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Hypoallergenic Dogs

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What Are Common Signs of Dogs with Hypoallergenic Problems?

Dogs that have allergies show many signs including watery eyes, coughing and
sneezing, excessive scratching and biting, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, and
moodiness. When your dog is suffering from allergies, you may notice one or
more of these symptoms. Learning what causes these allergies is the first step
toward treating your dog and preventing further attacks.

Many allergies that dogs suffer from are caused by insects such as fleas and
ticks, or by parasites. When you bring your dog home from a breeder or from a
shelter or pet store, schedule an appointment with a vet as soon as possible.
Make sure the dog has all of its shots and that is has been dewormed. This will
prevent parasites from causing an allergic reaction in your dog. While you may
have to do this more than once during their lifetime, getting rid of the
parasites will help your dog's temperament and keep them healthy.

If you noticed small red bites on your dog or if the dog has been scratching
the same area until bald spots appear, then they may have fleas, ticks, or
mites. This allergic reaction is caused by insect saliva. If your dog has open
wounds, you should wait until the wounds heal before spraying or bathing them
with medicine that kills the insects and their eggs. Take your dog to the vet
if this is the first occurrence. The vet may be able to prescribe an ingestible
pill that will protect them from future infestation. You may also want to keep
your dog indoors during flea and tick season.

When your dog vomits more than once a week or has diarrhea for more than one or
two days, they may have an allergy to dog food. Switching to another brand or
feeding the dog softer food may solve this problem. You should take the dog to
the vet anyway so that they can make sure the dog is healthy. Extreme diarrhea
will lead to dehydration, so make sure you have plenty of water for your dog to

If your dog's mood changes suddenly or you notice that they are not as playful
as they once were, then you should take the dog to the vet. If the dog has
eaten something it shouldn't or if it is suffering from allergies, it will not
want to play as much as it used to. Finding out the cause of their allergy may
be difficult because, much like human beings, your dog may be allergic to more
than one thing.

Research your dog's breed to see if there are specific items it could be
allergic to and see if they are present in your home. Monitor your dog to see
how it behaves and what it is eating. Sometimes eating too much grass can cause 
an allergy attack. Once you find the causes of the allergy, take the steps 
necessary to reduce the dog's exposure what is causing the allergy as much as 

Differences between Non-Hypoallergenic Dogs and Hypoallergenic Dogs

Even though the differences between non-hypoallergenic dogs and hypoallergenic
dogs may not be huge, they are enough to reduce the amount of allergy attacks
that people have when they are around certain breeds of dog. For those who want
to own a dog, not being able to be in the same room with one for long periods of
time, can be frustrating. Buying a hypoallergenic dog may be the only way they
can have a dog in their home. While they may still experience allergy attacks,
these attacks will be less frequent.

Non-hypoallergenic dogs tend to shed a lot. Their fur can be loose and dense,
which means that it may contain a lot of dander as well. Dander is a collection
of skin cells, dust, and other particles found in the air. As the dog sheds,
these particles float around in the air and cause people to have allergy
attacks. These dogs may also have an undercoat, which is a thick coat that
protects them from harsh temperatures. This undercoat is what causes the dog to
shed frequently. It can also trap dander and other allergens.

Some non-hypoallergenic dog breeds may also salivate more often than other
breeds, which can also cause a person's allergies to increase. Saliva contains
bacteria that people are oftentimes allergic to. While these dogs cannot
control the amount of saliva they expel, people who are allergic to dogs have a
difficult time when these dogs are present. People with dog allergies may also
be allergic to dog urine as it too can contain certain kinds of bacteria.

Hypoallergenic dogs have shorter coats. Some breeds do not have an undercoat.
While this makes them unprepared for cold weather, they are perfect for those
who have allergies. The hair on these dogs is more like human hair, which means
it will not shed as frequently as non-hypoallergenic dogs. The hair will need to
be trimmed every few weeks in order to prevent it from growing too long. Some
hypoallergenic breeds do not have hair at all. They are considered hairless
even if they have some hair on their paws and head.

Hypoallergenic dogs do not salivate as much as other breeds. This helps those
who are allergic. This means that when the dog cleans itself, it will not leave
as much bacteria behind. Urine from hypoallergenic dogs does not affect as many
people either.

When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you should research the following breeds
to see if you are interested in any of them: Maltese, Terriers, Schnauzer,
Bishon Frise, Portuguese Water Dog, Greyhounds, and Irish Water Spaniel. There
are other breeds, but these are some of the more popular ones that people want
to buy. This also means that you will have fewer problems finding a breeder in
your area.

Learn as much as you can about grooming, brushing, and caring for your
hypoallergenic dog. Most breeds are very friendly and will live to be at least
twelve years of age. These dogs enjoy companionship and exercise.

How to Help Dogs That Are Hypoallergenic

Dogs that are considered hypoallergenic may cause fewer allergic reactions in
people who own them other breeds. There are many breeds of long hair, short
hair, and hairless varieties to choose from depending on your particular
allergies and what you are looking for in a dog. Hypoallergenic dogs are sold
mostly by breeders, but you can also find them in pet stores and sometimes in
animal shelters. If you decide to buy a hypoallergenic dog, there are ways to
care for them that may require a little more work than non-hypoallergenic

Caring for your hypoallergenic dog begins with caring for their coat. While
many hypoallergenic breeds such as Terriers, Schnauzers, and Poodles have short
hair, this hair can be coarse and will continue to grow unless the dogs are
properly groomed. These dogs do not shed and have hair that can be compared to
human hair. You will have to keep your dog groomed in order to prevent matting.
Matting can cause skin rashes and other health problems if the dog's coat is not
taken care of.

Brushing your dog is also important especially in breeds that have longer hair
such as the Afghan Hound. While these dogs are considered hypoallergenic, their
coats are long and shiny. They do not shed either, so brushing and grooming are
important. Brush your dog at least twice a week to keep excess hair from
building up.

Some hypoallergenic dogs have undercoats, while others do not. Undercoats
protect dogs from cold temperatures by storing body heat. Dogs that do not have
an undercoat will not survive long in cold temperatures. Unless a breeder says
you can keep your dog outside, you should keep the dog indoors.

If you have a hairless dog, you will have to protect their skin with lotions
and skin creams. You should not leave these dogs outside for long periods of
time as they will suffer from sun burn and dehydration.

Caring for your dog is not only making sure their coat and skin are protected,
it also means making sure that they get enough exercise and time with you each
day. Dogs that are left alone for long periods of time can become destructive.
Training your dog by developing a routine will help them adjust to the times
when you cannot be at home. If you will be out of town for more than two or
three days, you should find a friend that can check in on your dog or you
should consider boarding the dog until you come home.

Protecting your hypoallergenic dog from cold temperatures, the sun, and from
developing skin rashes are ways that you can help your dog live a long, healthy
life. Because many breeds of hypoallergenic dogs are small in size, they are
prone to arthritis, eyesight issues, tumors, and other problems. While you
cannot predict how your dog will age, you should research different breeds to
see what types of health issues they may have some day. Regular checkups with a
vet will help your dog live a long life.

List of Hypoallergenic Dogs

While a hypoallergenic dog will not solve all of your allergy issues, you may
notice that certain breeds of dog will not cause you as many problems as other
breeds. Below is a list of hypoallergenic dogs that you can use when deciding
which breed to buy.

Terriers -- These dogs have short coats and are considered to be single-coated
breeds, meaning that they do not have an undercoat. Undercoats are found on
animals that have thick fur. The undercoat contains loose fur and dander, which
can cause allergy attacks in both humans and other animals.

Originally used for hunting because they are small, fast, and enjoy finding
their prey, terriers are now considered pets. They do not grow very large and
do not spread allergens around the house like other dog breeds. Terriers should
be groomed every few months to prevent allergens from building up on their coat.

Greyhounds -- There are many varieties of greyhounds that you can buy. While
greyhounds are considered fast, they do not like to run long distances and
enjoy sitting with their owner's for long periods of time. Since greyhounds
have short hair and no undercoat, they are a good choice for those with

Some greyhounds have allergies of their own, however. You will have to monitor
the dog once you bring it home to see if it is allergic to anything. Great with
children, this dog is a good pet for those who have allergies and who also have
a family.

Poodles -- These curly haired dogs do not have an undercoat, and do not shed.
Perfect for those with allergies, the poodle is a friendly dog that enjoys the
company of people. While some breeds of poodle are not that friendly to
children, other breeds are.

While the poodle is a good pet for those with allergies, it will have health
problems as it ages. Arthritis, loss of eye sight, and other issues may occur.
These are common with smaller pure bred dogs.

Bichon Frise -- Even though this breed of hypoallergenic dog has an undercoat,
it is very springy and will not hold much dander and hair. These dogs are small
and are usually very happy. They will need to be groomed in order to maintain
their signature 'marshmallow' look.

These dogs will also have health problems as they age.

If you are considering buying a hypoallergenic dog, you should find a breed
that you will enjoy spending time with. Smaller breeds are not for everyone. If
you are looking for a dog that you can take on trips, take for long walks, or
you just want a larger dog, you may need to take allergy medication or allergy
shots. While these dogs are called hypoallergenic, this does not mean that you
won't have allergy issues. If you have very bad allergies, then all animals
will cause you to have an allergy attack every once in a while. Depending on
the how bad your allergies are will determine the type of dog you should buy.

Caring for Dogs that are Hypoallergenic for Humans

Hypoallergenic dog breeds have special needs because they are usually smaller
in size and have temperaments that may be difficult to handle sometimes. When
you first bring your new dog home, you should allow it to roam around to get an
idea of its surroundings. If you have other pets, you should put them in another
room while the dog is investigating the area. Depending on the breed of dog,
they may be very scared at first. They may not want much human contact, so you
should be careful about handling them too much during the first few days they
are in your home.

Once you new dog becomes comfortable, you should develop a feeding and hair
brushing routine that you and your dog will follow. If you have allergies,
brushing your dog every day will reduce the amount of allergens in the air.
This will reduce the allergens on your carpets, furniture, clothing, and walls.
Buy a steel comb with wide teeth that will help trap hair and get out any knots
that may be in the dog's fur. If you purchased a Mexican hairless or other
breed that does not have hair, you should make sure that its skin is not dry.
If you notice flaking, you should visit your vet who will prescribe medication
or lotion that you can use.

Making sure your hypoallergenic dog gets plenty of exercise is important for
their health and also for controlling allergens in your home. Walking your dog
at least once a day and making sure it sleeps through the night will keep the
dog on a routine. Dogs that are awake at night time may want to be with you.
Allowing your dog to sleep on your bed could increase your risk of an allergy

Your dog should have a designated place to sleep during the night and during
the day. Buying a soft bed or giving the dog an old blanket will help keep them
warm and safe when they are sleeping. You should wash their pet bed often to
prevent allergens from being transferred to carpeting or clothing. While you
cannot prevent all allergens from getting into your clothing and inside your
carpeting, you can reduce them by keeping everything in your home clean.

Dog grooming is also important when caring for a hypoallergenic dog. Even
though the breed that you buy will probably have short hair, you will have to
have it professionally groomed every few months to maintain the shape and also
to keep the hair from becoming too long. Since hair can grow long and cover the
dog's eyes, and make it difficult for the dog to keep itself clean, grooming
your dog will ensure that it remains healthy and happy.

Now that you know more about caring for a hypoallergenic dog, you should
remember that just because these dogs are considered a good choice for those
with allergies, these dogs may still cause you to have allergy attacks from
time to time. Hypoallergenic dogs reduce the risk of attacks, but cannot
prevent them from occurring.

Finding Hypoallergenic Dog Breeders

Finding a good dog breeder when you want to buy a hypoallergenic dog can be
difficult if you do not know what you are looking for. Many breeders,
unfortunately, take advantage of those who do not know much about dogs and try
to sell them mixed breeds, dogs that are sick, and dogs that are not
hypoallergenic. Before you visit a dog breeder, you will have to conduct a
little research into the type of dog you are looking for and the breeders in
your area.

The best way to learn about the breed of hypoallergenic dog you want to bring
into your home is to visit your library or spend some time on the internet. You
will learn a lot about specific breeds that are considered hypoallergenic and
also about their mood, types of living conditions that are the best for them,
and how to care for the dog once you bring it home. You will also be able to
see pictures of the dogs. This will help you when you visit a breeder. Your
research should also include the price typically paid for specific breeds.

After you have decided which breed of dog you would like, you should research
breeders in your area. Many times, breeders will advertise on the internet, at
veterinarian offices, in the newspaper, and on community bulletin boards. You
should find out if breeders are licensed before you pay them a visit. You can
find out this information by calling the breeder and also calling local or
national breeding agencies. They will be able to tell you if the breeder is
licensed, which types of hypoallergenic dogs they breed, and if they have any
complaints filed against them.

If you think you have found a legitimate dog breeder, then you should visit
them to see which breeds they have available. You should take note of the
condition the dogs are kept in, ask for the ages of the dogs, and when you are
looking at specific dogs, you should see if their skin, eyes, and coat look
healthy. Even though this will only tell you so much, it may be enough for you
to decide if the dog is healthy enough to take home.

How much you pay for your new dog will depend on the breed. Most pure bred dogs
can cost a few hundred dollars. Make sure that you buy the breed you want.
Breeders do not usually offer a return policy. If the price seems too high or
too low, check with other breeders in the area. Do not buy from the breeder if
you suspect you are not getting the dog you asked for.

Buying a new dog is not always easy, but if you are careful about who you do
business with, you will find the perfect dog for your lifestyle. Hypoallergenic
dogs usually cost more than other breeds, but if you have allergies, you may not
have a choice. Take the dog to your vet to make sure the dog is healthy soon
after bringing it home.

List of Top Three Hypoallergenic Dogs

While the Labrador retriever still remains the most popular dog that people
want to own, for those with allergies, labs are not the best breed to choose.
There are many other types of dogs that would be more suitable for those
suffering with allergies. These breeds include: Chinese Crested, Kerry Blue
Terrier, and the Schnauzer. These dogs are not only beautiful; they also have
short hair without an undercoating or longer hair that does not shed as much as
other breeds. These dogs are purebred and can be found by contacting a breeder
online or by telephone.

The Chinese Crested is available in two varieties, the hairless, or the powder
puff. Both types are considered hypoallergenic and are desired by those who
have allergic reactions to dog hair and dander. The hairless, which is more
common than the powder puff, has hair on its paws, head, and tail. Hair may
also grow on its chin. The hair is soft and does not shed as often as other
breeds. The hairless Chinese crested is prone to sunburn and acne, however. You
should learn how to take care of this type of dog before buying one. Other than
skin issues, these dogs are very friendly and enjoy being with their owners.

Powder puff Chinese Crested has a full coat of long, soft hair that does not
shed as often. People have fewer allergy issues with this breed because the
hair is long and does not float through the air long enough for people to be
affected. Both the hairless and the powder puff varieties are suitable
companions for those with dog allergies.

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a larger hypoallergenic dog that has a flat head,
predominant chest, and a coat that is similar to that of the Poodle or Maltese.
The dog gets its name from that fact that its coat will take on a blue sheen
once it is an adult. Originally used for hunting, the Kerry Blue Terrier is now
considered a working dog and requires constant companionship.

In order to maintain this breed's coat, you will have to have the dog groomed
every two months and brush the coat once a week to prevent clumping. Since the
dog does not shed, this is one of the better hypoallergenic dogs to choose.
Also, this breed does not have an undercoat, which will also reduce allergic
reactions. You should not let the dog outside in cold weather, however, since
the lack of undercoat will cause the dog harm in colder temperatures.

The Schnauzer is a hypoallergenic dog breed with short hair that does not shed.
If you purchase on of these breeds, you will have to keep up regular grooming
appointments. The Schnauzer comes in three different varieties: the Miniature
Schnauzer, the Standard Schnauzer, and the Giant Schnauzer. Even though they
vary in size, the schnauzer can be recognized by its boxy face, short hair, and
square build. This breed is common in households because it does not shed and
because of its easy going temperament.

Breeds of Hypoallergenic Dogs

When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you will have to decide on a breed of
dog and also how the dog will fit into your lifestyle. Many hypoallergenic dogs
are small or medium breed dogs. This means that they are small sized or medium
sized dogs that require more attention than larger breeds. Hypoallergenic dogs
may cause you to have fewer allergy attacks because their hair does not shed,
they don't have an undercoat, or they do not shed a lot dead skin cells, or
dander. The following breeds of hypoallergenic dogs are popular with those who
suffer from allergies: Irish Water Spaniel, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, and
Bedlington Terrier.

For those looking for a hypoallergenic dog that is larger than other breeds,
the Irish Water Spaniel may be the dog for you. These dogs have very short
human-like hair that will prevent shedding and allergens from entering the air.
The coats of these dogs must be maintained through grooming every two months.
The Irish Water Spaniel is a friendly dog that likes to exercise and swim
during the warmer months of the year.

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is available in four varieties, the Traditional
Irish, Heavy Irish, English, and American. The main difference is the size of
the dog. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier has a short coat that does not shed
much during the day. The dogs will need to be groomed as often as other
hypoallergenic breeds in order to prevent clumping or rashes on their skin.

The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is very friendly and will always welcome
strangers. They enjoy getting their exercise and want to be around people as
much as possible. These dogs should not be kept in an apartment. Having a
backyard is a must as this dog loves to run and bark. If you are in need of a
hypoallergenic dog that is a little larger than most, then this is a dog worth

Bedlington Terriers are smaller than the Irish Water Spaniel and Soft Coated
Wheaten Terrier, but they have short coats which need to be brushed a few times
a week to prevent tangling. They will also need to be groomed every three or
four months in order to maintain a healthy coat. These dogs are energetic and
enjoy exercise. For those who are hypoallergenic and who live in apartment
buildings or small homes, this dog is perfect.

These breeds of hypoallergenic dog are not the only ones you have to choose
from. There are other varieties that may appeal to your lifestyle and allergy
issues. Smaller dogs are better for apartment living as they tend to bark less
and require less room to move around in. If you own or rent a home, then you
may want to consider a larger breed that will be able to run around in the back
yard. Hypoallergenic dogs require more grooming than other breeds because they
do not shed most of their hair, it just continues to grow. Not grooming
regularly will cause matting, which will have to be cut from the coat in order
to prevent skin rashes and other problems.

Which Breed of Hypoallergenic Dog is Right for Your Family?

If you are looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you will have many breeds to
choose from. From smaller dogs like the Maltese, to larger breeds such as the
Greyhound, these dogs tend to shed less, and do not product as much saliva or
urine. When researching dog breeds, you should keep in mind not only whether
they are hypoallergenic, but also which living conditions they prefer, how they
behave around children, and how much care and maintenance they will need.
Certain breeds require constant companionship, while other breeds can be left
along all day while you are at work.

Smaller hypoallergenic breeds such as the Poodle, Maltese, Labradoodle, and
Bishon Frise require much from their owners. Not only do they need
companionship, they will also need to be bathed once a month and will also need
to be brushed once a day in order to keep knots from developing in their fur.
While these dogs have shorter hair and no undercoating, they may not be the
best choice if you have small children. Territorial and moody, these dogs will
get upset when they are competing with children for your attention.

Small to medium dogs that are hypoallergenic and will behave around children
include terriers, greyhounds, and the Mexican hairless. These dogs have short
fur or none at all and do not shed as much dander as other breeds. If you live
in a small apartment, these dogs are the better choice. They do not need a lot
of room to run around in and they do not make too much noise. If you need to
leave these dogs for the day while you are working or running errands, they
will not be as nervous or scared as other breeds.

Hypoallergenic dogs are usually the smaller breeds, even though greyhounds come
in a variety of sizes. Deciding on the breed of dog will depend on your
lifestyle and what you expect from a pet. If you already have a pet, you will
want to buy a breed that will get along with other pets.

Typically, hypoallergenic dogs will live ten to fifteen years. Many smaller
breeds may experience health issues during this time, but for the most part,
the dogs make great pets for those who do not have children or who do not have
to travel for work. Because these dogs are small, they will usually not be able
to reach couches, chairs, beds, or other furniture unless you help them up. This
will also reduce allergens that can cause an allergy attack.

Having your hypoallergenic dog groomed once every two months or so will not
only keep the dog looking its best, but it will also help reduce the amount of
allergens. Smaller dogs need to be bathed once a month in order to keep them
clean. Over bathing will result in dry skin, so you should ask your
veterinarian for instructions on how to bathe small dogs. Maintaining a clean
coat and brushing your dog once a day will help reduce the allergens in your

What Humans Can Do to Help Hypoallergenic Dogs

Human beings are not the only species that can suffer from allergies. Dogs can
also have allergic reactions to objects in the home, chemicals and pollutants
in the air, dog food, and their own hair and dander. Finding the source of
these allergies can be difficult especially if the dog is allergic to a few
things. If you have a dog that suffers from allergies, you may notice that they
sneeze when around harmful chemicals, vomit after eating, have skin rashes,
patches of fur missing, runny nose and eyes, or they may show signs of fatigue
or restlessness.

Noticing these signs is the first step to helping your dog lead a normal,
healthy life. You should monitor your dog for a month to see how it reacts to
its environment, its food, and its own hair and dander. Since dogs need to keep
themselves clean, they may be swallowing allergens that can cause an allergic
reaction. The best way to combat a hair and dander allergy is to bathe your dog
once a month and brushing the dog once a day.

If your dog has a thick undercoating, it will trap allergens and dander and
keep it from falling off the body. After a while the dander will build up and
fall off or be swallowed. If you have allergies, this could be one of the
causes. Brushing the undercoating every day will help remove excess hair before
it is swallowed or falls on the floor or carpeting. This will reduce your
allergy problems as well.

Sometimes chemicals in dog food can lead to food allergies. If your dog vomits
at least once a day, then they may be allergic to the food they are eating.
Hypoallergenic dog food is available. The food contains fewer chemicals while
providing your dog with enough nutrition. Try this dog food to see if it will
reduce the vomiting. Wet dog food may also help your dog digest their foods
easily. If the vomiting does not stop, you should visit the vet to see if your
dog has other health problems.

Dogs that are allergic to cleaning supplies, mold, and shampoo may be more
difficult to treat. You can switch to natural cleaning supplies that do not
contain bleach and other harmful chemicals. This may help your dog breathe a
little better. You can also have your home tested for mold, which could be
causing your own allergies, and you can switch dog shampoos and try one for
hypoallergenic dogs. You should not wash your dog more than twice a month as
you could make the dog's skin dry and flaky, which is why they are scratching
and pulling more often than usual.

Taking care of a dog with allergies is easy once you have identified the
problem. Asking a vet for advice is a good idea if you do not know where to
begin. They will be able to ask the right questions and help you find the
answers so you will be able to administer the proper treatments.

When to Buy Hypoallergenic Dogs

You can buy a hypoallergenic dog at any time as long as the breeder has dogs
available . Many people are unsure whether to buy a puppy, a young adult, or an
older dog when they are looking for a dog. A hypoallergenic dog is a good choice
at any stage in the dog's life. The time and energy you have to devote to the
dog should play a major role in the age of the dog that you bring home. All
dogs require love and attention, but puppies can be more work because they are
playful, curious, and do not like being alone.

If you decide to buy a hypoallergenic puppy, you will have to train it, make
sure that it has a warm place to sleep when you are not at home, and you will
have to discipline it when it misbehaves. Puppies are fun to watch, but they
can be very destructive. For many people, however, training a dog from the time
it is very young makes it easier to discipline throughout the dog's life. Dogs
are intelligent animals that can be taught a routine within a few weeks of
their arrival. Having the time to train the dog is what is required from pet
owners who buy puppies.

Puppies are not for everyone. Buying a hypoallergenic dog that is a year or
older is the answer for those who have limited time to train their dog. Young
adult dogs are still active, but they are less curious than puppies. If you
want a dog that enjoys getting exercise, lets you know when they need to pee,
and sleeps for longer periods of time, then a young adult is the right dog for
you. Depending on the breed, you will have to board your dog when travelling as
some breeds can panic when left alone.

Dogs that are five or older can usually be found in animal shelters or dog
pounds. These dogs probably had previous owners and were either abandoned or
mistreated. If you want an older dog that will require even less training than
a young adult, then you should visit your local animal shelter. While some of
these dogs may need extra love and time to earn your trust, you will find that
they will adjust to their new home quickly.

Hypoallergenic dogs need more care than other dogs because they are usually
smaller and have coats that need to be groomed more often. The age of the dog
you buy will be determined by the breed you are looking for, the availability
of different breeds from breeders, pet stores and animal shelters, and the
amount of time you have to train and build trust in your new dog. If you have a
family, you will also have to consider which breed to buy as well as the age of
the dog. Buying the right dog may take some time, but if you look in different
places, you will find the right hypoallergenic dog for you and your family.

Tips on Buying a Hypoallergenic Dog

If you suffer from allergies, you are not alone. Even though most people suffer
from some type of allergy, whether it is food, plant, or pet, they can usually
find a way to enjoy their lives, which in many cases, includes having a few
pets. Depending on the severity of your allergies, you will be able to bring a
dog into your home as long as you take the time to find the breed that is right
for you.

Hypoallergenic dogs are specific breeds that shed less hair and dander than
other dogs, and produce fewer allergens in their saliva and urine. You should
keep in mind that all breeds carry a certain amount of allergens, but
hypoallergenic dogs carry less. Allergens can become stuck in carpets, on
walls, and in bedding and clothing. This is why people have allergic reactions
to their pets. In order to have pets, these allergens must be removed through
frequent house cleaning, designating certain spots in the house for your pets
to sleep, and by finding pets that have shorter hair and do not shed their skin
cells as often.

When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you should research breeds that have
short hair, shed their skin cells (dander) every few weeks rather then every
few days, and do not product as much saliva. Since allergies can occur at
different times during your life, you should spend some time with the breed of
dog you are thinking of adopting. Visiting a dog breeder or a friend who has a
dog will give you a better idea of which dog to adopt.

You should also consider your current living conditions. If you live in a small
house or apartment, you may experience more allergy attacks because the dander
and hair is confined to a small space. Adopting a small hypoallergenic dog is
the best way to remedy this problem. If you live in a larger home, you should
be able to purchase a larger dog. Letting the dog outside to run in the yard or
by taking it for frequent walks will also help because your dog will be able to
shed outside instead of inside on your carpeting and bedding.

Once you bring your new dog home, you should give it a few weeks for your body
to adjust. Your allergies may become worse before they get better, but after a
month, you should see a difference. A hypoallergenic dog does not need any
special care unless the breeder has specific health advice about the breed you
are buying.

Taking of your home by cleaning often and invest in a quality vacuum that will
thoroughly clean your carpeting. If possible, you should replace your carpeting
with hardwood flooring. This will keep allergens from piling up and causing an
allergy attack. Wipe down the walls once a week and try to keep your new pet
off your bed. These precautions will help reduce allergy attacks and help you
have a fun, loving relationship with your dog for many years to come.

Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Taking care of any dog can be rewarding and fun. But there is a great deal of
responsibility as well. Small dogs can require more attention from their
owners, they cannot be left alone for more than a day, and they may have health
problems as they age. Smaller dogs also do not require as much exercise as other
breeds. Small dog breeds such as the poodle, maltese, shiz tu, and bichon frise
are considered hypoallergenic because they do not shed as much as other breeds
and they produce less dander.

Small dog breeds want to spend a lot of time with their owners. This may mean
being in the same room, sitting on your lap, or being next to your bed at
night. Depending on your dog's personality, you may need to adjust your
schedule in order to spend more time at home with your dog. As your dog ages,
it may need less attention, but as a rule, small dogs will demand a lot more of
your time than larger breeds.

You will have to keep your dog occupied with toys and games so that it does not
get bored. Some small dogs enjoy completing tasks and are considered 'working
dogs.' If you notice that your dog seems lethargic or does not want to play
with their toys anymore, you may need to buy them some new ones. Playing fetch
everyday mimics a task which will keep your dog happy.

When you need to travel, you should board your dog so that it will not feel
lonely. Dogs that are left alone for a few days will usually not eat their food
in order to conserve it. They may become angry or nervous and destroy your home
or they may make themselves sick with worry. If you do not want to board your
dog, you should have someone pet sit or at least check in on the dog everyday.

As small dogs age, they may be susceptible to many health problems. Because of
their small frame, they may suffer broken or fractured bones, arthritis, and
other motor skill problems. Loss of eye sight, sense of smell, and hair loss
are also common. While these breeds tend to live fifteen to eighteen years on
average, they may have health problems for a few years.

If you are looking for a dog to run with on the beach or take for long walks,
then you may need to look elsewhere for a dog. Small breeds, even though they
love to run, play, and jump, do not need as much exercise. Walking the dog
around the block is enough as the dogs will become tired and agitated. Some
small breeders such as the terrier can walk and run for a little while longer,
but they still do not have to energy that larger breeds have.

When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you should consider your lifestyle and
what you want from a pet. If you want to walk your dog short distances each day
and play fetch, then a small breed may be for you.

Types of Hypoallergenic Hunting Dogs

Hunting dogs, though traditionally used for hunting small game including foxes,
rabbits, and others, have become household pets to many. Intelligent, graceful,
and energetic, these dogs can bring joy and comfort to any home. Hypoallergenic
hunting dogs are available for those who have problems with dog allergies. Three
popular breeds include the German Shorthaired Pointer, the Afghan Hound, and the

The German Shorthaired Pointer still used for hunting purposes today, is also
considered a good choice for a family dog. The dog has a short coat that can be
brushed easily. A short coat will not shed as much as longer coats and will not
hold as much dander either. This is why the German Shorthaired Pointer is an
excellent choice for those who suffer from allergies. Long and lean, these dogs
are very friendly and enjoy getting their exercise. Not much extra care is
needed as the dogs do not have to be groomed often and they should only be
bathed when they are extremely dirty.

A cross between a German Pointer and an English Pointer, the German Shorthaired
Pointer is a good dog to have when on a hunt. The dog responds to noise and
movement very quickly and is a loyal companion to have when outdoors.

The Afghan Hound may not look like a hypoallergenic dog with its long hair, but
since the hair is similar to human hair, the dogs do not shed as frequently,
which cause fewer allergy issues for owners and those who visit. While this dog
was once used to hunt foxes, wolves, and deer, it is not longer used today.
Instead, it is kept as a pet or for dog showing. With its beautiful brown coat,
this dog is a showpiece.

The Afghan hound is a pleasant dog, but it does not take commands as often as
it should. Unlike other hypoallergenic breeds, this dog will ignore commands
made by its owner on occasion as it tries to maintain its independence. If you
are looking for a dog that is easy to control, the Afghan Hound may not be the
one for you.

The Basenji is one of the few breeds of hypoallergenic dog that does not bark.
It will imitate sounds heard in its environment, but it does not bark on its
own. Instead, the dog will yelp once or twice, but otherwise, it is a very
quiet breed. If you live in an apartment, this dog is a good choice. Small dogs
that originated in Africa, the Basenji is no longer used for hunting. The dog
has shorter hair that does not shed as often. This is another reason why it is
a popular hypoallergenic breed.

The Basenji, like the Afghan Hound does not take commands too often from
owners. The dog is quiet, but likes to explore new places. This dog has been
compared to a cat in terms of its behavior and temperament. While you may be
able to train the dog to perform certain tasks, many times the Basenji will not
want to obey.

Types of Hypoallergenic Sporting Dogs

Even though many breeds are no longer used just for sporting or hunting, these
dogs have become popular favorites among those who need a hypoallergenic dog
that has an easy temperament. Sporting dogs are considered intelligent,
playful, and obey their owners when given commands. Hypoallergenic sporting
dogs include Poodles, Australian Terriers, and Kerry Blue Terriers. Each of
these dogs has been used to hunt small and large game and also to hunt for
rodents and other pesky animals that carried disease. Now these animals are
kept in the home as pets. While still playful and easy going, these dogs are
now treated more like friends that as sporting partners.

Each of these breeds has a short coat that is more like human hair because it
is soft and thin. Unlike other breeds, these dogs do not shed as often and when
they do, it is usually not noticeable. People who want to own a medium sized dog
will appreciate any of the breeds mentioned above. Grooming is an essential part
of their care as is brushing their coats once or twice a week to prevent matting.

The Poodle comes in a few different varieties that are all hypoallergenic.
Poodles have been used a sporting dogs, show dogs, and lap dogs for those who
wanted a breed that would sit still on command. The Poodle is a friendly dog
that does not make a lot of noise. They are very active and enjoy getting their
exercise. People who want are thinking about buying a Poodle should conduct more
research to see if this is the dog they truly want. Even though the Poodle can
live for many years, they may suffer some health problems as they age.

The Australian Terrier was once used to catch mice and rats, but today it is
kept at home because of its pleasant disposition and its long hair that does
not shed. You can choose to cut the hair closer to the body if you choose. For
those looking for a smaller dog, the Australian Terrier is a good choice. These
dogs are considered companion dogs, meaning that they enjoy the company of

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a relative of the Australian Terrier, but is much
larger and has a more pronounced head and chest. Their head is almost square
shaped. Their cost is soft and curly. It will not shed and needs to be groomed
often to prevent matting. While the dogs are actually gray or black in color, a
blue sheen can be found on their coat. This is where they got their name.

Kerry Blue Terriers need daily exercise that can range from long walks to
running in the park with other dogs. If you have a backyard, you can let the
dog run around and it will tire itself out. People who live in larger homes
should consider buying a hypoallergenic dog like this one.

Even though these dogs are no longer used primarily as sporting dogs, this does
not mean the dogs prefer to sit around all day long. Exercise is very important
for dogs like these because they have been used for generations for sporting
parties and long hunts in the woods.

Why Hypoallergenic Dogs Need Love

All dogs need love in order to lead happy, healthy lives. Since most breeds of
hypoallergenic dogs are smaller, they will need even more love. There are
several ways that you can show your dog that you love them. Spending time
together, exercising, giving them healthy, nutritious food, and treating the
dog with respect are all ways to show your love. In return, you will have a
loyal companion that will respect and protect you, your family, and your home.

Most small breeds need to be around people in order to feel safe.
Hypoallergenic breeds enjoy sitting on the couch together, curling up by their
owner's feet, and following you around the house when you are home. Spending
time with your dog by playing fetch, sitting on the floor, and talking to your
dog are all activities that your dog wants to do with you.

Since some breeds can get into trouble when they are left alone all day, you
should keep your dog in one room of your home or you should crate train your
dog. Dogs that are left alone may get angry or become anxious and nervous. As a
result, they will chew on furniture, walls, clothing, or they will break items
and rummage through the trash. Keeping your dog in a small room will help them
stay calm.

Walking your dog once or twice a day and letting it outside to play is another
way to show the dog love. Exercise is a great way to bond with your dog. Not
only will the dog be able to spend time with you, you and the dog will benefit
from the exercise. Even if you do not have time to walk the dog everyday, you
should still let the dog run around your back yard so it gets the exercise it

Making sure your dog has enough food during the day is the third way that you
can show your dog love. There are dog foods for different breeds and stages of
life. You should research which dog food is the best by asking the vet, reading
about what your dog needs, and by reading the labels on the food. As dogs age,
they will need different nutrients to keep their teeth and coat healthy. It is 
best not to switch dog food brands often because you may upset the dog's 
stomach. If you want to introduce a new dog food, do it slowly until the dog 
gets used to it.

Respecting your hypoallergenic dog's space will result in the more respect from
your dog. Make sure your dog has a clean bed or blanket and they receive enough
attention during the day. If your dog is sleeping, then you should not disturb
it. This will only make the dog angry. Taking care of a dog also means
respecting the dog's boundaries. Some small breeds will become angry when their
space in invaded during times when they do not want to be disturbed. As your
dogs grows, you will learn when to socialize with the dog and when leave it

List of Hairless Hypoallergenic Dogs

While there are many breeds of hypoallergenic dogs, if you are looking for a
dog that is unique, then you may want to research hairless breeds. While many
people believe these breeds are made up of small dogs, this is not always the
case. Medium sized dogs can also be found. Four types of hairless breeds
include: the Mexican Hairless, the American Hairless Terrier, the Chinese
Crested, and the Peruvian Hairless. If you are considering buying one of these
breeds, you may have to search for a breeder online as these dogs are not as
common as other breeds of hypoallergenic dogs.

The Mexican Hairless may be the most difficult hairless breed because there are
very few breeders in the United States and in other countries. This breed has a
short coat that will not need to be groomed or brushed because it is so short.
This means that you will not have to worry about matting, or other issues
concerning the care of the coat. The Mexican Hairless is available in different
sizes, contrary to popular belief.

The American Hairless Terrier is another breed that is not truly hairless. This
breed also has a short coat that does not have to be groomed. Originally, an
accident of nature discovered in 1972, breeders successfully reproduced other
puppies in 1981 and have been selling them ever since. True to its Terrier
roots, the American Hairless Terrier is a small, husky dog that is very
friendly and outgoing. These dogs are great for those who are allergic to dogs
and who live in small apartments or homes.

The Chinese Crested is an unusual dog because it is available in two distinct
varieties. The first variety is truly hairless except for long hair that grows
on its paws, head, and tail. Grooming can be done by a professional or at home
if you know what you are doing. The second variety called the powder puff and
has long, fine hair that resembles human hair. Both varieties are considered to
be hypoallergenic because these dogs do not shed too often.

The Peruvian Hairless is truly hairless. This breed is medium in size and is
intelligent and friendly to most people. This dog is not for those who have had
no prior experience working with dogs. They need to be trained to follow
commands and even though they are intelligent and learn quickly, they will not
always obey.

Hypoallergenic hairless dogs need exercise, crave attention, and enjoy being
with their owners as much as other breeds. You will have to be careful when
taking them outdoors because they get sunburnt easily and will require lotion
when this happens. Since certain breeds can experience dry skin or acne, you
may have to apply skin creams in order to reduce pain or itchiness.

In order to find a breeder, you may have to search online because there are few
breeders that breed hairless dogs simply because they are as popular as other
breeds. If you can't decide if a hairless dog is for you, visit those who have
a hairless or visit the breeder to learn more.

Grooming and Brushing Tips for Dogs That Are Hypoallergenic

Buying a hypoallergenic dog may help reduce allergic reactions to dog hair and
dander, but these dogs require special attention because of their hair. Most of
these breeds have short coats that resemble human hair rather than traditional
fur. As a result, these dogs shed as much as humans, which means they require
regular haircuts just like human beings do. Grooming is an essential part of
taking care of a hypoallergenic dog. If you do not have the time to schedule
regular appointments or the money to pay for three of four groomings a year,
then you may have to buy another breed of dog.

While there are tools that you can use to groom your dog, if you do not feel
comfortable or if your dog gets angry when you try to groom them, then you will
have to find a professional groomer that will trim your dog's hair. Groomers can
be found in the phone book, online, or at chain pet stores. Choosing a groomer
is not difficult, but sometimes finding one that does a good job can be.

The first time your dog visits a groomer, tell them how much hair to trim. When
you bring the dog home, inspect the hair to see that the cut is even, that there
are no cuts on the dog's skin, and that it was cut to your specifications. If
the groomer did not do their job, then you should find a new one. But if the
dog was happy being with groomer and they did what you asked, then you should
continue visiting them. Groomers can also trim the hair on your dog's face and
clip their nails.

In between groomings, you will have to brush your dog so that the hair does not
clump or become matted to their skin. This can cause a lot of health issues and
could cause the dog to be uncomfortable. A good grooming brush should not cost
too much and your groomer can recommend the right style for your dog. Always
brush in the direction of the hair and not against it as this will cause
matting to occur. Your dog should enjoy the way the brush feels. You can brush
your dog at any time as long as they are comfortable. It will only take a few
minutes to properly brush your dog.

Matted hair can be difficult to untangle and you may need to bathe your dog in
order to loosen the knots. Do not pull too hard or your dog will get unset. If
the matted piece will not untangle, you should wait until the next grooming for
it to be cut out. If knots persist, then you may need to brush your dog more
often or have its hair cut even shorter.

Grooming and brushing are two ways that pet owners can show love toward their
pets. Hypoallergenic dogs are special because more people can tolerate being
around them. In return, it is your job to make sure their coat is always

Are Portuguese Water Dogs Hypoallergenic?

Portuguese Water Dogs have short hair that does not shed and is considered a
working dog, meaning that it is a breed that needs to stay busy. This breed is
considered a hypoallergenic dog. Traditionally used to assist in fishing
expeditions, the Portuguese Water Dog is now kept as a house pet. While this
breed is not as common as other breeds, if you want to dog that is
hypoallergenic, lively, and enjoys companionship, then this breed may be the
one for you.

Since the Portuguese Water Dog is not bred as often as other breeds of
hypoallergenic dog, you will have to search for a breeder online, in the
newspaper, or by calling breeders in your area until you find one. Generally
happy dogs, the PWD needs to stay busy or it will get bored. You should have
plenty of toys for it to play with and you may want to consider crate training
when you are not at home. This means that the dog will stay in a crate when you
go out so it does not destroy your home. When the PWD gets bored or lonely, it
will chew on anything it finds.

Crate training should begin right after you bring the dog home. By placing a
blanket, toys and water into the crate, you will make the dog comfortable while
you are away. You should not use the crate when punishing the dog or it will not
want to go in it when you leave for the day. After training the dog, you will
have to keep up the routine. This will give the dog structure and will also
salvage your possessions. Keeping the dog in a crate when you are not at home
will also reduce allergens.

Portuguese Water Dogs need to be groomed every two months or so. There are two
patterns that most groomers follow, the retriever cut and the lion cut. The
retriever cut means that the hair is cut evenly on the body. The lion cut
leaves that front half of the dog's body covered with hair, while hair on the
hind legs is cut short. You should take the dog to have his hair groomed if you
are not comfortable cutting it yourself.

If you are considering buying a PWD, you should be prepared to have constant
companionship. These breeds need to be walked and they need to be entertained
throughout the day. If you need to travel on vacation or for work, you should
board the dog so it will not be lonely. Portuguese Water Dogs typically live
between twelve and fifteen years.

Portuguese Water Dogs are easy going and get along with children and most
adults. If you are looking for a breed that does not shed and will fit in with
your family, then the PWD is the breed for you. While most Portuguese Water
Dogs are black, some are white or a mix of both. Their hair is curly or wavy
and similar to that of the standard poodle.

Why Do Small Dogs Help with Hypoallergenic Conditions?

There are several reasons why small dogs are hypoallergenic. Since they are
small, many breeds cannot climb on the couch, bed, or other furniture. With
fewer allergens on the furniture, you will not be as affected by them. Small
dogs want to have their own space. They will sleep in a dog bed or blanket that
you should wash often. Keeping small dogs in a crate during the day while you
are gone will make them feel safer and also prevent them from destroying your
home. This will also reduce allergens from getting into the carpets and on the

Small dogs usually have shorter hair or they have hair that is long and thin.
This hair does not seem to cause as many problems to those with dog allergies.
Their hair is easy to take care of and does not shed as often as other breeds.
While you will have to take these dogs to be groomed more often, you should be
able to breathe easily around them. Since the dogs do not shed as often, less
dander is present in carpeting and on walls as well. Most small dog breeds do
not produce a lot of saliva. Saliva can also cause people to have allergy
attacks. This is because of bacteria that are found in the saliva.

When you are looking for a small dog, you should find a breed that fits your
lifestyle. This will allow you to build a trusting relationship that will last
a long time. Small dogs enjoy being with their owners and do not like being
apart. As long as the dog is in the same room with you, it will be fine. If you
do not feel you can build this trust, then you should find another breed of
hypoallergenic dog. Not all breeds are small. There are a few medium breeds
that do not need as much one on one time.

While all dogs need to get their exercise, small dogs do not need as much.
Small dogs cannot go for long walks, but they can go for short ones in places
that they know and feel comfortable in. Trips to the park or walking around the
neighborhood are good exercise for the dog. Small dogs are very playful and
enjoy playing games at home. Since some breeds do not have undercoats, they
will need small sweaters when the weather gets cold. You should not leave small
breeds outside in the cold for too long as their coats will not protect them.

If you live in a small apartment or home, a small dog will be better for you.
Some breeds do not bark too much and since they don't require much exercise,
living in an apartment will not inhibit them in any way. Small dogs are
wonderful companions for those who suffer from allergies or those who don't.
You should research the breeds you are interested in before buying one so that
you will know how to train, discipline, and show your new dog affection.

Caring for Dogs with Hypoallergenic Conditions

Some dog breeds are more susceptible to allergies than others. This may be
because of small nasal passages, allergic reactions to flea bites, irritable
stomachs that make digesting food difficult, or they may be allergic to their
own hair and dander. Dogs that have allergies include the following breeds:
Bishon frise, terrier, retrievers, beagles, setters, and boxers. All dogs have
the potential to be allergic to something, however.

The most common signs of allergies include raw skin where the dog has
scratched, patches of hair missing, red skin, hives, coughing, sneezing,
excessive chewing and licking of paws, watery eyes, vomiting, and diarrhea.
While these symptoms may go away after a few days, you should monitor your
dog's behavior to see if the symptoms return. If they do, then you should take
your dog to see a vet. Sometimes changing the type of dog food or buying a flea
collar or spray is enough to help eliminate your dog's allergy problems.

When a dog is suffering from allergies, their mood may change. They may become
irritable, lethargic, clingy, or angry. Discipline will not work when the dog
is having allergy issues. The best way to combat this problem is to learn how
to care for your dog once you have isolated the cause of the allergies. This
may mean keeping a journal of your dog's activities and symptoms that you can
show the vet, who will be able to recommend treatment.

Some smaller breeds may have breathing issues as they age, there is little that
can be done except to keep their sleeping area clean, vacuum often, and consider
buying a hepa filter that will trap dust, particles, and other air pollutants
that are in the air. While it is important that all dogs get their exercise,
when it is cold outside, keep small breeds indoors and play with them. This
will keep them from getting head colds, which could make breathing even worse.

If you notice that your dog has fleas or that they have been bitten by fleas,
you should bathe your dog using a shampoo that will kill fleas and their eggs.
You may need to rid your home of fleas as well so that reinfestation does not
occur. Buy carpet spray or if the problem is too big, then you may have to call
an exterminator. Once the fleas are gone, you should spray your dog every time
the dog goes outside. This will prevent new attacks from occurring. If the dog
has open bites or wounds from scratching, you will have to wait for them to
heal before using a spray or shampoo on your dog.

Vomiting can occur if your dog is allergic to the food it receives. You should
first visit the vet to see if the problem isn't internal. They may recommend a
new food for the dog. This should stop the vomiting and diarrhea.

Dogs that are allergic to their own hair and dander have the worst allergies of
all because there is little that can be done. You should make sure your dog is
groomed regularly, brush your dog everyday to remove excess hair and dander,
and bathe your dog once a month. Your vet may prescribe an anti-histamine if
the allergies persist.

What is a Hypoallergenic Giant Schoodle?

A hypoallergenic giant schoodle is a mix between a giant schnauzer and a
standard poodle. This means that the dogs are medium size and have short hair,
which is why they are considered good for those who suffer from allergies.
Since they are a new breed of dog, there aren't many breeders that currently
have them. When looking for this breed, you should look on the internet to find
a breeder that is certified to breed these dogs.

Giant schoodles have an even temperament and are easy going. They are friendly
to most people and have some of the same traits as the Giant Schnauzer and
Standard Poodle. Like its relatives, the Giant Schoodle will have to be groomed
often in order to protect it from skin problems and matting. Since the coat is
springy and short, there are some cuts that will look better than others.
Grooming every other month will keep your dog happy and healthy.

Most Giant Schoodles have a black coat. They enjoy getting exercise and will
need to go outside at least twice a day. If you have a backyard or a park
nearby, then you should consider buying one of these breeds. The Giant Schoodle
is one of the first hypoallergenic dogs that is not a purebred. While its
parents are both purebred dogs, the Giant Schoodle is considered a hybrid of
the two breeds. This means that you may see other breeds being created soon
since the demand for hypoallergenic dogs is on the rise.

When looking for a hypoallergenic dog, you should take the breed into
consideration. Some breeds need constant exercise, while others such as the
greyhound are content to lie on the couch and run around once a day. You should
have an understanding of what it will take to keep your new dog healthy and
happy before bringing it home. If you are interested in a hybrid like the Giant
Schoodle, you should ask breeders what the dog will need in terms of discipline,
affection, exercise, and food.

A Giant Schoodle can live to be at least twelve years old, which is another
consideration you will need to think about. As the Schoodle ages, it may have
health problems including arthritis, tumors, and cataracts. You will need to be
prepared to take care of the animal for its entire life. This is a long term
commitment that should not be taken lightly. Unlike other breeds, the Giant
Schoodle bonds with its family quickly and is resistant to bonding with other

You should also keep in mind that just because a dog is considered
hypoallergenic, you may still suffer from allergies. While you may notice a
reduction in allergy attacks, they may still occur. Keeping your home clean,
making sure the dog is groomed often enough, and by buying an air filtration
system, you will be able to breathe and enjoy your pet's company more often.
Having an allergy to dogs is very common and can be from hair, dander, saliva,
urine, or dust that the dog tracks in from the outside.

Hypoallergenic Medium Sized Dogs

Do you love dogs, but have allergies? If you have a smaller home, a medium
sized hypoallergenic dog might be perfect. Hypoallergenic dogs have a tendency
to create less allergic reactions because of an absence of fur or a very low
amount compared to most pets. There are a few breeds that fit into the
criteria. The Spanish Water Dog, the Bouvier des Flandres, and the Mexican
Hairless are all medium sized, hypoallergenic dogs that work great for families
and singles alike.

If big, friendly, shaggy dogs are your thing, the Spanish Water Dog is a good
fit. They resemble the sheep dog on the Warner Brothers' Looney Tunes cartoons.
The dogs live for playing, swimming and even working. When acclimated correctly,
the Spanish Water Dog is a great playmate for children. If you have a pool or
live near an ocean or lake, the Spanish Water Dog lives true to its name. They
love swimming. As for the work aspect, these dogs have natural herding
instincts and are excellent guard dogs. These dogs do require a lot of
attention, so be ready for that. They must be exposed to other dogs and/or
children between the ages of two to twelve months if they are to fully accept
being around them, otherwise they can become aloof or guarded around them.

The Bouvier des Flandres also fits into the hypoallergenic shaggy dog category.
This strong built breed is traditionally used for hard work such as cattle and
sheep herding, pulling carts, and police or guard dog work. Along with their
strong work abilities, they are generally gentle and protective of their
adopted families. Even former United States President, Ronald Regan, chose this
breed for a pet. Their thicker hair makes them great dogs for outdoor work and
play in colder climates. Be ready to take care of the Bouvier des Flandres if
one is added to your home. Maintenance on these dogs thick hair (not fur) does
require brushing weekly and visits for a trim every six to eight weeks. This
dog can be prone to both voluvus and bloat syndromes because of their deep
chests. They can also be very strong-willed and intimidating animals when they
feel strongly about something, especially when going after cats. Proper
discipline is a must when owning a Bouvier.

The Mexican Hairless, also known as the Xoloitzcuintle or Xolo, is an extremely
rare breed of dog. They range in weight anywhere from ten to fifty pounds and
are almost always completely devoid of hair; they resemble dogs seen in
Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Some of the Xolos do sport a very thin coat of hair or
have various amounts of hair on their heads or bodies. They have been bred for
over 4000 years in Mesoamerica (between central Mexico and Costa Rica).
Although not recognized by the American Kennel Club, the Mexican equivalent
does recognize this breed. The dogs are hard to find in Mexico and even harder
to find in the US because they were considered next to extinct prior to the

Small Dogs With Hypoallergenic Fur

Are you a dog lover? Do you live in an apartment or small home? Do you have
allergies? A small dog with hypoallergenic fur might be the answer for you.
"Hypo" is a Greek suffix meaning less or below. A hypoallergenic dog might
still put out allergens, but at a much lower level. A few dogs that take up
less space, making them better for apartment living, are the Silky Terrier, the
Havanese, and the Coton de Tulear. These dogs are all considered of the "Toy"
size by the America Kennel Club.

The Silky Terrier was developed through a cross of a Yorkshire Terrier and an
Australian Terrier in the late 19th century. Even with these early dates, it
was not fully recognized as a breed of its own until 1955 as the Australian
Silky Terrier. These dogs have terrier qualities such as enjoying activity and
a very sharp alertness. Their hair is long, but the Silky Terriers do not shed.
This long hair also is partially where their name is derived from. It has very
soft and smooth qualities. The dog does require more than average care for this
silky coat to stay in good condition. The terriers can get along with other dogs
and children, but will get aggressive when provoked or teased. Proper education
should be given to as well as the people around the animal as well as the dogs
themselves in how to act around one another.

The Havanese were originally developed by the Spanish from a now extinct breed
called the Bichon Tenerife, making them part of the Bichon family of dogs.
Grooming isn't a worry with this breed, even with Havanese that are shown in
competition. They are meant to look playful and friendly, much like their
temperament. These dogs are great around children, other dogs, and people in
general without becoming overly possessive. Their sturdy frame makes them that
much better around curious children, unlike most fragile "Toy" sized dogs.
Although they love playing and winning, they can be easily calmed when spoken
to sternly by their owners. One of the major downsides to owning a Havanese is
that they seem to suffer from many ailments such as cataracts and hip
dysplasia. These are actually uncommon, unless the dog is adopted from a less
than reputable breeder.

A Coton de Tulear is another dog with Spanish roots from the Bichon family. Its
actual home is Madagascar, where it is the official dog of the country. This
intelligent breed is extremely playful, and when pure bred, is white in color.
This white coat, while hypoallergenic, does shed more than that of their
Havanese cousin, so it requires brushing once every week or two. The Coton de
Tulears love people and enjoy playing with them, going on daily walks, and can
even keep up on longer hikes. They get easily attached to their owners and
suffer from separation anxiety at times. Overall, these dogs are very healthy,
living anywhere from fourteen to eighteen years.

Is the Schoodle a True Hypoallergenic Dog?

The Schoodle, which is considered by some to be hypoallergenic, is the result
of breeding Giant Schnauzers and Standard Poodles. Depending on how they are
bred, the Schoodle may or may not be hypoallergenic. This is because if two
dogs that are different breeds are not of similar age or height, their
offspring may not be hypoallergenic. This is because the dog may take longer to
mature; their hair may be a mix of different textures and lengths, or because
their skin may shed more often than other breeds.

Even though the Schoodle is not considered a hypoallergenic dog by all, you can
judge for yourself by visiting a breeder to see if the dogs cause you to have an
allergic reaction. Visiting a breeder is a great way to see which dogs are the
right ones for you. While some hypoallergenic dogs will not cause an allergic
reaction in some people, it might in others. The best way to tell if you will
be able to have a dog in your home is to be around the dog before you take it

The Schoodle can vary in size and color. The dogs are considered friendly and
intelligent. If you decide to visit a breeder, you should ask about the dogs
that are bred together to see if they are using the right mix. While the
Schoodle is considered to be a mongrel dog in some circles, in others it is
considered a successful hybrid. Depending on which breeders you talk to, they
may tell you that the Schoodle is safe from health risks that purebred dogs
suffer from because of hybrid vigor. While this condition has not been proven,
many breeders claim that hybrid dogs will not suffer from the health ailments
that their parents will suffer from.

Since a Schoodle can be an expensive dog to purchase, visiting a breeder is
recommended. If you do not like the way the dogs are treated or if you feel the
kennels are not safe or clean, then you should not buy a dog. Many dogs produced
in 'puppy mills' are sickly are will not survive long. The demand for the
Schoodle has risen in the past few years, so more 'puppy mills' have opened.
Make sure the breeder you buy the dog from is licensed.

As your Schoodle gets older, it may suffer some health problems. Many
hypoallergenic dogs suffer from muscle ailments, allergies, tumors, and other
problems. There is no way to know what a dog may develop over time. It is
important to treat the dog with respect at all times and also to learn as much
as you can about the breed so that you can have the possible relationship
possible. The Schoodle enjoys exercise, playing, and socializing. While it may
be difficult to train at first, the dog will usually develop a routine. The
Schoodle does not like to be left alone for long periods of time, but with a
little training, you will be able to leave the dog alone during the day when
you are at work.

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