to earn is a big part of the make money at home formula. None of us have the skill level when we first get started making money online. Either one of these 2 books, (or both), will be all you ever need to get started and move forward making money online.
If you have money to spend on promotion you are going to want to do pay-per-click advertising and Google AdWords campaigns eventually. This is a very targeted way to build your business, but should not be attempted by a newbie. Once you have the basics listed below you can branch out from there. To learn more about pay-per-click advertising go here:
But to get started right now let's summarize what is the best way to set up your week doing things that will actually move your online business forward on limited budget, and have you making more money than you spend.
Here is a simple outline for budgeting your time every week. Try to spend 2-3 hours or more everyday building your business. If you don't have that much time everyday then make it up on days when you do have it. Expect to spend 15-20 hours or more every week working on your business. The more properly spent effort you put in the more money you will make.
Here's a good way to schedule your week.
Research and write an article on a topic related to your business. If you are not sure how to write an article read this short artice here:
http://team-schuman /howto/write.html
Submit your article to the following directories. Here is an article I wrote on tips for submitting your article:
http://team-schuman /howto/submit.html
If you can afford it have it submitted for you here:
If not then submit your article yourself to these article directories.
http://thewhir /find/articlecentral
articl emporium
http://www nnectionteam
http://webmastertraffictools /articledirectory
Exchange links with possible partners. This is hard to do just one day a week. You will find yourself spending a few minutes here and there when you have time. Because exchanging links is so tedious that is actually a better way to do it then to sit down and spend several hours at a time.
Here are 3 excellent link directories to get quality link partners.
1. linkmarket /
2. infowizards /
3. valu exchange.sitesell /
Larry with Linking101 has an great website to help you learn the basics of linking.
linking101 /
Post in at least 5 forums. To start with forums are a great place to ask questions and learn how to make money at home for free. The nice thing is that you can add a free short classified ad about your product along with the link to your website at the end of your post. This is a great non-threatening way to increase your traffic as well as one way links back to your website.
Forums are also a great place to get ideas for your weekly article. Look at the type of questions people are asking. Do some research and formulate an article around the answer to these commonly asked questions.
You can find hundreds of forums here:
http://forumcity /links/dir
Here are some more great forums to join and post in.
howtocorp /forum
hom business-tips-newsletter /forum
link forum /index
ozemedia /cgi-bin/webbbs/webbbs_config.pl
siteownersforums /index ?
smallbusinessbrief /forum
http://WillieCrawford /cgi-bin/index.cgi
Zeromillion /
Add fresh content to your site. Maybe a new article or another sales or training page. Over a period of time you will have a website with hundreds of pages and you will see it on page one of the search engines for your most popular keywords and keyword phrases.
RSS feeds are all of the rage right now. I have found a simple way to add fresh content by adding a few lines of javascript to a page. Here are a couple of places to get fresh content scripts.
articlewarehouse /ArticleHeadlineSyndication.aspx
http://thewhir /find/articlecentral/tracker.asp
topdesignfirms /sit fre content
Catch up day. Return emails, research a new product or program to sell. Plan your next week.
Take the day off.
This article should get rid of any notion you may have that you will get something for nothing when it comes to making money online. It is hard work. It takes patience. You have to have a long range view of what your goals are. Making money from the comfort of your own home is not going to happen overnight.
But the good news is if you will do the things above over time you will see your income growing and eventually you will be making more money at home than you do at your full time job.
About the author:
Jeff Schuman is the creator of several websites. His Team-Schuman.Com website is a home business website that contains the best of everything you need to start and run your own home business. Visit it here today: team-schuman .team-schuman