Read Articles:

The History of VOD

Creating Value With Streaming Video Content

VoIP Questions and Answers

Broadband is State of the Art Internet Acess

The Coming Television Revolution

UK Broadband

VOIP: A Basic Intro

Working With Your Employees By Long Distance

VoIP Telephony Basics

Slash Your Phone Bill in Half Now

Advantages Of VoIP Broadband Phone Service

Cable vs DSL: Which is Better?

High-Speed Internet Access For Remote Canadian Communities

How To Get Broadband

How To Install Cable, Dls, and Dialup Modems

The Top 3 UK Broadband Providers

What Is Broadband Phone?

What Is Broadband?

Broadband Internet Opens a Pandora's Box

What Is VoIP?

VOIP Internet Phone and Internet Telephony

Index Page: 1


What are Your Internet Connection Solutions?

Of primary concern to all internet users is their actual connection to the internet. A user needs to look at all the factors and weigh the benefits and costs.

Reliability - is the connection available 24/7, or do you get a busy signal?

Speed - at what speeds can a user upload and download files?

Costs - what are the setup and monthly costs for the internet connection service?

Support - is support available 24/7 and is it free or isthere a cost associated with it?

Availability - is the desired service available at your location?

Available options with good and bad features include:

Local dial-up with phone company (local isp) - While this many times is the simplest, often times, they are the most costly and support can be an issue. Speeds are typically the slowest at 26k to 56k connection speeds.

Software file compression - If you only have 26k dialup isp connections available to you or you want to speed up your DSL connections, this is an important option you should take a look at. With this type of software you can increase your internet connection speeds by as much as five times for very little money. Popular software products that accomplish this are ActiveSpeed, PropelAccelerator, Dr. Speed, and SuperSpeeder, Highly recommended solution to increasing your browsing experience.

Local dial-up with national firm - This is by far the most popular with companies like AOL, People PC, Juno, EarthLink, and Netzero providing this service to millions of users. These certainly are the most cost effective and provide excellent 24/7 support. With the high speed upgrade options you can approach 112 k speeds. If the company has a local or toll free number available in your area, then this alternative provides the lowest cost isp internet connection.

Cable connection - If cable TV is available in your area, many firms also provide an internet connection for an additional fee. Requires special cable modem. Speeds are anywhere from 512k to 10Mps.

DSL or digital service line - Many local phone companies are providing this service to selected areas. Requires installation of DSL modem on your computer and speeds typically are from 512k to 9Mps. The distance from the local hub also affects your speed. You will pay 2 to 3 times the costs of basic dial up.

Broadband - Is a term loosely thrown around that is applied to a DSL, cable, wireless, or satellite internet connections. Technically broadband is a minimum of 1.5Mbs but is used to market products with bandwidth as low as 512k. When you hear the term broadband used, think like "health food", an undefined marketing catch word.

Wireless internet connection - This option is available in limited area's and requires a wireless modem on your computer. Speeds typically are 2Mbps and this is a flexible approach as you do not need to be hardwired or plugged in. Available in many metro areas.

Satellite internet connection - This is the perfect solution for remote area's if you require a high speed internet connection. Upload and download speeds are different and in some cases you can only download via satellite and are required to upload via dial up. This is the most expensive alternative, but you can get service basically anywhere in the world. Speeds starting at 500k are available.


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