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The Main Reason of Family Quarrels and Divorce
by: Jeffrey Broobin

The economist Jay Zagorsky from the University of Ohio (Ohio State) has analyzed the results of a 40-years research project during which he interviewed about 33,000 people.

In 1960 researchers started to ask Americans from all over the country, on a no-name's basis, questions about their private lives, including their attitude toward money. Zagorsky found that many men had disagreements with their own wives concerning money.

It was discovered that money was the most popular occasion for family quarrels and divorce. This is because husbands and wives have different representations about the family income and the income of each spouse.

Husbands can exaggerate incomes, and to wives their debts. Thus, their spouses think that they make less than they say they do. Husbands and wives have different concepts of each other's financial worlds.

Jeffrey Broobin is a fre lance writer on family and finance issues; his main goal is to help people during their complicated period of life.

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