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More people are considering ferrets as household pets. These creatures that are
typically colored black, brown, white or mixed fur may grow up to 20 inches in
length, 5 inches in height and weigh about 2 to 4 pounds. They have an average
life span of 7 to 10 years that may live just as long as other animals kept
inside a home.

The ferret belongs to the Mustelidae family and one of its closest relatives is
the weasel. Studies have shown that it has similar qualities to badgers, skunks
and wolverines so if you are planning to own one, keep in mind that this small
creature is a carnivore.

This means that your ferret should eat either meat or poultry. When you are
shopping for it at the grocery, make sure that it contains high level protein
and low levels of fat. You must never get food that is rich in carbs or sugar
as well as those that are intended for other animals as this may cause serious
health problems for the animal.

One thing you should know before deciding to own a ferret is that unlike other
animals, they require a lot of attention. They don't like being locked up in a
cage the whole day like your hamster or guinea pig so if you don't have the
time, you should think about getting something else.

If you have children at home who are below the age of 6, this should not be
given to them because ferrets have sharp teeth and they will retaliate if they
are attacked.

Most ferrets sleep for about 18 to 20 hours each day but when they are awake,
they must be allowed to come out and play. The downside to this as some owners
have experienced is that they will chew on just about anything that could do
some considerable damage to the home. The only way to prevent that from
happening is to ferret proof your home.

You can do this by putting metal coiling on all your electrical cords, blocking
off certain areas of the house so your ferret will not go there, windows must be
screened so the animal does not get out of the house, the floor must be cleaned
at all time to prevent them from eating dirt that is on the floor and air ducts
are covered using ferret proof vents.

The ideal cage for a ferret must measure 18" x 18" x 30". This will give them
space to move inside as well as play with toys that you provide them. There
must also be a litter plan to collect their waste that can be removed, cleaned
and returned once a week.

You will need to toilet train your ferret so when it needs to answer nature's
call, it can easily do so inside the litter box. The best one to get is the
kind of made of recycled newspaper that will also need to be cleaned between
one to two times daily.

Ferrets are now considered to be the third most popular pet in the United
States. If you think you have the time to spend with such a cute little animal,
go ahead and get one. You may not bring it around the neighborhood like a dog
but you can spend quality time in the comforts of your home.

Do Ferrets Make Good Pets

Do ferrets make good pets? Some will agree to this while others will say no.
But one thing for certain is that they are in demand right now and they are
ranked number three as the pet to have in the home. If you are still not
convinced, perhaps reading 10 good reasons will make you reconsider.

First, ferrets are cute. They come in black, brown, white or with mixed fur.
They are longer than hamsters as they can grow up to 20 inches in length, 5
inches in height and weigh about 2 to 4 pounds. These creatures can live for 7
to 10 years with tender and loving care from their owner.

Second, they are very playful creatures. This will allow you to hold them
instead of just looking through the glass to see what they are doing.

Third, they are very affectionate, friendly and sociable even if there is
another ferret in the house.

Fourth, ferrets are intelligent animals. They can be trained to perform some
tricks and toilet trained so you don't see any litter or stain on your carpet.

Fifth, these creatures do not make a lot of noise in the noise. The only thing
you have to be concerned about is cleaning up the mess that they caused.

Sixth, because ferrets are small, you don't need to buy a huge cage. Surely,
the ideal kind which measures 18" x 18" x 30" will not take that much space
inside your home.

Seventh, ferrets are also easy to feed. Just make sure that what you buy
contains high levels of protein and low levels of fat. This must never be rich
in carbs or sugar or ever replaced with food that is intended for other animals.

Eighth, they are very curious creatures. They love to crawl to dark places like
inside your pants or under the couch. They love to hide as well as jump from
high places.

Ninth, every animal needs to exercise and giving your ferret a workout is not
that difficult. You can take them out for a walk using a small harness.

Lastly, each ferret is different so your experience is much different with
another just like the people you meet in the neighborhood.

If you are thinking of getting a ferret, you have to decide whether you want to
buy one for adopt it from a shelter. You will also have to check if it is legal
to own one where you live and if there is a vet that will treat it if there are
any problems. You have to be one hundred percent sure you are ready to take on
the responsibility because most shelters are not willing to take it back and
this creature will have a hard time adjusting to the wild if you choose to set
it free.

Ferrets can only survive if they are entertained and are in a safe environment.
This means making your home ferret proof because they could cause serious damage
to your home and harm to themselves. So although you have a cage, remember that
they need to come out so both you and the creature can have some fun.

Just like other pets, they also need to be cleaned, vaccinated and undergo
regular checkups.

Ferrets As Pets

Can ferrets be pets? The answer is yes just like owning a cat or a dog. All you
have to do is provide them with the same kind of attention you would with any
other animal you choose to have at home so they will be able to stay with you
for a long time.

Ferrets are considered to be "unusual" in the pet industry because a lot of
people would still prefer a bird, cat, dog, fish or hamster. In fact, some
states in North America and a few countries do not allow you to own one.

The issue centers around the safety of the people who own them especially since
these animals have very sharp teeth and although they are already domesticated,
they will bite if ever they are provoked. This is why parents are discouraged
from getting one if there are small children around but if they still choose to
do so, they must never leave them unattended.

The worse part about getting bitten by a ferret is that it can carry and
transmit rabies just like dogs. This is the reason that pet owners should make
sure their ferrets have been vaccinated. Neutering is another thing that has to
be done to control the number of domesticated ferrets.

Ferrets are also very curious creatures and if you don't like them messing up
your home, you should make sure your house is ferret proof. You can do so by
sealing small spaces which they may enter, reinforcing wires and securing air

Here are some interesting things that you should know if you decide to own a

First, they sleep for more than 18 hours everyday but when they are awake, this
is the time that you need to feed and play with them.

Second, they do not like being caged so give them some room to move about in
the house.

Third, ferrets take naps in the most unusual places. If you don't want to
squish or hurt them, check under the cushion before you sit down because you
could hurt them.

Fourth, male ferrets are heavier and grow much longer than the female.

Fifth, they can live for 6 to 8 years and if you are lucky, even up to 12 years
with proper care.

Sixth, ferrets are blind but this handicap increases their other senses like
their hearing and smelling enabling them to find food or go to you.

Seventh, ferrets can be trained to do just about anything just like a cat or
dog. Reinforcement theory is the best approach here by rewarding them with food
when they do something right.

Eighth, ferrets are not noisy since they don't bark. They also don't go outside
as long as the doors, windows and vents are secured so there is no way that they
will ruin your garden or that of the neighbor's.

Those who want to own a ferret can either buy one from a breeder or adopt one
from the shelter. Before you pay for it and fill up the forms, make sure you
know how to take care of it because that responsibility is now in your hands.

If you are not ready, put it off until you are committed to take care of a
ferret as a pet.

The Pros and Cons of Keeping Wild Ferrets

Is a wild ferret for you? You might have to quiz yourself well on that before
you head off to the nearest forest and score yourself a brand new wild ferret
to have and hold. There are many advantages and disadvantages of keeping wild
ferrets, and here are some of the more major things you can expect once you
decide to acquire wild ferrets.


More adventure, more fun. People who are just as interested in getting
adventures out of their ferrets as much as the wild ferrets are must be open to
the idea of keeping them untamed. Wild ferrets are quite exciting to behold,
especially for extremists who may find themselves bored with the typical
domesticated pet. The good thing about wild pets is that they are extremely
resilient and able to bounce back from attacks easily with they speedy and
adventurous nature. Their curiosity may also lead to bring you in some
surprises you wouldn't otherwise have had if you had them tamed.

Non-deviation from their natural genetic makeup. The genetic makeup for ferrets
is that they roam free and explore unchartered territories fearlessly. Leaving
them to their wild side will enable them to do just that. If you are planning
to research on ferrets, keeping them wild is the best way to keep them as close
to their natural habitat and actuations as possible. This way, learning about
your pet is maximized.

Owners will get the chance to see wild ferrets as they are, sans modifications
that can be painful for them. Seeing ferrets au naturel has its perk. Modifying
ferrets for domestication such as removing their gland (a big ouch for your
mammal!) that secretes the offensive musky smell can really alter your ferret

One can have to option to train them at a later time. Once you have had enough
of the adventures or misadventures of your wild ferret, you always have the
option to tame them at a later time.


Wild ferrets may choose to be free from your ownership anytime. Since wild
ferrets are designed to be free from any form of captivity or ownership, they
will have no sense of loyalty whatsoever and will be free to roam around to
places in any way they choose. If you truly want this whole thing to work, you
have to be prepared to lose your ferret over anytime once they decide to break
free and change their surroundings.

They have higher risk to diseases and early deaths. Wild ferrets are not
regulated in any way. They will eat anything and everything that they see lying
around. In fact, even domesticated ferrets still have this as a common cause of
death. This risk to early deaths, lack of digestion and poisoning may be
heightened. And treating them with a laxative may be all the more difficult if
you have not trained your ferret even to get familiar with you to trust you.

They may pose a danger to you, especially to children. If you let ferrets be,
they will remain as wild as ever and they may not be the kind of pet you would
want to have around when there are many children who can get hurt. Children and
ferrets are both playful and grow wild when untamed, and there is no predicting
what kind of explosion may occur if you put them together in the same room and
in the same condition.

Younger children are at a higher risk of getting bitten because they may not be
able to regulate the way they touch your ferrets and the ferrets might interpret
the child's playful cuddling as an attack.

Once you decide to train them later, they may be most resistant to your
attempts. Training wild ferrets when old may not be as easy as when you start
them out young. You might have to incur additional expenses and few ferret
trainers will be willing to get bitten by an old wild ferret for a fee.

All About Ferrets: Getting Started with Your Passion

Want to know all about ferrets but don't know where to begin? There are
millions of other ferret aficionados who are stumped with the volumes of
information available at their disposal about this charming furry creatures.
Whether you are trying to get a pet ferret, living with someone who is crazy
about ferrets or simply interested on the nuances of these musk-producing
mammals, there are a few basic things that you can consider first as you get
started with your ferret passions.

Biological Structure Ferrets are like skunk's cousins since they are also able
to produce musk. Some countries allow that the glands responsible for their
musk production be cut so that they will not stink as much, but countries like
UK and Australia find that this is not really necessary.

They are furry creatures with natural oils that make them shiny and smooth.
Frequent bathing may remove some of these oils, but they are not really the
type who resists regular showers. They also have the tendency to get long nails
so a consistent nail-cutting session is in order for ferret owner wannabes.

Color, Type and Age There are many different colors available for aspiring pet
owners. Breeds are quite easy especially when the ferrets are mated with pole
cats like in the old times. The younger the ferret is, the more delicate they
are and difficult to maintain. But then you get the privilege to train them if
you are able to acquire ownership while they are still kits.

As they grow older, they seek company of other ferrets. Older ferrets, like
some adults, may actually display domination or superiority to the younger
ferrets. They also have the tendency to develop cliques and may not be as open
to accept new ferrets in their circle easily.*

Existing Regulations Regulations vary from place to place, so when you are
caring for your ferret, make sure that you are properly acquainted with the
rules. Some countries don't allow ferrets to be domesticated as house pets,
while other allow them but not so much as to take them in the airline cargo or
cabin. When traveling with your pets, ensure that the airlines of your choice
will be able to transport your ferret safely.

Behavior, Habits and Idiosyncrasies By nature, ferrets are adventurous and
curious creatures. You will have to set them free from their cages at dusk or
dawn so that they can roam and satiate their curiosity and be happy under your
care. They like dancing in a strange manner when excited and may even look like
ready to attack but in reality, they are just expressing their glee.

Maintenance Since ferrets are highly adventurous creatures, you will have to
have them checked frequently. They may have the tendency to swallow objects
that can be poisonous or damaging to their digestive tracts. On top of that,
they may be prey to some other animals like snakes and hawks.

Some Facts on Their Rich Heritage Ferrets haven't been domesticated pets since
time immemorial. They were adopted as pets by the Americans only in the 1980's.
Prior to this, ferrets have been used for hunting, as they are well capable of
squeezing themselves in covered grounds and tiny spaces. Their talent and
natural curiosity makes them really effective aids to detectives and hunters in
the ancient times especially by the Romans.

Regulations came in and varied the functionalities of ferrets with human
activities, which made them all the more versatile.

Buying Your First Ferret

If you want to own a ferret, you will probably have more luck buying them from
a breeder or a shelter instead of the pet store. This is because it takes some
effort to care for these animals especially since they need constant attention.

For those who happen to find a breeder using either the newspaper or the web,
it is best to ask for photos. If you like it, you will have to fill some forms
and then pay for it and it's already to be taken home on the same day.

Ferrets can be purchased at any age. If you want to raise a new born ferret,
make sure to ask the breeder about animal care. Although these cute little
creatures can already see, their vision is limited to a certain distance. You
have to keep this clean at all times to prevent injuries. As they grow older,
it is best to toilet train them.

Adults on the other hand are quite different but just the same, they have to
toilet trained and your home has to be ferret proof to prevent damage to your

The price of a ferret depends on their size and age. On average, they cost
around $75 to $125. Aside from that, you will also have to purchase a few other
items like a cage, litter box, toys and vaccinations.

Another thing you have to know before going buying a ferret is finding out if
it is legal to own one where you reside. You can do so by checking with the
local wildlife and game department so if you need to get a license, this can be
done to avoid any problems later on.

When buying a ferret, pay close attention to the eyes, their coating and their
behavior. The more active the creature is the better. If you are worried that
the ferret might reproduce later on, no need to worry because these are usually

Once the ferret has been purchased, the task of taking care of the ferret is in
your hands and although it sleeps for more than 18 hours a day, once it is
awake, it is very active and you need to let it out of the cage and let it run

To keep it healthy, you need to find a vet that is qualified to handle such an
animal. If the one near where you live is not able to do the job, ask around
for someone that can.

Food is one of the most important things to consider since they need to eat
poultry or meat products that are high in protein and have low levels of fat.
You should also avoid giving products that are rich in carbs and sugar. You
must never substitute the food that is intended for other animals to prevent
health problems. To keep them clean, given them a bath every so often.

Ferrets are cute creatures. If you have seen one on television or in the movies
and want to own one, look around because you are sure to find ferret sellers in
the market.

Ferret Care

You can buy a ferret from a pet store or a breeder. It is also possible to get
one by driving down to the animal shelter. Since they have the ability to live
for a long period of time just like your cat or dog, it is best to know what
you need to do.

First, ferrets are nocturnal creatures that sleep during the day. When they
wake up, you shouldn't just tap the cage or look at them but rather let them
come out so they can run around and play. When this happens, make sure that
cords are secure, small items are hidden and there are no small spaces that
they can squeeze into. This will prevent them from getting lost or getting hurt.

These mammals live on strict diet and you should be well aware that they are
carnivores. This means they can only be fed meat or poultry products as they
need a lot of protein. There are ferret food products in the market so you
better stock up to avoid the mistake of settling with cat food instead.

Aside from food, ferrets need water. You can do this by putting this in a bowl
or a bottle. It is advisable to put this in a bottle so the contents do not

Your ferret can never be left in the house by themselves especially if you have
to go out for awhile. This is what the cage is for and you can get one that
measures 18" x 18" x 30" or a little bigger. The key here is that it is
spacious enough for them to move around especially when as they grow.

Getting your ferret a few toys will also be good. This will be useful if you
have to come home late from work so they will have something to do until you
return. The toys you buy must be able to withstand their sharp teeth and then
replaced if ever it is already worn out.

The only way to keep your ferret and house clean at the same time is to toilet
train it so that waste is on the litter box and not on the carpet. You can do
so by putting some waste inside the box and carrying them when you see that
they are about to do it.

If this is done correctly, they should be rewarded with a light snack. This
trick can also be done to teach them how to do some neat tricks to amuse guests
that drop by and pay a visit.

The pet ferret should also be brought to the vet. States that allow you to have
one require owners to give them a vaccination once a year and keep the receipts
for proper documentation.

Some would say that the best time to buy a ferret is when it is very young
because they are easier to train compared to those that are much older. But
regardless of age, how things will go will be entirely up to you.

Ferret care is not difficult but not impossible. If you are able to handle it,
then you are sure to enjoy the company of your furry friend for years to come
and maybe even add another one as other have into their homes.

How To Care for Ferrets

Ferrets can live for up to 10 years or even more. This depends on how you to
care of them so if you want to enjoy this friendship for the long term, it is
best to read on further.

One thing you have to know about ferrets is that they are nocturnal creatures.
They sleep during the day for up to 18 hours or more but when they are awake,
they are very active and would like to play with their owner.

But how do you care for a ferret? Since ferrets need to eat, you must give them
food that is consisting of meat and poultry products that are rich in protein
and low in fat. You must never anything that is high in sugar and carbs as this
causes health problems. The same goes for food intended for other animals.

Giving your ferret water is also important. You can give this to them in the
form of a bottle or a bowl as they too get dehydrated.

Your pet should also have roomy cage to stay in. Ideally, this should measure
18" x 18" x 30". Some owners may purchase a multilevel cage so they can go up
and down instead of just staying on one level. The cage should be escape proof
so it is not able to get out when you are not home.

It will also be a good idea to buy toys for the ferret to play with. You should
make sure that these can withstand their razor sharp teeth because they may
swallow it. Since ferrets also need exercise, you can bring this out with you
and go for a walk provided that it has a leash.

The ferret should only be let out of the cage with proper supervision. This
will prevent them from chewing cords, carrying away small objects, swallowing
things or escaping out the house which is better known as ferret proofing your

So there are not stains on the carpet, it is best to toilet train the ferret.
You can do so by buying or making a litter box and then putting some waste
there so it knows that this is the place to go when they have to answer
nature's call.

To further reinforce this thinking, it is best to reward them with a snack.
This approach can also be used to teach them to do other tricks. One example is
using a squeaky toy which tells them to come running back to you if you are not
able to catch them. Other tricks which are also taught to dogs are fetch, play
dead or roll over.

But if you have a baby ferret, you should start first with kitten food for the
first three years before buying ferret food. This should be done gradually of
course and you can add a few other items like meat or poultry bones and snacks
like cereals, fruits and vegetables in moderation.

Don't forget to bring your ferret for his or her regular checkup with the vet.
States that allow you to own one require you to have it vaccinated once a year.

You will have a great time caring for a ferret as long as you have followed the
directions mentioned above. Who knows? You might want to get another one as
other have because the more, the merrier.

Ferret Nooks: Where Do Ferrets Live and How They Live

The question on where do ferrets live is closely tied to the kind of lifestyle
they live in accordance with that area with which they live. This is also a
good way for ferret owners to know how their furry creatures adjust to their
given environment.

One thing is for sure: ferrets hate roaming around in the same landscapes over
and over again, so there must be variety with the places you put them. And here
are just some of the places you can consider visiting with your ferret as you
aim for this variety:

Ferret Nook Number One: Grasslands The black-footed ferrets of North America
are hinged on this particular environment. Without this environment that
particular species will be extinct. If you have a domesticated ferret, they may
also have pleasure in roaming around the grasslands, although the pet owner may
not exactly be as ecstatic about it, unless he or she is an outdoors person.

The thing with grasslands is that there is much adventure on the part of the
ferrets, they blend better with its surroundings because of their built and
there are lots of yummy food for them to eat (they are carnivores, by the way).
So it is really very beneficial for your ferret if you take them to the
grasslands once in a while.

Ferret Nook Number Two: Forests Forests are also an interesting spot for
ferrets. The wideness and vastness of forests and the numerous details that
make it worth exploring with their furry feet makes it a paradise for ferrets.
Wild ferrets can mostly be found in forests, where they are more able to
withstand the perils of encountering their mean predators such as snakes and

Ferrets are fairly comfortable living in forests. It is already in their genes
to walk around a lot in wide open spaces and put themselves in burrows or other
enclosed spaces where they can retrieve something that they deem valuable.

Ferret Nook Number Three: Cage or Box The cage or box is a pleasant home for
the domesticated ferrets. They will behave well in it under the premise of
proper and patient training of pet owners. The good cage or box also has room
for many ferret toys or small holes with which they can snuggle up in to. The
more the cage simulates the natural environment that a ferret likes, the better
and more likely it is that they will welcome it with open arms. Ferrets are
known to rest easy on their cages during the day and likes to roam around at

Ferret Nook Number Four: Open Playground (Domesticated) An alternative to
having a large cage for the ferrets would be to put them with other ferrets and
put them in some form of playground filled with open spaces and holes or
simulations of burrows. They will be very happy to play in it, though the
younger or newer ferrets may have to undergo the initiation that senior ferrets
may impose upon them.

Some minor biting and struggling may be imminent, but it's just part of the
growing pains of ferrets. Ferrets combined in playgrounds also tend to form
their own colonies and they love exploring and moving together in the vast
spaces. Eventually, when the playground becomes stale and familiar to them,
they will get bored, grow restless and seek other pastures.

What Do Ferrets Eat

Ferrets have a unique diet compared to other animals. This is because they need
one that is rich in protein and low in fat. Aside from that, it must also not be
rich in carbs and sugar.

Perhaps the best one to buy in the market is Totally Ferret. The problem is
that it is not always available in the market. As a result, owners have to
switch to something else like cat food and some examples of these include Iams,
Science Diet and Pro Plan.

The products mentioned are not soft cat food which does not contain less
protein that has the tendency to lead to tooth decay. Although these are quite
expensive, buying an 8 pound bag of any of the brands mentioned will last up to

But ferrets in general are carnivores so when you feed them, make sure that you
are using two types of food at all times ideally meat and poultry. This will
prevent them from being stuck on only one type of food so they won't have a
hard time adjusting later on.

Aside from food, you should also give your ferret supplements. Examples of
these include Ferretvite and Ferretone but only in moderation.

Using the right food will prove to be worth it when you notice that your ferret
is very energetic and their coat are in excellent condition. Of course, you will
still need to groom it by combing the hair and giving it a bath every so often
because they tend too smell when they get dirty.

Once in a while, it wouldn't hurt to feed your ferret some small pieces of
fruit and vegetable. The same goes with sugar free cereal. This must never be
given in large quantities as this causes gastrointestinal upset, a possible
blockage and even malnutrition.

As your ferret grows older, you should change their diet to kitten food because
studies have shown that these too much protein may cause kidney problems. This
should only be given if ever your ferret is recovering from an illness or has
undergone surgery.

Some ferret owners believe that a raw food diet may also work. One good example
is raw meaty bones which, helps prevent tartar from forming on the teeth and
also provides calcium in their diet. Because of this diet, you will have a more
active ferret around the house that has excellent coat condition. You don't have
to clean up that much after your pet because it also decreases the stool volume
as the food ingested is absorbed by the body and their natural scent is greatly

Those who want to try the raw food diet should not be worried if ferret's stool
turns white to a grayish color because this is only temporary and will soon
return to normal. Since it takes time for the pet to adjust, you can mix it
with ferret food that can be purchased from the store then gradually decrease
this with raw bones from either meat or poultry.

Knowing what do ferrets each is just one of the many steps for those that want
them to live for a long period of time. Proper care, attention and love are
also needed because these creatures are great to have when you need a friend to
take your worries away.

Fabulous Tips for Training Ferrets

Training ferrets is both a daunting and exciting task. You never know what
you'll exactly get from doing so, but if you are a true blue ferret lover, you
know that every drop of perspiration is truly worth it.

Fabulous Ferret Training Tip Number 1: Easy does it. There is a heavy
excitement and set of expectations that besets every eager ferret owner, but if
you really want to keep the training into a positive experience, easy definitely
does it. If you rush your pet to do tricks even for a single second, they will
have it etched in their memory and may not be as open for new tricks the next
time you try to teach them. Develop the relationship and enjoy each stage.

Fabulous Ferret Training Tip Number 2: Do it out of genuine love. Ferrets are
lovable creatures with high instincts. If they feel threatened in any way, they
will quickly scurry off your grasp and you will be back to square one in the
training process. Save yourself some heartache by ensuring that the training is
not mainly performance- based but something that you will do for free and
genuinely out of love for your pet and the desire to have it belong in your
household in the best possible way.

Fabulous Ferret Training Tip Number 3: Get some tips from experts. Experts may
have their own tricks up their sleeve with regard to training ferrets. There is
much risk and many things could go wrong as you train your ferrets. Having
someone older who can readily help you with the training can be of substantial
importance. Aside from this, the ferrets themselves may also do well to have a
senior ferret accompanying them as you train them. This way, they will have a
fellow ferret to emulate. Just make sure that the senior ferret is trained well
and advanced.

Fabulous Ferret Training Tip Number 4: Brush up on your background knowledge.
Hate biology? Well, if it's for your ferret, you need to brush on some of the
basic things you need to know about your ferret: color, type, age, behavior and
other idiosyncrasies included. This background knowledge will save you time and
will answer most of the questions you can encounter as to why your ferret
responded a certain way when you did something.

Fabulous Ferret Training Tip Number 5: Have a constant time and place for
training. Consistency will condition your ferret best. Have a constant time and
place for training. Associate it with the indoors or your home if possible so
that the ferret will be conditioned to be at their best behavior at home. Once
they have mastered the tricks at your specified place, slowly deviate and have
them do the tricks at another place so that they can be more versatile in their

Fabulous Ferret Training Tip Number 6: Develop an instinct for your ferret
trainee. If your ferret is sick, under some form of attack or unusual
condition, they may not be open for training. Heighten your senses and be
attuned with your pet's pain tolerance. Though they are generally strong
creatures, have regular checkups with the veterinarian to ensure that they are
fit and ready to be trained with new tricks. The adjustments may take a toll on
them, considering the fact that these ferrets are naturally wild.

There are no clearcut rules in training ferrets. In fact, there may even be
unexpected events that can occur midway in your training. Despite the desire to
achieve results with your ferret, do not sacrifice important things such as
health and ability to roam free at dusk or dawn. This way, they will be as
happy as you are in training them and making them into better pets.

How Much Do Ferrets Cost?

This question has been frequently asked by interested parties who are
considering getting a pet ferret. But there are actually many possible answers
to this question, depending on which angle you choose to see it. There are
various price quotes for ferrets these days, but the most reliable would be one
that will come in with the advantages, disadvantages or how's and why's of such

Average store or breeder ferret: $100 On to the safer side of things, a breeder
ferret will cost you a hundred dollars or so, depending on the age, store
quality and rarity of the breed in that particular region where you ordered it.
The average store of breeder ferret will also give you the advantage of having
more people to talk to about it because most people who own ferrets for the
first time get it from stores and will be more than happy to share with you
their discoveries. Since this is a popular choice, you will also get a popular
response should you encounter problems with your regular breeder ferret in the

Premium breed ferret: $200 and up A premium bred ferret will cost higher and
will definitely have higher maintenance. Though at the outset all ferrets may
seem to be made of the same stuff, you might have to have additional facts with
your premium breed. Perhaps they are easier to train, de-musked by removal of
glands or have other special tricks up their sleeve compared to the regular
ferret. And as an owner, you might have to know all of these after you hand in
your hard-earned $200.

Cage, Supplies: $100 Ferrets are creatures that you cannot just leave lying
around in your house. They need cages, toys, and other supplies such as shower
toiletries. The ferret is like a baby in some ways. You have to prepare for its
coming and make sure it comes in complete with the right stuff. If you are
really eager to provide the best care for your ferret, there is definitely a
need to shell out regularly for cage, supplies and toys that will keep you in
harmony with your ferret's wants and needs.

Vaccinations: $100 and up Health is wealth even for ferrets. Vaccinations will
ensure that they will not acquire viruses or illnesses that easily. This will
be your ally especially if you are still in the beginning stage of caring for
your ferrets. You might not be able to closely monitor or instantly define
what's wrong, so an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

Special Cases with the Vet: $300 per visit There will also be cases where your
pet ferret will undergo something major so you need to have at least $300
stashed somewhere for you to access should these things happen.

How much do ferrets cost? They are really expensive, especially if you factor
in all the other priceless items such as your time, love, devotion and energy
in caring for them.

Ferrets for Sale

Ferrets are cute little creatures and chances are, you have seen one or two of
them in television or in a movie. Years ago, they were used to hunt down and
dig rabbits hiding underground but now many seem them as ideal pets.

You can buy a ferret from a breeder, a shelter or from a humane society. They
usually cost around $75 to $125 depending on their age. You must never get one
from the wild because they will not be able to adapt with the environment in
your home.

If you can't find a breeder in the newspaper, you can try your luck online.
While some sellers will tell you to pick them from their home, others are
willing to ship it to you as long as you pay for the costs to transport. You
just have to find the right seller that makes buying it convenient for you. But
remember the ideal is to go directly to the seller and see them in person, as
you can then check how the breeder is keeping the ferrets. Making sure they are
healthy and a clean environment etc.

It is best to also get in touch with the local wildlife, game department and
local veterinarian to find out if it is legal to buy one since some states like
California do not allow homeowners to have this as a pet.

When buying a ferret, don't just pick one from the lot but examine it
carefully. You should check if the creature has bright eyes, a soft coat,
healthy skin, whiskers and are playful. Don't forget to ask about the age and
gender because males are generally much longer and heavier than the female

Buying a ferret is one thing. The challenging part is making sure it is
healthy. This can only happen of course with tender and loving care from the
owner because even though they sleep for more than 15 hours a day, they are
very active when they are awake. Another challenge is finding a veterinarian
who is willing to see your ferret.

You will also need to get the right cage and food for your ferret as these
items can be purchased from the pet store. The ideal home of the ferret should
18" x 18" x 30". This is sufficient enough for them to move around inside and
play with the toys. The cage should also be made of steel with small bars that
it cannot squeeze through. There must be a solid floor or plastic liner on the
bottom and a litter pan to catch waste that comes out.

Their diet must strictly be chicken, poultry or a combination of the two. It
must have high levels protein and low levels of fat. This should not be rich
carbs or sugar and if the store where you purchase this does not have this in
stock, you must go elsewhere and not substitute this with food that is intended
for other animals.

Some people have second thoughts of buying ferret because it smells. Although
this is true, sellers usually descent the animal and neutered before this is
purchased. Once it is with you, giving it a bath helps once in awhile helps.

Aside from the cage, you must also have a litter box so it can answer nature's
call when it is outside. This should first be placed near the cage and once he
or she is used to it, this can be relocated elsewhere.

Pets are great to have. If you want something small and yet playful, look
around because you might just find a ferret for sale that is to your liking.

How To Buy Ferrets Online

There are tons of items you can buy through the web. You can get clothes,
jewelry, toys and lately, animals such as ferrets are also available in the

Sites like these can be found all over the country. All you have to do is type
in some keywords using a search engine then browse through what the seller or
the breeder has available.

If you are thinking of getting a good deal by making the highest bid, don't
ever bother because you won't find live ferrets up for grabs here by looking
them up in an auction site since you will only find the accessories.

Most sites have photos of the ferrets and when you have chosen the one you
like, you can pay for it so this can be delivered or be told to pick it up
yourself from the breeder. These are available in different ages, gender and
color so take your pick.

You don't spend more or less when you decide to buy a ferret online instead of
getting it in your neighborhood because the selling price of a ferret is still
around $75 to $125. At the same time that you are buying your ferret, you may
also buy some other items like the cage and a few other accessories that will
be an additional $100 to $250.

Aside from breeders who sell ferrets online, you will also be able to find
information that you will find useful in taking care of your pet. There are
articles written by experts, books and posts which allow you to ask questions
and read the responses from other ferret owners.

For people who have never raised a ferret before, it is best to do some
research about this animal. You should know how to take care of them and most
importantly, if it is legal to own one where you reside. As of now, ferrets are
illegal to own as pets in the states of California, Hawaii, Texas and Canada.
They are legal in the cities of Illinois, Minneapolis, New York, New Jersey and
Rhode Island and owners are required to acquire a permit.

If you do not live in any of the areas mentioned, you should get in touch with
your local game or wildlife department or your local vet.

But buying a ferret is not that different from buying any other item on the
web. You still have to be careful who you buy it from to avoid being scammed by
doing a background check. Since you want good value for your money, it is best
to get in touch with a few breeders or sellers and then try haggle a bit before
closing the deal.

Should you be required to pick up the animal yourself, examine it carefully by
looking at the eyes, its behavior and the coating. It is only if you are
satisfied with the animal that you pay up the whole amount and
then take it home.

Buying ferrets online is simply a new means of owning this animal because aside
from them, you may also get a ferret as a pet by adopting one from an animal
shelter. These are usually abandoned and to weak to fend for themselves in the
wild so it is best for someone to take care of them.

If you think you can handle it, go ahead and get one because this small little
creature also needs a happy home.

The Laws On Ferrets

Ferrets are considered to be exotic pets and it is only legal to own one in 48
states. This is because some people are concerned about their unpredictable
behavior, which in some cases have led to unprovoked attacks against humans.

But in general, local authorities meaning the city or the county government can
decide to follow these guidelines, make stricter rules or not agree with it. Two
states that prohibit ferrets as pets are California and Hawaii.

So you know if you can own a ferret where you reside, you should get in touch
with your wildlife and game department to obtain a current copy of the
ordinances. In some places, you will be required to get a license. Remember,
that ignorance of the law is no excuse when you get caught.

In states that allow you to have ferrets as a pet, you have to comply with some
general laws as well. First, your ferret must be vaccinated against rabies by
six months of age using the USDA licensed rabies vaccine. A copy of the
vaccination certificate must be filed with the clerk of the city or town within
30 days where the ferret resides. Lastly, rabies vaccination must be
administered annually.

People who want to own a ferret may do so as long as it is neutered or spayed
at the time this was purchased. It should have also been given inoculation
against distemper and a copy of this should also be kept when this is asked for
by the authorities.

For breeders, the person can only do so by obtaining a license from the local
gaming and wildlife department. This has to be renewed annually and when the
offspring are sold to the public, they also have to be neutered or spayed
before the sale is made.

Schools or research institutions may acquire a ferret for scientific study
provided breeding shall not be offered for sale or trade.

In the past, ferrets were used to assist hunters go after other wild animals.
Another provision states that it is unlawful to do so through the use of a

If ever the owner does not want to keep the ferret anymore, the person is not
allowed to release it into the wild. It is also prohibited to sell these to the
pet shop. The best thing to do will be to turn this over to an animal shelter so
this can be given a better home.

But on a lighter side, what should you do if ever you have a ferret? Owners
should always give them the right food consisting of those rich in protein and
low in fats to make them healthy. Water should be given using a bottle or a
bowl so they do not get dehydrated.

The owners should also be sure that the ferret leaves in a safe environment.
This can be done by letting the ferret stay in a cage and making the place
ferret proof so they do not injure themselves or cause damage to your house.

Ferrets will sometimes get carried away and do some bad things. When this
happens, you must never hit them and instead find a more constructive way of
telling them that they should not do it again. Most importantly, love your
ferret because when you do, they will also love you back.

Types of Ferrets

There are two types of ferrets found in North America. You have the
domesticated one called the Mustela putorious and the wild one called the
mustela nigripes. Both of which are closely related to the weasel family. Now
let's talk about these two in more detail.

The domesticated ferret has been treated as a pet for more than a thousand
years. They are no longer suited for life in the wild and were used to kill
rats or assist the hunter in searching for rabbits hiding in the burrows. These
days, they are simply kept as pets while some are used by institutions for
scientific research. One example is to produce vaccines for farm raised mink.

This type of ferret descended from the European polecat. It comes in different
coat colors and patterns but this has not changed much due to selective
breeding. You might see some domesticated ferrets that are albino in color with
yellowish white fur, pink eyes, nose and claws.

The difference between the domesticated ferret and the Polecat is that the
latter is slightly smaller. They are also polygamous and usually produce one to
two offspring that is about six to seven litters per young a year over a 42 day
gestation period. In terms of gender, the male is much longer and heavier than
the female.

One example is the Angora ferret that has very long fur. It is rarely seen or
even owned because it is very hard to breed.

The domesticated ferret is very popular because it is friendly, intelligent,
playful and sociable. You can adopt one from a shelter or buy one from a
breeder and then enjoy its company for many years to come.

The wild ferret is bigger than the domesticated version. One example is the
black footed ferret that is now classified as an endangered species. The number
has drastically dropped as a result from human destruction of prairie dog
populations and their habitat.

You won't miss seeing the black footed ferret because it has a yellowish buff
coat that becomes brown on the top of the head and along the back. Its feet and
legs on the other hard are black and you might mistake it for a raccoon. Just
the same, the males are bigger than the females and this creature is nocturnal.

Domesticated ferrets eat poultry and meat products that are given by their
owners. Wild ferrets on the other hand have to hunt for food and prey on
prairie dogs. Once the pack has been depleted, they will move on to another in
order to survive.

Now that you know the two basic types of ferrets, you won't have a hard time
identifying them. If you want to own a ferret, you will have to settle for the
domesticated type. You should be ready to spend your time and your money so it
will be able to live for 8 years or more. Some of the things you will need to
buy are a cage and food.

You will also need to have the ferret vaccinated annually as this is required
by law to prevent the spread of rabies in case this creature bites anyone.

One misconception about ferrets is that they are often referred to as rodents.
This must be corrected because they are cute, furry and intelligent mammals.

The Angora Ferret

There are different kinds of domesticated ferrets. If you want something
exotic, why not try the Angora ferret?

The angora ferret began in Sweden when a breeder noticed a mutation among his
ferrets as they produced longer hair on the hind legs and rear part of their
bodies. The offspring were then sold to another breeder until they found their
way into the US.

It is very challenging to breed an angora ferret because it requires 10 short
hair ferrets that each carries the desired gene. This means that along the way,
several variations are created.

Marc Morrone is the only breeder in the US that sells angora ferrets coming
from Europe. If you are interested in getting one, you should get in touch with
him. Be prepared though to spend a few more dollars given that they are imported.

If this is way beyond your budget, try your luck in an animal shelter. Who
knows? Perhaps someone who owned one in the past decided to give it up.

When you are looking at the angora ferrets on hand, pay attention to their eyes
and their behavior. If they are bright and they are very friendly, then this is
probably the one you should bring home with you. Make sure that you already
have a cage to house them so they have their own space when it is time for them
to go to bed.

This should be big enough for them to move and play around in especially when
you also have to buy a few toys for them to play with.

Aside from a cage, you should ask Marc Morrone tips on taking care of this
mammal. Just like other pets that you have had in the past, there are some do's
and don'ts that you have to follow so that there won't be any problems between
you and your new friend.

You will probably be told to follow a strict diet consisting of meat and
poultry products since ferrets prefer a meal that is high in protein and low in
fat. You must never feed them anything that is rich in carbs or sugar and those
that are intended for other animals.

As the angora ferret grows older, you can substitute its diet with bones and
other items as their need for protein decreases.

It will also be advisable to ferret proof your home so they do not cause any
damage or hurt themselves. Since they are quite small and they might take a nap
just about anywhere in the room, check under the cushion of the couch before you
sit down.

Don't forget to bring the angora ferret to the vet for its annual vaccinations
to prevent the spread of rabies or having it succumb to illness.

The angora ferret can also be toilet trained so they won't dump their waste on
your carpet. It is also possible to teach them to do a few tricks which will
surely amaze those who get to see your new pet.

Everyone deserves to have a pet. Sure, you can settle for a dog, cat or a
goldfish but it is nothing compared to the love and playfulness of a friendly
and sociable exotic little creature like the long haired Angora ferret. If it
is legal to own one where you live, by all means go ahead and get one.

The Albino Ferret

The albino ferret is a common sight because they are domesticated creatures.
They do not have any coloring on them except for its red eyes and pink nose. In
fact, many owners prefer the albino ferret because it is easier to find them
especially in the dark.

No one knows why there are ferrets that are color albino because no one has
ever conducted a study. But if we follow the results of similar studies,
chances are the answer is the same.

The three possibilities are; a mutation prevents the body from manufacturing
pigments, the mutation prevents the body from recognizing the proteins that
produce the pigments or the body does not have enough proteins to make it. In
most cases, a mutated gene is the culprit.

Studies have shown that the albino ferret has problems with its sight. This is
normal but this is compensated by their sense of hearing and smell.

Those who are interested in owning an albino ferret can do by getting one at an
animal shelter or from a breeder.

There are two colors of ferrets which are sable and albino. The albino
condition is genetically recessive of sable so if a sable female ferret that
does not carry albino genes mates with an albino male, all their offspring will
be sable but they will still carry the albino gene. If a male and female ferret
that carries the albino genes are bred together, 25% of their kits will be

But you won't know if the kit will be color white or sable when they are born
because all ferrets are white at birth. This will only be known when they are 4
weeks old.

Whether you decide to get an albino ferret or something else, the care that
must be given to this mammal is still the same. You will have to feed it the
right kind of food, give it water, bring it to the vet for vaccinations,
purchase a cage, toys, accessories and most importantly, give it some tender
and loving care.

Albino ferrets can be toilet trained and taught to do a few tricks. It will
just take some time to work but by giving a light snack as an incentive, they
will soon be able to do whatever they have learned. Since they tend to smell
after a while, it is best to given them a bath weekly.

The albino ferret should also be brought out the cage when it wakes up so it
can run around and play because they are after all friendly and sociable
creatures that may soon become your best friend.

If ever you don't like the red eyed albino ferret, you can choose to get the
kind that either has black or blue eyes.

Color should not be a factor when you decide to get a ferret. This is because
there are other things you have to watch out for such as their eyes and their
behavior. The more playful they, the better so that if you come home from work
and need someone to cheer you up, your ferret can come out and make everything

Remember that the ferret is a friendly and social little mammal that seeks
constant attention when it is awake even for a few minutes or an hour.

Raising Baby Ferrets

Ferrets can be purchased from a breeder or adopted from a shelter even when
they are young. Baby ferrets are better known as kits and if you choose to get
a male, it is called a hob while a female is called a Jill.

When you acquire them, they have already been weaned and they now need adult
nourishment. Since their teeth are not yet sharp enough to chew anything, it is
best to soak the food in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes before this is given.
You must never give them cat food because studies have shown that this causes
health problems.

Kits need more fat and protein than kittens. This is because they have a short
gastrointestinal tract and a rapid intestinal transit time which means it takes
some time for the food to pass through the stomach and into the intestines. When
you are looking for the right food product to buy, look at the label and see to
it that this contains 35% protein and 20% of fat.

The baby ferrets need a balance of meat and poultry products as this will
decrease the risk later of urinary tract obstructions later on in life. Aside
from that, they must also be given water constantly either in a dish or bottle.

As the baby ferrets grow older, you can give them occasional snacks such as
bananas, crackers and raisins but only in small amounts.

Aside from food, baby ferrets should be housed in cage. This should be big
enough to let them move around and be easy for you to clean. There should also
be sufficient bar spacing so they are not able to escape. It must also have a
large door so the kit will not have a hard time getting in or out.

The bottom of the cage should have a plastic bottom so you can easily clean it.
This will allow you to change the bedding or simply wash it. If buying one is
expensive, you can make one by sewing a few scraps together and putting it

When the ferrets are still young, you should already begin toilet training
them. This will enable them to put their waste in a litter box instead on your
carpet. The best way to do this is by putting a small amount of waste in the
box and when they do this correctly, you give them a snack as a reward. You
should be careful not to punish or hurt them when they are still learning
because these creatures do bite back.

Eventually they will get a hang of it and to protect your home and your pet, it
is best to ferret proof your home to prevent any untoward incidents.

One of the things that a baby ferret needs is a toy to play with. There are
plenty of these in the market. Just make sure that they can withstand the
ferret's sharp teeth. In fact, some baby toys and rattlers are fun for them to
play with so you should supervise how they use it because they will eventually
eat their way through it.

Baby ferrets need constant love and attention. Don't forget to also bring them
to the vet for vaccinations and anti rabies shots so they will be able to stay
with you for a long period of time.

Caring for Your Marshall Ferrets

Caring for your Marshall ferrets is extremely important since it will ensure
that you will have a very rewarding experience with your pet ferret. There are
many aspects to consider when you are taking care of your Marshall ferrets.

Ferret Health and Maintenance Ferret health needs to be checked regularly. They
tend to swallow things and that they are not able to filter what they get their
paws on. This danger will require you lots of vaccinations and treatment
options. You may even have to consider having the number of the veterinarian on
speed dial in case there will be emergencies.

Ferret Diet Ferrets are carnivores and they like a healthy dose of rodents and
other tiny mammals that they can eat. But you also have to watch out for what
the ferrets eat because if it were a dirty mouse, they might get infected with
a lot of viruses. Processed ferret food is also an option but it is expensive
and may contain less of the required nutrients.

Training Training your wild Marshall ferrets can be very challenging, and you
might need the help of an expert in training ferrets to ensure the best
results. But if you have enough passion and drive to train your pet ferret, you
can do so. You can start by having a specific time and place to train your
Marshall ferret. You might also need to outline specific tasks that you want
your ferret to do or things that you expect them to be able to perform after
you train them.

Teething Teething can be a very challenging for your Marshall ferrets. But you
need not be scared when this occurs. The thing with teething is that your pet
ferret will constantly need to grind and move its teeth as its molars and other
types of teeth come out.

Taking them On Field Trips The thing with Marshall ferrets is that they really
need a lot of variety especially with their surroundings. They always like to
be excited and they need to be taken on frequent or regular field trips. As a
pet owner, you can get creative and not have to go past your backyard by having
the right props to mix and match for your pet ferret. But in case things get
stale, they like open spaces and then some holes with which they can move their
way in. You may even play fetch with your pet ferret and put certain colorful
objects underneath the holes for them to pick.

Letting Them Socialize with Other Ferrets Socializing is also an important
facet of caring for your Marshall ferrets. They will get very lonely if they
are left to fend for themselves. You only need to monitor their activities with
other ferrets to avoid injuries. There may be some injuries but they are minor
and part of the whole socialization thing they have to undergo as ferrets.

Ferret Proof Your House Your house must also be friendly to Marshall ferrets.
You must not leave objects that are hazardous lying around. Also, avoid
enticing them with food that can be detrimental to their health like chocolates
that can cause stomach aches.

Be very careful with holes that lead to electrical wiring or pipes as the
ferrets may get too adventurous and head off to that area and endanger
themselves. Make sure that the areas where they are not supposed to roam free
are closed shut.

Interesting Facts about Black-Footed Ferrets

Black-footed ferrets have been the cause of much hype in North America, and
with good reason. There are clearly many interesting facts about black-footed
ferrets aside from their colorful and distinct foot color among the ferret
species. Here are some enlightening facets of the black-footed ferrets.

Fact 1: The one thing that is most special about the black-footed ferret is
they are becoming extinct and they are quickly losing their numbers especially
in the North American continent. These black-footed ferrets are extremely
sensitive and prone to attack, so they are usually being captured and helped by
concerned researchers worldwide.

Fact 2: They have mink and polecats for relatives. Its closest relatives would
be the Russian polecat, also known as the Steppe polecat. Though they look like
rodents, they are not related to them. In fact, they eat them, because they are
natural carnivores.

Fact 3: There are numerous conservation efforts worldwide to help elevate the
number of existing black-footed ferrets. Aside from being extremely attractive,
losing these ferrets to some prairie deprivation will definitely disrupt the
ecological balance of the areas in North America. As such, they are really
treasured all the more and the human interventions are aimed to helping
resurrect their dwindling numbers.

Fact 4: They are not allowed for domestication or breeding. And in addition to
that, you cannot duplicate them. These animals naturally run wild, few as their
numbers are now. Only conservation efforts would be a viable excuse to have
these ferrets in your home. You will have to secure a permit or may be forced
to have them sheltered in a conservation area made just for them.

Fact 5: Their physical colors blend well with their natural environment. Their
yellow belly, tiny feet and black stripes when blended with their natural
habitat serves as an effective camouflage. They usually stick closely to the
ground so that they will be free from predators who roam as freely as they do.

Fact 6: Their male species are 2 pounds heavier than the females.

Fact 7: They are known for scent glands that produce musk. Though they look
really cute, they sometimes stink especially when in the face of danger. Their
nearest cousins to this would be the skunks. Their scent glands also help them
identify people and fellow ferrets so they can easily detect strangers or
intruders when they visit their area.

Fact 8: Their discovery was accidental.

Fact 9: They are strictly adhering to their natural habitat or environment. The
black-footed ferrets are extinct because their habitat or environment is getting
more and more fragmented and destroyed over time. Without the specific
conditions of their natural environment, they will perish or die easily. This
is also why people in North America are doing their very best to recreate and
restore their natural habitat so that they will be able to preserve whatever is
left of one of their continent's most attractive heritage.

Fact 10: They are like French women who have small but frequent meals.
Black-footed ferrets like having numerous small meals in a day. This keeps them
in a hyper mood and always on the lookout for things to chew. That is also why
the most common dangers of the ferrets involved having eaten or swallowed
something they shouldn't have swallowed in the first place.

Fact 11: They get excited and bored easily.

A Primer on How Ferrets Respond to Their Environment

How do ferrets respond to their environment? This is a typical question ferret
owners are frequently confronted with especially when they are getting used to
caring for their furry friend. There is no easy answer as to how ferrets
respond to their environment, but there are several familiar scenarios that can
help you get an idea of what you can expect from their furry mammals.

New Surroundings Ferrets love new surroundings. If there is anything you can
provide them with that will really make them happy and do their classic war
dance of excitement, it would have to be new playgrounds for them to conquer.
Since ferrets are quite adventurous, the only danger would be the fact that
they may get too adventurous and get lost in the new surroundings.

So if you are taking your dear furry pal to the park or someplace that is new
and exciting for them, make sure that you keep your eyes open to where they
might be crawling next. Ferrets are quite fast creatures so you might even use
this as an opportunity to jog with your pet.

Familiar Surroundings The thing with the familiar surroundings which help
ferrets is that they get to do their training better. You can't expect to train
them well with good manners if you are not able to furnish some semblance of
familiarity. The ferrets might not know it, but once domesticated, they will
really need a place they can call home. They tend to relax in familiar
surroundings, but then they can get bored so there is always a need to shake
things up with a new toy or rearrangement of some of the things your ferrets
play with.

Noisy Surroundings Ferrets like enclosed spaces and are not as well-adjusted to
noisy surroundings. In fact, this might alarm them or signal that they are being
attacked. Some normal conversational noise may be tolerable, but anything in
excess to that may be considered detrimental to your ferret's health.

Cluttered Surroundings Clutter is the ferret's best friend. They love taking
things and treats new objects as toys, just as any innocent infant would in her
crib. For the pet owner, this may be equivalent to Jumanji since the ferret can
and will swallow anything in its midst. Its particular love for the unfamiliar
may pose some danger to its digestive tract so make sure that you know the
clutter they will be in before letting them loose.

Clean Surroundings Clean surroundings are good only for sleeping, which is
daytime for ferrets since they are nocturnal creatures. Their sleeping area
must be free from parasites so that they can have the sweetest dreams when they
sleep. Over time, clean may translate to boring so you may find your ferrets
bringing in new stuff to shake things up in his clean crib.

Indoors Indoors are fine for as long as your ferrets are in their resting
stage. If the indoors is completely furnished with toys that will keep them
amused, the ferrets will find no reason to roam. Though they are naturally
wired to be wild and in the outdoors, ferrets may actually enjoy being the
indoors if the place keeps them excited and motivated to explore.

Outdoors Outdoors, ferrets are happiest. But you might risk losing them if the
area is too wide and filled with trees.

How ferrets respond to their environment greatly depends on how they are
designed. If you can give them various environments to play in, it will make
them very happy. Like humans, always staying at home may make them dull and it
will really pay to render them some constant dose of excitement.

What to Do When Ferrets Bite Hard

Ferrets bite hard. That's not an option, but it's a sad risk ferret owners have
to consider. It can happen to anybody at anytime with a nearby ferret. But
there's no need to panic. Most bites are not as harmful but still,
precautionary measures must be taken properly.

A Quick Look on Ferret's Teeth Structure

Ferrets' teeth are in many ways synonymous to human teeth. But the lethal part
in the ferret's dentures would have to be the tip of their canines. That is the
sharp part that some owners decide to cut off at the outset of its growth to
avoid ferret bits from plaguing the whole ferret experience.

The good thing is that ferrets' canine tips can naturally break off from
excessive biting of objects. Giving them hard toys they can chew, for example,
can help eliminate the threat of its sharp canines.

Ferret Bite Quick Tip 1: Assess the extent of the damage. If bitten, the very
first thing to do would be to assess the depth of the bite. If it is just a
minor scratch, clean the wounds but do not make any dismissive presumptions. In
the case where you are confronted with a major bite, you need to have it checked

Ferret Bite Quick Tip 2: Clean the wound immediately with your first aid kit.
Cover it afterwards. Having a first aid kit would be very beneficial for both
you and your pet ferret. Wash with soap and water, clean it with peroxide,
cover it with gauze and if all else fails proceed to the next step. Note the
color of the wound and make sure that the blood flows for a considerable amount
of time before cleaning it up.

Ferret Bite Quick Tip 3: Go to the nearest doctor. Seeking the help of a
medical professional will help you have the objective assessment of the wound.
It will also ensure that you did not acquire any infections from the ferret

Ferret Bite Quick Tip 4: Have the ferret checked by the veterinarian. It is not
just you who needs to be checked but you also need the help of your veterinarian
to have your ferret checked. You also have to have the dentures of your ferret
checked to see if there are any remnants of skin or anything unusual that came
from the bite. This is to ensure that both your health and the ferret's health
remain uncompromised.

Ferret Bite Quick Tip 5: In the case where one ferret bites another, have them
both checked and keep them in separate cages until the tension dissipates. In
the case of ferret to ferret bites, you will have to have both of them checked
with a veterinarian. If at all possible, analyze the causes of the hostile
behavior. Eventually, you may have to combine them in a single place again, but
make sure that this is done with utmost care and in a gradual manner.

Ferret Bite Quick Tip 6: Furnish your first aid kit immediately for both humans
and ferrets. Your ferrets must also have their own first aid kit, furnished with
pretty much the same thing that the human first aid kit has except that all the
objects are downsized to suit your furry creatures.

Exert caution in treating wounds of your ferrets, otherwise they will see it as
an attack and bite you as you treat it.

Ferrets & Their Environment

Although ferrets have eyes, they are not unable to see that well. As a result,
they use their other senses to guide them through their environment using their
hearing and smell.

Since domesticated ferrets are not afraid of humans, they will be able to
handle any new environment that they encounter without any fear. In fact, they
don't mind living with other ferrets as it has been observed that some sleep on
top of each other.

This is as people have observed are very different from their close relative
the European polecat that chooses to live in isolation.

One reason that ferrets behave this way is due to the fact that they have been
neutered thus decreasing the tension or rivalry in finding a mate however, they
still show aggressive behavior towards other ferrets when playing, marking their
territory or hunting. Let's talk about this behavior in their environment some

Ferrets play among themselves and neck biting is one example. Some scientists
believe this is how the male controls the female during mating. But since they
are already neutered before being given to the new owner, this may serve
another purpose such as practicing how to hunt.

Since domesticated ferrets no longer have to hunt for food, this is now used to
protect themselves from an attack. The amazing part about it is that because
ferrets have very thick skin on the back of their necks, you won't find a
single mark afterwards.

Being on the offense is not the only way to fend off attackers. Other tactics
include dancing, hissing, lunging, sideways attack, screaming, snapping of the
jaws and a clucking sound.

You can prevent a fight from taking place by providing a separate area for both
ferrets to call as their own. Eventually, they will sort out their differences
which is something we humans also do whenever we are engaged in an altercation
or misunderstanding. But fights among domesticated ferrets are rare given that
many owners just purchase one.

Given that ferrets are very friendly and sociable animals, you have to house
proof your home as these curious mammals will most likely go to dark corners
and small holes. They might take a nap under the cushion of the couch when they
feel like it so you better check underneath first to prevent any problems.

They will also have to be toilet trained so they don't dump their waste just
anywhere in your house. Studies have shown that this is the ferret's way of
marking their territory and if they are out of the cage, they can easily find
the litter box even if this has been relocated.

In terms of their diet, experts suggest that this should be a combination of
various products so that they don't get used to one type of food. If one runs
out, this can easily be changed with another. Also, the amount of protein that
they should take in decreases as the ferret grows older.

Ferrets are adaptable mammals and once they are brought home from a breeder,
pet store or animal shelter, they will in no time adapt to their new
environment. So, just give them some time to get themselves familiar with their
new surroundings and don't be scared if they show some aggressive behavior
because after all, they were once from the wild.

Pathology of Black Ferrets

You don't need a medical degree for ferrets, but as a pet owner, you must be
well acquainted on the dangers underlying your black ferret's medical
condition. There are some illnesses unique only to black ferrets and yet other
which are also occurring in other members of kingdom Animalia. If you are a
concerned owner of a black ferret, here is a guide that can help you become
well-versed on the different pathological states that could happen to your
black ferret.

Rabies Ferrets get paralyzed in the hind leg when they have rabies, and just
like any other mammal, it's something that humans must watch out for especially
if they get bitten by the ferret. But there are particular chemicals that when
placed on the ferret will not allow them to secrete the rabies virus from their
saliva, but this is also something that needs to be done with the ferret is
still a kit.

Neural Tube Defects The neural defect is a bit of an endemic condition which
involves a deformed ferret skull that can also affect the tissue of the brain
and the spinal column. Retardation imminent, there are also growth defects to
ferrets which have this condition and they manifest as early as its birth. The
loss of neural tissue may sometimes even be highly graphic and unpleasant.

Helicobacter mustilae and Gastric Ulcers Old ferrets (four years and up) are
prone to this condition. It is commonly known in human terms as gastric ulcers.
Recently discovered, it has taken the lives of many ferrets and posed as one of
the dangers that pet owners must consider when having a pet ferret. Peptic
ulcers may also result after long term untreated state.

Megaesophagus The esophagus of the ferrets dilate and may sometimes cause
bronchopneumonia in some cases. Like dogs and cats who have it, ferrets who
have megaesophagus are also at high risk of acquiring the candido infection.

Enteritis and Intestinal Parasites Even ferrets run the risk of having
parasites roam in their system, and this is exactly what happens when they get
inflicted with enteritis, particularly of the eosinophilic variety. This
diseases causes male ferrets of 1 year or younger to waste away. It is also
closely linked to other diseases of ferrets, though there is really no tangible
evidence of them.

Canine Distemper Lesions and a deadly virus characterize canine distemper. Any
ferret afflicted with this illness is sure to die and perish miserably.
Treatment is really not an option since the only available things in the market
today for this would be the vaccination which is more of a preventive measure.
The thing with canine distemper is that it causes lesions and weakens your
ferret until it dies.

Colic Irregular bowel movements may also harm your pet ferret. Only few in a
ferret colony get this kind of disease but their discharges often reeks of
blood and mucus. Inside the body the epithelial tissues get thicker, altering
the whole ferret body system completely.

Dental Disease Like humans, the black ferrets' dentures are exposed and are at
risk for some diseases. The canine tips, for one, are most highly at risk since
it is the most exposed and most used. Malformations in the teeth shape,
discoloration of the entire set of teeth and broken teeth are just some of the

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