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Birth Control

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Birth Control Questions: Getting the Correct Answers

When one decides to go on birth control, it is more than just a decision the
affects their lives but rather a decision that affects the life a kid that
would be born due to an unwanted pregnancy. If being a parent is not yet in
your plans at the moment or if you're not ready to be one, then I suggest you
take this birth control thing rather seriously. There are a lot birth control
questions that keep popping out of your mind right now, right?

Those who are new in this area of birth control, it is often good to have
questions ready to ask to your doctor or a reproductive health clinic. Being
shy about things is not the best way to go. If you feel embarrass to ask
questions, you might dealing with a more embarrassing situation in nine months
or so, remember that. Better ask now or suffer the consequences later.

Most of the more common questions that people ask about birth control include
the following the kinds of birth control, the most effective, the possible side
effects, and of course some myths and urban legends that have spread around like
bush fire.

When choosing the right birth control method, it is good to first check your
body's general health and preferences. An important aspect of birth control
being able to remember to take them as often as it is required. So if for
instance you prefer taking birth control pills but you know you will forget
about taking it in the mornings then another method might be better for you.

Other issues include previous pregnancy experiences, issues concerning
embarrassing your partner or yourself for that matter, openness of your partner
to the method, the risks of exposure to sexually transmitted diseases, and if
there are other concerns or unanswered questions still associated with the
method. These are some things that you need to consider when you are deciding
which birth control method to use.

Some questions are hard to deal with, others are not, but to protect your
health and prevent unwanted pregnancies, these are questions you will have to
face eventually, and in this case sooner is definitely better than later.

In general birth control methods can be classified as barrier, mechanical,
hormonal, and natural. There are also the emergency and permanent categories.
Regardless of the method, all kinds of birth control are aimed at preventing
the sperm to reach and fertilize the egg or prevent the from moving to the
woman's womb and grow.

However, regardless of the method, no singular birth control method is 100%
effective. Any claims by any medical company or producer of birth control
methods are wrong and are thus unethical business practice. The same goes with
preventing STDs. No birth control method can correctly say that it can fully
prevent infections from STDs.

And then, of course, there are the myths that you need to go over with your
health officer for clarifications. These myths began as gossips and spread and
spread until they are accepted as truth while otherwise no proof has been
provided supporting these claims. One such fallacy is the birth control pills
and gaining weight.

Among the birth control questions, this is often asked: will I gain weight if I
used birth control pills? The answer is no.

The Different Forms of Birth Control

Although there are many different forms of birth control, some women are afraid
to take any of each because they are scared of the side effects. The most common
that these pills have as an effect relates with the issue of gaining weight.

Ask a woman who is not afraid of getting fat. You will not find so many. But if
indeed there is a case wherein a woman chooses to gain more weight for health
related issues, they will resort to other means. This is especially true if the
person involved is not sexually active and don't have a dependence on birth
control pills.

But if the person who wants to gain weight and has also used the pills, she may
just continue doing so for the purpose of adding up more pounds. There is
nothing wrong with that especially if she is only doing what she thinks is

A woman knows her body better than anybody else. But to get a scientific truth
to the claims, she may also opt to see a doctor to ask for advice on what pills
to take for the purpose of adding more weight. If that is not what she wants to
happen, she may also ask for a suitable birth control that will match her body

Other Forms of Birth Control: If you don't want to depend on the pills to avoid
getting pregnant, there are other types of contraception that you can choose
from. For whatever reasons, may it be because you don't want to add on to your
weight or whatever else, here are some of the other types that you can choose
to avail.

Implant Contraception: Through this method, a rod will be inserted under a
woman's skin. This rod will release small amounts of progestin, a type of
hormone, into the bloodstream. This is not so popular because it causes heavy

Injected Ones: You can also opt to inject that contraception. This method can be
done just once in every three months. Most of this type contains only progestin.
This will stop a woman from ovulating and will halt the eggs that have been
fertilized to be implanted on the uterine lining.

Condom for Women: This can also be called Fermidom or female condom. This can be
likened to a loose pouch that is used to line the vagina. This has flexible
rings at its two ends. This can be bought without prescription, but isn't
really that popular that is why it is hard to find it in stores.

Condom for Men: This is being used by men during the sexual act itself to avoid
his discharges from being transferred into his partner that may later cause
pregnancy. This will also help prevent transmission of the diseases caused by

The Natural Family Method: This can be done by religiously looking at your
calendars. Women must take note when they last had their menstrual period so
that they could avoid making love with their partners on those days when they
are fertile.

The abovementioned are some of the different forms of birth control. Choose the
one that fit you best if you don't want to opt for the pills. That way, you will
avoid getting pregnant and you will also not be subjected to the pills' main
side effect, that is gaining weight.

Types of Birth Control

Contraception is a term used to prevent pregnancy. There are different types of
them around. Some are used by men while others are for women.

There are two major methods of birth control namely barrier or hormonal. Aside
from that, the other types include sterilization otherwise known as surgery,
withdrawal, natural family planning and the simplest which is abstinence.

Let's talk about each of them.

*  The first is the barrier method wherein the male or the female uses a condom
to prevent the sperm from ever entering the female's uterus. The male condom
comes in many brands, color and flavors and is usually made of latex rubber.
This is placed over the penis when it is erect prior to intercourse.

The female condom on the other hand is made of polyurethane and is seven inches
long. This allows it to protect the cervix, vaginal canal and the immediate
areas surrounding the vagina. It is inserted into the woman's vagina also prior
to intercourse.

*  Another barrier is known as spermicides. It is a chemical designed to kill
sperm and this is available as foam, jelly, foaming tablet and as a vaginal

*  You also have the diaphragm that is a soft rubber dome which stretches over a
flexible ring that contains spermicides in the form or cream or jelly.

This is placed inside the woman's vagina and placed over the cervix. Women
should take note that this should not stay inside for more than 3 hours prior
to intercourse.

*  The cervical cap is a small cup made of the same material as a condom. It is
also filled with spermicidal cream and inserted into the girl's vagina and
placed over the cervix.

*  The last is the contraceptive sponge which is a soft saucer shaped device
made from the same material as the female condom.

Now that we have discussed the different barriers, it is time to discuss about
hormonal birth control methods.

Hormonal devices appear in the form or an implant, patch, pill or shot. They
are designed to prevent the woman's ovaries from releasing an egg monthly,
cause the cervical mucus to thicken so the sperm will have a difficult time
penetrating the egg or thin the lining of the uterus which reduces the chances
of a fertilized egg from ever implanting on the uterus wall.

Some experts believe that they are very effective but they cannot protect you
from sexually transmitted diseases or STD's.

*  Birth control pills can be acquired from your health provider. Depo-Provera
is an injection that costs a little bit more than the pill and can prevent
pregnancy for 3 months. Something similar to Depo-Provera is lunelle but this
can only prevent pregnancy for up to one month.

*  The Nuva Ring or vaginal ring is a flexible ring that is inserted into the
vagina for three weeks before this is removed and replaced with a new one. The
ring contains chemicals such as estrogen and progesterone that releases this
into the body.

*  The birth control patch works like the ring as it releases hormones into the
body while the IUD is a small plastic device that contains hormones and copper
and changes the cervical mucus to decrease the chances of an egg from

*  Withdrawal is simply removing your penis out of the girl's vagina before
ejaculation. Sterilization closes the fallopian tubes permanently and this is
better known as tubal ligation. Men can have the same thing and this is called
a vasectomy.

*  Natural family planning is simply controlling the number of kids that you
want to have.

*  Abstinence is not engaging in sexual intercourse at all that is perhaps the
most effective type of birth control.

Birth Control Pill

The birth control pill is considered as the most popular means of
contraceptives in the whole world. Its popularity did not only stem out from
its convenience but also from its effectivity. In fact, because it is so easy
to use and can be purchased almost everywhere, the birth control pill is also
the most used means of family planning out there. Today, many women are using
the birth control pill to prevent themselves from early pregnancy but it seems
that they don't have sufficient knowledge about it.

More and more women remain elusive and ignorant about the birth control pill
because they do not bother to get information from the experts such as oby
gynes and healthcare professionals. In fact, studies show that majority of the
women who re using the birth control pill have heard about the medication from
other women who used it and not from the authorities who know more about the
pros and cons of the birth control pill.

What you need to know about the birth control pill For women who are sexually
active, proper information about the birth control pill should be acquired
first before they finally decide to use it as a contraceptive. Having enough
information on how to use it as well as of its advantages and disadvantages can
help women make smart decisions about their lives.

Commonly called as "the pill," the birth control pill remains the topmost
choice of women to prevent themselves from getting pregnant. Taken daily, the
birth control pill is known to contain hormones that affect the way how the
woman's body works. Once taken, there will be hormonal changes in the body that
prevents possible pregnancy.

Studies show that the hormones contained in the birth control pill are a
combination of various chemicals and substances which manipulate how the organs
in the body function. These hormones in a birth control pill specifically target
the way a woman's uterus and ovaries work.

For the birth control pill to work it should contain a combination and of
hormones such as progesterone and estrogen that prevents the release of the egg
every menstruation or "ovulation". Once no ovulation takes place, there will
also not fertilization of the egg that leads to pregnancy.

Aside from preventing ovulation, the birth control pill also thickens the mucus
around the woman's cervix to prevent the sperm from entering the uterus and also
affects the lining of the uterus which makes it harder for the egg to be
attached to the uterus. When taking a birth control pill, it is very important
to religiously take it daily so you can achieve its effectivity.

To ensure that there will be no pregnancy; women who are taking pills should
also use other forms of contraceptives during the first week in case the pill
doesn't work right away. Taking the pills everyday -- ideally at the same exact
time -- is very important to prevent one's self from getting pregnant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the birth control pill The major advantages of
using a birth control pill is that it can prevent a woman from getting into
early or unplanned pregnancy. However, improper use of the birth control pill
can also lead to possible side effects such as irregular cycle of menstruation,
headaches, nausea, dizziness, gaining of weight, tenderness of the breast,
emotional fluctuations or being moody, and in rare cases, blood clots.

To avoid any complications from using the birth control pill, it is always best
to consult a doctor or healthcare provider before using any contraceptives.

Birth Control Options

Family planning is a must in today's modern society. People are slowly becoming
more and more aware of the implications both good and bad of planning the
family. Most importantly people are becoming more and more aware of the
different options that they have for planning their family. Different kinds of
birth control options are now widely accepted as normal and part of everyday

Family planning has made enormous waves when it comes to controversy, different
anti-family planning groups call it artificial control of what God has given and
since most family planning methods involve products that have been manufactured
by man and their companies people say that it is also like playing God since we
have control over the number of members we want in our family.

Birth control options have been subject to a lot of debate and argument in the
past and in the present, but even with all the opposition it gets from
different sectors it still remains as the number one option of people who want
to take care of how their family. What are the advantages of having birth
control options?

There are a lot of different pros and cons to it but to have a good idea of
some of the things that we can benefit from birth control let's go ahead and
take a look into birth control a little more.

Birth control also helps prevent STD's or sexually transmitted diseases. Yes
it's true, most birth control options if not some of it can help prevent
Sexually transmitted diseases. We all know that STD's infect people through
transferring the infection during sexual activities. Since the main function of
birth control devices is to prevent contact between two different cells, the
damage and the scope of the damage can be minimized in terms of getting the
infection. One of the most reliable if not most used form of contraception that
helps prevent transmission of STD is the condom.

It is a type of rolled up barrier protection.

Condoms can either be male or female types. Most commonly used are the male
type condoms. There are a lot of it available at check out counters in various
stores, it is easy to use and requires no expert tip or help whatsoever, to use
it simply roll it out from the tip of the penis to the base. Make sure that you
pinch the air out once it has made contact with the base of your penis.

The condom is one of the most effective and simple ways that we can use to
first prevent Sexually transmitted diseases and second avoid unplanned and
unscheduled pregnancies.

Because of it's simplicity and effectivity of the condom later on the female
condom would be invented. The principle of the female condom is the same with
the male condom, and basically has the same effectivity for birth control and
protection. The only major difference if the relative difference in sizes.

For those who do not like artificial forms birth control, there are
alternatives. One of the alternatives of artificial contraception would be
natural family planning or birth control. Natural methods involve a lot of
effort and hard work because of the nature of the many methods used for it.

Birth control options like these help us in planning ahead. We need to be a
better country for the future generations.

Birth Control Methods

Birth control methods were created to solve the problem countless families are
encountering. Family planning is a method of spacing your children. Birth
control methods also allow people to have the maximum number of children they
can provide for.

The responsibility of family planning is not just in the hands married couples
but also young people. Birth control methods and options should be known to
them to prevent teenage pregnancy.

How many of us have dreamed of their perfect family? A lot of newly weds often
say that they want a huge family with a lot of children. But as reality sinks
in and gives them a wake up call they slowly realize that it is not always the
more the merrier. The truth is most of the time it's the more the uglier,
because of today's rapidly growing population jobs are becoming scarcer, urban
areas are becoming smaller and more crowded and the world is running out of
resources to meet the needs of the growing population of man.

It may have been said in the early years of the earth that we should go forth
and multiply but up to what extent was not really discussed. Since that time
people have not been looking into the adverse effect of a huge population and a
small planet.

No one has even noticed that there are options for Birth control methods that
are ready for them to use. To solve this problem countless ways have been
invented and promoted to encourage people to plan their family. Family planning
is the method of spacing your children over a period of time to prevent yourself
from having a hard time raising them.

For some people the main concern that they have is the age gap of the children
but the number of children they have. Even if you are a hard worker if you have
twenty mouths to feed it will drive you nuts just as having one child in the
family and also having no job. It's a nightmare for some people to raise their
family because there's just too many to take care of.

The age and number of the children largely out numbers that of the disposable
income of the household. In fact some families resort to putting their children
up for adoption not because they don't love them but because they do and they
don't want them to suffer so much.

It is sad when you think about how it could've been prevented by simple family
planning. Some people are afraid to understand family planning because there
had been no real attempts to study how it works and for who it works for. Some
people remain ignorant to the fact just can't say no. The responsibility of
family planning not only falls into the hands of couples in marriage but also
young people who engage in pre-marital sexual acts.

Birth control methods and options should be known to them to prevent teenage
pregnancy. Birth control should be more than just something that we use to
prevent pregnancy.

It should also be a responsibility that we are willing to carry on until we
retire and we should take part in educating children about the importance of
proper spacing.

Birth Control and Side Effects

There are different types of birth control pills around. Before you start using
any, you should consider the side effects.

Studies have shown that there are only two methods that do not have side
effects. First is abstaining however, it may be hard sometimes to control the
urge if both of you feel like doing it. The best thing to do then is
outercourse or masturbation so the sperm will never come into contact with the

The second is with the use of condoms because it does not release any hormones
into the body and it is simply used as a barrier that is disposed off after

Spermicides come in different forms. There are creams, film, gel, suppositories
and tablets. The side effects of using them include the risk of TSS and one of
you will experience a burning or itching sensation. It rarely causes a skin
rash but when it happens, this will only go away after some time.

Those who choose to use the diaphragm are at risk of bladder and urinary tract
infections. If you have had this in the past, you are strongly discouraged to
stop using it. There have also been cases of toxic shock syndrome or TSS but is
also quite rate. This should not left in the vagina for more than 24 hours
because there will soon be a smelly vaginal discharge, an inflammation or an
infection could occur.

Birth control pills have a lot of side effects. These include breast
tenderness, headaches, mood changes, nausea, spotting and weight gain. It may
also contribute to blood clots, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure,
breast and liver cancer.

Apart from conventional birth control pills, there is a new one called
Seasonale. Since it has been around for only 5 years, there have only been a
few reported cases of blood clots in the legs or lungs, stoppage or rupture of
a blood vessel in the heart and other organs, liver tumors and high blood
pressure. However, those who have been taking it regularly complain of breast
tenderness, weight gain, vomiting and difficulty wearing contact lenses.

The morning after pill is better known as an emergency contraceptive pill or
ECP. This must be taken 120 hours after unprotected vaginal intercourse. Its
side effects are similar to that of conventional pills but if you happen to
vomit within an hour of ingesting the pill, it is advised that you call a
doctor. Another thing to keep in mind is that this should not be used as a
regular birth control pill.

The patch is another and this is applied to the skin. One patch is good for a
week and this has to be placed for three consecutive weeks and can be placed
anywhere in the body. On the fourth week, the female doesn't have to stick
anything so she can normally go through her monthly menstrual cycle. Side
effects include application site reaction, breast symptoms, headaches, mood
swings and vomiting.

Injectables are injected into the body every three months. The sides effects
include irregular periods, weight gain and vomiting. Something similar to that
are implants and those who use it may experience irregular bleeding, headaches,
nausea, depression, dizziness, nervousness, weight gain or loss and hair loss.

Majority of the birth control methods around have side effects. If you don't
want to experience any, perhaps not having sex at all is the answer to your

Types of Birth Control Pills

Birth controls pills have been in use since 1960 when the US Food and Drug
Administration approved it. Today, there are more than 40 different types to
choose from which you can get from your local health rep.

Another name for the pill is called oral contraception. There are two types
namely combination and progestin pills. Both are made of hormones and before
you can buy it, you need to get prescription from your doctor.

Progestin pills were first introduced in the 1970's. This pill does not contain
estrogen so it does not always prevent ovulation. For this to work, the female
must take this at a certain time during the day and this must be taken
regularly because one missed pill could greatly reduce its effectiveness.

There are advantages using progestin pills. Since it does not contain estrogen,
it can be used by nursing mothers as well as those who are suffering from
certain health conditions such as migraine headaches, cardiovascular disease or

The combination pill contains estrogen and progestin and there three types

The first is called Monophasic pills and this contains the same amount of
estrogen and progestin because the hormone levels are the same. So, users are
less likely to experience mood changes that are a direct result from
fluctuating hormone levels in the body.

Some examples of these are Alesse, Brevicon, Desogen, Levlite, Loestrin,
Modicon, Nelova and Yasmin. The newest among them is Seasonale that was
introduced into the market in 2003. Each pack contains 91 tablets and is
designed to prevent menstruation for the entire time period. Tests have shown
those who take it will experience only 4 periods in one year.

You also have multiphasic pills that were introduced 10 years after progestin
was made available to the public. Just like the others, the person has to take
them at a specific time. Some say this is an improvement than those which came
out in the past because of reduced number of incidents of side effects
associated with birth control pills such as amenorrhea, breakthrough bleeding
and spotting.

Biphasic pills can change the level of hormones once during the menstrual
cycle. Some examples of these include Jenest, Mircette, Necon 10/11, Nelova
10/11 and Ortho-Novum 10/11.

The third type is called triphasic since it contains three different doses of
hormones. Taking them will gradually increase the dose of estrogen and
progesterone into your body. Examples of these includes Cyclessa, Ortho-Novum
7/7/7, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Triphasil, Tri-Levlen, Trivora, and Tri-Norinyl.

There are emergency contraceptive pills or ECP but these are not supposed to be
used as a contraceptive. It is designed to protect the woman after unprotected
sex and so far, only one pill has been approved by the FDA and this is called
plan B that contains the progestin called levonorgestrel. The difference
between the other birth controls pills to this is one is that you can purchase
this over the counter.

What type of birth control pill should you use will depend on what your doctor
will recommend after you have undergone your medical evaluation. One thing that
you may have to deal with regardless of what you take is the side effects. Until
such time that doctors have developed a better pill, this is something you will
have to deal with to prevent getting pregnant.

The Birth Control Patch

If you don't like wearing a contraceptive or taking it orally, you can slap it
to your skin because there are birth control patches available in the market.

The birth control patch is a thin, beige colored, four and a half centimeter
square patch that is applied to the skin. Each patch contains hormones that
release chemicals into your bloodstream.

The chemicals found in the patch are progesterone and estrogen that are
designed to prevent ovulation which is the release of an egg from the ovaries
during a female's monthly cycle. When this happens, a girl can have intercourse
without the risk of getting pregnant.

The birth control patch also does something else and it thickens the mucus that
is produced in the cervix making it difficult for the sperm to ever reach the
eggs. Sometimes, the hormones themselves may affect the lining of the uterus so
if ever the egg is fertilized, it will have a difficult time attaching itself to
the walls of the uterus.

Proper usage of the birth control patch is done based on her monthly menstrual
cycle. This will be applied to the skin for 3 weeks in a row and then on the
fourth week, she remains patch free so she can have her monthly period.

The patch should be applied to one in four areas of the body namely the
abdomen, buttocks, upper arm or torso. The trick is making sure that the patch
is placed on the same day each week because this is the only way to make sure
that it is effective.

So, if you decide to put on a patch on a Tuesday, this should be replaced on
Tuesday the following week. Once you remove the old one, put the new one close
to the previous area as this avoids skin irritation. Do not apply the new patch
if the skin has a cut, is color red or irritated.

First time users of birth control patches are advised to use an additional form
of contraception during the first 7 days of use. This is a failsafe in the event
that the birth control patch falls off.

Birth control patches are waterproof and sweat proof so you can continue doing
your daily routine. You must never apply soap and other skin products because
this may affect its ability to stick on your skin.

Because the birth control patch releases chemicals into the bloodstream, you
may experience some side effects. This includes abdominal pain, breast
tenderness, fluid retention or raised blood pressure, irregular bleeding,
headaches, menstrual cramps and nausea.

Not all women may also use birth control patches. If you are 35 years of age,
suffer from blood clots, chest pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, headaches,
known or suspected tumor, hepatitis, heart diseases and allergic to patches, it
is advised that you find another birth control method.

Some drugs may also complicate the effectiveness of the birth control patch.
These include certain antibiotics that are used to treat seizures, migraines
and tuberculosis. When you speak to your doctor about birth control methods, it
is best to undergo a physical examination and reveal to him or her any other
relevant information about your medical condition.

Birth control patches are easy to use. You just have to put it in the same area
each week and best of all, it doesn't cause any interruptions when you are
having sex.

Effectiveness of Birth Control

Family planning is a necessity in our society today because of the fact that
the earth's resources are becoming less and less every year and in a study it
is estimated that there would be 12 million infant births in 2025 alone. From 8
million in 2019 every year there is an increase of 1.004 million births.

Looking into these statistics the effectiveness of birth control as it relates
the number of infant births per year is still pretty high. The campaign of
different sectors of government has become more and more aggressive in the past
few years targeting larger urban areas in big cities. Even with the heightened
awareness about the importance of family planning and birth control methods the
effectiveness of the campaign still remains underwhelming in terms of results.

Some of the factors that may contribute to the lack of positive results of the
campaign on birth control is the fact some people still are not aware of the
different methods that are available to them. In the past it has been the
problem for some government agencies to make people accept contraception
because of the massive disagreement that Catholics showed saying that it is
only God that can give and take people's lives.

Of course these people are talking about abortion which in fact is not a form
of contraception nor is it a form of family planning or birth control. Abortion
is in fact a crime in a lot of countries and most of the states of the US.

If people protests against birth control because they believe it is a form of
abortion then that means they are under informed and that they are ignorant to
the concept of Natural birth control. Because of the opposition that
contraception received from moralists and religious orders, the concept of
Natural birth control was introduced.

Though the confusion of the idea caused people not to believe in it at first,
it has been regarded as more favorable by the anti-contraception
groups.Contraception methods are what we call artificial birth control. These
methods include condoms (both male and female), hormonal method, birth control
pills, Intrauterine device, ligation, spermicide (chemical only), spermicide
with sponge, injections (Depo-Provera) and Vasectomy.

These are just some of the most common methods that include the use of
different devices or chemicals to prevent sperms and egg cells from meeting.
Recently it was known that not only is birth control effective in planning the
family but it also effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases and
other infection in people.

Because some of the devices used in birth control prevent contact of skin in
the reproductive organs, the chances of catching the infection are minimized if
not totally eliminated. So aside for the health department campaigning for
married couples to plan their family for the future, young couples are also
requested to use protection to prevent the spread of Sexually transmitted
diseases and/or early pregnancy(that is also a big issue not only in the United
States but all over the world).

The effectiveness of birth control methods greatly rely on the cooperation of
people who are directly or indirectly affected by the issue. It may not be
enough to just talk about it but more on acting upon it and getting the results
that are badly needed by the country and the people of this planet.

Diaphragm Birth Control

There are different types of birth control devices in the market today. Women
who don't want to use pills can use something called a diaphragm.

A diaphragm is a shallow, dome shaped rubber disk with a flexible rim that fits
nicely within the vagina as it is able to cover the cervix which prevents the
sperm from every reaching the uterus. It should be inserted prior to
intercourse and covered with spermicide. The spermicide works by killing the
sperm thus making it impossible to fertilize the egg.

Women who choose to use the diaphragm may keep it in there for 24 hours. You
just have to make sure to insert spermicide every two hours or before engaging
in sexual intercourse again.

The general rule for using this device is that it must be kept in place for the
next 6 hours after intercourse before it is removed.

Before you insert the diaphragm, it is best to empty your bladder and wash your
hands with soap and water. The device itself should be checked for leaks by
filling it with water or holding up in the light. If everything looks good,
this is the time that you apply spermicide on the inner and outer layers of the
diaphragm. The most important is around the rim.

The user will then insert this by standing with one food elevated using a chair
or step, while lying down or squatting. The diaphragm must be folded inward
towards the middle and inserted into the vagina as far as possible.

The diaphragm birth control device cannot protect you 100% from getting
pregnant. It also cannot protect you from sexually transmitted diseases such as
Chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes or HIV.

There are advantages and disadvantages of using the diaphragm.

The advantage of using one is that it is easy to insert and remove and your
sexual partner will not even feel it during sex.

The disadvantage of using it is if the female forgets to remove it after 24
hours, she may experience toxic shock syndrome or TSS. There are also side
effects like the user may experience an irritation in the vagina or the
surrounding skin and there may be a foul smell.

TSS or toxic shock syndrome is a potentially fatal disease that has been
associated with this device and with vaginal tampons. Some of the symptoms
include diarrhea, high fever and vomiting.

Diaphragms come in different sizes so this has to be fitted first before this
can be purchased by prescription from the drug store. Some HMO's may cover the
purchase of this device and one example is Medicaid. If you are a member of
another, you should inquire if they will pay for it.

A diaphragm costs around $30 to $50 and must be replaced every 2 years. As for
the spermicide, you will have to spend about $.50 to $1.50 per use.

When you are done using your diaphragm, this has to be washed with soap and
water then left to dry. Afterwards, you must dust this with corn starch before
you put this back into its container. The diaphragm must be kept in a cool and
dry place away from sunlight. You must never wash it with harsh or perfumed
soaps or dust it with perfumed powders as this may damage the device.

Birth Control and Migraine

A migraine is a severe headache usually accompanied by symptoms such as nausea
and vomiting. This can disable you for a few hours or even days. The level at
which this happens or even its frequency varies.

A recent study shows that women suffer from migraines more than men. Although
its exact cause is unknown, birth control devices happen to be one of the

An example of such a birth control device is the oral contraceptives. This is
because its ingredients alter the woman's hormonal level and causes the
migraine. The cause of course is too much estrogen which is added to what is
already naturally produced by the body.

Aside from migraine, oral contraceptives may cause medical abnormalities from
uterine fibroids to breast cancer.

Sometimes, the migraine attack may occur before or after taking the oral
contraceptive. If this happens regularly, you are advised to try another method
of birth control. This can be avoided though if you take it with food or milk.
You must take this at the same time daily and stick with the prescribed dosage
that was given to you.

Women over the age of 35 and experience migraines as a result of using birth
control pills and other devices are at risk of getting a stroke. This is
another reason why some institutions strongly advice females to use something
else if they don't want to get pregnant.

Those who are diabetic, have high cholesterol levels and blood pressure are
advised not to take oral contraceptives.

But there is hope. One of the newest oral contraceptives to date is Seasonal.
This pill was introduced into the market in 2003 and since it makes females
only experience a period four times in one year, this means fewer headaches for
migraine sufferers.

But this oral contraceptive may not work for everyone. If you suffer migraines
due to neurological problems, this won't do any good and you will have to find
another birth control device.

Women may still choose to use oral contraceptives. This is only after they are
examined by the doctor and if everything looks good, he or she will prescribe a
lower dose of oral contraceptives. Talking to your physician may even prevent a
full blown migraine from happening since there is really no permanent solution
to stop this from happening.

But there are some women who experience migraines even before they start using
oral contraceptives. In fact, the frequency did not increase or decrease once
they were on the pill but complained that the severity of the migraine got

The severity of the migraine will also not go away overnight after you quit
using oral contraceptives. Studies show that it will take a few months for your
hormonal levels to normalize and only then will you be able to see an

Despite that, migraines will still happen and you will not blame it only on the
pill but due to other factors such as the food you eat, stress at home or in the
office, other medications that you may be taking, physical factors and changes
in the environment.

So although there is a direct link between oral contraceptives and migraine,
you cannot say that it is the only reason why women suffer from it more than

Birth Control and Heavy Period

Menorrhagia better known as heavy period is a common problem for women. This is
because the person may suffer from severe anemia and the only way to save her
life is through blood transfusions. There are several causes such as hormonal
imbalance, uterine fibroids, polyps, dysfunction of the ovaries, adenomyosis,
IUD's, medications, pregnancy complications and cancer. Of those mentioned, two
are directly linked to birth control.

Hormonal imbalance happens may occur when you get too much estrogen and
progesterone in your system. You have to remember that these two hormones are
produced by the body and when you take pills that also carry this ingredient, a
hormonal balance occurs. This is prevalent among adolescent girls and women who
are nearing menopause.

Another is by using intrauterine devices or IUD's. Just like pills, this
T-shaped plastic device is either wrapped in copper or contains hormones. Both
are effective in preventing pregnancy but if ever you experience heavy
bleeding, you need to remove it.

If you experience heavy bleeding as a result of either of the birth control
methods, it is best to see a doctor immediately and tell that person when this

Your doctor will ask you questions about your medical history before a physical
exam will be done. These include blood tests, an endometrial biopsy, Pap test
and ultrasound scan.

Should there be additional tests needed, you may undergo a sonohysterogram, a
hysteroscopy or dilation and curettage otherwise known as D&C. This is done of
course to rule out other menstrual disorders.

Treatment for heavy period is based on your current health and medical history.
If it has been found that birth control devices are the culprit, you may have to
switch to another device so this will never happen again.

Often recommended by doctors are oral contraceptives because it has been proven
to help regulate ovulation and reduce episodes of heavy periods. Since this may
not go away right away, the doctor may also prescribe NSAID's or non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce the heavy period. They are also known to
relive painful menstrual cramps.

There are two types namely combination birth control pills and progestin only
pills. You should keep in mind that there are certain side effects in using
them and if this is a problem, you should ask your doctor to reduce the dosage
or recommend something else.

If birth control is not the reason and you are anemic, the answer will be to
take iron supplements as part of your daily diet.

Should heavy periods still occur, this is the time that surgery may be the
final solution. Some examples of these include Dilation and curettage or D&C,
operative hysteroscopy, endometrial ablation, endometrial resection and

Except for the last one mentioned, the others can be done on an outpatient
basis. You can check in the hospital or clinic in the morning and be out by
lunch or in the early afternoon.

The different birth control methods are effective in preventing pregnancy but
not all of them can protect you from sexually transmitted diseases or STD's.
Two of those mentioned above are directly linked to heavy periods or
menorrhagia so if you don't want this to happen, you should be examined
regularly by a doctor and consider other conventional birth control methods.

Birth Control Pills and Weight Loss

Birth control pills have been around for many years and their success just
shows that it can prevent pregnancies. In fact, there are so many of them
around that despite the side effects women are still willing to make that

Side effects associated with birth control pills include light bleeding in
between periods, skipped periods, nausea, weight gain, bloating and an
increased risk of vaginal infections. You will probably experience either one
or two of those mentioned since each person is different. Most of the time,
this problem can be stopped by changing to a different pill.

But can birth control pills make you lose weight? Most studies have shown that
you will gain weight rather than lose a few pounds because the hormone estrogen
causes fluid retention in the body. So you can just imagine what a 50 mcgm pill
can do compared to that of a lower dosage.

This is even if one pill called Yasmin, developed by Berlex laboratories made
some women lose 2 pounds but then gained it back a short while after. Should
the company be successful in proving that it can cause weight loss, the US FDA
or food and drug administration may approve this as a weight loss aid.

Other changes in birth control pills include the volume of hormones. This means
that there are fewer women these days that suffer from the side effects
associated with hormonal changes or imbalances.

Since the objective of taking birth control pills is to prevent pregnancy and
not to gain or lose weight, one effective way of doing this is by taking pills
in 20mcgm dosages. Some examples that have this are Alesse, Levlite,
Loesterin-Fe and MIrcette. You should also ask your doctor for other
recommendations before you buy it from the drug store.

But if you are gaining weight as a result of the pill, you should have yourself
checked by the doctor for insulin resistance. Should tests confirm this, you
should go on a low carbohydrate diet. Exercise will also help a lot so you are
able to shed off some of those excess pounds.

According to one population survey, more than 18 million women use one out of
40 birth control pills that are available in the market. All of them are
prescribed by a physician and so if one doesn't work, there are 39 others that
you can choose from.

Birth control pills are not the only ones that can cause weight gain. The use
of injectibles also produces the same result. The only difference is that most
women gain about 5 pounds or less using pills rather than 6 to 7 pounds using
the injection.

So, if you are considering using birth control pills or any other method, do
some research about the side- effects? Gaining or losing a few pounds should be
the least of your worries because other things may happen such as blood clots,
heart disease, heart defects, a stroke and severe migraines to name a few.

You could end up in the hospital instead of looking much bigger than you were
before. Sadly, this is the price you have to pay if you don't want to raise a
family or have kids anymore until a pharmaceutical company is able to make a
more effective birth control pill or method.

Birth Control Pill as a Cure for Acne and Ideal to Gain Weight

Birth control pill as a cure for acne has been gaining popularity. But what
most women who have been subjected to such treatment will also attest how birth
control pills can affect one's body in gaining weight.

Side Effect This is only one of the many known side effects of using oral
contraceptives. Although most women would not like the idea of adding up on
their pounds, they cannot help it. That is understandable because they take the
meds to avoid getting pregnant.

For the latter, there are still many options a woman and her partner can take
to achieve such. But taking the pills is one of the most effective. One must
learn to do something to limit the weight that they can gain.

When on pills, you can take note of your exercise and eating habits. This will
be good for your overall health. This will also help you ease the burden of
putting added weight.

Acne Remedy Ask your doctors about this. Although this will not be effective
for all women, most of them will benefit from such. Most medical practitioners
suggest three brands for this purpose. They are Estrostep, Ortho Tri-Cyclen and

Doctors will only prescribe birth control pills to act as a treatment for acne
when the rest of the previous meds have failed their purpose. This is actually
the last resort. And doctors recommend this to women who would be taking oral
contraceptives anyway for the obvious purpose of not being able to conceive.

With such effectiveness, FDA has approved a bunch of list of birth control
pills to act as treatment to acne. It is also recommended that to achieve
greater results, the pill must be used in combination with other real meds
intended solely for acne. This includes benzoyl peroxide. You can also use
topical retinoids for this need.

Because estrogen and progestin make up the pills used for birth control, this
medicine will change the common reproductive cycle and patterns of hormones of
a female. This suppresses testosterone release within a woman's body. And as an
effect, it reduces the oil being produced by the glands called the sebaceous. As
a result, acne comes out minimal. And it also lessens the pore blockage.

But do not use oral contraceptives to cure acne if you haven't told your
doctors about it. They must test you first for possible side effects. The pill
must match your body type. And also, other factors must be taken into account.

If proper check-up will be bypassed, the result can be grave. Other oral
contraceptives can worsen your acne problems, especially if it doesn't suit
some of your characteristics. So be careful and vigilant. It is your body so it
is your responsibility to care for it.

While sometimes, the recommended pill will worsen the acne breakout at first.
This is a common happening. Acne is known to accumulate before dwindling down.
So it really helps to have a doctor by your side to explain such factors.

You will be hearing a lot about birth control as a cure for acne as years go
by. This is part of the boom in the medical field that is being developed
through time. But before plunging in and using the pill, consider the effect
that it has on one's body. If you are sure that you are ready for some added
pounds, then you are also ready to take it.

A Comparison of Birth Control Pills -- Helping You Decide

In making a comparison of birth control pills, it should be known that oral
contraceptives have been around the market for over 45 years. It was first
tagged as the pill when it was first approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration or FDA. This form is the most reliable that women turn to when
they want to get pregnant.

Weight Gain But another side to oral contraceptives is how they affect a
woman's body to gain weight. It really is dumbfounding because you will hear
such stories from many women who have used the pill for the obvious reason of
avoiding pregnancy.

But despite the fact that it causes additional pounds, the celebrity status
that birth control pills have been know for have not diminished through time.
Women still relay on these for such purpose, whether they gain weight or not.

This really depends on the body type of a person. Some women do not have
problems of this sort. But the ladies who belong to such lucky classification
have also not been fighting over the weighing scale as they were growing old.
The ones who are prone to gain weight from the pills are those who accumulate
fats easily through food and whatever they intake.

For this reason, when a woman gains weight from the pills, she must also be
ready to counteract it by having the proper diet and right amount of exercise.
You must treat it like your ordinary weight gain. This is for you to be able to
trust the pill and likewise, not to risk pregnancy when you are still not ready
for it.

You must not fear the drug because of the side effect on your weight. Those can
be worked out on. Unlike with unexpected pregnancy, you have to live with that
for the rest of your life.

A Brief Comparison of the Pills There are actually many types of this pill
available for you to choose from. The POP or Progestin-only pills have no
estrogen. This is usually called the mini-pill. It primarily works to thicken
the cervical mucus so that the sperm won't be able to enter the uterus. This
kind must be taken consistently at a certain time everyday to achieve great

Combination pills, meanwhile, are those that have estrogen and progestin. The
many kinds under this type are said to prevent women from having ovarian cancer
as well as endometrial cancer.

The third most popular are the ECPs or emergency contraceptive pills. This must
be taken after 120 hours of committing unprotected sex. The drug will prevent
you from impregnating as the cause of the act. This shouldn't be taken
regularly though. It is only when needed that one should subject herself to
this type of pill.

The important thing to remember when choosing the type of pill that will suit
your body is to consult your doctor about it. They know about what will work
best for you in terms of this condition because they have scientific knowledge
about the field.

This is just a brief comparison of birth control pills. There are a lot more
available in the market. And for sure, a lot more will be discovered and
developed as time passes by.

Side Effects of Birth Control

Some people are not ready to have kids. Perhaps because they are still in high
school and just want to have sex while others are more career-oriented and want
to focus on that first before starting a family. Whatever the reason, you should
know that there are potential side effects depending on the type you decide to

The simplest way to prevent unwanted pregnancies is not to do it at all. This
is known as abstaining. But if you two lovebirds want to get physical, you just
have to find another way to express your love and if you decide to do it without
intercourse, you can do so by playing with each other until you reach orgasm.

Another method which is quite popular is the condom. There are different types
out there in the market that cater to both men and women. After intercourse,
this should be removed and thrown away. There are also no side effects in using
a condom. This should only be opened prior to intercourse and placed in properly
to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

Spermicides are often used with other birth control devices. Some examples of
these include the vaginal ring and the diaphragm. They come in creams, films,
gels, suppositories and tablets. The danger or side effect of improperly using
them includes a burning or itching sensation and TSS or toxic shock syndrome.
The user may also be at risk of bladder and urinary tract infections.

Birth control pills have the most number of side effects. These are namely,
breast tenderness, headaches, mood changes, nausea, spotting and weight gain.
Some women claim that their migraines have increased in severity as a result of
taking them. Aside from those mentioned, you may also experience blood clots,
cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, breast and liver cancer.

There are however newer birth control pills. The latest is called Seasonale
that was released in 2003. Studies have shown women who take this have had
fewer incidents of blood clots in the legs or lungs, stoppage or rupture of a
blood vessel in the heart and other organs, liver tumors and high blood
pressure. You may also experience similar symptoms such as breast tenderness,
weight gain, vomiting and difficulty wearing contact lenses just like
conventional birth control pills.

The birth control patch is another option for women and you apply this onto
your skin. One patch is good for seven days and you have to replace it during
the same day each week for the next three weeks in the same area so choose
whether to stick this in your abdomen, buttocks, upper arm or torso. On the
fourth week, the female is patch free.

The side effects of using birth control patches include abdominal pain, breast
tenderness, fluid retention or raised blood pressure, irregular bleeding,
headaches, menstrual cramps and nausea.

Some people also use injectables and you can go to the doctor monthly for this
or every three months. The sides effects of using injectables are irregular
periods, weight gain and vomiting. The same side effects may also be
experienced if you choose to use implants.

Birth control is the answer for those who don't want to take on the
responsibility of raising a baby. Just so you know, be ready for the side
effects which are often experienced by those who have tried it.

Natural Birth Control

Natural birth control is among the most popular options of couples who are into
family planning. This is because natural birth control does not only ensure the
health of the woman but also helps them to save money for not buying
contraceptives or undergoing through birth control procedures.

Although natural birth control is among the safest in terms of health, this
does not ensure 100 percent effectivity since there are no chemicals and
procedures that would back up the process. For those who are planning to have
natural birth control as a means of family planning, they should understand
that this birth control option cannot work for everyone, especially with those
who have busy and erratic schedule.

Couples must understand that though natural birth control will have no side
effects, utmost dedication and attention should be given for it to work.
Natural birth control optionsOnce you have decided to get into natural means of
family planning, it is always best that the couples are educated about the
choices they will make.

Being educated means that the couple has enough knowledge about the pros and
cons of their options and will help them decide which one will truly work for
them: The following are some of the natural birth options couples who would
like to get into family planning can choose from: 1. The Standard Days Method.
This is considered as a newest type of natural birth control options out there.

The Standard Days Method or SDM can help couples to determine their fertility
schedules. The SDM can also help the man and the woman to be protected against
various sex-related diseases during and after the intercourse. SDM can be used
by tracking the length of the menstrual cycle and know when the days 8 and day
19 -- the days wherein the woman is likely fertile -- should take place. Once
these days have been determined, total abstinence should be practiced to ensure
that no pregnancy will take place.

The CycleBeads Method. This method is closely-associated with Standard Days
Method only that it uses a tool to mark fertility and menstrual dates. This
tool being used in this method is called the "CycleBeads," a necklace with 32
color-coded in it. Attached is a ring made of rubber which is placed around the
beads to mark the day the woman has the menstrual cycle. But this natural birth
control option is not for everybody.

Only women who have regular menstrual cycles can use this method because they
have longer days of infertility and fertility levels. 3. The Ovulation Method.
Also called as the "cervical mucus method," this natural birth control option
is known to effective but not to all women especially those who are not
confident enough to check their cervical mucus regularly.

Here, no pregnancy will take place once there is no cervical mucus present
because no venue for ovulation will be available. Women can check the cervical
mucus by using their fingers, wiping a tissue on the opening of the vagina to
check some mucus or by wearing a liner in the underwear to check for the
presence of the mucus.

If there's a presence of sticky and stretchy mucus, it indicates that there
will be ovulation in the coming days so sexual intercourse should be
prohibited. Other natural birth control options available include the "Rhythm
or Calendar Method," the "Sympto-thermal Method," and the "Basal Body
Temperature Method."

Just like in using other birth control methods, it is always best to get the
opinion of medical experts to ensure the health not only of the woman but the
child as well.

Male Birth Control: Simple Enough?

Yes, male birth control methods are simple enough and yet men still don't get
it. There are only three male contraception methods, although there's news of
creating a hormonal contraceptive pill for male but the development of the drug
is still underway. So we are down to three male birth control methods for now.

Condoms, vasectomy, and withdrawal. These are the only three contraceptives
that men have to worry about. But that number we can still narrow down.
Vasectomy is often not an option taken by males since they often believe that
the procedure is irreversible. For your information, the procedure is
reversible. But still this method needs the man to be lying on his back on the
operating table and going under the knife, and such an idea is usually not that
appealing. Not that I blame the man, though, nobody wants to be lying in an
operating table for whatever purpose.

The second method is withdrawal. You have a higher chance of getting your
partner pregnant with this method. This can be effective when combined with the
calendar method of birth control. The calendar method if in case you don't know
means tracking the menstrual cycle of your partner and having intercourse only
during the first eight days of the cycle. This is quite effective when you have
only one partner but can be highly risky if you engage in social sex.

With everything said about the other two methods, our last method seems to be
the most suited in all occasions and situations. The use of condoms as a birth
control method has a high enough success rate. It is not 100% effective since
no birth control method really is perfect. And yet, men oftentimes fail in
birth control even if there are only three methods that they have to choose
from, or rather have a single method at their disposal if you follow our

However, there are studies being done which gives men other options aside from
those three. I really don't know if these new contraceptive methods will help
especially if men are in general not paying much that attention to
contraceptives anyways.

But still, this development in male birth control is a welcome one. Research
have been looking at developing medications, much like the female birth control
pills, targeting the hormones inside the male body. This hormonal contraception
can be administered as injections or as implants, although, like I said
research is still being conducted and experiments are being performed to show
if such contraceptives are possible.

This hormonal contraception for males will function as a limiting catalyst to
the production of the male sperm. The tricky aspect of the research is finding
a way of bringing back the sperm count level to the amount that men will be
considered as fertile.

Other method that they are looking for includes implanting tiny plugs called
IVD (Intra Vas Device) to block the sperm; applying heat to the testes to
induce infertility; and even the use of ultrasound waves as a means to control
the production of the sperm. The ultrasound waves will heat the testes which
will result to reducing the production of sperms. Again, the issue of whether
the sperm count will normalize after a few months or even years.

Well, regardless of the methods under study the present male birth control is
quite simple enough so men should learn how to use them or else it's off to the
operating with you.

The Different Types of Birth Control Pills

There are many different types of birth control pills. Women nowadays have a
lot of option when it comes to this subject. That is great news. The only
downside of it all is how those pills affect a woman's body to accumulate the
pounds and gain weight.

Women's Issues Gaining weight is not something that most women would want to
happen on their bodies, especially when they are on the prime of their lives.
This is the reason why there are so many diet tips and tricks available
wherever you look, whether online or offline. They are mostly targeted for

But the weight gain can also be cured. This may require harder work. But who
wouldn't want to work extra hard if it's for a slimmer figure.

So if you think that the pills are taking its toll on your body amass, head on
to the gym. Burn those fats and sweat it out.

The Types of Pills There are many types available in the market. Consult your
doctor before deciding on which one will suit you best. They know your body

Among those types, three are most widely used. They are the following.

POP stands for Progestin Only Pills. This mini pill has no estrogen. This is
best for mothers who are breastfeeding their babies. Why so? Because estrogen
has been said to reduce a woman's ability to produce milk. One must take this
type at an exact time every day.

This is ideal in lessening the blood loss during menstruation. In doing so, it
also alleviates the cramps and other pains that a woman suffers from when they
have their menstrual period. But as a side effect, a woman may suffer from
spotting every time period.

Combination Pills The types that fall under this category are oral
contraceptives that contain both estrogen and progestin. It can be in the form
of Monophasic, Multiphasic and Continuous Use.

This type is said to reduce a woman's risk from having ovarian cancer as well
as endometrial cancer. It also helps prevent the case of ectopic pregnancy.
This really has many advantages. But one must be cautious in using such because
it can cause hypertension. It can make one feel nauseous and may experience
vimitting during the first weeks of use.

ECP stands for Emergency Contraceptive Pills. This must not be used on a
regular basis. This was actually designed for women to be used after an
unprotected sex happened. This is to prevent the woman from conceiving after
such act.

This must be taken within 120 hours after being involved in an unprotected sex
or else it won't take effect. This is a prescription drug. So it is better to
have a stock of it to be taken whenever needed.

This can really prevent pregnancy. But it causes a woman to feel dizzy and
fatigued. It also causes abdominal pains as well as tenderness of breasts.

You must remember to take note of the advantages and disadvantages of the pills
before you even consider taking them. The different types of birth control pills
are your guide for this purpose. These pills can be a woman's best friend but
can also be their enemy because of the mere fact that most pills cause weight

Birth Control and Cervical Cancer

People who are not ready to raise a family or don't want to have anymore kids
should practice birth control. For those who use birth control pills, you
should be alarmed by a new study that shows that women who have taken it for a
long time are at risk for developing cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer happens to about 15,000 Americans. Of that that number, a
little over a third will die from this disease while the rest can be treated
thanks to its early detection using Pap tests.

Women get cervical cancer from an infection known as the human papilloma virus
or HPV through sexual intercourse. Most of the time, the body is able to fight
it but researchers have discovered that more than half of the test group that
has used oral contraceptives for more than 5 years are at risk of this disease.

You won't see any symptoms during the early stages of cervical cancer. This
will only be seen later on as you experience continuous vaginal discharge that
may be bloody, brown, pale, pink and foul smelling. It is also possible that
there is abnormal vaginal bleeding when you have a period, after intercourse or
during post menopause. Another possibility could be heavier and longer lasting

The researchers who conducted the study did not really explain why or how pills
increase the risk of this form of cancer. It merely said it did and when other
people read the findings, the only conclusion they could think of was the fact
the since the women in the study were on the pill, this made them more sexually

There is nothing wrong with being sexually active but if you have multiple
partners, there is a chance that one of them could be a carrier of this kind of
sexually transmitted disease.

But there are those who disagree with the findings. Other studies have shown
that the practice of birth control especially the use of pills decreases the
chances of women from ever being diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

To be safe, women are advised to undergo regular screenings like the Pap test.
Women under the age of 30 should go to the clinic annually while those who are
older should have this done every two to three years.

Birth control methods also have other risks aside from cervical cancer. These
include high blood pressure, liver tumors, breast cancer.

The more common side effects that you will encounter are nausea, breakthrough
bleeding or spotting, breast tenderness, mood chances, decreased sex drive,
weight gain, vaginal discharge, cervical changes and gallbladder disease.

But not all birth control methods available do have side effects. Abstaining
and outercourse which is the opposite of intercourse are still considered to be
the most effective as the sperm never meets the egg.

For those who can't control their urges and want to get physical, they can rely
on the condom since the only possible problems could be skin irritation and if
your sexual partner is allergic to the latex version.

Until private companies are able to develop a better birth control pill or
device that does not have side effects or increase the risk of cancer or any
other disease, these are things that both men and women have to live with when
they want to get some action.

Birth Control Pills, a Cure for Acne?

At first, taking birth control pills to cure the problematic acne is totally a
ludicrous idea. It turns out that the idea is not as far fetched as we thought
at first. Birth control pills, depending on the situation, can help teenage
girls handle a terrible acne problem.

For teenage girls, or even older women, acne problems can be a source of
embarrassment. There are several remedies for acne. Doctors, of course, can
help determine what kind of medication is necessary and appropriate for each
individual in order to solve their acne problems. Medications can range from
acne creams to antibiotic, and to the occasional birth control pills.

Birth control pills seem to work on teenage girls since the pills contain
synthetic hormones that help balance the already fluctuating hormones inside
their body brought about by puberty. These hormonal fluctuations are seen as
one of the causes of acne problems. Doctors have prescribed the use of birth
control pills to control acne for years. Although, the pills are not labeled to
be of such use, the effectiveness of them to some people is notable. Fortunately, 
the FDA has begun approving the use of some birth control pills as alternative 
medications to treat acne.

Even though FDA has already approved the use of oral contraceptives for acne
treatments, doctors often prescribe their use only after several medications
and treatments were tried and were found to be ineffective. It is also common
that oral contraceptives are used alongside other conventional acne
medications. This method has been proven to be more effective than using it

All birth control pills contain synthetically produced progestin and estrogen 
hormones. These two are responsible for preventing the ovulation of eggs in the 
woman's ovary. Oral contraceptives reduce the production of testosterone in the 
female body. When the production of testosterone is reduced, the amount of oil 
produced by the skin is also reduced. Consequently, the skin has a lower chance 
of experiencing pore blockage due to the decrease of the oil being produced.

Some oral contraceptives, meanwhile, contain progesterone that helped reduce
the androgen hormones in the body. By doing this, the breakout activity of acne
can be reduced.

However, some brands of oral contraceptives actually increases the levels of
testosterone in the body and instead of preventing acne, it can result to a
possible major outbreak. This is why it is important to consult your doctor
before taking matters into your own hands. There's only so much you can read
from the labels of the drugs and read in the internet. Professional opinion is
still a valued one and should be asked for every time situations like this

It is common for doctors to prescribe a daily dosage of birth control pills for
a period of three weeks. Afterwards, you will have to take placebo pills to
induce the normal menstruation cycle. Don't be too impatient and begin taking
more pills that what was prescribed. It is normal to see any noticeable effects
only after the third month that you began taking the pills.

The use of birth control pills as a cure of acne is not without side effects.
The most common side effect includes weight gain, nausea, mood swings, breast
tenderness, and menstrual spotting. There are situations where the side effects
are very serious.

Stroke, headaches, gallstones, increase blood pressure, blood clots, and even
depression, are some of the observed serious effects of using oral
contraceptives for acne control, although, these effects are very uncommon.

Birth control pills and weight gain: setting the scales correct

I cannot say that with this article, the discussion about birth control pills
and weight gain will stop. This discussion is pretty much like the epic battle
between light and darkness, good and evil, ordinary milk and non-fat milk, it
goes on and on and on and on.

Scientifically speaking, there have been no indications in studies and
experiments on any direct relationship between birth control pills and weight
gain. Given that situation, it is really hard to fathom why most people still
think the opposite.

Well we can think of some reasons why this urban legend continues to
proliferate. Birth control pills contain synthetic hormones which go straight
to the pituitary glands. Once there, the synthetic hormones block the
production of LH and FSH hormones. This prevents the body the natural growth of
the egg and ovulation.

According to some doctors and medical practitioners, birth control pills can
also cause an increase of appetite, at least to some women. But studies have
shown that this situation is more of an exception rather than the rule. It has
also been found out the said increase in appetite is more coincidental and is
no different from what happens in the general populace.

This also brings us to the next point. Some doctors and medical practitioners
continue issuing statements that weight gain has been observed or that weight
gain is a possible side effect to their patients, adding to the confusion.
Oftentimes these statements from doctors are accepted as statements of facts.
Instead of clarifying already false information to begin with, they contribute
to the continued spread of this myth.

Another perception of feeling bloated or fat when one is taking the pill is
that the body is said to hold more water when it is on pill compared to when it
is not. This is another fallacy in a string of rumors, gossips, and

Women are very conscious of their weight. Ask any man who made the wrong move
of commenting on a women's weight. I'm sure it got messy. This consciousness or
even subconscious wariness of gaining pounds might contribute to false
admittance or observations that birth control pills cause weight gain. Women
often fear the added pounds. Because of this fear women don't take or totally
avoid taking birth control pills.

This is detrimental to any birth control program. That's why it is important to
squash the myth of weight gain once and for all. The pill is quite an effective
method of birth control after all, when used correctly of course.

Because of the weight gain issue, women will tend to go for other means of
contraception. Although some other methods are quite effective, the pill is
still a batter option with 99.7% chance of preventing pregnancies. Women should
stop worrying about something that isn't real or they will really begin to worry
about weight gain when they get pregnant and after giving birth. These two
situations pack more weight related issues than what they have now with birth
control pills.

Weight gain and weight control is all about balance. A balance diet combined
with a balanced body work-out. That's the ideal way of living. You prevent any
significant weight gain by eating healthy and exercising.

If you gain pounds while you're in the pill, don't lash it all out on the
little guy for it is all you. Birth control pills and weight gain are not
correlated, and that's that.

A Brief History of Birth Control

Here's a brief look at the history of birth control. Although pills are very
much in demand to avoid getting pregnant for women, these are also causing
quite a stir.

The reason for this is because birth control pills are known for one side
effect. More and more women are complaining that the pills cause them to gain
weight. For the ladies who use the pill just to avoid the risk of pregnancy,
this is definitely not a good news.

When a woman gains weight because of the pills, it causes her to look at the
other options. But not everybody is affected of this kind of side effect. Some
women don't have weight issues regarding the use of birth control pills.

But for the women who are prone to such effect, there are other forms of birth
control that they can choose to use. They can go the natural way or the rhythm
method. This is where the partners will become involved in a sexual act only
when the female is not fertile.

There are methods that are being injected and inserted to the women's genitals
to obtain same effect as the pills. And among the popular ones is through the
use of condoms. Nowadays, both men and women have condoms suited for their
private parts.

The History The oldest form of birth control can be the sexual abstinence. But
aside from it, the withdrawal effect can also be considered as one.

Coined as the coitus interruptus, this means that the penis of a man will
withdraw from the woman's genitals before the ejaculation. This prevents him
from transmitting into the lady or his partner any vital sperm that may cause
pregnancy. But this requires a lot of self control on the part of men.

It was also believed that Egyptian women have used suppository for their
vaginas on old ages. The term for this type is pessary. This contains oil and
other lubricants that will kill the sperm once the woman becomes involved in a
sexual act.

The equivalent of today's female condoms at the time is a cervical cap for
Asian women. This is like oiled paper. And for the same goal, Europeans have
used beeswax. It was not until the 17th century that a condom was invented.
When it was first introduced, it wasn't as popular as today. And it was
intended not only to avoid the risk of pregnancy but also to avoid acquiring
sexually transmitted disease like syphilis.

Throughout human history,there are various abortifacients that have been used.
But the effects vary and those that were proven effective caused a lot of side
effects. In the developing years, the herbal medium was used to act as a

The 20th century introduced the rhythm method or the natural way. It is still
being applied today and can be as effective as the birth control pills but will
also require a lot of control from both concerning partners.

In 1960, the FDA approved the pill that is now known as birth control. It was
in 1972 that the pill became available for married ladies and singles ones who
are over the age of 21. This was part of the 26th Amendment.

This brief history of birth control shows you its popularity through time.
Although, it is also known to cause added weight, people rely on one or two
types in hopes of not risking getting their partners pregnant at the time that
they are still not ready for it.

Birth Control Through the Times

Birth control is and has always been one of the most celebrated and
controversial topics in the history of man. It is because in almost all eras
and generations, people have always had opposing beliefs on it. In the bible
after the great flood that wiped out almost all of human existence, God made a
promise that no matter what happens he will not ever again destroy what he
created. He also told Noah and his children to go forth and multiply.

Now I don't know if the idea was to populate the world or just simply multiply
without thinking about anything but one thing is for sure. We are successful in
multiplying fast. In the United States alone population is expected to grow up
to 12 million births in 2025, some people think that we still have a long way
to go until 2025 but when you think about it how many infants are born every
year and with the rapidly depleting resources that we have here on our planet
just imagine what could happen in 2025.

People have become conscious of this reality a long time ago, in fact people as
far as the age of ancient Egypt have become aware of the drastic effect of a
growing population and depleting resources. Ancient Egyptians have the earliest
records of recorded instructions on how to make contraceptive pessary. Other
early forms of contraceptives are coitus interruptus and ingestion of herbs
that are believed to be abortifacient.

Though the threats of overpopulation are real, the concept of birth control
still remains to be one of the taboos of modern society. Advocates, religious
organizations and private citizens that are against birth control call it an
abomination of what God has given. But even with the antagonism of some people,
it has stopped the rise and move of birth control.

In present times, to balance out the grievances of the pro-birth control sector
and the anti-birth control sector, a truce has been drawn between the two and
they left the decision to the people. Because of this development people can
now freely choose which method they like to use.

There are a lot of methods of birth control available to people nowadays.There
are two kinds of birth control approaches available to couples, first one is
the artificial method (this is he method that is raising controversy in some
sectors) and the Natural method (said to be where Pro and Anti compromised)
both methods can be learned and applied any time during the course of the
couples relationship.

Some of the commonly known artificial methods are Physical method, barrier
method, hormonal, intrauterine method and Ormeloxifene (Centchroman). These
methods involve intake of hormones that hinder the sperm from reaching the egg
cell, using a physical barrier to prevent the transfer of sperms and operating
on the reproductive organ to divert the pathway the sperm of the egg cell is

These are the methods that some anti-birth control advocates call playing God,
since we deviate the natural occurrence from happening.Natural birth control is
also available to people who do not believe that science should dip their
fingers in the natural ways of man. Some of the methods include behavioral
methods, fertility awareness, coitus interruptus, avoiding vaginal intercourse
and abstinence during fertile weeks.

Natural or artificial the important thing about birth control is not how people
do it but why, if you take a look at our present situation some families barely
make enough to get their children through high school.

Some families are too broke to afford three square meals a day. Without a doubt
birth control is needed in our present society for us to provide the next
generation a better future.

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