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Finance Career

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About Considering a Career in Finance

A career in finance is an honorable undertaking. There are a ton of accounting
and finance careers to choose from, but each path must be examined before it is
pursued. Studying college courses and online course both cost time and dollars.
Knowing the careers awaiting a finance major right after earning his degree is
never a bad thing.

Here are well-known examples of careers in finance that are quality positions
with good pay. Take note for each position is different from the other, from
the skills required to the tasks faced, and not all are entry-level positions.

Accounts Assistant. A multi-faceted entry-level position, being an accounts
assistant can offer ideal opportunities in gaining experience and letting you
decide on what particular field to specialize in. You can learn a lot,
including about car career finance insurance rate.

Payroll. Needless to say, the most important department of any company as it is
responsible for salaries and wages. Difficulty rises in proportion to the
complexity and size of a company's structure. Substantial knowledge in payments
and taxes is vital for anyone looking to work in this field.

Banking. One of the most popular choices, you can work either along the
frontlines or in the background. This field offers a whole lot of options for
any prospective financial employee. Big banking companies offer more reliable
job security than those in other fields.

Credit Controller. Working with accounts receivable, credit controllers
basically ensure the regular periodic payments of invoices by the company.
Aside from this, the role may vary in different companies.

Underwriter. Insurance is a complicated field and underwriters are one of the
most crucial job positions available. They are responsible for your premium and
other things like car career finance insurance rates, so being one can really
offer some interesting opportunities.

Auditor. Both internal and external auditors have the same basic function, but
the difference is from who the employer is. External auditors work for city
firms while internal auditors work within companies. Therefore, only a few
companies are big enough to justify employment of internal auditors.

Management Accountant. The reverse of an auditor, management accountants fill
the role of forecasting future finances, which provides information necessary
for planning and strategizing.

Private Equity. Highly complex but usually found working on funding business
start-ups, employees working in private equity look through portfolio of
investments, siting risks and rewards. Industry experts and investors rely on
private equity to offer them information and advise on managing portfolios and

Business Analyst. Analyzing every tangible and intangible factor involved in a
business, the business analyst highlights the problems and provides the options
for substantial solutions. This position is crucial for companies that plan to
survive the ups and downs of business.

Financial Director. As a top position in Finance, being a financial director
means that great responsibility is bestowed upon. All forms of cash flow are
managed by the financial director, so confidence and skill are crucial for
continued operation of the company.

Career corporate finance is a lucrative career option that opens up a multitude
of opportunities for go-getters and competitive workers. Skill and desire are
the best tools for a career in finance.

A College Degree Is the Starting Point of Your Finance Career

If you want a career in financing, you have to get a college degree. To be more
specific, you have to graduate with a bachelor's degree in math, business,
statistics or economics since you will be dealing with numbers and using these
skills to make decisions and recommendations.

One study shows that there are currently 230,000 financial analysts and
financial advisors in the US. You might think that there is no more vacancy in
the market but there are because new businesses are established while old ones
are still growing.

With a college degree, one thing you can try is financial consulting. Here, you
are tasked on providing advice to business valuation, economic forecasts and
analysis, treasury management, strategies for creating shareholder value and
securities pricing.

Later on, you may be promoted to finance manager and instead of providing
advice to clients, you will have the opportunity to invest their money in order
to make a profit. Those who do well here earn somewhere around $73,000 to
$145,000 annually and with the amount of money that is given, you better

Another field is corporate financing in which your job is to manage the
client's assets and if the opportunity presents itself, make acquisitions.

Those who want to serve their country may issue securities, enforce the law,
manage assets and offer financial advice to people.

Similar to the finance manager are the money managers because they hold stocks
and bonds for clients and at the same time buy stuff off Wall Street. For this
job, you need to be proficient in various technologies as well as the latest
qualitative methodologies. You will also need to be CFA certified.

Working for an insurance company is also a viable option. Here, you help
prepare clients deal with catastrophes before they happen. It is a trillion
dollar industry that is still growing so you can still get in the game.

Among the various opportunities, many find their way to commercial banking. You
could be a bank manager, teller, the one in charge of approving loans or looking
for new accounts. This accounts for the majority of those employed in the
financial services industry.

In any of the positions mentioned, you must be good with numbers and have
excellent interpersonal skills. Why? Because you are dealing with people and if
the client doesn't like your personality, chances are they will bring their
business elsewhere.

After working for a few years, you can work for another company or be daring
and start up your own company.

Aside from banking, the real estate industry is also looking out for finance
graduates. This is because their training is useful when it comes to property
management, real estate appraisal, brokerage and leasing, construction and real
estate development. On one end, they sell property while on the other find ways
to make it possible for the customer to invest depending on their budget.

A college degree is the starting point of your finance career because no
company out there will hire someone who just graduated from secondary school or
does not have the proper training when you are dealing with other people's money.

So, if you are still considering what to take up in college or lost in your
current course, shift over because this is very rewarding.

What's a Career in Personal Finance?

A lot of people often don't know what they want to be. Those who enter college
will often get the course they thought they are interested but later on will
change courses as they come to realize their actual calling. For me personal
finance was one of the courses in college that really called out at me.

You might say it yelled at me. "Take me as your college course!" That would be
ho personal finance would be yelling inside my head. It may be weird to some of
you but to most of you who had that epiphany of what you want to be, I know you
can relate to what I mean.

To the uninitiated, personal finance is simple taking care of your own or
someone else's money. Although, there's truth to that, but the process and the
responsibilities are not as simple as what you might think. Personal finance is
using financial principles to help individuals, families, or a singular unit get
money, use that money wisely, save some, learn existing and possible life risks
that would affect how they will gain and spend their money.

Okay, it may sound simple but combining all these principles to elements like
checking and saving accounts, insurance policies, tax management, credit card
loans, investments, retirement plans, and social security benefits, efficiently
managing the finances is definitely a challenge.

Part of your job as a personal finance professional would be informing people
how their financial decisions will come into play with their lives today or in
their future. It is your responsibility to educate them on the consequences of
their financial actions. With this in mind it is important to provide regular
assessments of the client's finances. Reevaluating the steps that were
previously undertaken for financial gain and security should be conducted also
on a regular basis to keep the financial situation updated and always in

Assessing where you are so far financially would mean getting all those balance
sheets and income statements in order and trying to balance the values. Simple
balancing of assets and liabilities is always the first step in assessment.

Once you know where you stand, you can set goals and objectives. It's planning
aside where you will be financially in say ten or fifteen years. Living off
your pension after ten years, enjoying the good life is a goal that most people
set for themselves. This is a good goal, since after working for years you earn
the right to live the rest of your life relaxed and comfortable. Personal
finance professional is supposed to help clients reach their personal goals.

To reach their goals, it is imperative that one has a concrete plan of action.
In this plan, financial details will be laid out. Short term and long term
goals with corresponding financial computations will help make overall
financial planning a lot easier both for the client and the personal finance
professional .

Now, assessment, setting objectives, and planning can all be tiring and time
consuming stuff but the reason for all these meticulous planning is to ensure
that implementation of the personal financial plan will go smooth. Admittedly,
the most difficult phase of personal finance management is setting the plan in
motion and sticking to it. Discipline is the word here. You need to constantly
remind yourself of your final goal to keep you motivated and stick to your
financial plan.

With this in mind, it would be important to conduct regular assessments and
evaluations along the way. This will keep you focus and see if you have
deviated from the main financial plan. You can put yourself back on track
through regular reevaluation of your financial status.

This is basically what a career in persona finance will take you. Focusing on
individuals or families and helping them with their financial management while
incorporating philosophies, ideas, and elements of business and financial
management techniques. Is this for you? For me it is.

The Disadvantages of a Career in Financing

When we were young, we already had an idea of what we want to be when we go
grow up. Sometimes, these changes as the years go by. While there are
advantages in whatever profession we choose, we should also look at the
disadvantages if this for instance will be a career in financing.

What is wrong with financing? If you think about it, nothing given that it is
an honest job with a considerable rewards. But not everyone will be able to
stay here for the long term which is why you have to weigh the pros and cons.

First, can you see yourself doing mathematical computations and giving advice
to someone who is probably earning more than you? The truth is, some people can
while others can't.

The best test of all will be how well you excel in subjects like calculus and
economics in school. You have to be able to understand these concepts and then
use these tools to your advantage. Then again, there are people who may be good
in one subject or both while there are those who will probably excel in other

Learning concepts is one thing but doing this job every single day is another.
A good idea will be to talk to professionals who are already in the financial
industry and see how it is working there. Make up a list of questions and ask
for clarifications if there is something that you do not understand.

It will also be a good idea to read up on the finance industry so you know what
you are getting yourself into 4 years from now once you graduate from college.

If you still choose to have a career in financing, here are some of the
disadvantages you will hear or experience. You shouldn't be discouraged about
them but keep them in mind as you are starting your career in finance.

Professionals who have obtained their CPA's and start work as accountants do
not earn that much compared to those who are involved in investment banking and
consulting. Also, they handle multiple projects at certain times especially
during the end of the financial year or when it is time to file income tax that
means overtime just to get the job done.

There is also the pressure given that you are in a fast paced game and you are
dealing with other people's money. If you screw up, this could mean financial
ruin for them and you will be hired on the spot. But those who succeed can get
a promotion, earn much more than they did before and even get to work abroad.

If you think about it, there are advantages and disadvantages in just about any
job or career that you decide to pursue. How you are able to deal with it is the
challenge that you will have to face on your own. Those who can stand the
pressure will probably stay for the long term while those who don't will quit
and shift into another career.

Doing some research and getting your feet wet will probably give you an idea of
how things are like working in the finance industry. This is what on the job
training or internships are for so you know what its like in the real world.

With this information, you can then see if the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages for you to purse a career in financing.

The Career Goal in Finance

What is the end game after years of going to school? Perhaps to have a stable
career and life but this does not happen overnight. It takes blood, toil, sweat
and tears which is also the career goal in finance.

How do we do that? Well, people always say that a good education opens doors. A
finance career works the same way given that there are different companies that
you can work in after graduation which is why you should do some research first
to find out what aspects of the industry interests you the most.

Just to give you an idea, some of the things you could find yourself in after
graduation could be commercial banking, commercial lending, corporate finance,
financial planning, investment banking, private equity and sales and trading.

When you are able to do some research in each of them, it will be easy for you
to develop the skills needed to excel in this in the future.

A career in finance can happen if you graduate with a degree in math, economics
or statistics. But since the market is very competitive, you have to make
yourself shine by earning an MBA degree years later. You don't have to get one
after a couple of years of work since there are some individuals who are
studying in their 40's.

Apart from that, it is best to read up journals and participate in conferences
and become a member of a professional organization. You have to be informed of
the latest trends and build up your network because that someone you know may
get you that job you are looking for.

Two examples of these organizations include the American Bankers Association
and the Association for Financial Professionals. They have events scheduled all
year round that will allow you meet new people with similar career goals.

For those who don't have an idea what aspect of financing yet to pursue, this
is the time to ask help from one of your professors. Surely, this person can
tell you what kind of job is closely related to what was taught in class. With
that in your head, it is time to look for companies that engage in exactly that.

While you are still in school, another thing that could help will be to apply
as an intern in one of these firms. Some companies will give a salary while
other won't. If you do well here, they will probably give you an offer even
before you graduate or encourage you to work for them full time.

If the company you are looking for doesn't have any vacancies at the moment,
leave your resume or application anyway so that if an opening comes up, someone
will give you a call so all you have to do is give it your best during the

At the same time, be active in your school organization because an alumni
member may on the lookout for new talents which will be beneficial for the

We all need to focus on something so an idea can be turned into a plan and then
executed. A career goal in finance is just one example because people with other
interests can do the same thing and succeed in whatever endeavor they choose to

The Endless Possibilities of Finance Degree Careers

The backbone of the most successful businesses is a person with a degree in
finance. It takes perseverance and determination to find good finance degree
careers. But it should be worth it because completing the course is no easy
task. It entails a lot of aspiration with corresponding perspiration to earn
what you want.

A bachelor's degree would be enough to enter the workforce in relation to the
course. But if you want to aim for positions with regards to management, you
have to earn a higher educational degree like a master's or an MBA in this

Critical Thinking

Some people deem that this path only requires a good grasp in the mathematics
subject. Well, you are wrong. It takes more than the knowledge of addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division and knowing your integrals and fractions.

This is no ABC. You have to know the rules and the ethics. You have to be good
with statistical analysis. You have to be updated with technology. And of
course, you also must know your math.

Is that too much? Just think about the benefits that it would cause you if you
will be able to follow and learn all those. Your career would have nothing to
go but up and soaring high. You will be able to climb financial success if you
play the cards right and you never tire from doing so.

With finance, there is a narrower focus than, let's say, you are in the field
of accounting. You really have to learn all about critical thinking. Every day
will also pose a challenge for you to improve on your problem solving skills.

Steps to Success

If you only have finished a quality course in finance, you can start with entry
level jobs at banks. You can also seek out the green pasture over at brokerage
firms as well as insurance companies. Find a suitable corporation for you who
will cater to your interests and skills.

Do not get stuck with a job that is not really according to your liking. You
may soon be bored. And it is the least thing that you want to happen especially
when you are only starting. You want to have a career path that will lead you to
higher levels. The first thing that you have to do is to hone your knowledge by
staying on your job long enough to know the ropes.

Jobs Anyone?

For starters, you may want to try to apply as finance officer or advisor. You
can also be an underwriter, a financial analyst and planner.

The type of job that you will be able to get will depend on your educational
attainment. Experience matters in the field. So learn everything that it
presents you. Soon enough, you can step up to higher earning jobs. It varies
from experience, location and the title that you have earned.

As a finance graduate, you can also try out accounting and economics related
jobs. You can also go into hotel admin tasks and management information
systems. You can also opt for office administration, marketing, even
international business.

There are really many routes that you can look forward to taking for finance
degree careers. What's important is that you follow your heart as well as your
mind in deciding where to start and where do you want to end.

Steps Towards an Insurance Agent Finance Career Change

Everything changes. Nothing in this world is permanent except change. The dream
of an insurance agent finance career change may not be just a dream. It is
possible and will come true if one knows what to do in order to achieve what
they want to happen.

Insurance Agent 101

Who are these people who are known as the insurance agents? They sell policies
that have something to do with insurance to different individuals. This is why
they are also known as insurance sales agents.

These agents are classified according to groups. They may be captive agents.
These agents work for one insurance company and their job is to sell the
products of that company. The brokers, also known as independent agents of
insurance are affiliated with different companies.

The clients for this workforce are the families, even individuals and certain
businesses. It all depends on the type of policies that they are selling. Some
examples of these policies are health or life insurance, property, even
casualty, disability and those that cater to long term care. These agents may
also sell variable type of annuities, or mutual funds and other kinds of

There is really no educational requirement to be able to succeed in this type
of work. A person needs to be able to strategize on their selling skills. There
are some companies that require their agents to be college graduates. Others may
even prefer those with a degree in business. But for other firms, a high school
diploma would suffice.

There are different processes regarding the renewal of license for the agents
in different US states. All these states oblige every insurance agent to have a
license. They need to get different licenses depending on what kind of policies
they are selling. Many states even require these sales agents to fulfill a
pre-licensing course and then pass the examinations prepared by the state where
they are.

Decided to Move On

Being an insurance agent is a profitable career, especially if you are good in
sales. But if you are really decided to make the move for a career change, then
here are some tips for you to think about.

First, think hard. See if the other opportunities are really better. Weigh
every option. Finding a new job may be easy. But finding the job that would
really fulfill you may be the harder part. So think about everything and decide
on your own if you really need to make the leap.

You also have to see the world in general. What are your options? Do you think
it will be easy to penetrate that other field? Do you think that you can handle
the sudden diversion of things after making the move towards the other career?
If so, then maybe you really are better off with that especially if you are no
longer being fulfilled by your current job.

You better have a list of goal. Include on that list the ways in which you
would like to attain those goals. It will be easier for you to shift if you
have other plans that you can fall back on if you did not succeed with the
first action.

An insurance agent finance career change is an achievable aim. All you have to
do is persevere and know what you are getting into before deciding to get out
to where you used to be.

Reminder about Career plus Finance Mindset

There are many risks that you have to do in life. But life with career plus
finance or work inside the finance industry will present you with more
challenges and risks than you may have imagined.

Do not fear those risks. Finance involves money, the value of time and the
risks involved. Interrelate the three and you will get an idea of how this
concept works.

There are many avenues that you may want to venture on to when you are already
on this type of business. You must gain experience through time because your
career path will all boil down to what you know. If you want to succeed in this
avenue, know all its corners, the manholes and especially the good roads.

Choosing a career in finance must be done when you are still choosing what
courses to take in college. But other people are lucky to enter this world with
little academic knowledge. Yes, there are high school graduates who eventually
become successful in this field.

Pleasing Personality

It is very important that you know how to relate to all types of people to be
able to last in this biz. You cannot be affected by just anything ranging from
petty to non sense. To be able to last in the industry, you must know how to
dance to the music whatever its genre is.

This will be most useful when you become involved in sales. Your bread and
butter will be your charm. So you must know how to charm your way into this
world and charm your way towards the clients' hearts. You must have enough
convincing powers to be able to close such priced deals.

Supreme Knowledge

The finance industry is no ABC. You must not treat this as trip to the park or
watching your favorite movie with a buddy. This is a serious world. You have to
know what you are talking about to be able to relay to people proper information.

This doesn't mean that this will be a boring world to live in. Who will be
bored when you are earning more than enough? Yes, money is not everything so
you must also know how to use it right. You must know how to pamper yourself
once in a while. But you must not forget feeding your mind. It is your asset.
It is your gem. So nurture it in order to be good in the field.

Greener Pastures

In this industry, there are no other ventures but to go up and look for greener
pastures. In order to do so, you must be able to understand everything that each
of your jobs teaches you. Experience work and life. Learn from everything that
comes your way.

Through time, you will be able to land on those greener pastures. Do not forget
to look back and teach someone like you when you were starting if you can afford
to do so.

There are so many things to do every day in order to last in this industry. It
will be helpful if you will take note of every vital detail and include that on
you action plan.

Setting your mindset on a career plus finance mode will help you get through
this industry with flying colors. So from the start, set your mind to always
win. Risk whenever you have to. Do not be afraid to come out of your safety
nest once in a while to be able to get hold of what are the possibilities for
you in the finance industry.

Is It Possible to Have an Accounting Career in Finance

There are so many jobs that you can choose from if you want an accounting
career in finance. But choosing may not be easy because it will not only depend
on you but also the companies and the industries that you want to go to.

You must persevere in finding the suitable job as soon as you have finished
school. You will learn when you are already part of the workforce that there
are still many things that you need to grasp that were not introduced in all
your academic subjects.

For beginners, you can settle for the less paying ones. You must aim to gather
experience in the field first before you target your goal towards a higher
paying job. But if you already have earned master's degree and an MBA, you can
jumpstart your career with the higher paying jobs first then gather experience
as you last in the industry.

Career Path

It is important to have a career path whatever field you are venturing into.
This will guide you through the work life and will lead you to success or
failure. Of course, you don't want to fail. You have earned a degree and worked
hard for it. You must not lose that idea of perseverance. Apply it when you are
already in the workforce.

There are many jobs that you can choose from. Listed here are only some. If
nothing interests you, you can still opt to explore the many opportunities that
are available for you. You only have to remember to look at the right places
with the right mindset leading you through everything.

Accounting Clerk

This is an entry level position. Companies may require you to know the Office
applications. You must also be able to relate well with people and must handle
stress very well. Your task will be to match the invoices to the vouchers. Data
entry jobs will also be assigned to you. And, of course, you are to manage the
accounts payable and accounts receivable.

Banking and Finance

If you already have one to three years of working experience, you can also try
this field. You can apply as a commercial lender to banks. Your marketing
skills will be you best asset on this one and you need to have good networking

For this job, it is your task to determine if people deserve to get their loans
and capital funding for businesses. You must review everything regarding the
loan process. You must also verify each agreement that you have agreed on.

Billing Manager or Supervisor

This position will gauge you customer service skills. Most companies require at
least five years of professional billing experience before they get you for this
job. You must know everything about the Office applications. You must be
knowledgeable with electronic payment as well as the remittance systems.

Your task is to supervise the billing system of the company and the department
assigned to it. You need to reconcile the accounts in the billing to the
overall ledger. You must also ensure that the invoices are accurate.

There are really a lot to choose from for accounting career in finance. The
idea here is to understand what you are doing. Gather as much experience as
possible with every task that you handle. You will be able to use such
knowledge as you advance your career towards other paths with regards to the
world of finance.

Household Finance Career Opportunities

Let's say you have been an accountant for a very long time. You are probably a
manager, a supervisor or maybe even a partner. If you don't like the long hours
anymore and want to slow things down, there are household finance career
opportunities that you can look forward to.

What do we mean by household finance career opportunities? Basically, you will
be doing your accounting practice from the home. You may not have to work the
same hours as before and instead work with people who need to complete their
tax forms before the deadline or perform the same services for small businesses.

You get to choose the kind of workload you get, the number of clients you will
see and so forth. With the years of experience under your belt and your
credentials, it will be easy for you to open a private practice instead of
someone who is just fresh out of college.

The first thing you have to do is advertise by telling your clients that you
will be going into private practice. Some of these people may stay with you
since they are happy with your services but since you can't just rely on that,
you will have to market yourself as a practitioner. There are websites that
invite professionals such as yourself to sign up. You can also post an ad in
the newspaper or in the community bulletin board.

But if you don't want to leave your current job, you can still do some
household accounting but on a part time basis.

In any case, you will need to purchase a few things for your home office. This
includes a fax machine, a copier, a computer and a few computer accounting
programs similar to what you are already using.

The start up cost for everything if you don't have it yet will be from $2500 to
$4000. This is a small amount that can be recovered quickly again because of
your experience in accounting.

To give you an idea, one report shows that accountants make $22500 to $52500
annually working 30 hours a week that charges by the house $20 to $30 per
client. This may not be much compared to what you were earning before because
you are not working 40 hours a week which is the standard in the profession.

This of course may change depending on your credentials. The nice part is that
you manage your own time unlike before where you have to meet deadlines and at
time multi-task to get the work done.

Aside from relying on your previous clients and posting ads, you should also
get in touch with other professionals who may be able to recommend clients to
you. One example is the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or

Being your own boss is a change from what you have been used to but at least
you have time on your hands to do other things apart from work. You can spend
more time with the family, take up classes or learn a new sport.

For those who decide to leave their current jobs and want to pursue a household
accounting career, look forward to the future. Life as you know it does not end
when you leave that 40 hour per week desk job.

Helpful Reminders to Last in Your Chosen Finance Career

If you are a newly graduate, your ideas about the world are still naive. You
might still be dreaming about the land of the happy ever after. But you have to
perform a reality check if your goal is to obtain a finance career.

This may be one of the hardest jobs there is. This involves everything in
relation with mathematics which most people love to hate. You are also required
to analyze the market. You also need to develop your problem solving skills.

Problem Solving Skills

You need not fear the thought. This doesn't mean that this industry is that
problematic that is why you are getting this advice. But it is better to be
prepared for the worst. So that when a problem presents itself to you, you will
no longer be surprised and you will know what to do. Every day in the finance
industry will pose a challenge for you to decide on. All you have got to do is
pause and analyze things over and over again. Do not fear to take the risk if
you have to. And choose the best option for you according to what both your
heart and mind say.

Adult Coach

To succeed in this field, it is also recommended to have an adult to serve as
your coach. This person should present as a model that you can pattern your
career path from. Choose somebody who will accept you. That somebody should be
wise in terms of knowledge. But they should also be wise enough to agree to
share on that brilliant knowledge for starters like you. A mentor will be
helpful especially if you don't have any idea at start on where to go and who
to ask. You will be lucky to find one who will be generous with such knowledge
in the industry that may guide you to your own success.

Learn to Relate

This business is not all about money. Yes, the work revolves around a lot about
money. But your main asset to be able to withstand all the competition is your
knowledge in relating with people.

You have to know what makes your clients tick and what are the factors that
will turn them off. As you last in the industry and gather experience. You must
take to heart everything that you learn.

This is especially true with the things that you learn about how to converse
and listen to the different kinds of people. You must know what they want and
you must know your way into telling them that it will not be possible or giving
in into it.

The idea is to expand on your customer service skills. You will be able to
profit from it really good as you thrive in the biz.

If you have a mentor, this is one sure advice that they will give you. Treat
people right and you will never go wrong with your decisions. Being fair is the
rule of the game. You need not take advantage of anyone to advance towards your
ultimate goal. So gather the needed experience.

Learn from everything that the industry will present to you. And listen to your
mentor. But the most important thing to last with your chosen finance career is
that you have to grow as a person through time. This is also true in every
aspect of your life. So lead on.

Future Careers in Finance

Those who are good with numbers may have future careers in finance. This is
because most businesses need talented individuals who can manage and at the
same time administer money that was entrusted to them in order to post a profit.

But can anyone do it? The answer really depends on the person. In order to get
a head start, you need to get quality education. After secondary school, you
need to go to college and graduate with a bachelor's degree in accounting,
economics, finance, math or statistics to learn the fundamentals used in the
corporate world.

When you graduate from college, you can apply for work in a bank, in a credit
agency, insurance, sales or securities.

For those who choose to work in a bank, they will often have to start out as a
trainee then be promoted to either approving loans or selling financial
services to clients. Some examples of these include bank transfers to financial

Credit agencies just like banks offer similar services to clients. The only
difference is that their policies with regards to lending are more flexible
thus making them friendlier to potential clients.

With healthcare being so expensive, people need insurance coverage and after
getting your license, you can go out there and sell these to potential clients.

How can sales jumpstart your career in the world of finance? Simply because
people buy things and if these cost a lot of money, someone with your skills
can help them plan how they can pay for it. Examples of these include a new
home or even a car.

Securities is another field you can get into because the purchase and sale of
bonds and stocks increases the value of the client more than keeping money
deposited in the bank.

But in order for people to excel in this field, they have to overcome another
hurdle and that is to complete graduate school. Why? Because the market is very
competitive and there are always new trends and methodologies being discovered
that makes you a better professional.

A lot of experts say that a future career in finance also requires a few
personal skills. The most important is "people skills" because you will be
working with colleagues and dealing with different clients.

You will have to be resilient because when you pitch a sale and things don't
work out how you planned, you have pick yourself up again and be optimistic
about the next client that comes your way.

It will also be challenging especially when you will need to work beyond
regular hours on occasion to meet the deadline or have a night out with a
client. This means you have to be committed if you plan to stick to this career
in the long term.

The financial services sector has been growing even before the attacks of 9/11
and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Again this path is not
meant for everyone but if you are good with numbers and are a people person,
you may just have what it takes to excel in this profession.

If you are still unsure, look at your grades in math and talk with your
guidance counselor. This person will be able to point you in the right
direction then it is up to you whether or not you believe that you have a
future career in finance.

Finding Your Career in Finance

After being in school for four years to become an accountant, now you're ready
to go out into the world and find a career in finance that will suit you best.
However, if you want to pursue things a bit further, you can always aim higher
and get yourself a CPA license. For that you have to at least have two years
work experience as a public accountant and pass the CPA board exam.

There are plenty of opportunities for accounting and finance careers both in
the business and the industry world, provided you know exactly what you want
and your abilities as well. You can't expect to land the most in demand
financial jobs in your area if you don't have your priorities straight and your
goals set. You have to make sure that you are headed for a career that will
complement your best assets.

Careers in finance are numerous and offered from a wide range of selection. You
have to assert yourself first before you apply. Several options for you to
choose from include an auditor position, an underwriter, and a private equity
officer. You can also apply as a bank employee, accounts assistant, payroll
supervisor, or a financial and credit controller. These positions provide
experiences which you will need in the financial industry. Some people use
these positions as a strategy to climb higher in the corporate ladder.

For a more career corporate finance position, you can grab the highest position
and become a financial director. This position when it comes to responsibility
is right on top. A financial director is usually the person in charge of
everything that concerns the financial matters of a certain company, big or
small. But regarding other matters, the size of the company can make a big
difference. You can also target positions like business analysts and management

These two positions have a lot of similarities when it comes to its
responsibilities. When most careers in finance suggest past financial
assessment-related work like what is done by auditors and other bank employees;
these two positions focus more in the future. Business analysts and management
accountants may have different specialization in different financial
industries, but when it comes to their main responsibilities, it's all rolled
into one.

They provide solutions to highlighted financial business-related problems by
analyzing great financial needs of stakeholders and business customers as well.

Insurance industries are also great areas where you can find career
opportunities in finance. There are many things in store for you here aside
form knowing car career finance insurance rate and other related matters.

All these positions are available to most of us but you have to know that the
financial industry is one of the most extremely difficult areas of the business
world to get into and that is a fact. Competition is very high and it will take
a long shot before you can take a step in.

But if you know exactly where to start, a beginning where you can make a strong
foundation in your preferred career in finance, you're on your way to a very
strong lead. You can always start your career from a temporary finance job and
climb up from then on. Success in any accounting and finance careers will
always be up to you.

Finance Career Auto Insurance Quote

So you decided to start a finance career offering auto insurance quotes. With
the proper training, you will be able to give a reasonable amount to the client.

Some of the things you have to consider will be the type of car that person is
using. For that, you need to get information about the vehicle including the
sticker price, the cost of repair should it be damaged, its replacement value,
safety features, its ability to withstand an accident and crash tests.

Most insurance companies approve quickly vehicles that are big because they do
not sustain that much damage in an accident. However, this changes if your
vehicle caused serious damage to another vehicle.

This is why you will also need to review the client's driving history. If their
record is clean, then there won't be any problems offering an affordable
insurance quote and then later on approving it.

A few examples of the inexpensive vehicles that usually get a low auto
insurance quote are the Buick LeSabre, Chevrolet Astro, Jeep Wrangler,
Oldsmobile Bravada, Mercury Grand Marquis and the Pontiac Montana.

The most expensive ones are the Audi S4, BMW X5, Jaguar X-Type, Land Rover
Discovery Series II, Lexus IS 300, Mitsubishi Montero and the Toyota 4Runner
because these vehicles are considered to be luxury cars.

But how can your finance career selling auto insurance quotes succeed? The key
to this is the proper training from your employer and then your attitude
towards it.

When customers file for auto insurance, they will be going to various offices
to see which one will give them good value for their money. On your part, you
can do well here by offering them discounts should they pay the amount in lump
sum. Most companies do this so it is just a matter of selling your point to the

You can also offer advice to the person by suggesting to them acquiring
additional safety features in their vehicle to prevent it from being stolen or
from injuries that may be occur during an accident. While cars may have some of
these already installed, older models don't especially when manufacturers are
only required to put air bags in the front and not on the back.

Another suggestion will be encouraging the driver of the vehicle to take
defensive driving courses. Although accidents do happen when we least expect
it, proper training could avert physical injuries and damage to property.

There is nothing you can do if the customer who wants to apply for auto
insurance has a bad credit history. However, if they are able to keep
themselves clean, they will no longer be considered as high risk drivers so
they can come back later on and get a good auto insurance quote from you.

Being helpful to the client will surely make you succeed when you decide to
pursue a finance career offering or selling auto insurance quotes. This is
because you will probably do better than your colleagues as you bring in more
money to the business that could mean a promotion and an increase in your

You just have to play it smart when you are starting out and then keeping up
the good work because even if the cost of auto insurance increases, drivers
still need to get their vehicles insured.

Finance Careers In Health Care

If you think careers in the field of finance is limited to having jobs in
manufacturing and other more "business" like companies, then it's time to widen
your perspective and look beyond the business districts. Finance professionals
like accountants, auditors and finance analysts are needed in every field,
including, and perhaps even more so, in the field of health care. A finance
career in health care is a worthy profession.

One can also view the health care industry as an advantage with regards to
advancement in their career. For starters, the industry will always be in need
of finance managers to tackle issues like accounting, budget, insurance claims,
health benefit claim, etc. Jobs will always await those who are qualified.

Another thing is that it seems that amidst erratic economic instability, the
health care services is and will always be among the most stable industry out
there. With the increasing number of older people, and the advancement of
technologies that help improve healthy living, more and more people will need
health care services in the future.

Stable as it is, though, the health care industry is not without its set of
problems. However, moving into health care is still a good move if you know
what you're getting yourself into. Not to scare you or anything, but advancing
your financial career towards health care is not something that you should

If you think that your background on corporate finance management is enough to
help you move easily about in the world of health services, then you're wrong.
The first step when moving your career to the health sector is that you need to
be prepared.

Even though one would argue that accounting is simply accounting wherever you
go, there are certain concepts and ideas in the health care industry which can
be confusing. Mathematics and numbers can be considered as the universal
language but applying those numbers and the kind of mathematics into a
comprehensible and usable system requires knowledge and skills that can be
highly specific to a field of study. Health care is one of that area.

In advancing your finance career in health services, it would be wise to stack
up on knowledge on HMO, home health care, managed care for patients, PPOs, and
similar medical terms, concepts and the like. Studying these health related
issues and concepts will keep you on your toes and will help you make sound

You need to prepare yourself to battle head-on various government imposed
regulations on health services, lots of house or hospital rules and not to
mention existing regulations being handles by organizations from both the
medical profession and the finance industry themselves.

Don't get me wrong. My aim is not to discourage people from moving to health
care from manufacturing and service oriented business. But rather, the
intention is to inform would be finance professionals of the needs of the
health care industry to give them time to prepare themselves towards the

Another way to prepare is to begin browsing job listings and similar materials.
These job postings will usually have descriptions telling people who wish to
apply what to expect from the job, the responsibilities and other details.

In summary, having a finance careers in health care is a good career move. Just
be certain that it is something that you want and your motivation to learn
remains high. The profession is a good one and the industry will stick around
for a long time.

Finance Careers A Continuous Demand in The Future

Your decision to have a finance career can be a start of something big for you.
According to latest employment and business trends, the growth of the world
economy plus the increasing number of people retiring in the next decade will
create a demand for finance professionals.

If you're already in the industry, then it is possibly the best time to take
post graduate courses to increase your chance of landing better opportunities
when the finance career employment peak kicks in. And if you're just entering
college, a career in finance may be something that you should really consider.

Before even thinking of a career in finance, the field does require a certain
level of skills and knowledge which you can learn. Finance professionals are
expected to organize, analyze and interpret numerical and financial data. They
are expected to arrive at sound decisions based on the data that they have.
They should be meticulous and show attention to details.

It is also expected from them that their oral and written communications skills
are beyond average since they will be expected to present data and information
to others. Having knowledge of financial and economic history, practices, laws,
trends, as well as having economics and accounting background is often an

In a career in finance, you can either go to private, public or non-profit
organizations since all those three needs some levels of financial management
and control. Finance professionals often find themselves employed in commercial
banking, financial planning, money managing, corporate finance, investment
banking, insurance and, of course, in real estate. These are the fields that
finance professionals are often in demand.

Commercial banking means having an opportunity to work in the areas of
financial management, accountancy and auditing, securities, commodities and
financial services sales. There's also an opportunity to work in the area of
financial and credit analysis since commercial banks are there to provide
banking services to individuals as well as small and large businesses and

When you work in commercial banks, you may want to take the opportunity to
learn more about businesses. Interacting with bank clients should be taken as
an opportunity to build a people network. And because commercial banking is
more diverse now that before, you can start as a bank teller and move up in
areas like leasing, credit card banking, international finance and trade
credits. Once you're inside the commercial banking system, it would be nice to
keep your eyes open for better opportunities within the industry.

If you're not fond of commercial banks, you might want to look at corporate
finance. In this area, part of your responsibilities as a finance professional
is to find money for the company, plant for the future, make acquisitions
whenever necessary and whenever there's an opportunity, and help manage the
company's present finance. Fast problem-solving skills will be hand in this
area of finance.

The good thing working in corporate finance is that it pays well, you get to
travel and meet with lots of people, make business decisions that matters, and
can hone your decision making skills.

Other areas where you can grow as finance professional include financial
planning which involves helping individuals organize, manage, and plan their
financial futures. You are expected to guide clients on their retirement needs,
planning for their children's education, etc. Your knowledge on investments,
taxes, and listening skills should be exemplary.

You can also carve your career as a finance professional in the field of
insurance. Helping individuals and businesses prepare for emergencies or
disasters that would otherwise result to big losses would be the main course of
your job.

Investment banking is yet another area where you can be good at. This time, you
will be helping companies and even governments issue, purchase or trade
securities, manage financial assets, and provide sound financial advice.

You can also be a successful money manager. As money managers you will be
holding tocks and bonds for institutional clients. You're expected to be
informed and know how to analyze market trends using either quantitative
techniques or simple intuition.

And finally a career on real estate is always something that you might have
seen coming as a career in finance professional. You can get employment
opportunities in areas like brokerage and leasing, in title insurance, in
mortgage banking and even in construction and property management.

Real estate appraisals are also an important aspect of real estate work that
you can take full advantage of.

Could A Career In Finance Be Just What You Are Looking For?

Careers in finance remain very lucrative and very exciting jobs in the
corporate world but what exactly is needed to become a professional in this
field? First, having a degree in financing or accounting remains a very
valuable step in getting hired by most companies that deal with finance.

Accounting and finance careers can be jumpstarted by having a good knowledge of
where exactly in financing you would like to find yourself in. You should
thoroughly consider the many fields in finance wherein your particular
expertise or interests may lie.

There is corporate finance, which involves working for companies and handling
the financial side of their operations. A company's growth often depends on the
long-term stable handling of their finances and acquisitions, steady business
growth as well as in the more short-term aspects of handling the company's
current available funds. As a career corporate finance professionals are
responsible for making a company profitable and keeping it profitable.

You could also consider one of the many jobs in banking. Again, you have to
find the right position to get into depending on what you're interested in.
There are a variety of job functions ranging from a bank teller to bank
manager, to working in either commercial banking or in investment banking.

If you are more of a people person, then you could find work that involves
talking to people, finding out their needs and how to help them. If number
crunching is more in line with your interests, then you could work in
investment banking and assist firms in raising funds or creating projections
regarding business mergers.

Perhaps working in real estate could be right for you. Real estate is
particularly valuable because banks and other financial institutions use land
as collateral. Real estate-related jobs typically entail being a good judge of
the value of land and properties. This could also mean a lot of travel for you
and seeing new places as well as talking to the people in those places.

Would you like to work in the area of insurance? Job functions in insurance
involve helping companies and individuals maintain security and prevent losses
to their properties. Security is such a valuable commodity especially for large
companies. Even other areas in finance require insurance of their own. Banking,
for instance has its own risks and thus banks usually require the security
provided by insurance firms. This security itself can be prized as a solid

Banks, even though they might not be suffering a risk of collapse could indeed
collapse if its clients construe the bank as lacking security. For individuals,
the field of insurance gives a measure of security through a variety of policies
like life insurance plans, fire insurance plans, as well as sets the car career
finance insurance rate for the family and house insurance rates. In insurance
and in the other fields of finance, you might be able to find the perfect
career path for you.

With the great diversity in careers in finance available and actual new job
functions being established all the time as dictated by the constantly varying
needs of the clients, then surely there is a spot in this field just right for
you, your talents, skills, and interests.

Choosing Your Accounting and Finance Careers

The best way you can do if you're thinking about your future is to choose the
best college course with great career opportunities. Accounting and finance
related courses will give you plenty of opportunities to have a career in
finance. Accounting is considered as the language of the business industry and
an accounting degree is one of the top courses in the world you can earn. If
you're looking for the best job, then you could be looking for a career in

Choosing a career in accounting will give you plenty of things to learn
especially in the finance industry. One of the main purpose of accounting and
its studies is the methods on how to keep record of income and assets of
specific dates. How businesses and other companies work is one of the most
relevant learning you'll get from accounting.

Before you get the chance to grab career corporate finance opportunities, you
have to weave your way through the entangled world of accounting and finance
careers first and learn as much financial knowledge as you can along the way.
With so many opportunities at hand, you can use it to climb the corporate
ladder and work your way up.

There are many ways for accounting graduates to start their careers in finance.
The first one is through public practice. Becoming a certified public accountant
will gain you multifaceted experiences in the business world. Job description
includes auditing, taxation and management advisory services. You can have a
job working as a certified public accountant in business firms offering your
services to businesses, governments or individual parties.

Government service is also one of the many choices available to you. With the
myriad of opportunities offered to you in the world of accounting and finance
careers, you can always try your luck for government service either in state or
federal level. Administrative positions are just within reach for accumulative
work experience in government service and having an excellent employment
history is the easiest way up for a promotion.

Working for so many years in a particular accounting group that involves
businesses in the commerce and financial industry will also gain you the much
needed experience for you to become a finance director or a chief accountant
for instance. Being the finance head of either big or small corporations have
the biggest responsibility regarding financial matters, however these
responsibilities will differ depending on the company size.

Education is also one of the key choices you can make if you want a career in
finance. This career path can lead you to become a researcher, a reviewer or a
professor perhaps. With advanced researched regarding accounting, results to
emerging accounting problems are easier and much faster to solve.

These are just some of the career in finance choices you can make in connection
with accounting and there are plenty more available to you. Working in an
insurance company will not only gain you the knowledge of car career finance
insurance rates, home insurance rates or other insurance rates as well.

But the knowledge and work experience that will help you reach your highest
goals in life. The key to making it to the world of business and financial
industry is to start your way from the bottom and work hard to make it to the

Career Opportunities in Accounting & Finance

Career opportunities in accounting and finance are endless. This is because
when you have either a CA or CPA license with you, it is possible for you to
work for a large firm that has offices both here and abroad. Given that every
company needs ones, it will not be that hard to find a job.

Some of things that you can get into include actuaries, auditing, banking,
chartered accounting, corporate finance, corporate recovery, stock broking and
taxation management.

One report shows that employments prospects for these professionals is quite
high over the past 5 years and this is expected to continue until after 2010.
You will also be handsomely rewarded with a good salary but long hours come
with the territory especially when companies and individuals have to file their
income taxes and towards the end of the financial year.

Just to give you an idea, newly grades who work in banks earn from $35,000 to
$50,000 annually while financial managers earn almost double that amount.
Professionals who soon become partners for the bigger firms earn more than

But in order for you to get a higher position, you will also need to go back to
school. Most financial experts pursue an MBA after a few years in the corporate
world. While some return to their employers, others apply elsewhere.

Before you can see yourself up there, you have to work from the bottom going
up. While some decide to make it big in Wall Street, you too can also succeed
wherever you decide to apply.

The first thing to do is conduct some research. This will make you understand
how things work and how news in business affects the industry, the country and
the world as a whole.

If you want to get the job, aside from being knowledgeable, you need to have
connections that are already there so you are given the position instead of
someone else. This means building your network from school and then using it to
your advantage.

Associating yourself with those who have done well may give you pointers so you
too can be just as successful as them.

But you shouldn't wait until graduate before you start looking at the various
career opportunities in accounting and finance. The best way to get your foot
in the door is to apply for a summer position or an internship because most
companies hire those who have worked with them for a short period of time
compared to those that sent in their resumes. Believe me; you already have an
edge right there as you already have an idea about the internal workings of the

Just in case the company you worked for does not have an opening right now, you
should prepare your resume and yourself for interviews with other companies that
do similar activities with what you used to do during your internship.

The average professional who works in either accounting or finance leaves after
2 years. They may apply for reassignment to another department or find
employment doing something else. When this happens, there are job openings
around for fresh graduates as well as those who already have experience in this

Indeed, there are career opportunities in accounting and finance. You just have
to build your network and get it.

Career in Numbers, The Finance Majors

If you're good with a pen, go get writing courses. If you're good with pencils,
brushes, or palette, go get arts studies. And when you're good with numbers,
then there are a number of courses you can take in college where you can
develop your full potential. College has the sciences but basing on the
smugness of your face, it is not what you want. Then this leaves us with
another option where mathematically skills are quite necessary: finance majors.

That's right, a career in the finances is a career that is worth thinking
about. Students with special affinity with numbers should think about
exploiting their skills and enter a field were numbers will become mostly their

We could classify major courses in finance into three big categories: the
corporate finance, investments, and banking. When we talk about corporate
finance, we're talking about analyzing a company's level of profitability. It
involves finding out present market values and how the company can remain
afloat which means studying debts, company's equity, present earnings, among
other things.

Investments, on the other hand, handle just that: investing money to improve
the company's standing within its industry. Analysis on the capabilities of the
company to invest in stocks, bonds, other corporations, on various properties,
other businesses, etc. is a process that requires knowledge and skills to
interpret present market values and utilize those values to come up with the
best decision that would help make more money for the company, stabilize its
status in the industry, and ensure a solid future.

Another major category of finance courses would be banking. Knowledge on
banking, banking laws, intermediary financials, and other banking elements will
be part of your curriculum.

Courses in college that revolves around finance include studies in accounting,
business economics, and marketing. Graduating from these courses will open the
road towards becoming finance career professionals. The knowledge you will gain
in studying finance in college will help you learn how to access and process the
financial information.

The good thing about becoming finance professionals is that employment
opportunities in this field seems to be increasing and according to statistics
will continue to increase in the upcoming years. One has the option to enter
the field of corporate and financial management or the area of investment

Financial graduates will have options to enter corporations or manufacturing
industries, health care services, the banking system, as well as insurance and
financial intermediary companies. Even organizations and institutions like the
academe require the expertise of financial major graduates.

One can also work as financial consultants giving advice on securities, stock
strategies, business valuation, economic forecasts, analysis of market trends,
and treasury management among other things. Or one can also be a finance
manager where the management and strategies involving investment activities
will be his main concert and responsibility. Both government and private
entities are looking for guys like these.

There are opportunities in the area of corporate finance as well. Corporate
finance will see you working in corporations and specifically looks at how the
company can get money, harness it, and make it grow to improve the status of
the company and plan for its future. Liquidity of assets, flexibility of funds,
and the company's compliance with present laws and obligations will be part of
your responsibility as an officer in corporate finance.

There are also opportunities to specialize on a field, like becoming financial
trade analysts or credit analysts or money market analysts. There are numerous
career paths that one can take when they graduate as finance majors in college.

Banking and Finance Careers

We all use math daily. While many of us just use the basics to keep track of
how much money we gave and the change we should get, those who want to purse
banking and finance careers do more than that to keep their clients happy.

People who work in banking and finance are paid well for the work that they do.
Four of the fields that many professionals get into include accountancy and tax,
Insurance, investment banking and retail banking. Let's talk about each of these.

For people to work in accountancy and tax, you need to graduate and get your
CPA or certified public accountancy license. To learn more about what you will
be doing, many have to complete an on the job training with a legitimate
accountancy firm.

The training period is about three years and afterwards, you can continue on
staying with them, working for another firm or going into private practice.

Insurers just like accountants need to be licensed. This varies from state to
state so you have to study and then pass the exam. Once you do so, your career
may get you to sell property or casually insurance and life or health insurance.

You should also take further classes in the future because although you have
your license already, rules change and you have to be aware of them.

Perhaps the biggest challenge selling insurance is deciding whether to work for
an insurance company or doing this on your own. There are advantages and
disadvantages doing both. When you are employed, you get a basic salary while
those who decide to work for themselves can only make money earning commissions
when a sale is made. How well you do is entirely up to you.

Investment banking is different from regular banking because you are there to
raise capital for a company by issuing shares or bonds. Later on, you may even
work with a team that advises companies regarding mergers and acquisitions.

Also under investment banking is capital markets. Here, the professional is
tasked with trading bonds stocks and other financial products to increase the
portfolio of the client.

But before you get into that, most entry levels personnel start out doing
research first about certain companies and who are their competitors. Their
information is then passed on to the account managers who will then advice the

Lastly is retail banking which many of us are aware of because these are the
people we meet in the bank from the teller to the bank manager when we need to
deposit or withdraw cash and apply for a loan.

Unlike accountancy or insurance, you don't need to get a license to do this
kind of work. You just have to be customer oriented with strong interpersonal
and communication skills since you will be dealing with people.

Tax and accountancy, insurance, investment banking and retail banking are the
four basic types of jobs for anyone that wants to pursue a banking and finance
career after graduation from college. Career progression in any of them is
excellent and this can only happen with additional training and at times a

This can be achieved by part time study so all you have to do now is weigh your
options and then go for it.

Are You Planning On Picking A Career In Finance?

With the variety of jobs in the finance industry, you might at first be
confused as to which particular careers in finance you would like to enter
into. Of course, accounting and finance careers are traditionally started by
one having a degree in either accounting or finance and while pursuing either
degree, you are sure to have some encounter with finance job functions that
might arouse your interest.

By the time you reach internship, too, hopefully you would already have an
inkling of where to go. A problem, though, lies in the many overlaps between
different career functions in finance jobs.

And still, there are questions you would again have to ask yourself. Would you
like to work in a commercial bank or in an investment bank? Would you like to
have for your career corporate finance functions or would you rather be a
financial planner for individuals? Perhaps the best way to resolve some of the
questions would involve asking yourself where your talents and interests lie.

Do you like having conversations with common working individuals and not just
with fellow finance professionals? Perhaps a job in a lending institution would
be right for you. You would be tasked to talk with people looking for loans and
you could figure the maximum loans you could give out while keeping risks
minimum for the lending institution.

And if you like traveling, perhaps a job estimating the value of real estate 
would be right for you. A huge percentage of the world's assets lie in real 
estates and another talent could come into good use here involves having a bit 
of foresight regarding not just the current value of property but its future 
value. Take for example the Trump properties.

Are you interested in seeing the financial side of large companies' inner
workings? Then entering into corporate finance might be right for you. Here,
you also have to know how to make sure that a company always has funds for its
operations. You have to be able to create plans that make a company profit and
know how to keep the company profitable. Other matters such as company mergers
and new property acquisitions would rely on your company finance expertise to
keep the company from entering into bad actions.

Do you have a talent for anticipating risks? Then maybe careers in finance in
the insurance field would be where you belong. Often, businesses require the
added stability that only a robust insurance policy could provide. The
importance of insurance cannot be stressed enough, as businesses that lack
security often have low stock values as it would end up lacking investor

Consider, too, the case of an entire country like Argentina recently
experiencing economic troubles because of a lack of security in its banking
system. A talent in anticipating risks is also a key in dealing with individual
clients' cases. This would involve dealing with individuals in creating policies
for them that safeguard their lives and belongings. A critical eye is often
needed in tailoring policies specific for each individual.

A car career finance insurance rate for an individual would vary depending on
that individuals' age, health and driving histories so a talent in
micro-managing for each policy you write up is called for.

Accounting Finance Careers

For those who enjoy the challenge of working with numbers on a daily basis, an
accounting finance career is right for you. With the tools that were taught in
school, you will be able to help a company or a business run efficiently.

But what is the first step that you have to take? Most companies will require
that you graduate with a bachelor's degree in accountancy, business, economics,
math or statistics and also obtain your CPA or Certified Public Accountant's

Given that the job market is very competitive, you will also have to get a
master's degree and be familiar with the latest accounting software around
given that most companies use the computer these dates to upgrade records or
add new information.

For the most part, accountants do not go out of the office much when everything
they have to do is in front of their desk. But if the accounting firm has a
client, they will have to leave and perform an audit in the customer's place of

The working hours for most accountants on average are 40 hours a week. However,
this gets longer during the tax season and towards the end of the financial year.

Your accounting finance career can go into one of the four major fields. If you
want to be a public accountant, you work for corporations, the government, a non
profit organization or one person. You can advise the client on tax matters,
preparing their income tax returns and offering your consultation services when
it comes to running their business.

If the accounting department you are working of is quite big, you are able to
specialize for instance simply working on the employee's compensation and

Management accountant is another and here, you will be responsible for asset
management, budgeting, cost management and performance evaluation of the
company. Your analysis of the financial information given to you is needed to
help top level executives make strategic business solutions that will affect
the company as a whole.

But a vast majority of accountants work in the public sector. They maybe
employed on a federal, state or local level and their job is to make sure that
all the money collected from the people through the form of taxes is accounted

The last option is known as internal auditing. Those who work here check and
balance the company or the client they are working for in all facets of the
organization so money is never mismanaged or wasted. They also recommend new
procedures so incidents of fraud do not occur.

Graduates fresh out of college will not be handling an account or given an
assignment on their own. They will be assisting accountants who are more senior
to them and then after a year or two, be promoted to that position before
becoming a manager or even a partner later on.

During this time, you will be able to specialize in one of the four fields
mentioned or shift towards something else. Many professionals have gone from
public accounting to internal audit or management accounting. But it is very
rare that the opposite occurs.

Getting a college degree and your license can open a lot of doors to get you
started on your accounting finance career. So, if you want to pursue this, it
is yours for the taking.

A Career in Consumer Financing

What is consumer financing? Basically, this enables the customer to buy certain
items either through their credit card or a loan. Some examples of these include
purchasing a house, a car, college tuition or home improvement and given that
these are necessities, you may have a career in consumer financing.

Your career will start by being a sales agent and offering credit cards to
customers. Unlike debit cards that are provided by banks, the consumer can only
spend a certain limit monthly and then pay these back when the bill comes.

Some of the people that are interested have never had a credit card before
while others are getting another one.

If you know the features and benefits of the card you are selling very well,
you may even persuade others to transfer their existing balance thus increasing
the number of clients that your company is serving. This is better known as debt

Other products that companies are offering these days include financing
campaigns, interest free loans, installment loans and revolving credit.

Those who do well selling credit cards, your boss might let you handle
something else like approve loans to card holders. This is financial
institutions allow you to do more than just buy items from the store. You can
use your credit card to pay for home improvement, tuition or buy a car.

The terms for these purchases vary and it is the responsibility of the person
to pay the amount otherwise these will be repossessed when it is impossible to
pay these back with the amount of interest that has been incurred.

But not everyone will be out in the field selling credit cards. There are those
who work in the head office who analyze the behavior of the customer. If there
was a sudden large purchase, that person is tasked to call the card holder and
ask if a transaction was made or not given that identify theft is on the rise.

Some will be tasked to approve or disapprove the application of the customer
for a credit card or a loan. The basis will be that person's credit history. If
it is good, then there won't be any problems but if there is red flag, chances
are this will not disapproved as the individual is a high risk individual.

For those who have been in the consumer financing industry long and want a new
change of atmosphere, they can join organizations that help people get a good
rating once again. They are tasked in counseling individuals who have spent
beyond their means by helping them pay back the debt. This is better known as
consumer credit counseling so that person will always have financial stability.

In fact, the information provided by such companies also used as basis whether
or not to approve a customer's loan. If everything is in good order, then there
shouldn't be any problems.

Consumer financing is expected to grow given that people don't always have the
cash on hand to buy whatever they want. Some of the companies that you can
apply to if you want to start a career in consumer financing include American
General Finance Inc, CitiFinancial, General Electric Finance, HSBC and Wells
Fargo Financial.

You just have to apply for the position and hopefully be hired.

A Career in Equipment Finance: What Do We Have Here?

Dealing with machinery and equipment can be quite challenging. Okay, who am I
kidding; equipment financing is as tricky as they come. Without proper and
sufficient knowledge about the subject it would be wise not to engage in this
line of business, although, the same can be said when you go into business.

Do not go blindly forward or else you'll end up broke. With regards to
equipment financing, it would be best to have someone who underwent financial
management training to help out with the general finances. Having a career in
equipment finance is something that is worthy to consider.

When we talk about equipment financing, we're not limiting ourselves to leasing
or renting huge cargo trucks or heavy construction equipment. There is a lot of
equipment leasing being done out there and they are not limited to big units.
Although, most of the equipment being rented or leased by companies in the
industry include planes, landing facilities, even trains and railing equipment,
smaller units like computers are also represented.

Even office printing equipments are being distributed for lease. If you can't
believe that, then be aware that different kinds and pieces of office furniture
are also being rented and leased. All of these are considered part of equipment
financing products and fall under equipment financing.

Equipment finance is not all about the equipment and details of the lease and
contracts though; it is also about the end users. For the end users, they can
choose among commercial financing, public sector financing, and small business
financing as a means for equipment financing. These are usually the kind of
financing schemes that people end up applying for.

Aspiring to be a financial career professional in the field of equipment
financing and leasing, you may want to get familiar with these schemes as well
as concepts of lenders, investors, manufacturers and especially the end-users
of the equipment. It is certain that you will face all of these elements during
your career as a financial manager of equipment leasing and financing company.

Moreover, with regards to the process of leasing and financing, knowledge on
existing legal obligations and accepted practices is also a key factor in this
business. You need to update your knowledge database and be sure to know the
latest ruling, restrictions, etc. It will make your life a lot easier later on.

Furthermore, you should be able to identify the different kinds of leases and
should have an easy enough time understanding the concepts and explaining them
when needed. That is part of your responsibility when you build your career in
equipment finance.

Among the various transactions that you would encounter in an equipment
financing business includes conditional sales, transactions across borders and
between governments, different operating leases, the so called single investor
leases and many others. Keeping track of these kinds of transaction are part of
the job description of a finance career professional in the field of equipment

Providing innovative solutions to leasing problems and concerns is also part of
the services that an equipment financing company offers. There are different
kinds of work around to common problems. But at times, despite all the
solutions that implemented a total recall or restructuring of the company would
be the best solution.

In this regard, as part of the financial management team, you will definitely
have concrete responsibilities and essentially help in improving the status of
the company.

Having a career in equipment finance is not a walk in the park. You need to
work hard on it to achieve your goals and be someone in this field. Every kind
of career should be like that: work hard to become someone recognized in your

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