![]() ![]() Learn Chinese ![]() Learn Chinese The Chinese language is illusive to English speaking world, almost seems to be a complex mystery intimidating to unravel and to understand. If you wish to learn Chinese, then approach it delicately and thoroughly as a bridge to not only communication with this beautiful culture, but learn Chinese to harvest the history and ways of their world as well. Historically, the Chinese language evolved from Proto-Sino-Tibetan and has ascended into modern day with most Chinese communities speaking either Mandarin or Cantonese forms of the Chinese language. There are different varieties on both of these depending on the geographical localities. The linguistics of the Chinese language are easier to trace back in time than are the characters used for Chinese alphabet, as there is rare documentation found to support the origins. For those wishing to learn Chinese worldwide has tripled in the last decade, making it an increasingly popular language to learn. With that, a standard form of Chinese instruction used these days is called "Hanyu Pinyin", or simply, Standard Mandarin. It is a universal form of teaching used worldwide to help people learn Chinese. Without it, learning this language might seem to difficult to commit to. The Chinese language is undoubtedly a intricate and diverse language to comprehend, with characters, phonics, tones, meanings and speaking so different from the language native to each of us. However, with the proper teaching tools and discipline, learning Chinese can be a eloquent and beneficial goal. Today's world demands multi cultural merging in communications, especially with business and now, internet as well. Your value doubles if you have successfully picked up a second language, more career doors open as a result. And with the world becoming so much smaller in business and communications, thanks to the internet, learning Chinese as your second language may be exactly to your advantage. There are numerous methods of learning the Chinese language and endless resources available to teach you. If you keep an eye opened around your community, you may find classes scheduled for you to learn Chinese. There are classes given at universities and schools, as well as shorter courses available with adult continuing education classes which costs less than traditional avenues of learning. If you wish the more private, unscheduled form of learning, then optimally the online courses are designed for you. This articulate language is easier understood by listening to someone who is native to the Chinese language. By hearing the phonetics and tone involved, may make learning Chinese easier. Tutors and private instructors can be hired to teach you proper speaking of Chinese. Also available are online courses which include lessons that let you hear how words are put together or spoken. The most difficult part to master when you learn Chinese language is all the characters, but the grammar aspect will be a cinch for most as it is not nearly as complex as is the grammar used in English language. The Chinese language is without a doubt a striking art form as well as it is a language and we are hungry to understand what it all means when we look at the characters written on a page or on art hanging on a wall next to us. Our curious nature draws us that much closer to discovery of the Chinese culture and deepens our appreciation for it when we finally choose to teach ourselves more and more about it. To learn Chinese is another journey began. Why Learn Chinese? If you are up on the world economy, then you will know that China is the fastest growing economy in the world. In fact, the Chinese language is becoming so commonly used in business, the demand for resources teaching the Chinese language has more than tripled in the last half decade. Furthermore, if you check out the curriculum being offered in primary and secondary schools, you will see the Chinese language offered as a course. Looking up ahead in to the future, it is estimated that a command of the Chinese language will be ahead of the demand for Spanish. Half of Asia already speaks some form of Chinese, or incorporates styles of Chinese into their native language. Why learn Chinese? Because today's world almost insists on it. With our increasing love for the Chinese culture, like the martial arts, or media (Who can forget Jacki Chan), or even Chinese food: we are quickly merging cultures together today then we ever did in past. Great inspirations have come out of the eastern ways of life, and in a hungry way to consume them, and learn all about them, the need to learn Chinese has surfaced. The Chinese culture itself, represents a solidarity in balance, peacefulness, and serenity. In the western world, the fast paced, time pressed crunches have taken their toll, and now we actively seek solace from other cultures, who we think, hold the key. It is through understanding, learning and appreciation of other cultures in which we often find what we seek. To learn Chinese: whether it be the arts, the words, the ways, is often found tools to enrich our own daily lives and restore balance. Once again, by doing so, we are merging another culture's layers and sewn them in as our own. The influence of the Chinese culture is undeniable. Why learn Chinese? Because you truly want to. You have the focus and goal to integrate the cultural know how for goals of your own. Perhaps for an upcoming trip to China, or a hobby, or maybe just for simple understanding of a new friend, whatever the reason behind the spark, know it will be more than beneficial for you to acquire this knowledge and skill. And exhilarating to learn. There is a sense of accomplishment behind learning Chinese, even if it's not for a job in china, or you cannot take a vacation there: having the richness of absorbing another's culture into your world view is a step to a better and higher understanding of life itself. Learn Chinese to have an experience culturally. Learn Chinese for application in your job. Learn Chinese for knowledge, for wisdom and balance in your life. Learn Chinese to be ahead of everyone else in business and careers. Learn Chinese to step into the future now. Learn Chinese for your upcoming vacation to china. But mostly, learn Chinese for yourself. Because it is something you always wanted to do. The impact of eastern culture is growing everyday, and will continue as our ways and cultures merge. What to Learn in the Chinese Language This intense old world language is often interpreted as complex and impossible to master. It can become a frustrating experience instead of an exhilarating adventure. It is a myth that the language is too difficult to learn. You can learn the Chinese language well enough to suit your purpose or focus. If you are soon to visit China, then you probably would want to know at least minimal amount of the language to be able to communicate your needs while in their country. This would require a little more in depth teachings, because speaking Chinese is a lot more difficult than the English language. The phonetics, and tonal components require a little practice. However, many schools have separated from the traditional methods of learning, bypassing all the complexities involved. They teach the most frequent phrases and words commonly used. Recognition naturally occurs after continuous repetition and application. There are a variety of online programs available with unique and modern teaching tools to ease the learning process. The different tools used are anything from animation repetitions to flashcards. If you are in a hurry to learn the basics, plenty of sites exist to help you learn the Chinese language. Mastering the simple sentences to hold a basic conversation in Chinese is done easy with these new techniques. Perhaps you seen much in the Chinese characters and have a desire to learn more about this form of Chinese language. This is a beautiful art form and in demand today in media, arts, culture, even home decorations. If this is what you wish to learn in the Chinese language, then first begin with the Chinese character dictionary. The information on those pages will keep you entertained, and most likely, provoke a desire to know more. Chinese characters are reflected in much of the art you see today. Each character has a deep meaning attached and how the character is written is equally important. What to learn in the Chinese language is all up to you. If you are just seeking soul meaning for your next tattoo, then exploration into Chinese characters is where to begin. If amusement is your calling, there is a fun online site called mandarin tools which takes your name and applies the mandarin form of your name, meaning included. Seeing your name have such a deep essence is push enough to want to continue learning even more of the Chinese language. Other entertainment revolving around the Chinese language is also aplenty online. It becomes more like a learn-while-you-play without even realizing it. Even if you just wish to learn how to ask for your favorite foods from your local Chinese cuisine, resources exist to do just that. No matter what you want to learn in the Chinese language, whatever your reason, you can easily and successfully master command of the Chinese language. The Chinese language is not of old days, when you had to be brilliant just to understand it. New techniques, new tools, and a multitude of lessons and instructors available, you can gently embark on a learning adventure, and save the frustration. Bad Reasons Not To Learn Chinese "Because it's to hard" Well, yea: it can be if you approach it with a bad attitude, or you have the wrong learning tools, or little discipline. Anything worth learning takes time, practice and perseverance. But remember, knowledge is power and in tomorrow's world, you may just need to know Chinese somewhere in your career or personal life. "It's useless, we live in an English world, they should learn English" Guess what? They have learned English and well. The business world has called for them to know English and us to know Chinese for the best interest of our economy and world relationships with each other. More employers today are looking for bilingual or multilingual job candidates. We are assimilating at a faster rate more than ever before. With America as a melting pot, learning Chinese enables us to communicate in interpersonal relationships, show cultural sensitivity and appreciation. "I think it's a dying language, and I won't ever need to use it?" Really? Well, think again: Chinese is the second most spoken language in the world. It is used in most Asian countries and growing in use in American. If you ever plan to travel, study abroad or get called there for reasons other than a job, you will need to know at least enough Chinese to get by on a daily basis. If you don't, how will you know what you are eating, where you are going, and what to pay for your purchases or services? How will you get by on ignorance? "I don't even know where to learn Chinese anyways" With little effort involved on your part, you can access good information on learning Chinese either online or within your community. There are many excellent teaching sources online. With a little help from your favorite search engine, you can find at least one, two, or a multitude more of teaching tools or courses designed just for you. And they are at your own pace of learning. Practice is a must. If you're a social type, then check with area schools and universities for the programs they offer. Also, once you have began your lessons, seek out others interested in Chinese and practice your skills with them. In all actuality, there is no good reason not to learn Chinese or any other language for that matter. You will always use it. Even if it just feeds your brain, it's good for you. The world we live in today demands continual learning for success, for self-improvement, for cultural assimilation. Even simple doing's like a vacation or a meal in a Chinese restaurant. There may come a day when learning the Chinese language is not an option. If the adults of tomorrow are learning Chinese now, then why shouldn't the adults of today do it: improving themselves and their human connections as well? It is desirable and commendable to be bilingual. You just never know where your own future road make take you. Wishing to Learn Chinese? The Chinese language is illusive to English speaking world, almost seems to be a complex mystery intimidating to unravel and to understand. If you wish to learn Chinese, then approach it delicately and thoroughly as a bridge to not only communication with this beautiful culture, but learn Chinese to harvest the history and ways of their world as well. Historically, the Chinese language evolved from Proto-Sino-Tibetan and has ascended into modern day with most Chinese communities speaking either Mandarin or Cantonese forms of the Chinese language. There are different varieties on both of these depending on the geographical localities. The linguistics of the Chinese language are easier to trace back in time than are the characters used for Chinese alphabet, as there is rare documentation found to support the origins. For those wishing to learn Chinese worldwide has tripled in the last decade, making it an increasingly popular language to learn. With that, a standard form of Chinese instruction used these days is called "Hanyu Pinyin", or simply, Standard Mandarin. It is a universal form of teaching used worldwide to help people learn Chinese. Without it, learning this language might seem to difficult to commit to. The Chinese language is undoubtedly a intricate and diverse language to comprehend, with characters, phonics, tones, meanings and speaking so different from the language native to each of us. However, with the proper teaching tools and discipline, learning Chinese can be a eloquent and beneficial goal. Today's world demands multi cultural merging in communications, especially with business and now, internet as well. Your value doubles if you have successfully picked up a second language, more career doors open as a result. And with the world becoming so much smaller in business and communications, thanks to the internet, learning Chinese as your second language may be exactly to your advantage. There are numerous methods of learning the Chinese language and endless resources available to teach you. If you keep an eye opened around your community, you may find classes scheduled for you to learn Chinese. There are classes given at universities and schools, as well as shorter courses available with adult continuing education classes which costs less than traditional avenues of learning. If you wish the more private, unscheduled form of learning, then optimally the online courses are designed for you. This articulate language is easier understood by listening to someone who is native to the Chinese language. By hearing the phonetics and tone involved, may make learning Chinese easier. Tutors and private instructors can be hired to teach you proper speaking of Chinese. Also available are online courses which include lessons that let you hear how words are put together or spoken. The most difficult part to master when you learn Chinese language is all the characters, but the grammar aspect will be a cinch for most as it is not nearly as complex as is the grammar used in English language. The Chinese language is without a doubt a striking art form as well as it is a language and we are hungry to understand what it all means when we look at the characters written on a page or on art hanging on a wall next to us. Our curious nature draws us that much closer to discovery of the Chinese culture and deepens our appreciation for it when we finally choose to teach ourselves more and more about it. To learn Chinese is another journey began. It's Easy To Learn Chinese Characters! The Chinese language is most notably known for the written and beautiful characters stroked on the flat page. As old as 4000 years ago, this exquisite language exists as even more popular today. There are several masters of it's legend left behind in history their work more as art then language. There are many resources available to learn Chinese characters. The Chinese language has become a popular study area for more and more people and continues to expand the supply and demand of good available teaching tools. At any given point, you can access many different ways to learn Chinese or learn Chinese characters. The traditional way to learn a foreign language was to incorporate the study within some form of primary or secondary education. Then continuing adult classes started springing up all over and with a host of other available subjects, the Chinese language was thrown in as an afterthought. The demand for learning Chinese characters came heavy onto the home study market after eastern art and culture, including the art of Chinese characters, graced the masses of the western world. People were wanting these beautiful Chinese characters as tattoos, because they represented so much meaning in just a simple brush stroke. Cultural influences touched from films/tv entertainment (like movie star Jacki Chan, or the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"), to home decorating (Fung Shui), Chinese food, and of course art, with the tranquility of expression from Chinese characters. Now you can learn Chinese characters with just a little effort from your computer. You will discover today's availability for learning to read Chinese, learning Chinese characters or simply about the culture is just on tap away. There are online courses, lesson's with games, cd rom courses, audio books, and workbook lessons, just to name only a few. Beyond that, for the hearty learner, there are programs designed to teach you in the homeland. For a month, or for a year, you can immerse yourself into the cultural richness and environment of the Chinese, laying down a permanent solid application of the language by learning and living amongst it. There now exists jobs in which the employer will sponsor their employees to pick up the language as a necessary tool for their career. If you desire to just excel in learning Chinese characters, the lessons available to you are right here, just a click away. Some of the best lessons include animations to teach you exactly how the brushstrokes and pen lines should be created and expressed. Most lessons available will teach you the origin and interpretations of each character. You will also learn how they sound phonetically and how they are interconnected to each other. There are Chinese character dictionaries available which are recommended. Whether you choose to learn Chinese characters as an integral part of the overall language, or whether you are just searching for meaning in a new tattoo, there are so many opportunities for learning this beautiful, eloquent and old world tradition. With an artist's heart, you can find one character which is silently personal to you. "I Want To Learn Chinese" That's right! I want to learn Chinese. Chinese is the new language of today's world. I look around and I can see where all this is going. Our world is growing at such a alarming rate and the world economy is merging at an unforgiving speed, I think we will all be speaking Chinese and Spanish right along with English. We are fast approaching a multi-lingual world. We won't need subtitles on films, or an interpreter to hustle us through a Chinese menu, or an old world master to explain the Chinese character's meaning graced on a wall, if we just learn Chinese. If I learn Chinese, I could talk with them hours on end about the ways of their culture and how to fung shui my house so I can find more tranquility. I could listen to great stories of ancient cultural hero's and ponder their brilliant minds, wishing one for my next muse. If I learn Chinese, I could scold the angry driver next to me or my children for not picking up their clothes. If I learn Chinese, I could impress my friends and colleagues with my superior command of a higher learning that they don't have. I could travel to the Asian world and madly shop amongst them, purchasing things I really don't need, but happier for the engaging conversation between us. If I learn Chinese, I will get a better job, a "worldly" career: my employer will find me indispensable and reward me with travel and great expense account. I will return to take his job, giving me a bigger expense account. If I learn Chinese, I could be an emerging artist in ancient Chinese calligraphy, brush stroking my way to a higher spiritual calling, even if only a tattoo artist, my work would live on forever. If I learn Chinese, I could reign in reading the Chinese news to all sitting around me mesmerized by my fluency. I could also impress them with a follow up performance with a 9...10...even 15 course Chinese meal. If I learn Chinese, I would name all my pets (maybe even my children) with names 3 words long carrying such deep, soulful and eternal meanings. If I learn Chinese, I could actively volunteer in Asian countries and become an important liaison between the eastern and western worlds. I would do great works in missionary arenas where so little help exists now. I know I could make the world a better place. If I learn Chinese, I would make it benefit all, so not only would the world economy be merging as expected, but so would the hearts. Because, If I learned Chinese, I would want for it to mean more than just a command of a second language, I would want to use it as a tool for connecting us all together other than just economy, or a passing by of another. In today's world, if I learn Chinese: I could stop the hurry, if only to say, "hello". How to Learn Chinese in China Chinese is swiftly becoming a language to master. Whether for business or pleasure, all the demands of the future lie in being able to fuse cultural boundaries and one of those areas, is Chinese. For business men today, speaking Chinese can be an successful career tool to have. The Chinese language is becoming just as important to speak as is English, even Spanish. Children today are being offered Chinese language with the ideology that it will be necessary into tomorrow's world. There are many avenues of learning available for those wishing to pick up the Chinese language. A thorough and sure way to adopt the eloquent language is to learn Chinese in China. There are many programs in China available for study of Chinese. The one month program, immerses the student directly into Chinese lessons, and ideally provides much one on one. This is the best reason to learn Chinese in China, to have individual attention and hear the language being spoken on a repetitive, daily basis. The Chinese phonetics and meaning of tones within their language are so unique to them, that it is encouraged in learning, to hear the application of Chinese to ensure better results. The other advantage to these courses taught in native homeland is the surety of a personal assistant/ chaperone/tutor to help reinforce the studies with daily activities, exploration of culture, and consistent practice of the language. In one month, the ability to comprehend and apply the Chinese language is so immense, it remains incomparable to traditional methods of language arts taught in English communities or universities. Another aspect to consider about learning Chinese in China homeland is dual purpose. Not only can it be considered a productive, goal oriented objective, but it is also an opportunity of travel abroad to indulge in a vacation type atmosphere. Some of these schools provide tours and social functions designed to immerse the student into the richness of Chinese culture as a part of the studies. Students get to check out historical sites, clubs and restaurants, and even shopping. Many of the schools also set up their curriculums to offer classes in other Chinese rich studies, such as martial arts. Some incorporate the business aspect into their programs. Which school to pick is dependant on exactly what you have in mind to get out the programs. They each specialize in unique class electives and have well rounded schedules. China is the fourth largest economy in the world and is growing at least by 10 percent a year. The Chinese language is fast on it's way to becoming a desired language to have along side of English. There are many schools popping up worldwide to accommodate the demand. If you choose to learn Chinese in China, the advantages are layered and beneficial. The cultural richness is a definite plus as is the opportunity to apply and understand the language while you are engaged in learning it. Consider all the programs readily available to guide you through this experience. Being Bilingual in America and learning Chinese America is the cultural melting pot of the world. More so today than even as defined in history. The future looks as though children will have to speak at least one other language than English in their adult lifetime. The second most widely used language in the world, contrary to beliefs, is Chinese. In classrooms around America, multi-cultural classes are popping up to incorporate traditional lessons with cultural diverse studies. By doing so, children are learning to appreciate the diversity and traditions of other cultures along with their own. On the pacific coast, in Bellevue, Washington, children have the opportunity to learn Chinese along side of cultural traditions and history. The philosophy being the socio-economical need for those who speak Chinese to be available to meet the demands in tomorrow's world. Linguistic diversity is impacting schools everywhere. The need to preserve the Chinese language and traditions while co-existing in American is equally as important to the Chinese as the need to learn Chinese is for Americans. Chinese-Americans wish to hold tight to their heritage and merge with English traditions and ways. By learning Chinese, we allow them to do just that. Communication and unity of needs are met by interchange of language dynamics. When learning a second language, like Chinese, human relationships and connections to their cultures become enhanced and reflective of a common goal. The bilingual classes in Bellevue encourage learning Chinese at a young age when the child has stronger cognition and learning processes. Many programs like these, develop a multitude of different learning schedules to be able to reach out to as many as they can. By being flexible they are able to offer unique programs, like after school, pre-school, or summer school activities. Also, popular in this area, are "meet ups", or groups where people meet up to engage in cultural exchange. It could be an American wishing to improve his Chinese or a Chinese-American wishing to keep up on their native language or to teach others about their cultural richness. These 'meet ups' provide endless opportunities for gaining vast knowledge and application of the Chinese language and culture. Learning the Chinese language today or teaching our children to be bilingual for tomorrow may fast become one of the best decisions we could make. In looking ahead at world economy, China and America are creating paths to one unified place in financial and social affairs. It is in our best interests to have complete understanding and a working knowledge of the Chinese language in order to keep focus, improve communications, and wean ourselves off the idea of minority status. The future will address more blending of cultures and the need for sensitivity in a diverse one world economy. Ethnic identity remains important for each groups heritage whether Chinese, Spanish, or even Irish. Holding onto those roots encouraged immensely, but also adding knowledge of other cultures mandatory for success in relationships of the future. By learning Chinese now creates those healthy relationships of tomorrow. Mandarin Chinese After the Ch'ing dynasty fell in the early 17th century, it was necessary to come to agreement of a national language for China for proper dialects and pronunciations. It was until around 1913 however, until the Ministry of Education actually established the national language. The requirements were for the language to go beyond local dialects and include prominent properties used universally in the Asian world. Mandarin Chinese dominated and successfully became the superior and dominant Chinese usage. Starting in 1956, it is now the mandated language taught in Asia countries. Throughout the country it is still referred to as "guanya" or "national speech", but in the west we call it Mandarin. What makes mandarin Chinese different to learn than English, is it's tones assigned to words which vary in high to low levels, and pitches. It is also a monosyllabic language with little or no modulation. Unlike the English alphabet, The Chinese language contains over 3000 frequently used characters and over 6500 listed in the Chinese dictionary. The characters denote deep meaning then just surface print. An addition or subtraction of a brushstroke changes the meaning of the character. As do tones used in pronunciation of Chinese words. The writing of the Chinese language is done vertically and is read the same way. There is controversy over the traditional way of writing Chinese, as opposed to newer forms which make words hard to recognize. The generalized new way of writing Chinese also gives different meanings to words. As time progresses, you will see more of the traditional script being used and taught. Written Chinese is in Mandarin is also known as Hanyu. Methods of learning mandarin Chinese would incorporate using what is referred to as Hanyu Pinyin, a Romanization system used for teaching Chinese. Pinyin means "phonetic notation" and uses roman numbers to correspond to sounds in mandarin Chinese. When you want to begin the study of the Chinese language, decide what method of learning this complex language will suit your needs best. There are quick learn programs available, as well as free lessons online. You can study within the walls of a traditional classroom, or sign up for a class online. If you wish to study the Chinese language independently, consider using a download onto your mp3 player for enhanced learning and practice. To make practice entertaining, learn the mandarin form of Chinese thru interactive animations and games. Flash cards are a great method of memorization, especially for commonly used phrases and characters. If you run across difficulties, consider a tutor either personally or connect with one online to prevent any frustration or to keep from giving up entirely. The point is to keep trying. Keep looking for unique ways to incorporate the language into your daily activities. Possibilities exist even in the smallest of means, for example stickers with words or phrases on it in the Chinese language placed around your house. Be creative. Learning about the culture and the Chinese language offers a whole new way of looking at life and with enough effort and practice, this complex language can be mastered. Learn To Speak Chinese So, you want to learn to speak Chinese? And it's no wonder why: with today's world aggressively tapping into each other, we are culturally merging rapidly. The Chinese language has become increasingly popular, almost tripling the demand to learn the Chinese language in the past decade. High thanks to modern technology such as computers, cell phones, even MP3 players, language accommodation in these instruments is becoming the norm. Gone are the days of primary English communications on these devices, now you can speak and write the Chinese characters, as well as many other languages. In order to keep up with the technology advances, it is become crucial to pick up a second language in business as well. If you learn to speak Chinese, and you can demonstrate ability for the language, you are more than one step above others in career paths such a business, marketing, engineering and technology. Our world is hungry for multi diverse individuals who can communicate effectively with other cultures. And why wouldn't you want to learn to speak Chinese? It's eloquent nature lends to the desire of understanding. The characters have become an art form themselves, basked across walls declaring deep meaning. It would be nice to be able to know what these refined instruments of communication were inspiring us to. There is a peace and balance somewhere within the Chinese culture and in their language. From their ways of life to ours is a bridge and by learning to speak Chinese we have began to cross it. With the call to learn to speak Chinese, countless sources have emerged for doing just that. Traditional methods of learning include classes, and private instructors. But today, it is easy to study the Chinese language online. Available resources include everything from history of the language to audio lessons. It is beneficial to parallel your lessons with some form of audio for correct phonetic, tone, and enunciation properties of the Chinese language. The Chinese characters will be the hardest to master, but more than likely, fun to become skilled at. Learning to speak Chinese will also be entertaining as you familiarize your tongue with all the different tones of usage involved. Once the pronunciation is accomplished, you will be well on your way into commanding a second language. Being bilingual in today's world is fast becoming a constant as we live in chorus with each other. Schools are reinforcing their teaching platforms of foreign languages more than ever, they see the future up ahead for these children. In their adult world, and in generations to follow, being bilingual may become mandatory, as well as multi lingual. Learn to speak Chinese as an advantage to a career is optimal, or if traveling abroad, it will be useful. Consider all the uses of speaking Chinese, and know, that modern technology has already planned for this. Next time you pick up your cell phone, out of sheer curiosity, check your phone's capabilities: odds are it has the ability to operate in another language, perhaps Chinese? Learn Chinese Free There is reason enough to learn Chinese in today's world. In the business world, relationships with China are increasing it's influence in our economy. Attractive candidates for employers will encompass the skills of being bilingual. In our personal relationships, we are becoming elbow to elbow with combining cultures. Even online, our communications to pen pals exist in Asian countries and the need to break the language barrier stronger than ever. In social-patterns, we have to adopt cultural sensitivities to those merging into Americanism. By learning Chinese we, with or without consciously knowing, have created more doors of opportunity all the way around. For many, learning Chinese is not an option but a necessary means to higher objective. And equally, for many there is limited budget available in which to acquire the skill of Chinese. Thank god for the online resources abundant and available in which to learn Chinese free. With a little effort, one can easily access the classes online, or download software to begin the learning experience. Shareware exists at little or no cost. Learning Chinese can be seen as a difficult task to embark upon. Many people have quit before they even began due to the overwhelming complexities distinctive and unique to Chinese. Now as demand grows for the language, online sites have supplied variations on tools to learn Chinese. To keep it light and fun, many programs let you play games for free or indulge in interactive animation to keep your attention and desire strong. Some programs offer flash cards, as well as teach you how to make your own flash cards. There are dozens of hints and helpful advice on how to learn more quickly, how to affect memorization abilities, and where to go for more free Chinese lessons. On many of these web sites are links, some worthy and some leading to more links, which may be of use in searching out free Chinese lessons. If time is also a factor, consider using your MP3 player or CD burner to download lessons you can take on the go. This way to study Chinese is intensely popular and as popularity grows, so does the sites catering to programs most used. Also, available for free is access to a Chinese dictionary, to be used as a bookmark, or in some cases a download. Other fun places to explore Chinese for free are the blogs created for improving your skills. Then there is Chinese music and live broadcasts daily to entertain and keep familiarizing you with the language. Also a fun site to immerse yourself in for awhile, is those creating Chinese names from your given name, full in beauty of characters and meaning. You can learn to draw Chinese characters for free online as well. Actually, anything you wish to learn in Chinese, you can learn free online. Upon that, once you have mastered basic abilities, you may wish to up the ante and consider the next level of learning and programs available to you. ![]() Learn Chinese Calligraphy You have seen it everywhere. The beautiful strokes in black brushed on a canvas. Meaning something, but were not sure what. You see it in tattoo's left on the skin to declare deep significance to the wearer, and often out of curiosity we ask what it means. It is a peaceful mystery, we are drawn to it naturally. The infamy of Chinese calligraphy has become an art to be understood and learned. Not only do we want it on our walls and skin, we want to become even more personal with it. You can learn Chinese calligraphy, and create the same beautiful words as do the masters. Chinese calligraphy began in 213 B.C. by Prime Minister Li Szu who created over 3000 characters to be used by the Chinese scholars. The five different styles, zhuan-shu, li-shu, kai-shu,xing-shu, and cao-shu, are all forms used in Chinese calligraphy. One word can be written in different ways depending on the style and the execution of that style. The word can be fluid, formal, exact, whimsical: it all is in the hand of the application and unique individual deliverance of the strokes. Many masters from the beginning of origin to now have left their work for us to enjoy as art today. When you begin to study calligraphy, you will adopt a style which is distinctive to you and perfect the strokes as your own form of self expression. The artistic value of Chinese calligraphy is in the skill and method is exclusive to the particular creative ability delivering it. When well done, the words interpretations are more leaning to abstract art, then anything else. As you learn Chinese calligraphy, you will notice that traditionally certain materials are used in a particular way to produce the eloquent results. The Chinese use special brushes made of rabbit hair or sheep. One brush is for sharpness in line drawing, and the other for rhythm and depth all equaling to the subject's inner self. Also used in Chinese calligraphy, is a thick ground ink combined with water and applied to Chinese paper (also called rice paper) or silk. This form shows depth, contrast, density and texture and creates a rhythmic balance. When the Chinese apply color to this art form, it is to show the subject's characteristics or moods. Another unique quality to Chinese calligraphy is the poetry inscribed within it. It becomes the artist's signature or inscription exclusive to them. Chinese Calligraphy minimizes the use of space, sometimes leaving a canvas almost blank, with just a few brushstrokes leaving a word to contemplate on. The styles of this writing do not embrace crowding compositions with too much and badly placed brushstrokes. The rules behind learning Chinese calligraphy are to invite simplicity, balance, beauty, and originality of style. You should possess graceful execution and represent the depth of meaning of each stroke, whether using a brush or ink. The idea behind Chinese calligraphy is to find understanding and beauty is simple delivery of who you are as the artist and what you are projecting as meaning with the chosen style adopted. When you learn Chinese calligraphy, it is easy to become infatuated with the art form and easy to be immersed completely into cultural richness that has been alive for over a 1000 years. Chinese Calligraphy as an Art Form There is a quiet appreciation for Chinese calligraphy (called "Shu Fa" in Chinese). We see it everywhere. It has been around for thousand's of years, and has danced it's way into the western world. Character techniques were refined throughout the history of China as their culture's social circumstances changed. Self expression thru disciplined understanding of form and technique has been handed down by the great masters of Chinese calligraphy, with each master leaving a unique, individual style. Within this heritage many artists have taken some influence from it for their own works. Picasso and Matisse are two artists who used some Chinese calligraphy in their art. It is considered an art form and with it's amass of many followers, it is now a sought after as a class in which one can learn the art of Chinese calligraphy. There are many avenues to explore in Chinese Calligraphy. Before you embark on a furious intended study of learning Chinese calligraphy, introduce yourself to the all the aspects involved. Start by searching out the fun stuff, to keep yourself entertained momentarily and intrigued further into learning more. One particular fun concept to do with Chinese calligraphy is to see what your name means in Chinese and how beautifully it is written. You most likely will spend a little time giving Chinese names and meanings to everyone dear to you. The western world likes intense, spiritual and deep meanings for names, well, the Chinese do too. And when written in Chinese, your name takes on even more in depth personal magic. Also recommended is to spend time with other words commonly used in Chinese art. Words like love, hope, tranquility, all become so immersing and identified with personally when witnessed in Chinese calligraphy form. So much do they affect the eye of the beholder, that often they end up permanently expressed in a tattoo. Chinese calligraphy is a very popular request for tattoos. After skipping across the top of the Chinese calligraphy history and art information, you can decide to take the process further by actively seeking out places or internet sites offering a more thorough course in the art of Chinese calligraphy. Many instructions remain basic in it's course, while others incorporate reading or speaking Chinese as well. If your focus is art, then by all means, stick with the art only instructions, as there is so much to master within that form anyways. You will learn the different tools, mediums, and colors used for expressing your personality in depth on a simple surface. There are many different varieties of applications in Chinese calligraphy just to express one word. The results will refer to as a living moment, or living thought. And it is the results that loved and appreciated. Chinese calligraphy is a worthy and beautiful experience to launch into. Expect Countless hours of enjoyable practice into an ancient, respected, old world art. If you wish to learn Chinese calligraphy, then by all means: continue on. Beginner Chinese Calligraphy The Han Dynasty in 100 A.D. is the first origin of Chinese characters. The Chinese dictionary completed at that time included around 9,353 characters. The next version of the Chinese dictionary came out of Qing Dynasty and was called the "Kangxi" dictionary. The 42 booklets contained over 46,964 characters, which most are not even used today. There are variants on the characters, revised and refined in the current simplified edition of the Chinese language. This edition was put out by the People's Republic of China in 1956. This book narrowed the characters down to about 6,500. This is considered a simplified form and is the most common form used today, although some remain committed to using the old traditional ways. Chinese characters have been defined as complicated yet beautiful in their meaning. They are complex in relation to other writing languages. Romanization is used in terms of relation or simple visual information, however the meaning of the character remains mysterious as the art styles behind it. Some Chinese characters mimic similar tones of other characters, yet have different meanings. Some characters written with just an added dot or stroke, turn into something completely different. Of Chinese history, the crowning achievement to their culture, is the Chinese characters. They are an abstract art form displaying incredible depth of meaning in just a few brushstrokes. This thick symbolism has made it's way into mainstream art from centuries gone and desirable still today. Words like love, faith, endure, tranquility, written in a one character form creates a personalization amongst the observer admiring it. Many of these characters live on walls in homes to communicate a feeling. Many masters have created their own unique style and now exists over 120 different styles of written Chinese calligraphy. Learning to draw these characters requires patience, proper tools, clear concise instructions and of course, lots of practice. Acquiring this skilled art form can be hours of entertainment and enjoyment because it is so unfolding in a multi conceptual way. You will learn the proper directions and different styles (one or two you may adopt as your own), and you will also learn each character's simple, yet intense meaning. More than likely, you will choose a few complimentary to your own personality and self-expression. Rich information and cultural history is born from learning to write Chinese characters. The ability to dive into a whole new world is invigorating and creating the beautiful work is self actualization process all on it's own. Whether you embark on learning to write one character well to display as art on your wall, or you continue with the craft to put words together, even learning to read Chinese, it is rewarding. The more you unravel the mystery living inside each of these characters, it seems to create added curiosity and a desire to keep going. The ancient art of Chinese characters are popularized in cultures other than Chinese. The styles and forms of characters seen everywhere, are now a highly demanded art to learn. Chinese Calligraphy As Tattoos Today, I went on a search for the perfect tattoo. I wanted something beautiful, simple and with deep spiritual meaning. I hadn't a clue what I was looking for. Then I tripped over Chinese calligraphy. I was taken back by the words brush stroked eloquently and masterfully on the paper. They spoke to me. Without even knowing what they meant, I could tell each word held a world of thought within it's own. As I went thru the page, the calligraphy got only better, making it difficult which one I should choose to eternalize on my skin. I was so entranced with the Chinese calligraphy letters, I impatiently pushed right on thru to see how they were put together as words. Even more beautiful. All had a deep meaning applicable to the personality of one. Chinese calligraphy is an ancient art form stemming back to almost 3000 years ago. This style of writing is said to be abstract art. Many masters throughout Chinese history have left behind their own unique interpretation of the Chinese characters. It was Tu Mang, however, who correlated it all together with form identification and style. He established names for the techniques used to describe the words. For instance, a "carefree" style has an unfixed or unknown direction. On the opposite end, a "carefully executed" form insists on careful execution and thought behind the work. "Mysterious" is to use your imagination. There are 120 existing expressions used for Chinese calligraphy, many born by great masters. This graceful serene art form called Chinese calligraphy is a greek word meaning "beautiful writing" and is seen everywhere from art galleries to restaurants, and tattoo shops. Which takes me back to the search for the perfect Chinese word. Once I had the words I wanted to immortalize on my back, after learning so much more about Chinese calligraphy, it occurred to me I would have to choose a form as well. What kind of brush strokes would best represent the meaning of the words I had chose? I could go with a more classic, traditional style used in ancient times or even something called the "grass" style, looking more whimsical to me. I had not realized the depth of expression involved not only in searching a tattoo, but the actual essence, personality, and layers upon layers of meaning associated with this beautiful art. Beyond the style, there are phrases, and the writing itself: traditional vertical or modern horizontal. I could opt for quotes, 4 character idioms, or even 7 character extractions from famous poems. I could get my name or my children's names translated to Chinese or frame the words with other Asian art. The more I searched on Chinese calligraphy, the more infatuated I became of the work, yet I was not getting closer to choosing a tattoo because, quite honestly, each word or quotation inspired a feeling in me. There were simply too many I identified with on a deeper, more spiritual level. For now, I would have to ponder. About Jin "Learn Chinese" Out of 2003 came the emergence of Asian rap star "Jin" with social cultural hit "Learn Chinese". It appeared as refreshing insight into the music subculture of Asian American and attempted to bring a whole new perspective to rap music. It was a shout out at a rapidly growing popular trend by young Asians to get on the rap music money train and express themselves about their social concerns. One of those social concerns is how they are perceived by Americans. Much of the lyrics they sing contain a sort of animosity for racial stereotyping of their culture. Rap music has typically been reserved for the African American culture with a few white rap icons, like Eminem, bursting out into scene sparingly. Thanks to Jin, a message was developed but met with much controversy from Asians themselves. Most agreed the music including some background lyrics in Cantonese was little to be desired, and overall, was not what they would sing, but agreed in was an intriguing relief for his command of the English language. Many were not impressed, and yet some understood and appreciated his attempt at breaking social stereotyping of Asians in American culture. Jin was discovered after a freestyle competition landed him into the arms of Ruff Ryder records where he was promptly signed. Since then, he has fused his career tight into the business of rapping. He did well in aggressively voicing his pride of "being a chinaman" in his lyrics, while dismissing the need for him to fall into the stereotype of Asian Americans by saying "your gonna learn Chinese". Maybe he had a point about us learning Chinese. Increasingly, we are witnessing the economy merge into universal highway where interactions with each other means we are gonna have to learn Chinese. Chinese is used all thorough out Asia, and rapidly being used in the western world. The old boundaries have been broken in media and arts, allowing emerging stars like Jin break onto the scene and popularize even more the Chinese culture. Chinese characters are now an art form found on the walls in homes. Fung Shui is a popular home design to encourage balance, serenity and prosperity. The Chinese culture rich in history promises restoration in life flows, almost guarantees success with what they value and believe. As westerners, we listened and became infatuated with their calm sense of being and their belief system. Even their work ethics have us silently amazed. To see Jin "learn Chinese" video represent china in a hip hop music art form was fascinating. Jin has done a lot of variety of things not many know. For the "2 Fast 2 Furious" film he not only landed a small role as a mechanic, his song "Peel Off" was featured on the soundtrack. Jin also has a new album soon to be released in 2007. Whatever Jin chooses next, we have already tasted his influence on hip hop in a new delivery, bringing us that much closer to having to learn Chinese. Learn To Read Chinese If you ever sat down to eat in a Chinese restaurant, there's a good chance you have had the opportunity to hear Chinese spoken fluently. The menu most likely contained beautiful Chinese characters depicting food offerings. This beautiful language lends its self to roots that began over 4000 years ago from the Sino- Tibetan vernacular form. Today, the most common style of Chinese used is the Mandarin Chinese language. There are many methods available to learn to read Chinese. The written characters have been narrowed down to about 30 strokes for over 40,000 characters used. Chinese grammar is different and easier than English, as there is no noun inflections and verbs are basic in structure. If you are going to tackle the art of reading Chinese, begin with memorization and consistency in character identification of each character, and there are a lot. It can become overwhelming to the untrained eyes, but understanding of these characters is foremost before learning to read Chinese. The use of a Chinese dictionary can be your best friend, as you start to identify the relationship and categories of each character. It cannot be stressed enough to consistently use word association, memorization and dictionary definitions to develop skill in reading Chinese. The idea being able to put together characters you see on paper and pull up the information stored from the learning process so you can recognize what you are reading. This is how you develop an initial beginning vocabulary in Chinese. The English language uses spaces to separate words that form sentences. However, the grammar used in the Chinese language does not. It is equally important to incorporate Chinese grammar into your dissection of the language if you embark on the skill of learning to read Chinese. Do not become discouraged, breakthrough's in reading the language come after awhile from continual application. You can develop a fair enough reading level by studying and practicing the characters. It is also recommended to practice the writing of Chinese characters so the reading is more understandable. The Chinese language is written in parallel and vertically so formable sentence breaks occur naturally. Your brain will start to recognize patterns formed by the characters. Also an interesting task to master while studying the language, is the radical components and phonetics of each character. This is skill mastered in speaking, but as necessary in reading and writing as well if you really wish to thoroughly comprehend content in reading of the language. Learning to read Chinese may be your goal this year. And with the Chinese language gaining momentum to be mastered other than English, and second to Spanish, there is more demand for those who have some command of this old world language. If not for personal, then for business, the Chinese language is finding it's way rapidly into the daily lives of many. As for the demand, there is also mass supply of resources available to the wishful learner to accommodate their studying needs. Be brave on your quest, know success with reading the Chinese language inevitable. Learn how to write Chinese It is said Mandarin Chinese is one of the top languages difficult to learn. The Chinese language embraces so many levels of complex spoken and written components within their language that it can almost seem to frustrating. In order to understand Chinese, you have to dissect the pronunciations, the written characters (and there are thousands upon thousands of them), and the tonal dialects used in each word. If the task of mastering the language becomes to cumbersome, it is often the choice to just give up. There are means accessible to make writing Chinese somewhat easier. Some instructors suggest learning a few characters first which are most frequently used. Practice them over and over. Learning the direction of strokes, the difference in brushstrokes and pen (like thickness and style), and thorough repetition will be the best beginning point. Once familiarity of common used characters sets in, then a Chinese dictionary will come in handy to put meaning to the characters. A good guide to Chinese characters will encompass pages of most frequently used characters in the Chinese language. Practice writing Chinese and the characters. It is said that if you learn at least 800 of them, you will be able to retain at least, if not more, 86% of the characters commonly used. Double that and the comprehension rises to around 95% recognition. With that much understanding of the characters you are ready to begin grammatical lessons as well as beginning reading. Lucky for those learning to read or write Chinese, grammar in the Chinese language is not as complex as the grammar and sentence syntax in the English language. Chinese grammar consists of only one form of verb and uses no tenses. To use adjectives, plurals, or past and future tenses, you would simply add one character. Learning to write characters in Chinese is a lot easier than actually speaking it. There is only one format used to write Chinese and is simple to comprehend. The effect of repetition, practice and continual usage will improve your success tremendously. As will the all the free offerings online to help instruct you. Whatever your capacity or level for learning, most likely, there exists avenues online which will cater to your focus on learning to write Chinese. The most important thing to remember is not to give up. There will be plateaus and frustrating crossroads, but breakthrough always comes. If need be, seek guidance and help from those already proficient in the language for encouragement. Sometimes it is more beneficial to have a one on one instruction, or tutor, especially if you have questions or concerns about the direction you are heading into with the mastering of the Chinese language. The Chinese language is a beautiful artful language becoming increasingly popular in the world. With the demand to learn Chinese, especially in writing the eloquent Chinese characters, more learning tools are becoming readily available. Explore all possibilities for gaining valuable knowledge on this subject, and persevere boldly into learning to write Chinese. Using Your MP3 Player to Learn Chinese The rush of everyday life lends to time constraints on the things we want to do or even the things we need to do. MP3 players originally were designed to give us a mobile soundtrack of our lives, allowing us opportunity to carry our favorite tunes wherever we went. With the technology of MP3 thrust upon us, it wouldn't be long until the multiple capabilities for the player were enhanced, allowing us other possibilities of use for the mini system. Now available for download on the MP3 player are programs to learn Chinese. This makes it possible to acquire a second language skill while caught in the rush of life. Whether walking to and from your job, sitting in your car, or even in the grocery: you can learn Chinese. It's productive. And it's an accomplishment. For people who's time is limited who have always wanted to master being bilingual or for those who absolutely must learn it quick before a trip to the Asian world, this is resolution. The Chinese language can be accomplished simply by reaching out to resources you already have. Depending on what method you use, there are valuable resources available for download. Some lessons include almost everything--audio which has pronunciations, vocabulary, reading, plus added bonuses for practice. The software available for MP3 players is unlimited these days even in just the subject of learning Chinese. Some internet sites also offer daily MP3 broadcasts in Chinese. You are able to listen to new lessons everyday and practice them and it costs absolutely nothing. Other MP3 downloads for your Chinese language instruction offers conversations done two way and then broken down, explained and repeated for practices exercises. There is a talking dictionary available, containing over 81,000 entries. These talking dictionaries have over 2000 phrases and commonly used words in China. The downloads are designed to have playbacks at two different speeds. If reading or speaking Chinese isn't your focus and you wish just to listen to Chinese music, that of course, is always possible with the MP3 player. The internet is chocked full of willing places allowing you the access to Chinese music. Some include flash imagery of peaceful Chinese scenery for more relaxation and entertainment. There is also shareware which permit's the user to download and burn information to a cd. The prices vary as much as the attractiveness of the software package or shareware package. So, next time your stuck in traffic and your feeling tense, over or under stimulated. Consider the use of a MP3 player for your attention. Wouldn't it be better to use down time to better yourself? If just for self-enrichment, for your career positioning, or even a new friend, using a MP3 player as a tool to learn Chinese can be easy, rewarding and entertaining. Relax through it all with something else, something worthwhile, capturing your attention. Your MP3 player can just about do it all these days, and that's kind of like us: always trying to do it all. Using Declan's Flashcards to Learn Chinese Learning the Chinese language can be a difficult task to embark on. Unlike other foreign languages, or the English language, the Chinese language embraces different layers of tones, phonetics, and over 3000 characters. However, the grammar and syntax of sentence structure remains simple in comparison to the English language. With the increasing demand to learn the Chinese language, many teachers have developed new instruction tools to help their students learn better and learn faster. Declan's Flashcards used to teach Chinese are an effective resource for learning Chinese. What are Flash Cards? Flash cards are quite simply a series of cards which have a word or image printed on them. Declan's Flashcards are different because they use audio lessons along with the flashcards, so the pronunciation of each word is stressed and understood. Why use Flash Cards to learn Chinese? In the world of learning, different levels of learning are used for all abilities. Not everyone learns the same. Visual learning, such as Declan's Flashcards enable to student to create a mental picture and memorization from repetition. It is a more gentle, fun way to learn Chinese. Used along with the audio lessons and exercise practices, identification and application of words come with more ease. Declan's FlashCards is a proven system of quickly commanding the Chinese language. The audio word files contain over 4,000 words used commonly and frequently in the Chinese language. The flash cards use the Mandarin form of the Chinese language, the most spoken form of Chinese used today. This flashcard system is user friendly with dialogue and pop up screen to show the written form of the word, as well as it's pronunciation and the meaning of the word. The student has the option to customize the files, such as creating a new word file, or working with the learning list master. The learning exercises are multi choice which include connection, meaning, and listening. There are many ways to learn Chinese. And there are many outcomes possible given the method used to acquire the skill. Learning resources and tools are developed constantly to make the study of the language more desirable and accessible for those interested in Chinese. Using Declan's Chinese Flashcards makes learning Chinese interesting, and takes away the aggravation and frustration involved in learning a second language. Learning the Chinese language should not feel like a chore. Nor should it deter you away from learning it when you have encountered plateaus not easy to work through. This can be avoided completely and encourage learning if the right tools are used to learn Chinese. Traditional methods of instruction have been improved and the flash cards that were originally designed for grade school students now exist as a successful tool for teaching and learning in the adult world. Take advantage of these new methods, like Declan's FlashCards, to effectively and quickly take you to the next level of the Chinese language successfully. It can be done faster with access to proven methods such as these. A Guide To Learning Chinese Online If learning the Chinese language is on your list of things to do, then consider using the first tool at your fingertips: your computer. Today, the internet is chocked full of a multitude of a variety of instructions for learning Chinese. Each site offers something unique and beneficial to that site, however, there are of course, some maintained with a more serious hand in learning and others, well, just plain frumpy. Before you begin, be prepared to do a lot of surfing from your favorite search engines and bookmarking the ones appropriate for your own level of learning. You will have to separate the good sites from the not so good sites. Know what it is exactly you wish to learn. Do you wish to learn to write the beautiful characters? Do you just need to know simple communication phrases? Develop some kind of plan of purpose, to save time and struggle meandering through sites. For starts consider answering these questions: Do you wish for only an introduction to Chinese ? Then you would type the search as only that, considering using wikipedia for background information. Also, check out traditional Chinese sites and blogs for native input and understanding. Do you want to find a class? You can search locally in community or universities for a class offline and in real life classrooms. Or you can search for classes offered online, some allowing you to work on your own time and at your own pace. If you wish to add a tutor or only use a tutor, a lot of these sites have tutors available. Many instruction programs come with one on one guidance as a enhancement to teaching. Do you already know Chinese and just wish to improve your skills? What is superior about learning Chinese on the internet is the abundance of free online courses dedicated to familiarizing you with the language, as well as providing plenty tools to brush up on what you already know. Some sites use games, animation, virtual flash cards, interactive exercises, and links to other Chinese language sites. Blogs are also available where you can communicate in Chinese. These blogs are a valuable asset in learning, as sometimes the blogger has inside information to other places teaching Chinese. Do you want to learn the art of Chinese characters? There is no better place in which to learn this transcending ancient art form than the internet. With the demand for this art form increasing, more sites exist to meet that demand. With little effort, you can access from your search engine, dozens of legitimate sites for learning the characters properly. There are also free and inexpensive downloads available to learn and practice. No matter your curiosity, or ability, there are ways to successfully master skill in the Chinese language online. In fact, it probably is your best bridge to learning. Because there are so many, remember to bookmark your favorite sites, so you can return to them later. It is thru the internet, we find knowledge. Where to Learn Chinese Online: I wanted to learn Chinese online and this is what I found. Well, before I found the cool lessons, I discovered first off there was a plethora of information available to learn about the Chinese culture. I dove into their rich history, the origin or their language, and where the language stood today in the western world. I was taken back by the results. Did you know the Chinese language is the most used language, second to English, used in the world? It is the most highly demanded language to learn, more so than Spanish. With eyes on the future, and the merging of the world economy, it is now a recommended second language. Who knew? More children in primary schools are being taught Chinese. More employers are paying to have their employees learn Chinese. More people are actively seeking out for their own personal goals, a way to learn Chinese. One of the best ways is to learn Chinese online. So, where to start? Probably the easiest way to begin, is to explore your search engine's offerings. One of the coolest sites was the Chinese character dictionary sites. Each intricate word with the explanation of what it means next to it. I spent a few hours caught up in this because, well, I suddenly thought I would like a tattoo of one of these characters: they were speaking to me. I could not decide on one, each one more significant to me than the other. Forget the moment when my ego kicked in boasting I could be a Chinese character artist. I quickly put that idea to rest. Of the other helpful sites, was the one offering Chinese character software in animation. It just looked easy and user friendly (maybe I could be a rising artist). Among the sites, there were games and flash cards incorporated into the learning process, designed for people just like me who need that little extra flair to keep their attention. But if you are really feeling your china, you can embark on one of the many schools in China offered online. These schools range from one month to one year, inviting you to throw yourself into the culture while learning the language. I was amazed by all the schools offered to teach you Chinese. I found sites offering to help you learn Chinese online for as little as ten dollars a year. Not only can you learn Chinese online, you can learn other aspects of the language, like ancient poetry. The internet offers so much in information on this rich culture, plan to spend an afternoon or evening researching your options. If you are curious about the eastern culture, you will be amassed with opportunities to continue that passion further. Whatever your focus or reason is to further your life with the addition of a second language, you can learn Chinese online. In the privacy of your own home. Or connect further with the available classrooms offered online to experience the language applied in real world applications. Remember, the demand for the Chinese language is stronger than ever, and the future looks absolutely necessary for the skill. Anything you do to improve your odds in your career objectives, such as learning Chinese, will make you a strong asset to your employer. If your reasons are more personal, like mine, well, maybe you are the next rising artist. ![]() ![]()