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The Benefits Of Getting An Internship

Your last few years in college is the time when you would have to get into an
internship program. However, it would still depend on your college curriculum
if you were required to have one or not. Nevertheless, getting into an
internship has a lot of benefits that you might want to consider.

It's An Asset

To make it simple, having one is actually an asset. When you're already in the
real world, most employees would be looking for this on your resume. In fact, a
lot of companies out rightly say that they consider this as an important
deciding factor on whether they will be accepting a new graduate for a
full-time position or not.

With that being said is enough to show you the benefits. However, there are a
few more other benefits that you might want to know.

Learn The Secrets Of Your Field

If you are to ask graduates whom have taken internship what they got out from
it, probably a lot of them would have similar answers: knowledge. In having
internship, you are given the key to access the tricks of the trade of whatever
industry you are in.

Here, you get to know the secrets and techniques of different practical
knowledge that you can't really learn when you are confined in the four corners
of your classroom.

This knowledge is concentrated on the practical application of your major,
which could be very useful to you especially after you graduate.

Evidence Of What You Can Do

During internship, you are asked to perform tasks or help out on projects.
Accomplishing such experiences can be your proof of your abilities. You can use
them to build up your portfolio or resume. In fact, it can be much better if a
whole project was assigned to you from scratch. In this way, all credit for the
project would be yours.

Get Connected

One of the most obvious benefits of getting into a program would be the
connection that you can make. You can gain lots of contacts, which is obviously
useful when you graduate and when you are already looking for a real job.

Improve Your Confidence

You can also improve your confidence if you undergo internship. Since you
already have an idea of what is it like in the workplace, then by the time
comes that you are officially to be employed, you wouldn't have much of those
butterflies in the stomach kind of feeling.

Provided that you completed your internship, you are expected to have a general
know how of how generic workplaces in your field would operate. You are also now
familiar of the tasks that may be given to you. In this way, you can anticipate
the things you have to do for work, and not be caught unprepared.

Also, you would be a little more confident in associating and mingling with
other people in the office, since you have done the same during your internship
period. In fact, if you've had your internship with the same company you will be
working with, this would definitely be a bonus, since you already know the
people in the office. Thus, you would have less difficulty adjusting.

These are just some of the benefits that you can get out from internship. So,
if your college curriculum doesn't really require you to have one, it wouldn't
really hurt if you still undergo through a program, considering the benefits
that you can get.

Preparation For Filling In Internship Application Forms

If you're a college student looking for an internship, most likely you would
have to undergo the experience of filling-in countless application forms. Even
though it seems like a boring task to do, especially if you have to complete a
lot of them, you should be careful in doing so.

Hastily finishing a form so that you can pass it early is not the way to do it.
If you want your form to have an edge from the hundreds of other applicants, you
should take your time and deliberately watch every detail that you put into it.
However, if time is that essential to you, preparation can be done to make your
filling-in time a lot shorter and easier.

Here are some tips and things to remember if you want to prepare beforehand for
all those application forms coming your way.

Before Starting: Instructions And Other Vital Notices

Most of the time, whether you are completing a form online or in writing, you
will get an application pack, which includes a person specification, job
description and some guidance notes. You should heed on these kind of
information, before you even start completing your form.

Some application forms also require special formats. There are forms that may
indicate that you should use black ink only or blue. They may also entail you
to write in block letters or in all caps. Details like these, however major or
minor they seem, are important. A lot of people have their forms land in the
trash bin, just because of overlooking initial instructions due to excitement
of finishing the form.


Preparing beforehand would be better too. You can prepare different lists of
the usual information that you think the form might require you to provide.
Information like activities, which you are currently involved in at your
university both socially and academically, are some of the common ones.

You can also list down whatever special skills that you have, along with
attributes that you have developed in consequence of your experiences. You can
also make a list of the different extra-curricular activities that you have had
during your stay at the university. Preparing these kinds of information could
be very helpful to you as a time saver.


Sometimes, doing a little research can be beneficial. You can try researching
about the company that you are applying in, before you fill in the form. The
most useful and easiest source for information would be the Internet. However,
you can also have direct contact with the company, especially if you have
specific questions regarding the application.

One common mistake that applicants make is confusing the corporation they are
applying to for another one. Obviously doing this can bring your application
form straight down the drain, so please be careful about this!

These are just some of the things you can do to prepare in filling in an
application form. Additionally, you can still use these helpful tips in the
future, when the time comes that the forms you are about to complete are not
for internship anymore, but for real work!

Making The Most Out Of Your Internship

A lot of people have a hard time looking for internship programs, that's why if
you happen to get to have one; you should make the most out of it. This is
simply because your internship can have a rippling effect on your future even
though it's not that obvious.

Be Thankful

You should be thankful that you were chosen to have the opportunity to be in
that position you are in. A lot of students applying for internship positions
are usually turned down by their first choice. Some even don't get to have one
at all. So be thankful and love your job. Take note that your supervisors are
also watching your attitude towards your work; so try to be positive towards it.

Try to do your best during your internship and don't screw up. Remember that
you've been chosen to give your service to a great company. Plus, you now have
the advantage of putting the whole working experience on your resume, which
could be very helpful thing when you've already graduated college and about to
go out job hunting.

Have A Jump Start

Next, you should have a good start. Before your first day, try to find out what
your working place's dress code is. You should make sure that your outfit would
fit the specifications, or even take one step higher. But remember: do not
overdo it.

Try to look around the place and observe what your colleagues are wearing; try
to have similar pieces. The harsh truth is that most people would base a
percentage of their first impression on you from your appearance or what you
are wearing. So you would want to look your best, especially on the first day.

Time Is Essential

As with any kind of work, you should be punctual. Everyday, you should show up
on time. In fact, you should make this a consistent habit and not only do it on
your first few days. Try to be at least five to ten minutes earlier than your
call time everyday.

If you will be late, you should let your supervisor or manager know in advance.
If possible, stay late after office hours too. Try not to leave the office until
your boss gives you things to do or agendas for the next day. In this way, you
can be prepared on whatever it is you would have to face the next day around.

Cooperate And Participate

If ever there are meetings or seminars that you're invited to, try your best to
attend. These could be very useful in understanding the way your company works
and operates. You can also learn how people in the company communicate. You can
understand more the connections of different departments, especially if you're
working for a big company.

Attending such events can also inform you on the different opportunities
related to your field that you may be interested in, in the near future. You
would also improve your interpersonal skills along with your professional
skills, if you don't let opportunities like these pass.

During these events, you also get the chance to ask some questions regarding
decisions made in the company. If given the chance, you can even offer your
very own ideas. Speaking up can actually be a good thing, because you'll never
know when the eyes of the higher ones are set on you!

Top Five Tips For Preparing On Your Internship Interview

During your hunt for an internship, you would have to undergo several
interviews, depending on how many companies you have applied to and how many of
them have scheduled you for one. Undergoing this process can be an intimidating
one, even if you have had many of them or not.

Nonetheless, as long as you are very much prepared for whatever may come,
there's really no reason why you can't use your nerves for your advantage in
helping you improve your performance. So, here are the top five tips that you
should know to prepare for your interview.

Remember To Prepare

Just as with anything you do, preparation is one step that you should never
skip. Even though you may seem clueless with whatever may come up during your
interview proper, you can still do some handy preparations that can be
applicable in any kind of interview.

One thing to remember is that even though this is only an internship interview,
you should treat it as if it is a real job interview. That is why you should be
prepared in a somewhat similar manner.

Know Your Company

It is also very important that you research about the company first before
heading for the interview. You should also know the nature of the internship
position that you are applying for. Doing some research on things like these
can help you make certain that your answers to any of the interview questions
regarding the company and the position are appropriate.

Be Active, Ask Questions!

You should also prepare a list of some questions that you might want to ask
during the interview to your employer. Most employers like seeing their
interviewee having an active interest on the whole interview process and the
position itself. Deliberate on the questions that you want to ask. Make sure
they are relevant to the job and not personal ones.

Don't Be A Corpse

Nobody likes the feeling of as if talking to a corpse or the wall. So as much
as possible, be reactive. However, try not to give only blank stares, nods or
smiles as responses. Speak up, but not too much. If you have anything you want
to say, always keep it short and simple. Do not beat around the bush anymore.
Be alert and take heed on everything that your interviewer is saying.

Remember, this is an interview, meaning it is a two-way communication for you
and your interviewer. If he or she asks you something, answer it as clearly as
possible that you can.

If you are the type of person who has a hard time maintaining a conversation
with another for a long time, or may feel conscious with one-on-one interviews,
then you can try practicing on the mirror or with a friend, just to get the
whole feel of the scenario.

Know Where You Are Going

Even days before your interview, you should try visiting the vicinity or the
area and look for the building where you will be having the interview. Be sure
that you know where exactly you are supposed to go and what time you should be
there. Try to calculate already your travel time. It would be better if you can
provide allowances, so that incase traffic is bad or you get lost, you can still
arrive on time.

You will get a really bad impression if you show up late just because you got
lost on your way. Lastly, be sure that you have and know the name of the person
whom you will be asking for. Knowing which department he or she is from can be
helpful too.

Tips On How To Get Paid Internships

Your internship is a very important stage that links your school life with your
soon to be career life, that's why getting a really good starting step on your
internship is essential. Unknown to many, you can actually be paid while
serving your internship hours. If you want to know how, here are some tips on
how you can get into a good paid internship program.

Survival Of The Fittest

First thing's first. You should understand that getting into a good program is
not that easy. In fact, it's just like finding a real work position, meaning
you have to compete.

If you're one hundred percent sure that you want a paid position then you
should be ready to compete with other students. Money is not something that you
can easily earn these days, that's why even with internships, you should be
prepared for some competition.

Time Check

Next, you should be prepared to give time. You can't say "It's just
internship". Even such programs would require commitment from you. Thus, with
that being said, thins includes both time and quality of work.

Picture Yourself

To start your search, first you should know what is it that you really want to
be and know exactly what you want to do. You should also think on whether this
particular activity could help you get your dream job in the future. If you now
have an idea of what you want, then you can start your position hunting.

Sell Yourself

Next, you should know how to sell yourself; of course, not literally. This just
means that you should write and make a good resume that can stand as your
advertisement. Your resume should be impressive, so that companies would be
attracted to have you on their crew.

Your resume should highlight your achievements and successes. Apparently, you
need to do a little showing-off of what you are capable of doing, in able to
attract really good companies. But of course, whatever you write should be a
hundred percent true and not made up, or else you'll be the one to suffer the
consequences for lying.

Know Where To Look

The problem most students encounter in finding a paid program is where they
should start looking for one. Ironically, the answer to this problem has been
set in front of you without even knowing it. The answer is simply: go ask your
college placement office.

Your college office is actually the best place to look for a paid internship
program. The office would surely have a list of companies that are open for

There may also be companies that are going to your campus. If this is the case,
then don't be afraid to get a schedule for interview. This can be a good
opportunity for you, since most of the companies that have campus visits are
usually the good ones.

If you've tried your luck with your college office to no avail, don't worry.
There are still other means to find a good program. One good option is the
telephone. You can try calling up companies and ask them if they have openings.
If they do, you can ask them about details and the possibility of having a
scheduled interview.

Lastly, you can also try the Internet. But if you do, try not to use general
search engines. Try using specialized search engines, because these can give
more favorable results. There are specialized search engines for job hunting on
the Internet that you can use. Just by using the right keywords, you can easily
find a company that may cater to your needs.

Tips On Answering Personal Questions On Intern Application Forms

Most of the time, internship application forms would require you to answer some
personal statement and competency questions. A lot of companies do this to see
why you are applying for the position you are eyeing for. By questions like
these, they can also find out what experience and which skills that you may
have that might match their person specification.

A General Guide On Answering Questions

Generally, in able to answer these kinds of questions, you would have to refer
from your past experiences at your university. Experiences based on academics,
or other social involvements like sports, and societies can be helpful.

If you are answering set questions, be sure that the info you give essentially
answers the question being asked. A lot of applicants beat around the bush with
their answers and end up losing track of what their point really is. Also, be
sure that you are able to supply evidence for each answer you give.

Personal Statements

Personal statements give you the opportunity to display how well you can handle
the job. Just like with your curriculum vitae, you have to vigorously sell
yourself, along with your skills and achievements to your employer. If you
don't exhibit with examples why you are qualified for the job, then most
probably getting an interview is impossible for you.

One vital thing to remember when making a personal statement is that you should
concentrate on all the characteristics that the person specification indicates.
Also, the job description is also a good guide to base your write-up. Be sure
to answer these using specific examples from your experiences like previous
work placements, jobs, education or leisure interests.

Be systematic in writing. Try to organize your thoughts to make your write-up a
good one. If you have time, try to make an outline first of your write-up, so
you can have a guide on the important points you may want to emphasize. Also,
do not forget to use active and positive language when describing your
achievements and skills.

If they ask you your reason for applying for the position, try to emphasize on
the things that you can offer them and what you want to gain from the job. Do
not forget to state your desire to achieve professional experience to
strengthen your academic knowledge.

Competency-based questions

These types of questions are becoming very common on application forms
nowadays. However, you should take note that these involve a different set of
talents than answering personal statement questions.

Most of these questions begin with statements like "Give an example of..." or
"Describe a time when you: ". They also ask for instances of specific skills
like leadership, teamwork, persuasiveness and the likes.

Competency-based questions are as important as personal statements. They also
determine if you will be offered an interview or not.

One technique used to answer such, is the STAR approach. STAR stands for:
situation, task, action, and result. This can provide you an organized manner
of answering the question. First, you state out the situation, and then you
indicate what task you were supposed to do.

Next is what was the action you did and lastly, what was the result of the

Tips In Making A Resume For Internship

When you are applying for internship, you would also have to give a resume to
your prospect employer. In general, it should be a concise and clear summary of
your overall qualifications. It should include all your skills and relevant
experiences that would allow key features of your personality to stand out.

There is a general accepted standard of what information a resume should have.
These data are basically separated into clear sections for easy reference.

Contact Details

One important section is the contact details. Before writing such information,
be sure that they are up-to-date. It is better to provide different means of
communication such as a landline number, cell phone number, email or post.
Obviously, all your effort in applying would go to waste, if your employer
can't contact you.

Personal Profile

A lot of experts say that this is the most vital part of your resume.
Basically, it's a summary of your individual attributes and qualities. However,
there are still some who opt not to include such information.


This section is where you put your objective/s for applying the position. In
your case, you should clearly state here that you are applying for an
internship position to strengthen the skills, theoretical knowledge and
experiences that you have garnered so far from studying at the university and
your other work experiences.

If you have some other objectives, then you can add so. However, you should
remember that this portion should not be that long. Keep it short, simple, and
straight to the point.

Education and Qualifications

This section would include the details of your academic qualifications,
starting from secondary school. The information should be written in reverse
chronological order. You should also include the year or duration you have
attended a specific educational institution.

Additional Skills

The additional skills section is an optional section too. Here, you can
highlight your other skills such as proficiency in using computers, knowledge
of foreign languages, use of special computer programs, knowledge in graphic
design, etc.


This section is also optional. Information on details about academic
achievements like awards received, and contests won can be placed here. You can
also put sporting and professional achievements in this area, if you have any.

Career Summary

This is the section where you can put the details of your past working
experiences. Not only can you put full-time jobs, but also even part-time,
temporary and voluntary employment. All of these should again be listed in
reverse chronological order as with your educational experiences.

Basically, you indicate the company you have worked for, the position you have
had, a short job description of the tasks you did, and the duration of how long
you were employed in that kind of work. There's no need to put how much you
earned, or why you resigned or were fired from the job.

Personal Details

The personal details section should not be confused with the personal profile
section. This portion of your resume is where you put your nationality or
ethnicity; date of birth and age; religion; and whether you can or cannot drive.

Interests and Activities

This area is generally omitted if you are applying in the US. However, there
are still some that would argue that it is a good way to reflect and show
something about your personality. Presenting that you are able to maintain a
healthy balanced lifestyle while juggling work, studies and personal life, can
sometimes be an asset.

Tips For Filling In Internship Application Forms

In the process of filling in your internship application forms, there are some
things that you should and should not do. Remember that your application form
is like your golden ticket to catch the attention of your employer. It should
stand out from the rest of the forms that other competing intern wannabe's have

To get that edge over your competition, here are some tips for filling in
internship application forms.

Filling In Written Forms

It is advised that you photocopy the application form even before you start
writing on it. In this way, you can have some practice in filling in the form,
just to make sure that the information you will write down would fit the spaces
given. Also, in most cases, black ink is the standard that you should use when
filling a form. Unless they specify a different color, black is the safe way to

Filling In Online Forms

If you are completing and online application form, most of the time, you will
be required to register and give your information before you even get to
complete the main application form. If this is the case, carefully record
information you put in your registration details. In this way, you can ensure
that you will have consistent information in both your registration and
application details.

Additionally, always double-check your application before you submit it. It
would be best if you can even print it out. Doing so, can help give you
reminders and cues of whatever answers you put in the form if ever they ask you
again during the interview proper.

A General Guide To The Different Sections

Most of the time, the employment and education sections of your form are
self-explanatory. They should also be answered with complete honesty, since
these are information that is easy to confirm.

Qualification standards vary in different countries. If you are an overseas
applicant, you do not have to convert your qualifications into the format of
the country you are applying in, since a lot of employers already use a
qualification conversion table to do the task.

There are some forms that would want you to indicate all of the modules you
have studied and even the grades you've obtained. While there are some would
simply ask you to summarize them.

The employment section of the form would usually require you to provide
information about the different jobs you have had. A short and straight to the
point job description would do, as you should take note of space or word
limitations. Also remember to add in voluntary or part-time work if you have
had any.

The last section of the form is usually the references. You should deliberate
carefully on whom are the people you should include in this list. First off,
they should be someone that you are sure would likely give you a positive
recommendation. Second, do not forget to ask for their permission to include
them on your list, and make sure that they agree, before you do so.

In completing a form, make sure that you keep it short and simple. Most
employers hate extremely long forms that have useless data such as awards
gained from kindergarten or even prep school. Just keep in mind to only put the
relevant data and what the form requires.

Your Ultimate Secret Weapon: Internship Cover Letter

Most soon to be interns may overlook this, but you should take note that your
internship cover letter is actually your little secret weapon into getting
accepted in that internship program that you are aiming for. Remember, getting
in a program would mean competition against other students who want the same
position. That is why you should have an edge over them.

How Did It Become Important?

You may be asking yourself, "How can such a simple letter be vital to my
application?" Well, it's really easy to understand. You and the other
candidates for internship are currently standing on the same ground. All of you
lack experience, which is ironically the reason why you're getting into
internship. Because of this, the cover letter becomes a huge basis of whether
you would get the position or not.

Basically, you and other college students have nothing to put into your
resume's job experience portion other than those burger flipping summer jobs or
supermarket checkout bagging positions and the likes. Thus, the only way you can
outshine your competition is through making an outstanding cover letter that
would impress the HR personnel who's going to read it.

How About Grades?

Yes, you can show-off your grades, or GPA's. However, this kind of data doesn't
really give the right information that the HR manager wants to know about you.
All this can tell is your academic qualifications. Even though high grades can
imply your intelligence and drive for studying, this can't really predict how
you would fare up working on a daily basis.

Cover Letter Secrets Revealed

Having a well-written and impressive internship cover letter actually tells a
lot of things about you. It can sometimes even go the extra mile of unlocking
significant ideas concerning your character. It shows a somewhat overview of
what you're like.

Due to such secrets a cover letter may show; obviously, it is a document to be
taken seriously. Thus, you should not treat it in a frivolous manner. However,
this doesn't mean either that your must make one as if written by a robot.

Your main objective in making this kind of letter is to give your potential
manager an impression that you're someone who can independently think and can
express himself/herself clearly, in an organized and original manner.

In The HR Manager's Shoes

To understand even more your cover letter's importance, simply try being in an
HR manager's shoes. Just think about the challenge you have to face when it's
hiring season. You have to sort through hundreds of resumes, which are all
fronted by an internship cover letter.

For each letter that you view, your would have to garner some little piece of
info that will give your a clue of whether pursuing this candidate, would be a
waste of time or not.

If you take into consideration the idea that most of these candidates may have
underestimated how powerful their cover letter is, and the possibility that
they might have just downloaded a template from the Internet, you can start to
see how your original and thoughtfully crafted letter could make a great

The bitter truth is that making a great cover letter can instantly put you to
the vital candidate shortlist, while making a badly written one could sink you
forever. So, with that being said, try to give enough effort and time in making
a well-written cover letter rather than a generic one.

Types of International Internships

To serve as a guide on international internships, it is important that you know
the different types of international internships. Each type has its own positive
and negative sides. However, picking out one would entirely be up to you.

Study Abroad Internships

The first kind of international program are study abroad internships. These are
usually coupled with semester study abroad curriculums and can offer you the
chance to learn more about the place's local culture. This can be done through
placing you in a position with a local business or organization, while at the
same time taking academic courses that are credited for your degree.

The benefit in getting into this kind of program is that you can still continue
your studies even though you are undergoing internship. Unlike in other
international programs, all you would have to do is work for some company
abroad. Here, you have part-time internship and part-time schooling.

Volunteer Internship Programs

Another type is the volunteer internship. This kind usually differs from
traditional internship by letting you directly work with a group of people who
have underserved needs.

However, you should not confuse it with strictly volunteering. A volunteer
internship program usually involve some kind of reflective or academic
component that allows you to contemplate on how your volunteer work is related
to your field of study.

One example of this kind of volunteer program is Cross Cultural Solutions,
which is a nonprofit organization that can place you on project sites in
Southeast Asia, Latin America, and even Africa for duration of 3-12 weeks.

You can choose one of from the three areas. The kind of work usually focuses on
education, health and social services. During the program, you get to work with
their staff to discuss your learning goals from the program.

Direct Internships With International Organizations

Getting a direct internship from an international organization is similar to
having one with a local organization. However, this kind of internship is
usually the most difficult to identify. This is because they are conventionally
not part of a formal program. However, if you are looking for an economical
international internship, then this option would be the best for you.

Internship Programs and Exchanges

This kind of program is quite similar to a study abroad program; by the way it
is conducted. The main difference however, is that the core of your whole
experience is concentrated outside your classroom.

There are program providers that can support international internships by
offering an array of services like placements abroad for internship positions,
accommodation, and even cultural activities. However, most of the time these
program providers charge a fee for the services they offer.

This kind of internship is usually managed by an organization. It would
typically require you some kind of local participation with the exchange
organization that maybe related to a specific field.

One example of an international internship exchange program would be The
International Association for the Exchanges of Students with Technical
Experience (IAESTE). This is an international organization that coordinates
practical training exchange programs for local chapter members of more over 90
countries worldwide.

However, to become a candidate for internship, you should be an active member
of the local organization.

Now you know the different types of international internships, you can start
deliberating on which type you think would do you good. There are a lot of
different programs for each type; you can research most of them on the
Internet. Each program can offer a different experience from another. It's all
up to you which one you think is the best.

All About International Internships

By the mention of 'international internships', a lot of students would most
likely pass and would rather look for something more familiar and close with
the comforts of home. Even though it may sound a bit stressful and would entail
a lot of preparation and work, getting an international internship is actually
easy, if you know how.

Here are some of the essential things that you should consider and know in
applying for an international internship program.

Ask Yourself 'Why?'

First, you should make it clear to yourself why you would want to have an
international internship. Usually, there are two reasons that may pass your
mind. One is that you want to live abroad. Two is that you want to gain more
work and career-related experience that can help hone you into the best
professional you can be.

If your main reason is the first one, then you might want to reconsider getting
into such kind of program. If you simply want to live abroad, you can just find
working opportunities abroad rather than an internship. Doing this would be
cheaper and easier on your part. If the latter is your reason, then you have
made the right choice!

Where To Go?

Most internship that has a relation to international careers, most especially
those of international organizations, are usually located in the United States.
Such programs are frequently located in places where international activity
brews up, like New York or Washington DC. Nevertheless, it is usually possible
to get an international internship program along with an overseas location.

How Much To Get One?

Getting into an international program can be expensive. However, you can get
financial aid to meet your expenses. Also, there are programs that are actually
sponsored by your university; getting one can give credit toward your degree.

The expenses can have a varied range. If you're going to get an unpaid, and
non-academic internship, try to consider the living costs. If the expenses are
high, this can sum up just about the same value of getting a tuition-charging
internship program, minus the benefits of financial aid and credit.

However, the major benefit of getting such kind of program would be the
professionally related experience you are going to have and the better
prospects for future career positions.

How About Volunteering?

There are also volunteer positions that you can apply for. Most likely, these
volunteer programs abroad can provide you board and lodging. This is one option
that can make your internship less expensive rather than undergoing an unpaid

One good example is the Peace Corps. They do pay well, although you would have
to make a two-year commitment with the organization. Additionally, the
repayment of your educational loans is usually deferred for the duration of
volunteer work. Getting a volunteer position can be your best move if you are
interested in pursuing a career related to developing countries.

Most of the time paid international internship programs are very rare. Finding
a paid program would be hard for you, unless you are somewhat related to the
fields of engineering and business.

These are some of the vital things to consider if you are planning to get an
international internship. Although it may sound scary or stressful, a lot of
benefits surely await for you.

Hot Tips For Your Internship Interview

When you are done with all the preparations for your internship interview, now
is the time that you master some tips that can be used during your interview
proper. Preparation can help you ease out the pressure a little, but knowing
some do's and dont's for your interview proper can make the whole process a
less intimidating and pressuring one. So here are some of the most helpful tips
that can help make your interview a smooth one.

Things To Bring

During your interview day, there are a couple of things that you should not
forget to bring. The most important thing to bring would be pen and paper. If
ever you need to take down some notes during the interview, then you can do so.
Also, this can be handy too if ever you have to fill-in some forms again.

Additionally, it would be helpful if you bring one copy of your resume or any
other application form that you've had completed. This can be helpful in
reviewing and refreshing your memory, about information that you have written
there, while you are waiting to be called.

Don't Be Shocked

There can be different kinds of interviews, depending on the company. There are
different formats that you should anticipate for. Sometimes asking one simple
question does it. There are times when you would have to undergo a series of
tests mixed with some demonstrations of your skills or talents.

There are also question and answer session types of interview. These are
usually done in an informal setting. When done in a very formal setting, it can
vary from being a presentation to a panel interview.

You may also encounter interviews that have group activities or aptitude tests,
which is why you should expect the unexpected. Nevertheless, there are still
some predominantly common questions that seem like almost every kind of
interview would ask you.

The Key Questions

The question that would top the list of the most common interview questions
would be "Why do you want to work for this company?". Cliche as it may seem but
this question has a really heavy weight on your interview impact. That is why it
is something to be thought of carefully.

Another one is "Why have you applied for this job in particular?". Since you
are applying for an internship position, this can be answered by simply stating
that you need it to gain more experience and practical knowledge and exposure on
the job.

The next two most common questions however would be highly based on your
personal opinion. The questions are: "How do you think you can add value to the
role?", and "Where do you see yourself in, say, ten years time?". If you are to
answer these questions orally, try to give a prompt, but meaningful answer.
Also, sugarcoating your answers too much is a no-no. As much as possible, try
to be realistic on your answers.

If ever these questions would be asked from you, they wouldn't really be a big
problem at all provided that you have proper preparation and practice.

These are just some of the happenings that you should anticipate and watch out
for during your interview. Try to keep these in mind and simply be yourself,
then you're off to a smooth sailing interview experience!

High School Internships For Computer Sciences

High school internships are now widely available in different fields of
interests. One field that is very open to having high school interns are fields
that are related to computers. One good example is the internship program that
Microsoft offers. However, there are still other companies that offer this kind
of program, all you have to do is look.

Benefits Of Getting Into A High School Internship Program For Computer Sciences

Getting into this kind of high school internship can bring you lots of fun.
With these kinds of programs, you can create a lot of cool things. They can
also take you places where you've never been before. Most importantly, you can
get a one of a kind experience out of it. You will also have the chance to
stretch out your skills in different directions and bring your talents to a
higher level.

Their Purpose

Most companies' purpose for giving out high school internships is to provide
high school students like you some exposure to technology. This is also one way
for them to find new promising talents and prodigies. So if you think that you
have exceptional talent in programming or any other kind of skill with
computers, getting into an internship program would definitely be for you.
However, you still don't have to be a genius to get into one. As long as you
have a knack for it, then go!

General Qualifications

Generally, computer companies would only require high school students to have
sufficient experience with word processing, e-mail, and an established passion
for technology. If you have any programming experiences with Visual Basic or
HTML then the better. Sometimes, they also have special requirements such as
being a high school student in a certain district or area, which is usually the
same area where the company holds the program.

Most companies' recruiting efforts for programs like these are usually directed
to provide outreach for organizations and schools that are serving
underrepresented minorities, such as African American, Hispanic, and American
Indian; individuals with disabilities; young women; and those students that
come from families that are economically disadvantaged.

Some other general qualifications would be being a Junior/Senior high school
student or the equivalent. Minimum age for programs is usually at least 16, and
being a permanent resident or a US citizen is often required. However,
qualifications still vary depending on the company that you are applying for.
Some of them may or may not have special qualifications other than those
mentioned above.

How Long?

Most high school internships in the field of computers usually last for about
eight to ten weeks. You would usually have a load of forty hours per week. The
durations that companies allot for these kinds of programs are usually long
enough for you to get involved in a project and make a contribution with your

These programs are also usually held over the summer. They usually start on the
latter part of June and end during August. There are other companies that may
have high school internship programs during fall or winter breaks.

So, if you think you would want to have a future career in the field of
computers, programming, graphic design and any other related field, then try
getting a high school internship in the field of computers now!

The Perks Of Getting An International Internship

Getting into an international internship program may sound scary or too
stressful. However, getting into this kind of internship has its benefits too.
In fact, it may just be the thing you need to ensure that you'll get an
excellent permanent job in the near future.

Making It Your Competitive Advantage

When you graduate college, job hunting would be the first challenge you would
have to face. Unless backed-up with a very good school, grades and a referral,
job hunting may become a tedious task for you. This is true, especially with
all the competition that you would have to face.

Simply think about all those people who are looking for jobs right now.
Certainly, there are a lot of them out there in the wilderness of the working
place. But consider too, that there are also other fresh graduates other than
you that would be competing. Thus, this simply means that you would have to be
ready to compete with both experienced and non-experienced people to get a job.

Due to the tight competition in whatever field you are in, you should have your
own competitive advantage, so that things may become easier for you. Getting an
international internship is actually one kind of competitive advantage that can
really outshine your competition.

If you have an international internship, your potential employer will not look
down upon you or underestimate your capabilities, which is what most employers
do when a fresh grad is applying for them. Thus, this would heighten your
chance of getting the position, even if many would say that you're just like
any other yuppie.

Creating Contacts

Just like with getting a regular local internship, when you go international
you also add up to your professional contacts list. Your network expands again,
the thing here however is that your contacts would be from the international
domain, which is relatively better than having only contacts that would only
encompass of people in your town or city.

Boost Up Your Resume

Having the experience of working and living abroad can really enhance your
resume. This can show that you are not afraid of having challenges and that
you're prepared to accommodate change. Additionally, it also shows that you
have global business awareness, which a lot of applicants lack.

Seeing The Big Picture

Your experience abroad can be really useful to your potential employers. In
fact, it may be the case that you understand and know the tricks of the trade
of the global market better than your potential employer himself. In this way,
you can back-up your suggestions and ideas with real and applicable situations.

Culture Matters

If volunteering or travel isn't really your interest, then the main highlight
of getting into an international program is for you to gain more knowledge
through having conversations with other specialists on your chosen field.
Through this, you can observe the similarities and differences of the ways of
business between your local culture and this new culture you are exploring.

You can also get to know the different perspectives of people in the places you
go to. Every one has a different and unique perspective; the more you travel and
meet people, the more you would be able to understand their point of views
regarding issues of your chosen industry.

The Perks Of Getting A High School Internship

Although most employers consider getting interns from the domain of college
students, a lot of high school students still get to land on internship
positions as well, which makes their college application forms and future
resumes look even more impressive. Yes, it is possible for a high school
student to get an internship. So if you are one, then here are some things to
consider, why you should get one.

Why The Wait? Be Different!

Conventionally, internships are done during college. However, nowadays, it is
possible for a high school student to get one. You don't have to take the long
wait anymore! There are actually companies that cater high school internship
programs now. Most high school students would still stick to the traditional
college internship, which is why getting one in high school would definitely be
an edge for you!

By taking one during high school, you can be different with other students. The
good thing is that you can actually use this difference of yours to your
advantage. As most colleges consider that any kind of experience related to
real-life work, along with volunteer or community work, has great weight in
value during admissions.

Scoring an internship in high school would definitely give you a leg up on the
competition in applying to your chosen college. Additionally, because you
already have some work experience, it can help narrow down your choice of

There are numerous benefits a high school internship can give you, but before
that you should know how to get one first. So here are some tips on getting a
high school internship.

Priorities Comes First

First, you should prioritize and know exactly which kind of organization or
company you would to work for. To do this, you can reflect on your interests.
What are they? Get an idea of what kind of major you would want to have in
college. Also, think of what you want to do or to be after college. Try to
contemplate on these thoughts and for sure you can have a company or two on
your mind.

If you're not entirely sure on what you want to do, it's okay. Nonetheless, if
you're particularly interested in specialized programs, such as architecture or
an undergraduate business schools, you should try look for internships related
to that area.

The Good News

If you are a high school student in search for an internship, then good news
for you! Companies across the country are now beginning to open up and provide
more internship opportunities for students like you. Companies such as
Microsoft usually offer specialized internships. Other local government,
engineering, medical and legal organizations too often maintain high schoolers
for unpaid internship positions for the summer.

With this good news, it wouldn't be that hard for you anymore to search for
one. Just as soon as you have deliberately chosen which companies you will
target, you can already start applying by simply sending your resume along with
a cover letter, addressed to a specific person in the company. Most companies
have a specific contact person for their internship programs. If not, you can
just send your resume to their human resources department or to a manager in
the specific area you would like to work in.

That's it! That's how simple it is to apply for a high school internship. So,
if you still doubt of getting one, just think of all the benefits you can get
from it!

The Do's and Don'ts When Preparing For Internship

When you are about to take internship, there are some do's and don'ts that you
should know to make your whole experience an enjoyable one. So here are some of
the things you should and should not do when you're about to take internship.

Do Try To Have More Than One

Try to make the most out of your college years by having more than one
internship program. This can really be beneficial to you. Just think about how
one internship can already help you, what more if you had two?

However, make sure that you can accommodate them with your time. To maximize
your learning experience, don't have them at the same time if possible. In this
way, it wouldn't be too stressful on you. If you can't accommodate having two,
then getting at least one is acceptable.

Do set Specific Goals

When you are about to take internship, you should set specific goals for
yourself and your internship. Ask yourself what you want to achieve at the end
of your internship. If you have a goal at hand, then taking your internship
would not be taken for granted, since you can set your mind into accomplishing
your goals.

Don't Expect To Get Paid

The sad truth is, most internships are done for free. Although there are some
paid internship programs, majority of them can only give you a certain amount
of stipend or a really small amount of money, probably enough for your fare
back and to from your workplace.

Knowing that there are paid internships, you might start targeting for these
kinds of programs. However, even though they are paid, you should keep in mind
that some of the best internship experiences could be acquired with non-paid

Do Expect Professional Treatment

Welcome to the professional world. When you start your internship, you can say
goodbye to lame 'the dog ate my homework' kind of excuses. Here, expect to be
treated professionally. Your employer and co-workers would give have to give
you that professional treatment whether you want it or not. So be prepared for
some cold shoulder moments, especially at the first few days of work.

Along with expecting professional treatment, you should act professionally too
at all times. You can't slack off and think that this is only internship. You
should treat it as if it is real work.

Don't Wait For It To Come

An internship opportunity won't come knocking at your door. It is not given to
you like candy. Just like in looking for a regular job, you should be the one
to look for it. However, there are some tools that might help you find a good
internship more easily. You can try your college placement office, or even the

Do Use Your Network

If finding an internship seems to be a tedious chore for you, don't worry. Why
not try to make use of your network of friends and family? This can be a good
way to get the leads on available internship programs out there.

These are just a few of the things you should and should not do when preparing
for getting into an internship program. Just always remember that this period
of your life is a very crucial one, because it can have a rippling effect on
your future career life. So, try to do your best even if you're still on your
preparation stage!

Getting International Internships From The Government

If you are eyeing for an international internship, one good source to get one
would be from the government. You can apply for direct international
internships in credible organizations under it. With that, you can be sure that
the organization you will be applying for has certified international standards
an can give your resume a boost.


Unknown to many, the U.S. State Department along with other federal agencies
that are based locally or abroad offer some internship programs; both for
undergraduates and graduate students. Although most of the positions are
unpaid, application is still very competitive. However, most students tend to
over look this opportunity, since most would want to look for internships in
the private sector.

If you want to enter the competition, then you should do so early. For summer
internship, you should apply by November 1, while March 1 and July 1 are the
deadlines for fall and winter, respectively.

U.S. State Department

Another overlooked source by most applicants is the international trade offices
of city and state governments. You can also get one from different committees of
the Congress. Getting a U.S. State Department Internship is actually one good
way to see if you would have a promising career in the field of diplomacy.

Although most of these internship programs from the government are usually
unpaid, you can still get some benefits out from them. There are times when an
intern gets free housing provisions from the government. However, to be
eligible to this benefit, there are some criteria that you should be able to

To be able to get free housing, you should be a U.S. Citizen. You should also
be a junior or senior undergraduate student. Graduate students can also apply
for the provision, as long as he or she would be continuing his or her studies,
while interning. You can try checking out the State Department's website to
apply and to know other application details.

U.S. Peace Corps

Another source from the government would be the U.S. Peace Corps. This is also
considered to be the best paying and best entry level postion for anyone that
is interested in overseas grassroots development kind of work. Here, you get to
work and live with ordinary people, unlike with State Department positions.

They also have criteria to be eligible in the position. First, you should be a
U.S. citizen. Then, you should also have at least a bachelor's degree. They
would also require you to have a two year commitment with them.

You can get a lot of benefits from them too. First, all expenses are shouldered
by them. At the end of your service, you can also get over $6,000 of
resettlement allowance. They also give you full support and training. Your
educational loans can also be deferred or even partially cancelled at times.
You can also get a little tuition support if you pursue on graduate studies.

Woodrow Wilson Foundation

Another organization where you can get internship programs related to the
government is the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. They offer some internship
programs along with scholarship programs. Minorities and women are highly
encouraged to apply in their programs.

Most of the scholarships they offer can fund you several years of study and
usually includes summer internships and institutes. To apply, you should be a
sophomore to get into the 3-year scholarship program, while you should be a
senior to get into the graduate school scholarship program, which happens for a
shorter period of time.

Essential Do's And Don'ts During Internship

When you are already having internship, you should take note of some things
that you should and should not do. Remember, that the workplace is a different
environment from your regular school or home. You would really want to behave
and make the most out of it while you are there. So, here are some of the
essential do's and don'ts during your internship.

Do Meet Up

During the course of your internship, try to have a regular meeting with your
supervisor. From the start, try to make a schedule with him or her, about when
you can meet up and discuss your performance and progress during your

By having regular meet-ups, you can have the chance to ask your supervisor on
how good or bad you are doing. At least in this way, you can have a clue on the
things that you should change or maintain regarding your performance and
behavior in the workplace.

However, if you'll be having this kind of sessions, be sure that you are
prepared and open for criticism. Always be a sport in accepting the
observations of your supervisor about you, whether it be positive or negative.
Just think of these meet-up sessions as your makeover sessions into becoming a
full-pledged professional.

Do Get Exposure

Going beyond the regular scope of your internship would be beneficial for you.
If opportunities like these come around, try not to pass up on them. These are
the moments that you can have the chance to learn more about your industry and
the company.

If there are seminars or meetings that you are invited to attend to, then don't
think twice about it. Go! Whether you are invited to participate or simply
observe, these kinds of events still have a lot of benefits to offer you. It is
during these events that you can see the who's who of your company and how they
work or relate to other people.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask

There are a lot of things that you may not understand during your internship.
Of course, everything is new to you. So don't hesitate to ask questions, if
there is something that you don't know or understand. People in your workplace
won't bite. Majority of them have undergone your place right now, so they
probably know the feeling of being an intern and are more than willing to help.

Do Be Open For Learning

It is during your internship that you can learn a lot of things, which are not
taught in your academic classes. Here you can learn new methodologies and
skills. You would also gain more practical knowledge. This is the time when you
would be applying all the theories that you have learned from class. So, if your
supervisor teaches you a skill or technique try to pay attention very well,
since sometimes what is written on your books may be surface knowledge only
from the real thing.

Do Have A Mentor

It would be best if you get to have a mentor from within the company or
organization that you are interning for. He or she can be your internship
supervisor or another manager. Just make sure it is someone who is more
experienced and seasoned with skills than you are.

These are some of the essential do's and don'ts during your internship. Try to
take note of them to have the most out of your internship program.

Different Fields For High School Internships

Since a lot of companies are now opening high school internship programs, being
a high school student, you can now venture and have an internship into almost
any kind of field that you please. Some of the common fields where you can get
into a high school internship program are computer sciences, education,
business, architecture, fine arts, and music.

Benefits Of High School Internships

Each field can give you an exquisite internship experience that would
definitely put a mark on your high school life. Even though most of the
positions are unpaid, the experience however, is sure to bring you a lot of fun!

Getting into a program is also one way to gain new friends, since most programs
are usually held as a group internship. Due to this, you do not only gain
friends, but also hone your cooperation skills. You can learn how to relate
with other people and help each other with whatever task your supervisor or
manager has given you.

It is also one way to gain more knowledge on a particular interest of yours.
Just as with other kinds of internships, you get to have more exposure on the
workplace and get to help out on minor projects. Generally, you are assigned to
a supervisor that would be your mentor or trainer, so that you can learn the
basic skills needed on the field.

Computer Sciences

If you have a particular interest on computers, then getting into an internship
in this field would definitely be worthwhile. Most programs usually group you
together and assign a project that you can work on for the whole duration of
the internship. Programming skills are usually preferred, however, basic word
processing and emailing is usually enough.


There is a great need for teachers nowadays. That's why high school internships
are fast opening in this field. As an intern, you are usually in the position of
"teacher aide" or as an assistant teacher. Most positions are open for teaching
kindergarten children. The whole experience basically gives you an exposure on
handling children and assisting in carrying out different activities for them.


If you are planning to get a business related course in college, then it is
important that you get a specialized internship for it. If you become an intern
in this field, you also get exposure in the workplace. Helping out in small
projects and paper work are some of the usual tasks you are assigned here.


This is another specialized field where you can get an internship program. Most
of the time, your program would consist of learning the basics of the field and
formulating ideas of building or house designs. You can also have some exposure
in the outdoor workplace by visiting construction sites and seeing how work is

Fine Arts

High school internships for fine arts are usually classified depending on a
particular medium. Sometimes, they are held by group. However, you can also
have a mentor, where you can learn one on one. Developing your basic skills on
a particular medium, such as painting, sketching, carving or pottery, would be
the main focus of your program.


Just as with internships in fine arts, music internship would be specialized
depending on your particular instrument. Learning the basics or improving
further more with the skills that you have, is usually the focus of programs in
this field.

Bagging That Internship With Your Dream Employer

Obtaining your dream internship is not an easy task. Doing this actually takes
a lot of time for planning, along with complete dedication to the whole
application process. The good thing is it is by no means impossible to have
your dream internship; if you really know what you want. It doesn't matter,
what major you are taking or how big your target company is, you can get it, if
you really want it.

Know Your Target

The first step in getting that internship with your dream employer is knowing,
whom you want to work with, as early as possible. You should narrow down your
list by the time October or November comes. If you will be having your
internship during spring or fall, then try to adjust accordingly.

Know Why

Next, you should know yourself the reason why you want to work for that certain
employer. State out reasons why you think they are the top among the other
companies that you can have your internship with. For instance, you are a
journalism major who really admires the content and writing style of your
hometown newspaper.

Make sure that it is clear with you the reasons why the company is so
successful that you admire them to that extent. Also, try thinking on why you
think you would jive and fit into the culture they have in the workplace.
Lastly, know why and how you think they can help you develop and hone your

When the time comes that you already know the answers for the questions stated,
then it is about time that you contact your employer. You should write a letter
addressed to the correct hiring manager.

Writing A Good Letter

In the letter,
you should introduce yourself and tell them that you want to have an internship
with the company. Also, do tell them the reason why you want to work in their
company. Another tip is that you should also tell why you opted for them based
on your knowledge about their company.

Then, you should also explain why you think you are qualified to undergo their
internship program. If you have had a leadership position that is relevant to
the duties that their interns have, then don't forget to mention so.

However, try to make your letter as precise, prompt and straight to the point.
You can end it by saying thank you to the reader for his or her time spent.
Specify what your next step of action is; for instance, you can say when you
will be calling to follow up your application or set a scheduled interview or
follow up with your application.

On The Interview

If your potential employer contacts you for interviewing, you have to really
sell yourself. Do not forget to wear clothes that have a professional look. If
possible, try doing a thorough research or study about the company and those
people who will be interviewing you. You should also bring extra copies of your
resume; you'll never know if more than one person will be interviewing you.

You should also prepare some questions about your soon to be job duties. Also
try knowing the number of other interns you'll be working with. If the
interview results are not immediately deliberated upon, try to keep in touch
with that person who interviewed you.

By simply following these tips, for sure, your employer would be impressed and
the higher your chances of bagging that internship program with your dream

All About Teen Summer Internships

During teenage years, the usual summer vacations are spent with friends and
family, and enjoying out of town trips. But as teens grow up, their
independence level increases, which is the same time when most of them become
exposed to the workplace by having summer internships.

Know The Benefits

Most of the time, summer internships are honorary positions. But there are
times that as a teen intern, you can get a lump sum or a small stipend, which
is already the provision for the whole summer. Nonetheless, a summer internship
program would still give you the benefit of gaining education through first-hand
experiences. This could be priceless to you, especially since you're in that
stage of build repertoires, resumes, and professional portfolios.

Even though your other teen friends, who are not undergoing internship and are
working during the summer, seem to earn a higher wage; completing an internship
has actually more advantage and has a long-term effect. Getting into technical
or professional internships can offer you much advanced training and
experience, which can have an enormous payback in the future.

As an intern, you also have the chance to build up professional contacts and
relationships. It is this time that you can start creating your professional
network. A mentorship program from a more experienced employee can actually be
enjoyable. Most of the time, students who have finished successful summer
internships get a lot of permanent job offers after they graduate.

An Early Teen, Gets The Job

A lot of top companies offer their summer programs for college and high school
students. Their prime positions however receive a swarm of applicants, and the
probable candidates are usually selected even before the start of spring. If
you want a head start, then you should be smart; meaning, you should start
inquiring for available positions after Thanksgiving and before Christmas ends.

Be Creative: Imagine

Most formal programs are evidently defined. However, other opportunities can be
available, if you or your parents can put a little effort on it. If you have
already showed interest on a technical or academic career field, your parents
could help you find out possible relevant internships that you can undergo


To start your search, you should create your own target list. Try going to the
library, and find a number of internship prospects that may interest you. You
can always use almanacs, company directories, and local phone books to find a
list of potential employers that are organized categorically. You can also do
some online searching, if you want to.

Ask For Help

Even though you're in that stage of increased independence, this doesn't mean
that you can't ask your parents for help anymore. You can ask your parents to
assist you in making a prospect list, which is complete with phone numbers,
contact names, and addresses. You can also ask your parents for tips on how to
make a resume and cover letter, before applying to organizations or

In fact, there are times that you won't have to look that far to find a good
program. If your parents are working, they can actually be the answer to your
search. If your parents' work is somewhat related to the position you are
looking for, then why not try going to work with them, during the spring or
winter break?

Try going to your parent's workplace and get to know your mom or dad's managers
and coworkers. You can try helping out as a volunteer for short-term and minor
projects. In this way, they may already have their eyes on you, when summer
break comes.

Knowing If Internship Is Really For You

Getting into an internship program is similar to having a job. You take this
kind of programs to have more experience and exposure to your chosen field.
Although some typecasts of internships involve getting coffee and accomplishing
mundane tasks like photocopying and faxing, other programs are actually much
more to that.

Being and intern, you can get to aid on projects, attend on planning meetings,
or even help develop an advertising campaign.

Regardless of whatever you've heard about being in this position, you might be
bearing in mind of applying for one. Nevertheless, you would have to know if
this path is the one that you really want to take. Do you even need one? Here
are some thoughts to ponder on to know if internship is really for you.

Is It A Requirement?

First off, you should know if getting an internship is a requirement or not. If
your college curriculum requires you to have one for your major subjects, then
obviously, you really need to get into one.

If this is the case, try to know where some of the students from the higher
batch of your major have taken their internships. This can be a great help for
you. Additionally, try checking with your career placement college office or
academic advisor. Not only do they have connections, but they also might be
able to give you hard copies of companies looking for interns or links to
significant websites.

Your Field

If your field is a competitive one like entertainment or sports, then having an
internship would definitely serve as your edge over the field competition. It is
very hard to get into these fields, especially if you don't have any practice in
the working environment itself. Sometimes, students even have two on-the-job
training programs for hard to enter fields.

During your major, it is also better if you are having the most advanced
classes possible. This applies both to electives or requirements. Try reading
about your chosen field and searching for different ways and techniques that
can help you start having connections, like joining a professional association
or attending workshops and seminars.


Next, try to honestly answer what is the impression that you have about the
people working at your potential internship site? Your probable co-workers
ought to be supportive of your career and educational goals instead of
downsizing you and only giving you menial tasks. If they seem to be talking
down on you or doubting your abilities even though you are confident with your
skills, you most likely don't want to be employed there.

Does It Have Sense?

You should also know what kind of work or tasks you will be doing for your
potential employer. At one point or another, everyone needs to chip in on doing
the not so fun tasks like making copies, sorting mail, and filing. On the other
hand, you wouldn't want this to be the highlight of your whole internship
experience. Even though the tasks seem easier than what is really expected of
you, it is still you who loses the opportunity to practice skills that you will
be using when you already have a real job.

Don't be afraid to ask about the training you would have to undergo and the
kinds of projects that past interns have done. Internship programs change, but
in this way you can at least have an overview and sense of the things you will
be doing for the next few months.

It's All About Body Language

Sometimes unspoken actions that you do can tell a lot about you. Even, if you
are doing them consciously or not. During your internship interview, you will
have a face-to-face encounter with people who are already professionals in
doing what they do best: assessing, criticizing and observing want to be
interns like you.

If the situation is set to be like this, then you should now be aware that your
body language plays quite an important role during your internship interview.
This is because it can give away a lot regarding your personality. It is one
way how most employers assess their interviewees. That is why you should be
aware of your body language during an interview.

There are basically two types of body language: positive and negative.
Obviously, the positive types are the ones that reflect some good qualities
about you. These are also the ones most employers are looking out for to give
merit on your profile. However, the negative types are those movements or
positions that generally reflects a poor personality.

Be Conscious, Be Positive!

Being conscious and concentrating on positive body movements can be your
cutting edge during your interview. So here are some of the positive body
languages that you should have when being interviewed.

The best positive body language you have is eye contact. This is vital if you
are trying to express confidence and trust. However, you shouldn't over do it,
since it can sometimes construct an uncomfortable ambiance and propose

Giving a firm and friendly handshake too is one of the easiest observed. When
you grip too hard, you can be thought of as arrogant. But if your handshake is
too limp, this usually suggests of weakness in your personality.

Another good body language would be keeping your chin up. This can be done
literally and metaphorically. Try smiling with open lips along with tilting
your head slightly, as to show attentiveness.

Making your palms visible is also another of the positive type. Doing this
suggests to your employer your sincerity and openness. Touching your fingertips
together can also convey a sense of authority.

Body Language To Avoid

If you have to concentrate on your positive body languages, then you should
also be aware of certain negative body language that you should avoid during an

First, you should avoid crossing your arms, since this can convey
defensiveness. Also, looking down, feet tapping, head resting on your hands,
and slouching are four big no-no's, which all expresses boredom.

Do not let your interviewer see that you are nervous by locking your ankles,
playing with your hair, fidgeting or even biting your nails.

You shouldn't also show arrogance or over confidence during an interview. Being
confident is good but going over board is bad. To avoid showing this, you should
refrain from walking too erectly and briskly while your hands are clasped behind
your head. Remember, you are in a job interview, and not at home where you can
act such way.

Putting your hands on your hips and doing angry gestures like placing your
fists on the table and pointing can show aggression, which is a really bad
thing when applying for a job.

Lastly, avoid rubbing your nose or eyes; doing this can express doubt, which
can make your interviewer feel that you are not quite sure if you really want
the position or not.

International Internship Resources

Other than the government, there are other sources where you can get an
international internship program. Some of these sources are public
multinationals or international organizations; private enterprise,
non-government organizations educational organizations, and private voluntary

Public Multinationals

Public Multinationals, also popularly known as international organizations also
offer internships. Some of these organizations are the United Nations, the World
Bank, and the European Community. Positions here are usually unpaid, yet highly
competitive. Most of the paid positions are reserved for graduate students
only. However, if you are an American, the position they would likely give you
would still be in the United States.

There are some organizations that are selected as officially recognized
international organizations. Getting a work permit for these kinds of
organizations is very easy. You can try visiting the U.S. State Department's
web site, where you can find links to the sites of a lot of major international
organizations that are offering internship programs.

Private Enterprise

You can also get international internships from private enterprises. Such
programs are usually sponsored by companies like Coca-Cola, Proctor & Gamble,
and others. However, positions are usually restricted for students undertaking
MBA programs. A lot of undergraduates, nevertheless, have already arranged
overseas internship programs with the U.S. or other host-country companies,
particularly by using the BUNAC or CIEE programs.

Generally, internships with private enterprises can pay enough in able to cover
your basic living expenses. However, they usually don't shoulder the cost of
your transatlantic airfare. You can try searching the web for these kinds of
internships by using keywords like "company name + internship."

Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)

Organizations under this category are usually nonprofit. Most of the time, they
include human-rights or humanitarian watchdogs like Amnesty International.
Organizations dealing with health care provision like CARE are also included.
There are also research institutes such as the Bermuda Biological Station, and
educational exchange organizations like the Institute of International
Education that provide internships.

Most of the time, NGOs welcome interns via their U.S.-based offices. However,
there are times that you can also directly apply through their overseas
offices. Internships with this kind of organizations are usually unpaid. To
know more about the different organizations under this category, you can try
searching the Internet to find some NGO listings.

Educational Organizations

If you are looking for an internship in the educational field, then this is the
right source for you. There is a worldwide need for Teachers. Generally, there
are two categories for the position. First is teaching English as a foreign
language. In this category, all that is usually required as a credential would
be a bachelor's degree. The second category is teaching K-12 in taught in
English in overseas schools. Here, you would usually need a teaching

In general, teaching positions entails a commitment of from you. This
commitment usually lasts for at least 1 academic year. If you're eyeing for
teaching in the university level, you would probably need an advanced degree,
since this is what most employers require.

Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs)

You can also get internships from PVOs or Private Voluntary Organizations. They
usually offer a lot of overseas placements, which are one of the most probable
ways of working in developing countries. However, most of the positions are
usually designated as service or "volunteer" positions, instead of internships.

Organizations vary from secular, like WorldTeach or Amigos de las Americas, to
religious-sponsored organizations. If you are applying for a short-term
placement, you will probably be charged with fees, or at least get room and
board provisions.

How To Turn Your Internship Into A Job

Generally, as an intern, you work for no or limited pay only. You do this just
to gain more experience, technical knowledge and career network. During this
period, you gain valuable skills, polish your professionalism and create
essential business contacts. If you're a competent intern, you can build
helpful references, and professional relationships, which can even turn into
career results.

However, internships are still intended for a prearranged duration. So what
exactly can you do to make this position as an advantage and turn it into a
career opportunity? -- Easy, here are some tips on how you can turn your
internship into a job!

Play It Right!

Being an intern, you just have to play it right. Try to enjoy the whole
experience. Also, don't forget to desire to change this temporary position of
yours into a full-pledged permanent position. You need to have power over
specific professional characteristics, which can catch the attention of your
employer; here are some of them.


Whether you like it or not, the first impressions that they get from you really
count a lot, especially in the marketplace. Starting from the initial
introductions and interview, you should have that professional appearance at
hand. You would want to show up on your best appearance, even though you're
only applying for an unpaid position.

Try to prepare for the part, work out your finest executive-level courtesy.
Always speak correctly and clearly, and don't forget to be on your best
behavior. Wearing torn jeans, flip-flops, along with chat-room chatter and
speaking with sloppy speech, has no place in the professional workplace,
especially if you want to last.


Having a positive demeanor and helpful manner can actually help jump-start your
professional career. Be eager to show up on work with a smile. Also, try to do
your best to complete everything that your internship requires. If you do all
these, then you are most expected to succeed.

Being courteous and friendly to your coworkers can also pay off. Your employer
actually notices if you're able to get along with colleagues and cooperatively
work with them. Being able to handle and manage personal conflicts along with
your proficiency on dealing with high-pressured situations can also serve you


As an intern, you may look at what you're doing as an academic requirement that
you should endure, and complete. It tends to be more like a chore than a job.
Well, it's about time that you stop thinking this way!

If you really want to heighten your professional calling, you would regard your
program as period where you can prove everything you have got. This period is
the time in which you can exhibit your capabilities. This is actually that
point when you make your initial mark on the professional world.

Always make sure that you document everything that you accomplish. In this way
you could be credited during evaluation periods. Always keep copies of your
praiseworthy emails and memos. And always make sure that your superiors can see
them. Always bring your proofs along with you.

Be Available

If you really want to transform your internship into a professional employment,
you would have to be available to your employer. Make sure that your boss knows
that you desire a permanent job within the company.

As your internship program draws near, and you really want to carry on with the
job; then don't hesitate to meet up face to face with your boss to ask if you
can have the job.

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