What is your attitude?
As you work toward setting your goals you want to affirm the goals, visualize the goals, and finally adjust your attitude to meet the goals. If you have the attitude, I will wait and it will happen then go about your business and read other articles, because this is just not for you. If you have an attitude, it will reflect on your personality and show through your behaviors. Thus, to achieve goals you have to get your attitude straight.
For instance, if you have a negative attitude while working toward your goal it will reflect on your efforts. Therefore, you want to decide what your goal is and train your attitude to work in harmony. Attitudes are how we approach people and determine the outlook of conversations, actions and the like. To help you see how attitudes are changeable we can consider affirmations.
Affirmations are statements, which describe what a person wants from life, etc. Affirmations are most influential at what time the infirm if wrote on paper in the past tense. The affirmations are also positive directed influences at what time your, affirms are positive and/or personal.
Affirmatives are awesome tools, and we see this especially at what time we think of the people that use them. For instance, actors, athletes, ballerinas, executives and many others have employed affirmatives. To employ affirmations for self you must decide on your wants. After you decide, what it is you want you can next put a description on your wants as though now you’ve already achieved your wants. Thus, picture you at the holding the want. Detail is important when dealing with affirmatives. Details include sense, smells, taste, names, touché, and positive attitudes.
Written affirmations should flow smoothly and share positive reflections. If you write, your affirmations down on paper, repeat the information, and practice telling you aloud what you want. To help you see where affirmations fit into changing attitudes for goal realization we can consider. First, however we must consider visualizations. What does it means to you. Visualization is the process of visualizing self in a situation. Visualizations are what can make things happen, even if you are not in the moment. For instance, he visualized self-shooting tweed at golf, and later that week while playing golf, he hit tweed. In other words, visualizations are an act of empowering self, thus it is a persuasive tool to achieve.
Using attitudes, visualizations and affirmations respectively,
My name is Maggie and I am a good person
Visualize: tonight I will sleep easy
Affirmative: tonight I am going to sleep without problems
As you can see this is sort of practicing to train the mind in a positive direction. Since, I have difficulties sleeping at night I am going to work with attitude, visuals, and affirmatives along with you to see what happens.
Now you should write your own affirmative to replace negative areas your attitude. Only you know at the moment what areas to consider, thus I will show you a brief set of outlines you can employ to write your own affirmatives.
I, ___________live healthy and work hard
I, ___________am a fast and speedy learning
I, ___________can do anything I want to do if I put my mind to it
I, ___________am an accomplisher
Some people may think of this as a selfish act; however, there is nothing selfish about building people skills we should have had in the first place. The world tears you down, thus nothing is wrong with building self up again.