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Work at Home and Moral Leadership: What's the Connection
by: David Moore
I had lunch recently with a close friend of mine. He said something that stuck with me. "I see a lot of leaders today who don't seem to have convictions. They are inconsistent. They don't really lead. They just go through the motions. But worse are other leaders I see who have convictions, but because of political expediency or weak will, don't live by them."

Political expediency and weak will. I don't care how talented or how adept you are at making yourself look good, if you lack moral courage you will never be satisfied with your life, you'll always suffer from paranoia (wondering if your misdeeds will be discovered), and any wealth you attain you will not be able to enjoy. The philosopher William George Jordan said it best. "Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous tool for good or evil - the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life. This is simply the constant radiation of what a man really is, not what he pretends to be."

When looking for online business opportunities I thought about this. I decided I would not consider any business that does not have a set of core values to guide in decision making. John Dalla Costa wrote a book a few year back called The Ethical Imperative: Why Moral Leadership is Good Business. In his book Dalla Costa offers numerous examples of how companies who try to skirt legal requirements to save money end up paying more in fines and legal costs. On the positive side he also offers examples of companies who refuse to compromise core convictions even if it means paying a monetary price for doing so. In every example the companies that hold to their core convictions, who do not take legal short-cuts or engage in questionable business practices ultimately become more profitable. Their reputation as an honest company causes their stock (and stocks) to rise, while companies who pay fines for violating environmental regulations or who seem to find their way into the news for other questionable business practices ultimately lose credibility as astute investors take their money elsewhere while clients lose confidence in their business practices.

I want to know that any business I'm going to become a part of and/or promote to others considers the dignity and worth of every man or woman created by God. I want to know that the business has some core values that serve as a moral barometer for its business activities, and I want to know that the intention of any wealth generated by the business through its affiliates is for improving the moral condition of society rather than for destructive purposes. That's why I won't become a part of, or invest money in any business that earns profits through pornography or through casino gambling. I have yet to see either of these activities improve anyone's life.

I have found that there are plenty of good businesses that are values driven with solid reputations offering profitable home based business opportunities. I would suggest you consider this component before settling on a business to which you want to become connected. When you run across a business you think might be compatible with your interests, or when you see an advertising agency you think might represent your interests well go to a search engine and type in the name of the business and the word "news." That will take you to online forums and to media sources where you discover all the information you need to make an informed decision. It's worth the time and effort and your it will serve as a good compass for leading you in the right direction.

About the Author

About the Author: David Moore is a member of the Wealth Online Website system. He is a home based online business entrepreneur and teaches at a University (part-time). He has completed post graduate programs in both Cross Cultural Communications and Higher Education Administration. If you would like more information on his online business, please visit his website at:

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