Use these low cost tools as you create an affordable marketing plan.
1. www.GoDaddy You don't need to have a website in order to purchase a domain name, 5 email accounts. You can even redirect the new domain to your "other website that has a much longer name". All for under $10 per year.
2. http://hop.clickbank /?mariasplac/ezpro When designing your first web site. Don't use the same free templates that everyone is using. Instead, look for low cost web templates for that first website. This is a great place to start your template search.
3. www.bigfix A program that tells you about security holes, bugs, and more.
4. Connect to ICQ®, AIM®, MSN® Messenger, Yahoo!® Messenger and IRC using a single screen.
5. lavasoftusa /downloads.html Find out if there is a spy in your computer and then delete the ones you don't want there.
6. http://chami Great free tool that helps you create and maintain your Website. Includes online discussion lists to ask questions and lots of "plug-ins" (features you can add).
7. stretcher /stories/990614a.cfm - missingmoney - unclaimed It should NOT cost you a penny to find out if you have "missing money". Visit these web sites first.
8. http://www achmaria /recommend/telephone.html Want to hold a family reunion by phone? Would a meeting on the phone be a better use of your time? You can rent a 30 person phone line for an hour.
9. www.subscriptionrocket /cgi-bin/r.cgi?r=989 This java script program automatically brings new subscribers to your online newsletter.
10. www.timeanddate Just as is says- check the time and dates all over the world.
11. xe xe Currency ex-changer. Great free tool for businesses who sell their products globally.
12. Low cost zine programs: subscribed /" target="_blank"> subscribed / server on their system mojo.skazat /" target="_blank">http://mojo.skazat / needs some programming freelists /index.html" target="_blank"> freelists /index.html for technology related lists only.
13. jbmckee /formatit/" target="_blank"> jbmckee /formatit/ and jbmckee /formatit/reformatit.html" target="_blank"> jbmckee /formatit/reformatit.html These little online utilities are perfect for writers! Either format articles you'll be submitting to the exact number of characters the publisher requires... OR if you have a piece formatted, you can easily change the formatting.
About the Author
©2003 Elevating You. Maria Marsala, President. A former Wall Street trader, executive, and manager, uses her business and career knowledge to help people achieve goals and surpass their dreams. Ask us for a consultation or to subscribe to Elevating You ezine visit CoachMaria CoachMaria