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Help for Colic

Hearing a baby cry is part of life. This is because the infant cannot talk yet
to say what he or she wants so the parents have to do whatever it takes to make
it stop. Should this occur longer than usual, some will overreact and think
there is something wrong with the child.

Some will even drive the newborn to the hospital only to find out that this is
normal. Doctors will explain that this is just an indication that the baby is

The colic phase occurs during the first three weeks until the third or fourth
of age. This may seem like a long time but this too shall pass gradually.

There are various causes why this happens but the only thing that the parents
should focus on is how to make it stop.

Parents should be well aware that this may happen at anytime. It can happen
early in the morning, in the afternoon when the baby should be napping or late
at night. This is because the biological clock of a newborn is very different
than an adult.

Those who are raising the infant will wake up and won't even get the usual
amount of sleep. This will leave the couple feeling even if there is a shifting

When the baby cries, ignoring it won't make it stop. Someone has to get up and
see what is wrong. The baby's diapers may need to be changed or it has to be
fed. If this is not the problem, maybe holding the infant in one's arms and
singing a lullaby can work.

One thing that parents should not forget to do after breastfeeding is making
the child burp. This is known to be one of the causes of colic.

The standard checks do not change during the daytime. Sometimes, the baby needs
a new atmosphere so bringing it out can work. The parents can use a carriage
then just relax in the park or go for a drive in the car.

A warm bath can also help the colic baby stop crying. This is because the same
thing works for adults who need an outlet to let the stress out. The
temperature of the water should be checked before putting the newborn in since
it could be too hot for the skin.

The use of accessories can also help remedy the colic baby. Toys can be hung
around the crib while a CD can be played in the background. These things don't
cost that much and are effective in letting the baby get the much needed rest.

Aside from the accessories and the tender loving care given by the parents, the
mother can also help the colic child by watching the food intake.

Some foods are known to produce gas and this is passed on to the baby in the
form of milk during breastfeeding. This can be prevented by knowing which
products should not be eaten. If this doesn't work, this is the only time that
Simethicone drops should be given.

Raising a baby will have its highs and lows. The colic phase is just the first
of many challenges that the parents will experience. Hiring a babysitter to
assist during this time can help but nothing compares to the loving care of
both the father and the mother.

Distinguishing the signs of colic

Crying is the primal means of an infant to express him or herself. This is why
it experts say that it is only a common occurrence if a baby cries often
everyday. However, if an infant shows sudden irritability, excessive crying for
more than 3 hours a day, and suffer from noticeable discomfort, then this could
be a sign colic.

Indeed, one of the difficult phases of parenting is dealing with the infant
when he or she shows signs of colic -- a severe abdominal pain caused by spasm,
obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera such as the intestines.
Known as a common problem from the first three weeks up to first three months
of a child' s life, colic is becoming one of the foremost concerns of more and
more parents because they also experience and discomfort when their baby starts
crying endlessly.

Usually evident from the first 3 weeks of an infant's life, colic consists of
recurrent spasm and abdominal pain. This period of pain usually lasts from
three hours up to 12 to 15 hours daily depending on the severity of the case.

When a baby suffers from colic, he or she becomes hypertonic and can show
alternating body postures that involve contractions, sudden stretching,
spastically stiffening while he or she turns red. When these signs occur,
parents should start observing their babies intently because it might be a
simple colic or can be signs of a more serious digestive problem.

Until now, doctors and people in the medical world have yet to discover the
causes of colic in infants. Although, there have been various studies that
indicate the possible causes of the condition that affects 20 percent of babies
in the world. Researchers say that colic can originate in a baby's intestines
since he or she has sensitive and developing digestive and nervous system.

Others say that colic can be a result of some environmental factors like
certain milk formulas and cow's milk for certain infants.


One of the most common signs of colic in infants is excessive crying with no
apparent reason. Statistics show that 1 in every 10 babies experience colic
because it is an apparent abdominal pain experienced in early infancy. Usually,
colic attacks are evident before, during and after each meal. The cry usually
starts out and can continue for 3 hours and more. Aside from loud and excessive
crying, periods of irritability, and body contractions are also apparent signs
of colic. Other signs of colic include:

Vigorous and excessive for long periods of time despite extreme efforts of

Onset crying that starts around the same time everyday or night and can be
ending or never-ending

- Suffers from gas discomfort 
- Slight bloating of the abdomen 
- Has a hard and bloated stomach 
- Unlikely and patterned body contortions like pulling of knees to the chest 
- Hard-clenched fists 
- Flailing arms and legs 
- Arched back 
- Frequent sleeplessness 
- Chronic irritability 
- Unreasonable fussiness 
- Reddening face due to ling periods of crying 
- Excessive belching or spitting up after feeding 
- Passing gas 
- Experience difficulty in passing stools

This list includes only the usual signs of colic. It is best if you visit a
doctor once you see these symptoms in your baby so you can be sure that he or
she is not experiencing more serious illness as early as now.

What is right colic flexure?

Time and again, people are always overwhelmed by terms they don't know but are
quite important for them to fully understand. Most of these terms stem from
medical and scientific fields that seem complicated but in reality, they are
just simple things that you need to familiarize yourself with so you will gain
enough information once an emergency situation arises.

Today, more and more people are becoming interested in discovering and
rediscovering terms so they can supply themselves wit knowledge. Aside from
scientific terms and jargons, one of the fields where people become interested
in discovering terms and jargons is in the field and branches of medicine.
These people find exposing themselves to medical terms because they might
benefit from it in the future.


One of the terms that people are not familiar with but is quite simple is
hepatic flexure or the "right colic flexure." Also known as "flexura hepatis,"
right colic flexure is part of a person's body that refers to bend of the colon
at the juncture of its ascending and transverse portions. Also known as "hepatic
flexure," right colic flexure refers to the junction of the ascending and
transverse part of the large bowel that is situated anterior to the lower part
of the right kidney and inferior to the right lobe of the liver.

In a person's body, there in lies two flexures associated that are associated
with the colon: the right colic flexure or hepatic flexure or left colic
flexure or splenic flexure. The right colic flexure is basically the place in a
person's colon where the ascending colon turns to become the transverse colon.
In usual graphical presentations, right colic flexure is placed adjacent to the
liver and is visible but not labeled because this is considered as a minor part
that is not likely to affect in the overall function of each body part while
the left colic flexure is placed near the spleen.

Being a bend in the colon, knowledge about right colic flexure should be given
more attention because serious illnesses can root from it. Some of these
diseases and possible illnesses may include hepatitis inflammation of the
hepatic flexure, hepatocellular diseases, hepatojugular reflux (HJR),
hepatolenticular degeneration, hepatoma, hepatomegaly, hepatosplenomegaly,
herniorrhaphy and the like.

Among the so many complications that can be associated with the right colic
flexure, gallbladder denocarcinoma extending to liver cancer. The process in
curing this illness may include what they call kidney knfiltration with PMN and
plasma. This process includes the transverse colon extending from the splenic
flexure to the hepatic flexure. Using endoscope in the transverse colon, the
process tries to negotiate with the hepatic flexure so it may loop up into the
area of a person's diaphragm. From here, the licenses physician will have to
pull may the endoscope back so it can reduce the loop.

Another disease that can be associated with right colic flexure is called the
perforated colon cancer. This kind of cancer of the hepatic flexure is
perforated and produces bacterial peritonitis with abundant bile as well. Aside
from the right colic flexure, other areas affected may include the caecum, the
ascending colon, the transverse colon, and the left colic flexure.

For those people who know somebody that suffer from complications of right
colic flexure, extensive research is a must. Aside from in-depth research, he
or she should also encourage the patient to attend regular visits to the doctor
and follow specific instructions in curing the illness.

What You Need To Know About Renal Colic

Renal colic is a type of pain that can be commonly caused by developing kidney
stones. The pain usually starts around the kidney area or somewhere below it
and can radiate through the flank until the pain reaches the bladder. The pain
can be colicky in nature which means that it can come in irregular waves or
intervals as opposed to being a steady continuous pain feeling.

Renal colic may come in two types: dull and acute. The acute type of renal
colic is particularly the most unpleasant and has been described by sufferers
as one of the strongest pain sensations felt. The pain may also depend on the
type and size of the kidney stone or stones that move through the urinal tract.
Depending on the situation, the pain may at times be stronger in the renal or
bladder area or it can be equally strong in both. Larger stones may require
medical intervention for their removal in order to get rid of the pain
associated with it.

Renal colic also shows some particular signs and symptoms that can help alert
the individual as well as the doctor. These symptoms usually refer to the
different types symptoms experienced by patients as studied. Some may or may
not be experienced by the patient and all of the symptoms may not even be
evident which depend on the current condition of the patient.

Some patients of renal colic may experience severe urinary pain. They may also
have difficulty passing urine due to the kidney stones blocking the path.
Patients may also fell waves of pain coming from the back and radiating to the
abdomen, genitals and thighs. Pain in the small of the back can also be
experienced. Renal colic may also be associated with symptoms such as nausea
and vomiting.

Renal colic patients may also show signs of having a swollen abdomen that may
be causing the intense pain being felt. Other renal colic symptoms that have
been observed by doctors include fever and chills. Serious symptoms of renal
colic may also include blood being found in the urine which may show that the
kidney stones may already have wounded parts of the urinary tract.

In most cases, renal colic may go away on its own. Most of the small stones in
the kidney or bladder easily pass spontaneously through the urinary tract and
may be discharged naturally. In such cases, only pain management for renal
colic is required. In order to relieve this type of pain, a strong
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, also commonly known as NSAID can be used.
NSAID's are known to provide better pain relief than most opiate-based

There are also other ways of dealing with the pain associated with renal colic.
Trying to lie down on the non-aching side of the body and applying a hot water
bottle or towel into the area affected by the pain may greatly help ease some
of the pain. If the pain caused by renal colic is not that intense, frequent
walking may help result in a more speedy release of the stones.

But if the kidney stones have become too large to effectively pass through
naturally, surgery to remove them may be required. If not, patients may
continue to feel the recurring pain which may not be relieved effectively by
other measures.

Colic in Newborns

After nearly nine months of staying in the mother's womb, an infant is finally
brought out into the world. It is here that the job of both parents becomes
challenging, as a baby will cry for more than three hours daily making it
impossible to get the much-needed rest.

Doctors refer to the long excessive crying of a newborn as Colic. Until now,
research is unable to pinpoint why this happens. There are various theories
that explain this.

The first is when the baby ingests air during breastfeeding. Another claims
that the infant is drinking too fast which leads to gastrointestinal pain. It
is also possible that the food being eaten by the mother is the cause while
some claim that the baby's newborn's immune system is not yet able to adapt to
life outside the womb.

Regardless of what caused it, doctors believe that this is very common among
newborn children. This means there is nothing to worry about since this will
gradually disappear in the next few months.

Parents should take it as the first step in nurturing and caring for a child.
Some believe that if this did not happen, the period of adjustment will be more

There is single solution to take care of a colic baby. Sometimes, this idea
will work while at times it doesn't. Here are some of the things that parents
can try to find out if it works on the child.

1. If the newborn is in the crib, perhaps getting it out and holding or rocking
it in one's arms can do the trick. Sometimes singing a song is effective, as the
baby will once again fall asleep.

2. Making the baby burp after breastfeeding can also prevent the infant from
waking up.

3. The baby may be hungry so it is time to breastfeed. If the infant is full
and the arms are sore from carry, maybe going for a ride in the car or in the
carriage can make it go away.

4. The baby's sensitivity to noise can make it wake up again and cry. This can
be prevented by not making too sounds. Playing a CD of classical music can help
make the infant get enough rest.

5. Giving the newborn a warm bath can also help it stop crying. The parent
should make sure it is not too hot because this could be too much for the
infant's skin.

6. It is never too late to give the newborn a pacifier. This will make the baby
think that it is still sucking onto the mother's breast when it is feeding time.

7. Since Colic is associated with gas pains, the parents can also try using
Simethicone drops, which has been proven to be effective for making the newborn
stop crying.

8. Lastly, the mother should make some changes in the diet. This is because the
food being consumed may produce gas, which is converted to milk and passes to
the child.

Colic is nothing serious because it is not even classified as a disease or a
disorder. It is part of the growing phase of becoming a parent until the
newborn is able to stand and even speak for itself. This is just one of the
many challenges that anyone will face should the couple decide to have a family.

Natural Remedies for Colic

Colic is a normal phase in the life of a baby during the first few weeks until
the third or fourth month. Doctors believe that the excessive crying makes
parents more aware of the responsibility of raising a child.

There is no miracle drug that can help treat colic babies. Parents will just
have to face it until the child is able to adapt to the new environment and use
some natural remedies along the way.

One of the simplest ones parents can use is music. This is probably the reason
why lullabies were invented and those who don't have a singing voice can get
the same thing on compact disc. This should be placed whenever the infant is in
the crib, which can help it, sleep comfortably.

Another natural remedy is the diet that the mother is having. Certain foods
produce gas and when this is converted to milk, it is like passing on the same
thing to the child. A dietitian can make a plan so this will not happen.

If the mother is no longer breastfeeding and is relying on milk concentrates,
perhaps switching to soymilk instead of the regular kind can help the colic

Some parents think that the infant can survive on breast milk alone in the
first few months. Babies also need water and this should be checked before
giving it to the child. A good way to do this will be to read the ingredients
on the side of the product label.

When a colic baby is crying, parents will normally carry the child. This works
but since motion comforts most infants. If the mother is having a hard time
carrying the baby, another way to do this will be to go out of the house.

The woman can put the baby in a carriage or strap it to the car seat so both
mother and child can spend quality time in the park or for a joyride.

Babies at a young age also get stressed out. Giving the infant a massage, a
warm bath or using aromatherapy can help comfort the infant. The individual can
also use a hot bag and put this on the belly and making sure that the water is
not too hot.

Babies are colic because of the new environment. No one can blame the infant
especially when the home has been the mother's womb for the first nine months.
In order for the baby to slowly adjust, parents can try swaddling or holding
the infant close to the chest. This will make the baby reminisce how it was
like before.

The various natural remedies are effective. This may not work all the time so
the parents should try something different or a variation when things have not

There are of course medications available that can treat colic babies. Parents
should consult with the doctor first which one will do the trick before
administering it to the infant.

Parents should not panic if the child is classified as colic. This is because
it is not a disorder and this is a good indication that the baby is normal.
Both the mother and father should be ready for some hard days ahead since there
will be a lot of sleepless nights making one feel very exhausted.

What you need to know about left colic flexure

Because of its complex organization, more and more people have always been
fascinated with the human body. This fascination is the primary reason why
people immerse themselves to study more on the concept of human body, its parts
and its seemingly endless mysteries and potentials.

One of the fields where people conduct extensive research is anatomy of human
body to be used for medical purposes. Over the years, thousands and even
millions of research, experiments, and studies have been conducted in the hope
of discovering new illnesses and causes of various diseases in order to provide
solutions to these medical problems.


Many people do not know that there are several parts of the body that can be
possible causes of other illnesses. One of which is the left colic flexure.
Defined as the bend at the junction of the transverse and descending colon,
left colic flexure is also known as "splenic flexure."

Experts say that there are basically two colic flexures in the transverse
colon: the right colic flexure -- the one that is adjacent to the liver -- and
the left colic flexure -- the one that is near the human spleen. The latter,
also called as "flexura lienalis," refers to the junction of the transverse and
descending part of a person's colon and is located anterior to the left kidney
and inferior to the spleen.

Located at the large intestine, the left colic flexure is a minor detail but
can be quite complicated once it is not given proper attention.

Today, more and more health professionals pay attention to the large intestine
because it can be a venue where many other diseases develop. The large
intestine -- which extends from the ileocecal junction to the person's anus --
is usually 1.5m long. Medical experts say that one can identify the large
intestine by bands of longitudinal muscle fibers known as "taeniae coli," that
about 5mm wide on the surface.

Basically, there are three visible bands at the start of the appendix's base
and extend from the cecum down to the rectum. Along its sides, tags of
peritoneum filled with fat known, as "epiploic appendages" are present as well
as the sacculations known, as "haustra." These basic characteristics are just
some of the features that set the large intestine apart from the rest of the
person's intestinal tract.

Basically, the large intestine is consists of the cecum, ascending colon,
transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal, and
anus. The most functional -- if not the most important part of the large
intestine -- is the cecum. The cecum, which is said to be about 6cm long and is
a blind cul-de-sac, lies in the right iliac fossa of a person.

This is basically the part of the colon situated below the opening of the ileum
into the colon. One can find it right behind the abdominal wall and greater
omentum. Here, there is frequent peritoneal recess are present. If there were,
retrocecal recess appears behind the cecum, hiding the appendix.

When looked upon closely, one will find that the vermiform appendix that opens
into the cecum about 2cm below the ileocecal opening hangs off. Once the cecum
is open, once can already identify and locate the opening of the ileum into the
cecum. This said opening is usually surrounded by thickened muscle that forms
the iliocolic valve.

Although the left colic flexure or the splenic flexure does not play the same
role as the cecum, it is a crucial part of the digestive system that needs to
be paid attention if needed.

The Truth about Colics

Colic is so common among infants that most people are not surprise anymore when
it happens. Still, for the first time mom it can be a harrowing and panicking
experience especially with her normally quiet angel screaming non-stop in the
background. It is usually manifested at about two to three weeks of age. It
becomes more prominent during the first two months and subsides at three months
old. Colic altogether stops at about three-and-a-half to four months of age.

Colic is actually not so dangerous. It might seem so though from the way babies
would cry and scream at the top of their lungs. In fact, it can be so common
that parents may experience an episode on a daily basis; and after the first
episode, parents usually learn to handle succeeding ones with aplomb. Still,
physicians and scientists cannot pinpoint up until now just what exactly causes
colic. It just happens.

Colic, to those who are not familiar with the problem, is a stomach ache that
occurs after eating. Because of the continuous pain, babies cry for hours and
hours until the colic is relieved. Crying can last for about one to four hours,
depending on the severity of the pain. Babies' cheeks will also become red from
the exertion and perhaps the pain.

When there is colic, the belly of the baby may become distended or may become
enlarged. One leg will be bent while the other will extended straight out. The
feet will become cold and the hands clenched tight because of the pain. This is
actually a common reaction for people whose stomachs pain them.

Often, it will occur late in the afternoon or early in the evening after every
meal. It can however also happen any time of the day. Not all babies suffer
from colic and some even suffer less frequent than others. Medical experts
believe that genetics play a role. It seems that if one or both parents have
suffered from colic when they were babies, their offspring will also experience
colic episodes.

Still, there are factors that will exacerbate a colic condition in babies.
Below are some of them. Read on so that you can avoid these factors and prevent
your baby from further suffering.

1. Overfeeding can only worsen the situations when you have a colicky baby in
your arms. Make sure that your baby is suffering from hunger and not colic
before you feed him again.

2. There are certain foods that will worsen the colic. Those with high sugar
content, those with undiluted juice will only increase the gas in the stomach
and thus, exacerbate the condition.

3. Intestinal allergy may also cause colic so it is important for moms to know
just what makes their babies allergic. It may be from something that they have
directly eaten or something that you passed on through the milk in your breasts.

4. Intense feelings can also affect colic. Emotions such as anger, fear,
anxiety and excitement should be avoided as this will only worsen the pain for
the baby.

The best way to help your baby is to first not panic and then to read up as
much as possible even before an episode occurs. Nonstop crying can be a result
of a host of other things so it is important that you also keep your eyes open
so that you will know what exactly ails your baby. Keep in mind that there is
no known cause; so there is also no known cure for it except to make the
experience as comfortable and less painful as possible.

Knowing how to treat colic

If your baby is onto a different level of crying or showing signs of chronic
irritability, then the infant might probably be suffering from a severe
abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow
viscera -- such as the intestines -- called "colic."

Known to occur at the early stages of infancy, colic is characterized in
varying levels of severity. Since this is caused by gas trapped within the
intestines or spasms of new intestines, most babies experience extreme
discomfort and can even develop serious digestive problems if not paid proper


Colic refers to the extreme end of normal crying behavior of babies with ages 3
weeks up to 3 months or from 6 to 8 weeks of age. Experts say that the amount of
the baby's crying can be at varying levels and can be generally diagnosed as
colic when a baby but cries extremely and excessively for more than 3 hours a
day, more than 3 days a week, of for more than 3 weeks.

Research shows that colic generally results from a combination of an infant's
sensitive temperament, environment, and immature nervous system. These factors
can easily make a baby cry and can be difficult to stop once the period
started. Experts say that colic is Norman and is not usually related to serious
health conditions like digestion problems. It can only lead to this if the baby
develops intolerance to cow's milk protein, fructose, and transmission of
medication by-products during breastfeeding.

Colic can be characterized in newborn babies if they show abnormally irritable
attitude or cries for no apparent reason. Aside from crying vigorously for long
periods despite your consoling efforts, colic can also be distinguished when the
baby shows signs of gas discomfort or abdominal bloating, has a hard and swollen
stomach, knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs, an
arched back, and experiences frequent sleeplessness, irritability and fussiness.

Usual symptoms of colic include extreme discomfort in a baby's tummy due to
unreleased abdominal gas, but serious symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, fever,
or blood or mucus in the stool are not. If you notice these symptoms, he or she
might be suffering from a more serious digestive problem that needs immediate
medical attention.


When a baby starts to suffer from colic, he or she can be very difficult to
console. For parents, especially to those first timers, colic can leave a
feeling of guilt, frustration, exhaustion, confusion, and inadequacy because of
the periods of distress brings to both of you. If you're baby experiences colic
and you would want to treat it, there are several options available for you.
But make sure that that you visit your pediatrician or doctor first before
giving your child any treatment options such as medication, remedy, or

Since colic is common to babies, experts say that several measures can be done
at hospital or even at home. Colic treatment at home may include the use of a
pacifier, gently rocking the infant using a rocking chair or lap, massaging the
infant's abdomen or back, ensuring a quiet and non-stimulating environment when
colic period begins, changing the baby's diet and feeding techniques especially
in breastfeeding and playing relaxing music.

If you want to seek medical treatment, make sure that you visit your doctor
first to get prescription. Medical treatments may include simethicone drops
like Maalox, Gas-X, Mylanta, and Phazyme to relieve gas, trying alternative to
milk-based formulas like whey-based formulas, soy-based formulas, and
hypoallergenic formulas.

Colic in babies is actually not as serious as most think. Moms and dads who are
not as experienced may not agree. The crying bouts that your baby will let you
suffer from will make anyone think that it is a life and death situation. It is
not; but this does not mean that you will not do anything to alleviate the

Colic is characterized by a pain in the abdomen and the stomach. Until now,
medical experts and physicians are still trying to pinpoint just what causes
the colic. They still can't find the answer. Some believe that this is because
of allergy while others think it is inborn. And because there is no specific
cause, there is also no specific cure for the episode. Something that parents
find unfortunate as colic episodes is not exactly a walk in the park.

Babies, when suffering from colic, will suddenly go into shouting matches that
can destroy your eardrum. What is worse is that these crying and shouting
episodes can last from one hour to as long as five hours, even the whole day,
depending on the severity of the colic and the way parents handle the situation.

They will also become fussy and restless. Some parents tend to panic especially
when this is the first time that they have seen their kids cry so loud and for
so long. At one glance, they seem so inconsolable.

Colic happens to babies as young as three weeks old. This is the onset of the
colic. For babies who are premature, colic can start at the sixth to eighth
week after the supposed to be due-date. Episodes will peak at the second month
and will begin to wane at the third month. Often, colic episodes will cease by
the end of the fourth month.

The reason why is still a mystery for scientists, who do not even know what
starts the problem in the first place. There is really no exact profile on who
can get colicky. It can happen to any baby, whether they are healthy or not.
Some experts believe that people colic in infants can actually be genetic as
parents who have had colic when they were babies will most likely produce an
offspring who will also be afflicted with colic.

One of the most obvious signs of colic in babies is the crying episodes that
will begin to become frequent and recurring. If the episodes happen at specific
time or period of the day, usually after eating, colic may be the problem. Colic
episodes can last for a few minutes to an hour and can happen many times a day.
Crying will also start without any real reason unlike when they are hurt or

Parents should also observe the moment when they stop crying or when the crying
episode cease. Often, crying will stop when they have passed gas or moved their
bowels. Another symptom in babies is their apparent restlessness. Because their
stomach pains them, they will most likely draw their legs onto their stomachs
and abdomens with their hands clenched. When you touch their abdominal muscles,
they will be tense and hard. Babies also trash around and will appear to be in
constant pain.

Babies suffering from colic will also have red cheeks, because of the exertion
in crying and in keeping the pain in check.

Remedy for Colic

Research shows that more than 20% of babies will develop Colic. This is not a
disease or a disorder but parents will have to deal with the endless hours of
crying until the newborn is four months of age.

Is there really a permanent solution for Colic? The answer is no. The best
thing that a parent can do is remedy the situation until this will gradually go
away as the infant gets older.

Here are some of those remedies.

1. Infants are used to having something in the mouth due to breastfeeding.
Since the mother's breasts cannot be there every time, using a pacifier can
help the baby stay calm thus preventing excessive crying.

2. Watching the baby cry does not do anything. The parent must remedy the colic
baby by taking it out of the crib and swaying it from side to side. Sometimes
the sense of touch can do wonders making the infant know that he or she is
safe. It will also be a good idea to sin g a lullaby that has been known to
help the child drift again to sleep.

3. Another way to remedy a colic child will be to use a CD that plays light
music. Studies have shown this works similar to how the mother sings a lullaby
to the child.

4. The baby will get heavier as it gets older. Instead of carrying it in the
arms, another remedy will by putting the infant in the carriage and going for a
stroll. Some parents have taken the child for a ride in the car, which also
helps calm the newborn.

5. Giving the baby a warm bath can also help. Since this can't be done every
time, the parent can put a warm bag on the belly or try massaging lotion
instead. It will be a good idea to cover the pack with a towel since the
temperature could be too much for the infant.

6. The type of food being eaten by the mother may also cause the child to be
colic. Consulting with a dietitian help prevent this from happening as foods
that produce gas are replaced with healthier ones.

If the situation does not change, this is the time that medication such as
Simethicone drops should be used.

7. Some mothers stop breastfeeding after the 2nd month and change this with cow
milk formula. Some babies are colic because of the formula so one way to remedy
it will be to change this with a soy based formula.

8. Air is the root cause of some children being colic especially when the
infant is now drinking from a bottle. The parent should check the hole of the
nipple since a big hole makes the baby drink more than usual. If this happens,
it will be a good idea to buy a new set of nipples.

A colic baby believe it or not is a healthy one. This is because the behavior
it shows makes people aware of its existence and needs.

There will be times that the parents will get up late at night or early in the
morning to address this but this can be remedied. Before one knows it, the
excessive crying will not happen anymore as the infant has adjusted to the new

What is Baby Colic?

Baby colic is a condition where a baby cries or screams frequently and for
extended periods without any apparent reason at all. The condition usually
appears within the first few months of the baby's life and will almost always
immediately disappear as quickly as it had arrived at around the time the baby
nears its eight months of existence in the outside world. Baby colic is more
common in bottle-fed babies, but may also occur in breast-fed infants. The
crying frequently happens during a specific time of the day which is often in
the early evening.

Since the cause of infant colic has not yet been fully established as well as
the amount of crying differs between babies, there is no general agreement on
the definition of infant colic. But parents should bear in mind that it is just
a condition that can pass away in time and not a disorder that may need
immediate treatment. The only way to distinguish if the baby is colicky is by
ruling out other causes of the crying. An accepted of thumb is if the baby
cries intensely more than three days a week, for more than three hours on every
bouts of crying, and for more than three weeks every month.

Although the actual cause of infant colic is not known as of the present,
medical professionals have made some observations as to why the condition might
be experienced by newborn infants. When born, babies may still have an immature
digestive system that has never started on processing food.

The gastrointestinal system is literally just starting to learn its function.
Digestive muscles may have not yet developed the proper rhythm for moving food
efficiently through the digestive tract. This might cause frequent and
uncomfortable stomach upsets in infants and might be able to explain why there
is such a condition as infant colic and why almost all infants outgrow colic
within the first six or seven months of life.

Another explanation for infant colic may involve the mother. There4 may be
certain foods eaten by lactating mothers that may contain unsafe chemicals and
allergens that can result in colic discomfort and digestive upset in babies.

Through lactation, trace elements of cruciferous vegetables and other gas
producing foods may be passed on to the baby through the mother's breast milk
and cause gas and bloating in the infant. Babies often swallow air while
feeding or during crying, which might further increase gas and bloating and
further adding some discomfort to the baby.

There is currently no generally-accepted medical treatment for infant colic.
Medical professionals may take different approaches in trying to treat the
condition. Many doctors believe that infant colic is currently untreatable, and
is best left to normally run its course. What mothers can do is try to make the
baby comfortable. Soothing measures, such as the use of pacifiers and gentle
rocking can be effective in calming the baby during crying periods.

Some parents can take turns holding the baby upright which also seems to lessen
the pain and crying of the infant. Certain homeopathic remedies can also be
utilized as an excellent option for treating infant colic symptoms. Homeopathic
treatment is considered safe and completely allergen-free with no known side
effects. It will be up to the parent to consider such an alternative as long as
they find it very effective in handling the colic symptoms.

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Colic

When a newborn baby comes out of the womb, doctors encourage mothers to
breastfeed the infant. This is because the milk that comes out has nutrients in
the right concentrations. It also has antibodies, which becomes the first line
of defense against harmful bacteria and viruses.

Studies show that a mother can continue to breastfeed the child until it
reaches 4 years of age. But because the teeth have already been developed, many
decide to use a pump or change this for artificial milk.

One of the first challenges parents will face in the first six months is a
condition where the baby becomes colic. This is when the infant will cry for no
reason at all that will take months to subside.

Some doctors believe that the reason why a baby will behave in this manner is
due to the milk that is fed from the mother's breast.

There are two theories that explain this. The first is because babies who suck
milk also take in a certain amount of air. Mother's are encourage to let the
infant burp before going to sleep so he or she won't wake up later on.

The second is from the types of food that the mother eats. Gaseous foods, which
are digested, are passed on to the infant in the form of milk causing the colic
to happen.

Until now, there is insufficient proof to prove there is a relationship between
breastfeeding and colic. Believe it or not, this happens more often to
bottle-fed rather than breast fed infants. This means the mother should just
watch out the food being eaten so this condition does not happen.

Those who are unable to do it can ask help from a dietitian so certain dishes
can be substituted for something else.

Watching the food and making sure the infant burps are just two ways to handle
a colic baby. The mother can also carry the child onto the shoulders or in a
swaying motion. Some even sing a lullaby making the infant go back to sleep.

The parents can also put a CD player near the crib that will play nursery
rhymes. This will serve as background so the baby will not wake up from the
sounds coming from outside the room or the house.

During the daytime, a colic baby can also be remedied with a warm bath or a
massage. This is because adults who are stressed sometimes use this to release
the tension in the muscles, which makes this also work for the child.

If the infant has grown some teeth already, perhaps giving a pacifier can help.
Some babies' cry when he or she is not sucking onto something and this device
can work as a substitute for the mother's breast.

There is nothing wrong if the doctor classifies the baby as a colic. In fact,
this is a blessing in disguise because this means that the little boy or girl
is normal. The excessive crying or shouting are ways for the infant to ask for
that will serve as a wake up call for first time parents.

The parents should just persevere through this phase. After all, colic babies
are hereditary which means the same thing happened to the mother and father
many years ago.

Colic relief in babies

Colic is one of the most common problems in babies during the first few months.
The problem is so common that parents already know how to deal with it even
before it occurs. Ways in dealing with colic have been passed on for
generations through of mouth or through baby books and digests.

Colic is a problem that everybody seem to know but few can understand. In fact,
up until now, scientists and medical experts still do not know what causes
colic. All they seem to know is that it is characterized by a pain in the
stomach and abdominal area; but where this problem roots from: well that's
something that they are still trying to determine.

Many believe that colic is genetic. This means that parents who suffered from
colic when they were babies will also produce babies who will also have colic.
Some put the blame on allergens that babies get from their food or from the
breast milk that their mommies give them. Others think that colic is just gas
that gets stuck inside the still developing systems of the baby. Colic begins
as early as three weeks of age. For premature babies, onset will be a little
later because their bodies have not yet developed. Colic episodes will peak at
around second month of age and will begin to decline on the third month. Often,
episodes will cease during the fourth month of the baby.

Colic symptoms are so obvious that it is impossible for parents miss them. In
fact, some sings are so "in-your-face" that parents sometimes tend to panic
because of fear that something more major is happening. Colic is actually not a
serious problem in babies. Unlike in horses when it is considered to be an
emergency and matter of life and death, colic in babies will just cease on
their own. Of course, it is important that you also know what differentiates a
colic episode from something that is really major. What you think is just colic
can be something already serious.

This is why it is also important that you consult your pediatrician when colic
starts to ensure that it is really colic that you are dealing with. Since there
are no tests that can pinpoint to colic, the most that doctors can do is to
exclude other possible causes of crying and screaming episodes. Among the
problems that may cause the same reactions are intestinal blockage, infection
in the abdomen, an ear infection and sometimes even a scratch in the baby's
eye. Other reasons are obstruction in the digestive tracts, hernia and problems
in the bowel.

Since there is really no specific cause of colic, treating or curing colic is
impossible. The only thing that parents can do is to make sure that their
babies become as comfortable as possible when they are suffering from a colic

One of the things that you can do is to walk your baby and to wrap him or her
up in a swaddling. You can also have him listen to some soothing music that
will calm him down during an episode. It is important that you do not overfeed
your baby, something which most parents will do when their babies cry. Also,
check with your pediatrician if your baby is allergic to some foods or liquids
that he is taking in. Sometimes allergens that can cause colic can be passed
from the mom to the child through breast milk.

Dealing with a colicky infant

Colic is not some unusual disease that you should worry about. In fact, it is
actually quite common especially to babies who are barely a year old. Still,
the nonstop screaming and fidgeting can worry a lot of parents, especially if
this is the first time that they have encountered such a problem. After all
nonstop crying can be the result of many things not just a colic. This is the
reason why it is important for parents to know just what colic is and to
recognize its signs and symptoms.

There is actually no known cause of colic. Despite being quite common, medical
experts still have no idea what to make of this problem. It usually starts
during the first few weeks, particularly during the third week. It peaks at two
months of age and then subsides at the third to fourth month. By the fourth
month, there will usually be no more episodes of colic.

Colic is purportedly a painful gaseous feeling brought on my stomachache.
Children, who are unused to the problem and cannot communicate the pain, will
cry for about an hour up to as much as five hours. They will scream at the top
of their lungs. This can be really surprising for parents who are not used to
seeing their normally quiet and angelic babies in this kind of mood. Colic
often occurs in babies who are big and active, especially those who are great
eaters and those who grow really well. These babies will usually have colic
episodes at specific time of day, often after each meal.

Since there is no known cause of colic, there is also no cure. There is not
much that parents can do but make the experience as comfortable as possible for
the infant and of course to lessen the pain and make sure that it will not get

Below are some tips that will help you lessen the effects of colic and make
sure that you are helping your child and not exacerbating the situation.

First advice that parents should heed is to not overfeed the child. Sometimes,
when babies cry, parents' first instincts is to feed them, thinking that they
are hungry. Before feeding them, make sure that they are hungry and not having
a colic.

Another thing that parents should watch out for is the foods that they take in.
This is especially true with moms who are breastfeeding. Some babies are
allergic to certain kinds of food and although you are not feeding those foods
directly to him, they will still get the allergens through the milk that you
give them.

Foods that are usually avoided are caffeine, cabbage, onions, beans, and other
foods that produce gas. Juices may also result to colic so make sure that your
juices are diluted with water or better yet, just make them drink pure water
when not drinking milk.

Intense emotions may also contribute in starting a colic episode. Parents are
then advised to avoid letting their babies see their anxiety, their fear or
their tension so as to avoid transferring the emotions to the babies.

Walking the infant can vastly help in alleviating colic. Make sure that his
legs are drawn up so that pressure is taken from his belly.

Parents can also try letting their babies listen to some soothing music and to
rock them gently, which can help relax them.

Colic in Babies

Deciding to start a family is a serious decision. This is because a lot of
tender loving care must be given the moment the baby comes out until he or she
grows up to become an adult.

There are many reasons why babies cry. This could be because it is hungry or
sometimes it is just cranky. But when it cries a little longer than before,
this means that the infant is colic.

What is colic? This is a term given to a baby who cries for more than three
hours in a given day. This is normal in newborns, which may begin from 3 weeks
until four months of age.

Parents who are unaware of this will panic. A good doctor can reassure the
legal guardians that this will go away gradually over time.

There are many reasons why a baby is colic. Since there is not a single reason,
which can be attributed to it, the parents should stop thinking about this and
focus on the more important task of making it go away.

There will be times late at night when the parents wake up because the baby is
crying. The infant will not understand the concept of being told to be quiet so
the father or the mother will have to carry the infant and rock it back to sleep.

The baby could be hungry so maybe it is time to feed it again. The mother
should make sure to make the infant burp because this could be the cause of the
colic behavior a few minutes or hours from now.

If this is the behavior of the baby during the day, maybe it is time for both
to go outside. Sometimes taking the newborn on a carriage ride will help.
Giving the newborn a pacifier can also remedy the situation.

A warm bath is sometimes what parents need to relax after a stressful day at
work. Studies have shown that doing the same thing for the baby can also stop
the colic behavior. The parents should make sure that the water is not too hot
for the child.

Grownups get cranky when disrupted by noise. A baby does not know that yet and
will cry in order to be noticed. The parents can play some music in the room of
the baby so he or she will not suddenly wake up.

The food that the mother eats could produce gas, which causes the baby to feel
discomfort. It will be a good idea to consult with the doctor regarding the
proper diet so this can be prevented. If this still happens, maybe using
Simethicone drops can work.

One way to check on the baby from time to time will be to have a monitor nearby
that with one unit in the room and the other carried around the house. The
parents should take shifts to avoid feeling exhausted.

The biological clock of a baby is very different from a child or an adult. It
will still take time to develop and until that happens, the parents will have
to deal with this situation. After all, a baby that is colic is normal since it
is part of the growing phase. This means that this is not a disease or a
disorder so there is nothing to worry about.

Colic symptoms in babies

Colic is one of the most common problems in babies. In fact, it is so common
that this is the kind of thing that you will be prepared for even before it
occurs being a major topic in all baby books in your bookshelf.

Colic begins as early as two to three weeks and reaches its peak when the baby
is about two months old. After which, symptoms and episodes will slowly die
down and at fourth month, there will be no more episodes.

Until now, medical experts cannot find what exactly causes colic to occur. It
just happens to babies without any real or specific reason. However, there are
a host of possible causes that may influence or worsen a colic episode. Here
are some of them.

Allergy to cow's milk or powdered milk Lactose intolerance Allergy to the foods
that the mother take in and transferred to the baby through breastmilk Increase
in the intestinal gas brought on by foods that usually produce gas in the
stomach such as broccoli, onion and beans. Underdeveloped digestive system that
may cause strong contractions in the stomach Hormonal changes in the body of
your baby Anxiety of the mother and postpartum depression Overfeeding of the

Often, the only sign that parents will get is nonstop crying that can last from
an hour to as much as five hours! This can be really hard to take for parents
especially those who are not used to their babies crying too much. For
first-time parents the first episode of colic can be panicking as they do not
know why their little angel is crying so hard.

Crying can be the result of a lot of things. This is why it is important for
parents to really know the other signs and symptoms of colic in babies before
they panic or in some cases not panic.

Predictable crying episodes

Although this will not be evident at the start, a colicky baby will have crying
episodes at specific time of the day. This can either occur at day or at night,
often after a meal. These episodes will recur at approximately the same time
and it can last from just a few minutes to hours. It can occur once every week
or everyday of the week. It really depends on the baby and because there is no
known cause, parents just have to patiently wait if there will be an episode
for that day.

Gaseous state

According to some experts, colic is brought on by gas in the stomach that
causes an ache. Babies will often excrete bowels or pass gas near the end of
the episode. This will relieve the problem.

Positions of the legs and arms

Babies who have colic will manifest their pain in the way they will draw their
legs to their abdomens to squeeze them in. Their hands will also clench into
fists and their abdominal muscles will harden. Some babies who cannot take the
pain will trash around and become really wild. Their screams and cries will get
louder and louder.

Crying madly

This is one of the main symptoms of colic in babies. In fact, most parents
think that if their babies cry, they are either hungry or having a colic. The
cries of a colicky child is loud and intense. There is no room for a weak and
sickly cry. Their cheeks will often become red from the exertion and they will
be difficult to comfort.

What causes colic in horses

Colic in babies may just be an ordinary occurrence for their parents. After
all, colic happens to almost everybody and after getting used to the screaming
and the shouting and the crying, the illness will be as normal as eating and

The same cannot be said of colic in horses. Yes. Horses also get colicky. In
fact, this is considered as a nightmare for every horse-keeper because it can
really become serious when not attended immediately. For while some horses
respond to therapy and medical treatment, most will deteriorate even after
being treated by a veterinarian.

Like babies when they get colicky, horses will also be screaming and crying.
That will be all right if they do not add pacing and stamping, which could not
only endanger other people who go near them but also themselves. Horses risk
serious injury when they are at this kind of situation. Because of the pain,
they do not know what they are doing, short of destroying the whole barn if
they can.

What's happening?

Colic is actually very common. In fact, every horse-lover, horse breeder and
horse rider will have come across the term one way or the other. References
would have been made in various equine books and digests. Colic is considered
as an equine emergency because of the way horses react to the problem due to a
painful abdomen. They can really get wild.

There are several types of colic in horses. The first one is the spasmodic
colic or that which arises from excessive gas. This is the less severe type.
The other one is the obstructive colic, which is often caused by obstructions
in some parts of their body. This may be in the form of displacements or twists
in their muscles.

It can also be caused by impactions in the intestines or in the large colons.
Often, this will require treatment, either with oil and a medicine or in other
more severe cases, fluid therapy. Another type of colic is caused by overeating
while another type is caused by worms.

What can happen? As mentioned above, colic in horses can get really serious.
This is because they are not structured the way humans are. They are not also
"wired" the way we are; so there are things that we can do that they cannot.
Here are some of them.

Building it up Since horses cannot cope with the pressure in their stomach.
Unlike humans, they cannot vomit. The pressure will then be bottled up inside
and build up as time pass. This will cause distention, which will require

Anatomically impossible Horses are built with small anatomical parts. There are
narrow areas in their bodies , particularly in the digestive systems that can
cause impactions and obstructions.

Backward movements The processes in their digestive systems also have these
backward movements, which can exacerbate the condition when an impaction occurs.

Blood thirsty The road where their blood travels through is so long and narrow
that impactions can occur. It also has a lot of twists and turns that it is not
surprising that they are susceptible to obstructions. When this happens, the
horse can die because blood flow will stop and supply of oxygen to the heart
will cease.

Worm-sensitive Horses are very sensitive to the bacteria that come into their
bodies especially those that go into their intestines. The bacteria balance in
their bodies is so sensitive that a change in their food or in the supplements
that they take in can cause disruptions.

Equine Colic

The diseases that animals and humans face are very different. Perhaps because
of the biological structure or simply because a person can describe the pain
while a dog, a cat or a horse is unable to do the same.

It takes practice to be able to diagnose a problem with an animal. Sometimes, a
sudden change could be nothing or this could be fatal. One good example is
equine colic that happens to horses.

Horses that suffer equine colic usually experience from abdominal pain.
Veterinarians are unable to pinpoint the exact cause but attribute the problem
to the food being given to the animal. Something new may have been given which
causes gas to build up

Stress and lack of exercise could also be the culprit. Studies show that equine
colic happens more often to those raised in stables than those in the field.

When the horse feels restless, decides to kick its own belly, paws or rolls on
the ground, stands outstretched or has a curl on the upper lip, the owner
should call a vet because these are the usual symptoms of the disease.

This can only be confirmed with a more thorough exam given by the doctor that
will reveal an increase in heart rate and temperature. Some medicine may be
given but if it still refuses to eat, there is a very high chance that the
horse will die.

Treatment must be administered almost immediately since most horses die within
48 hours. Unfortunately, even if the animal survives, it may happen again which
is why preventive measures must be taken.

Here are some of these steps;

1. The owner or those who are in charge of taking care of the animal should
follow the regular feeding schedule as well as make sure the stable is clean at
all times. There must always be a sufficient supply of clean drinking water
especially when the weather is hot to prevent dehydration.

2. Parasite could bring other diseases that could also make the horse sick. It
will be a good idea to set up a parasite control program to prevent this from
ever happening.

3. The ideal diet for a horse is processed grains. If this is not yet being
used, it is advisable to do this from now on.

4. Taking the horse out for a ride will give it the much needed strength to
fight off certain diseases.

5. Some owners give horses multivitamins and other drugs. Before doing so, this
should be checked by the veterinarian since this could be the root cause of
equine colic.

6. It is okay to give the horse hay every so often. Before doing so, it will be
a good idea to check it for foreign objects that could also cause problems when
it is digested.

7. Horses are unable to brush the teeth like humans. So, the person has to take
care of that as part of the hygiene, which is just like cleaning the stable of
waste daily.

There are many types of equine colic that vets classify. These cases range from
mild to severe. Since horses owners may not be able to distinguish one from the
other, it is always advisable to get help immediately so the problem can be
treated before it is too late.

Facts about Intestinal colic

Colic in babies can be something that just relegated as part of the development
process and the hardships of child caring; but in horses, it is a different
thing. Colic in horses is an emergency case. In fact, this is one of the worst
nightmares of horse lovers and horse owners. This is because despite treatment,
most horses will not get better, especially those who do not respond to therapy
so well.

Colic is a term used to refer to abdominal pain that results from problems in
the digestive organs and system. Often, colic is caused by obstructions and
impactions in organs such as liver, intestines, bladder, uterus, ovaries and
kidneys. Colic can also be associated with the stimulation of the nerve endings
within the intestinal walls.

Other sources of pain are distentions in bowel movements. Intestinal colic may
also be the result of inflammations in some parts of the body, impactions and
twistings. It may also arise from rectal problems brought on by trauma in
breeding in mares, manipulation of the rectum as well as some neurologic
disease. Strangulations caused by lipoma may also cause intestinal colic.

The gastro-intestinal tract is made up of a series of parts appended in one
long tube. The esophagus itself, where the food starts to go down, is three
feet long. This empties to the stomach and then to the small intestine, which
is 72 feet long. This may seem quite long when you imagine it inside the body
of a horse; it does not extend straight out but are placed in stacks with
twists and turns. This is perhaps the reason why problems in the intestine are
so common in horses. Unlike in humans, horses have narrower tubes, which make
it more likely for them to develop obstructions and impactions in these areas.

And because they have no way of relieving the pressures in their stomach and
abdomen such as with vomiting, their pain tends to build up until, the pain is
just too much for them to bear. Problems in small intestines tend to be more
common in the southeast parts of the country than the other areas. Often, this
is the consequence of feeding horses with Bermuda grass hay that is most common
in those parts.

Some of those affected may respond to therapy. They are given conservative
therapy as treatment. Others, whose cases are more severe, may need surgical
interventions to treat their problems. The challenge for doctors is to know the
difference between those who needs interventions and those who need surgery.

Often, severe cases wherein obstructions cannot be removed without the help of
a surgeon's hands will have to undergo surgeries. Examples of these cases are
those that have displacement or torsions in various parts of the intestines and
those with small incarcerations in the intestines.

Below are some signs that surgery is already needed to treat intestinal colic:
severe pain in the abdominal areas, rectal remains that are not normally seen,
and long durations of painful episodes despite medical therapy.

Surgeries done to treat intestinal colic may be categorized as complicated or
uncomplicated, depending on the severity of the problem and how the body
responds to other means of treatment. If for instance, the bowel has adequate
blood supply, the problem can be corrected without going through a complicated
process. Otherwise, segments will have to removed and examined.

Treatment for Equine Colic

Animals are prone to various diseases. Some of these may leave permanent damage
while others are fatal. One example, which could go either way, is equine colic.
This happens when the horse experiences pain in the abdomen and things can get
worse if medical attention is not administered immediately.

If the doctor has not arrived yet, the person can do certain things, which can
help in the treatment. This includes taking the temperature and monitoring the
heart rate, recalling what kind of food was given the past few days as well as
the water consumption and checking the color of the gums.

The veterinarian may be on call elsewhere so until help arrives, no food must
be given to the horse. It will also be a good idea to walk the animal so it
will not think about the pain. If the creature does not want to get up but it
still continues to roll on the ground, everyone should help out and transfer
the horse elsewhere so it does not inflict any damage to itself or others.

The doctor will usually give the horse some antibiotics. This will help ease
the pain and it is a wait and see game after that to see if there are any
improvements. Some horses recover quickly while there are those that don't so
this really depends on the animal.

There are other experts who have a natural treatment formula to treat equine
colic. Instead of using drugs, herbs are used instead. Some examples of these
are cape aloe leaf, ginger root, fennel, wild yam root and cayenne powder. This
is mixed together with water or some alcoholic formula and then given to the

Prevention of course is still the best way against any disease. This is because
the cost of medicine and the professional fees of a doctor are quite expensive.
Here are a few things that horse owners should do to prevent equine colic.

1. First, the person should watch the food being served to the horse. Processed
grains from a reliable supplier are ideal when raising such a magnificent
animal. Some people think that hay is ok but it may have bugs or other foreign
objects, which could cause problems. This should be checked before this is

2. Aside from checking for foreign objects in the hay, the individual should
also have a parasite control program. This will make sure the stable is clean
at all times even if this is washed thoroughly several times a week.

3. Horses need plenty of exercise to stay fit. A short ride or simply walking
with it for a few minutes everyday can help strengthen its immune system. It
will also need adequate rest. There must be time given to the horse to just
roam around or just lie still in the stable.

4. All multivitamins or drugs that will be given to the horse must first be
examined by the vet. This is because some may make the animal sick especially
if it has a sensitive digestive system.

5. The person should also make sure the horse practices proper hygiene. This
means giving it a bath and brushing its teeth since deposits may soon become
infections that could get worse if nothing is done to treat it.

What to do when there is horse colic

Unlike with human babies, colic in horses can become really serious. In fact,
it is considered as an emergency because of the potential damage that it can do
to the horses. Even when treated immediately, only some will respond to
treatment and medication. The condition of most will only deteriorate.

Colic in horses, like in humans, is pinpointed to a problem in the digestive
system. Horses will feel pain in their abdomen, which can cause them to act
wild. Horses who are suffering from colic will also cry and shout. They will
also prance and buck wherever they are. This may cause injuries to themselves
and also to the people who go near them.

There are several types of colic in horses. One is a colic caused by a problem
with gas. This is called spasmodic colic. Another type is caused by
obstructions in some parts of the body, particularly in the colon or in the
intestines, where the structure is a lot narrower compared to other species.
Often, impactions like this in different parts of their bodies will require
treatment, from something as simple as oil and medication to fluid therapy,
depending on the severity of the problem. Other types that horse lovers and
owners should watch out for are colics brought on by overeating and those
caused by worms.

Signs of colic in horses

There are many signs of colic in horses, primary of this is the apparent
restlessness and abrupt loss of appetite. Like babies, they will also be
grouchy and fitful. Appetite is one of the most important things that horse
owners should observe as this can be frequently overlooked. Another possible
sign of colic is that the horse will become restless at one time and listless
the other time. They will unusually be lacking in energy and will be lying down
for a period of time. Other times, they will be at their most active.

This is when the colic is already in its advanced form and the horse can no
longer bear the pain. They will tart to paw, prance, and kick the belly. They
will be looking at their sides often, and rolling their upper lip. Some will
also be jerking their tails, stretching their legs and going from one place to
another, unable to rest.

In severe instances, they can get so wild that they will throw themselves down
and assume positions that are so unnatural. They will groan and roll and paw.
Although sometimes, horses can be mighty moody sometimes, all these happening
at the same period of time, recurring more than twice should already sound the
alarm bells especially if the behavior is so unlike your horse's temperament.

What to do

The first thing that you should do if you suspect colic in your horse is to not
panic. This advice can be hard to take in when your horse is tearing the barn
down with their wild behavior. But panic will not accomplish anything. You need
a clear mind to deal with the problem. Besides, the feelings of panic will only
be picked up by your horse, thereby exacerbating their own worries and fears.

The next thing that you should do is to call the veterinarian. Ask for
assistance and do not attempt to solve it by yourself or to wait until the
condition improves. Remember that colic is a serious matter and should be
treated as soon as possible.

Dealing with colic at home Although it is a must that you bring the baby to a
doctor so he or she can be examined, there are other ways to relieve the
discomfort caused by simple colic at your home. If you are sure that the infant
only experiences simple colic, all you need is muster enough patience and try
these simple home remedies:

1. Try to relax and comfort the baby by giving him or her a massage. Through
the years, massage has proven to be an effective method of relieving varying
levels of discomfort. Because of this, many colic release techniques have
become available in the Internet or from the publications available in many

These series of massage usually include simple movements and techniques that
are easy to learn and apply. Although these techniques do not directly treat
the major cause of colic, it can help a lot to comfort the child by reducing
the level of pain he or she experiences.

If the massage is done properly, it can even help stimulate regular bowel
movement and releasing of gas that will eventually reduce cramping that causes
extreme pain.

2. Consider using herbal tea as a simple solution to colic. Despite the glaring
wonders of herbal medicines, more parents still don't realize that this can be
used to treat simple colic. By administering up to four ounces of herbal tea to
infants a daily, you can ease the pain and discomfort caused by the condition.

With your doctor's approval, you can even increase your child's intake of
herbal tea larger. Parents who have tried using herbal tea as a simple home
remedy for colic say that some of the best herbs for colic include chamomile,
ginger, catnip, and peppermint. Generally, these are safe for your child but
make sure that you do not replace meals with it so it won't cause malnutrition.

3. Try the wonders of burping. Indeed, one of the most overlooked home remedy
for colic is the simple process of burping Experts say that letting your child
burp before, after, and during feedings can reduce the amount of air going into
his or her stomach and intestines. While feeding, try to stop every five minutes
and let your baby burp for a minute or two then proceed to the entirety of the
meal. Since it can disrupt his or her meal, the infant will reject this at
first but by doing it regularly, you can find the best home remedy for your
colicky baby.

4. Let warm water bottle or any warming device to comfort your infant when he
or she experiences colic. Aside from burping, a simple warm water bottle can
ease your child's discomfort. By placing warm water bottle or any warming
device on top of his or her tummy, you can help the intestines relax and reduce
cramps. You can also opt for a warm bath if your baby loves water.

5. Try the magic of catnip. By boiling 1/4 cup of catnip in a kettle of water,
you can ease the pain and discomfort caused by colic. After boiling the catnip,
strain it using cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Let it cool first before giving
it to your child. If he or she shows signs of dislike due to the taste, you can
add a little sugar to it.

6. The wonder of vacuum cleaner. Once the baby starts crying when he or she
experiences colic, try turning on the vacuum cleaner. You will notice that the
baby's attention will shift from his or her stomach to the sound created by the

7. Use boiled Fernel seeds to ease to dilute stomachaches, cramps, and

8. Boil a thick slice of onion, put it into an old sterilized bottle, and let
your baby drink it.

9. Maximize the benefits of formula or breast milk by putting it in a teaspoon
and give it to your child.

10. Soothe the baby's pain by rubbing some caster oil over his or her tummy.

Symptoms of Equine Colic

Those who choose to have a pet should be well aware of the responsibilities in
taking care of the animal. This is because a horse just like any other creature
is prone to various diseases. This may be caused by parasites or from the food
that is given and the only way to make it get better is to get proper treatment.

One problem that is not a laughing matter is equine colic. This is because a
horse can die if treatment is not given. The symptoms of this disease are not
that hard to notice and here are some of the things horse owners should watch
out for.

1. If the horse feels restless or starts acting crazy, this could already be an
indication. The person should stay a little longer to make an assessment since
it is also possible that the animal was spooked by something.

2. Some horses will either stand or lie down and begin to kick its own belly.
This is very similar to how humans hold on to one part of the body when it is
in pain. The person should transfer the animal to a more open area so that it
doesn't cause further damage to the stable or to itself.

3. Sometimes, seeing a horse lying down on the ground is normal since this is
how it sleeps. If there are no changes since the last time the horse was seen,
this is another indicator that there is a problem.

4. A horse standing up in good posture does not mean there is nothing wrong.
This is the reason that owners check its teeth and the other physical features
because there may nothing wrong outside when it is really happening within.

The four symptoms just mentioned may happen one after the other or
simultaneously. This really depends on the horse but when it happens, the owner
should immediately call the vet for proper treatment.

While waiting, the person should stay with the horse and check it vitals. This
means the heart rate and the body temperature. No food must be given at this
time until a diagnosis has been done and a recommendation is given.

It is a good thing that there are drugs available, which can be used to treat
equine colic. Some doctors even encourage the use of herbs that have to mixed
first before it is given to the animal.

Is there one treatment to remedy a horse that has equine colic? The answer is
no. This really depends on how serious the problem is and how well the animal
will respond to the treatment.

A horse that suffers from Equine colic may live through that event.
Unfortunately, this can happen again if some precautions are not yet taken.

Such steps include giving the horse multivitamins, allotting time to clean the
stables, giving it a bath every so often and cleaning its teeth, a proper diet
with no gaseous substances, water, regular exercise and rest.

A horse breeder or owner can read up on the symptoms of equine colic and other
diseases to be well informed of the dangers. Being knowledgeable about it can
save the life of the animal instead of hearing the doctor say that nothing can
be done and the only thing to do will be to put it to sleep.

Colic in babies and horses

Colic is one problem that both humans and horses share. But unlike with babies,
of which colic is just an incidental problem that will go away after a few
months; colic in horses is a serious problem that need to be addressed

Baby colic

Colic is a problem in the digestive tract characterized by a pain in the
stomach or in the abdomen. Until now, there is still no reason why this happens
in babies. Experts believe that colic arises from the gas in the intestines. In
babies, colic starts as early as three weeks.

First signs will of course be frequent crying and screaming that can last
anywhere from an hour to five hours nonstop. It peaks during the second month
and declines during the third month. By the end of the fourth month, incidents
of colic will just cease.

And though there is really not much danger that colic poses to babies, parents
are still worried because of the amount of crying that it can ensue. Because
there is no known cause, there is also no specific cure or solution. In fact,
the only thing that parents can do is to make their experience of colic as less
painful as possible. This is done by putting babies in comfortable positions
like in swaddling, walking them or making them listen to some soothing music.
Parents should avoid giving them too much food because this will only
exacerbate the problem.

Horse colic

Colic in horses is not the same. In addition to being a serious problem, colic
in horses can appear anytime, any age. The same reactions are elicited in
horses. They will also be crying and groaning, prancing and kicking all over
the place. In severe cases, they can even become so wild that they will assume
difficult and almost unnatural positions just to be relived of the pain.

However, horse owners should remember that colic in horses has a much different
onset. Unlike with humans where the pain can be readily felt and shown through
crying, horses will deal with it alone through listlessness and lack of energy.

They will start to refuse food and will not have any appetite for eating. This
is one of the signs that horse owners often miss when trying to deal with
colic. Remember that they will only get wild and restless when the pain is too
severe for them to bear. Otherwise, they only suffer in silence.

Wired differently

Horses cannot also cope with colic the same way humans can. Because of their
different body structure and body system, they are not able to vomit or relieve
the pressure that they are feeling in their stomach. Because of this, the pain
and the problem can build up inside; thus worsening the situation. This is
perhaps why colic in horses is much serious. In fact, while some horses do
respond to therapy and eventually get well; most will deteriorate despite
medication and treatment.

Another reason why colic is a problem with horses is the fact that they are
built in different ways. Passages of blood and food in their bodies are much
narrower; thus, more susceptible to impactions and obstructions especially with

When afflicted with colic, it is important that you call a veterinarian as soon
as you can so that he can administer appropriate treatment. Make sure also that
your horse does not have any access to solid foods such as hay or grass. The
only thing that the horse is allowed to take in is water.

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