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Global Warming

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What is Global Warming?

There is a good chance that you have heard of global warming before. After all,
global warming is regularly talked about on the radio, television, and even on
the internet. Although there is a good chance that you have heard of global
warming before, you may not necessarily know what it is. There is a large
amount of debate circulating the theory of global warming and these debates
often lead to confusion.

In scientific terms, global warming is defined as the process that results in
the earth's temperature rising. This rise in temperature is attributed to an
increase in greenhouse gases. These gases are raising the earth's temperatures
to levels that concern many meteorologists and scientists.

When it comes to global warming and the increase in the earth's temperature,
there are many individuals who wonder why all of the concern. In many aspects,
a slight rise in temperate is not shocking, but there seems to be no relief.
The rise of the earth's temperature will also lead to temperature increases on
the ground. The fear is that these temperature increases will lead to the
melting of large ice masses. The fear is that these melting masses will result
in a sea level rise that could result in flooding all around the world. If so,
millions of individuals may be displaced from their homes, with their cities
and towns underwater.

Another question commonly asked about global warming is how does it impact us
now. While we are starting to see many changes in our weather and with the
earth's temperature, these changes may or may not be attributed to global
warming. This is where the debate once again enters the picture. Regardless, if
the earth's temperature continues to rise you may not see the changes firsthand,
but your children will. These changes may include warming temperatures, as well
as stronger storms, and varying weather conditions around the globe.

Speaking of the global warming debate, there are many scientists, as well as
politicians and other well known figures who claim that global warming is
nothing to be concerned with. In fact, many claim that reducing green house gas
emissions, especially from industrial related activities, can have a worse
impact on our economy than global warming. What is difficult for many about the
global warming debate is that both sides claim to have proof that backs up their
views and theories.

Many also wonder who will be impacted the most by global warming. As previously
stated, you may not see the affects of global warming in your lifetime, but your
children or their children may. That is why you are urged to take action or at
least examine global warming in-depth to see what there is that you can do to
help. Global warming could have an impact on where your future family members
are able to live, the activities that they are able to participate in, and the
economy in general.

In addition to your future family, global warming will also have an impact on
sea and wildlife. It has been said that coral reefs are becoming unstable due
to the large amounts of toxins in our waters. Many animals rely on coral reefs
for shelter and food. There is also concern for other wildlife, including
bears. There have been some unverified reports that bears are hibernating later
in the year. This can have a huge impact on the wildlife cycle, as well as the
outdoor activities enjoyed by many humans.

As previously stated, if you are concerned with the impact that global warming
may have on your future family, you may want to take action. Although global
warming itself is largely debated, many state that the prevention tips often
suggested are ones that can do great good for the earth anyways. These tips
involve keeping your heat at a moderate level, using energy efficient light
bulbs, limiting your car use, or purchasing a hybrid or another energy
efficient vehicle.

The Basics of Global Warming

Scientists, celebrities, and everyday people have been trying to understand the
nature of global warming. Controversy is rampant and there is intense debate
around the world on the subject. Since conclusions drawn could affect you
profoundly, you may want to know some basic facts about the topic of global

The most obvious thing that can be said about global warming is that the earth
is getting warmer. Specifically, the temperatures near the surface of the earth
and the temperatures in the ocean are rising. Since 1990, there have been 10
years that have been hotter than any others in recorded history.

The greenhouse effect is said to be responsible for global warming. The
greenhouse effect causes certain vapors and gases to form a sort of blanket
that covers and warms the earth. Water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, and
several other trace gases make up this blanket.

The greenhouse effect itself is not disputed. No controversy exists on this
point because the greenhouse effect is recognized as an inherently beneficial
process. If all the energy that struck the earth was reflected right back into
space, no one could live on earth. This is what would happen without this
blanket that is caused by acceptable levels of global warming.

However, global warming is not all good. It can cause the earth's covering to
increase in density. With a denser blanket over the earth, less of the heat is
reflected back into space. This upsets the delicate balance between heat and
cold that is usually maintained on earth. It traps more heat inside the earth's

Although there are people who argue against it, there seems to be a change in
the climate in recent years. Climate change to a warmer climate is the result
of excessive global warming.

There has been an overall rise in temperature of a little over one degree
Fahrenheit during the last century. The figure for this century is expected to
be more like seven degrees. It is this type of global warming that can lead to
dire consequences if left unchecked.

People, their activities, and their industries have caused global warming to
reach the levels it has today. Burning fossil fuels, powering electrical plants
with coal, and irresponsible land use can all contribute to global warming.
Carbon dioxide is produced by these activities, and global warming is

Global warming could result in rising sea levels and flooding. There could be
more powerful storms. Heat waves could become intense. Droughts could severely
damage the world's crops and cause shortages of drinkable water. Extinction of
species could become a problem because of changing habitats and the suitability
of the climate for the animal. The good news about global warming is that there
are ways to slow the process down. Each person can take responsibility for
doing their part in protecting the earth's environment. With everyone helping,
emissions of greenhouse gases can be cut drastically. This will give the earth
a chance to begin to regain its balance of temperature. Knowing about global
warming can make you a better citizen of the world.

The Global Warming Debate

As you likely already know, global warming is an issue that is largely
discussed and debated, all around the world. No matter where you look, you will
always find environmentalists who want you and others to join in the fight
against global warming. On the other hand, you also find those who encourage
you to ignore global warming, as it not a serious issue, if it even exists at

When it comes to the big global warming debate, you may be wondering who is
doing the debating. In all honesty, you will find that it is a wide range of
people. While most scientists and meteorologists agree that global warming is a
cause for concern, not all do. In addition to a few well known meteorologists
and scientists, there are many political figures and even some celebrities who
voice their opposition to global warming, namely global warming support groups.

In keeping with those behind the opposition of global warming, you may be
wondering if they have ulterior motives. Of course, some do. In fact, in Al
Gore's documentary on global warming, titled "An Inconvenient Truth," he
highlighted and showed documentation of the actions taken by many politicians
and those with stocks in energy companies who opposed global warming. In some
instances, these individuals knowingly disregarded scientific evidence and
sugarcoated global warming, so that it didn't seem like an important issue at
the time.

As for the global warming debate itself, you will find that there are some
variations. For example, many of those who oppose global warming and downplay
the severity of it claim the changes that we are seeing are not unexpected.
Many have believed that polar icecaps would melt anyways, a slight rise in the
earth's temperature isn't that unexpected, and sea levels have been rising
slightly for years now.

In keeping with those who believe that the changes we are seeing would occur
anyways, there are others who are concerned with taking action. One of the
biggest ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to reduce pollution in the
air. Many political figures and other environmentalists want homeowners and
business owners to use less energy and switch to environmental friendly
electricity, like wind or solar powered electricity. Those who oppose global
warming feel that this could have a negative impact on businesses who oppose or
cannot afford these changes. If this is the case, many claim that the harm
caused to the economy would be much worse than what global warming would or
could do.

There are also those who oppose global warming because they view it as a scam.
These are individuals who often believe that there is nothing wrong with the
planet and the environment, unlike some of the opposition mentioned above, who
do often acknowledge something is wrong, but they just don't know what. Those
who believe global warming is a scam claim it is used to raise money for
environmental organizations and groups. Yes, these groups do ask for donations,
but they aren't required. There are an unlimited number of ways that you can
fight global warming without donations; therefore, this opposition is often
viewed as unrealistic and unreliable.

Although every American is able to have their own views and beliefs, the debate
surrounding global warming does have a number of consequences. Perhaps, the
greatest consequence is confusion, as many Americans do not know who they
should believe.

What the Other Side Is Saying About Global Warming

While the majority of celebrities and many scientists in the world view global
warming as a disaster of epic proportions, not all agree. Some people, even
scientists, have opposing viewpoints that are based on their own formal
observations and the data from many sources. It is interesting to explore what
these people have to say about global warming.

One of the most talked-about aspects of global warming is the rise in sea
levels. If you are to believe most people who speak on global warming, you have
to think that many habitable places on earth will soon be underwater. There is
some evidence to refute this.

There is a professor of paleogeophysics and geodynamics at Stockholm University
who presents interesting data. According to this professor, the sea levels are
in the same range they have been in over the last three hundred years. There
has not even been the slightest rise in sea levels in the last decade.

While a sea level rise of .1 to .9 meters is predicted by the year 2100, it is
not seen by this group of people as a dangerous situation. After all, there was
a .2 rise in the sea level during the past century and humans did not even seem
to notice.

When the global warming pundits talk about the rises in sea level that result
from three sheets of ice that melt per year, it is the opponents of the
movement that put it into terms that make sense. If the ice continues to melt
at that rate, it will take a thousand years to raise the sea level by 5 cm.

The people who preach on the dangers of global warming believe that Hurricane
Katrina and others were intensified by global warming. Many experts on the
other side of the fence claim that the extreme storms have not been unusual
earth events. They also say that better reporting of severe weather occurrences
contributes to the impression that global warming is having an impact.

While those dedicated to stopping global warming are worried about the
recession of the snows of Mount Kilimanjaro, others believe there are reasons
besides global warming. These people say that you have to understand how
glaciers interact with the climate around them. Knowing that the air has been
drier, they say, leads you to the fact that the glacial recession is a natural

Many people who fear global warming say that it will increase diseases like
malaria by allowing disease-bearing mosquitoes into higher elevations. Others
realize that there are other reasons for the additional cases of malaria and
other such diseases.

These include the facts that 1) people from lowland areas are resistant to
disease but carry it with them when they move to higher elevations, 2)
deforestation leaves a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and 3) more pools and
ditches will lead to more mosquitoes.

For many reasons, global warming is not a subject that everyone agrees on.
People from all over the world have different opinions and they often do not
wish to see another's viewpoint. When the true facts about global warming are
clear, people can begin to come together to address the problem.

What Can Nations Do To Combat Global Warming?

There are things individuals can do to help stop global warming. Yet, when
nations get involved, it is to everyone's benefit to see to it that the right
steps are taken. Nations can combat global warming by many different means.

For one thing, a good forestry department can have a huge impact. The carbon
dioxide that is one cause of global warming is eaten up by trees. If a country
fosters the growth of its forests and does not allow them to be cut down
indiscriminately, global warming will be slowed down.

Another thing nations can do is to focus on energy efficiency. The less energy
is used, the less global warming has a chance to take hold. A country can place
efficiency standards on appliances and cars. Even better, they can redesign
cities so that walking and cycling can become an option instead of people
having to drive everywhere.

Alternative sources of energy emit little or no greenhouse gases. Using them
will help curb global warming. Hydro-power, solar energy, and windmills can be
used to take the place of burning gas, or coal for electricity. Windmills, in
fact, are already being set up by the scores in many fields in out-of-the-way
places. This is a good step to prevent global warming.

Nations can also be quick to adjust their policies to the climatic changes of
the times. When one type of crop will no longer grow well because it needs a
cooler climate, that crop can be replaced in that area with a different kind
that will. Nations can build aqueducts to transport water to drought-ridden

There are different ways that nations can get their message about global
warming across. First, they can make laws about it. They can require people to
use environmentally-friendly appliances, fuel sources, and vehicles. They can
make it a legal requirement for auto makers to reduce harmful emissions given
off by their cars.

Another way to change people's behavior is to make it financially advantageous
to be concerned about global warming. If gas prices are higher, people are
spurred on to finding a more fuel-efficient vehicle, or even a different fuel
source altogether.

Tax incentives and government subsidies can also encourage people to think
about global warming. The only problem is that this approach usually favors
those who have more money in the first place.

Governments can make it their business to inform and educate the people of the
country. With news and data about global warming, people will be prompted to
take it seriously. When methods for reducing greenhouse gases are made known by
the government, people have a chance to put those methods into practice.

Finally, it is essential that governments get involved with making sure that
research and development are done. Global warming cannot be overcome without
good information. It is to the advantage of every citizen when the nation puts
some of its focus on global warming. When a country approaches global warming
with a common sense, proactive sensibility, beneficial changes can be made.

Ways That Global Warming Can Change the World

If you enjoy reading your local newspaper or if you enjoy getting your news
from the television, you likely know all about global warming. Global warming
is an issue that is widely discussed, as well as issue that is widely debated.
Although you may have an idea as to what global warming is, you may be
wondering the impact that it will have on our planet. If so, you will want to
continue reading on. A few of the many ways that global warming can change the
world, and not for the better, are outlined below.

One of the most well known and publicized dangers of global warming is that of
drastic weather changes. Although it is important to know that global warming
may result in erratic changes with the weather, you may be curious as to what
type of changes you can expect to see. For starters, you can expect to see
warmer temperatures. Since the earth's temperature is gradually rising, you
will also likely notice a rise in temperatures on the ground as well.

With that in mind, it is also important to remember that colder temperatures
are not uncommon either with global warming. When it comes to global warning,
the process is actually used to describe changes in weather patterns, not
necessarily individual events. And, as previously stated global warming can
result in erratic weather changes. This means that just because it snows or is
chilly in the north, it doesn't mean that global warming is a lie or an untrue

Returning back to weather, another one of the many ways that global warming can
change the world is with flooding. It is said that global warming is causing a
rise in sea level. Yes, this is true to some extent. Due to an increase in the
earth's temperature, many ice masses and glaciers are starting to shift and
melt. This is what raises the sea level. If the sea level continues to rise as
expected, flooding may have a huge negative consequence on the environment. If
many coastal areas flood as predicted, this would make many coastal areas
unlivable. This may result in a loss of money and property for those already
residing in these areas.

In keeping with flooding, it is important to take a close look at all of the
coastal areas in the world. If sea level were to continue rising and reach
levels that are being predicted by many scientists, meteorologists, and
computer models, millions of individuals would become coastal evacuees.
Technically speaking, these individuals will become refugees. This is likely to
cause a huge strain on the environment and land that wasn't impacted by global
warming and flooding, as well as the economy.

Another one of the many ways that global warming may change the world, as long
as everything goes as predicted, is with health and wellbeing. As previously
stated, global warming will cause the weather, as well as temperatures to
change. What does this mean? It means that many insects and other forms of
wildlife will suffer from confusion. Many will migrate to areas farther north,
south, east, or west, depending on the location. Many of these animals, such as
mosquitoes and mice, are known as disease carriers. In this aspect, global
warming can cause an unprecedented spread of illness. This can be dangerous
especially if the diseases spread were previously unfamiliar to the area.

The above mentioned ways are just a few of the many ways that global warming
can change the world. Unfortunately, as previously stated, there is little good
that global warming can do for us, the weather, the economy, and the planet in
general, especially overtime. For that reason, if you would like to help
prevent global warming from becoming a crisis, both now and in the future, you
will want to do your part. You can start by limiting the amount of unnecessary
energy you use in your home. The good news is that this approach will also help
to lower your electric bill.

Possible Short-Term Benefits of Global Warming

It is certain that enough global warming would be harmful to human beings. If
the temperatures were hot enough and the sea levels were high enough, it would
spell an end to life as it is known at this time. Yet, there may be some
short-term benefits of global warming.

Few people would argue and say that a warm climate is not preferable to a cold
one. Not only are warm climates generally more pleasant, there are health
benefits as well. People who suffer from conditions that are affected by the
cold, such as rheumatoid arthritis, often move to warmer climates. A small
amount of global warming would allow people to stay in their homes.

One scientist did an extensive study of statistics to find out the health
benefits of warmer weather. He studied the numbers of deaths in different
months of the year in places that get cold in the winter and warm in the
summer. He determined that many more people die in the winter than in the
summer. This would seem to support the benefits of global warming.

However, he also noted that the statistics in this part of the study were not
entirely accurate. They were muddied by the fact that there are other
considerations during season changes that would not occur in global warming.
For example, days were shorter in winter, but they would not be shorter if more
global warming occurred.

In 2004, it was observed by lobster fishermen that the warmer temperatures
caused by global warming had affected their work. There seemed to be an
abundance of Maine lobsters living and thriving in the warmer waters. They were
happy for the increase, but expected it to be short-lived as the optimal
temperature for lobsters probably has a very small range.

It has been thought for quite some time that global warming would increase the
amount of corn, wheat, barley, and other grains that could be grown. Not only
the warmer weather and the longer growing seasons were anticipated to yield
this result. Carbon dioxide exposure was expected to increase productivity
along with global warming.

Studies have shown, though, that the carbon dioxide benefits are very minimal.
Current projections are that farmers will only be able to keep up with demand
for crops for a few more decades. Then, it is predicted that world-wide
shortages will take hold.

Furthermore, agriculture in tropical zones is expected to decline rapidly as
the temperature becomes too hot to support plant life. The temperate zones will
be able to have better farming, and more of the world's crops will be grown

Some economists point to global warming as a boon to international trade. They
feel that the loss of ice sheets in the Arctic will open up routes that have
not been accessible in the past. This will provide faster travel between
Europe, America, and Asia, they say.

People give plenty of reasons to embrace global warming. They see only promise
in the climate change of their planet. Perhaps they just do not want to feel
required to do anything about global warming. Or, perhaps there is some room
for hope.

The History of the Movement to Stop Global Warming

People have not always known about global warming. The idea had to start
somewhere. The history of the global warming concept is probably older than you
might think. It all began in the late 1800's.

There was a scientist named Svante Arrhenius who was studying fossil fuel
combustion in Sweden towards the end of the 19th century. An 1859 prediction
claimed that the burning of such fuels would eventually lead to the process of
global warming. Svante Arrhenius recognized that temperatures on the earth's
surface were related to carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Arrhenius studied global warming to find out the average surface temperature of
earth. He figured that doubling the carbon dioxide in a greenhouse effect would
raise the surface temperature by five degrees Celsius. He also concluded that
human activities could be to blame for future global warming. His focus,
though, was on how much carbon dioxide would have to be taken away to cause
global cooling.

Infrared spectroscopy was developed in the 1940's that could be used to measure
the sun's radiation. It was used to measure the absorption of radiation with and
without added carbon dioxide. Gilbert Plass determined that the increased carbon
dioxide would cause the earth to absorb more radiation, and so cause global

From late in the 1950's to early in the 1960's, Charles Keeling produced curves
of the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. He showed the
scientific community that the earth had gone through 32 distinct weather
variations. It had previously been thought that there had only been four. This
raised alarms of ice ages rather than global warming.

Much changed in the 1980's. The curve was followed and it was discovered that
temperatures were getting higher at a rapid rate. Suddenly people stopped
preparing for a cooling planet and began pondering global warming. Since
Stephen Schneider first gave global warming a name and predicted its coming,
which he did in 1976, the emphasis on the subject by the media grew more and
more intense.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was created in 1988, just
as the greenhouse effect was being named. In the IPCC, there are 2500 experts
in all fields of study that are affecting and are affected by global warming.
These include such diverse specialties as meteorology, economics, medicine, and
oceanography, for example. The IPCC is still actively seeking information on
global warming.

The term "the greenhouse effect" has fallen somewhat out of favor since 1990.
Statistics did not follow the predicted course for the theory. However, the
Kyoto Protocol, negotiated in Kyoto Japan, was aimed at preventing and
correcting global warming.

Global warming is still a term that is in use and making the news daily. Since
Al Gore's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," people have been more aware of the
problem than ever. Presently, there are scientists, celebrities, and all manner
of people who are working on solutions for global warming.

The history of inquiry into the nature of global warming is over 110 years old.
There have been advances and retreats in the science. However, the future of
global warming research and activism seems positive.

The Effects of Extreme Events Caused by Global Warming

When a hurricane becomes more intense because of global warming and wipes out a
city, the effects are obvious. Yet, there are some results of extreme events
that are less apparent. These situations can change life in many ways.

Heat, of course, will be an important factor in global warming. There will be
more days that are hot, higher daytime highs, and many lasting heat waves. This
will affect people, animals, and the environment.

There will be more people who will die as a result of intense heat. Elderly
people and poor people who cannot afford air conditioning will be most at risk.
The people who do have air conditioning will run theirs more. The added energy
use will increase global warming as more greenhouse gases are emitted into the

Farmers and ranchers will notice problems with their operations due to global
warming. Crops will have a risk of being damaged by drought, flooding, or
erosion. The uncertainty has always been a part of farming, but now, it will be
even worse.

Farmers and ranchers will see that their livestock is suffering from the
effects of global warming as well. Their food and water supplies will be in
jeopardy, and storms will put them in danger of injury. Wildlife will be
affected as habitats are changed.

Another effect of the higher temperatures caused by global warming is that
tourism will make gradual shifts. A region that had the ideal temperature one
year might be too hot the next. Then, tourists will move further north for
their vacations.

The effects of higher daytime lows are mostly good. There will be fewer deaths
related to cold weather, less reliance on fuels for heat, and some crops will
benefit. The bad news is that other crops will suffer, and pests and diseases
will flourish due to global warming.

As global warming gets worse, precipitation will become more intense. This will
lead to floods, mudslides, landslides, and avalanches. Soil erosion will be a
fact of life. At the same time, there will be increased risk of drought. This
will lead to more forest fires. It will also limit the quantity and quality of
the water supply.

Finally, the hurricanes intensified by global warming will have a great impact
on the earth. People will be injured or killed in the storms themselves and
others will die as a result of infectious diseases that come as a result of the
mess of the clean-up.

Hurricanes also damage such natural wonders as coral reefs and mangroves. These
are two ecosystems that will be disrupted if global warming is allowed to
continue. The coast of any are with such hurricanes will be in bad shape. There
will be coastal erosion, and the coastal infrastructure will be weakened.

The effects of extreme weather caused by global warming are tremendous. It is
only natural to want to try to avoid them. To stop global warming, it will take
a group effort combining the energies of individuals and governments alike.

The Economics of Global Warming

Global warming can prove to be a costly occurrence. For many reasons, financial
considerations have already been impacted. For anyone who looks to the wallet
for an indicator of disaster, trouble can be seen in global warming.

The deadly and destructive storms that are now being seen have caused
tremendous financial losses. Hurricane Katrina cost roughly 81 billion dollars
in damage, and the actual rebuilding has barely even begun. Storms like Katrina
have most likely been boosted to their extreme levels of force by warm ocean
waters. These are caused by global warming.

Agriculture can be spoiled by global warming. Crops die during droughts brought
on by global warming. Storms intensified by global warming can damage
agricultural buildings and injure animals. Floods resulting from these storms
can drown out crops before they can be harvested.

This all translates into lost revenues for both farmers and investors. It also
means higher prices for consumers of agricultural products. Consumers already
know what it is like to pay exorbitant prices for foods that have been damaged
while in the fields. If global warming continues on its present course, this
will be a common occurrence.

Gasoline prices have an effect on the economics of communities. When gas prices
are high, people will patronize business establishments that are close to their
homes. This hurts the chances of success for a business that is not in a
heavily populated area. Global warming is directly affecting the economics of
businesses in this way.

The family economics of global warming are undeniable, too. As the climate
changes, more energy is needed to cool houses. Those extra degrees of heat in
the atmosphere mean that families will have to set their thermostats higher, or
pay a higher price.

Sometimes it is the poorer families that pay for global warming the most. For
example, new cars are outfitted with a new kind of air conditioning system that
uses environmentally friendly Freon. A poorer family might have an older car
that does not have this type of system.

However, if their air conditioner needs Freon, they might have to pay several
hundred dollars to have the new system put in to use the new Freon. This will
help the cause of preventing global warming. At the same time, the family will
be paying for the mistakes of the past.

In many regions, everyone pays for the energy mistakes of earlier times. Coal
burning power plants are now being refitted to reduce emissions. This will have
a big impact on preventing global warming. Yet, the economics of it show that
people at the present time have to pay with higher utility bills to make this
advantage come true.

There are thousands of ways that global warming is affecting the world's
economy at this moment. People are paying for the harm global warming is doing.
They are also paying for adjustments to their homes, cars, and city
infrastructures to reduce global warming. With time, changes will be completed.
If everyone helps, these costs should go down.

Movies on Global Warming

It seems that people are coming from all directions to make movies about global
warming. Many people are moved to educate people about the subject and want to
reach the widest possible audience. Books do not hold the appeal they once did.
Now, people want to sit down and watch a movie to understand subjects like
global warming.

Although Al Gore has a book by the same name, most people know "An Inconvenient
Truth" as a feature length documentary movie. The movie boils down to a
power-point presentation that Gore has given many times on the subject of
global warming. Al Gore simply presents facts in a low-key, personable way. The
film includes some biographical information about Al Gore, too.

The "60 Minutes" documentary, "The Age of Warming," which aired April 1, 2007, 
is a must-see for those interested in global warming. In it, correspondent 
Scott Pelley explores Antarctica to find evidence of global warming. There, 
Pelley finds that the Adelie and Chinstrap penguins are being endangered by loss 
of habitat. He also finds glaciers that are in the process of rapid melting into
lakes. It is an eye opener.

Some fictional movies have been made with the theme of global warming. One is
"The Day After Tomorrow," starring Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal. While the
science may not be precisely or even nearly right, the special effects are
fantastic. It is a good old-fashioned disaster flick with all kinds of natural
disasters. Bring out the popcorn, but do not expect to be educated.

"An Earth Story," starring Ross Gelbspan and John Hutchison is another of those
documentary-type movies. It tells the story about all those scary predictions
of climate change due to global warming. The sub-title is An Alternative to
Extinction. That alone should explain how dramatic this movie is. The solutions
to global warming are equally dramatic.

Not exactly a traditional movie, Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris' "Crisis as Opportunity:
Living Better on a Hotter Planet" is unique. Instead of being distraught and
woeful, Sahtouris views global warming as a natural evolutionary process. She
sees it as a beneficial challenge that will help people learn to live together
as they never have before.

"Energy Crossroads: A Burning Need to Change Course" is a documentary movie about
the energy crisis. It deals with the amount of oil that will be left in the
future and the different ways to overcome that crisis. However, a good part of
this movie is devoted to a study of how energy issues are tied to global
warming. It points to global warming as one of the reasons humans need to make

There is a set of movies called "Secrets of the Millennium." Probably the
best of this series is the one with information on global warming. It is titled
"Secrets of the Millennium: Man vs. Nature: Who Will Win?" It dramatically exposes
humans' desires to control earth, while letting things get out of hand
environmentally at the same time.

Many celebrities have made their own movies on global warming. Some of them are
not available for viewing yet, and some of them can be seen on the internet. One
example is global warming films by Leonardo DiCaprio that can be viewed on his
website. As the reality of global warming sets in, more movies will certainly
deal with the subject.

How to Find Global Warming Pictures and Why You Should Examine Them

Do you believe in global warming? If you are on the fence and are unsure about
your stance, you are not alone. Although global warming is an issue that is
widely discussed, it is also an issue that is widely debated. This debate is
one that leaves many individuals unsure as to where they should stand.

When it comes to determining if global warming is an issue that you should be
concerned about, there are a number of different approaches that you can take.
The most successful approach involves doing your own research. Of course, you
will want to examine scientific research materials, including articles and
graphs, but you may also want to take a look at global warming pictures. For
many, global warming pictures are a lot easier to examine, as it can be done
without needing any scientific translation.

As nice as it is to hear that global warming pictures can help you understand
the problem at hand, you may be wondering exactly where you should look. The
good news is that there are a number of different ways that you can go about
finding and examining global warming pictures. As few of these approaches are
outlined below for your convenience.

The internet is one of the easiest and quickest ways to go about finding global
warming pictures. These pictures will likely be posted on the websites of
activists and environmental organizations and charities. Perhaps, the best way
to find global warming pictures online is by performing a standard internet
search. When doing so, your search phrase should include the words "global
warming pictures," or "global warming changes in pictures."

The television is another one of the many ways that you can go about finding
and examining global warming pictures. As global warming is an issue that
continues to receive attention, you may notice an increase in global warming
related programming, including special report programs. These programs often
appear on well known stations, such as the Discovery Channel or The Weather

In keeping with using your television to gain access to global warming
pictures, you will also want to examine video documentaries. These
documentaries are increasing in popularity; therefore, they should be easy for
you to find. One of the best global warming documentaries, that comes highly
rated and recommend, is that of "An Inconvenient Truth." This documentary is 
one that is mostly backed with research, including global warming pictures, 
graphs, and other footage.

When looking for global warming pictures, either online or on your television,
you may be surprised with what you see. This is most evident with before and
after pictures. These before and after pictures are, without a doubt, the most
telling. You can often see pictures that show the changes that result in areas
due to the melting of snow and ice. You may also see pictures of areas that
have been impacted by droughts.

As previously stated, if you are looking for more information on global
warming, you will want to examine global warming pictures. It should take only
a few minutes of your time to do so. The most time that you will have to spend
is an hour or two and this is only if you turn to the television or global
warming documentaries to do your research and examination.

"An Inconvenient Truth" Movie Review

Are you interested in learning more about global warming? If you are interested
in familiarizing yourself with the science behind global warming, the impact it
will have on the planet, as well as ways that we can help to stop global
warming, you will find that you have a number of different options. Although
you can turn to news reports, books and other printed resources on global
warming, and the internet, you may want to examine documentaries.

In recent years, documentaries have increased in popularity. This is due in
part to knowledge. With the world constantly changing, and not just in terms of
global warming, many feel "lost," if they aren't in the know. This is the main
purpose of documentaries, to educate, yet entertain viewers. If you would like
to learn more about global warming though documentaries, you will want to
examine Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth."

Until recently, Al Gore was most well known for his role of the Vice President
of the United States. He served as the Vice President under Bill Clinton. More
recently, Al Gore has been known for his active role in the fight against
global warming. In addition to explaining the science behind global warming and
in addition to describing the impacts it will have on our planet, Al Gore is
also known for sharing the many ways that we, as humans, can help to stop
global warming. Many of these ideas are easy and affordable to implement.

Returning back to the documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," this is one of the
most impact having documentaries you will likely see in your lifetime. What
makes this documentary unique and well worth the watch is the combination of
scientific proof and passion. Al Gore has numerous resources for you to examine
on your television screen. These resources include graphs, scanned documents
from global warming cover-ups, and much more. The passion in this movie comes
from Al Gore himself. He has as way about sharing his knowledge and information
in a way that will rock you to your core.

Speaking of being shocked, this documentary, which is basically a recording of
PowerPoint presentations Gore has given across the county and around the world,
has a huge shock factor. This is most commonly seen with before and after
pictures. Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the examples used. The computer generated
images that show you the impact on coastal flooding, which will result from
global warming, will either leave your mouth gaping open in shock or leave you
in tears.

Even though Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary comes highly rated and
recommended, by celebrities, scientists, meteorologists, other political
figures, and everyday individuals, you may be unsure if it is worth the buy. As
a reminder, this documentary and others can usually be found for rent in one of
your local video stores.

Despite being able to rent "An Inconvenient Truth," as opposed to buying it, you
may still be unsure if it is worth the watch. If your movie tastes typically
involve comedies, action, and drama, you may assume that a documentary on
global warming is not the perfect match for you. If that is the case, you will
want to watch the previews or the trailer for this riveting documentary. There,
you will find the tagline "If you love your planet. If you love your children.
You have to see this film." If that doesn't send a tingle down your spine, what

How Global Warming Can and Should Impact Your Life

Global warming is defined as the warming of the earth's temperature. This rise
in temperature is attributed to greenhouse gases. Unfortunately, global warming
involves a lot more than just a slight rise in the earth's temperature. For that
reason, global warming is an issue that should cause you concern.

As previously stated, global warming involves a lot more than a slight rise in
temperature. Although the affects of global warming are widely debated, as many
of these changes can also be attributed to other causes, our planet is changing.
In many aspects, it is changing relatively quickly.

When it comes to global warming, many individuals wonder why they should be
concerned. If you are one of those individuals, you will want to take a close
look at the changes in which we are already seeing. Many of these changes have
been attributed to global warming. For starters, we will focus on the

In recent years, we have noticed a steady rise in temperatures. In 2006 and
2007 in the United States, many cities and towns saw record breaking
temperatures. Many are also seeing a later arrival of winter weather. For
example, some cities and towns are seeing snowfall later than normal. These
same areas are also experiencing fall and even summer like temperatures, when
it should be freezing outside.

In keeping with the temperature changes, there is some confusion. Although many
areas of the United States have experienced record breaking temperature
increases, others have not. This is what leads to the confusion. Since global
warming focuses on the rise of temperature, many wonder why that isn't always
the case. Part of global warming involves instability in the atmosphere. This
instability can not only lead to higher temperatures in certain areas, but it
can lead to erratic weather in other areas.

Although a rise in temperature is enough to make many people believe in global
warming, many others wonder what else they can expect. Most of us will not see
the drastic and horrific affects that global warming will have on the earth.
This, however, does not mean that global warming isn't important or that it is
an issue that should be pushed aside. Even though you may not experience the
full impact of global warming, your children, grandchildren, and great
grandchildren may. So, the impact that global warming should have on your life
should be a proactive one.

When it comes to being proactive, in terms of global warming, there is a lot
that you can do. Many experts believe that the sooner we stand united and take
action, the sooner we can end the threat of global warming or at least reduce
the impact of it. Your goal, especially as a parent, should involve reducing
the amount of carbon dioxide and other pollutants that you, yourself, put into
the air. The best way to do this is to take a look at your home and your
vehicle. Can you purchase energy saving items, such as a car, household
appliances, or even light bulbs? These are just a few of the many steps that
you can and should take.

As outlined above, global warming is starting to take affect now. Even those
who debate global warming cannot avoid the changes that are occurring. These
changes, whether or not they are directly related to global warming, can have
an impact on the earth from now to years to come.

Research on Global Warming

Research is constantly being done on global warming. The research is being done
by studying statistics and by going directly to the source. Various scientists
are coming up with different answers to the most basic questions about global

Some scientists studying global warming in the Arctic have discovered thinning
sea ice near the northern reaches of Alaska. The summer of 2007 showed the
least sea ice since sea ice was first tracked in 1979. Scientists participating 
in the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Gyre Exploration Project cruised 
aboard the Canadian Coast Guard's ship, the Icebreaker, to see the effects of 
global warming for themselves.

When they reached the area where ice would usually be the thickest and
heaviest, the ship sailed right through. When they did see ice, it was in a
state of disintegration because of global warming. Most of the ice remaining
was young ice, which is more vulnerable to thaw. The scientists took their data
home to analyze during the colder months.

Another group, with the Arctic Modeling Group and the IJIS Research Group, set
sail along the Alaskan coast in the Chukchi Sea. Their mission was to study
different variables of the ocean water that might affect phytoplankton. They
found that the water was warmer than the satellite statistics. The satellite
showed 10 degrees Celsius, while their measurements showed 14 degrees Celsius.
This is an example of global warming.

One study was done linking the Russian peat bogs with global warming. The bogs
produce a large amount of methane gas. According to carbon dating that was
done, this has been the case since the last ice age. Since methane is one of
the greenhouse gases, this impacts global warming.

However, the studies also show that the peat bogs absorb carbon dioxide at an
impressive rate. They contain the largest carbon stores on the planet. If the
peat bogs dry up due to global warming, they would release this carbon dioxide
into the air. The trade-off of carbon dioxide for methane would not be a good
one, since methane stays in the atmosphere a shorter time.

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography have been busy proving that
humans bear some culpability for the climate change in the oceans. They have
done this both by observing and noting evidence, and by constructing computer

The computer models are based on the evidence that they do have, so they are
thought to be quite accurate. With all the data in place, the evidence seems to
point to definite global warming events. It also makes it clear that humans have
played a part in causing this phenomenon.

An MIT professor has studied the effects of warming waters on hurricanes over
the last fifty years. He studied statistics from past storms and generated
computer models to test his theory. His specialty is meteorology, so his take
on global warming is of interest. He found that the hurricanes have indeed been
getting stronger since 1970.

Research is important to the field of global warming studies. It is only by
knowing the problem in precise detail that people can adequately confront it.

How and Why You Should Research Global Warming

Just about everywhere that you look, some news report is discussing global
warming. Newscasters are not the only individuals putting their attention on
the important issue of global warming. Many scientists, celebrities, and
political figures are starting to do the same.

While you will find an unlimited number of well known figures who support the
fight against global warming, you will also find a load of opposition as well.
In recent years, this opposition is starting to take a stronger, more
publicized approach. Unfortunately, for many Americans, this leads to some
confusion. If you are starting to doubt yourself whether or not global warming
is real, you will want to start doing your own research. The good news is that
it is relatively easy to do so.

Before focusing on a few of the many ways that you can go about better
understanding global warming, it is important to focus on why this research is
important. According to many scientists, meteorologists, and others with a
professional understanding of global warming, the earth will not be a safe
place to live in the future. Although you may only see the small affects of
global warming, those affects will likely continue to grow and get worse as
time progresses on. With that in mind, there are ways that we, as humans, can
help to stop global warming or at least lessen its impact. But, before those
approaches can be taken, you must first decide if global warming is something
that you believe in. As previously stated, research is one of the best ways to
determine which side of the fence you stand on.

When it comes to global warming and research, it is important to remember that
you do have a number of different options. For starters, you may want to turn
to your television. As previously stated, many news reports cover global
warming, such as the current affects it is having on our environment and our
weather. With that in mind, you may also find television made documentaries and
other similar programming of great knowledge and assistance. Many say that
television documentaries, especially those that come from well known stations
and sources are the best, unbiased pieces on global warming that you will find.

In keeping with your television, you can also use it to further research and
understand global warming by way of documentary movies. Although you will have
a number of documentaries to choose from, you may prefer "11th Hour," co-written 
and co-produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, or "An Inconvenient Truth" from Al Gore. 
These documentaries are supported by facts and other statistics, but hey are 
also well known for their celebrity involvement. Leonardo DiCaprio and Al Gore 
are individuals who we have already let into our homes and have a sense of trust 

The internet can also and should also be used to research global warming. When
using the internet, you should perform a standard internet search with the
phrase "global warming." When doing so, you will find two main types of
websites; those that recognize global warming is a problem and want to help
stop it and then you will find those who claim global warming is nothing but a
myth. As if the debate you hear on television isn't enough, you may want to
take the time to examine each viewpoints online. Comparing the information and
statistics you find on your own, from both sides, is an excellent way for you
to draw a conclusion surrounding global warming and its existence.

As previously stated, global warming is an issue that should be of great
concern to you. Even with all of that concern, you may still not know how you
feel on the issue. That is why it is important that you take steps to better
understand the threat that global warming may or may not pose. The good news,
as outlined above, is that you have a number of options and each of these
research methods are easy and possibly even fun.

How You Can Fight Global Warming at Home

There are steps you can take to fight global warming in your home and car. You
do not have to wait for the government or big businesses to do something about
it. It is better to take the initiative and do your part.

In your home, you can begin by changing your light bulbs. You do not have to do
it all at once. Every time you change a bulb, though, you can replace the old
incandescent bulb with a compact fluorescent. Not only does this reduce
greenhouse gases, it also saves you money in the long run.

It has always been wise to seal and insulate your home, just for comfort's
sake. Now, it is even more important. You can stop your home from emitting
greenhouse gases and contributing to global warming by doing this.
If you have any doubts about where your home needs insulation, you can hire an
energy auditor to help you decide.

You can reduce global warming by simply taking care of the cooling and heating
equipment in your home. You can change filters and have the equipment cleaned.
Most importantly of all, when the heater or air-conditioner needs to be
replaced, get an efficient model that is big enough for your dwelling.

In fact, it makes sense to buy all your appliances with energy efficiency in
mind. Energy Star is a rating system that is reserved for efficient products.
Buying such products will help decrease global warming.

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to help reduce global warming. Everyone
can do it with little effort. You can also further the process by using
products that are made from recycled materials.

You can help reduce global warming in your lawn, too. For one thing, you can
use a push mower instead of a power mower. Since a push mower uses no energy
but your own, this is a great savings. Even if you do use a power mower, you
can still help. Use a mower that catches the grass clippings so you can mulch

As far as transportation, you can do so much more than buying a green car. You
can drive it sensibly, with no rapid starts for instance, to help prevent
global warming. If you keep your car well-maintained, it will be beneficial,
too. Things like changing your oil and keeping your car tuned up can make a big
difference in global warming.

Surprisingly, poorly inflated tires can lead to global warming. This happens
because tires must have the proper amount of air in them for the car to reach
maximum fuel efficiency. The less efficient your car is, the more it adds to
global warming.

The best way to slow global warming by the way you use your car, is to make as
few trips as possible. Walk when you can. When you have to drive, combine as
many errands into one trip as possible.

If you fight global warming in your home and your car, you can make a
difference. Some basic changes can be easily made. If everyone makes these
simple changes, it can have a powerful impact on global warming.

How Global Warming Affects the Ecosystems

Since global warming has such a profound impact on the earth's surface and
oceans, it is not surprising that it affects the ecosystems of earth. Species
depend on a fairly consistent habitat in which to live. Global warming changes
habitats and endangers these species.

One of the habitats already being affected by global warming is the Polar
Regions. Vast amounts of ice are melting at both poles. This makes it hard for
the species in these regions to survive. For instance, polar bears' habitat is
altered. Where once they could swim a short distance from ice floe to ice floe,
that is no longer the case.

Now, the ice floes are so far apart that many polar bears drown trying to make
the swim. According to the US Geological Survey, their numbers will decrease by
half in the next forty or so years. The melting polar ice cap will be too much
for most polar bears to survive. Global warming will eventually lead to their
extinction if left unchecked.

Global warming is pushing a reported 2000 species toward the poles. The climate
becomes warmer in the habitats the plants and animals are used to. They
naturally gravitate towards a cooler climate that will match the earlier
climate of the region they left. They were moving at a rate of 3.8 miles per

Another ice habitat being ruined by global warming is the penguins' home in
Antarctica. They have been declining in number rapidly for the last 25 years.
In fact, in that amount of time, 33% of the penguins are gone. The global
warming melting the ice has made their habitat inhospitable to them.

Global warming may soon make alpine meadows a thing of the past. Already, in
Washington's Olympic Mountains, sub-alpine forests have come in and taken over
where alpine meadows once lay. In the last 60 years, species in alpine areas
have moved up the mountains at a rate of 20 feet per decade. This leaves little
doubt that global warming is having an impact on alpine areas.

The health of sea creatures in their habitats is also being threatened by
global warming. In California, sea life is moving northward. This is a behavior
designed to keep the creatures at a temperature that is most like the one they
are adapted to. They naturally do this as a means of survival. When all the
water is too warm, they will have nowhere to go.

Other sea creatures are being put in danger of extinction because of global
warming. This happens because the extra carbon dioxide in the air mixes with
the ocean water. It changes the acidity of the water.

The sea plants and animals are then in an environment for which they are not
suited. If this global warming goes on, many will not be able to survive. For
example, 97% of the earth's coral reefs could disappear if there is a 3.6
degree Fahrenheit rise in temperature.

The destruction of ecosystems by global warming has begun. Since all the
species are needed to support each other, the whole world will suffer when
species are lost. Only a concerted effort on the parts of all human beings will
help the situation.

How Agriculture is Affected by Global Warming

When you think of global warming, you might envision dramatic scenes like
hurricanes and melting glaciers. The truth is that something as commonplace as
agriculture is already showing signs of the effects of global warming.

Some studies show that the news of global warming is not all bad for farming,
at least not in the short run. While humans have changed many environmental
factors by their activities, the short term effects of these changes often lead
to better crops.

Because of global warming, temperatures obviously increase. This has some
temporary benefits. For awhile, it will simply mean more time for crops to
mature because of a longer growing season. This is especially true of regions
where the spring and fall were once quite cool.

On the other hand, these higher temperatures can bring problems in other areas.
In regions that are already warm, global warming will cause the plants to
languish in the heat. Soil evaporation rates will be very high, leaving very
dry earth. Add to that, droughts that will make both the soil and the air dry
and might even lead to burning of some crops.

Global warming is sure to bring about changes in precipitation. This will lead
to changes in the soil moisture. Especially with the severe weather predicted
with global warming, rain will come down hard when it does come. This will lead
to more than usual soil erosion. These factors greatly affect agriculture.

Strangely enough, all the extra carbon dioxide in the air that brings about
global warming also has a fertilizing affect on crops. This type of
fertilization is most helpful for crops such as wheat, soybeans, and rice. CO2
fertilization is a beneficial by-product to global warming.

However, this benefit may all be in vain. When global warming pushes ground
level ozone to higher stages, the carbon dioxide fertilization is voided out by
tropospheric ozone. These ozone levels are influenced by both emissions and
temperature. The result is that when the climate changes, the ground ozone
levels will rise as well.

There have always been many obstacles to farming. Global warming just makes
them more intense. Now, it is even more likely that a farmer will face
droughts, floods, heat waves, and hurricanes, to name a few. They will be
harder to overcome than ever before and they will certainly be less rare.

The overall predictions for the US are neither all bad nor all good. Crops are
expected to benefit from the effects of global warming in many regions for
awhile. In some areas, though, crops will suffer because of regional variations.

The Great Plains are now more susceptible to drought, thanks to global warming.
However, Canada will probably benefit from the added heat as farming will take a
Northward shift.

Right now, and in the near future, global warming does not seem to be a very
dangerous situation for North American farmers. There might even be some
positive effects. However, in the long run, nothing will be able to mitigate
the damage that will be caused by global warming if it is not stopped.

Health Concerns Related to Global Warming

As global warming affects the environment, it should not be surprising that it
affects the health of the people living in that environment. Changes in the
climate are changes in the habitats not only for animals, but for people as
well. Climate changes are already impacting people's health.

Global warming has caused intense heating up of the environment. In areas where
people are not prepared for extreme heat, there have been devastating heat waves
recently. There were heat flare-ups in Europe in 2003 which lasted as long as
two weeks at a time. Temperatures soared upwards of 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Temperatures like this are common in parts of the American Southwest, for
example. People are well-equipped to deal with the heat because that is the
climate zone they are living in. However, Europe is usually much cooler.
Residents there were not ready for such temperatures. Over 35,000 people died
in Europe as a result of the heat waves that year. Global warming had changed
their habitat, so to speak.

There have also been heat waves in North America. One in 2006 claimed 226
lives. Another probable result of global warming is increased pollen in the
air. This happens because higher levels of carbon dioxide encourage the growth
of more pollen-producing weeds. Because more pollen means worse air quality,
those with allergies and asthma suffer.

Global warming can also affect the incidence of tropical disease. Mosquitoes
have been found in places that were once too cold for them. High elevations,
such as mountains were once free of disease-carrying mosquitoes.

However, as the warmth climbs higher up the mountain, so do the mosquitoes. The
mosquitoes carry malaria to new regions of Indonesia because of global warming.
Dengue fever has reached elevations in the Andean Mountains of Colombia where
it was never seen before.

Other health concerns related to global warming revolve around flooding. When
sudden storms and flooding occur, it is often impossible to get ill or injured
people to medical facilities in time to help them.

Often, people take dangerous risks during floods. They drive into water,
thinking that they can make it across. When they do not, they can get swept
away and drowned. There is no graver consequence of global warming than death,
of course.

People are also left with messes to clean up after floods. This can result in
exposure to high levels of mold. Many people will have intense allergic
reactions to mold. The person can have hives all over the body. Sometimes, the
tongue will swell and cut off breathing. It is a serious condition. Curtailing
global warming would lessen the incidence of flooding and prevent this many
times. Since global warming can have an affect on the food supply, it is
obvious that people can suffer from malnutrition because of this. This is
especially true in agrarian societies in underdeveloped countries.

If all people knew how much global warming can affect their health, they might
be more prone to working on a solution. Until then, those who understand the
ramifications of global warming will have to work even harder.

Global Warming: How to Educate Those That You Know

Whether you watched Al Gore's awarding winning documentary, "An Inconvenient
Truth," or if you happened to watch a news report on global warming, you may be
shocked with what you saw. If the predictions are right, and many scientists,
meteorologists, and computer models believe that they are, you may want to take
action right away. The good news is that you do have a number of different

When it comes to joining the fight against global warming, many are unsure as
to how they should proceed, as well as if they can afford to do so. After a
little bit of research, many individuals are surprised with how easy and
affordable it is to help do their part to end the global warming crisis. Just a
few of the many steps that you can take involves purchasing an energy efficient
vehicle, carpooling, limiting your driving, switching all or most of the light
bulbs in your home to energy efficient ones, as well as making sure that all
appliances are turned off when not in use.

Although you may take a number of steps to help combat global warming, you may
also wonder what the purpose of doing so is. If this is a question that you
have asked yourself, you are not alone. While any carbon dioxide reducing steps
you take will help, it is important to remember that you cannot fight global
warming alone. That is why you may want to take steps to educate you friends,
family, or community members on this important issue.

When speaking with friends and family members, many individuals are unsure as
to exactly how they can go about doing so. In fact, many are worried about
seeming pushy or overbearing. Speaking of which this is an issue that should
first be discussed. As important as global warming is and as important as it is
to take action, you will want to refrain from pushing your views on those that
you know or even those that you do not know. Unfortunately, if you start out
listing the ways that your friends or family can stop global warming, you may
run into some problems. It is first important to carefully touch on the problem
of global warming. When looking for an opening, you may find the following
suggestions helpful.

One of the many options that you have involves summarizing a movie or a news
report that you may have seen. As outlined above, Al Gore has an award winning
documentary available for rent or for purchase. Many experts and viewers report
that this documentary had a profound affect on them. If it did for you, you may
want to ask your friends, family members, neighbors, or coworkers if they have
seen the documentary or another one. If not, you may want to recommend it and
give a summary of what global warming is and list a few ways that they can
help, such as by using energy efficient light bulbs.

In addition to just recommending a global warming documentary or television
report, or even energy efficient light bulbs, you may want to take action
yourself. If you have any close friends or family members who have a birthday
soon approaching or if Christmas is around the corner, you may want to consider
giving these items as gifts. Of course, a documentary on global warming and
energy efficient light bulbs isn't always on everyone's wish list. For that
reason, be sure these items are not the only gifts given, as you may become
that pushy, overbearing person that you were trying to avoid becoming, as
outlined above.

As a reminder, there are a number of steps that you can take to help combat
global warming, but the more people who help do so, the better the results will
be. That is why you may want to carefully discuss global warming and the impact
it may have on the earth and our future families with your close friends and
family members.

Global Warming Facts

As global warming continues to receive more exposure on the internet, the
television, and the radio, you may start to pay more attention. If global
warming is an issue that you are concerned about or if it is an issue that you
would like to explore more, you will want to continue reading on. A few
interesting and occasionally devastating global warming facts are outlined

Global warming is real. Although there is a lot of opposition and debate that
surrounds global warming, scientific proof shows that global warming is real.
This is something that cannot be ignored much longer, even by those who oppose
global warming or claim it is a sham. The earth's temperature is rising. With
that in mind, this aspect of global warning isn't always debated as much as the
affects of global warming are.

Glaciers and polar icecaps are melting. This is another fact of global warming
that we should all be well aware of. While there is debate that surrounds this
fact, this melting is occurring. Generally speaking, the debate surrounding the
melting of glaciers concerns the causes of it. Global warming is causing
glaciers and icecaps to melt at a faster rate of speed, but it is not the sole

In keeping with the melting of glaciers, icecaps, and snowcaps, this melting is
having a profound affect on sea and wildlife. For starters, polar bears are the
animals experts are most concerned about. Polar bears rely on glaciers and
icecaps as a way to travel and find food. As these important masses continue to
disappear, polar bears are likely to find it more difficult to travel and find
food. In fact, many will die because of this difficulty.

The melting of glaciers and icecaps will also have an impact on coastal
flooding in the future. This fact is supported by much independent research and
many computer generated models. As for the impact this important global warming
fact can have on the coastal areas, it can and will be devastating. Many
coastal residents will be displaced. Those in the United States who are most
like to be impacted by this flooding are New Orleans residents.

In addition to melting ice and snow, the increase in the earth's temperature
will also have an impact on water. This is most commonly the case with coral
reefs. Coral reefs are suffering due to the steady rise in water temperature.
This change with coral reefs is commonly referred to as bleaching. This when
coral reefs lose their beautiful, vibrant colors. Unfortunately, this can have
a negative impact other sea life, as many rely on coral reefs for food,
shelter, and protection.

The above mentioned global warming facts are just a few of the many that may be
of interest you. If you would like to help stop global warming, but only if your
help will do good, you may want to take the time to research global warming. The
same can be said if you are unsure as to whether or not global warming is a real
problem. Many individuals, possibly even you, think that global warming
prevention steps are just a waste of time and energy if global warming does not
exist. That is why researching the facts that surround global warming are
important. In fact, you may also want to encourage your friends, family
members, neighbors, and coworkers to do the same.

Global Warming Explored In Schools

Global warming, as you may already know is the process that describes the
earth's temperature rise. This rise in temperature is because of greenhouse
grasses. Although global warming may not have a significant impact on your
life, it is likely to have a huge and possibly devastating impact on the lives
of your children, their children, and future generations to come. For that
reason, many educators are taking the time to educate their students on global
warming. In fact, you may be surprised just how soon these lessons start.

When it comes to global warming and schools, you will find that global warming
is being taught at a much earlier age. In a way, this is good thinking. For
example, ensuring that all unused lights and appliances are turned off when
they are not in use is a great way to not only save money on electricity, but
also help in the fight against global warming. Since these prevention steps are
ones that children off all ages can do, they are being touched on at an early

Since many younger elementary school students are unable to comprehend the
science behind global warming, at least right now, educators use creative ways
to cover this important issue. At the elementary school level, science projects
are often used to demonstrate how global warming works and the impact it may
have on the environment. These demonstrations often involve miniature
ecosystems built in the classroom. These and other environmental science
projects and demonstrations are a nice, fun, and exciting way to draw attention
to important environmental issues, like global warming, even at a young age.

As your child ages, they will likely continue to learn about global warming,
but more from a scientific standpoint. As children reach the middle school and
high school levels, they are likely to do less experiments and demonstrations,
but the impact will be the same, if not greater. Don't be surprised if your
children bring home global warming related articles and graphs, as they have
been incorporated into many lessen plans. These materials will better help your
child understand the impact global warming can have on the planet, such as the
ways that temperatures continue to rise.

As previously stated, in addition to discussing the science behind global
warming, your children are likely to learn many ways that they can help to stop
global warming or at least lessen the impact of it. Unless you regularly stay
updated on global warming news yourself, many of these prevention steps may be
relatively new to you. For that reason, you will want to take what your
children have to say into consideration when they discuss global warming. You
will want to encourage them to stay up-to-date on this important issue and you
may even want to do the same yourself.

Despite the fact that global warming is a topic that is being covered in many
schools around the world, you, as a parent, may still want to do your part at
home. Be sure to encourage discussions about global warming and let your
children help to make your home more environmental friendly. Although we have
the ability to help stop global warming or at least lessen its impacts now, it
is important that these prevention steps are shared with the generations yet
come and the best way to do so is with your own children.

Global Warming: Do You Believe?

When it comes to global warming, you will find no shortage of information.
Whether you look online, turn the television on, or pick up a newspaper, you
are likely to see something on global warming.

As previously stated, global warming is a topic that is becoming "hot." It is
an issue that is widely discussed. Most of the information that you will read
or see on television concerns the negative affects that global warming will
have on your planet, such as coastal flooding, erratic weather, and the easy
spread of diseases. Another popular global warming topic is prevention. You are
also likely always presented with ways that you can help to stop or at least
lessen the impact of global warming. These ways often include purchasing energy
efficient appliances, cars, and light bulbs.

Although much attention and focus is placed on what global warming is and what
we can do to stop it, you will also find opposition. In recent years, we have
learned just how much opposition global warming has. Global warming is no
longer a cause for environmentalists; it is also a big cause for debate. This
debate circles around a number of different viewpoints, such as the one that
global warming is just a scam to collect money for environmental organizations
and the view that the changes we are seeing aren't directly related to global
warming, as they have been anticipated for years now.

As previously mentioned, the global warming debate has seemed to grow in past
years. Before, you may have occasionally heard of a political figure or
celebrity who believed that global warming was nothing more than an untrue
myth. However, now, you can see this opposition just about anywhere. Global
warming is widely debated online, on television, and even on the radio. What
does this mean for you and other Americans? It often means uncertainty. After
all, if you have so many people telling you that global warming is just a scam
to raise money, you may start to believe so after a while.

As for your viewpoints, do you believe in global warming? If you are uncertain,
do you at least feel that it is an issue that needs to be discussed more? If so,
you are not alone. Many Americans would like to see more information and proof
on global warming. The good news is that you can easily find this proof online
or with television and movie documentaries, such as "An Inconvenient Truth," by
Al Gore. The internet is another tool that you may want to use, when giving
global warming a closer look. In fact, you may want to take the time to
research both sides of the global warming debate. This may help you decide
whether or not global warming is something that you believe in.

Even if you do not officially believe in global warming, you may still be
concerned with the environment. As outlined above, some opposition believes
that the earth's temperature would rise anyways, as it has been doing so for
years now. The same can be said with sea level, as a rise in it has always been
anticipated. Even if global warming isn't the cause of these changes, they can
still cause alarm. The one thing that many experts agree on, whether or not
they can agree on global warming, is that some of the prevention tips suggested
are ones that can do no harm. These tips include carpooling when possible and
reducing as much energy in your home as possible, such as by turning off all
unused lights and appliances.

Global Warming: Coming to a Television Set Near You

Have you heard about global warming? If you watch television, you likely have.
With that in mind, if you are currently unfamiliar with global warming, you
will likely have multiple chances to familiarize yourself with it. This is
because global warming is an issue that is seeing an increase in media time.

If you are interested in learning more about global warming through your
television set, you will find that you have a number of different options. Of
course, you can always sit down and watch the news. Many around the clock news
channels mention global warming at least once a day. Even your local news is
likely to touch on global warming in a newscast, especially the local affects
of it.

In addition to traditional newscasts, many around the clock news stations are
also starting to create their own specials. For example, CNN developed their
own series on global warming, titled "Planet in Peril." These types of special
programs are often advertised during traditional newscasts. The good news with
around the clock news stations is that many of these special programs are later
repeated, many times later at night.

In addition to national news channels, there are many more stations who are
starting to use their airwaves to help combat global warming. One of these
stations is that of The Weather Channel. In addition to mentioning global
warming in passing on traditional programming, The Weather Channel is also
known for its specials, which may include specials on global warming. The line
of Discovery Channels may also have global warming programs available as well.

Another one of the many ways that you can learn about global warming right from
your couch is through movies, namely documentaries. There are a number of
documentaries on global warming, the science behind it, and its affects. In
fact, there are many more documentaries expected to come in the future. When it
comes to global warming documentaries, you will find that you have a number of
options. Many can be purchased locally or online, as well as rented.

In keeping with global warming documentaries, you will want to examine An
Inconvenient Truth and 11th Hour. These two environmental documentaries are
more well know for the people who stand behind them. When many think of global
warming, Al Gore is often the first person that comes to mind. His An
Inconvenient Truth documentary is not only backed with scientific proof and
resources, but it also an award winning piece. As for 11th Hour, having
Leonardo DiCaprio has a co-producer and co-writer also helps to bring much
needed attention to this important issue.

As nice as is to know how you can go about using your television to learn more
about global warming, you may be wondering why you should. Although global
warming is an issue that is widely debated, many believe what they hear. If you
are one of those individuals you will want to educate yourself on the subject as
much as possible. After all, knowledge is the best way to fight a problem, such
as global warming.

As outlined above, you have a number of different options when looking to use
the television as a way to learn more about global warming. With most news
reports, television specials, and documentaries lasting less than two hours,
you have nothing to lose by taking to the time familiarize yourself with global

Global Warming: Can It Be Stopped?

If you are familiar with global warming, you are also likely familiar with the
debate that surrounds it. Although many individuals claim that global warming
is nothing more than a myth or even a scam used to raise money for
environmental issues, it isn't too hard to see that the earth is changing.

As previously stated, the earth is changing. Although these changes are small,
many notice them. We have noticed a change in the weather pattern, which
includes stronger storms, as well as varying temperatures. We have also noticed
a change in icecaps and glaciers, as many are melting at quicker rates than
originally anticipated. Unfortunately, if global warming continues as many
experts predict it will, the changes that we notice will increase in intensity
and many will be life changing experiences.

When it comes to global warming and its affects, one of the most commonly asked
questions surrounds prevention. Many wonder if global warming can be stopped or
if there are at least ways that we can lessen its impact. This issue is also
one that has been widely debated. Many of the experts who oppose global
warming, claim that the rise in the earth's temperatures is nothing unexpected.
Many attribute it to normal pattern. For that reason, there are many who believe
that there is nothing that we can do to stop or lessen the impact of global
warming, as the changes that we are seeing are ones that may have occurred no
matter what.

Even as the debate continues on, we still have to take a look at the changes
the earth is seeing, even if it isn't related to global warming. Glaciers and
icecaps in the north are melting at a small, but still high rate of speed.
Although this melting was predicted and has been anticipated for years now,
things are moving along a little bit faster than anticipated. This brings more
support to the theory of global warming. So whether you believe in global
warming or not, you may still be interested in doing what you can to help stop
the changes our planet is seeing.

One of the many ways that humans can help stop global warming or at least many
of the changes we are seeing with our planet is by taking a close look at our
homes. You may be surprised how much carbon dioxide the average home emits.
Simply by ensuring that all light and appliances are turned off when not in use
can do wonders for the environment and possibly global warming. In keeping with
electricity use in our homes, energy efficient appliances and simply energy
efficient light bulbs can help to lessen the carbon dioxide emissions from most
homes. In fact, did you know that energy efficient appliances and light bulbs
can also save you money?

Another one of the many ways that we can help to stop global warming or at
least the changes on our planet that are staring to take hold is by looking at
our vehicle uses. Another big contributor of carbon dioxide is the vehicles
that we drive. Energy efficient vehicles are affordable, they can save you
money over time, and they can also help the environment. Even if you cannot
afford a new energy efficient vehicle, there are still steps that you can take
to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions for your vehicle. These steps including
taking public transportation or carpooling as much as possible, changing your
car's air filter on a monthly basis, as well as making sure your car tires are
properly inflated.

As previously stated, it is hard to know the impact that the above mentioned
steps will have on global warming and our planet. Even if global warming is not
an issue that you believe in, it is important to remember that many of the
global warming prevention steps outlined above are ones that will do good for
the environment anyways.

Global Warming And The Impact on Wildlife

When it comes to global warming, much of the focus is placed on how it can
impact us, personally, and future generations to come. As important as this is,
it is also important to remember that global warming stretches far beyond human
impact. Wildlife will also be affected by global warming as well. In fact, the
affects of global warming on wildlife often have a direct relation to the human

What we need to remember about global warming is that it is causing a slight
rise in the earth's temperatures. Although scattered, many cities and towns on
the ground are experiencing an increase in temperatures as well. In fact, many
record high temperatures are being shattered. While this may leave us, humans,
feeling hot, uncomfortable and wanting to spend all day in the pool, it is
having an even bigger impact on wildlife.

For starters, it is important to examine polar bears. In fact, when many
individuals think of global warming and wildlife, polar bears are the first
thought that comes to mind. This is due in part to the media attention that is
circulating them. Many environmentalists and wildlife experts feel that polar
bears will become extinct in certain areas of the world, due to melting ice.
This ice melting is directly related to the earth's increase in temperatures.
Unfortunately, polar bears rely on ice shelves when hunting. Many are unable to
swim long distances without them. If polar bears do not perish because of the
extended swims, they will because of the lack of food in the area.

Birds are another form of wildlife that can be impacted greatly by global
warming. As our temperatures increase, birds are starting to change their
migration paths. These migration changes are expected to increase in numbers in
the future. While this may seem like an exciting prospect for birdwatchers, it
can have negative consequences on the birds themselves. Many birds, especially
migratory birds, have a set pattern that they follow. This pattern also depends
on their ability to get food. The changes in this pattern can lead to trouble
for many migratory birds, who essentially travel too far as the weather
misleads them.

Bird and polar bears are not the only forms of wildlife that will be affected
by global warming. Insects, mice, and other rodents will also change their
habitats. You will see that if the conditions are right, many will stay on the
move. Unfortunately for us, rodents and many insects, such as mosquitoes often
bring diseases along with them. Yes, many of these diseases are treatable, but
it will take time to adjust. In fact, a wide spread panic may ensue if area
that was previously disease free starts to see changes. In this aspect, global
warming can cause harm to both humans and wildlife.

If you are an animal lover or if you value your health and the health of your
future family members to come, you may want to take action. In fact, that is
why global warming is seeing an increase in media coverage, as many scientists
and wildlife experts want you to take action. A few of the many ways that you
can help, not just wildlife, but the planet in general, is by reducing the
carbon dioxide emissions that you release into the earth's atmosphere, whether
it comes from your home, car, or place of business.

Global Warming and Our Children

If you surf the internet, listen to the radio, or watch the news on television,
there is a good chance that you have heard of global warming before. Although
you may have heard of global warming before, have you taken the time to better
understand? If you are a parent, you should.

One of the many reasons why individuals feel that global warming is not a
serious issue is because of all of the debate that surrounds it. Yes, global
warming does have its opponents and some of that opposition do have valid
points, but is global warming something that you are willing to ignore? If you
are a parent, it shouldn't be.

As stated multiple times above, if you are a parent, global warming should be a
huge concern of yours. After all, you love your children don't you? When your
children grow up, you likely want them to have their own family and children,
After all, many individuals want their family name and legacy to be carried on
for eternity. Unfortunately, global warming may throw a wrench in that plan.

As it was previously stated, global warming is an issue that many are unsure
about. In addition to wondering if those who oppose global warming are right,
the delayed affects of global warming also play a role. Yes, we are starting to
see many changes resulting from global warming, such as melting glaciers and
droughts, but these changes are small compared to what is being predicted.
Unfortunately, many individuals go by the thinking of "it isn't a problem if we
can't see it." Although you may not be able to live to see the drastic and
horrific affects of global warming, your children or their children may.

Speaking of the horrific affects of global warming, you may wonder just what is
expected to happen. As previously stated, glaciers and other ice masses are
melting. Despite the fact that this melting has always been noticed, it has
picked up in speed. If things continue, coastal flooding is predicted and not
just in limited areas, but around the entire world. Do you and your family
currently reside in a coastal area? If so, did you know that global warming may
prevent your children or their children from doing the same? Your hometown and
your history will be unable to be shared with future family members to come, as
it may be under water.

Coastal flooding is just one of the many ways that global warming may have a
profound affect on your children or their children. Other affects of global
warming are likely to include increased temperatures, droughts, and weather
instability. These global warming affects can have a huge impact on your future
family's ability to eat, drink, work, and live. That is why you are urged to
take action. After all, you do love your family right?

If you would like to help join in the fight against global warming, you will
want to get started soon. The sooner we all take action, the easier it will be
to make a successful, united stance against global warming. To get you started,
you may want to look at your home and your vehicle. If you are unable to
purchase an energy efficient vehicle, carpool or use public transportation as
much as possible, as well as combine as many errands together in one trip as
possible. As for your home, limit your electricity uses by only running your
dishwasher when it is full, use energy efficient light bulbs, and turn your
heat down, even just a few degrees.

Global Warming and the Significance of Rising Water Temperatures

A part of the alarm that is being raised about global warming has to do with
rising water temperatures, especially in the ocean. Scientists are studying
warming waters all over the globe to determine the extent of the change.

The consequences of this global warming are far-reaching. One of the most
devastating effects of global warming is that, as the ocean water warms, it
impacts tropical storms. Hurricanes that would have been category 3 storms in
past years are now category 4 or above. This is because they are energized when
they pick up the warmer ocean water.

In fact, there has been a significant increase in these higher intensity storms
in the last 35 years. This could be due to global warming. In 2005, the Atlantic
was bombarded with 27 tropical storms powerful enough to receive a name. 15 of
them developed into hurricanes.

Five of these storms reached the force of category 4 hurricanes. Four of them
actually became worse, at category five. Hurricane Katrina made a terrible mark
on history in August of 2005. It became the costliest hurricane in American
history. It was also one of most lethal. Global warming has left destruction in
the form of more intense hurricanes.

As global warming causes temperatures to rise in the oceans, glaciers and
icecaps are melting more rapidly. One particular ice shelf in Antarctica, the 
northern section of the Larson B shelf, collapsed in recent years. Scientists 
got a rude awakening when they realized how fast the ice shelf could 

The polar ice cap is disappearing at an astonishing rate as well. It is
dissolving at 9% per decade. This aspect of global warming is a definite cause
for alarm. In the last 40-50 years, the thickness of ice in the Arctic has
decreased by 40%. The ice that is present on earth is beneficial to maintain
the delicate balance of the environment.

Perennial sea ice in the Arctic has been receding as well. There was a record
low in the square miles of this sea ice in 2005. Just two years later, in 2007,
the record was broken with a half of a million square miles less perennial ice
than in 2005. Global warming has truly had an impact on the sea ice of the
Arctic. Some scientists predict that all the sea ice will be gone by 2040.

Global warming could also cause the sea level to rise as ice melts. When this
happens, islands are lost and coastal communities are flooded. Various
suggestions have been made about the levels that the water level could reach,
anywhere from 10 to 23 inches by 2100.

Global warming has the potential to make the earth a very inhospitable place to
live. Rising temperatures in the oceans' waters are a clear indication that the
process has begun. With the melting of ice in the glaciers, icecaps, and on the
sea, it is only a matter of time before global warming has much more harmful
effects. It is up to the people of the world to do what they can to make the
future look brighter.

Global Warming and Building Green

Building green is one of the solutions to global warming that many people do
not think about. Building green is designing and constructing buildings with
the environment in mind. It is these practices that can have an impact on
stopping global warming.

Houses give off a high percentage of a country's total carbon dioxide
emissions. In the United States, the figure is about 38%. Since carbon dioxide
is one of the greenhouse gases, houses contribute strongly to global warming.

One way to cut the greenhouse emissions of houses, and therefore help stop
global warming, is to minimize the energy use needed to sustain comfortable
living in a house. There are several ways to do this.

One way is to be careful about what building materials are used. Some building
materials can be from quickly renewable sources. These include bamboo and
straw. Also, building materials can be used that originates near the building
site. This cuts down on transportation, and so cuts down on emissions of
greenhouse gases and global warming. One example is stone houses built with
local stone.

Buildings are also often built using recycled materials. Wood can be used from
an older home that has been torn down. This will prevent the need to cut down
other trees. Since the deforestation of the land contributes to global warming,
this will help the situation.

Heating and cooling have a big effect on the amount of global warming caused by
a house. Some ways to help this are very simple. One is to design the house to
sit on the lot so that sunlight will come in through the windows and warm the
house. It can also be oriented so that breezes will blow through the windows
more naturally for cooling.

In this way, passive solar energy can be used to heat and cool the house. This
will cut down on the greenhouse emissions from a house. Global warming will be
lessened. Insulation is important to maximize on the cool or heat that is in
the house. With good insulation, you will need a less intense heat or cooling

The main heating and cooling source in most green houses will be solar panels,
wind power, or hydropower. Any of these sources will power a house with minimal
effects on global warming. At the same time, these sources of energy will
sustain a household in a comfortable style.

There are several organizations in the US that aid in the cause of stopping
global warming by encouraging green building. One non-profit organization makes
it their business to foster green building methods in both houses and commercial
buildings. This group of people from the building industry is a part of the
Green Building Initiative.

The state of Washington has required builders of buildings larger than 5000
square feet to use green building practices. Their law was enacted in 2005. It
should help to keep a cap on global warming.

Green building is important for a number of reasons. One just happens to be
that it can reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. If green building can
help stop global warming, perhaps it is time for everyone to build green.

Forestry and Global Warming

The way land is used can have an affect on global warming. The kinds of plants,
animals, or minerals set upon a plot of land render it different from other
plots of land. It is these differences that can be explored to help you gain an
understanding of global warming.

Forests are an important use of land in most countries. This is true for many
reasons, but when it comes to global warming, it is particularly true. Plant
life can scrub carbon dioxide from the air. Much of the very carbon dioxide
that is one of the causes of global warming can be eliminated just by being in
the vicinity of certain plants.

Trees are the best carbon dioxide scrubbers there are in nature. Old growth
trees are especially good at removing carbon dioxide from the air and storing
it within their cells. For this reason, old growth trees need to be protected
from the lumber jack's blade.

While the lumber trade argues that the old growth trees can be easily replaced
by new trees, this is simply not the case. New trees do not possess the
abilities that old trees have of preventing global warming by trapping carbon

Some proponents of cutting suggest that certain new trees are capable of
trapping more greenhouse gases than the old trees. The truth is that, even if
this is true, it is not true when you compare the new special trees to any
trees that have many decades of growth. To prevent global warming, you need
trees with some substance to them.

One law was proposed to stop logging and road building in the forest to prevent
global warming. This particular law was to protect a large amount of
forest-approximately 13 million acres on ancient forest. Most of this forest
was so unspoiled that it did not even have any roads at all. This law would
also ban clear-cutting, a practice that totally destroys acres upon acres of
old growth trees.

Several studies have been done to estimate the amount potential global warming
caused by the deforestation of tropical rainforests. Loggers do not just take
out mature trees for lumber. People who want to clear a place to live, work, or
farm in the jungle clear the forest by cutting and burning large portions of the

As if this was not enough, other greenhouse gases are increased by
deforestation. These include methane and nitrous oxide. Global warming is
foreseeable when people greedily take the rainforest and other forests for
their own purposes.

It seems that, by the figures in these studies, global warming prevention
should focus on the green house emissions caused by the burning of fossil fuels
first. However, the deforestation comes in a close second in causes for global

People can stop this dependence on old growth trees for lumber. There are many
different building materials available to be used. It does not upset the
balance of nature when you build with stone, for example. Also, furniture can
be made from other materials. When people learn that forests are important in
stopping global warming, they can help the situation by refusing to use lumber
that comes from old growth forests and the rainforest.

Forecasting the Future of Global Warming

If people knew what kind of future global warming would actually bring, they
would likely want to do more to help the environment. The problem is that
predicting the future of global warming is a very complex task. Just as the
local weatherman does not always get it right, neither can the predictor of
global warming.

Some of the difficulties inherent in forecasting future global warming have to
do with those same factors that every meteorologist faces. Winds can cool the
air or warm it depending on the direction they take. Cloud cover can cool a hot
day. Air masses move in to cause storms as cool fronts and warm fronts are

Ocean currents can change the temperature of the land on which they strike. The
earth's atmosphere is constantly in a cycle of evaporation and precipitation.
The nature of this cycle will affect global warming. At the same time, all
these variables will be affected by global warming in return.

It is hard to predict the future of global warming when little is known about
the actions people will take to prevent it, or not. Underdeveloped countries
will strive towards development. Generally in the past this has meant using the
cheapest industrial equipment available, even if it is the most polluting.
However, these countries may decide to put emphasis on preventing global
warming instead.

It is not known at this time how fast the population of the world will grow.
Statisticians can make educated guesses, but a number of factors can always
change the dynamics of population growth. Biological factors, as well as
governmental policies and economics can all play a part. The more people on
earth, the greater the chance for global warming.

Fuel efficient cars have already been developed, and the research continues to
make them even better. There is a question, though, as to whether the people of
the world will embrace these technologies. At least at first, cost might prevent
poor people from having hybrid or other fuel efficient cars. The extent to which
this technology is made available to all people will affect the amount of global
warming that can be expected.

As ice melts in the Polar Regions, the ocean temperatures are affected. This is
due to global warming. However, it also can perpetuate global warming by
changing the evaporation rates of the sea. The courses and speeds of the oceans
currents cannot be predicted with accuracy, but they will have an affect on
global warming.

The proliferation of dark areas can lead to global warming. The trouble with
using this fact to predict global warming is that it is not known how many dark
areas will be uncovered by melting ice. As long as there is enough ice to
maintain a light color, a good deal of the heat will be reflected off into the

While it is nearly impossible to predict the future of global warming with
complete accuracy, it is good to explore the subject. It is important to
estimate the damage that will be caused by global warming in order to make the
concept of global warming more concrete.

Easy Ways to Help Stop Global Warming

As the issue of global warming becomes more publicized, many individuals wonder
what they can do. Although you may not see the drastic affects of global warming
firsthand, it is important to remember that your future family members may. That
is why you should do your part to join in the fight against global warming.

When it comes to joining the fight against global warming, there is a common
misconception. That misconception is that average, everyday individuals cannot
do anything to help. Many mistakenly believe that it is up to the politicians,
scientists, and other well known figures to make a difference. This is not
true. There are a lot of ways that you can help, in the fight against global
warming. In fact, many of the steps that you can take are actually much easier
than you may have though.

One of the first things that you will want to look at is your vehicle. Do you
need a new car or can you afford to upgrade? If so, you will want to examine
hybrids or other energy efficient vehicles. Many are affordable, they can help
you save the environment, and you can even save money in the long run. Energy
efficient vehicles enable you to save money on gasoline, which is nice with the
current prices of gasoline being quite high.

In keeping with your vehicle, it is important to examine your uses. Do you
really need to use your car as much as you do? For work, is it possible for you
to use public transportation or can you carpool? As for your weekly errands, can
you carpool with a friend or family member and turn your weekly errands into a
fun filled adventure? If you can, you are urged to do so. The less vehicles on
the road make it easier to combat global warming.

Next, you will want to take a look at your home. One of the best ways to help
in the fight against global warming is to use as little energy and electricity
as possible. You will want to make sure that all lights and appliances are
turned off when they are not needed or being used. This may be hard to get use
to at first, but you can post sticky notes or other reminders near light
switches until everyone in your household gets in the habit of shutting off
lights when they aren't needed.

Staying with your home, if you are in need of new household appliances or when
you are ready to upgrade, you will want to examine those with Energy Star
labels. These appliances use less electricity, which can help in the fight
against global warming. It is also important to mention the money that you are
able to save on electricity costs. The prices of these energy saving appliances
are usually fair and affordable to begin with too, which is nice.

It is also advised that you check your water heater. Many experts suggest
having your water heater set at 120 degrees or lower. Also, a hot water heater
blanket can help. A hot water heater blanket can help you with your heating
costs and it can also limit the number of toxins your home emits.

The above mentioned ways are all easy ways that you can work to fight global
warming and the affects it will have on the environment. With that in mind,
there is only so much at one person can do. That is why you will want to take
the time to educate your friends or family members on the subject. You may be
surprised how many people are unfamiliar with global warming, even with all of
the press that it receives. Simply mentioning what your friends or family can
do to fight global warming in passing is enough, without seeming too pushy.
Another great tip involves giving energy efficient light bulbs as a small
housewarming gift or Christmas present.

Could Global Warming Cause A New Ice Age?

In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, there are many special effects including
an ice event caused by global warming. Much of the science of the movie has
been called into question. However, there may be some truth to the idea that
global warming could cause an ice age.

The theory starts with an understanding of why Europe and Scandinavia are not
colder already. After all, other places at the same latitude are covered with
ice and permafrost. Alaska and Greenland are both as close to the North Pole as
Europe. Yet, it is not global warming that keeps Europe warm.

The ocean currents called the Gulf Stream bring warm waters up to the UK and
Europe from the Caribbean. These waters warm the countries around their path.
This is what causes the UK, Europe, and Scandinavia to have such a nicer
climate than, say, Alaska. Global warming has nothing to do with that.

An important factor about the Gulf Stream is that to keep the Great Conveyor
Belt going, cool water must feed back into the loop and be brought back to the
point in the Caribbean where the process began. This keeps the water moving.

Global warming is significant in that it could slow the Gulf Stream, or even
stop it. If this were to happen, the cold waters would stay in the area of
Europe, the UK, Scandinavia, and the Northeastern US. It could mean an ice age
for those regions.

In every major cooling event, such as the last great Ice Age, the Gulf Stream
has been significantly weakened. This can happen for different reasons. In
current times, it can happen due to global warming brought on by human
activities such as the burning of fossil fuels.

If the new Ice Age happens, it will likely be due to the melting of the polar
ice. This will dump large quantities of cold, fresh water into the ocean. It
would disrupt the Gulf Stream and cause the cooling of many areas that now have
milder climates. Global warming will be the cause.

An ice age will probably not happen gradually, either. This is a phenomenon
that takes place rather quickly. Perhaps it does not happen as fast as the ice
event in The Day After Tomorrow. However, it could happen within a few short
years with global warming being to blame.

The return flow of cold water from Greenland, which goes back to the Caribbean,
has already showed a weakening in the last 50 years. There has been a 20%
decline in the amount of current flowing in this direction. It only makes sense
that the warm waters coming from the Caribbean have lessened too.

These currents are a part of the world-wide network of currents called the
Global Thermohaline Circulation. This global warming could then cause a slowing
or stoppage of the Gulf Stream affecting the entire earth.

The statistics are used to answer the question of whether an ice age could be
caused by global warming. Observations have been made of current data and
historical information gleaned by studying the ocean and the lands around it.
With all the information at hand, it appears that it is indeed possible that
global warming could lead to an Ice Age.

Common Global Warming Myths

If you listen to the radio, watch the news on television, or if you surf the
internet, there is a good chance that you have heard of global warming before.
Global warming is an issue that is increasing in popularity. Just about
everywhere you look, whether it be the television, radio, or the internet,
global warming is being discussed. Although global warming is widely debated,
it is still an issue that many individuals are concerned with.

As global warming continues to be an issue that increases in popularity, you
will hear a lot of information on global warming. This information is likely to
be anything from facts to opinions and theories. This is what often leads to
some confusion surrounding global warming. To help fight that confusion and
keep you in the know, a few common global warming myths and their truths are
outlined below for you.

Myth: The Earth's Temperature Is Rising Too Fast

Truth: Yes, it is true that the earth's temperature is rising. Yes, this
temperature rise may be cause for concern, but the temperature is not rising at
a fast rate at all. In fact, it is slighting increasing. Even before global
warming became an issue and before greenhouse gas emissions increased, the
earth's temperature was rising. That is why many scientist attribute this
slight temperature increase to normality, not necessarily global warming.

Myth: Humans Are the Sole Cause of Global Warming

While humans do have a significant impact on global warming, as well as the
emission of greenhouse gases, we are not the only cause. A previously stated,
many scientists claim that the earth's temperature has always been on the rise,
albeit a slight rise. Although the exact cause of global warming or even if it
exists is under debate, there is absolutely no proof that humans are the sole
cause of it.

Myth: Global Warming is the Sole Reason for Glaciers Melting

Many global warming activists, including Al Gore, claim that global warming is
what is causing the glaciers and ice masses in the north and in the extreme
south to melt. Yes, it is true that global warming does have an impact on
glaciers melting, but it is not the only cause. There are a number of
scientific studies that show that the melting and shifting of glaciers and
other ice masses has been happening for years now. This means that global
warming is not the only cause of ice melt and the possible rise in sea level
because of it.

Myth: Global Warming Isn't True, As It Is Cold Outside

If you live in the north, you are likely to experience cold and chilly winters.
In fact, even during the summertime, you may experiences a slight decrease in
temperature. This decrease in temperature is what often leads people to believe
that global warming is just an untrue theory. Despite opposition, many
scientists do believe that global warming does exist and that it will have a
serious impact on the future. As for the temperature, global warming summarizes
weather patterns, not just individual events; therefore, you will likely
experience a wide range of temperatures and other weather patterns, regardless
of where you live.

Myths: Computer Models that Predict Global Warming Are Unreliable

One of the many debates that surround global warming is the use of computer
generated weather models. It is no secret that scientists and meteorologists
use computer models to predict the weather. Although these weather models are
not right all of the time, they do have a pretty high success rate. In fact,
numerous weather predicating computer models basically show that global warming
is real and that it does have the probability to become a huge problem in the

The above mentioned global warming myths are just a few of the many that you
will likely hear. If you are unsure as to what you hear from friends, family
members, politicians, or scientists is true, you may want to take the time to
do a little bit of research This research is relatively easy to do online.

Climate Changes Due To Global Warming

There is no doubt that the earth's climate is constantly changing. Some people
feel that it is part of the normal cycle of events on this planet. Yet, most
scientists agree that there are drastic changes occurring that are due to
unnatural global warming.

The weather is getting decidedly warmer. For the most part, the United States
has already warmed up some. In some places, the average rise in temperature is
around four degrees Fahrenheit. However, all the states show some degree of

The first and second warmest years on record were 1998 and 2006, respectively.
In fact, every year from the first to the second warmest years, ranked within
the warmest 25 years in the US. In 2006, the annual average temperature was 55
degrees Fahrenheit. Recent warm years point to a climate change being brought
on by global warming.

Climate changes due to global warming can be seen in the prevalence of drought.
Years are becoming drier in recent decades due to global warming. This is caused
by the heat that is building up around the earth's surface. Excessive
evaporation intensifies drought even more during the spring and fall.

Global warming has upped the level of drought. A major drought in the US lasted
from 1999-2002. There were only two other droughts in the last forty years that
were so widespread and devastating. Crops were damaged or would not grow at
all, thus shortening the food supply.

There have been more and more frequent droughts in the West in recent years.
The last 30 years in particular have seen numerous droughts. These droughts
have spawned wildfires that set new records in 2006 for number of fires and of
acres burned. Further proof of global warming is seen in these destructive

While the overall effect of global warming is heat followed by drought, there
are still storms. Since global warming energizes the atmosphere, these storms
will be different. When all is going well, a gentle rain will soak into the
earth gradually, causing no more than a minor inconvenience to people.

Because of global warming, storms are becoming more destructive. While there
have certainly been droughts, rainfall totals have risen in the past century.
This surprising fact is due to the fact that when the rain comes, it comes in
rapid downpours. The sky opens up and dumps water on the earth very quickly in
many cases. This is followed by dry periods.

The number of times it rains in a year has increased during the last 50 years
due to global warming. What is more, global warming is causing storms to
intensify. Storms which would have been ordinary thunderstorms in the past are
morphing into raging tempests. Hurricanes have been rated higher in recent
years as global warming affects their intensity.

Global warming is responsible for many climate changes. Often, people cause the
increase in global warming that precipitates these changes. If people could make
it a common goal to cut down on activities that promote global warming, the
earth would be a much more stable environment.

Celebrities Helping to End Global Warming

Global warming is an issue that is increasing in popularity. Global warming is
widely discussed and debated on the television, radio, and even online. One of
the many reason for this increased media coverage is due in part to
celebrities. Over the past few years, a large number of celebrities have
publicized their stance on global warming. In this same time frame, global
warming saw an increase in media exposure. That leaves many wondering what if
there is a connection and if so, is that connection doing good?

One of the many celebrities who have helped use their well known name to bring
awareness to global warming is that of Al Gore. Al Gore was most well known for
his role as the Vice President of the United States, under Bill Clinton. As for
now, Al Gore is most well known for his fight against global warming. Al Gore
is one of the first political figures to take global warming seriously. In
fact, he has done more than that. His award winning documentary, An
Inconvenient Truth, has brought much needed attention to this important issue.

Leonardo DiCaprio is another well known figure who has been and who is still
using his name to bring attention to the many environmental issues. This award
winning actor has turned into a well known environmentalist. One of the many
topics that he brings attention to is that of global warming. In addition to
making numerous celebrity appearances at global warning related events, he has
also created his own documentary. This documentary is titled 11th Hour. Since
Leonardo DiCaprio is considered one of the greatest actors of his time, he has
the ability to bring much needed attention to global warming, as well as other
environmental issues.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is another well known figure that has been using his
status to do good for the environment. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a well-known
actor turned political figure. In addition to being outspoken on global warming
with his views on the subject, he has also taken action not seen by many other
politicians. In California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has passed laws that reduce
the greenhouse gasses emitted in the state of California and much more.

Laurie David may not be well known herself, but you may have likely heard of
her husband before. Her husband is most well known as being the co-creator of
Seinfeld. She worked on a documentary for HBO that covered the science behind
global warming. There are also reports that she helped to bring Al Gore's, an
Inconvenient Truth, documentary into the public eye.

The above mentioned celebrities are just a few of the many who have used their
celebrity status to bring much attention to the hot topic of global warming. In
addition to starting their own environmental groups and making their own
documentaries or television programs that focus on the issue of global warming,
celebrities do much more. Many celebrities are known for providing faces and
voices for documentaries, concerts, and other charity events.

Although many individuals view the association with entertainment and global
warming overkill, there is a lot that these celebrities and others have done to
help in the fight against global warming. For example, there are a number of
documentaries on global warming, but Al Gore's documentary saw success more
than others partly because of his well known name and status. For many
individuals, they may have not heard about global warning or learned the
possible affects of it if it weren't for celebrities.

Many celebrities, such as the ones outlined above are known for showing their
support for the environment, but there are others who have spoken out against
global warming. One of those individuals is Michael Crichton, a well-known
author. In the year 2002, he wrote a book that basically claimed global warming
is nothing but a conspiracy theory. In this book, he claimed that many
environmentalists are using global warming as a ploy to receive more money for
their organizations. His book was met with a mixture of support and criticism.

Celebrities Weigh In On Global Warming

Celebrities are putting their fame to use by calling attention to the subject
of global warming. Famous people in the entertainment industry are using their
knowledge of film-making to create documentaries about global warming. Others
are simply using their influence to make a statement.

One project is designed to help people become more informed about and involved
with global warming. The venture is called Global Cool, and its lofty goal is
to get one billion people to lower the levels of carbon emissions they put into
the environment. Celebrities involved with this global warming initiative
include Orlando Bloom, Josh Hartnett, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Pink. Some bands
have also joined the fight.

Leonardo DiCaprio is actually very involved with the movement to stop global
warming. He has a website devoted to the topic. On it, you can take a look at
two films DiCaprio has worked on, with others. One is called Water Planet and
the other is simply Global Warming.

This actor also started the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998. Its purpose
was to steer people towards involvement in environmentally friendly

The foundation also addressed the central themes of global warming such as
greenhouse gases and fossil fuels. Now, DiCaprio has worked on a documentary
about global warming about earth's 11th hour, which details the problems and
innovative solutions.

Other actors are getting involved in the stop global warming movement, too.
Brad Pitt is the narrator of a series on green architecture. The shows discuss
ways to build that will help the environment.

Another documentary features Keanu Reeves and Alannis Morrisett as narrators.
The global warming film, entitled The Great Warming, is all about the changes
in the climate caused by excessive global warming.

Earth Day has always been a magnet for celebrity attention. As time goes by and
more is known about global warming, the list of celebrities speaking out on
Earth Day becomes even more impressive. It seems that the earth has become more
precious to those in-the-know and they use this day as a platform for change.

Al Gore, aside from his Vice Presidency and his Presidential aspirations, has
earned a certain amount of celebrity himself. With the release of his movie, An
Inconvenient Truth, Gore has entered the limelight in a new way. He appears to
be trying to use his status and fame to influence people to aid in the fight
against global warming.

Perhaps the most powerful environmental activist on the scene today is producer
Laurie David. She is the wife of actor Larry David of Curb Your Enthusiasm. She
has lobbied for governmental change to promote the cause. Then, she started
organizing the Stop Global Warming Virtual March to rally support among the
everyday people. She has so far encouraged hundreds of thousands of people to
join her.

No one can ever know whether actors are trying to get attention or whether they
are truly citizens concerned about global warming. There are probably some whose
motives are not exactly pure. In the end, though, all celebrities who live by
their environmental principles are a good influence.

Books that Support or Deny the Concept of Global Warming

Global warming is discussed in two main types of books. Some would have you
believe there is no problem at all. Others speak of evidence of global warming,
dangerous consequences, and solutions to global warming. Reading a variety of
books on global warming gives a balanced perspective.

Probably the most well-known book on global warming is Al Gore's book An
Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can
Do About It. Gore's book shows reasons why people wan to save he earth from
hazards such as global warming. It also implores world leaders to stands up and
listens to the warnings of an environment in crisis.

An opposing viewpoint is presented in a book titled Unstoppable Global Warming:
Every 1,500 Years. The book, written by Dennis T. Avery and S. Fred Singer, is
an argument that global warming is a cyclical event that has happened gradually
and systematically throughout history. Scientific data backs up the claims and
demonstrates why no one should be concerned about global warming, in the
authors' opinions.

However, there is scientific information that supports the claims of global
warming dangers. A book called Global Warming: The Complete Briefing gives
facts and theories about the foundations of global warming and climate change.
In it, the future of the world and ways to help minimize global warming are

Children can learn about the subject by reading a book called This Is My
Planet: The Kids' Guide to Global Warming. Jan Thornhill, the author or the
book, gives the startling facts about the quickly occurring changes brought on
by global warming, and how that is happening. Catering to the younger audience,
though, she is careful to sprinkle the book with a lot of hope and ways for
children to help change the situation.

The Down To Earth Guide To Global Warming, by Laurie David and Cambria Gordon,
is another book that uses a bit of humor to discuss a serious subject. It not
only has facts about the genesis of extreme global warming, but it is full of
vivid pictures. As another book for elementary children, it gives ways for kids
to fight global warming in every area of their lives.

A fun and interesting book on the subject of global warming is The Live Earth
Global Warming Survival Handbook: 77 Essential Skills to Stop Climate Change.
David de Rothschild, the author, constructed the book to be a tongue-in-cheek
look at a survival guide aimed at surviving global warming. At the same time,
it offers important information about ways to improve the environment. It is a
companion book to the Live Earth Concerts in July of 2007 that took place
during a 24-hour period around the world.

It is easy to find books about global warming. Many are aimed at the children
who are next to inherit the earth. Some focus heavily on scientific data.
Others rely on humor to tell their story. Some are even a simple call to arms
to anyone who will help curb global warming. Global warming is a subject worth
study and there are plenty of books to read about it.

Affordable Ways You Can Help Combat Global Warming

Have you heard of global warming before? If you regularly watch television,
surf the internet, or listen to the radio, there is a good chance that you
have. In recent years, global warming is an issue that has seen an increase in
press. Although there is a lot of debate that surrounds global warming, you may
still be concerned. After all, if the predictions are right, the earth may not
be a safe place for your future family members.

If the thought of global warming and the affects it can have on the planet in
the future scare you, you will want to do you part. Unfortunately, many
individuals do not realize how easy, as well as how affordable it is to join in
on the fight against global warming. Unfortunately, much focus is placed on
energy efficient vehicles and appliances. If you do not have the financial
means needed to make these purchases, it is okay, as there are more affordable
ways that you can help.

One of the biggest chances that you have to help prevent global warming or
lessen its impact is in your home. In your home, you will want to look at your
electricity uses. Are there appliances, like your computer, that are turned on
when you aren't using them? How about the lights in your home? Are your lights
turned on even when nobody is in the room? If you answered yes, these are
things that you will want to change. Limiting your electricity use is a great
way to not only help prevent global warming, but it can also save you money too!

As previously stated, you will want to lessen the amount of electricity used in
your home. One of the easiest ways to do so is to ensure that all lights and
appliances are turned off when they are not in use. What is nice about this
approach is that it is completely free and, as previously stated, you can save
yourself money! Another step involves examining your heat. Instead of having
your thermostat cranked up high, you may
want to put on a sweater and turn the heat down. Even a few degrees can help
reduce the toxic emissions that come from your home.

In keeping with electricity, you will want to take a close look at energy
efficient light bulbs. Unfortunately, many individuals do not realize the many
benefits to using these light bulbs, as opposed to traditional ones. For
starters, you can save yourself a little bit of money each year by switching
all or at least most of the lights in your home to energy efficient light
bulbs. Also, these light bulbs work much longer than traditional ones.
Depending on your use, an energy efficient light bulb can last as long as one
or two years. By price comparing, you can easily find multi-packs of these
energy efficient lights for around five dollars. Talk about affordability!

Even if you are a renter, as opposed to a homeowner, there are still ways that
you can work to combat global warming. You may want to speak with your landlord
about making any window repairs, especially if you feel cold air entering into
your home when it shouldn't be. Ask your landlord about the hot water heater,
do they use a hot water heater blanket? Hot water heater blankets are
affordably priced and they can help to save the environment and your landlord
may also be able to save a little bit of money as well, as they can lower the
temperature of their water heater.

As previously stated, you may not have the financial means needed to purchase a
new hybrid or energy efficient car. Even so, you will still want to take a close
look at your methods of transportation. When you drive, do you really need to?
If you are able to walk, carpool or take public transportation, you are
encouraged to do so. Even if you leave your car home, just a couple of times a
week, you are still doing your part, even though small, to help stop the
horrific impacts that global warming may have on our planet.

Transportation and Its Impact on Global Warming

Transportation is important to the lives of many individuals, not just
Americas. Many commuters rely on the road to get them to and from work, to
travel on vacation, to run weekly errands, as well as to make it to important
appointments. Unfortunately, we are starting to learn just how much of an
impact our reliance on transportation costs. This is most evident in global

When it comes to global warming, you will find that it is defined as the rise
in the earth's temperature, due to the increase in the emission of greenhouse
gases. Although all of the vehicles on the road does have a negative impact on
global warming and the environment, it is not the sole cause. With that in
mind, transportation is an issue that should be discussed. It has been said
that each car that is taken off the road can reduce carbon emissions by as much
as seven to eight hundred pounds!

Although there is proof that our vehicles have a negative impact on the planet,
most of us keep on driving, as if there were nothing wrong. Why is this so? It
is largely due in part to a popular misconception. Unfortunately, many drivers
believe that they have to completely give up their vehicles or buy a new,
energy efficient one. Of course, these methods are the best ways to go about
reducing the amount of carbon dioxide that enters into the earth's atmosphere,
but it is important to remember that these two options are not your only.

As previously stated, you do not have to completely give up your vehicle to
help in the fight against global warming. What you will want to do, however, is
limit your uses. Are you able to carpool or use public transportation? Is your
workplace within walking distance? If it is, you may want to leave your vehicle
in your driveway. With that in mind, be sure to remember that you do not have to
completely give up your vehicle. For instance, you may need to drive yourself to
and from the supermarket. If so, try and invite a friend along or carpool with
another family member. Also, limit your shopping trips and get as much as you
can all in one trip. These are all steps that can help.

In keeping with using your vehicle, it advised that you get your vehicle
checked. Does your car's air filter need to be changed? Are your tires properly
inflated? Did you know that these two simple things can save you money, while
helping to stop the affects of global warming? They can. In fact, many experts
suggest that you change your car's air filter once a month. As for your car
tires, keeping your tires properly inflated at all times can help to get you
better gas mileage, as well as lessen the amount of pollutants that come from
your vehicle.

As previously stated, one of the best ways to reduce the carbon dioxide
emissions from your vehicle is to upgrade. If you are driving an older model,
you may want to consider upgrading. There are a number of affordable energy
efficient vehicles and hybrids available for you to choose from. Even if you
are unsure as to whether or not a new car is in your budget, you may still want
to take a look at what is available. Many consumers are actually surprised with
the affordability of many hybrids and other energy efficient vehicles.

As a reminder, you are urged to do your part to help limit the amount of carbon
dioxide that enters the earth's atmosphere from your own vehicles. With that in
mind, its important to remember that you do not have to go completely green,
which is a term used to commonly define global warming activists. Every step
that you take to help in the fight against global warming, no matter how large
or small, is likely to help.

What You Should Know About Global Warming

Despite the fact that global warming is an issue that has seen an increase in
exposure and media times, it is still an issue that many individuals are
unfamiliar with. Do you know about global warming? If not, you will want to
continue reading on.

The first step in familiarizing yourself with global warming is knowing what it
is. Global warming is a phrase that is used to describe the warming of the
earth's temperature. This rise in temperature is due to greenhouse gases. As
for what is causing global warming, there is some debate. Global warming has a
number of different causes, such as extreme vehicle use, carbon dioxide
emissions from homes, as well as industrial factories.

As previously stated, global warming is an issue that is widely debated. While
a good percentage of celebrities, meteorologists, scientists, and other well
known figures do agree that global warming is a real issue, namely one that
needs to be dealt with right away, there are others who feel it is nothing but
a myth. Many believe that global warming is a ploy by environmental
organizations to receive money and others claim that the slight warming of the
earth is a natural occurrence.

Returning back to global warming, many of us are already starting to see the
affects now. For example, glaciers and other snow and ice masses are melting.
Yes, this melting has always been occurring and it has always been anticipated,
but it is happening at a much faster rate than previously predicted. We are also
noticing a change in our weather, namely the temperatures. Many areas of the
United States are seeing shorter winters, with fall or even summer like

In addition to the global warming affects that we are seeing now, it is also
important to familiarize yourself with the changes that are expected to occur
in the future. Unfortunately, many of these changes can have a negative impact
on our planet, our way of life, and the economy in general. As previously
stated, polar glaciers and ice masses are melting at a quicker rate of speed.
This is predicted to result in coastal flooding. This flooding can make
previously habitable costal areas uninhabitable. In areas unaffected by coastal
flooding, drought is a concern.

If global warming is a topic that concerns you, you may want to do your part to
help. While this is another aspect of global warming that is widely debated, it
is believe that humans can take steps to stop or at least reduce the affects of
global warming. Many of the affordable steps that you can take involve ensuring
that all lights and appliances in your home are turned off when not in use.
Other ways to reduce your energy, as well as lessen the carbon dioxide
emissions from your home involve turning down your heat, making sure your home
is well insulated, and using energy efficient appliances, such as those that
come with the Energy Star label.

As stated numerous times above, global warming is an issue that has caused much
debate and opposition. For that reason, you may be unsure if global warming is
even an issue that should concern you. Regardless of your viewpoints, the
possibility of global warming having an impact on our planet is quite horrific.
Since many of the global warming prevention tips suggested are easy and
affordable, you may want to consider implementing them anyways.

The US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement on Global Warming

When the dust settled on February 16, 2005, 141 countries had ratified the
Kyoto Protocol and put it into effect. The United States was not one of those
countries who saw fit to join together to stop global warming. Many citizens
were disappointed, but one US Mayor decided to do something about it.

Mayor Greg Nickels was serving his second term in Seattle when the Kyoto
Protocol went into effect. He was concerned that the US should do something,
and, failing that, that he should do what he could. He devised a plan to enlist
other US Mayors to make the changes that were needed to reduce global warming.

Mayor Nickels sent out a challenge to mayors across the country urging them to
start implementing the changes that the Kyoto Protocol demanded of its member
nations. The idea was that if a grassroots network could be built to prevent
global warming, it would essentially do the same job that the government was
shirking by not ratifying the Kyoto agreement.

A letter and an endorsement agreement were sent out. Mayors across the country
had the chance to accept entrance into this group. The letter was sent out on
March 30, 2005, and the acceptances soon started pouring in. Mayors, it seemed,
did want to do something about global warming.

By June 13th of that year, the US Conference of Mayors met to discuss the
agreement. It was passed as the US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement on that
date. However, the group did not close then. More mayors around the country
continued, and still continue, to sign this agreement. Mayor Nickels has made a
huge impact on the global warming prevention efforts of cities.

Mayor Nickels first thought of the agreement because of the United States'
contributions to the problem of global warming. The US greenhouse gas emissions
make up 25% of those in the entire world. Yet, the population is nowhere near
25% of the world's population. Mayor Nickels was outraged because he thought
that the US could be such a large part of the problem and not want to be a part
of the solution to global warming.

The goals of the US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement were based on the Kyoto
Protocol. They planned to meet the Kyoto goal of 7% less greenhouse gas
emissions than 1990 by 2012. Just as the Kyoto Treaty was ratified with 141
member nations, the US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement had a goal of
signing up 141 mayors in their first year. The number was more like 500 cities
by mid-2007.

A part of the agreement is that each mayor should speak on behalf of global
warming prevention to members of the government, including local, state, and
federal government leaders. Another part of the plan is to make sure people
have up-to-date information on global warming.

Sometimes, it is amazing what one person can do. What is even more amazing is
how people from all over a large nation such as the US can come together for a
single purpose. With cooperation like this, there will be great strides in
preventing global warming.

The Kyoto Protocol and Global Warming

The Kyoto Protocol was set up in a session of the United Nations in Japan in
the year 1997. This initiative was set forth to reduce harmful emissions and to
lessen global warming. It was adopted and contains goals for emissions that are
legally binding for the countries involved.

The aim of the Kyoto Protocol is to prevent countries from causing global
warming through human activity. There are some natural forces that contribute
to global warming. However, it is the disruption of the climate by humans that
is most damaging. This is what is addressed in the Kyoto Protocol.

The developed countries of the world have made commitments to reducing
emissions in a timely manner. They have target dates and set levels they are
supposed to reach by those times. There are six greenhouse gases that are meant
to be reduced by 5% in the next few years. Three of these are carbon dioxide,
methane, and nitrous oxide. If these countries are successful, it will reduce
global warming.

It is interesting that, while many countries have agreed to reduce emissions,
some countries will be allowed to raise emissions. These countries are Norway,
Australia, and Iceland. These countries control global warming by keeping their
increases to a certain level.

Other countries are asked to simply maintain the levels of emissions they
already have. Countries such as Russia, Ukraine, and New Zealand do their part
against global warming by maintaining the status quo.

The goals of the Kyoto Protocol to decrease global warming are supposed to be
realized between the years 2008-2012. It seems that this will be a near
impossibility at this point for many countries. The US especially is turning
its back on the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol. The initiative is given lip
service by the powers that be, but real progress has been slow coming.

One way developed countries can receive credit under the Kyoto protocol is to
help others. If developed countries sponsor emissions reducing programs in
developing countries, they receive credit for this. It shows their commitment
to the reduction of global warming.

Yet, not all developed countries have adopted the Kyoto Protocol. One glaring
example is the US. As of December 2006, the US was one of the 169 governments
that had signed the agreement to cut down on global warming. However, it did
not ratify the agreement, so the treaty has no power in the US. Another
hold-out was Australia.

There were two conditions that needed to be met to put this treaty into full
legal force. One was that 55 countries needed to sign up. That condition was
met in 2002. In 2005, the other condition was met when 55% of the developed
countries had joined the effort to stop global warming.

The Kyoto Protocol was designed to hold developed countries up to a high
standard. Developed countries are not only expected to create ways to reduce
global warming. They are also rewarded if they help other countries to do the
same. When every developed country joins in the struggle to reduce global
warming, the earth will reap the benefits.

The Fight Against Global Warming: Start in Your Home

Are you concerned with global warming? If you are, you are definitely not
alone. As more political figures, scientists, and celebrities voice their
concerns about global warming, more Americans are beginning to take notice.

Although global warming is an issue that is widely debated, it is an issue that
still causes concern. For example, the predictions state that the weather will
become more erratic in the future. We may experience horrific coastal flooding
and drought will become a big concern. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the
Gulf Coast and this strong storm is not one that we will ever forget. In the
summer and fall of 2007, southern states, such as Georgia and Tennessee
experienced life changing drought conditions, which resulted in the strict
enforcement of water bans and water restrictions.

Even if you do not officially believe or support global warming, you may still
be concerned with the changes that you are seeing. The good news is that there
are a large number of ways that you can help. If you are interested in doing
your part to help stop or lessen the impact of global warming or even just
improve the environment, you will first want to start in your own home.

Since carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are a big cause of global
warming or at least the rise in the earth's temperature in general, we need to
limit these emissions from our home. One of the biggest ways to do so is to
turn down your heat. Even a few degrees can make a huge difference with the
toxins that are emitted from our homes. Simply put on a sweatshirt or invest in
a thermostat with a programmable timer. A programmable timer will enable your
homes temperature to be low when you are not there, but you can set it to turn
your heat on right before you arrive home from work!

In keeping with your heat, it may also be a good idea to have your home updated
or at least inspected by a professional. Many individuals have no idea how much
heat escapes from their home. This is most often the case with poor insulation
and broken windows. If it seems that your house cannot get warm, no matter how
high the heat is, you likely have a problem. This problem is one that you
should fix. Although it will cost you money to reinsulated your home or to
repair your windows, these repairs may be able to pay for themselves overtime,
due to a reduction in heating costs.

It is also important to examine your electricity use. The less electricity you
use, the better it will be for the environment. In fact, did you know that by
reducing your electricity use, you can not only help to save the environment
and combat global warming, but you can also save yourself a considerable amount
of money each year? You can. Ways that you can reduce electricity in your home
include switching all or most of the light bulbs in your home to energy
efficient ones, using energy efficient appliances, as well as making sure that
all lights and appliances are turned off when they are not in use.

Other additional ways that you can help to stop the affects of global warming
and help the environment in general involves limiting your dishwasher use and
putting a hot water heater blanket on your heater. Hot water heater blankets
are affordably priced and they are designed to keep your heater insulated. When
properly used, hot water heater blankets can enable you to lower the
temperature. This can also save you time, as well as reduce the emissions from
your home. As for your dishwasher, only run it when you have a full load and
hand wash any dishes that you may need right away. This simple step can also
help to save you money, especially overtime.

The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many that you can take to join
the fight against global warming. While it is important to remember that our
homes are not the only cause of carbon dioxide emissions, we must all start
somewhere. What better place then inside our homes?

The Dangers of Global Warming

If you use the internet, watch television, or listen to the radio, you may
already be familiar with global warming. Global warming is an important issue
that is widely discussed and debated, all around the world.

Global warming is a phrase that is used to describe the increase in the earth's
temperature. This rise in temperature is attributed to an increase in greenhouse
gases. As important as it is to know that global warming is, it is also
important to know the dangers that surround it. After all, many Americans will
not take steps to combat global warming unless they know for sure that it is
real and poses a serious threat.

As for the threat that global warming poses, you will find that there is likely
to be an increased risk of diseases and illnesses. This is because mice,
insects, and other rodents will be able to notice a change in the environment,
namely their local temperatures and surroundings. This will likely cause many
to migrate to areas that may have previously been deemed uninhabitable. After
all, why wouldn't they move, especially if the weather conditions were perfect
for doing so? Unfortunately, this is likely to lead to a spread of disease.
Although most of these diseases will be treatable, it may cause concern,
especially when diseases and other health related issues impact areas
previously left untouched.

Coastal flood is another one of the many dangers that can and will likely be
associated with global warming. Although we are noticing an increase in sea
level right now, coastal flooding isn't likely to be a significant problem for
a few years now, but that still doesn't mean that it should be ignored or
pushed to the side. Global warming is playing a role in the melting of
glaciers, snow and other ice masses. This melting will cause a significant rise
in sea level overtime; thus leading to coastal flooding. If the costal flood is
as bad as anticipated by many scientists and computer weather models, there is
a good chance that billions of individuals will be displaced, all around the

In addition to the melting of glaciers and other large ice and snow masses,
many locations will likely receive smaller amounts of snow and ice during the
wintertime, if they even do receive any at all. This may have an impact on the
activities that humans are able to participate in and it may have a significant
impact on the economy, both locally and nationally. Of course, it is important
to remember that global warming not only causes the temperature to rise, but it
also causes erratic weather. So, it is common for one area of the world to
receive little to no snowfall, while another area, at the same time, may be
buried under two feet of snow.

As previously stated, coastal flooding is one of the many dangers associated
with global warming. With that in mind, so are droughts. In areas on unaffected
by coastal flooding and in areas where the temperature continues to rise,
rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds are likely to dry up and possibly at an even
quicker rate of speed. Severe and widespread droughts and water shortages can
have a huge negative impact on our way of life and economy. Farmers rely on
water to grow their crops and humans rely on water, as well as a farmer's crops
to survive.

Perhaps, the most horrific danger that may result from global warming is the
panic that will likely set in. How would you feel or react if you one day saw
your costal home flood? If you were lucky enough to survive the flood or if you
lived farther inland, you may still have your home, but a drought may result in
a shortage of food and water. How you would react to news that diseases
previously not seen in your area were invading it? There was a good chance that
panic would set in almost immediately. If global warming cases the changes that
are being predicted, such as the ones outlined above, widespread panic is
almost a certainty.

The Affects of Global Warming

With all of the press and celebrity attention that surrounds global warming,
there is a good chance that you are at least relatively familiar with this
widely debated issue. Yes, you may know that the earth's temperature is rising
and you may even know that rise is due to toxins, but do you know the affects
that global warming can have on our planet, the economy, and human life in

When it comes to global warming, there are many individuals who choose to
believe that it is simply a myth or an untrue theory. This is mostly due in
part to the affects of global warming. We aren't currently seeing the horrific
consequences that many predictions call for. With that in mind, it is important
to remember that many of us will not notice a lot of changes in our weather or
our environment right away. We will notice some, but many of the affects of
global warming will not be seen for years to come.

As for the affects of global warming that we notice right now, we are beginning
to see stronger storms. Of course, we will never forget Hurricane Katrina and
the impacts it had on the Gulf Course or even the whole country for that
matter. We are also noticing an increase in stronger thunderstorms and more
devastating tornados. Although stronger storms may be related to global
warming, many are curious as to the numbers. Yes, these storms, especially
hurricanes, are decreasing in numbers, but when they do hit, many are causing
more damage than ever before.

Another affect of global warming that we are noticing now is the melting of
icecaps and other glaciers. While this melting is something that has always
been predicted, it is happening at a much faster rate than expected. Many
computer models predicted that the melting we are currently seeing today
wouldn't happen for at least five more years.

Droughts are another affect of global warming that many are experiencing
firsthand. In the summer and early fall of 2007, many southern states, in the
United States, such as Tennessee and Georgia, experienced horrific drought
conditions. In fact, these conditions are still currently a problem. Even with
water restrictions and bans, many cities, towns, and counties were concerned
with the drought and their current state of having water. In fact, many feel
that they will run out of water supply soon if a solution is not found.

As for the future affects of global warming, we are likely to see a change in
sea and wildlife. In fact, we are starting to notice a few changes now. This is
most commonly seen with polar bears and the melting icecaps. Many are finding it
difficult to get food, as there is less ice for them to rely on. In the future,
many scientists and wildlife experts predict that polar bears will become
extinct in certain areas of the world. Until that point in time, we likely
notice changes in the ways that polar bears and other animals hunt for food.

Flooding is also a major concern with global warming. To many, however,
flooding seems a bit ironic, especially with doubts listed as a global warming
affect above. When it comes to flooding, coastal areas are the ones that will
see the changes. The flooding predicted is likely to leave many coastal areas
unlivable. The rise in waters along many coastal areas is due in part to a
combination of factors, including warming temperatures, the expansion of water,
as well as the melting of glaciers and icecaps.

As previously stated, it is important to remember that global warming and the
affects it can and will likely have on the earth will come in stages. Just
because you may not notice significant changes in our weather patterns or the
economy right now, it does not mean that global warming does not exist or that
it is an issue that we shouldn't worry about. The good news is that these slow
moving stages may give us more time to stop global warming or at least lessen
its impact.

Transportation Issues and Global Warming

There is great concern over the greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles that
contribute to global warming. Transportation has become a major issue. New
fuels, new cars, and new types of communities are being discussed as solutions.

Gasoline-burning cars are a major contributor to global warming. In fact, they
are the second largest cause of global warming pollution in the United States.
It would be beneficial if the cars could be more efficient. If they could burn
cleaner fuels, it would even be better.

It is predicted that Americans will continue to put gasoline-burning cars on
the road at alarming rates over the next twenty years. The number estimated is
around 300 million new cars. With this expectation, it is clear that cars
should be made with energy efficiency in mind. Otherwise, they will cause
extensive global warming.

Hybrid engines are being touted by many celebrities as a way to prevent global
warming. Many celebrities prefer the Prius hybrid car. These hybrid cars do, in
fact, double gas mileage. At the same time, they reduce harmful emissions that
lead to global warming.

Future technologies for cars, such as fuel cells, may ease global warming even
more. Fuel cells change hydrogen fuel and oxygen into electricity. Then, the
electricity is used to run the vehicle. This technology has already been used
by NASA and is projected to help ease global warming in the future.

Alternate fuels have been in the news for helping with reducing global warming
as well. One of the most interesting fuels is bio-diesel. This type of fuel can
be made from a variety of sources. Vegetable oils such as soybean and rapeseed
oils have been used successfully in regular diesel vehicles.

Animal fats work, but are rarely used because they are too expensive. However,
used oil from fast food restaurants can be employed to do the same thing. It is
surprising that global warming can be slowed down by the use of fast food

Ethanol is being used in many countries, now including the US, to decrease
pollution and dependence on foreign oil. Global warming is impacted, too.
Brazil, which uses ethanol almost exclusively, makes the fuel from sugar cane.
In the US, corn is the chief source of ethanol.

Some cars are flex-fuel cars which can be run on different fuel sources. They
can use alcohol, gasoline, or a combination. E85 is mostly ethanol with 15% of
the fuel being gasoline. This fuel performs a little better than pure ethanol,
but is more conducive to cutting down on global warming than gasoline.

Another way global warming can be addressed through transportation issues is in
community planning. Communities can be built so that people can spend more time
walking or cycling than driving. This cuts down dramatically on greenhouse gas
emissions, thereby reducing global warming.

The world, especially the US, can make some changes in the way they move about
and transport their goods. If people do nothing, greenhouse gasses will surely
increase drastically. However, if changes are made, global warming will be cut
to a very large degree.

The IPCC Reports on Global Warming

The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change has issued its Fourth Assessment
Report in 2007. This report shows the effects and predictions concerning the
issues surrounding global warming. Due to the size of the report and the amount
of information contained in it, it takes a good deal of study to thoroughly
understand the entire document.

However, some points can be made about the IPCC report. Working Group I is a
part of the IPCC that reported on its study of the Physical Science Basis of
the report. This dealt with the observations of global warming and the current
state of how the sciences study global warming.

Attention was given as to how much of the problem was due to human activity and
how much to causes in nature. Then, this section of the report makes predictions
of how the course of global warming will run in the future.

After being produced by over 600 writers from 40 countries, the report was
reviewed by another 620. The resulting findings were that global warming was
indeed happening, and that human activity accounted for most of the cause of
global warming.

This report notes many climatic changes that are occurring due to global
warming. Some of these are changes in the make-up of the atmosphere, warming of
the earth, and changes in ice, snow and permafrost. Also included were notes
about the different amounts of rainfall and flooding, along with the frequency
of drought.

The severity of hurricanes was discussed. It is stated that humans have brought
on the global warming that has caused the extreme hurricanes, and that the 21st
century will see even more of them. The portion of the study that blamed humans
was a result of expert opinions more than a product of research.

Different factors were discussed that could cause global warming or cooling.
The current era was defined as starting in 1750. In the current era, the sun
has radiated more intense heat, human activities have raised the temperature,
and greenhouse gases have increased rapidly.

Different models were given of the course global warming would take in the next
century. The models were run using different scenarios. They all turned out
somewhat different. However, they all indicated significant global warming.

The rises of temperature and of sea levels were explored fully. All the
different models based on different scenarios were run to determine the numbers
for these aspects of global warming. The prediction was that these levels would
continue to rise for 1000 years, until all the excess greenhouse gases could be
removed from the atmosphere.

Working Group II was involved with determining the Impacts, Adaptation, and
Vulnerability surrounding global warming. Working Group III had the task of
determining what would be the best Mitigation of Climate Change. This part of
the report gave recommendations to world leaders on the subject of global
warming initiatives.

The IPCC's report is a lengthy study into the nature of global warming. It
covers the past, the current situation, and predictions about the future. Then,
it proceeds to discuss ways to curb global warming. It is an important document,
and it should be read by anyone interested in global warming.

How You Can Learn More About Global Warming

Are you concerned with global warming? If you are, you are not alone. While a
lot of speculation and debate surrounds global warming, many are still
concerned. After all, if the predictions are right many coastal residents will
be displaced, it will be easier for diseases to spread, and our economy can
suffer a huge blow.

As concerning as global warming is, it is important to refocus on the debate
that surrounds it. Although you are able to find a large number of documentary
movies, television programs, newscasts, and books on global warming, you will
also find opposition. There are many well known figures, which include
politicians and even a few celebrities and scientists, who claim that global
warming is nothing but a sham. This opposition may cause some confusion. If you
are unsure what to believe about global warming, you will want to do your own

When looking to research global warming, you may first want to turn to the
internet. The interenet is one of the best ways to do research as it is nice,
easy, and convenient. When using the internet, you may want to visit the online
websites of global warming activists and watch groups. With that in mind, you
may also want to visit the websites of those who claim global warming is
nothing but a myth, an untrue theory. This will give you the opportunity to
examine both sides of the debate. While what you find will vary, you are likely
to find websites, on both sides, that list statistics and facts supporting their
viewpoints. These websites can easily be found with a standard internet search.

As previously stated, many scientists, meteorologists, and computer generated
models, predict that global warming can and will have a profound affect on our
planet and the way that we humans live our lives. If you are looking for more
information on the dangers that surround global warming, such as the impact it
will have on our future economy, you will also want to turn to the internet. A
standard internet search with the phrase "global warming dangers," can provide
you with detailed lists of exactly how global warming is predicted to change
the earth, and not necessarily in a good way.

Another point of global warming that you may want to focus on is the myths that
are associated with it. As previously stated, many politicians and celebrities
have thrown their support by global warming, as well as those who oppose it.
With such a hot topic, it is easy for the facts and statistics to get
distorted. A standard internet search with the phrase "global warming facts,"
or "global warming myths," can help you better understand global warming from
all vantage points. For example, one myth that surrounds global warming is the
melting of glaciers. Yes, global warming is causing glaciers and other ice
masses to melt, but did you know that global warming isn't the sole cause of
this melting?

In addition to using the internet to research global warming, you can also turn
to your television. As previously stated, many newscasts and television shows
focus on global warming. While not always true, you may find those programs
that are featured on the Discovery Channel and the Weather Channel to be a
little less biased as compared to some documentaries. Speaking of
documentaries, two well known documentaries that cover global warming and ones
that you may find enlightening are Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" and Leonard
DiCaprio's "11th Hour."

There are also a number of global warming books available for sale. These books
are often scientific in nature and written by professionals in the field.
Whether you buy a book from one of your local book stores or if you borrow one
from your local library, be sure to check the date, as you will want to make
sure that all information is at least semi-recent and updated.

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