![]() ![]() Diabetes & Obesity ![]() Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus is also simply known as diabetes. It is the disease characterized by a malfunctioning metabolism and a high blood sugar level. The result can be low levels of insulin or abnormal insulin resistance. This mixed with inadequate levels of insulin secretion results in diabetes. Symptoms of diabetes mellitus include increased urine production, excessive thirst, extreme fatigue, and excessive thirst and weight loss. These symptoms though may not be present in those people with only mildly elevated sugar levels. Diabetes mellitus includes type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes, which occur only during pregnancy. Each type has a different cause and different severity of symptoms. But all forms of diabetes are dangerous if not treated. With proper management though, people with diabetes can live a long, healthy, normal life. The main cause of type 1 diabetes mellitus is the loss of insulin producing cells in the pancreas. This ultimately leads to an insulin deficiency. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is typically found in children and young adults. It is also termed juvenile diabetes. The common treatment for type 1 diabetes mellitus is daily insulin injections to replace the insulin the body is not producing properly, along with careful blood glucose monitoring. Without careful monitoring and treatment, complications from diabetes could include loss of limps such as arms, legs and feet, blindness and diabetic comas, which can be fatal. It is extremely important that if you suspect you or your child to have symptoms of diabetes, that you visit your doctor to be tested. If the tests are positive it is not the end of the world. With careful monitoring and care, type 1 diabetics can live long healthy lives. Diabetes Symptoms All too often we get sick but ignore the symptoms we may be feeling, shrugging them off to a cold, stress from work, or just not feeling well. There are certain symptoms that shouldn't be ignored if they develop. These symptoms could lead to blindness, amputation of limbs, coma or even death. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes often come on suddenly and are severely dramatic. The extra stress of diabetes can lead to something called diabetic ketoacidosis. Symptoms of ketoacidosis may include nausea and vomiting, which may also lead to dehydration and serious problems with the blood levels of potassium. This could lead to a diabetic coma and ultimately death. Other symptoms of diabetes may include extreme fatigue. We all get tired at times, but diabetes triggers a more severe fatigue than normal. People with diabetes also experience unexplained weight loss. This is because they are unable to process many of the calories they consume. Losing sugar and water in the urine also contributes to the weight loss. Extreme thirst is another symptom of diabetes. Diabetes develops high blood sugar levels and the body tries to compensate by diluting the blood, which translates to our brain that we are thirsty. With this is also excessive urination. It is another way our bodies have of getting rid of the extra sugar in our system. But this can also lead to dehydration. One of the hardest symptoms to deal with is poor wound healing. Wounds heal slowly, if at all when the carrier has diabetes. This along with infections that are not easily remedied can attribute to ulcers and loss of limbs. Diabetes Management As of 2007, there is no cure for either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. This may seem like a dim outlook for many people, but the fact is that even though there is no cure, there certainly are ways to manage your diabetes. Proper management can give you many years of healthy living. Diabetes management starts with a visit to your doctor. first, finding out you have diabetes, what type you have then arming yourself with as much information as possible about the diabetes you are diagnosed with. All management begins with controlling the glucose cycle. The glucose cycle is affected by two factors, entry of glucose into the bloodstream and blood levels of insulin to control the transport out. Your glucose levels are very sensitive to both diet and exercise, so change in either should first be discussed with your physician. Proper management of diabetes can be very intrusive to the patient. Proper management requires a complete lifestyle change and frequent, sometimes multi-daily checks of glucose in the blood. It can change as people grow and develop and no two cases are ever really the same. Today it is easier to measure the blood sugar level. Glucose meters are readily available and are quite easy to use with a little practice and patience. With a small drop of blood to the testing strip attached to the glucose meter, the user is given the number, which represents their blood sugar level. This in turn will let the user know if and when insulin is needed. Diabetes In Children Diabetes in children is also known as juvenile diabetes, but more commonly known as type 1 diabetes. It is the most common form of diabetes in children with ninety to ninety-five percent of carriers being under 16. Juvenile diabetes is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin. It is an autoimmune disease, which means the bodies own defense system attacks the body's tissues or organs. In the last 30 years the number of juvenile diabetes had increased three times over and in Europe and the US we are now seeing type 2 diabetes in children for the first time. Obesity easily explains type 2, but not why there is such a rise in type 1 diabetes in children. It is believed that a mixture of genetics and environmental factors are what triggers juvenile diabetes. But the majority of children don't have a family history of diabetes. The symptoms for juvenile diabetes are the same as in adults. Thirst, weight loss, fatigue, frequent urination is typical, but diabetes in children can also increase stomach pains, headaches and behavior problems. Doctors should consider the possibility of diabetes in children who have unexplained stomach pains for a few weeks, along with the typical symptoms. If you believe your child may be experiencing these symptoms you should schedule them for a thorough examination and tell your doctor what you suspect your child may have. Be sure to tell them about any and all symptoms your child may be experiencing. Diabetes Epidemic With obesity levels being at an all time high, the epidemic of type 2 diabetes is growing at an alarming rate, and wil l only get worse. Between 2001 and 2002, the diagnosis of diabetes went from 5.5 percent of Americans to an alarming 6.5 percent. In just one year! Overall, twelve million Americans have been diagnosed and another 5 million Americans have diabetes and don't know it. And yet another 12 millions are on their way to type 2 diabetes because of impaired glucose levels. Not knowing is the worst because risks of untreated diabetes puts us at a terrible risk of complications including but not limited to blindness, amputations and ultimately death. The stickler is, that type 2 diabetes is almost completely preventable. Doctor's say eat less, eat better and exercise. The numbers show just how many Americans are currently overweight. Statistically, people are now living longer, and it has been on the rise for years. But this will not continue if type 2 diabetes is not put under control. We are a gluttonous society and ultimately it is affecting how we live and how long we live. And unfortunately, the diabetes epidemic is not just a US problem. It is spreading worldwide with epidemic reports in Asia, the Middle East and the Caribbean. It is estimated that by 2025, the number of diabetics worldwide will rise to 380 million. And diabetes is now affecting more of the young and middle-aged population in developing countries between the ages of 40 and 59. Diabetes in Pets It is not only the human kind that can develop diabetes. Even our beloved pets, no matter how well we care for them, can develop diabetes. This is often a scary situation for the pet owner and the first question that is usually asked of the veterinarian is -will my pet need to be put to sleep Of course this is a difficult issue and the answer may vary on the overall age and health of your pet. Many older pets that are diagnosed with diabetes go on to live many more happy years, but this takes commitment and close care of your pet. Diabetic cats and dogs can live just as long as perfectly healthy pet if the diabetes is diagnosed and treated properly by both the veterinarian and the owner. This takes great commitment from the owner. Pets must be cared for and watched daily with a high level of care and patience. There can be no feeding the cat and forgetting until the next day. There is no leaving the pet along to go on a trip. Every day your pet will need medication, fed a proper diet and his behavior will need to be monitored closely. This doesn't mean you will have to give up your job and stay home full time with your pet, but it does mean you will have to pay more attention to what his behavior is and know what to do if the situation should change. It is also more of a financial obligation to have a sick pet. So it is something that should be discussed in length with your vet. The Link between Obesity and Diabetes There are two kinds of diabetes, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The first type is also known as juvenile diabetes and is usually diagnosed in childhood. It is the body's cells and the pancreas' inability to produce enough insulin. In type 2 diabetes there is not enough insulin produced for the body or the body is not making proper use of the insulin that is available. Many studies and doctors have linked an increasing number of people being diagnosed with diabetes to obesity. When a person is obese or very over weight they are overtaxing their pancreas (the organ that produces insulin) and this can lead to type 2 diabetes. Being obese is a risk factor for diabetes but it does not mean you will develop the disease if you are obese. By losing weight and leading a healthier lifestyle you can gain control of this risk factor either by reducing it or eliminating it altogether. There are other risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes including age and race but of course there is no control over these factors. Studies have shown that over half of the people diagnosed with diabetes are considered clinically obese. People who are obese and work hard to lose weight can better manage their diabetes through diet or oral medications instead of insulin injections. Incorporating a healthy eating plan and regular physical activity will also help to manage the disease. In addition to being at a higher risk for developing diabetes people who are obese are at an increased risk for other life-threatening diseases too. Namely heart and cardiovascular diseases, it is in an individual's best interest to maintain a healthy weight for their body type and health in order to reduce the risks to their health. Medical support is available through your health care provider if needed. The Effects of Prolonged Hyperglycemia Even before you are diagnosed with diabetes, if you are obese, your blood sugars are most likely elevated. High blood sugar levels in a body over a prolonged period of time can have devastating affects on your body. You may not be showing symptoms of high blood sugars but your doctor will most likely do a routine blood test if you are obese to check for pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. People can go for years or even decades with undiagnosed pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Over this time, their blood glucose will be at above average range and this can due internal damage. Once you find out that you are pre diabetic it is wise to change your lifestyle and eating habits to prevent the onset of diabetes. For people who have already been diagnosed with diabetes, they can still experience damage from hyperglycemia if they are not controlling their diabetes effectively. Hyperglycemia that goes unchecked for a long period of time can cause kidney damage up to the point of kidney failure that will require dialysis or a transplant. It also causes nerve damage, particularly to feet and the lower legs. People suffering from hyperglycemia will heal slowly and will have intestinal problems including diarrhea and can have eye difficulties leading to eyesight problems. As soon as you find out that you are diabetic, test your blood glucose regularly to keep an eye on your levels. You will need to work closely with your health care team to bring your blood sugars under control. You can lessen the effects of prolonged hyperglycemia by keeping your diabetes under control. If you have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes but have been told you are pre-diabetic follow a healthy eating plan including plenty of physical activity to get healthier and keep your blood glucose levels in check. Support for Diabetics Struggling with Obesity Everyone needs a little help now and then and shouldn't be afraid to ask for it. A newly diagnosed diabetic may feel overwhelmed with the restrictions that they are faced with and not knowing how to plan meals. The support that is needed is from a dietician or nutritionist. Depending on your goals and weight a dietician can provide you with a meal plan that will meat the criteria of a healthy diabetic diet and help you lose weight. In the beginning, the concern with a diabetic diet is to make sure you are getting enough food so your blood sugar does not drop too low. You will also want to monitor your levels to look for any spikes in your readings too. A dietician can work with you on this. If you are eating the recommended diet plan and it is not working, you are feeling hungry afterwards or your blood sugar is too high -- call your dietician. He or she can work with you over the phone to make immediate changes and schedule an appointment to rework your plan. Your dietician can also make recommendations on substitutions for your favorite foods that you were afraid you could never eat again. They will educate you on portion sizes too. There really isn't too much that you can't have as a diabetic as long as you are planning your meals out, getting exercise and eating in moderation. Food guides change and your dietician or nutritionist will have the most up to date version. Try and follow it and combine foods as you have been taught by your support team. If you are unsure if something is allowable on your diabetic diet, call your dietician for advice and if you can't reach them leave a message and hold off until you hear back from them. Obesity and Pre-Diabetes You can be diagnosed with pre-diabetes before you actually get diabetes. In pre-diabetes you have higher than normal blood sugars but they are not at the level that they would need to be in order to be considered diabetic. If you are obese or severely overweight and pre-diabetic there are steps you can take to put off the actual diagnosis of diabetes or prevent it. The same test is used for pre-diabetes as it is for diabetes. Once you find out that you have pre-diabetes you can make a plan with your doctor to prevent the onset of the disease. By losing weight and either adding or increasing your level of physical activity you can delay diabetes for quite sometime. There have been people who have gone on to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise and have remained in the prediabetic phase for their lives. If you are not able to get down to your goal weight, just losing a small amount can be beneficial. It takes an additional strain off of your body by lessening the need of the amount of insulin that is produced. There are many other benefits that you will also get by reducing your body weight including increased energy and cardiovascular health. Most times, doctors do not test for diabetes unless there are risk factors present including age (over 45 years old). But if you are considered obese, your doctor will probably order the appropriate glucose test each year at your physical examination to check for prediabetes and diabetes. There are not always symptoms present when you have pre diabetes. But if you are experiencing any of the signs that could signal the full disease such as an increased thirst and need to urinate, make an appointment with your doctor for a check-up. Motivation to Lose Weight When you are diabetic you have probably read in many places and have heard from your doctor how beneficial it is for you to lose weight. But that doesn't make it any easier to do. It is difficult to do, but everyone is right; you will reap many benefits from losing weight including managing your diabetes and blood glucose levels. If you are already motivated to lose weight and just don't know where to begin, make an appointment with your doctor or diabetes educator. They can provide you with information on a healthy eating plan and approve the type of exercises you should begin with. Getting the okay from your doctor before starting any physical routine is a good idea so you do not over-do it at the beginning creating more harm than good. If you have tried to lose weight before and know that it is a hard road, you may find the motivation you need through a support group. Having a network to back you up when you are having a hard day or the commitment of meeting someone at the gym can get you through the rough patches ahead. As you reach certain milestones in your weight loss journey set reward points for yourself as motivation. You may decide to reward yourself when you lose 10 pounds or it might be going for a walk 5 times in one week -- whatever you need help with. Your reward can be anything that will make you work harder -- renting a movie, a new pair of shoes -- make it special. As you continue to lose weight and become more active keep a careful eye on your blood sugars and insulin requirements. You may find that you are requiring less insulin as you drop the pounds. Keep in contact with your doctor and update him on your progress. ![]() Metabolic Problems Linked with Obesity and Diabetes If you are considered obese, especially with an above average amount of abdominal fat and are insulin resistant, you may have what is known as metabolic syndrome. It is important to note that you can be insulin resistance and not actually have diabetes -- yet. If you are insulin resistant you may be what is termed pre-diabetes. If you are insulin resistant, your body is not using the insulin your pancreas is producing effectively. Your pancreas will continue to produce more and more insulin but your body will not use it and cannot derive the energy from the food you eat. This condition can be passed on from another member of the family but it is also caused by obesity and inactivity. As with diabetes, the risk factors for having metabolic problems -- metabolic syndrome -are quite similar. Age is a risk factor, the older you are the chances of having this are greater. Almost half of the people with metabolic syndrome are over the age of 60 but symptoms have been seen in children and adults in their 20's. Another risk factor for having this syndrome is race, people from a Hispanic or Asian backgrounds are at a higher risk than others. And as mentioned there is also the hereditary factory. Being obese with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of over 25 is a factor too. The difference with this factor from the others is that most people have an element of control over this. If they are able to lose weight and exercise they can reduce or eliminate this contributor towards metabolic syndrome. If you are diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, your doctor will run screening tests for diabetes. He or she will also recommend or put your on a program to lose weight through a healthy and balanced diet coupled with physical activity. Losing Weight and Controlling Blood Sugar If you are a diabetic and are overweight or considered clinically obese, you can improve your overall health and the management of your diabetes by losing weight. It may seem like an overwhelming goal if you have tried in the past to lose weight and have failed. But there are steps you can take and support you can utilize to help you reach your goals. The first step to losing weight is to set a short-term goal for yourself. You can do this on your own but can also get help from your doctor or a dietician. A good goal when starting to lose weight is to take a small percentage of your overall weight and aim to lose that much in your time frame. For instance, if you weigh 200 pounds aim to lose weight 5% of your body weight to begin (10 pounds). When you lose weight as a diabetic you are helping your body by lessening your insulin requirements. Weight loss will also assist you in keeping your blood sugar levels under control. Another method to lose weight is physical activity and exercise. Getting your body moving will increase your metabolism and that act will assist in losing weight too. Not only will increased metabolism aid in weight loss, it will also help in controlling blood glucose levels. Your body will be processing food more efficiently. Diet and exercise go hand-in-hand with weight loss. It also takes patience and time but as you begin the road to weight loss the benefits you will derive as a diabetic will begin right away. And as you reach your goal weight you will gain better control of your blood sugars. If you are having difficulty losing weight on your own, speak to your doctor about other options that are available to you such as medication or possibly surgery. Kidney Problems in Diabetics who are Obese Both diabetics and obesity are linked to kidney failure. There are many people who are both diabetic and obese and they have an increased risk of being diagnosed with serious kidney problems that lead to dialysis or the need for a transplant. Kidney failure and damage in a diabetic patient is known as diabetic nephropathy. The kidneys' job is to clean the blood but when the blood has excess sugar (glucose) present it causes damage to the kidneys. This damage can happen even before someone knows they are diabetic or if they are not diabetic bur are considered obese. High blood sugars that are present in the bodies of obese people and diabetics are a problem to these organs and other functions in body. There really aren't any symptoms for the early signs of kidney damage. You probably will not know that it is occurring unless your doctor performs a test to check for protein in your urine (done with a dip stick in the office). If the doctor finds the presence of protein it will be closely monitored depending on the amount of protein present. During the beginning stages of diabetic nephropathy the kidneys are still able to function and do their job of cleaning the blood. Action will need to be taken to get blood glucose levels under control to prevent further damage to the kidneys. If your kidneys fail you are at risk for high blood pressure and the build-up of toxins in your blood because the kidneys are not able to filter them out. The two options available at this point are dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis is a method to clean your blood using an external machine you are hooked up to that your blood is run through and then put back in your body High Blood Pressure in Obese Diabetics High blood pressure is a concern for anyone but people with diabetics are more likely to suffer from it than others. If you are obese and diabetic, a high blood pressure can be deadly leading to a fatal heart attack. Like many health risks associated with diabetes, good control of your blood sugars, a healthy diet and physical activity can help to keep your blood pressure in check. If you are suffering from a headache, your vision is blurry and you feel light headed or dizzy you may have high blood pressure. These symptoms are not just indicative of high blood pressure though and you should seek medical attention to determine the cause. Other times there may be no symptoms at all when you have high blood pressure or it may be slightly elevated. It is smart to have your blood pressure routinely checked at your doctor's appointments. When you are obese, the most effective way to reduce your blood pressure is to lose weight. Follow a meal plan that works for your diabetes, making sure you are consuming enough food, and can still allow you to lose weight. Other changes that you can make that will improve your blood pressure are: * An exercise routine that is followed on a regular basis * Reducing stress in your life -- mediation, yoga, letting go of some responsibilities * Quit smoking * Lessen the amount of salt you use for cooking or on your food While you are making lifestyle changes to lower your blood pressure your doctor may decide to put your on medication. If you have to take blood pressure medication it does not have to be forever. You can look at it as a short-term fix while you make the changes necessary to lower your blood pressure on your own. Exercise and Diabetes When you are a diabetic, exercise is will help control your blood sugar levels. But if you are overweight or obese and diabetic, exercise will also help you lose weight. As a diabetic, there are additional considerations and precautions that you need to take before you begin an exercise routine. And once you have begun, you always need to be aware of the risks involved. It is ideal to wait before your exercise if your blood glucose level is too low or high. You can do more damage than good if you do not. It is especially dangerous if your blood sugar is on the low side and you begin to exercise. The physical exertion can cause your blood sugar to drop even further which can become an emergency situation. As a precaution, if you are exercising at a gym make sure the staff are aware of your condition and have emergency instructions and numbers to call. If you walk or run on your own outside, keep identification on you that advises you are diabetic along with contact phone numbers, a snack, and instructions. For other tips on exercising with diabetes, you can follow the same guidelines that make sense for everyone else. Stretch before and after exercising, drink plenty of fluids, and don't push yourself too hard. It is a smart idea to check your blood sugars before and after exercising and if you are feeling light-headed during your work-out check it then too. As feet problems are common in diabetics, wear proper footwear and socks. If you notice any sores on your feet that are not going away on their own, see your doctor. If they are not healing they can lead to an infection and other related complications. Even though there are risks involved to exercising, the benefits make it worth it. Diabetes and Obesity can Cause Depression Many people suffer from depression at some point in their lives and people with diabetes are no exception. If you are obese and have type 2 diabetes you may blame yourself and your lifestyle on the disease you now have. It is hard to adjust to a new lifestyle. Feeling down or guilty about this is okay and even normal but if it turns into something more you need to seek professional help. It is normal to feel down about having diabetes in the beginning but once you learn more about the disease and how to control it you can also feel more in control of your life again. Take charge, if you are obese and want to improve your blood glucose levels you can. By eating a healthy diet and regular exercise you can lose weight and improve your blood sugars. If your feeling of being down or hopeless will not go away and is accompanied by any of the following as well you may be depressed. If this is the case, contact your doctor right away. Signs of depression: * You are no longer sleeping like you used to (more or less) * Not enjoying life or everyday activities like you used to * No energy to do things you want or have to do * You are eating more or less or have sudden weight gain or loss If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you seek help. Being obese and diabetic can be trying both mentally and physically. It is important to know that you can take action to make things better. Your diabetes may never go away but you can certainly keep it under control and live a full life. By losing weight, even a small amount, you can make a huge difference in your health and diabetes. Combining Food to Control Diabetes and Reduce Obesity As a diabetic who is trying to lose weight, it is not only important what you eat and how much but what you eat together too. Foods react differently together and for optimal performance and the best affect on your blood glucose level there are a few guidelines that should be followed. At each meal you should have a combination of carbohydrates and protein and you can have fat in moderation. The majority of the foods a diabetic will eat fall under the carbohydrate category, carbohydrates can be found in: * Fruits * Vegetables * Beans * Dairy Products * Bread * Grains To reduce blood sugars and lose weight, a diet where carbohydrates are counted and controlled is necessary. Depending on your weight and height your dietician will provide you with a number of carbohydrates that you can have at each meal. Some carbohydrates are better choices than others; choose fresh and whole wheat whenever possible. Choosing carbohydrates that are high in fiber can help to reduce your blood glucose levels and will keep you feeling full for longer. Higher fiber content allows you to eat more an item without suffering the consequences later on. At each meal, a small amount of protein will help counter-act the carbohydrate's affect of raising blood sugars. Protein will also sustain you longer and you will not be hungry as quickly if you did not have protein at one of your meals or for snack. Choose highquality protein that is not fried. Remove excess fat when it is possible such as chicken skin before eating. Following a healthy eating plan with the correct number of carbohydrates at each meal combine with a protein can help you lose weight and manage your diabetes. Make time for exercising in your week too and you are sure to lose weight and have more energy. Childhood Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes When a child is diagnosed with diabetes it is commonly referred to as juvenile diabetes or type 1 diabetes. This type of diabetes is not related to a child's lifestyle, it is an autoimmune disease that results in the need for insulin injections for food to be turned into energy properly. In recent years there have been an increased number of children that have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This is an alarming trend and one that can be mitigated because the link between children and type 2 diabetes is childhood obesity. As it is fairly new that children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes there isn't a lot of information or studies on it presently. But what is known is that parents need to take action immediately. Once a child has been diagnosed at an older age there isn't much that can be done except to manage the disease. But if a younger child is obese and makes healthy lifestyle changes that result in weight loss there is a chance that type 2 diabetes can be avoided. Some of the early warning signs that your child may have diabetes include: * A sudden increase in thirst that appears to never be satiated * An increased need to urinate * Dark patches on the skin -- usually found in the folds of the skin, around the neck or around the eyes As there are many other diseases and complications that can arise if your child is obese it is best to seek medical help for your child. Between you and your health care professional, a plan can be made and put into place that will start your child on the road to a healthier weight and more active lifestyle. Your child may be resistant at first but by involving them in the process and persistence the changes can be made. A Healthy BMI for Diabetics Body Mass Index (BMI) is a calculation that is based on your height and weight to determine if you are underweight, an ideal weight, overweight, or obese. The test is an indication of the total body fat that you are carrying around. The number ranges are fairly accurate but there are some circumstances when the calculations may not be 100% true. As these results are purely based on numbers, you should take the number you are given and discuss other contributing factors with your doctor (such as muscle weight or body type considerations). A BMI of 30 or over is considered obese. The higher end of the scale for overweight people (25 -- 29.9) and people that fall into the obese category are at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Other danger indicators are waist circumferences. If you are a man and your waist measures 40 inches or more and if you are a woman and your waist measures 35 inches or more, there is an increased abdominal fat risk factor for diabetes and other diseases. Maintaining a healthy BMI is all about being at a weight that is right for your height and body type. Both of these goals will bring many more benefits than just better controlled blood glucose levels. You will also have increased energy, can reduce the amount of insulin you are on, and give yourself a longer life expectancy. Reduce your total body fat to bring your BMI into a healthy range (18.5-24.9). Consult your doctor and get advice on how to meet your goals. And if you are just starting an exercise routine, get the okay from your doctor first. You do not want to overtax yourself at the beginning and your doctor may have some restrictions for you to ensure you do not suffer from injury or hypoglycemia. A DNA Link between Diabetes and Obesity There is no known reason for what causes diabetes. There are certainly risk factors that make the likelihood of you being diagnosed with the disease higher. One of the only risk factors that you have control over is your weight. If you are obese, the single best thing you can do for your health and the prevention of diabetes is to lose weight. Even in small increments, when you shed pounds you are increasing your health benefits. These may be easier said than done. There are new studies that are now showing that there is a genetic factor or mutation for people who are obese and have diabetes. This genetic malfunction affects how the bodies use energy and insulin -- two key elements in the functioning of your body and the cause of diabetes and obesity. The studies also state that this is not a cause and effect case. If you carry this defective gene you are not guaranteed to be obese or have diabetes. But the link is there and it can be prevented. You may have to work harder at it than others to maintain a healthy body weight and put off diabetes but it can be done. Discuss with your doctor options and ways to prevent or put-off the onset of diabetes. The gene that researchers have discovered as a precursor to diabetes has been found in young children. It is scary to know that children in their preschool years are being diagnosed with obesity and type 2 diabetes due to genetics. But parents can reduce or prevent these things from happening by giving their children healthy lifestyle choices. Now that a DNA link has been found, the research can focus on finding a way to fix or prevent this from happening at some point in the future. ![]() ![]()