![]() ![]() Energy Efficient Home ![]() How to Make your Home Energy Efficient Most individuals have innate drive on conserving energy. Turning the lights of when they are not in use is the most common example of conserving energy. And this practice is fervently done by many. It is like an unwritten rule that every one abides. Truly, energy conservation can spell so many advantages on consumers. Energy conservation is a practice of reducing the amount of energy used while yielding a similar end use. This is an advantageous practice that results to personal security, financial gain, national security, human comfort and environmental care. If you are a consumer, you are likely to develop plans to save energy. The primary reason is for you to reduce energy expenses and promote environmental value. Industrial as well as commercial energy consumers want to maximize their profit. Hence, they resort to different tactics that will likewise push their end to utmost advantage without sacrificing the efficiency of the business. On a bigger scale, energy conservation is a factor of energy policy. Based on supply and demand, there will arise a need to increase the supply of energy when there are many consumers who use the same. Moreover, when there is a big percentage of consumers, the energy will be distributed among them. Supply of energy will be lessened if the demand for it soars. This is where energy conservation becomes a big deal. Moreover, it is necessary to practice energy conservation when the same can be done. Further, it is also advisable to encourage energy conservation among consumers so as not to exhaust energy supply. In the present time, the government is finding ways to find a cheaper and more environmentally responsive energy source that can be utilized as a viable alternative to the present energy sources. The residential sector, which include private residences, apartments, dormitories, single-family homes and the like, also need to practice energy conservation/ n fact, one of the most efficient places to start energy conservation is right at your very home. The amount of energy used by homes across the globe varies according to its location. On the average, approximately one-half of the energy used by the residential sector in the United States is expended on space conditioning. According to statistics, home energy consumption averages 44 percent on space conditioning, 13 percent on water heating, 12 percent on lighting, 8 percent on refrigeration, 6 percent on home electronics, 5 percent on laundry appliances, 4 percent on kitchen appliances, and 8 percent on other uses. Imagine the savings that you will get when you practice home energy conservation at all times. Perhaps, you may not realize it now. Nonetheless, in the long run and when you get to compute your usual energy bills to the energy bill you have when you strictly follow home energy conservation, you will regret the fact that you just have recently practiced it. Your frustration will just pile up if you compute the saving that you are entitled to get in the previous decades when you have done the same conservation thing. You could have bought your dream car by now. Or maybe, you could have owned a luxurious resort. Moreover, don't let your sad plight linger for the longest time. Put an end to your agony. In addition, put an end to your energy wasteful lifestyle. The best way to do o is to make a home energy checklist for action. Here are some of the things that you can incorporate in your checklist: 1. Insulate your home 2. Change leaky windows 3. Seal leaks that you know of and search for some possible leaks. 4. Assess your heating and cooling system regularly. 5. Have your heating and cooling systems tuned up in the fall and spring. 6. Replace inefficient and old appliances. 7. Install a clock thermostat. 8. Plan an energy audit for your home. 9. Separate your utility bills and target greater energy conservation on the biggest bill. 10. Purchase a water-heater blanket, faucet aerators, low-flow showerheads, and compact fluorescents, as needed. 11. Start using energy-saving settings on clothes dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators. 12. Clean or change air-conditioner, furnace, and heat-pump filters. With this home energy saving checklist, your home will be energy efficient. Aside from that you will also get immense savings. Improving Your Home Energy Efficiency Home Energy: Why is there a need to improve it? The home is expected to provide us shelter. Indeed, the home functions as a shield against the rain, sun, snow, and wind. In fact, our homes are our solace so they must be comfortable and warm. They should become a place that we will all love to go home to and find solitude in. But apart from all these things, the basic must come at hand -- the home should be entirely durable and sturdy. They say there is no place like home so we better make the best out of our own homes! These factors and requirements may be met if only all the elements comprising the home will work hand in hand. The inside and outside environments, the entirety of the building shell itself, the occupants, and the mechanical system must all together function as one united factors. The building envelope is said to be the shell of the entire house that shields us from weather elements. The things that comprise it are the windows, doors, above-grade walls, the roof, the floor, and the basement walls. The building envelope must be capable of providing the structural support for all of the roofs and walls, shield the overall structure from complete deterioration, permit the flow of natural lighting in the interior, and must serve as the medium of getting in and out of the structure. Furthermore, the building envelope should mark a line between the indoor and outdoor environment plus the weather that exists outside of the structure. For a satisfying stay in the home, there is a need for the home energy to work out just fine. Imagine your home to be very warm. For sure you will be unable to get a good sleep and complete rest. Most people are faced with tremendously high electrical bills. When you want nothing but comfort and convenience, you must invest on home appliances that will serve the purpose. Air conditioning units for one are very common to use. But then the excessive use of these equipment subjects the electric consumption to be soaring up high. What will make you save your hard-earned money? Cutting back your expenses will be very practical in these hard times. You can very well start with the conservation of energy consumption. The times are too hard. The rate of unemployment is increasing. You must be thankful that you are part of the fortunate percentage of employed citizens of your country. But you must not abuse your resources. If there is a possible way of saving the money you've worked hard for, then, better do it. Do not let your earnings fly out of the door just like a piece of paper blown by the wind. Employing into your system some kind of home energy saving ideas will prompt you to save tons of dollars in your very own pocket. Why pay for such a tremendous amount when in fact you can think of and apply some practical home energy-saving ideas and habits? Among the commonly practiced home energy saving ideas include the turning off of the lights and unplugging of the appliances when they are not in use, air-sealing tight the borders of the home, placing screens on the doors and windows so that proper ventilation will come in without the risk of inviting in the mosquitoes that may threaten the health of the family members, and of course by making use of the home energy saving devices that can be bought from several hardware and stores. It helps a lot to make a checklist of these home energy saving tips so that you will be able to go over it as you get confronted with the problem of too much electrical consumption to be cut back. Your home energy is a very basic need. No one can exactly survive a day without making use of home energy. As much as its vitality for survival is concerned, so is the price that tags along with it. Home energy saving tips are great ways of improving your home. You can always be comfortable and convenient without risking the money you've earned so hard. Saving for the rainy days will always be practical and will make you always ready for the security of your family and your own self. If there is a way to save on your home energy consumption, do it! Some Tips to Follow to Save Energy Conduct a home energy audit. The survey process will precisely analyze the structure of your home, the insulation present, the appliances in use, and the lifestyle that the family is engaged to. A home energy audit secures a comfortable checkup that includes a detailed report that contains ways and modes on how to save energy in the entire home. Clean or change the furnace filter at least once in a month. In reality, the dirt and the dust will clog the parts of the furnace and it may even lead to its breakdown. Regularly inspect your heating system. Tuning up the heating system will make you lessen the heating costs you utilize by at least five percent. Never close the heat registers inside the unused rooms in your household. The furnace will be unable to sense any closed register so it will simply continue with its task. Furthermore, any cold air will reduce the effectiveness of the weatherizing and insulating inside your home. Get a programmable thermostat. Installing a programmable thermostat will aid you in setting the desired temperature inside your home. Likewise, the heating bills will likely be reduced by ten percent at the most. Do not program the thermostat in a higher level than you actually prefer it. It will not produce heat in a fast pace but will rather let your furnace run even longer than what is required. Do not use space heaters especially the propane, electric, or kerosene models. They are not only expensive to maintain but also very risky. Have the chimneys of your fireplaces inspected and cleaned in a regular manner. Also add fireproof caulk in between the chimney and the wall both inside and outside. When the fireplace is unused, seal tight the dampers. The insulation of your home must also be checked. The attic requires more insulation. The air compressor of your air conditioning units must be cleaned regularly. Also employ ceiling fans that will circulate the air inside the house. When lights are unneeded, turn them off. Turn them off only when visibility is low. It will be good to plant some trees so that you need not maintain a good deal of cooling costs. These are indeed some very simple tips that when practiced most of the times in every household, will create a difference. When taken altogether, the saved energy will total to a much friendly amount. By devoting some extra minutes per day, you will likely see the difference it will create! A Peek on How People View Home Energy When you hear the phrase "home energy" what first comes to your mind? So you think you are alone in your view of what home energy is? Do you think that somehow, you need to know more and expand your views about home energy? Well, here are some different views on home energy and a critique of them: 1) Expensive -- This is the most agreed upon view of home energy today. People think that home energy and savings do not really go together. As people will tell you, living a comfortable life costs money, and not everyone has money. People view home energy in terms of money. They ask themselves, how something which they cannot even see cost so much. This view on home energy is not helped by the fact that all over the news, you can see reports of the price of energy ever-increasing. This view of home energy, however, can be put to rest when it is properly examined. As you may well know by now, it is true that oil prices are continuing to increase as deposits are diminishing. However, what most people fail to understand is that humanity always tries to find ways to bypass any problem. In this case, we have tried to develop the true potential of alternative energy. During the past few years, breakthroughs have been made in the field of alternative energy that would make energy virtually free. 2) Burden -- People view home energy as a burden to be endured, an inevitable part of daily living. After all, they realize that they do need home energy to provide them with the conveniences of daily living. Energy is the lifeblood which makes civilization today possible. It is through technology that we have reached the level of progress we are in today. Energy fuels technology, and people are sometimes hesitant to question the cost of their home energy. However, home energy need not be such a burden. Nowadays, more and more people are turning to different house designs and different materials in order to make efficient use of home energy. This means that viewing home energy as a burden can be a thing of the past. There are also more and more houses able to support their energy needs through alternative means. By making use of alternative energy sources, people will not view home energy as a burden; but rather, will see it for its benefits. 3) Electricity -- When you ask most people about how they view home energy, most would answer you that home energy was what appeared on their electric bills. However, Energy is so much more than electricity. You see, energy does much more than run your appliances. Home energy also involves heat energy, which is used to control the temperature of your house. This means that not only electricity is involved in home energy, gas and oil is also involved. When you are talking about the costs of home energy, you are not just talking about the cost of keeping your appliances up and running, you are also talking about the little conveniences that you have to pay for. That's why it is so important to make use of energy-efficient house designs. These types of houses can efficiently make use of your home energy to make sure you stay as comfortable as possible. Some home energy systems are actually so efficient that homes can be kept warm in winter and cool in summer even without a temperature control system. Isn't that just amazing? Did you know that temperature control (air conditioning, heating and the like) accounts for the biggest part of your home energy expenses? By making use of an energy-efficient design for a house, you can actually get your heating and cooling for free! If you take another look at these three views on home energy, you will notice that people do not really see home energy as a benefit. However much progress we have made, people will always find something to complain about. After all, dissatisfaction is a normal part of human nature. However, you need to remember that despite the fact that you have to pay for it, you should always view home energy as a very helpful and necessary resource. 5 Star Energy House Rating in Tasmania: An Exploration of Ideas Did you know that energy is one commodity we cannot afford to waste? Sure, people may say that the development of all new alternative energy sources now makes this idea obsolete. However, you need to understand that not all people have the appropriate information and resources in order to take advantage of this new technology. Many people will choose to upgrade their houses in order to get a 5 star energy rating in Tasmania if they are given the opportunity. Under the house energy rating system, houses are judged according to how efficiently they consume energy. In order to get your house rated according to Tasmania rules, you'll need help from one of two Victorian agencies: FirstRate or AccuRate. These two organizations can give you certification that your house has been energy rated according to Tasmanian standards. Another thing you'll need to do is design a solar heating system or a water-saving device. 5 star rated houses have been standardized in Tasmania because the government does want to cut back its spending on imported oil and other outside energy sources. If you wish to find more information about the 5 star energy house rating in Tasmania, you'll want to know about the fact that other countries like the United States have been looking to standardize their home s as well. In fact, the state of Louisiana now offers cash rewards for homeowners who improve or build houses with 5 star energy efficiency ratings. There are a lot of sources which you can use to gather more information regarding 5 star house energy ratings in Tasmania. In order to learn more about this program, you may want to go online and check out the different sites that offer information regarding it. 1) Government sites -- This program is, of course, promoted by the government. This is the reason why you can find a whole lot of information about it on government sites. When you are looking at the government sites, you gain access to all the information about the program you might need. This information not only includes the different laws concerning the program, but it also allows you to contact different people you may get help from. Government sites are actually pretty good research sites as they are always seeking ways of promoting the program to the people. 2) Energy sites -- these sites specialize in the promotion of energy efficiency. As such, these sites can give you pretty good information on how to increase your home's energy efficiency rating to five stars. In order to have your home receive the best critique regarding energy efficiency, you might want to consult these sites. 3) Architectural sites -- these sites focus on home design and as such, they would be able to help you with a house design that follows the 5 star energy efficiency standards. Many people do not realize this, but energy efficiency is not just about the home appliances. Energy efficiency also has a lot to do with the overall design of the house. The architectural design of the house actually determines the efficiency by which the house is heated of cooled. As you may well know, climate control accounts for the biggest part of the average electric bill. This means that you consume home energy the most in the effort to make the temperature comfortable for you. By looking at this type of site, you can actually make sure that you are getting a house that is energy efficient and aesthetically pleasing. Okay, those are some of the sites that you can use to search about the program. What you need to do now is try to contact the proper people to help you with building the plans. As you may have seen, most of these sites actually do provide with the information you need and the connections you may want in order to get the job done. Because of the technology of the internet, energy efficiency now also means convenience. All that is actually left for you to do is to decide as to which type of energy efficient house you want. You can practically have the house of your dreams (as long as you have enough cash, of course). What's more, funding for the modifications can now actually be covered by an energy efficiency mortgage. In time, you will find out that the mortgage payments are significantly lower than what you'll be able to save on electricity. Solar Home Energy: What is it for? Solar energy -- this term basically does not cause a stirring in the mind as the explanation that comes at hand is indeed too simple. Everyone knows what is meant by solar energy, and that is, the energy that comes from the sun. In its most basic sense, solar energy and other solar home equipment are nonetheless environment-friendly and not risky at all. But then you need not become one fine environmentalist first before you will be able to come across with whatever advantageous benefit solar home energy has. Why is the solar home energy said to be environment-friendly? What are its general benefits? Practically speaking, when solar home energy is used, the electrical bills tremendously go down as compared to the other type of home energy available for all people. Why would you pay for such expensive bills when all you need to do is to employ solar home energy? Another major advantage of the solar home energy is the absence of the very complicated and dangerous wiring. Solar energy lights in the garden path or any other solar energy-powered items used in your home are ready to be installed less the wiring to be dealt with. In reality, these solar light bulbs are equipped with darkness sensors so they need not be turned on to give off light and they need not be turned off as well when they are no longer needed. As a sort of simple explanation, the solar light bulbs will simply have to be purchased, taken out of the boxes, installed, and then presto! You just have to situate them where you want them to be and never worry about them ever again. Home Energy Saving Tips Whether you admit it or not, with all the expenses you have in mind, no matter how big your salary is, you still want to save some extra bucks in one way or another. And the best place to start saving is right at your very home; on your power bills. Yes, your power bills. All your appliances and electric gadget consume electricity and pile up to your ever-growing electric bills month after month contribute to your burden as a homeowner (or a tenant on a rented place). This calls for complete information on how to start lowering your home energy consumption while not depriving yourself with all the technology you have bought. * Let us start with how well-sealed your home is: Ensuring that your house is totally sealed keeps your heating devices maximize its use, at the same time, save some energy. If you live on the southern part of the country, a perfectly sealed home keeps the temperature of your house maintained. This will also maximize the power of your air conditioning system. To do this, keep your window, sills, doorframes, and joints tight. Apply sealant on these places so that the air from the outside does not mix with the air on the inside. Whether you want to heat up or cool down your home, properly sealed house will keep your heater or air conditioning system in its best functions. You surely don't want the warm or cold air go in and out of your home. This will consume more energy than it should be. Heat loss can also occur on windows. To prevent this, use plastic window cover. Plastics are best material to insulate and keep the heat of your home inside. A free flowing heating vents and air grills will maximize the flow of heat in your home. Keep interference such as rugs, furniture and drapes away from them. On moveable sections of windows and doors, you may want to use weatherstripping. Weatherstrips are rubber materials that seal the movable object from its non-moveable object. This will go on garage doors, exterior doors, operable windows, and door of attic. * Then, proceed on the blinds and drapes: If you want to keep your home warm during cold weather, choose drapes that would cover the windows entirely. If it is sunny, open the drapes let the sun's heat insulate your home. In this way, you save a lot of money on heating system. * The thermostat: You can lower down your thermostat while you are away and while you are asleep. A centigrade lower equals to 2% saved energy. Again, you may want to turn the heating down if you are not around. * Then the laundry and dishwashing: You should know this: You can save as much as 85 to 90% when you turn the dial of your laundry to cold. Heating the water will consume a lot of energy. Also, you can save a lot when you wash full load. One last thing: a front loading washing machine saves you 50% on water and 50% on energy. Dishwashers consume the same energy regardless of wash loads. Therefore, it would be much energy efficient if you load your dishwasher full. * Go to the basement: Most heat is lost when your basement has leaks and drafts on the walls. Make sure you seal these places so that you can conserve a lot of heat and energy. You may also add insulation in your basement to ensure that the heat is conserved. One good way to know if your basement has leaks or draft is to look for spider webs. When there are web, there are leaks. * Time to go to the garage: Do not turn on the heating system at your garage full time. Whether you stay at your garage often or not, you can always heat it up minutes before you get in there. You can save a lot of energy if you do this. Remember: use your garage heating system only if necessary. * And finally: you electronic devices. Whether it is your tv, stereo, lights, or any other devices that use electricity, make sure that you turn them off when not in use. Home Energy Saving Devices If your electric meter is spinning as fast as slot machines for as long as you can remember, then today is the right time to be concerned. You are paying large on electric bills month after month right? And you are still trying to figure out how will you be able to lower down your energy cost to somehow make paying easier for you. You see, you are not alone on this problem. Many American households are trying to find ways on how to lower down their electric bills just like you. To be specific about it, there are two ways on how to cut the cost of your electric bill. One is to minimize the use of your devices. Two is to use home energy saving devices. The former deals with controlling your use of your devices and becoming more responsible in using them. The latter on the other hand entitles you to purchase specific devices to replace or add on your existing fixtures. This article emphasizes on the use of home energy saving devices for 2 reasons: 1, home energy saving devices would let you save on electric bills and 2, it will let you save money without restricting your use of your devices. Among all electronic devices you have in your home, the home's heating and cooling system and the water heating system are the 2 biggest contributors why you receive big electric bills. Thus focusing on how to reduce consumption on these two would certainly affect the figures of your electric bill. From here, we will discuss some ways on how reduce the cost of your monthly electric bills through the following home energy saving devices: Home energy saving devices for your heating and cooling system: Centralized Heating & Cooling -- this device would let you set your desired room temperature on each room. The central control will let you adjust the temperature even if you are not on that specific room. This is a great help if you have the tendency to leave the room and leave the heating and cooling system in its current state. Most households practice this way. And no one seems to care. But if you do, invest on centralized heating and cooling system. Programmable Thermostat -- Installing this device would let you set specific room temperature even if you are not home. The best example to use this is when you are often leaving the heating and cooling system as is when you leave home. Now, you can set the temperature minutes before you come home. Just set a temperature in a specific time and it will automatically adjust without you. Remote Control Heating System -- Even you are away or if you are just arriving or if you forget to change the thermostat before leaving, the remote controlled heating system works best. With a simple phone call, the thermostat will automatically change. The remote control heating system has special device to give you this convenience. A List of the Benefits of Solar home Energy Why is the solar home energy equally beneficial? Why is it more recommended for use? Here are some of its benefits which are truly worth the attention to be graced by anyone: Solar home energy is environmentally friendly. As mentioned a while ago, solar home energy will not harm the environmental features. It is specifically clean and renewable as well. More so, it does not cause pollution just like what the rest of the traditional electrical forms do. Solar home energy systems need the least maintenance. They are not fuel-powered so no need to buy the refills. Solar home energy makes you save a lot of money. The energy that is derived from the sun can be accessed for free as you make use of solar lights, solar panels, and the likes. The federal government most of the time gives out financial incentives. You don't get affected by the rise of the fuel rates since you are using solar home energy. Making use of the solar home energy makes you entirely independent from the foreign and centralized energy sources. Power outages will not likely affect you in any manner. Most of the solar energy items are very easy to install thus lessening the complicated work of the wiring systems. Some Common Disadvantages of the Solar Home Energy Of course the disadvantages will not be taken aside. Here are some of the most common disadvantages of the solar home energy: The employment of a solar home energy can be expensive at first. But as time passes by, it becomes light to the pocket. The strength of the solar home energy will relatively depend on the location of your home in relation with its facing to the sun. Also, the area of your home is another point to consider. You will need large areas to install the solar panels. The Various Solar Energy Items There are lots of solar energy devices that you may opt to buy. Included are the solar flashlights, solar heaters, car ventilators, solar video cameras, solar radios, solar pool purifier, solar mosquito inhibitor, solar lighting, and solar fountain pumps. What You Must Do Back in the earlier years, solar energy powered devices were very costly that very few homeowners made use of the solar home energy. But these days, small volumes of solar energy devices are put up for sale therefore making it affordable for all. If you don't have enough money to fund these items you can always start small. Searching for Octagonal Home Energy Efishent Kits on the Internet, the Right Way Okay, so you decided that you want a house. However, you do not want it to be just any house, you want a house that won't cost you much to maintain. So you decide to look for energy efishent octagonal home kits. But, wait a minute... something's wrong. Whenever you try typing the phrase energy efishent octagonal home kits on the internet, no results come up. Well, here's what's wrong: the error has nothing to do with the web directory you are using. In fact, you may find that the reason why you cannot seem to find information about energy efishent octagonal home kits is something simple. Here's the deal: you need to correct your spelling. There is no such word as "efishent". In fact, the word is actually spelled "efficient". This simple change of spelling can give you a lot of results on your search. How do you prevent this from happening again? Well, you might want to expand your vocabulary. None of us are born with the knowledge on how to spell properly. However, you could try to learn how words are spelled correctly. How do you expand your vocabulary, you ask? Well, here are some tips you can use: 1. Read -- This is the best way to learn how to spell words and expand your vocabulary. Some people actually find it boring to open up a book. People nowadays just want to pick up the remote and turn on the TV. Well, here's some information for you: you won't learn how to spell correctly by watching television unless, of course, you are into watching Sesame Street. Of course, no one is suggesting that you pick up the dictionary and start memorizing the spelling of each word. What you need to do is pick up something interesting to read. For the beginner, I wouldn't suggest going into the complex plotlines of Robert Ludlum yet. In order to get you started in the wonderful world of reading, you might want to pick out a book that movies are based on. These books are often what get people started down the road of wordiness. In time, you will find yourself reaching for books with more and more complex plotlines and words. Because of these you will expand your word power. 2. Write -- Communications nowadays are of such a high technology that we often ignore the power of the written word. We all want to talk on the phone instead of writing a letter. However, how else would you learn to spell correctly, if not through writing? People may find it a bit boring. In fact, writing nowadays is mostly done through emails and text messaging. Text messaging has also done its share of damage to people's spelling abilities. Nowadays, people make frequent use of "shortcuts" in their messages. This leads to the deterioration of spelling skills all over the world. In order to train yourself to spell properly, you'll need to be able to take criticism for your mistakes. You need to want to improve your spelling skills. These tips should take you far into improving your word skills. You next have to learn how to apply those skills to your search. If course, when you learn about the proper spelling of words, you won't make the mistake of looking for energy efishent octagonal home kits. However, there are still more mistakes that can be made on the internet. When you search on the internet for energy efficient octagonal home kits, you might want to prepare some standard protection like anti-virus software, anti-spyware, popup blockers and other tools that might make your search easier and more convenient. Another thing you should consider doing is to examine each link before you click it. There are a lot of useless junks out in the internet and you do not want to encounter them. In order to be able to avoid "traps" set for the unsuspecting surfer, you need to be able to discern which websites do contain information you need and which ones are full of nonsense. By now, though, your new love for reading will have given you different inferences as to what signs to look for in examining information. And that, my friend, will help you a lot in your quest. Making Your Mobile Home Energy Efficient If you were living on a mobile home temporarily or permanently, you surely would want to cut down your electric consumption just like others who would like to cut down theirs. Here are several ways in making your mobile home energy efficient: * Improving the roof paintjob In the hot and humid months of June, July, August, and September, mobile homes tend to heat up. This is because mobile homes are not built with much ventilation. On regular homes, large attics the separate the outside from the inside keep houses cool. Vents on these attics further contribute to reduction of heat penetration to the house. The space separating the roof of a mobile home and the ceiling is not enough to keep the inside cool. As a result, air conditioning system works harder during hot summer days. Thus, consuming more energy. To lessen the heat penetration to the home, cool roof coating can be done. Do this when it is not raining since cool roof coating is water-based. Repainting the roof of your mobile home to deflect the heat that can potentially penetrate to the inside. * Providing better roof insulation Many people, even a mobile home contractor would suggest that you couldn't do anything to improve the insulation of your mobile home. To tell you honestly, they are totally wrong. You can access the roof cavity from the edge of the roof that is connected with the wall or from the directly through the rooftop. Doing so will save you as much as 15% of your total cooling system consumption. You can do this on your own or find someone who knows how to do this. * Maintaining a good air conditioning Air conditioning occupies the biggest chunk of your electric bill. This is why you need to make sure that you get the most out of it. To so this, check your air conditioning system regularly. You can start with the air duct. Make sure that the air duct is sealed. Any small leak would let the outside air to enter, thus making the air conditioning to work harder. Your mobile home's air duct is usually located underneath. You may want to skirt your mobile home to the ground of few inches from the ground to protect the duct during winter and summer. Skirting would also provide additional protection from your pets to destroy the duct. * Air sealing your mobile home The best way to keep the air outside from entering is to seal every spaces of your mobile home. Windows, doors, and other openings can be sealed by weather stripping, a rubber sealant that keeps that interior airtight. Doing this will let the air from coming out of the mobile home. * The mobile home location Sitting your mobile home under the shade would let you save from air conditioning. Since shades draw away heat even before it reaches the roof of your mobile home, your air conditioning will not be forced to cool the interior. * Ensuring the water heater The water heater takes 14% of your total energy consumption. This is the second largest energy consumer next to the air conditioning system. If your water heater is located outside the compartment, it surely takes additional energy load since the heat is lost because of the outside air. You cannot cover it of course for safety purposes. Instead, you can use insulation jacket. This will keep the heat inside the tank. The thermostat dictates the energy consumption of the water heater. If you have less water demand, 120 degrees Fahrenheit is sufficient enough. For larger water consumption, 140 degrees Fahrenheit is usually required. * Windows Proper selection of shutters, shades, and drapes is important to keep the heat inside or away from the mobile home. But, you have to use them properly. Close them during the night to keep the cool air from the outside away and open it during the day if you are not using air conditioning. Use thick shutters, shades, or drapes during winder to keep to cool air from coming in. Consider all these to make sure you maximize the use of power in your home. In turn, you will save money on electric bills. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Houses need to survive during winter season. This means that the house should be properly built to endure the winter cold; maintain well insulated walls in order to keep in interior warn; and have a good heating system to further keep the temperature down to a livable condition. For most, these things are normal. But for others who can barely survive on a daily basis, keeping warm during the winter season is easier said than done. Many families earning just enough are susceptible to the harshness of the winter cold for one main reason: they have no enough fund to maintain a heating system or pay for the electric bills. Fortunately, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or the LIHEAP provides assistance to families that could not pay for their electric bills, especially during the winter season. And the program is available on all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Also, the program has reached a total of 5 insular areas and 128 Indian tribes or tribal organizations. This only shows that the LIHEAP is dedicated to provide various types of aids in every part of the country and reach the people who need most. To areas that do not experience winter but experience scorching summer heat, the need for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is also essential. During the mid-day heat of the summer months, houses must be cooled down. And this calls for the use of air conditioning. And the use of air conditioning would equate to additional cost on home energy and thus adding to the burden of households that only earn below the average. Types of aids LIHEAP's aid comes in different forms. Here are those: * cash * fuel * prepaid utility bills * vouchers * stamps * coupons All these can be used in exchange for home energy. Payments and priorities differ to accommodate those households with the highest level of need. They are those with lowest income but with highest energy cost with respect to the income. It also takes into account the family size. Eligibility To be eligible to enter into the program, you must represent a household. Household is defined as living together as one economic unit as an individual or within a group of individuals. The individual or group of individuals must be purchasing and using common residential energy, either directly or through rent. You can also be awarded with the grant if there are members of your household that are receiving benefits from Food Stamps, needs-tested veterans' benefits SSI, or the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. You can also be awarded with the grant if your household's income is under the greater 150% of the set guidelines or 60% of the median income of the state. Households may not be disqualified if its' income falls less than 110% of the poverty guidelines. Application Application for the LIHEAP is available both on the internet and offices of your Federal government. On the internet, the forms are downloadable which can be emailed back. It is also okay to visit the Federal government that caters this and get application there. There are governments that offer downloadable forms and require you to personally visit the office where you can submit your form. The length of the application process depends on state to state. Often, you they require 1 week processing time. Some would even last for 2 months. You may want to check on specific processing duration from your state. Types of program There are several types of LIHEAP on each state. Most of the time, the programs are different from one state to another. Make sure you visit your state's site in order to get the specific programs that are offered and you can apply for. Here is some of the basic assistance the state offers. Take note that some might not exist on your state. * minor repairs * furnace and chimney cleaning * making your home energy efficient * furnace replacements * energy cost reduction devices * emergency assistance * heating assistance To get specific details on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, contact your federal government and ask on the details or visit their online sites. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program FAQ What is Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program? In general, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or the LIHEAP is a Federal government-funded initiative that aims to assist low-income households on paying for their electric bills. Normally, the LIHEAP is designed to give assistance during winter as the consumption of electricity rises due to the heating demand on each home. However, for places that do not have winter season, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is given to households that could not afford the extra cost of air conditioning during summer. How does the program work? The program usually gives priority to households with low income and high electric consumption. The State shall provide financial assistance to cover for electric consumption of beneficiaries. What are the aims of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program? The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program has 4 aims 1. To help households with low income to pay for the current electric bill, 2. To help households with low income to pay for the previews electric bill, 3. To help households with low income to lower down the future electric bill, 4. And to help households with low income to improve their homes to adapt on the weather condition, thus making their home more energy efficient. Are the all programs the same on every state? Since each state has their own needs, the programs may be different. Some states have Winter Financial Assistance Program. Some have Weathering Program. However, but the basic 4 aims remain the same. What types of services are offered in case I am found eligible? All states offer the basic assistance. To be specific here are some of the common services you can get: * Emergency assistance * Furnace replacements * Making your home energy efficient * Furnace and chimney cleaning * Minor repairs * Heating assistance * Energy cost reduction devices Take note that these services may not be included on the program of your state. You may want to check on the particular services that are being offered in your state to get specific details. Who can apply for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program? Generally speaking, anyone can apply for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP as long as they reside on the state where the program is being offered. Where do I go to apply for LIHEAP? Each State that offers this program has designated offices where walk in applicants can apply. Some local County Social Services Offices accept application for LIHEAP. There are several States that provide downloadable application forms. You may want to complete the application before you visit the office to make the eligibility determination process faster. When is the right time to apply for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program? Each State has its own set schedule on when to apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. You may check on them as to what particular date you can submit your application. Am I 100% sure that I can get the grant after I have applied? Normally, you have to pass the eligibility screening in order to get the grant. For it only serves those who are earning below minimum, everyone can be accommodated but not everyone can become the beneficiary. You may check out first the criteria of the program to determine if you have the chance to become a beneficiary. Each State has its own set of criteria in order to pass the program. You may also want to check on this to know where do you fall. Should I pay for the application? No. Application is usually free, however, you may pay on the services you have made based on your income. How long will the application process last? Each State has its own length of evaluation and processing period. The State of North Dakota for instance usually processes your application within 45 days. Other States give result from 1 week to 2 months. After I have applied, what should I expect? After your application has been processed, you will receive either an email or a postal main stating that you are found eligible or your application has been denied. Facts about the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) Traditional energy sources are continuing to diminish. This is the reason why energy prices continue to increase. We all know that the main energy source of energy for the United States is oil. As you may have gathered from the news, oil is not really getting any cheaper. In fact, the increasing prices of oil have caused the economies of different nations to suffer. Because of this, the government often gives incentives to those who would find a means to reduce energy costs. Some of the programs include tax breaks for companies using alternative energy and cash grants for people who try to discover ways on improving alternative energy. One notable program is the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO). This program is designed to encourage people to use energy efficient home designs. This way, the government hopes to promote energy conservation and overall, lower the energy costs. The Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO), actually offers cash prizes to people who build energy efficient houses or make some improvements to their residences in order to make them more energy efficient. As you may gleam from the name, the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) is open to any homeowner in the state of Louisiana. How does one qualify for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO)? a) New home -- in order to be qualified for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO), a new home must be built according to 5-star standards. This means that the new house has to be built at least 30 percent above the Model energy code of 1995. The application for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) should be filed prior to the actual construction of the house. b) Existing homes -- existing homes must have improvements made upon them in order to qualify for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO). The improvements made upon the home should equal to 30 percent energy efficiency. Also, the application for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) should be filed before the improvements are implemented. How much is the cash prize given? The cash prize for the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) is, of course, proportional to the amount of energy saved. The cash is equal to 20% of the energy efficiency premium up to an amount of 2000 dollars. How do I get rated? Well, there are a lot of certified energy raters who will be willing to rate the current energy efficiency level of your house and will also be able to rate the energy efficiency level of any new buildings or improvements you are planning. What does a home energy rating tell me? Well, a home energy rating can compare the energy efficiency of your home and lets you compare your potential energy use to that of other homes. It can help calculate your future energy bills and helps you modify the design of your house in order for you to consume your home energy more efficiently. A home energy rating can also provide you information which may be useful in getting an energy efficiency mortgage. This is a type of loan which provides you money in order to make energy efficiency related improvements on your home. When you calculate the financial value of the improvements, you will see that the mortgage payments are significantly lower than what you'll have to pay in energy bills without the improvements. The Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) is actually a pretty good incentive when you think about it. In fact, other place may only provide tax breaks when you have an energy efficient home. The amount of savings that a person can have should be enough to encourage anyone to make their homes more energy efficient. However, the Louisiana Home Energy Rebate Option (HERO) also offers cash, which means that you will be getting double the reward just by trying to cut back on your energy expenses. Of course, programs like these would be useless if people continue to live their lives as destructively as they do today. In order for people to be motivated, they need to understand how much wasting energy is affecting our world. They also need to know that energy production today may still be costing us more than we should be willing to pay. How to Lower Home Energy Bills We are blessed with the discovery and proper utilization of energy around us. There are several sources of energy that makes our living easier. Energy lights up our home every night, keeps us warm during cold winter, allows us to be entertained, and makes our living pleasant no matter what time of the day. And with all the other uses of energy from the moment we check our clocks in the morning to keeping us warn as we rest during the night, all of us would agree that it would be so hard to llive without it. We can say that we have sufficient energy supply for a lifetime but that does not mean that we are not going to conserve it. After all, technology has its price. And that price is something we have to pay with cash. And if coping with electric bill is your problem every time you see your bills, here are the ways on how to lower them: * Provide good roof coating A good roof coating deflects heat. And so, insuring that the roof receives a good coating would mean insuring you that your house would maintain good temperature on the inside. * Keep your attic well ventilated. Your attic is one of the more important parts of your house when it comes to the cooling system. The attic is your first and probably the most effective part of your house the keeps the whole house cool. But, in order for your attic to do its main purpose, make sure that it is well insulated. Provide vents where the heat can come out during summer. Your attic door must also be sealed to ensure that the air from our house does not go through it and vice versa. The attic door can be sealed with weather strippers. * Securing all the leaks. Leaks contribute to high cost of home energy. Why? It is because air from your house can easily come out from these leaks. And the air from the outside can easily enter the house. Both increase the workload of your heating and cooling system. You have to remember that air moves according to air pressure and temperature. Since the temperature of inside your house is most of the time different from the temperature outside, air moves freely from these leaks. Making sure that the leaks are sealed would mean less work on your heating and cooling system and lower electric bills. Leaks would come from fireplaces, ducts, doors, ceilings, floors, walls, windows, plumbing penetrations, electrical outlets, fans, and vents. * Reducing the thermostat One degree centigrade is equivalent to 5% electric bill savings. Therefore, keeping your thermostat low will save you a lot of money. A total saving would also come from switching your thermostat further low when you are not home or if you are sleeping. The ideal temperature during winter is not higher than 68 degrees Fahrenheit. * Limiting the use of water heater The second largest electric consumer next to your heating and cooling system is your water heater. When you wash you clothes, you don't need to heat the water up. Just use the water from the faucet. This will save you by as much as 90% in washing machine energy consumption. * Use energy efficient material around your home. There are commercially available materials that would significantly contribute to the reduction of the cost of home energy. One of these is energy efficient windows that deflect the outside temperature (whether during winter or summer) from entering your home. * Use your appliance efficiently It is pretty basic for all of us to turn off televisions, air conditioning, stereos and other electronic gadgets when not using them. However, most still disregard this. The reality is; we can save a lot if we only learn how to turn them off if not in use. Also, small things such as iPod chargers, cellphone chargers, digital clocks, lights and other things that seem to consume small electric current that remain plugged day in and day out contribute to your electric bill. Making sure you unplug them would certainly lower down your monthly electric consumption. You have the details. All you have to do is to make sure you follow them all. Why Use a House Energy Shield We all know how dangerous lightning can be. In fact, the Discovery Channel's Mythbusters have proven through some experiments just how dangerous having your house hit by lightning is. Lightning, when it hits a house, actually travels through a home's electrical system. The lightning tries to find the quickest way to the ground. It can travel through your plumbing and even through the phone. That is just the reason why you should avoid the phone or the computer during a thunderstorm. A lightning bolt traveling through your phone into your body can actually kill you in less than a second. You might reason out that there are a lot of stories circulating about people who survive being struck by lightning. However, you have to ask yourself one question: do you feel lucky? In the same note, you should also avoid the shower, as water plus electricity equals very bad news. Now that you know at least the basics of home lightning safety, let's move on to your stuff. As said before, Lightning can travel through the house electrical system. This would be no problem for simple appliances like electric fans or light bulbs. Don't breathe easy yet, because the appliances that lightning does damage are the ones containing microchips. That's right: lightning will damage your precious high tech equipment. What do you do? Well, they always say that preparation is always the best thing you can do. Here are some tips: 1) Unplug all damageable appliances if you think a storm is coming -- This would disconnect all the appliances from your house's main electrical circuit and will save your stuff from being fried. 2) Get a lightning rod -- Of course, almost everybody has heard about a lightning rod. This simple device attracts the lightning and diverts it from the house. This device is also grounded. This means that the lightning rod actually makes a pathway for the lightning to reach the ground as quickly as possible without damaging your equipment. 3) Get a house energy shield -- This is a relatively new concept built for the sole purpose of preventing surges from frying your appliances. House energy shields are often installed by electronics companies who specialize in accessories. If you are imagining your house covered by futuristic energy shields that deflect lightning blasts, you may have been reading too much science fiction. A house energy shield is a system provided by some companies that will protect your electrical circuit from damage in case of energy surges. A house energy shield composes of a number of surge protectors that protect specific appliances. This prevents lightning from doing any real damage to your precious stuff. Another component of a house energy shield is the UPS or Uninterruptible Power Supply. This piece of equipment actually provides clean power when you experience a power surge or brownout. We all know the risks of not properly shutting down your computer. A UPS actually gives your system the proper time to shutdown before running out of power. Another problem with sudden brownouts is data loss. Don't you just hate it when a brownout suddenly turns off your computer and you remember that you forgot to save a document you were working on? Well, this part of the house energy shield system will allow you to save your files even when you experience a brownout. Now isn't that just amazing? House energy shield systems can actually be found in the internet. There are all sorts of equipments and accessories which you can use to protect your electrical system from being damaged due to unfortunate incidents. You may also choose to buy different types of surge protection equipment and design your own house energy shield. Whatever your choice, you need to know that technology today can let you do whatever you need. So, there you go, those are some things you may want to know about house energy shields. Remember that a thing doesn't have to look good or even be visible in order to be effective. This is the case with a house energy shield. Sure, your house may not be enclosed in a force field, but you are protected. And in the end, protection really does matter, right? Information on the House Energy Committee Report by Wegman, Scott and Said A few years ago, specifically on 1999, paleoclimatologist Michael Mann released a report that concluded that man was experiencing a steady increase in global temperature. Before Mr. Mann's work, the common belief was that the earth experienced a series of warming and cooling periods. However, Mr. Mann asserted that people have caused an alarming increase in world temperature. This triggered some media hype and even gave way to a movie. Lately, however, a House energy committee report by Edward Wegman, George Scott and Yasmin Said, debunked this theory. The House energy committee report by Wegman, Scott and Said proved through statistical means that the report of Mr. Mann, was full of statistical errors and that the methodology he used could have formed the same conclusion with any other type of data. The three people who made the report were not climatologists. They were actually statisticians from different schools tasked with looking at the report from a mathematical point of view. They actually proved that the methodology and computations made by Mr. Mann was biased to producing the results of a "hockey stick" graph. This, of course, led people to question the reasons why most of the climate research community remained silent about the discrepancies. The House energy committee report by Wegman, Scott and Said contained not only the information on why Mr. Mann's theories were invalid. It also attempted to explain the social network statistics of the climate research company and the reason why only two climatologists came forward to question the theory of Mr. Mann. In fact, Mr. Mann's theory was the typical climatologists dream: uncovering a global disaster due to climatic conditions. This, of course, put Mr. Mann in the center of the climate research community. The attention that the climate community had gotten because of the report may have caused them to shy away from doing a critical study of the papers. When you take a look at this case, you may be able to pick up a few lessons. Here they are: 1) Ignorance is bliss -- Sometimes, people would rather not question an idea that brings them so much. People would rather be told that it is going to be alright than to see for themselves, for fear of discovering something bad. Some people would rather live in a fantastic dream than in a horrible reality. True, our reality may not seem so good, but why would anyone trade the truth for a dream? That is one of the questions that we all think about, yet fear to answer. 2) A fresh eye never hurts -- We all consider ourselves as the best judge of our realities. However, as the House energy committee report by Wegman, Scott and Said has shown, we all need to have someone look over our shoulders once in a while. "For none is more deceitful than the heart" as a quote goes. We all need a reality check from other people from time to time as we tend to blind ourselves with the potential of success. 3) Make sure you have the facts straight -- When we make something public, we must be sure of our motives and facts first. The quest for fame is far from being the right reason to declare something as catastrophic as the climatic end of the world. In order to save yourself the embarrassment, you might want to have all your facts check out before announcing them. Remember that it never hurts to double check your results. If you are no expert in one area, you might want to get advice from other people. Usually, researchers do not come to other people for they do not want to share the fame they think they will get. Unfortunately, not getting a second opinion often leads to self-destruction. As you may see from the House energy committee report by Wegman, Scott and Said, even geniuses can make mistakes. These are just some of the lessons we have learned from the House energy committee report by Wegman, Scott and Said. In fact, these lessons are always repeating themselves, showing their faces on every mistake that humanity has done. And through it all, we always learn to move on and grow. Home Energy Maximizing the Use of Your Home Energy With the technological advancements we have today, it is hard to resist the temptation of having each electronic device available on the market. And why not grab the latest if you can afford it? However, with the increasing fuel cost and electric rate, there are things that need to be done. You may simply grab the latest plasma television or the most advanced heating system today but the thing is, you have to pay the price not only on these items but the electricity that they will consume. And chances are, if you have all the high tech stuffs at home, your electric bill does not come cheap. So, as was mentioned earlier, something must be done in order to make sure that your are getting the most out of what you are paying each month energy. And the very first place to do some changes is right at your very home. A typical household would spend about $1600 per year on electric consumption. You might fall under this figure. This is big enough right? But this is not the end of the story. Don't you know that a big portion of what you are paying for electric bill is never been used? Let us put it in other words: Energy is wasted month after month right at your very home. Thus, you are spending on something that you never even use. To make up for this, here are the changes you can do in order to get the most out of every cent you pay for your electric bill: Turn off unnecessary devices. If you are not watching your television, never leave it on. This also goes with your stereo. Learn how to turn them off if you don't need them. Turn off the lights if you are leaving the room as well. Also switch off the air conditioning system if you don't plan to return for a while. If you don't use the computer monitor, turn them off. Like the television, it consumes electricity when you are not using it. Keep the sockets free. Unplug all your chargers. Yes, they consume small electric current but if you leave them plugged in day in and day out for months, you will feel their effects on your electric bills. Remember that these little things, when pile up can be big. If you plan to leave the house, never let the heating system run at the temperature as if you are at home. Keep them low; better yet, turn it off. You are not using them anyway. Heating system consumes a large portion of your electric bill so you might as well do some necessary changes with them. If for instance you do not want to enter cold home, you can set up remote control heating system or a programmable heating system. In this way, you do not have to leave the heating system running all day. All you have to do is to set the time when you want your heating system to work and you will save a lot of money. During the day, use the sun to warn up the house. The sun is free so open your drapes and windows and let your heating system rest for a while. Close the windows and drapes at night. Instead of incandescent lights, use fluorescent. They produce more light but consume less electricity. If you don't want to turn the lights on and off every time you go in and out of the room, you might want to get some timers, dimmers and motion sensors to do the job for you. They are worth investing for. Refrain from using hot water when washing your clothes. Also, it will give you much savings if you prefer washing on full loads. On your dishwasher, make sure you also full load them. If there are few clothes or dishes to wash, prefer using your hands. Air-dry them so that you do not consume more electricity. Doing these things doesn't mean you deprive yourself from freely using the electricity you need. It only means that you are wisely spending every cent you pay for electric bills. No Cost Home Energy Savers You Can Do We have learned from our teachers that energy is neither created nor destroyed. But, this doesn't mean that it is free. Well, of course it is fee but for us to use to safely, we have to pay the right price. And if paying comes a little over what you have allocated on your monthly household budget, there are things that must be done. You must realize how to conserve energy. There are several actions that can be done to significantly lower down your electric bills. All you need are common sense and sensitivity on the things you may change. It will be discussed below. No cost home energy savers -- As was said, with the use of common sense and sensitivity on your actions, you can cut down your electric bills without buying energy savers. Here are the ways to do it: * Turn of the stereos, televisions, and lights when you leave the room or if you do not need them Energy is wasted and money is spent unknowingly if these things are not practiced. Surely, some of us are aware that turning off appliances when not using then is important but many would still neglect the practice knowing that it would only cost them small amount. Yes, it may be small amount but if you are doing this in your entire life multiply that to the number of appliances you have in your home, you might be unwisely spending hundreds of dollars. * Turn off computer monitor when not in use Just like your television, your computer monitor consumes energy. And like your television, you may want to turn it off while away from your computer. * Maximize the use of your washing machine or dishwasher Full load your washing machine and dishwashers. Take note that you consume the same power regardless of the quantity of your wash loads. If in case you have few dishes you need to wash, you can always wash and dry them by hand. In this way, you have saved not only energy but also water and dishwashing soap. This also goes with few pieces of clothes you need to wash. Another energy saver is the front load washing machine. Using this will save you 50% on water and 50% on energy. You may also want to air dry your dishes as well as your clothes. * Use cold water when washing your clothes Total savings that would not cost you a dime is when you decide to wash your clothes without using water heaters. Washing machines consume most of their energy heating the water that will be used. * Refrain from using your microwave to thaw frozen meat If you practice removing frozen meat from the fridge and thawing it in your microwave, you are wasting a lot of money. In order for you to save, remove frozen meat hours before you plan to cook it. You can immerse it in warm water do speed up the process. * Do not put hot or warm food on the fridge Let them cool down first. The fridge will consume a lot of power in order to cool down these hot foods where in fact you can always avoid them. * Do not use second fridge if necessary If you can squeeze all your "fridgeable" stuff inside one fridge, do so. A second fridge doubles your energy consumption. * Ensure that your house is sealed If you are using heating system or air conditioning to warm up or cool down your home, make sure you that your house is completely sealed. This will ensure that the devices are used efficiently. Leaks will keep the heat from your home thus will push the heating system for work more and consume more energy. This also goes with air conditioning system. * Lower down the thermostat by as much as 7 degrees centigrade while not at home or while sleeping This will keep your energy consumption maximize. Remember that you don't need super cool air or extremely hot room while you are away or while you are sleeping. Making sure that you maximize this will keep you electric bill in your desired figures. Follow it and see the difference. Home Energy Rating System What You Should Know About Home Energy Rating System Energy conservation is one of the considerations that homeowners are taking into account when they are buying furnishings for their homes. From heating systems to washers, owners would like everything to be energy efficient. This is the reason why there are a lot of products out in the market these days that have with them seals that show how energy effective and efficient these things are. Buyers who are conscious of what they want for their homes always look for this seal. And why not? If it means that they could save on electricity bills, then they would gladly go for it. But the issue here is not only about the furniture that runs on electricity. The main issue is really about the energy that houses are consuming. There was a time when people cannot control their consumption because they have no means of measuring or estimating energy. The result? Soaring electric bills consumption that could have been prevented if owners only know how to. With the technology of today, this problem has been eliminated. There is now home energy rating systems that people can have. This is the answer that everyone is waiting for to counter his or her energy efficiency and high bill problems. If you compare this system to something that you can relate with easily, it would be like that of the meter you have in your car that calculates how many mileage you have used the car for. In place of the meter, there would be a person visiting your place. That person will conduct an inspection of your place and will survey how much energy you are using by looking at everything from appliances to window positioning and airflow. It can be noted that the inspector is not just any person. This is someone that has extreme knowledge about houses and energy use. Once he had thoroughly inspected your home, that will be the time when he can point out suggestions or proposals to make your home more energy efficient. Since electricity is one of the highest paying in all the bills that is acquired in every home, it is normal that owners would rather opt to have inspectors checking out their homes rather than pay the bills that seem to be escalating month after month. Persons that are considered expert in this system can even point out the furniture that you can and you cannot do without. They would be glad to help you sort out what you have in your home and suggest new things that might help you lower your bills. This is not all. The data that are gathered from homes are then put into a file that the energy department of the location have. Once all the information has been compiled, the house will be given a rating based on the specified standards of what they consider energy efficient and what is not. Now, why would that be important to the homeowner? Simple. The rating on how energy efficient and how energy inefficient a house is will reflect on the mortgage that the owners are paying. Mortgages are important to be considered by homeowners because those are also expenses that they need to pay continuously. Owners do not want to be buried deep into mortgages just because their homes are not considered an efficient one. Another problem that could arise is when homeowners decide to sell their property. It seems that every buyer is now aware or has been taught well about choosing homes that are energy efficient. This is one of the queries they ask real estate brokers and agents. They need to be assured that the property that they are about to buy will be worth it as far as electricity bills go. Not so many people are aware of the fact that energy efficiency is a factor that affects the market value of their home. If only they have known, they would have probably went out of their way having that needed inspection and making the most of what inspectors have to say. So the next time you have that home energy rating given, you might want to give it some thought and take note of the suggestions that the department will be giving you. It will only be for your own good and the good of the persons that you will be giving or selling your property to. And to think that you could have paid less or have gotten a higher selling price if you have known the aforementioned facts. The Different Types of Home Energy Use Comparisons Home energy use comparisons provide useful information to different types of people. By making use of home energy use comparisons, for example, economists can determine how the income is distributed and what methods to use in order to control budget spending on energy bills. Homeowners also need home energy use comparison reports in order to find out how to minimize their energy consumption and save a little money on their electricity bills. By making use of home energy comparison reports and analyses, you will be able to determine which appliances cost you too much to run and you may be presented with several opportunities to cut back on your energy cost. In the past, people had to rely on experts for advice on how to save a lot of money on their home energy use. Sure, there were general tips which could be used by everyone to lower their energy use but in order to really save a lot of cash, people needed comprehensive home energy use comparison reports made by specialists. Technology, however, is constantly evolving. We all know that, right? Thus, it was inevitable that people would find a way to make home energy comparisons more accessible to homeowners. With the advent of the computer, technological evolution got a jump-start of sorts. As you must have noticed, technological developments have accelerated because of the computer. Nowadays, accessing different types of data and information has been made easier and more convenient for the average person. Different calculating programs are available today to help you get the home energy use comparison that you need. These programs actually compute your home energy use based on information which you provide. Dome of these programs not only compute your home energy use, but actually provide comparisons with other homes in order to let you know whether or not you are efficiently consuming your electricity. We all know that in order to gauge ourselves, we need to have standards. By comparing our home energy use to other houses, we can better judge our quality of living. There are also home energy use calculators that offer you comprehensive home energy use comparison reports and give you tips on how to cut back on your electricity costs. By making use of these programs, you can have an easier time determining which appliance to turn off and which appliance to keep running. It can also give you tips on how to use your energy efficiently by showing you just how much energy is consumed by doing unnecessary things. Another type of home energy use calculator is made use of by architects and engineers in order to design houses which are more energy efficient. In making use of these tools, they can make sure that the homes they build are not too expensive to live in. In this type of program, not only is the design of the home taken into consideration, but the materials used in construction as well. You see, the different types of materials used to build a home significantly affect the costs of heating or cooling. Did you know that the cost of climate control accounts for the biggest part of the average electricity bill? By making use of home energy use comparison programs like these, you can make sure that the home you will be having will not need a lot of financial input in order to keep you comfortable. These types of home energy use comparisons can also point out design flaws and open up some opportunities which may help you take advantage of alternative energy sources. By making use of these programs, you may be able to obtain "free" energy from the environment. Other programs are specifically targeted to help you cut the costs of energy use. These programs not only calculate and compare your home energy use, but hey also provide you with different resources in order to help you implement different cost-cutting techniques. By making use of these programs, you not only get access to the method of saving, but also to the means. So you see: these programs can actually make it possible for you to save a lot of cash on your home energy use without having to consult an expert. And that, my friend, is a very good thing. Online Home Energy Calculating Tools Online Home Energy Calculating Tools: Changing the Way We Look at Electric Bills We used to look at electric bill this way: look at the figure at the bottom, pull out wallet or check, and send payment to the company. We never really to time to examine just home much electricity we consumed and how the electric company arrived at its calculations. The increasing costs of electricity nowadays, however, have led us to start questioning what we first thought was a constant of the homeowners life. We now think about the different factors that affect our energy consumption and try to determine how to save some money in our bills. In the past, people went to read books and read newspapers in order to get information on how exactly electric companies determined their home energy use. They would look at their electric meters and try to see how the different numbers could be converted into monetary values. Nowadays, all those methods and information are at your fingertips. Because of the tremendous progress that technology has made during the past few years, people are now able to access this type of information even while sitting down. How, you ask? Of you have no clue yet as to which technology allows you to access information anywhere, you must have lived in a cave for the past 5 years. The technology referred to, of course, is the internet. In the internet, you can find a world of resources for every type of use. Nowadays, finding out how much energy you consume is easy. This is because there are now a lot of online home energy calculating tools made available for the general public. People make use of these tools in order to find out just how much energy their homes actually consume. One advantage of using online home energy calculating tools is the fact that they are user-friendly. This means that the online home energy calculating tools available today can be used by anybody who has access to them. All you need to do when using these online home energy calculating tools is enter the information regarding your home. This information is simple enough so that the average homeowner can provide them. Another plus to using online home energy calculating tools is the speed and convenience by which you are able to access the information. Think about it: the internet now allows us to gather information anytime, from anywhere in the planet. With the recent developments in connectivity, it is possible to have the whole world right at your fingertips. Some people may find this concept pretty frightening, but others do find it reassuring. Because of the connectivity offered by the internet, we have become a global community, able to help each other out from the other side of the world. By using online home energy calculating tools, you not only learn how much energy you consume, but how to cut back on that consumption. In other words, online home energy calculating tools show you where problems originate and how you can put a stop to those problems. By making use of these tools, you not only reduce your energy consumption in the immediate sense, but for the long term. Now, you might be thinking that you should be able to compute your house energy consumption through other tools just fine, however, you should consider the fact that the internet changes all that. With online home energy calculating tools, you not only get computations, but interpretations as well. After all, what good is a report if you can't understand a word of it? By making use of home energy calculating tools available online, you will be able to contact other people who may be able to interpret results for you. They would be able to communicate to you certain types of information which you might not be able to grasp on your own. However, before you go and get some online home energy calculating tools, you might want to ask yourself this question: Are they really necessary? Are online tools just there to confuse us into thinking that we can change our electricity bills? To answer that question, you need to think about the true nature of change. Online home energy calculating tools are just that: tools. Tools need wielders, without someone to operate them, they would have no purpose. And so, online home energy calculating tools can help you only if you are willing to take steps. Some changes these tools will suggest to you might seem ridiculous or brilliant, depending on your outlook. But ideas are useless if not put into action. Some people may use these online home energy calculating tools for a while, and then go back to their old wasteful ways after a few weeks. But hey, everyone needs help, right? Feng Shui Home Energy How Feng Shui Influences Home Energy, Business Life and Office Reply Time Many people know about the ancient tradition of Feng shui. In a nutshell, Feng Shui is the Chinese tradition of manipulating energy in order to produce harmony within a certain place. So how does Feng Shui affect home energy, business life and office reply time? Well, the principle of Feng Shui operates on the basic principle of Yin and Yang: harmony between the dark and the light. In order to have true harmony, practitioners of Feng Shui try to arrange things around them in such a way that they can manipulate the energy to a balance. The most recognizable symbol of Feng Shui is the octagon. The octagon or Ba Gua represents the eight directions of chi that must be balanced in order for you to have good fortune. Recently, it has been discovered that octagonal houses are actually more energy efficient. Quite a coincidence, wouldn't you agree? Feng Shui influences home energy because of the theory that placing the different parts of a house such as the stairs, the furniture and the door can influence the flow of chi energy through your home. This would lead to different effects. In Feng Shui, it is believed that blockage to the chi can cause pretty big problems concerning business. In this world today, many people are learning how to respect each other's beliefs on what affects business. We live in a global community. Hence, we all should know how to do business with each other. Right now, many westerners are researching Feng Shui because of the simple fact that many Asian businessmen would stop a deal if they feel that something is not right with the energy of the environment. Thus, Feng Shui influences business life by allowing people to relate to each other in the terms of business. When you observe the proper Feng Shui of a place, you show people that you have a respect for every tradition. This would put you in the forefront of your business community. But how does Feng Shui affect office reply time? We all know that in order for an office to function properly, communications must always be in order. This means that people should be able to talk to others within the office itself. Thus, office reply time is very crucial to every person working inside the office. As mentioned before, Feng Shui has a lot to do with the placement of objects within the area. When designing a place, you not only consider the time factor but the Feng Shui as well. In many cases, these two are often conflicted. Some Feng Shui experts, when noting building plans, often have stairways change places or even have steps added in order to have harmony. This means that your plans for speedy office reply time may be put on hold in favor of Feng Shui. Have you ever walked into a place and right away get a bad feeling? Some practitioners say that it is one manifestation of a place having bad Feng Shui. Placement of objects is not the only factor that influences Feng Shui. The colors and materials used for certain objects also influences the way chi energy moves around the house. For example, wood furniture can enhance chi in the south, while ceramic or clay calms it. Chi energy flows everywhere. However, you can actually make certain modifications in order to gather more chi and promote good fortune. Water promotes chi, that's why you'll see that in every Chinese restaurant they always have an aquarium. Certain types of fish, like a koi, actually helps promote good fortune. The concept of Feng shui affecting home energy, business life and office reply time may seem to be pretty fat-fetched to the westerner. However, you need to understand that some Asians take this stuff pretty seriously, and if you intend to have harmonious business relations with Asians, you may want to brush up on the different concepts of Feng Shui. Here's a final word: many things happen without any explanations. Feng Shui is one of those things that have neither been proven nor disproved. Thus, a person must properly respect another's beliefs in order for them to maintain a harmonious relationship. After all, you do not want to be judged as you judge other people, do you? Brick Stone Home Energy Efficient How Can Brick Stone Make Your Home Energy Efficient A home that's energy-efficient is actually healthier and cost effective. Energy efficiency modifications in your home can eliminate or at least lessen the poor quality of air that's brought in by various weather conditions. One way to make your home energy efficient is to pay attention to the building materials and to the house design. In Australia, bricks have long been recognized as commonly chosen building materials. In fact, nearly 90% of the built houses in the said place are constructed using bricks. Because of the campaign to decrease energy consumption in its entire forms, there are building regulations these days that require the newly built houses to be more energy efficient. Well there are some things you need to know in order to come up with an informed choice. Think about the amount of energy that's usually consumed in your home. Maybe, you'll be surprised to find out that a large part of the home energy is used up in cooling and heating. Cooking and lighting, even when put together, comprise only a few percent. Hence, anything which can help lessen the cooling and heating bills of your home will be a good investment, right? But the question is, do you think it is possible to cut down cooling and heating energy consumption while keeping up a practical thermal comfort inside your home? It is in this case that passive design comes into play. Passive design handles the energy coming from the sun to improve the house's cooling and heating in a natural way. There are actually four major principles in passive design. These are orientation, insulation and thermal mass. * Orientation. The huge glass portion in the north part allows the low winter sun in. And to block the high summer sun, simple shading like eaves is applied. * Ventilation. When the crest of summer time has already passed, air is permitted to get in and go out of the house in order to make it cool in a natural manner. To optimize cross ventilation, the either side of the building or the house have generous openings with almost negligible internal obstructions. * Insulation. The insulation in the wall and ceiling serves as the obstacle to heat transportation. Insulation efficiency can be calculated by means of its R-value but it doesn't present the whole issue. Various walls may have the same R-value but may not work the same. * Thermal Mass. Wall materials that are dense and heavy, like bricks, suck up heat and hamper its conveyance through the walls. Through these, temperature changes become moderate and the heat absorption during summer is significantly hampered. Compared to brick walls, the lightweight materials have very low thermal mass. And because of this thermal mass, brick walls turn out to be more capable of moderating home temperature even if they have similar R-values. Now come to think of thermal mass and consider brick stone. The first two techniques in the passive design, which are orientation and ventilation, need to be set up into the house. And your home material preference has a major effect on the quantity of thermal mass in a house or a building. One of the simplest and most economical ways to put up thermal mass is through bricks. Those bricks that are made from clay contain very high thermal mass. They are available to make your home well ventilated, comfortable and more energy efficient. There is a research proving the idea that Brick stone homes are energy efficient. The said research has revealed that a large part of the heat is bounced back to the outside environment via the brick's exterior panel. Another conclusion that came out is that in summertime, the temperature inside a home that's constructed from bricks remained favorable and comfortable in spite of the changing temperature outside. The US Department of Energy stated that thermal mass stores up heat by means of converting its temperature. It can be achieved by storing heat coming from a warm room or by means or transforming direct solar radiation into heat. And since brick stone has more thermal mass than other building lightweight materials, it is a very useful element that can be used up in making your home more energy efficient. To sum up, brick is a very simple and inexpensive technique in putting up thermal mass in your next home. Therefore a brick stone home is more energy efficient than those that are made from other materials. Home Energy Audits Your Options for Home Energy Audits Have you ever thought of saving energy use in your home as you have always been confronted with high electrical bills for the past months? Didn't you know that you can create a change with such scenario? Yes, of course. Try out the home energy auditing! What can a home energy audit do for you? When a home energy audit has been conducted in your own home, the problems and angles where your home is losing excessive energy will be pointed out. A home energy audit also allows you to recognize how effective your cooling and heating systems are. Furthermore, a home energy audit will likewise give you ideas on how to conserve the hot water that you often use on a daily basis. Why do you need to employ a home energy audit? In its most basic sense, a home energy audit is one fine step of assessing the amount of energy that you consume in your home and it also offers ways on how you will be able to evaluate the appropriate measures which you can apply to conserve your energy use and monthly bills to be paid for. Whom can you rely to conduct the home energy audit? It is actually your own choice. You can hire an expert home energy auditor or do it yourself. Of course you will be paying for the services of the home energy auditor. With an expert, you know that he can make a thorough auditing of your home energy consumption concerns. An auditor makes use of a series of equipment and techniques to determine the precise energy structure existing in the home. Among the equipment used in home energy audit are infrared cameras are used to reveal those hard-to-detect angles of missing insulation and air infiltration as well as the blower doors that gauge the leaks in the entire building envelope. But if you do want to cut back your expenses, just try out the do-it-yourself-guides for home energy auditing. What are you supposed to do for the do-it-yourself home energy audit? When simply given enough time, you can conduct your very own home energy audit and detect the vital problems that exist in your home. Don't fail to keep the checklist of all the problems and areas in the house that you've found out. This will guide you as to how you will prioritize the necessary repairs and upgrades in the future. Locate for air leaks. Draft a list concerning the air leaks present in your home. When this gets detected, you can save as much as 5 up to 30 percent of the total expenses within a year and you can likewise enjoy a much comfortable energy circulation in the end. Also check for the indoor air leaks present along the gaps of the baseboard, junctures of the ceiling or walls, and the edge of the flooring as well. Check out and see if there is enough air that flows in the switchplates, electrical outlets, baseboards, window frames, attic hatches, weather-stripping around doors, window-mounted air conditioners, and fireplace dampers. In the outside part of the house, the exterior corners like the chimneys and the exterior brick and siding must be checked as to whether or not they meet. One caution though, when sealing the home, you should be relatively aware of the most possible air combustion and pollution that may occur. This will be very dangerous for the health of the household if taken for granted. Look into the insulation. There are certainly minimum requirements for the insulation that exists in the home. The attic, ceilings, and walls of the home must meet the desired amount of the insulation levels. Checking the insulation levels of the attic, walls, and ceilings may be difficult, as you have to deal with some electric circuits therein. Check out the cooling or heating equipment. The heating and cooling equipment must be checked out annually or as directed by the manufacturer. The routine checkup depends upon the age of the equipment of course. On the other way around, if you prefer getting a home energy auditor, make a list of the existing problems in your home in advance. The auditor will take charge of the blower door tests and the thermographic inspection which are all vital when it comes to home energy audit. Fall Home Energy Savings Tips: Preparing for the Winter Whether you like it or not and whether you come prepared or not, winter is coming. So better not sit on your couch and wait for it to come like a dooms day, move and be prepared! Winter means one thing: cold air. But for those who are conscious enough to notice, winter means larger electric bills. Yes, it is true. Aside from summer, winter is the season of the year where your electric bills skyrocket to digits that cost you financial burden. Why? Because we need to warm our home. Our home should have the right temperature to give us comfort. And the modern way to do it is by turning on our heating system. This consumes the biggest portion of our electric bill. Fortunately, we have the whole Fall to prepare for it. And to prepare for it means that we must have the right tool and proper information on how to save during the coming season. The fireplace -- Getting our fireplace ready will certainly yield to better savings; and fall is the best time to clean and repair our fireplace. Make sure that the dumper is tightly sealed when not using them. A small space would let the cold air rush in and send the warm air out. If you were using electric heating system, an opening on the fireplace would mean bigger work to maintain the place warm. Let professional contractor to do the proper maintenance. They are certainly more capable in securing your fireplace. When you decide to use the fireplace, you can turn down your heater. This will save you as much as 8% on heating cost. The furnace -- The furnace will work extra effort if the filter is full of dirt. This will equate to energy waste since the furnace will consume more power against the service it brings. To avoid this, make sure that your filter is clean. The owner's manual will tell you how to clean the filter. A clean filter will let you breath clean air around your house. A clean filter saves you 5% on heating cost. The duct -- Small leaks on duct will certainly result to lost heat so make sure that this is regularly checked. Usually ducts are located on unheated places. This is another reason why heat is lost. Insulate the ducts by wrapping it with R-6 or higher fiberglass. Never use cloth-backed tapes. You can also wrap them with UL-approved metallic or plastic tapes and mastic sealants. The note that leaking ducts work 30% more on your heating system so make sure they are sealed and secured. The solar heat -- You need not have solar panels on your roof to use the sun as the source of heat. All you have to do is use open your drapes during the day to warn your room without using electricity. Just close them at night to keep the warn air inside. Reduction of the use of heating system during the day will let you cut as much as 10% on your electric consumption The openings -- Openings on your doors, windows, joints and sills will let the cold air outside to go in and the warm air from the inside to go out. Make sure that these openings are sealed with either sealant or weatherstripping. It will help reduce the work of the heating system immensely. The thermostat -- A programmable thermostat or a centralized heating system will let you save on the heating cost. The programmable thermostat will let you set your desired room temperature on a specific period of the day. This is much useful if you are leaving your home or are going to sleep overnight. The centralized heating system on the other hand will give you the ultimate control on the temperature of every room. These 2 will let you decide how warm a room could be. One interesting thing to note is that a centigrade lower on your heating system will let your save uas much as 5% on your heating cost. The water heater -- Households can set the heating system between 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. This range is ideal on both mobile homes and regular homes. Creating Home Energy Generation Systems When you are tired of paying for your high home energy bill month after month and would like see some changes and feel some savings, then, there is a right thing to do: invest on one or more home energy generation systems. Home energy generation system is the solution if you want to cut those bills down and utilize alternative energy around you just waiting to be tapped anytime. Home energy generation system provides you with the best way to get the maximum financial freedom on home energy. Sure, you have to invest first but it is all worth every penny. You can spare yourself from the present cost of home energy and the future increases that may occur. And most of all, investing on home energy generation system will definitely help the environment for it only uses harmless and clean source of energy. Among all types of alternative energy that can be used, wind energy and solar energy are the most common. Wind energy Wind is very abundant in many parts of the country, thus, many household can capitalize on the use of wind as a source of home energy. It is also said the future's main source of energy would be the air. As the cost energy production through fuel and oil grows increasingly high for the last years, the clean, safe and free air would be the better choice of the future. As a main source of power for your home, it provides the financial freedom on the use of energy sourced from the expensive oil. However, wind speed varies on a daily basis. One day, the wind will blow strong. The next day, wind may not be able to keep your turbine spin. And even on the breeziest places in America, you can never tell when will be the next strong wind blow occurs. This is one disadvantage of using wind power but wind patterns do exist. It is said that summer brings less wind while the winter brings strong gust of wind. If you are planning to install wind turbines on your home, make sure that the local zoning allows wind turbine. You must also ensure that there is a good source of wind on most days. A wide and open space, at least 1 acre, would be ideal for wind turbines. And, if you are paying more than $150 on monthly electric bill, then it may be a good option for you. There are 5 main components of wind power. The rotor is the set of rotating blades designed to capture air. The rotation brings power to the generator. The turbine or the generation is the one attached on the rotor. It stores energy that the house will use. The tail is located opposite of the rotor. It tracks the direction of the wind. The tower raises the turbine, rotor and tail up to the air to receive the most amount of wind possible. The governor is the mechanism that controls the production of energy. This is like the transformer you can see on electric posts. Solar power Houses that are built under the sun will compensate on the free solar energy. There are 6 main advantages in installing solar panels on your roof. 1. Solar panels are lightweight, safe and most of all, easy to install. These are essential in order to place them above your roof. 2. Roof is also susceptible in UV exposure. The solar panel eliminates this. Your roof will also be protected from weather. 3. Solar panel contributes in keeping your house well insulated. They provide extra covering and enable you to save as much as 30% on heating expenses. 4. Drilling holes in your roof is very risky. The interlocking solar panels eliminate this risk. 5. Solar panel design is perfect on any roof type and size. In other words, you can get the perfect solar panel no matter what the size and shape of your roof is. 6. Solar panels are installed without requiring you to modify your roof. It will adapt instantly. Solar power will tremendously help you cut down the cost of your electric bill. If you think you are in for this investment and if you think your location is most suited to have this, then the choice is fully yours. ![]() The Reality Behind Home Energy Consumption "Expensive" is just one of the words that people today use to describe electricity bills. It seems that every day, the cost of electricity keeps getting higher and higher. Because of this, we all tend to look towards alternative energy sources. However, as governments will tell you, the search for alternative energy sources does not come cheaply. Sometimes, the cost of developing one type of alternative energy source is just not feasible enough to be explored by the government. There is also the problem of transition from conventional energy sources to the alternative energy sources. Many people are suspicious of any new methods and would prefer to stick with their conventional electricity. However, these people are gradually being persuaded to the alternative side mainly because of the high cost of home energy consumption. New energy technology, of course, takes some time to perfect. In the meantime, there are a lot of things you can do to minimize your home energy consumption. The energy of information administration of the US department of energy has recently concluded a survey on the home energy consumption of US households during the year 2001. Through this data, we can at least gain an insight of which appliances are costing us. At the top of the list, of course, is climate control. Would you believe that American households consume 355.7 billion kWh just to keep themselves cool or hot? That's 31.2 percent of the total home energy consumption! Do you really need to consume so much energy just to feel hot or cold? When you use the air-conditioning system or the furnace, maybe you shouldn't turn the thermostat up so high. It's not like you are living in the equator or the North Pole, for crying out loud. And when you go out of the house, you do not really need to keep your air-conditioning on, do you? Think of how much you will be able to eliminate from your home energy consumption by just turning these appliances off when you are not using them. Next, we come to the kitchen. Kitchen appliances count for 26.7 percent of home energy consumption. Of course, you can't really turn off your refrigerator when you are not home, could you? Don't panic, however, there are a lot of alternatives in order to help you reduce your electricity bill. Did you know that leaving the refrigerator door open increases your home energy consumption? It's true! When you open your refrigerator door, heat rushes inside the refrigerator. This means that the fridge has to consume more electricity in order to maintain its internal temperature. If you leave the door open, you are wasting electricity! Water heating cost US households 104.1 billion kWh in electricity. Now let me ask you: is it really necessary that you use hot water when you take a bath? After all, millions of people all over the world take cold showers everyday. Hot baths are a luxury. If people treated them as such, then they wouldn't have any problem saving on their home energy consumption. If you do not agree with this, you have to understand that there are alternatives to using electricity to heat your water. As a matter of fact, there are solar heaters out there which not only save electricity by using solar power to heat your water, but these can also be connected to power small appliances. If everyone just invested in these ideas, people would be able to lessen their home energy consumption considerably. Now, we come to lighting. Did you know that lighting counts for 8.8 percent of home energy consumption? Now, people would agree that you need light in order to see your way around the house. However, there's just one question: do you really need to have the lights on 24 hours? When you think about it, the sun still exists, doesn't it? Why do some people pull down their window shades and then turn on the lights? Doesn't that seem like a very futile gesture? So, as you may have observed, there are a lot of easy ways by which we can cut back our home energy consumption. Just by exerting a little effort, we can save a lot of our money. Did you realize how much energy our homes consume just because of wastefulness? Home Energy Groups and Why They are Formed There are many types of home energy groups today. These people form groups for different reasons. In order to truly understand their nature, you must learn about their purpose. 1) Research -- There are some home energy groups formed specifically for the task of expanding the study of home energy. These home energy groups are composed of different specialists, professors and students who try to improve the state of home energy for different reasons. However different the purpose of each person in a home energy group can be, these individuals are united by the will to discover and to innovate. By forming home energy groups, scientists can pool resources and share ideas on how to improve the technology of home energy. Some home energy groups also focus their research on understanding the true nature of energy. By doing so, these people expect to be able to jump-start home energy technology and lead us into another revolution. This type of home energy group is usually backed by a school or government grant. You might say that these people are paid to think. Their ideas transform the way we look at home energy and allow us to harness it through technology. Because of this type of home energy group, we have reached the level we are in today. 2) Law -- This is probably the type of home energy group most people know about. These groups are formed in order to improve laws concerning home energy. Mostly, these groups are made up of people working in the senate and congress. These people propose laws that are designed to help resolve different issues regarding home energy. In some countries, there are home energy groups formed to make sure that the entire nation makes use of its energy efficiently. These groups often propose laws that standardize the quality of living. If you take a look at some places like Victoria, you will see that they have required laws that require houses to stick to an energy efficiency level. By doing this, they not only help people reduce the cost of energy, they also help the economy. These home energy groups are also responsible for passing laws meant to promote the development of alternative energy. These laws sometimes offer rewards such as tax breaks for companies who develop alternative sources of energy. Because of this type of home energy group, progress has been made and funding has become available for improvements on the home energy front. 3) Consumers -- These home energy groups are composed of concerned citizens who are focused on the goal of facing consumer problems. These groups are often trying to find ways of making home energy more accessible and less expensive for consumers. In a sense, this home energy group deals with questions regarding the market of home energy. They attempt to study the mechanism that runs the home energy market and they try to inform the people of just why they have to pay this and that for their energy. Another task that falls to them is monitoring that the companies who supply home energy do so in a manner that is fair to the consumers. They address complaints and try to find reasons for prices. They protect the ordinary citizen from the corruption often found in big corporations. 4) Business -- This type of home energy group is composed of companies that supply energy to the people. These groups are formed for the sole purpose of maintaining an order in the market. Because of home energy groups like these, the market for home energy remains balanced, and customer satisfaction is ensured. It is within these groups that price increases and rollbacks are determined. These groups make sure that what they charge for home energy is enough so that they can have a profit while maintaining consumer satisfaction. These are the different types of home energy groups. As you may have observed, each has a purpose that can be helpful to different types of people. By knowing about the purpose of these energy groups, you may be able to grasp the complexity and importance by which humanity grasps the concept of home energy. In doing this, you are also able to determine which home energy group to go to when you need help. Home Energy Use: Where does it go and how can I save? Did you ever wonder where does your electric consumption go? And did you ever wonder how are you going to save on your electric bill? Well, you need not to ask these questions without getting the right answers anymore. This article will tell you the answers to these 2 questions. The largest portion of your electric consumption goes to space heating, 47% to be exact. This is almost half of the cost of our electric bill. The other half is shared by lighting and appliance with 24%, water heating with 17%, air conditioning with 6%, and refrigeration with 5%. With this information at hand, we can easily determine when to start our move to keep the our electric consumption low. Since the largest part of our electric consumption goes to space heating, we will start here. Insulating the parts of your home particularly the ceiling and walls save you as much as 30% on heating expenses that equates to 15% savings on total electric cost. Doing this will of course require you to invest on materials that will be placed around your home but it is worth the money. Imagine a $150 savings per year just by insulating your home. Also, you can further save on heating expenses if you superinsulate your home if you are living in cooler environment. Doing some changes around your home will certainly make a difference on your electric bill. If you live on warm climate, a shade of a deciduous tree will cool down your area that will save you on air conditioning. An appropriate roof and wall painting will further give you extra savings. Covering your window with plastic coating will provide extra insulation. This will help to keep the heat from going outside as well as the cold air from going inside the house. Sealing all the leaks around your home will ensure that the heat will stay inside. Leaks will often come from windows, doors, sills, joints and walls. A regular maintenance check on the furnace will keep it running efficiently, thus, ensuring you get space heat equals the electricity consumed. A clean air filter will also ensure that you get efficient air recycling as well as clean air. Leaking ducts will make your heating system work 30% more, thus, you are using power and spending more on wasted energy. A quarter of our electric bill goes to the lighting and appliances. Here, we would concentrate on the control and responsible use of lights and electronic devices. Make sure that you turn the lights off when not in use. Turn off the lights when you leave the room even for a few minutes. Turn off the stereo and television if you are not using them. Reduce the thermostat of your refrigerator. It constitutes 20% of your household electric consumption. Wash your clothes with cold water. You can save as much as 90% on washing machine's electric consumption if you will not use the heating. You do not need warn water so kill the germs on your clothes. The detergent will do. Only use the dishwasher if you intend a full load dishwashing. Dishwasher uses the same amount of power and water whether you full load them or not. Also, prefer air-drying your dishes instead of heating them inside the dishwasher. Reducing the temperature of your water heater will also help you to further reduce the cost of your home energy bill. If the thermostat of your water heater is set on 140 degrees Fahrenheit, lower it down to 120. It will be enough to give you warn water. Invest on water heater jacket. It is cheap but will certainly yield to bigger savings. If you are going to replace your appliance, make sure you select energy efficient ones. Energy guide details can be seen on the label of each new appliance. Compact energy bulbs are cheaper and more energy efficient than incandescent lights. Compact lights also last 8-10 times longer than incandescent bulbs so you will also save yourself from buying incandescent bulbs 8-10 times. Replace your regular showerheads with low-flow ones. This will reduce your water consumption by as much as 40%. Backup Power Home Energy Generator and Sustainable How Well Do You Know Your Generator? Back up power is important not only in business establishments but also in homes. This is especially so if people are experiencing man-made or natural calamities and have no way of preventing power shortage. During these unfortunate times, people need a source of energy to power up appliances or furniture that is important in running their household. Examples of these are heaters to warm the home in winter times, air conditioning for summer times and of course, oven and other cooking appliances for food support. Generators are important because people have no way of determining how long the power will be down. If you want to make sure that your home will remain in a good and stable condition, you should have back up energy in order and ready to use at any time. What are the two types of back up generators? 1. Portable generators. This is the most economical generator that is capable of supplying back up energy. Portable generators are the most commonly used in homes or household. Appliances that needed power supply are plugged directly into this generator. This is done using wires and other cords that are applicable to the appliances. Many of these type of generator already has advance features like the stop or start button which people can use to be able to save up on the energy they might be needing for some time. Portable generators also have different types depending on the volt specification that you are using in your home. You will be able to choose from 120 up to 240 volts capability. One of the widely used portable generators is the one that is gasoline-powered. People choose this type of generator because it costs less compared to the other type. There are even those that run on diesel or a combination of both. One of the downside to this is that it cannot be used for longer time. People need to refill and refuel this generator often to be able to extend its power support. In addition, diesel powered generators are much more expensive. Although it is more efficient and with supplies that are easy to find, you may find it hard to start in cold seasons. 2. Permanent generators. Permanent generators are programmed to be turned on automatically within the specified time after power loss. These generators are connected to the wiring system inside the house. This is why it will start on its own whether there is nobody present in the house during black out. It also has the capacity to shut down on its own once power is restored. This type of generator is powered by natural gases. The kind of gas that you are using to power some of the appliances at your home can also be used to power this generator. The choice of permanent generator will depend upon how the homeowners plan to use it. If you need to power up more than the required appliances, then you can opt for permanent generators that have more than 17,000 watts capability. These types tend to be more expensive than portable generators. But with all its capacity, the initial money spent will be worth it once you see the kind of back up energy it will provide when you need it the most. Are generators hazardous? Portable generators are more hazardous than permanent generators. This is because they are making use of gasoline and diesel and is more capable of burning up when overheated. This kind of generator is like your car. They tend to overheat when used extremely for a long period of time. This is why you need to check regularly and rest it for a while to prevent any damage to you, to the generator and the appliances that it is powering. Poisoning is also another hazard caused by portable generators. Since it is running on gas, carbon monoxide is being released into the air. According to studies, many people die of carbon monoxide poisoning. One of the reasons for this is that they are not aware that they are inhaling carbon monoxide. To prevent this from happening, the generator should be placed in locations where it is properly ventilated. Consider placing them outside your home where there are no chances of people to be suffocated from the carbon monoxide it gives off. Consider these things when you are in the process of buying a back up power for your home. Together with the necessary power supply is the need to make sure that you will encounter no health problems when you are using them already. 2005 House Energy Finding Information About 2005 House Energy Ll hr6 on the Internet If you want to search for information about the 2005 house energy ll hr6, you might as well look in the internet. Because of the level of technology we have today, the internet can provide you with practically every type of information you need, including data on the 2005 house energy ll hr6. By looking on the internet, you not only get the appropriate information you need about the 2005 house energy ll hr6 bill, you also get to access people's thoughts about the piece of legislation. In order to become more effective in using the information, you might need to know about what people think. This would give you a general idea of whether the bill is actually the best thing for energy, or is it just another piece of propaganda designed to make the government popular with the people. This bill addresses different issues regarding energy. It is said to be the most comprehensive piece of legislation addressing the energy issue in a long, long time. The committee in charge of the 2005 house energy ll hr6 says that the bill addresses the following issues: 1) The rising prices of gasoline and the US dependency on foreign countries for oil. -- The bill offers incentives in order to increase the domestic oil production. Hopefully, this is one step closer to energy independence. The bill also increases funding for energy efficiency research and encourages people to make use of hydrogen fuel cells. 2) The current state of electricity transmission. -- The bill offers different incentives in order to promote the capability of energy transmission. This will help make blackouts a thing of the past. Other incentives are offered to improve the power grid and transmission lines. 3) Alternative energy -- The bill promotes the development and use of clean and renewable sources of energy. This includes incentives for the development of clean coal, solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, and biomass. 4) Energy efficiency -- The bill addresses the issue of energy efficiency by setting new energy efficiency standards for federal buildings. The bill also addresses the issue of improving energy efficiency standards for household appliances. 5) Daylight Savings Time -- The bill proposes to extend daylight savings time by four weeks. This, of course, would lower energy consumption. It has also been shown by a study that such a move would also lower crime rates. 6) Foreign competition -- This bill also aims to deter unfair foreign competition that would put US energy at the hands of foreigners. This would involve closer inspections of any mergers of energy companies. 7) Natural gas -- The bill makes way to boost the production of clean natural gas. This means that the bill actually gets rid of any bureaucratic hindrances that slow down the production of clean burning natural gas. 8) Electricity -- The bill encourages the production of electricity by accelerating development of nuclear and hydropower production. This means that electric production will get a much-needed boost from the government sector. All in all, the 2005 house energy ll hr6 is meant to bring energy legislation to a whole new level. In a nutshell, it intends to make laws that would benefit the country's energy consumers. This piece of legislation has earned many different reactions from various sectors of the community. Some people call the bill as brilliant and as a revolutionary step towards improving energy conditions in the country. Skeptics, however, feel that the bill is all hype and actually does very little to address environmental issues. These people feel that the 2005 house energy ll hr6 bill may have some noble intentions behind it but the effort is too little to make any significant difference to the nation. All in all, these small bits of information have hopefully let you gain a bit of insight as to the nature of the 2005 house energy ll hr6 bill. What you need to do is to take this insight and form it into an opinion. Let your voice be heard. For if anyone is going to feel the real effects of this bill, it's going to be you. So, there you go, all you need to do now is to stand up, and learn more. With your voice joining a million others, you can let this bill be something that improves your life. What Do Home Energy Magazines Contain? Electricity is a very important part of our lives and our home. We consume energy all through the day and most especially at night. Our home utilizes energy in order to keep you warm on cold winter days and to keep you cool during summer. You make use of energy to give you light whenever you need to. You also use it when you're in need of hot water. All your home electronics and appliances need electricity in order to run. When electricity comes into play, almost all the things that you do, even the little ones, do matter. Since most of us are energy users, we all need to know how to utilize the energy in our home more efficiently for us to save not just money but also electricity. There are some things that can help you learn how to make use of home energy excellently. Among them are home energy magazines. Home energy magazines are usually used by the government and other concerned individuals in their campaigns on making every home energy-efficient. Most of these magazines contain easy and very useful tips on how to make your energy consumption lower and accordingly lessen your electric bill. They also incorporate energy saving information and they present lots of energy-wise schemes that can cut back unnecessary use of energy. Hence, energy magazines can help in keeping your hard-earned bucks from walking out your door. Articles in most home energy magazines come as simple as turning off home appliances and lights when they aren't needed or keeping the filters of your air conditioning and heating system always clean. Here are some of the home energy tips and energy saving information that you can find in some home energy magazines: * Home Lighting 1. Whenever possible, utilize natural lights. 2. Turn the lights off when they are not in use 3. Employ compact fluorescent lamp as an alternative to incandescent bulbs. 4. Clean bulbs often. 5. Utilize lamps that give direct illumination over beds and work stations. * Refrigerator 1. Allow your refrigerator to breathe by giving it more space. 2. Be sure that the condenser coils are clean 3. Clean it with a broom or vacuum cleaner at least twice a year. 4. Inspect the door gaskets and make sure that its doors are tightly sealed. 5. Defrost it regularly. 6. Purchase energy efficient refrigerators. 7. Choose the unit with the highest Energy Efficient Factor * Cooking 1. Plan ahead of time and prepare all the ingredients before you cook. 2. Before cooking, it is advisable to thaw first all the frozen foods thoroughly. 3. Be sure to have your pans and pots covered. 4. When cooking in electric stoves, utilize flat-bottomed pans and pots. 5. Switch the electric stove off in the last minute of cooking. Moreover, home energy magazines also contain home safety information or tips on how to avoid accidents involving electricity. We all know that vigilance and a bit of care really go a long way, so in order to stay away from electrical catastrophes, take time to read home energy magazines and look for few reminders. There are also sections in some magazines that can help you come up with home energy conservation plan. They usually include various approaches and step by step methods in developing such plan. What's more advantageous is that, with a magazine or printed guide or instructions, you can go through the list over and over again. This way, you can find out which pace is done already and which is not. You also have the chance to review the list and compare it to your home's present condition. Aside from the printed ones which can be bought on the bookstores or newsstands, there are also home energy magazines online. The good news is, some of these online magazines are available for free. But mostly, online home energy magazines offer only premium content for a price. These online magazines are usually customized to cater the reader's tastes and preferences. This is very possible because it is way easy for the publishers and editors of online magazines to make three of four dissimilar versions of their item to fit the preferences of different readerships. Putting Home Energy Savings on to Your System Using home energy everyday is easy. But, receiving high electric bills at the end of the month may be a little hard for you. Since most homeowners like you, want to know how to get those electric bill in a manageable and acceptable digits, there are several systems designed to particularly answer this. Systems that are guaranteed to make your electric bills low. Here are those: Insulating -- The best way to keep your body warm is by wearing not only just thick clothing, but also clothes that will trap the body heat inside. The same principle goes with keeping your house warn during winter. Keeping good and tight batt insulation around wall enclosures is the best thing to do this. But it is not always the easiest. Any gaps at any point around the wall enclosure will definitely degrade the quality of the insulation installed. Gaps mentioned here are electrical boxes, pipes, and wires; places where batt insulation can be tricky to install even for professionals. As an alternative, you may want to use materials such as cellulose insulation for maximum area coverage. The cellulose insulation eliminates gap and voids, making your walls 100% insulated. But this is not all. After insulating your home, you might think you have done enough. It is true that insulating your home well will keep cold air from entering your home and degrading the performance of your heating system. But, your house is not 100% assured that it would e 100% insulated. The next thing is one important thing you should understand: Airsealing -- Leaks around the house are accounted for as much as 40% of your heating and cooling consumption. This means that no matter how good your insulation is, if your house have leaks, you still cannot assure total savings. Airsealing your home is the next important thing you should remember and do in order to maximize the use of your heating system. Leaks from the front doors must be sealed by weather stripping. Doors leading to garage and attic, and doors to individual rooms should also be sealed. Sealants must be applied on windows, joints and sills. Walls with leaks can degrade the quality of air as well as the performance of your heating system. Leaks from floors will make your heating system work harder as well. All of these should be sealed in order to make your home leak-free that would equate to savings. Extra savings -- Now that you have ensured that your home is well insulated and air-sealed, it is time for you to solve minor problems that add big cost on your home energy. Cleaning your air filter will give you 2 good effects: 1. Clean air filter reduces the heating system's demand to work extra. 2. Clean air filter will provide clean recycled air around the house. Making sure that the ducts are leak free will give you as much as 30% on energy savings from your heating system. Turn on your appliances only if you will use them. Never leave them on while you were away. Lights should be turned off if not used. Lower down your thermostat if you are away or sleeping. Set your washing machine to cold. Washing machine consumes as much as 90% more power on heating the water than using tap water. Using small electric burner when cooking will give you better savings than using large burner. It will also keep your heating system less stressful in maintaining the temperature of the house. Lower down the thermostat of your refrigerator. Using your fireplace to warm the house up is much cheaper than using the heating system. Maintaining -- Keeping your home well maintained will give you a lot of savings. Invest on energy saving devices that will keep your home warn at the same time, enables your heating system to work as efficient as possible. Regular check on the leaks of the duct and periodical cleaning of the air filter will certainly make your heating system work efficiently. With all these, you may now have electric bill that is both manageable and acceptable. Try all these and see the difference they can do to your monthly electric bill. Home Energy Savings for Less A typical American home would spend almost $2000 a year on electric bills alone. That would equate to more than $160 a month. But did you know that a large portion of the energy is wasted than used? And if we can only sum up all the wastes of every American household and divert this somewhere else, we can power the rest of the world living in darkness. Unfortunately, we couldn't. We cannot convert this wasted energy in more useful ways. But this does not mean that we cannot do anything about it. We can start making changes right at our very home. Without spending too much before you can actually save, you can convert your home into an energy efficient environment. Here's how: 1. Repair and leaks and damages all over your house During winter, your house needs to be secured and sealed. In this way, the cold air outside would not enter your home that would give your heating system a hard time warming up the house. Make sure the doorframes, windows, sills, and joints would not let the cold air enter the house. Sealants can easily do the job. For portions of the house with moving parts contacting to the non-moving parts like garage doors, exterior doors, operable windows, and door of attic, weatherstrippings act as a good sealant. Weatherstripper is a rubber material that seals the movable object from its non-moveable object. Weatherstripper can usually be seen on vehicles between the doors and the doorframes. 2. Use plastic window covers To efficiently block the heat from going out of your house, you can use plastic window covers. This would effectively reduce the energy cost since your heating system would not be forced to replace the heat lost. This is one inexpensive and smart way to start your home energy saver. 3. Remove all the door gaps Door gaps usually occur when the wood used for your door shrinks due to the temperature change or if the doors are not properly installed. If this happens, make sure you seal and remove these door gaps. As was mentioned above, leaks could cause additional work on your heating system that in turn, cost you a lot of money. Make sure you keep your doors sealed and tight. 4. Replace your incandescent bulbs with fluorescent lights. You will save as much as $40 on electric bills over the life of the fluorescent light. And since it lasts 8 to 10 times more than the regular incandescent, you spare yourself in spending 8 to 10 times on replacing bulbs. 5. Replace your regular overhead shower with low-flow showerheads. It may not sound as a pretty good idea especially if you are the type of person who loves to take a shower every now and then. But low-flow showerheads will work efficiently and would yield to better energy use. Not only it will contribute on your energy conservation, the shower experience would not be very bad at all. Doing so would let you save about $50 every year. 6. Keep the volume of your electronic devices at the moderate level. Sure, many people would like their televisions or their stereos to be as loud as their ears can endure. But, as the speakers get louder, more electricity is consumed. If you really have the urge for loud music, using a headphone is a great idea. 7. Buy energy efficient appliance. When you shop, you may want to see EnerGuide labels first. The EnerGuide states how much energy the appliance consumes. You can see it on most appliances for sale. Knowing this would give you better electricity savings would yield to long-term energy saving effect. 8. Keep the walls sealed. You would not only concentrate on your windows, doors, sills, on joints, you should also consider sealing the walls. Any cracks have a tendency to grow larger and larger. Make sure that your walls are sealed so that the air from the outside would not enter. 9. Use laptops instead of desktops. Believe it or not, desktops consume 10 times more energy than laptops. So whenever possible or if you have the choice between the two you can prefer the more energy efficient one. One last thing: there are printers and fax machines with power management feature, prefer buying them. Home Energy Magazine: Its Use, Mission, and Objective One of the greatest things that technology advancement has been affording us to consume is the privilege of making things relatively easier than things of before. If in the early days you have to deal things in analog and manual way, in these modern days, things are dealt in an automatic and digital way, by far the most convenient and comfortable way technology advancement has to offer. But even with this grand achievement, there are certain prices that consumers have to pay for. And with the case of highly-modernized technologies, they can be a nuisance to your energy bills, making them pile up high with the constant use. Of course, there are some energy-efficient devices and appliances where edifices could use but with the accumulation of energy consumption they could still be huge amount to most. Energy bills are one of the biggest expenses households and business establishments have to deal with in a regular basis. And because of how they could take a toll on you especially on the days where economy is not too friendly, it is important that you find a way on how to minimize the amount of dollars you part for these bills. There are ways and tips that some concerned agencies could provide you on how to save on the energy those equipments and devices consume. But for some reasons, it is sometimes difficult for people to obtain this specific information. On other times, even if they have the information people would accidentally forget all about it. And then, on the following day they resume to their unpractical habit of utilizing electrical appliances and devices until realizing they have overdone it again when the next bill arrives. In order for them to be diligent in the mentioned assignment, these consumers need something where they would be constantly reminded of those things. And one of the best options is to seek Home Energy Magazine, a published reading material designed for consumers who need information on energy conservation basis for the residential edifices. What is Home Energy Magazine? The Home Energy Magazine is a published magazine intended to assist consumers on how to use energy practically and efficiently. This reading material is published by a non-profit organization with a mission to disseminate practical information and details such as its objective, relevant issues, programs, and others. It covers areas on energy conservation, performance, and residential comfort issues. Through these books, consumers were able to enjoy gathering information about products that work with systems engineering meticulously. Also, here you will find different people discussing and sharing innovative designs in related products. When you subscribe to this magazine line, you will be able to gather information where you could have your residential applied with the long-term benefits of new technologies or building practices without sacrificing conservation on the energy-consumption. In turn, your residential house is added with more comfort factors as well as more value. People who wrote on the editorial content are those that have undergone extensive research on the proliferation of innovative designs of the products. Accordingly, the research made by these experts is extended to their building, then remodeling practices as well as putting the end products on the magazine. They are also the experts when it comes to the latest and best building or manufacturing techniques. Emphasis is put on the implementation of sound and thorough building science fundamentals and concepts. Aside from these, they are also connoisseurs on curing sick buildings. With those experts pointing on relevant and significant information about energy conservation issues and problems, the magazine offers a whole plethora of solution to residential energy conservation problems and needs. Home Energy Magazine releases different issues to cater to different aspects and uses. Finding Home Energy Magazine Issues through online By turning on the internet premises, you will be able to get different issues of the home energy books. You only need to look for the website or online store that sells the book and follow the instructions provided by them and wait for its arrival on your preference of shipping point. By subscribing or acquiring these home energy books, you are going to have the privilege to select the best technologies or products for ventilation equipments, heating and cooling equipments, insulation lights, windows and doors, and many more. Best Home Energy Magazines You've always been worried about the increasing energy consumption you pay for in a month. But didn't you know that you can do something to alter such occurrence? By means of a home energy audit you will be able to pinpoint the problem that you are faced with. These problems, when corrected, will let you save more money in the future and will rid you of the very high energy bills in every month. So why not go for a home energy audit as soon as your time will allow you? A lot of homeowners are already into the deed. You bet, you won't regret it! Home energy audit guides can be tracked from home energy magazines which are widely circulated in the market. As a concerned home owner, you must be perfectly aware about the energy consumption that you engage into. But who can live without making use of energy? Will you be able to survive without using energy for cooking, entertainment, and the likes? Energy is indeed amazing. It undoubtedly makes life truly convenient, comfortable, and satisfyingly great. As everyone claims it, energy nourishes and feeds you. But in one way or another it can also be the cause of your depression. Why depression? Simply because it can be crucial at times to think of the entire bills that you have to pay for. But overall, the presence of energy contributes a lot to your happiness, productivity, and well-being. Living alone cuts back your expenses on energy used. But when you live with someone, your expenses tend to escalate as well. How much more when you opt to get people who will rent a space in your home and who turn out to be the worst nightmare of your life? Having someone rent a space in your home may be a benefit as it will add another set of income to you. But have it ever occurred to you what will be its effect on the energy you are using? Most people who allow rentals within the confines of their homes would say that their decision has indeed turned out to be a moment of withdrawal and pathetic judgment for the lack of self-responsibility of the concerned individuals. So before finally capitalizing on the idea of having some lessees in your home better grab a home energy magazine to get a guide of the home energy audit process which you will need to perform so that you will be rid of the most terrifying facts that you might face one day. Being properly acquainted with the proper way of home energy auditing will make you save a lot of money. Look into the cooling and heating systems present in your home. Are they enough? Don't they get wasted? Don't they escape into the outer space? You have to bear in mind that you are paying for the energy consumption so it is a must that you ensure you are getting the best from it and not having it wasted. You surely do not want to pay for something that you've not even made use of, right? Home energy magazines give you a lot of valuable insights when it comes to surveying the amount of energy you make use of in your home. Home energy magazines make it a point to give out the advice that homeowners must include the home energy audit as part of their plan to maintain a good home environment. Not only will the homeowner be enjoying the pleasure of saving expenses when it comes to the use of energy but also he will be more satisfied with the result of the energy that transpires in his home. Home energy magazines are widely circulated in the market. They can be bought from the magazine stands in the malls, sidewalks, and a lot other resources. A lot of homeowners find home energy magazines particularly helpful in their quest to live a healthy life. If you truly care for your home energy used, then grab some copies of home energy magazines which you may find near your area. Mind you, it will be an all-out experience. Trust home energy magazines as most people do. Try it and feel the change. Home energy saving devices for your water heating system The reduction of water consumption would yield to many good effects. And the number 1 effect we would like to hear is the cost we would save on electric bills. As the second biggest reason why we receive such large electric bill, here are the home energy saving devices you can use: Low-Flow Showerhead -- This device would let you save as much as 40% on your water consumption. And since you are using less water, your water heating system is less used. Multi-Setting Showerheads -- There are several showerheads with settings such as pause, spray, puls, turbo pulse, and outsider spray. These functions let you save on water and in turn heating requirement. Toilet Flush Water Saver -- This device would let you save as much as 25% of your water consumption. You may ask: Is it worth to invest on these devices? On the first months using these devices, you will certainly see the savings you get. But since you have invested money on these, the first months will literally just pay you back what you have spent to have these devices. But in the long run, when you are using these devices for years, savings are evidently felt. Types of Alternative Home Energy Home energy consumption is one of the main problems of people today. The fact is, we all need electricity to power our lives. We need the level of civilization that can be provided by electricity. However, most people think that the price they pay is just too much for the amount of electricity they get to consume. In the true spirit of humanity, people did what they always do whenever there's something that does not completely satisfy them about life: they innovated. Alternative home energy has been on the roll ever since people have made designs efficient enough to make them feasible. People may think that alternative energy is just a recent development, but in fact, alternative home energy has been around even before electricity was discovered. Consider these types of alternative home energy: 1) Wind energy -- Nowadays, windmills are used in homes to run small generators. These generators produce and store electricity to be used in running small home appliances. However, windmills have been around for a long time. If you take a look at the word "windmill" you will realize that this type of alternative home energy device was used for a purpose other than producing electricity. Yes, the windmill was indeed, used to mill grain. As you may well know, grinding grain my hand is very hard work. So in order to make life more convenient and the production of flour more efficient, windmills were used to turn the large grinders. Seeing as how this was so effective, it was inevitable that the windmill evolve into the 21st century in order to be used as a power source. 2) Solar energy -- Many people think of this type of alternative home energy as something that's technologically advanced. In a sense, harnessing the power of the sun to produce electricity is. But this alternative home energy has already been in use for a long, long time. Think about this word for a second: clothesline. Aha, you get it now, don't you? Yes, we have been using solar energy to dry our clothes for God knows how long. Think about that spin dryer or hair dryer you have and think about how much electricity it uses to do a task that the sun has been able to do for years, albeit at a slower pace. This alternative home energy is harnessed nowadays for a variety of tasks. Some use it to heat their homes, others use solar power to heat water, and other people use solar cells to power small appliances and save a little on that electricity bill. The efficiency by which we are now able to convert solar power into electricity is of such a degree that it is very possible to power a whole house! Now, isn't that amazing? 3) Hydropower -- This type of alternative home energy makes use of water currents in order to turn turbines to run generators. Once again, this is not really a new technology. Like windmills, waterwheels were often used to harness the power of a nearby river in order to grind grain into flour. 4) Biogas -- This is another alternative home energy source. Biogas is produced naturally via the decomposition of different biological material. By using biogas instead of the common LPG, home owners can cut back on their heating bills. As you can see, there are a lot of different types of alternative home energy. What you need to do is explore these options and discover which type is the best for you to use. You have also been informed as to how we have used these energy sources in the past and how they are being used today. Unfortunately, some of the methods of harnessing these different alternative home energy types may yet seem impractical to the common homeowner. However, as technology continues to evolve, you can be sure that the use of alternative energy will be more efficient. By using alternative home energy, you accomplish two things: you save on your expenses and you help create a better world. You see, alternative home energy sources do not produce any harmful effects to the environment. By using these sources, you harness relatively free energy. Some people may say that the devices used to harness these sources may be too expensive, but in the long run, you'll end up saving so much more than you spend. Home Energy Audit: Checking Out the Parts of the Home Going about a home energy audit is one smart way of cutting the utility bills that you pay for at the end of every month. Many people tend to forget about the parts of their homes that might be causing the rise in the home energy consumption. One fact that you must learn to take note of is that the home appliances that you possess, although they are switched off and not in use, still consume energy because of the phantom loads that they create. Examples of these are the VCRs, stereo components, microwave oven, toasters, and the stoves. Although they are turned off, they still consume energy. How much more when you total their consumptions in a day and then for the entire month? Likewise, the remote controlled devices are always put on a ready mode. Such state of readiness also consumes home energy. Apart from these concerns, the parts of the home contribute to the escalating home energy consumptions. Among these are the attics, fireplaces, and the rest of the less obvious parts of the house. The General Purpose of the Home Energy Audit Why is a home energy audit recommended by the experts? What is this process devoted for? For everyone's clear understanding, the ultimate purpose of the home energy audit is the making possible of the efficiency in the energy utilized in the home. When the home energy used is maximized and securely utilized, there will be the most possible reduction of the utility bills today and the succeeding years to come. A home energy audit will work best for homeowners who are confronted with very large electric bills. In fact, conducting the needed home energy audit will let you save thousands of dollars in the upcoming years. Stop dwelling on the windows and doors you have at home for they are obvious spots that let you lose much home energy. Why not look into the less obvious spots like the attic, the ceilings, and the fireplace? Most homeowners put away their unused things and keep them in the attic. Sure, the attic is a great place to store your junked stuffs. But then didn't you ever glance at your attic and consider the renovation of it so that there will be proper insulation in there? You may indeed throw out big bucks for its improvement but it will do your attic good, so to speak. The attic must be installed with open air vents so as to keep up a good air circulation. When there is no proper air circulation in the attic, the utmost tendency is for the roofing and the stored stuff in the attic to get destroyed. Now take into consideration the ceiling you've got at home. It must have enough insulation so that the home energy will be kept from escaping from it and to go upwards to the attic. The easiest way for heat to transfer into the attic is through a hole in the ceiling. Also take a good look at the fireplace. When the concern of regulating and controlling the temperature inside the home comes in, the fireplace is the most difficult spot to cover. As the design of the fireplace is concerned, it is particularly aimed at moving the smoke out of the interior environment of the home. The process is known as the propulsion of the heat. But then the main problem is that whenever the fireplace is not in use, it still goes on with the propulsion of the heat towards the exterior borders of your home. When dealing with a fireplace, you should bear in your mind that the flue must always be kept closed when it is not being used. But if you intend to have it open, simply turn off the heater inside your home since it will come out of the vents then cross the room, and then right into the fireplace the heat will be blown out. For some logical reasons, such situation will just cause you a nightmare in terms of the electrical bills that will confront you. If you are serious with your intention of cutting back your home energy costs, a home energy audit will be best. Your Home is More Valuable than You First Thought It Is There was a time when home and property values are only dependent on where it is located and the kind of structure it is built into. Today, those things are just part of a bigger whole. Buyers are already wise to the concept of saving energy and doing everything in their capability to attain that. This is why when buying a house, they have to have the assurance that what they are buying will be a comfortable home with the ability to give them as low a bill as possible. In answer to this specific need, states have implemented system that helps in distinguishing whether a certain home is energy efficient. For those homeowners who have not heard of these systems before, you are probably losing more than you think you are. What energy rating systems can do to your home: 1. Increases affordability. An old perception is that the lower the cost of the construction, the more affordable houses will become. Those who believe in this have made all the necessary cautiousness in the process of building their homes. Energy systems have turned this perception around to make it favorable to the homeowners. Together with energy efficiency comes efficient and lower mortgages cost. This alone is a very good way of enticing others to buy a house from you. Since people now are more aware of energy consumption and are always on the lookout for ways to decrease it, they are finding homes that could deliver just that. Now, it is not only about how the looks of the house or where it is located. It is about how homes are energy efficient once they start living in them. 2. More buyers. Once your home is considered as energy efficient, expect to have lots of buyers wanting to own that property. Not only is your home considered a prize that every owner wants to have, it will also be something that is worth the money you want it to be sold. Since more people are aware of the capabilities of energy efficient homes, the initial payment is not that high compared to what you will incur in your bills later on. This is what homebuyers are looking for. It is a fact that a lot of "dream homes" do not turn out to be what owners expect them to be. It would be Realized later on that the value of what they have set their money on is not worth the property. 3. High mortgages. Buyers are not the only ones recognizing the potential of energy efficient homes. The mortgage market does to. When it sees that the house does not pay too much on electricity and appliances, the rate gets higher. There are even mortgage plans that allow the owners to avail of loan plans set for their homes. Take note that this is only for those who fall under their category of a home that works effectively. By being effective and efficient, the location and the kind of home is merely half of the story. There is the big issue of the way energy is used. Since this is one of the highest bill-generating factor in many households, it is important that those not among the throng is given special consideration. And since the owners are not necessarily paying the same amount as everyone else, they will then be considered liable for other loans. These loans can be used for developing their property or for things that they can do to their homes. With these things up for grabs and with little effort on your part, your home can be considered as one that everyone would like to have. Not only that, you will not be put into strict compliance regarding how to use energy if you are already following what your government wants you to. How to make your home energy efficient is simple. All you need to do is follow the standards that the state set. If you are not yet aware of these things while in the process of building your home, you can make use of surveys or inspectors that are trained for this job. You can expect a lot of advantages if you put emphasis on energy and how it is being used in your home. You may not know it now but you will when you finally decide on selling or borrowing a sum of money later on. You might even reconsider selling it if you found how valuable your home really is. Energy Bars Taken at Home: Will They Work? What makes your body endure the day-to-day activities you engage in? Don't you feel pressured at all combining all the responsibilities that you need to fulfill? The body is like a machine. When a machine is not fueled, its tendency is to be subject to breakdown. The same case goes with the human body. Without the energy that is supplemented by the food that is taken in, the human body will also become very susceptible to weakness and worst, illness. The role of energy bars cannot at all be bypassed. Apart from the food that is eaten on a regular basis, these energy bars provide more power and endurance for the body. These days, several varieties of energy bars come in the form of different brands. They are sold everywhere. The protein bars are among the mostly bought energy bars. They have thus ranked as the most well-liked meal snack for most active individuals so that they will earn enough calories to keep going through the day. There are chiefly two kinds of energy bars sold in the market these days. The first is the energy bar that includes protein, fat, and carbohydrates rolled into one. There is also the one which only contain little carbohydrates but plenty of fat and protein. Most active people prefer taking the energy bar that includes the balanced mixture of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. The energy bars that contain little carbohydrate and mostly of fat and protein only are mostly sought-after by individuals who tend to lose weight and are strictly following a diet with low carbohydrate intake. More so, what are the advantages and disadvantages of these energy bars when taken at home? How can they be fitted into the regular diet scheme so as to arrive at a healthy diet practice? The Advantages of the Energy Bars Taken at Home Above all, the energy bars when taken at home or outside the borders of the home prove to be very convenient. Some people prefer to take these energy bars as a major replacement for their regular meals because there is no need to prepare them. Talk about convenience! Look into the real score of energy bars -- they are indeed small so they are handy. They can be fitted into the pocket or inside the bag as they will not be occupying too much space. Secondly, they can be taken in anywhere you are and whatever time of the day it is. Moreover, the energy bars are filled with great amount of protein less the saturated fat and high cholesterol. Vitamins and minerals are also employed in these energy bars therefore making them a good option for a healthy choice of diet rather than any food bought from the fast food or any convenient store out there. The Disadvantages that Come Along with the Energy Bars They may be considered healthy meals but then there are still those drawbacks that come along with them. Scientific studies would disapprove of the belief that these energy bars replace a balanced diet. Balanced diet needs to be nutritious as they must be comprised of the grow, go, and glow foods. Although several of these energy bars are endowed with the vitamins and minerals which are commonly contained in the vegetables and fruits, they do not possess those bioflavonoids, phytochemicals, and the fiber found in the vegetables and fruits. Also, the energy bars include partially hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated palm oil therefore making them possess as much as 50% of fat content. Some Vital Concerns to Bear in Mind Energy bars may be convenient to take in and much better to eat than when you need to line up in fast food outlets. But you must never take it as a replacement for a balanced and nutritious meal. They do not contain exactly the same amount of health benefits reaped out from the fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole foods. If you cannot get rid of these energy bars though, you may simply have them as part of your daily healthy diet instead of making the energy bar a substitute for an entire meal. They are in no way bad for the body but they are better off as snack rather than a meal in itself. When out for shopping for energy bars, look closely for the labels and get the energy bars that precisely contain low saturated fat and zero or little palm oil. If from time to time you prefer to skip complete meals and instead settle for these energy bars, get those that are filled with minerals and vitamins so as to keep the health benefits at least intact. Home Energy Consumption 5 Ways to Cut Down Your Home Energy Consumption If you have been receiving high electric bill month after month, then be alarmed. You might be using your appliances more what your require them. Normally, a regular American household would consume between $1500 and $2000 on electric bills alone. If you happen to fall between these figures, then you can consider yourself as a regular homeowner that uses electricity that is not really needed. Why? One reason: You don't need to spend as much as $2000 a year for energy. And you don't even have to spend more than that either. You see, a regular household that spends at this amount often wastes power and of course money. And with an increased electric rate, the bills will go even higher. Want to do some changes? Then, here are the things you should know. The 5 ways to cut down your home energy consumption: 1. The thermostat control When you want your room to be super cool because you are sweating from the inside, you simple don't turn the thermostat super low. Remember this: the thermostat will not run as quickly as you want. It will run on the same level all throughout until it reaches the temperature you set. So whether you gradually switch your thermostat low or instantly set it on its lowest, you will receive the same result. The main difference is, you only spend more energy when you think you can get your room to cool quickly if you set your thermostat low. Think of it this way: You are driving at 5mph when you suddenly shift to 5th gear. What you will get? More pressure on the pedal with lesser speed gained. In other words, you waste so much gas but do not instant speed. Also, to further cut down your electric bill, you can set the thermostat several degrees lower when you are out or when you sleep. 2. Several small consumptions add up Your iPod charger, cellphone charger, and other chargers that are plugged 24/7 can cost you additional digits on your electric bill. This also goes to your night-lights that are switched on all day, all night. Also, your digital clocks and pots that are plugged since brought to the house consume high home energy. The computer monitor that is left on the whole day adds up to your electric bill. All these contribute to the cost you pay for your electric bill. Imagine this: these things that you think do not contribute so much adds 5% on your electric bill. 3. The cool way You don't need a warm water to wash your clothes. Oh, you think that warm water kills germs on your clothes. Well, you don't need them. Settle for cold water. You can save as much as 90% on your washing machine's electric consumption of you don't use water heater. 4. Sealing the leaks Leaks can come from doors, sills, windows, cracks on the walls, and joints. And making sure that these leaks are given proper attention would yield to saving in the long run. Make sure that your doors are closed properly. If there are spaces, seal them. This goes with all the doors from garage doors, exterior doors, operable windows, to door of the attic. Use sealants such as weather strippers. Windows should also be free from leaks. Cover them with plastic coating so that the heat will be contained inside your home. Cracks on the walls should also be sealed. Regular sealants will instantly do the jobs. The reason for doing this is that you need to keep the heat contained inside your home so that the heating system would not need to do extra work due to heat loss from these leaks. 5. Keep them small If you are dinning alone and would want to warm up left over straight from your fridge, do not use large pots or ovens. Instead, settle for small pots and microwave. Small pots require less heat while microware has use lesser power than oven. Small burner instead of large burner is more ideal in preparing meals for two reason: one, it consumes less electricity, and two, it your air conditioning would not work double time cooling down the room. According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, you can save from 30 to 40% on energy cost if you follow these ways. Home Energy Conservation Making Your Home Energy Conservation Successful Every year, interest rates are increasing and the cost of heating is definitely going up. And whether we admit it or not, we sometimes find our selves running out of money. However, if you compare an average house to an energy efficient residence, you'll find out that it is very possible to lessen your annual energy consumption to almost 40 percent. There are lots of ways to conserve home energy which consequently lower your energy bills. And most of the changes that you can do for your home are also helpful to the environment. Here are some ways to conserve energy in your home: * Heating and Air Conditioning 1. If you're going out of an air conditioned room for a long time, be sure to turn off the A/C unit. 2. Rooms that are not used often should have sealed vent. 3. You can also install ceiling fans that are remote controlled than have a built-in heater. 4. When the room is occupied, put the thermostat in a comfortable setting. 5. When the fireplace isn't used, close the damper in the fireplace * Laundry Appliances 1. Avoid using your washing machine in partial loads. It is better if you meet the capacity of the machine. 2. Dirty clothes must be pre-soaked for hours. This will prevent you from running your machine twice. 3. For the garments that aren't very dirty, put small quantity of detergent and put your machine to a lighter wash setting. 4. Electric drier consumes more energy in drying clothes so better apply the conventional way of drying your garments. 5. Ironing clothes should be done at one time and during off-peak hours * Refrigerators and Freezers 1. Refrigerators and freezers must be defrosted regularly. Frost build-up can increase the load of the compressor motor. 2. Inspect your refrigerator and look for a leaking gasket. 3. Avoid constant opening and closing of the refrigerator's door because it can contribute to ice or frost build-up. * Kitchen Appliances 1. Don't boil water in an open pan. A pan that's covered will boil the water faster. 2. Keep the burners, range top and reflectors clean. It can help generate more heat and consume less energy. 3. When the food you're cooking starts to boil, turn the electric stove to low mode. 4. Don't put smaller pans or pots in small burners or heating elements. * Lighting 1. Switch off unused lights as well as other appliance that use electricity. 2. Utilize low wattage yet efficient lamps. 3. Replace your incandescent bulb with fluorescent lamp. Those are just handful of tips to lower your energy bills. There are many other factors which can also guide you in conserving your home energy. Remember that the two great factors which you can change in order to enhance your quality of life are your lifestyle and your home. If you want to modernize your home, you have to make significant decisions regarding your household appliances. In today's world, we are faced with a wide range of appliance styles, sizes, configurations and technologies. Evaluating your household appliances can help a lot in your aim to save home energy. The following are the factors that can help you compare and assess your home appliances: Energy Efficiency. It is always good to carefully weigh up the energy efficiency of the appliances in your home. In some household devices, you are left with a choice between electricity and natural gas as the source of power. The energy efficiency can also be based on the materials the machine or appliance is made of. Various materials can be cooled and heated at different rates. Size. Having an appliance with the right size is significant. Speed also comes into play. Generally, the faster an appliance finishes its task, the less time it uses energy. Features. Assess first the features of an appliance before purchasing it and think carefully how these features can improve your lifestyle. Another advisable tip is to come up with a home energy conservation plan. There are various approaches which you can use in developing such plan and these include: * Identification of the places where home energy is used inefficiently or lost * Prioritizing the said areas and finding out how much energy is being wasted * Correcting the said problems systematically depending on your home energy improvement budget As you come up with your home energy conservation preparation, you should first identify the problem vicinities. It is good to start in the area where higher amount of energy is used because that area can also be the best place to gain potential savings. With the abovementioned home energy conservation tips, you can free up more bucks without increasing your income. How to Conserve Your House Energy We all know how much of a headache bills can be. We all hate going to the mailbox, only to find a heap of bills waiting for us. There's nothing more painful than paying for utilities. It seems that when we receive electricity bills, we are always surprised at how much energy we consume. However high our house energy bills are, we see them as something we have to endure. After all, we all need to pay for our electricity, right? So whenever we see those high energy bills, we react with resignation, dig deep into our pockets and pay whatever the electric companies demand. What you need to know is that there are ways to lower those house energy bills. There are a lot of simple and practical ways to conserve energy. By using these methods, you can significantly lower your house energy bill. First of all, you need to realize that all the little things matter. You need to understand that there are a lot of small things we do that are wasteful of house energy. Some of these little wasteful habits may seem insignificant, but if they are combined, they might amount up to one third of your house energy bill. Here are some of the habits which can cost you a lot. 1) Leaving the refrigerator door open -- Some people may not see this habit as something that would significantly affect their energy bill. However, given the right information, you will see that this habit can actually cost you a lot of money. You see, a refrigerator works by absorbing the heat within the compartment. If you open the refrigerator door, you let heat enter the system, which means that the refrigerator needs to consume more electricity in order to lower the temperature. By leaving the refrigerator door open, you are essentially trying to absorb all of the heat energy in the house. Oh, yes, If you still do not know, the little light does go off when you close the refrigerator door so don't waste energy by trying to find out. 2) Leaving the lights on -- This is a very common mistake made by every household in the world. Most people forget to turn off their lights and these lights consume electricity. Sure, one light turned on may not consume much house energy, but what if all your lights were left on? Surely, this would cost you a lot on your electricity bill. If you can, you might want to open up your shades and let the sun shine into your life. Some people actually tend to draw their shades and then turn on their lights, what's more wasteful than rejecting free energy? If you can't help forgetting to turn the lights off, you may want to consider buying some energy-saving lamps. These lights may cost you more when you first buy them, but these are guaranteed to save you a lot on house energy in the long term. By investing in these lights, you will be able to cut a lot off your house energy bill. 3) Playing with the thermostat -- People hate being bored. However, please do not try and ease your boredom by turning the temperature up and down. Whenever you get the urge to adjust your thermostat, ask yourself this question: am I feeling uncomfortable because of the temperature or is it all in my head? The same advice goes for air conditioners. Sometimes, people blame their discomfort on the temperature. However, you need to be honest with yourself and leave the thermostat alone, ok? Here are some things you should do to conserve house energy: 1) Try to look for alternatives -- In order to save on your house energy, try to look at alternative energy options. You see, there are a lot of different home alternative energy devices available in the market today. These devices can actually support small home appliances by supplying them with free energy. 2) Try to look for energy-saving devices -- There are a lot of devices available today that can maximize your house energy efficiency. These devices often only require you to plug them into a socket and they monitor your energy consumption. These ensure that no energy is wastes when you are operating your house appliances. For now, these may cost you a pretty penny, but as the technology continues to develop, expect prices to drop significantly. House Energy LLC: Your Great Defense Against Over Consumption The summer days, ice storms and winter days are just around lurking at the corners. As a matter of fact, every one of us consume an approximate amount of fifty percent of our house energy just so as we can cool or heat ourselves during these seasons. We are unable to survive comfortably without getting enough heat during the coldest days and getting enough coolness whenever it is the peak of the summer season. As a result of this human craving, the cost of energy consumption is affected. Through all the time, the amount paid for the house energy consumption is continuously rising. This is one thing which cannot be altered even by the advantages in technology itself. Luckily, there are simple tips which need to be practiced in each of the households and they do guarantee one thing -- and that is with regards to cutting down your escalating energy consumptions. You will hence profit a lot from these house energy saving tips and you can also be turned into an environment-friendly individual. In most of the households in the country, the cooling and heating procedures are the biggest factors that trigger the energy costs to rise. Like for example, a home which is poorly insulated prompts a great dose of cool and warm air to escape towards the exterior portion of the home. As the heat rises up, a great deal of it escapes all towards the poorly insulated ceilings and attics. In the same case, the cool air tends to fall therefore a less insulated flooring will also allow its escape. Without telling things straightforward, so much home energy gets wasted with this kind of setup. The poorly set fittings of the windows and doors are also contributory factors to the wasting of house energy. As a great defense, what you need to do is to have the walls, floors, and ceilings thoroughly insulated. Such improvement plans may cost you a good deal of amount especially with old houses in possession but then you can always seek the help of the federal government with regards to this matter. The federal government usually proportionate subsidies for these kinds of renovation undertakings. Take note also that the savings that you will be working on will increase as the months pass by and you will just realize how good it has been for you to get on with the endeavor. So have you made up your mind? Do you now intend to put in enough money into your pocket? You can save as much as 10% from your monthly electrical bills by trying to eliminate as much air leaks that exist in your home. Logically seeing things, the summer days allow the warm air to leak inside your home while the winter days let the air leak out of the home. Hence, this continuing practice promotes a great deal of house energy waste. The best thing that you can do to cut down your monthly electrical bill expenses is to do some caulking, sealing, and weather-stripping the cracks, seams, and openings all around your house. For a few tips, read on! Check out the air tightness your home has. During one windy day, get a lighted incense stick and then place it near the most potential air paths directing you to the outside path such as the doors, windows, plumbing fixtures, electrical boxes, ceiling fixtures, and electrical outlets. Once you see the smoke blowing in a horizontal direction, there you've found an air leak and which must be sealed, caulked, or weather-stripped at once. Seal and caulk those gaps wherein ducting, plumbing, or electrical wirings infiltrate into and then out of the home. Look for gaps or holes under the insulation and seal them using the stapled plastic over those holes and then caulk them at once at the edges with plastics. Set up rubber gaskets at the back of the outside switch plates and wall outlets. When the fireplace is not at all used, always keep close the flue dumper. Storm windows or double-pane windows must be installed as replacements for the single-pane windows. The set of windows used in your homes can comprise as much as 10-25% of the heating bill. Securing them will likewise help you save up. How to Make Your House Energy Efficient One requirement of a house is that it should be comfortable to live in. Of course, many people will say that a house cannot be called that if it cannot be inhabited. In order to make a house comfortable, certain aspects of civilization are required. We need to have the benefits of technology within the house in order for us to live in it. Let's face it: few of us can live without the benefits of technology. Only by having the conveniences of our times available do we stand a chance at actually having comfortable lives. However, comfort does have a price. In order to have these technological conveniences we need to consume energy. Energy costs money and, as people will tell you, money is not easy to come by. People try to find ways to save money when possible (at least, the smart ones do). An evidence of this is the way a sale can make a product immensely popular. If you take a look around you, you will probably notice that even millionaires try to save as much money as they possibly can at their level of lifestyle. In order to save money we, of course, try not to waste any of it. Most people would rather not spend on anything that they do not need. Electricity bills have a way of making you feel cheated out of your money. People feel that electricity bills cannot be controlled, hence, they should just be paid. This is because people feel that electricity is a necessary part of life and thus, the costs of electricity cannot be reduced, only paid. However, if you really try to look into your situation, you might be surprised to see that there are, in fact, many ways in order to make your house energy efficient. By having an energy efficient house, you can cut back on the cost of electricity and only pay for what you are really consuming. There are many ways to make a house more energy efficient. These methods are often found by other people to be time-consuming and expensive. However, those who have chosen to employ these methods find that the savings you get by having an energy efficient house is definitely worth the effort. One thing to consider in making an energy efficient house is material. The materials you use in building a house significantly affect the cost of heating and cooling. By choosing your materials wisely, you can have a house that does not consume much energy to maintain a comfortable temperature level. Another thing to consider is the design. In order to make a house more energy efficient you'll need the help of an architect. Some architects actually specialize in designing energy-efficient buildings. By going to these people, you can maximize your energy efficiency. Of course, energy efficient houses may not look like a conventional home. In fact, these houses may even seem a little strange to those who do not realize the purpose of energy efficient designs. However, the technology today has made it possible for architects to incorporate both forma and function in their house designs. This means that you may be able to have a very aesthetically pleasing, energy efficient home. Also, in order to have energy efficient home, you'll need to take a look at your surroundings and see if there are any alternative energy sources available for you to use. By making use of alternative energy sources, you can significantly lower your electricity bill. Alternative energy is also known as "free energy" to some people. This is because of the fact that these energy sources are constantly being produced through the earth's natural processes and are thus, available for harnessing. In order to harness those alternative energy sources for your home use, you'll need to have some sort of mechanism or conversion device. Thankfully enough, many home alternative energy devices are now available in the market for those who want their homes to be energy efficient. Energy efficient homes are possible, thanks to the ever evolving technology. Energy efficient homes show us that it is possible to have all the comforts offered by modern civilization without paying a very high price. Why Home Energy Saving Devices are Vital All of the appliances employed at home contain the so-called switch wherein there are the on and off indicators. To run the home appliances, they need to be switched on. On the other hand, when they are no longer in use, they must be switched off. There is this fact which most homeowners do not realize though. The appliances, although they are not switched on and they are not in use, still consume electricity. Yes, you've read it just right. The pattern of the electricity's outflow still continues although the appliances are in the off mode. They are termed as the "phantom loads" and they do consume some great amount of electricity. Thus, you end up finding your electrical bills in surmounting rates at the end of the billing period. Now if you are quite interested to know how these "phantom loads" can be relatively stopped so that you will be able to save on your energy costs, better learn the advantage of the home energy saving devices. The equipment that contain phantom loads are typically recognized since there are these lights or clocks that continuously operate although the appliance has already been switched off. Among the appliances that are gifted with timers that do operate at a pace of 24 hours in a day are the stereo systems, VCRs, stoves, and microwave ovens. Devices used at home that are remote control operated also consume energy all around the clock. These equipment need to be ready all over to be prompted by the remote control governing them. Although that state of readiness consumes lesser electricity, imagine the twenty-four-hour time frame and the energy consumed can be relatively higher. Among the other devices that generate phantom loads include the wall warts or DC converters, cordless phones, recharging devices, and modems. So how do you save on the home energy consumed in each day? How will you be able to lessen the phantom power created by these devices? One of the easiest ways that you can commit to is the plugging of the devices into the switchable six-way outlets. In this manner, when the appliances have been turned off, you can easily turn off also the power supply that runs through the outlet. The switchable outlets are of enough importance for those wall warts or DC converters. These home energy saving devices run at approximately 60 up to 80% of efficiency rate. To make the explanation simple and clear, these home energy saving devices will allow you to save a minimum of six percent on the entire monthly bill that you will have to pay for. Updating your home with the use of home energy saving devices will definitely lessen the amount of electrical power that you consume and therefore reduce the amount of your electrical bills. So as to save enough energy consumption, you can likewise improve the insulation of your home. Insulation may be enhanced in the floors, the walls, or the ceilings. Windows and doors which are all efficient can entirely make a difference. You must be cautious though. Before you purchase any home energy saving devices, you've got to test them first. Most people happen to just buy whatever they come across with. It is not enough. You don't want to end up realizing that you failed with your decision as you discover that the thing you've paid for is not worth investing on. In truth, home energy saving devices come in various brand names and are widely available. They are also simple to utilize as you just have to insert the device in between the wall outlet and the plug of the appliance. You must be aware that there are two classifications of home energy saving devices marketed in the stores. The first is that which corrects the lag that gets in when a motor load is prompted on the power supply. The second is that which operates simply by the use of the on and off switches in a way that the average voltage is indeed reduced by the device. Whichever home energy saving device you wish to purchase is, just make sure that what you pay for is something which is reliable. This is an investment and you do not want to fail in this endeavor for sure. Types of Home Energy Assistance Programs You Can Avail With the rising household demand for electricity, particularly during winter and summer, many low earners and widows could not afford the price they have to pay for keeping the house either warn or cold. The matter gets worst with the increasing cost of electricity on every state around the nation. Now, any family with little income or widows who receive small pension have nowhere to go but to seek help. Good thing, there are several institutions who are willing to take care of household's electric bills or do some makeovers on homes in order to make them electric efficient. These are called home energy assistance program. There are several types of home energy assistance program. If you fall on the category of those who need help on electric bill, here are the things you need to know: Note: Several institutions use different names on the programs they offer. Each state across America also uses own terms. Thus, the terms below may not be available on your State but the descriptions may be similar or the same. (We will try to be as general as possible.) The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program -- In general terms, the LIHEAP subsidizes the energy consumption of households with low income. Some programs cover only a specific period, usually during winter or summer. On some STATES, LIHEAP helps households to pay past due electric bills, pay current electric bills, and even improve the home to become energy efficient. To further reduce future electric bills. Those who want to afford the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program should fall on the categories stated. Remember that every State has their own criteria in selecting households that qualify to the program. You may want to check on these from your local government. Weatherization -- Homes should be built and adapt to the particular climate to maximize home energy consumption. This program covers the cost of home improvement to adapt for the coming winter or summer. Normally, the wetherization programs include changing the home's windows, installing window plastic covering and weather stripping among others. Subsidizations -- Some states shoulder a portion of the electric consumption of households who cannot afford the high cost of heating during the winter season. Low-income earners are the usual beneficiaries of this program. Energy Budgets and Energy Conservation Counseling -- On some states like Wisconsin, program such as this teaches residents on how to maximize the use of electricity especially during the winter season. The Energy Budgets and Energy Conservation Counseling is one of the more effective ways to ease the burden of those who could not afford to pay for heating. Home Energy Assistance Program -- On most states, the Home Energy Assistance Program or the HEAP provides financial assistance to eligible families to offset their previews and current electric bills. Both the LIHEAP and the HEAP vision one and the same goal. Emergency -- There are times when climate exceeds to the normal expectations. The winter may sometimes become so harsh on a certain period of time that households tend to increase their heating consumption. The emergency assistance program is a contingency program that helps those who cannot afford the extra cost of heating during the winter. The Children, The Elderly, and The Disabled -- Some states offer Home Energy Assistance Program that aims on helping the children, elderly and disabled to get through the winter. Cooling Assistance -- Some states do not have problem with winter but they have problem with the heat of the summer. And on many cases, low-income households need extra energy to cool down their houses. States that lay on areas where there are extreme heat offer cooling assistance. This can fall under HEAP or LIHEAP. The aim is similar. All these programs have eligibility criteria. To know what are those and to identify what specific type of program do you fall, you must contact your state, local County Social Service Office or institutions that offer these programs. Scout on the internet and look for the sites that offer Home Energy Assistance Program on your State. Researching online will surely give you more information about the particular Home Energy Assistance Program you need. How Home Energy Efficiency Improvement Tax Credits Can Save You More Money? Thanks to the ever-increasing efficiency and continuing competence of the technology today, households can now be seen equipped with highly-modernized appliances, gadgets and similar equipments. To the delight of many consumers, these equipments provide them great way to make things easier. Where earlier lives were slightly difficult because of the manual and analog equipments you would have to utilize, today is by far a complete contrast to that way of living. If you would have to peek inside those households, there would be these amazing equipments where in just one flick of a button you would be giving life to certain equipment. There are even equipments that you only have to leave them on and you would be savoring the goodness of full automation of the technology. But as the same with many things, in every privilege you enjoy there are certain sacrifices you have to pay for, literally and figuratively. Most highly-modernized technologies and equipments would call for a sacrifice in the energy that they could take up, which means that they could mean higher energy bills as the consumption gets higher. Though there are some appliances that are cautiously built to provide you energy-efficiency feature, other technologies provide higher bills to energy consumed. And this could be the frustrating part on the consumers, especially to those that have to live tight with their budget. If energy consumed is not regulated, this could be more frustrating and could result to even higher bills. On the other hand, if you'd rather not spend high on energy bills you would have to cut down your consumption frequency. However, you may not fully enjoy the comfortable features of the equipment/appliances, which should what they are supposed to do. So how are you going to enjoy them fully without headaches of piled-up bills? Now, if there are no other ways to minimize your energy bills, why not lower income taxes that you likewise have been suffering from or get value for that energy bills? Seek the benefits of "Home Energy Efficiency Improvement Tax Credits" and discover how you could be saving a lot with a dollar for your dollar. What is this Home Energy Efficiency Improvement Tax Credits all about? Home Energy Efficiency Improvement Tax Credit is the privilege given to consumers who need to cut down on their costs. If you cannot do something about the piled up costs of energy bills, you can avail this specific tax credits by installing specific energy-efficient home improvement products on your home. Or if your home is already equipped with these devices/equipments you are eligible, provided the home is your principal residence. If you apply for the tax credits, you could be cutting down your total income tax by getting a certain amount of dollars to each of the qualified energy efficiency home improvement product/s that you have installed or are going to install. What are the energy-efficient home improvements products eligible for the tax credits and tax credit values? * Exterior windows -- you could get credit by installing these products by 10 percent but not to exceed 200 dollars; * Central air conditioner, water heater, and heat pump products -- can credit you of as much as 300 dollars; * Insulation equipment, pigmented metal roofs and exterior doors -- will bring up to total credits of 500 dollars; * Furnace and boiler products -- maximum of 150 dollars. In addition, you could get federal tax credits of up to 2000 dollars for purchases made for some solar water heating property and photovoltaic property equipments. These products will be qualified provided that they are utilized for purposes other than heating your swimming pools or hot tubs. What are the benefits of installing home energy efficiency improvement products on your home other than tax credits? Aside from saving you more value for energy dollar you earn from the use of these products, you could also send your home a higher resale value. This means, that by adding those products, your home would worth higher than it was originally priced for. And of course, this is not to mention that those products are a way to maintain a quiet, convenient, comfortable household. By applying for this program, which would only require you to file for the right application form together with your taxes, you would be reaping its benefits in the end while providing you the ease of life. Home Energy Evaluation Surveys: On the Lookout for Home Capabilities Over the years, people have experienced the need for more efficient homes. This is opposed to the belief that as long as a house has walls and a roof, then it is better than nothing. It is not only the homeowners and buyers that are putting emphasis on energy efficiency in building houses. Different states are also becoming aware of the need for energy efficiency and conservation. Many of these states have already implemented energy saving systems for homeowners to follow and abide. It is now common to see inspectors checking out how energy effective one's house is. It is also not surprising that the state has passed on regulations to be banned as energy efficient and not-so-energy-efficient based from the standards that they have set. And if that is not enough, once you find your home categorized as not energy efficient, you can expect lower mortgage rate and even lower chances of selling the property to buyers out there. You will find this a difficult endeavor when you want your house to be sold or is being asked by clients about what your home is capable of. This is why those who are just in the process of building their "dream homes" are taking time to consider the standards that the state and the market is dictating. Already, great considerations has been seen in how many houses are designed, its location and the furniture and appliance that should be put into them. It is said that setting out standards regarding energy conservation has seen many builders comply with the necessary requirements given them. There was a time when even the smallest of details are always being ignored to be able to follow the original layout and plan that owners want their houses to have. It can be noted that this can bring about problem later on when owners would like to mortgage their homes for loans that they want. They would often find themselves being loaned smaller amounts once it has been known that some aspect of their houses are not really complying with some of the needed standards. And with homebuyers now very much aware of the kind of house they want, it would take a lot of preparation and fixing over to cater to what your client would want. In the end, it would boil down to additional expenses charge on your part. The advent of home energy inspections and surveys, owners now have the capability of settling any abnormalities that their houses have. These abnormalities are attributed to how energy is being used. Inspectors are able to see this through the appliances that owners have in their own and in the designed location of doors and windows. Saving and the efficient use of energy has already been embraced by those that are just in the process of having their homes built. With these factors in mind, people want to have their house plans checked out first before deciding if they want to have them built like it is. There are a lot of people more than willing to share some of their expertise in making energy efficient homes. The standards to follow will all depend on which part of the state one is staying. There are some states with much higher standards compared to some. It is always advisable to know what these things are so as to eliminate any problems that might hinder you from enjoying some of the privileges that the states are offering. Some of the more conscious individuals who want to put emphasis on energy conservation have even put up organizations that comply with the requirements that should be followed in home building. These people are proud owners of houses that are energy efficient and are happily showing the world how they have made it possible. Some of these people are even quoted in media as examples of individuals who took the concept by heart and should be followed by others. A lot more people can learn from the examples that these organizations have set. Since the design of your house is one of the most important decisions you can ever make, it is important that you know that there are certain rules to follow in making them. You can really benefit from what homes should be capable of today. Remember that states are only after the benefits that you can have by having houses that conserve energy. You may not understand its importance now but you will later on, when you have someone inquiring you about these things. Home Energy Rating System Certificate Training Things You'll Learn in a Home Energy Rating System Training Certificate As a homeowner, you have to exercise an extreme sense of responsibility. Not only should you be responsible in keeping your home a healthy place to live in but it must be something that will exude an utmost environment-friendly surrounding too. When it comes to the home energy system, you must likewise be responsible in handling it too. Not because you've got a decent income means that you can consume as much home energy as you intend to just for the reason that you've got sufficient funds to pay for it. This thinking is definitely wrong! You should exercise that need to conduct some home energy rating. How will you do this? Home energy rating system training certificate are held by the concerned agencies. If you like, you can enroll. What will you learn from the home energy rating training certificate? Students in the home energy rating training certificate are taught about the house acting like that of a system. You will therefore be acquainted with the principles on how to readily evaluate the performance of the home energy system and likewise be able to hone some worthy improvements in it. You will also become aware of how you can make use of some powerful diagnostic devices and software that will help you conduct the thorough home energy analysis. Finally, you will be kept abreast with the most recent incentive programs and energy finances that will aid you in expanding any business you've got to tender. Who are mostly attending the energy rating training certificate courses? Any person who moves around and who gets involved in the building industry must be aware of how the energy system in his place works. In this manner, he will be given ample insights as to how he may extend his marketed business. The energy rating training certificate aims at educating business-minded personas. The most targeted groups of individuals include the insulation contractors, home inspectors, builders, HVAC contractors, utility representatives, energy engineers, and remodelers. These people are gauged towards the careers concerning energy rating so they must be equipped with sufficient knowledge on the matter. But if you are a simple homeowner who wants to know about the ropes of this trade, you may as well give yourself the opportunity to earn the knowledge regarding this stuff. But then if you do not understand any of these terms, you can just hire somebody who is an expert to conduct the home energy rating for you. What are mostly to be learned from the energy rating training certificate course? Generally, the students of the course will reap the knowledge about how the entire house works as one unified system; get to know the working principles of the moisture transfer, air, and heat; the process of using the most recent state-of-the-art diagnostic devices such as that of the duct blaster and the blower door; the manner of producing a thorough home energy analysis by the use of the necessary software; how you will be able to expand your business if you have by simply making use of the home energy rating system; how you will be able to gain promotion, compliance, and financial incentives from the utility-sponsored degree programs, and finally, on the knowledge of how you will be able to certify an energy star home. What are usually included in the entire course? The paraphernalia involved in the home rating training certificate are the copies of the residential energy, home energy rating manual, training overheads, set of Southface factsheets, resources on financing energy efficiency resources, samples of completed rating, discounts on the purchases of the vital equipment from the sponsored vendors, and lastly, the certificate of completion. What will you get out of this home energy training certificate classes? By means of undergoing this course, you are already on your step towards becoming one certified Home Energy Rater. In truth, the energy rater is the one who creates the energy rating reports that will aid the homeowners and homebuyers to qualify for all of the financing incentives by means of the lineup of government and private loan programs. If you are interested to attend these home rating training certificate courses, you must secure your application. The classes will definitely allot you with worthy insights and knowledge. ![]() ![]()