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What Is Bipolar Disorder?

Historically, persons with bipolar disorder may have been called simply moody
or even insane at times. Later, the diagnosis was called manic-depression.
While this term is still sometimes used, the generally accepted term is
"bipolar disorder".

The two major phases of bipolar disorder are mania and depression. There are
other facets of the illness, but they are all aspects of the two. Bipolar
disorder is found equally in men and women. About 1 percent of the population
can be found to have bipolar disorder.

Mania can be further divided into two categories: hypomania and full-blown
mania. Hypomania is simply a state of intense energy and often high
productivity. Those who never go beyond this point in bipolar disorder can be
great salesmen or high-powered businessmen. The problem is that, for many,
full-blown mania is just around the corner.

Full-blown mania tends to have more devastating effects on the person with
bipolar disorder. The activity becomes so intense that ventures are undertaken
with no actual potential for success, although the person with bipolar disorder
cannot see that fact.

There is no consideration for the consequences of actions. Money may be spent
which is needed for basic needs. Checks may be written when there is no money
in the account. People with bipolar disorder are also often overly generous and
give away things that they highly treasure or cannot afford to give away. They
tend to regret these gifts later.

The manic state in those with bipolar disorder can be characterized, too, by a
gregariousness that is beyond the ordinary out-going person's. This can lead
to, among other things, sexual exploits that will cause unwanted results such
as pregnancies, disease, or damage to relationships.

The manic phase of bipolar disorder can lead into a period of psychosis. This
is marked by bizarre thoughts, such as delusions, or hallucinations. When in a
state like this, people with bipolar disorder cannot protect themselves from
hazards in their environments because they no longer know what is real.

Usually with mania, eventually there comes depression. The person with bipolar
disorder may retreat into seclusion, may even go to bed for days. Sleeping,
appetite, and energy level will all be effected.

The gravest danger for the person with bipolar disorder is suicide. All threats
should be taken seriously, of course. However, during the depression phase of
bipolar disorder they should be especially guarded against.

There has also been a tern for those who abuse drugs and alcohol to help them
cope with bipolar disorder. This is called "dual diagnosis". It occurs
especially in adults and teenagers. These addictions further complicate both
the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder. However, it seems to go along
with the disease in many instances.

People with bipolar disorder have a wide variety of problems to manage. The
reason for optimism is that many have found ways, through medication, therapy,
routines, and other methods, to have some degree of control.

People have been having problems such as these for centuries. It is just in
modern times that there has been adequate help for the condition. The name for
bipolar disorder is newer than the disease, but whatever you call it, its
effects can range from the difficult to the deadly. Treatment can be crucial.

About Bipolar Affective Disorder

Bipolar affective disorder, also known as bipolar disorder or manic depression,
is a mental illness in which the patient has mood swings or mood cycling. The
mood cycles between depression, mania, and normal behaviors. Depression
episodes are typically accompanied by extreme sadness and feelings of
hopelessness or worthlessness, decreased energy, and sleeping too much. Manic
episodes are typically accompanied by extreme happiness, inability to sleep,
increased energy, racing thoughts, and distractibility. Mixed episodes, in
which the patient shows symptoms of both mania and depression at the same time,
can also occur.

Bipolar affective disorder is caused by a combination of neurological,
biological, emotional, and environmental factors. The true causes of bipolar
affective disorder are not fully understood. However, researchers and doctors
are continually making advances in this area.

There are two types of bipolar affective disorder. The first type involves an
almost constant state of minor mania, with alternating periods of extreme mania
and depression. The second type of bipolar affective disorder involves an almost
constant state of depression, alternating with small, minor bouts of mania.

Before bipolar affective disorder was fully understood, people with the first
type of the illness were often misdiagnosed as schizophrenic. This is due to
the fact that many with type one bipolar affective disorder have tendencies to
lose touch with reality, have hallucinations, or have delusions during more
severe manic phases.

The second type of bipolar affective disorder is often misdiagnosed as clinical
depression. This is because the patient is most often depressed, and does not
complain about being happy during their manic episodes. The diagnoses is
usually corrected after medication treatment has begun for depression.
Anti-depressants used with bipolar patients tend to throw the patient into a
manic phase. If this happens, the doctor will immediately realize their error
and switch the patient to a mood stabilizer.

There are many treatment options for bipolar affective disorder. The most
common treatment for bipolar affective disorder is a combination of medication
and therapy, or counseling. Medication options include mood stabilizers,
anti-depressants, and anti-psychotics. Therapy options include traditional
counseling methods, cognitive behavioral therapy, emotive behavioral therapy,
and rational behavioral therapy. CBT, EBT, and RBT are fairly new forms of
bipolar affective disorder therapy treatments, that have been found to be
extremely successful. Patients who are not candidates for medication can often
have successful results with CBT, EBT, or RBT therapy alone.

While bipolar affective disorder is not a new illness, there is still very
little known about the subject. As doctors and researchers learn more about the
brain and how it functions, the more likely a cure for bipolar affective
disorder will be found. In the meantime, people who feel that they may show
symptoms of bipolar affective disorder should contact a mental health
professional for diagnosis and treatment options. Family or friends who notice
these symptoms in others should also seek to help that person find help for
their mental illness. Bipolar affective disorder does not have to control your
life, if you are willing to undergo treatment to control it.

Recognizing Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

There may come a time when a person needs to determine if a loved one needs to
seek help for his or her problems. In fact, there may come a time for many when
it is important to be able to recognize bipolar disorder symptoms.

Bipolar disorder symptoms fall into three main categories. These are manic
symptoms, psychotic symptoms, and depressive bipolar disorder symptoms. If
several of these symptoms are occurring, it may be time to go in for a

Manic bipolar disorder symptoms are numerous. They all share a certain feeling,
though. Everything is faster, grander, and generally bigger than life. A person
in a manic state may be much more active than usual. He or she may think and
talk faster than he or she usually does. Everything about that person is
exaggerated, including his or her overwhelming feeling of self importance.

Such a person may have grand schemes and adventures in the works. When these
plans don't pan out, that person will generally put the blame on some
extraneous factor if, in fact, he or she takes the time to consider it at all.
Usually, it's simply off to the next idea. These are not just whimsical
behaviors, but are actually bipolar disorder symptoms.

When manic, people tend to be reckless. They can end up doing things that
effect their personal relationships or may go so far as landing them in jail.
This may be seen by someone who is not alert to bipolar disorder symptoms as
simply a problem with their conduct. The truth is that those people probably
need treatment to do better. It isn't just a matter of making up one's mind to
do the right thing.

There are also physical bipolar disorder symptoms of mania that may be quite
obvious. A person who feels little or no need for food or sleep may turn out to
be in a manic state. While some may be able to function this way, at least for
awhile, most of us need rest and sustenance to maintain ourselves.

Psychotic bipolar disorder symptoms come mostly with mania, but can come often
with mixed moods and occasionally with depressive bipolar disorder symptoms.
Psychosis merely refers to a break with reality. This can come in the form of
hallucinations, both auditory (hearing voices, etc.) and visual. Delusions, or
false beliefs, are also bipolar disorder symptoms. For example, a person may
falsely believe that he or she is actually some famous historical figure.

During depression, bipolar disorder symptoms can often be easily seen if one is
willing to look carefully. Apathy may be a sign of depression, but other clues
are even more telling. Indecisiveness and low self esteem seem to go hand in
hand in depressive bipolar symptoms.

Physical bipolar disorder symptoms of depression include fatigue, weight gain
or loss, and eating or sleeping more or less than usual. The person who is
displaying bipolar disorder symptoms of depression seems to be telling the
world that he or she simply doesn't care enough take good physical care.

One should never look for trouble where there is none. There is no need to be
afraid of any slight variation in the moods or habits of a loved one. However,
if things just don't seem right, it doesn't hurt to be able to recognize
bipolar disorder symptoms.

Concerns of Bipolar Disorder Self Injury

In bipolar disorder, there is sometimes concern about bipolar disorder self
injury. This can take many shapes, but is always serious.

One form of bipolar disorder self injury that is coming most recently into the
public consciousness is self mutilation, or "cutting". This practice is found
in people with other diagnoses, too. Bipolar people are just some of those who
self injure.

Cutting, burning or other self harming behaviors are often seen in adolescent
girls and others, even in men. Much of this is a part of bipolar disorder self

Although people who self mutilate are often depressed or beyond that, suicidal,
these acts are not intended as suicide attempts. They are often desperate acts
of those who feel out of control, worthless, or angry. It is no wonder, given
the similar symptoms, that this is often a case of bipolar disorder self injury.

Suicide, of course, is the most extreme form of bipolar disorder self injury.
Before suicide, there may be suicidal ideations, plans for suicide, and
possibly many attempts before suicide is committed, if it ever is. In any case,
all threats of bipolar disorder self injury should be taken seriously.

Suicidal thoughts may cloud the thinking of a depressed person to the extent
that he or she can think of nothing else. It may seem that the world would be
better off without them, or that they can show others that they should have
been treated better. At this stage there is concern of bipolar disorder self
injury, but the ideas are just at a simmer.

When a person begins to make plans, the danger of bipolar disorder self injury
becomes more imminent. A person may make elaborate plans for years. Another
person may only think of a plausible way to go about it. The trouble is that
either of these people may at any time actually commit suicide. It is never
easy to predict the likelihood of bipolar disorder self injury.

Many times a person's suicidal tendencies will not be noted unless an attempt
is made. While some attempts seem more serious than others, a wise person will
treat all attempts seriously. More serious attempts could be those where a note
was found, or the outcome was more certain in comparison to other sorts of
attempts. Bipolar disorder self injury is always possible in these situations.

Whatever the method of attempt at bipolar disorder self injury, there is
seriousness attached to it. After all, people who have attempted suicide in the
past are 40 times more likely to commit suicide than those who never have
attempted it before.

If a person begins to make final arrangements, or to set his or her affairs in
order for no particular reason, suicide may be on his or her mind. It could be
as simple as giving away possessions, or as complex as making financial

If this is suddenly seen in a bipolar individual, it should be determined
whether or not that person is in danger of bipolar disorder self injury.

Many thoughts, plans, or attempts actually do end in suicide. 11 percent of
deaths in the US are as a result of suicide. More women than men attempt
suicide, but 80 percent of the deaths by suicide are by males. More and more
adolescents are committing suicide every year. Bipolar disorder self injury,
then, is a distinct and growing problem.

It is difficult enough dealing with the affective, social, legal, and physical
consequences of the disease. Self harm and suicide make attention to bipolar
disorder self injury most necessary.

Bipolar Disorder in Children

Bipolar disorder is a being diagnosed in children as young as six years old in
recent years. Some doctors think this is a good assessment of many children
while others think the diagnosis is overdone. While it may be just an
intellectual controversy to some, others who know a child who may have bipolar
disorder will not be amused. It is important therefore to take into account all
the facets of the disorder.

It is a tricky diagnosis to say the least. Bipolar disorder in children often
appears similar to ADHD, or as simply rambunctious childhood behavior. Young
children may cycle fast, meaning that they go from a depressed state to a manic
state and back, etc. very quickly, often within weeks or even days.

Suicide attempts often happen on the spur of the moment, with little or no
warning. This is different than in most adults where the depression is often
long-lasting and suicide attempts may be well thought-out. For this reason it
is imperative that children with the disorder be treated successfully.

Bipolar disorder in children often presents in mania. In the younger children
this is often likely to come with hallucinations, both auditory and visual. It
may seem that these would be difficult to distinguish from a healthy
imagination. Sometimes, in fact, it is. Many times, though, the visions and
voices are more disturbing and threatening than a healthy child would imagine.

Teens with bipolar disorder are, for the most part, similar in their symptoms
to adults. A major complicating factor with teens is the use of drugs and
alcohol. As with adults, this practice of trying to use street drugs and
alcohol to control mood swings, is called "self-medicating." It is a dangerous
business and often masks the symptoms of the disorder. Bipolar disorder in
children should always be considered when drugs are being used by them, if only
to rule it out.

Bipolar disorder in children who are older, such as teenagers, is still
different from the adult disorder in that the person with the disorder is still
a minor. This leads to situations where the older child has an adversarial
relationship with authorities and is therefore hard to convince that treatment
is a good thing.

There are some ways to cut down on the confusion. Speaking with the child's
teachers gives an outside opinion of how the child is doing day-to-day. Also,
this shows how the child fares in a different setting from the home
environment. Bipolar disorder in children, if it is masquerading as some other
form of disorder or behavior, is more likely to be found out if more people are
alert to its symptoms.

Getting a second opinion is also very important, since so many doctors disagree
on bipolar disorder in children. Once the second opinion is obtained, the family
can make a more informed decision as to what the problem is and how to proceed.
Doctors may not all agree on bipolar disorder in children, but a second opinion
should help to clarify the situation. The parent or guardian can listen
carefully and determine if the doctor's explanation sounds accurate. Then,
ultimately, it is the parents' job to make the call. Misdiagnosis and wrong
treatment would be unthinkable, but if bipolar disorder in children is the
correct diagnosis, it is surely better to accept it.

What To Do If You Have A Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis

Living with a bipolar disorder diagnosis isn't easy. However, knowing, as they
say, is half the battle. Once a diagnosis is established, a person has two main
choices right off. They are whether to let the disorder take control of one's
life, or to fight it with every weapon in the modern psychiatric and
psychological arsenal.

If fighting for normalcy is the answer, then a bipolar disorder diagnosis can
make one aware of what one is fighting. Bipolar disorder can touch every aspect
of a person's life, so someone with a bipolar disorder diagnosis will need to be
wary on all fronts.

First of all, if there is a bipolar disorder diagnosis then there must have
been some sign of the disease. The more severe this manifestation is, the more
likely one is to take notice. It is important, though, to treat the illness as
soon as a bipolar disorder diagnosis is obtained.

Early treatment can often help prevent some of the more extreme manic highs and
depressive lows of bipolar disorder. The earlier treatment is successfully
begun, the less the devastating effects of the disease on the person with a
bipolar disorder diagnosis.

Early treatment is helpful. The challenge is to keep someone interested in
taking medications or engaging in talk therapy when there has been no crisis to
set him or her on this path. Such a person needs to be convinced that their
bipolar disorder diagnosis is accurate.

For others, the first signs of illness are so overwhelming they consider their
bipolar disorder diagnosis to be a relief. For them, it is just good to know
that there is a name for what is happening to them and that there are

For these people, it is extremely important to keep taking medications that are
prescribed. This is a responsibility one has to oneself when he or she gets a
bipolar disorder diagnosis. If the medication seems to be causing problems, it
is important to contact the prescribing doctor to discuss the matter. If no
satisfaction can be obtained, finding another doctor is even preferable to
simply stopping the medications on one's own.

Those with a bipolar disorder diagnosis usually are given the recommendation to
take some form of counseling, or talk therapy. Some may balk at the notion that
talking to a therapist can effect their disease. The truth is that these
therapies have been shown to have a positive effect on those with bipolar
disorder diagnosis.

There are other actions a person with a bipolar disorder diagnosis can take to
help lessen their illness. These include the ways a person takes care of him or
herself in day to day life. It may seem obvious that a person should eat and
sleep in reasonable amounts and times, or do an adequate but reasonable amount
of exercise. A person with a bipolar disorder diagnosis will probably find that
these common acts do not come naturally. However, with some conscious effort
they can begin to see some difference.

A bipolar disorder diagnosis can certainly seem to complicate one's life. It
can lead one to take medications, submit him or herself to talk therapy, and
take the time and energy to regulate his or her own personal habits. On the
other hand, all these concessions to the disease can help a person to live a
much calmer and more fulfilling life than that person would had he or she never
gotten their bipolar disorder diagnosis. In other words, it doesn't have to be
the end of the world.

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a mental illness which causes mood
swings and mood cycling. Mood cycling refers to the transition between mania
and depression. Mania, or manic episodes, typically consist of feelings of
elation and invincibility, and cause disorientation, lack of sleep, and
obsessive behaviors. Depression typically consists of feelings of overwhelming
sadness and low self worth.

There are many treatments available for bipolar disorder, ranging from
medications to therapy. There are too many medications to be discussed here in
depth. There are also many forms therapy can take, and techniques that can be
learned to assist the patient in gaining some control over their bipolar

Typically, bipolar disorder is treated with more than one medication. This is
due to the dual nature of bipolar disorder. Most patients need at least two
medications: one to control depression and one to control mania. The
combination of these two types of medication works to obtain balance in moods
and stop mood cycling. Often, a third medication, called a mood stabilizer, is
also prescribed. The most common mood stabilizer is Topomax.

Popular medications for treatment of mania in bipolar patients include lithium,
valproate (Depakote), carbamazepine (Tegretol), olanzapine (Zyprexa), and
ziprasidone (Geodon). Lithium has long been considered the miracle drug of
bipolar disorder. It is a sodium based medication that helps to balance the
chemical imbalance in the brain that causes manic episodes in bipolar patients.

Valproate, or Depakote, was originally developed as a seizure medication.
However, its effects on bipolar patients who have rapid cycling bipolar (moods
that cycle every few hours or days rather than weeks or months), it has been
quite effective. Carbamazepine, or Tegretol, is another anti-seizure
medication. While it appears to have similar effects on bipolar disorder as
Depakote, it has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for
use as a bipolar disorder treatment.

Olanzapine, or Zyprexa, and Ziprasidone, or Geodon, are both anti-psychotic
drugs, and are particularly effective for treatment of bipolar disorder in
which mania becomes so severe that psychotic symptoms are present.

Medications for treatment of depression are called anti-depressants. Common
anti-depressants include citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro),
fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), and sertraline (Zoloft). All of these
medications have been proven to be successful treatments for depression,
although Celexa and Prozac are the most commonly prescribed.

Typically, treatment of bipolar disorder includes a combination of medications
and therapy, or counseling. However, in some cases, medication may not be
necessary for milder cases of bipolar disorder. In other cases, medication may
not be desired by the patient, and the patient may wish to seek out other
alternatives to medication for treatment of their bipolar disorder.

For these patients, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be quite effective.
CBT is a method of bipolar disorder treatment that involves teaching the
patient techniques to recognize triggers and symptoms of their mood cycling,
and use that information and recognition to prevent the triggers from
occurring, or the mood cycling from being quite as severe. Most of these
techniques require the patient to develop cognitive thinking skills as well as
critical thinking and problem solving capabilities. If the bipolar disorder is
severe to the point that the patient is unable to engage in these thinking
abilities and skills, CBT may not be a viable form of treatment in and of

Overall, there are many treatments available for bipolar disorder. There are
many options for the patient that can be discussed with the patient's doctors.
If a patient is not satisfied with the form their treatment is taking, they
should discuss it with their doctor, and not be afraid to change doctors in
order to change treatment methods. All in all, effective and successful
treatment of bipolar disorder rests in the hands of the patient.

Borderline Personality Disorder VS Bipolar

Borderline personality disorder and bipolar are often mistaken as being the
same thing. They are also often misdiagnosed, one for the other. This is
because the symptoms for both illnesses are startlingly similar.

Borderline personality disorder is actually less common and less known than
bipolar. Borderline personality disorder accounts for only about twenty percent
of hospitalizations for mental illness each year, while bipolar accounts for
about fifty percent of hospitalizations. Borderline personality disorder is
most common in young women, whereas bipolar is equally common in both men and
women, as well as all age groups.

Borderline personality disorder and bipolar patients both experience mood
swings that may involve violent outbursts, depression, or anxiety. However,
while bipolar patients typically cycle through these moods over a period of
weeks or months, borderline personality disorder patients may have bursts of
these moods lasting only a few hours or a day.

Borderline personality disorder patients also undergo periods of having no idea
who they are in terms of personality, likes, dislikes, and preferences. They may
change long term goals frequently, and have trouble sticking to any one
activity. Acting with impulsiveness, going on major unaffordable shopping
sprees, excessive eating, or engaging in risky sexual relationships can also be
experienced. These are also symptoms of mania in bipolar patients.

Borderline personality disorder patients may also undergo periods of
worthlessness, feeling mistreated or misunderstood, and emptiness. These
symptoms coincide with symptoms of depression in bipolar patients.

Another symptom of borderline personality disorder involves how they deal with
relationships. Relationships are often viewed in extremes. Either the patient
is totally in love or hates with a passion. A patient may be completely in love
one minute, then hate someone totally due to a small conflict or situation.
Fears of abandonment often lead to suicide threats, rejection, and depression
in the patient. These relationship issues can also be found in bipolar patients.

Treatments of borderline personality disorder and bipolar are also similar. A
combination of therapy and medication is typically preferred by the
psychiatrist. Cognitive behavioral therapy, while successfully implemented with
bipolar patients, was originally developed for use with borderline personality
disorder. Various medications can also be prescribed for either mental illness
with successful results.

Like bipolar disorder, little is known about the actual causes of borderline
personality disorder. There is a lot of controversy about genetics versus
environment in this area. However, it appears through research that, while
bipolar is definitely hereditary and biological in nature, borderline
personality disorder is more likely to be a result of environment and
situational stimuli.

As you can see, many similarities exist between bipolar and borderline
personality disorder. It can often be quite difficult to distinguish one
illness from the other, even for doctors and psychologists. If you suffer any
of the symptoms discussed here, it is important to obtain the assistance and
diagnosis of a licensed professional for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of
your symptoms. You should never attempt self diagnosis and treatment for
symptoms such as those associated with bipolar and borderline personality
disorder without the help of a psychiatrist or psychologist. Doing so may cause
your symptoms to worsen, and make treatment less successful in the future.

Latest Medications for Bipolar Affective Disorder

Bipolar affective disorder, also known as manic depression disorder, is a
mental illness that causes the patient to experience mood swings or mood
cycling, involving depressive episodes, mania episodes, and/or mixed episodes.
There are many treatment options for bipolar affective disorder. The most
successful treatments are a combination of medications and counseling or

Within the last five years there have been several substantial breakthroughs in
research toward finding the true biological cause of bipolar affective disorder.
This research has lead to the development of several new bipolar affective
disorder medications. A few of the more popular latest medications for bipolar
affective disorder are described below.

Abilify, or Aripiprazole, is an atypical anti-psychotic. It was approved for
treatment of manic and mixed bipolar disorder episodes in 2004, and further
approved as a maintenance medication for bipolar disorder in 2005. While most
anti-psychotic medications work by shutting down dopamine receptors in the
brain, Abilify works by making the dopamine receptors behave more normally.
This stabilization makes this latest medication the ideal treatment for bipolar
affective disorder.

Celexa is an antidepressant that has been around for several years. However, it
has been used with increasingly more frequency in the last few years for the
treatment of bipolar affective disorder. This is due to the fact that Celexa
has proven to be more selective than other anti-depressants. This essentially
means that with Celexa, fewer bipolar patients need a mood stabilizer to
prevent the antidepressant from sending them zooming into a manic episode. It
has been extremely successful as a maintenance medication for bipolar affective

Geodon is an anti-psychotic that works as a mood stabilizer in bipolar
affective disorder patients. The most exciting thing about this latest mood
stabilizer medication is that it is not associated with weight gain. It works
in much the same way as Zyprexa, which has been proven to be a very successful
medication for the treatment of bipolar affective disorder. However, unlike
Zyprexa, side effects are fewer, milder, and do not include weight gain!

Wellbutrin, also sold as Zyban, was originally developed as a medication to
help people stop smoking, in which it has been quite successful. In recent
years, however, it has been discovered, quite by accident, that it is even more
successful as an antidepressant when used as a medication for bipolar affective
disorder. Chemically, it is unrelated to any other antidepressant, and it is
unknown why it works so well with bipolar patients. One advantage to Wellbutrin
is that it is a weight stable medication, meaning that patients will typically
not see weight gain or weight loss.

As technology and research progresses, more effective medications for bipolar
affective disorder are bound to be developed. Successful treatment of bipolar
affective disorder is the goal of many researchers, psychologists, and
psychiatrists. Discuss treatment options with your doctor often, and keep track
of the latest developments in medications for bipolar affective disorder, so
that you can appreciate the benefits of successful treatment for your bipolar
affective disorder.

Living Your Life in Advantage Even with Bipolar

Are you suffering from manic-depressive disorder? This is an illness that not
all people can easily overcome. Oftentimes, people who don't seek professional
help end up committing suicide. If you don't want this to happen to you or any
of your family members, then you must learn about the illness and the possible
things to undertake in order to take control of the situation and live life

The illness is better known as bipolar disorder. People suffering from this
disease can compare their lives to a roller coaster ride. They experience
tremendous highs and extreme lows. Presently, there is no known cure for this
disease, but it doesn't mean that it can't be controlled. There are many
treatments available to address intense mood swings. If you can find the right
treatment, you can actually start to live your life normally even if you have

If you constantly experience inability to do things well as if your mind has
burned out and slowed down until such point that you feel virtually useless and
hopeless, your humor ceases, you become irritable, uncontrollable, angry, and
frightened; then you're probably suffering from bipolar disorder. Others
experience a tremendous surge of ideas, their shyness disappears, they become
intensely interested in sensuality/seduction, and they feel a strong sense of
power, ease, omnipotence, and euphoria. Though many people disregard such
occurrences and say that it will soon be over, it doesn't hurt to seek proper
medical attention. Addressing illnesses such as bipolar should start at an
early stage to prevent unwanted things to happen.

If one of your family member, or yourself, is diagnosed with bipolar, there's
no reason to despair. There are many resources that you can use to help you in
your situation.

*  Purchase a book entitled "Bipolar Advantage"

This is a book written by Tom Wootton; it recognizes all aspects of bipolar
disorder. Bipolar is not interpreted as an advantage, but after a two years'
seminar on Bipolar, he came up with this book that positively approaches the
condition. The book is all about accepting oneself and striving to be a better
individual. It teaches you about Introspection, how to change certain habits to
accentuate all positive aspects, and how to minimize negative ones.

How can you do this? You can actually turn bipolar into an advantage by
creating and accomplishing a vision of what you really want. After that, you
need to come up with a plan that you should follow in order to achieve your
goal. Wootton personally experienced both good and bad sides of bipolar because
he was misdiagnosed, and for many years he learned how to cope with such
situation. He conducts seminars for bipolar patients; thereby gaining personal
stories from actual sufferers. He then put all these things together and came
up with a book which provides a positive approach to bipolar, the right tools,
and skills to improve life for the patient and his/her family.

*  Utilize various bipolar websites

There is this popular website called the Bipolar Advantage that deals with all
the good and bad things about bipolar. You can log on to their site and access
all the needed information in order to understand your situation and how you
can cope with it.

You can also check other sites that provide useful information about bipolar.
There are many search engines that you can try; all it takes is a bit of
research and time.

*  In Audio

You can make use of today's new technology. If you have a computer at home and
an Internet connection, you can access Bipolar Advantage through audio. If you
have a flash player, then you can readily have access to different sites.

Most of the time, it depends on the bipolar patient whether he can control his
condition or not. If he doesn't make a move now, his situation will only become
worse. But if the individual tries to utilize different resources, and seek
proper medical attention, then he is on his way to controlling his condition.
With the support of family and friends, a bipolar patient can effectively
overcome his condition and live a happy and normal life like any other
individual. Know the different resources that can help you in your struggle and
live life to the fullest.

About Bipolar II Disorder

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depressive disorder. It is a mental
illness that presents itself as mood swings or mood cycling. Many people do not
realize that there are actually two types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar I
disorder is typically defined as raging mood cycling with episodes of extreme
mania and depression, as well as the occasional mixed episode. Bipolar I
patients may also experience psychotic or hallucinating symptoms.

Bipolar II disorder is typically defined as rapid mood cycling with episodes of
hypomania and depression. Bipolar II disorder does not occur with psychotic or
hallucinating symptoms. Additionally, hypomania is defined as a milder form of
mania, in which the patient has a period of hightened happiness or elation.
Depression with bipolar II patients is often more severe than in patients with
bipolar I disorder. Suicide, suicide threats, suicide attempts, and thoughts of
suicide are much more common in bipolar II patients than bipolar I patients.

A diagnosis of bipolar II disorder is typically made when the patient has had
one or more major depressive episodes, at least one hypomania episode, no manic
episodes, and when no other reason for symptoms can be found.

Symptoms of depression with bipolar II disorder include decreased energy,
unexplained weight changes, feelings of despair, increased irritability, and
uncontrollable crying. Symptoms of hypomania include sleeplessness, racing
thoughts, distractibility, excess energy, and rash judgements. These symptoms
are similar to mania, but are less severe.

Treatment of bipolar II disorder typically involves a combination of medication
and therapy or counseling. Medications typically prescribed for treatment of
bipolar II disorder include anti-depressants such as Celexa, as well as mood
stabilizers such as Topomax. Mood stabilizers are vitally important in
treatment of bipolar disorders, because antidepressants alone can cause the
patient to enter into a manic or hypomania episode.

Bipolar II disorder is actually often misdiagnosed as clinical depression. This
is due to the fact that depression is most often present, and hypomania episodes
rarely come to light in therapy sessions due to their upbeat nature. It is
typically through treatment by antidepressants that the correct diagnosis is
made, because the patient will spin into a hypomania episode almost immediately
if the diagnosis should be bipolar II disorder rather than clinical depression.

Counseling or therapy treatment options for bipolar II disorder may include
traditional counseling methods, discussion of triggers and life style changes
that can lessen the severity of episodes, and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Patients with a mild case of bipolar II disorder may benefit from counseling or
therapy alone without medication. However, this is less common with bipolar II
disorder than with bipolar I disorder, due to the nature of the severity of the
depressive states.

It is vitally important for people with symptoms of bipolar II disorder to seek
the help of mental health professionals as soon as symptoms become evident.
Bipolar II disorder patients account for at least half of the suicides each
year. To prevent suicidal behavior, it is important for bipolar II patients to
be properly diagnosed at an early stage, so that ongoing treatment of the
illness can begin and be continued in order to avoid suicidal behavior.

Grab the 2nd Edition of Milkowitz' "Bipolar Disorder Guide for Patient and
Family Members"

Books are generally widely available in many different places. A lot of people
spend countless hours in bookstores trying to find good quality reading
materials that can help in enriching their minds with fresh and new ideas or
knowledge that they may find useful in their everyday lives.

Finding a good book is not that hard, especially if you know what you're
looking for. And besides, if you're a book-lover you already have a wide range
of choices when it comes to authors.

Everyday, a huge number of people are diagnosed with different diseases or
illnesses. Perhaps, you're one of them, or maybe a family member is afflicted.
It's hard to tell when a person will get an illness, or when he's already
suffering from it. And this is true with bipolar. If you have no idea what
bipolar is, then you'd better purchase the book written by David J. Miklowitz.

The second edition of the book entitled ' The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide:
What You and Your Family Need to Know' is a very good addition to your book
collection. Not only that, it can be of great help to you and your family.

Before, people diagnosed with bipolar don't have much choices to help them in
their daily struggle. But at present, because of sharper diagnosis, better
medicine, and a lot of support groups, there is a bright future waiting for
bipolar patients.

The author of the book mentioned is a Psychology Professor in Colorado
University since 1989. He conducted a valuable research funded by MacArthur
Foundation and the NIMH which was recognized and awarded by various
organizations. His book's second edition is a great resource for bipolar
patients because it provides information on:

-  early signs and warnings on mood swings caused by normal day to day experiences 
-  medications available for bipolar patients and their possible side effects 
-  things to do when you're descending into mania or depression
-  how to get support and help from friends and family members 
-  how to inform co-workers about the illness without losing your career

The abovementioned information is clearly discussed on the book. David
Miklowitz wrote the book's second edition intended for the use of the patient.
It is a comprehensive guide that tackles different information and other
related questions that the patient may have in mind. It will help them to take
charge and reclaim their life from bipolar. Since Miklowitz is a specialist and
a researcher, he is considered an expert in his own field; and therefore, he is
able to provide proven tools that can help bipolar patients to balance their
life emotionally and financially.

Don't lose your life to bipolar, make a move now and purchase the book by
Miklowitz. It has garnered high ratings in many editorial reviews. The book
deals with exclusive patient issues like overcoming the diagnosis, the right
person(s) to confide, and recognizing your mood swings. The book is not only
useful for patients, but for their therapists and family members as well. Many
editors claim that the book is humane and impressive. It promotes stability,
explores multidimensional management techniques, thorough, well-written, and
full of great advice to re-organize the patient's life. People having the
illness, as well as non-sufferers can find the book very useful.

The book is also a great addition to large libraries because it is rich in
materials to demystify bipolar. It explains methodically the disease, symptoms,
diagnosis, and cogently explains possible causes; and at the same time offers
advice to manage it. There are also logs and worksheets provided to help
patients better understand bipolar. All in all, the book is interesting,
informative, and compassionate.

Your life is full of ups and downs. It is a natural occurrence that all people
must be able to cope with; but not all people are strong enough to face the
hardships of life. And so a great number of them end up with certain illnesses
like bipolar. Don't despair because it's not the end for you of your family;
there are many resources to turn to like this book. Open your mind to the many
resources that can help you in your suffering. Purchase the book now and see
the difference.

CBT as Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, known by many as manic depression, is a mental illness caused
by a combination of factors, including neurological, biological, emotional, and
environmental factors. It is most commonly described as mood cycling or mood
swings, in which the patient cycles through moods of depression, mania, and
normal behavior.

There are many treatment options for bipolar disorder. The most common
treatment for bipolar disorder includes a combination of medication and
therapy. However, some patients are not candidates for medication treatment.
Patients that have a history of drug abuse, for instance, should in most cases
not be placed on medication for bipolar disorder, as the risk for abuse is too
great. Additionally, patients may not have a case of bipolar disorder severe
enough to warrant medication.

Other patients may choose to avoid the route of medication until it becomes
absolutely necessary.

In response to these special cases in which medication treatment is not a
viable option for bipolar disorder, that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT,
was developed. CBT is a type of therapy that assists patients in recognizing
triggers and causes for their manic and depressive states. The patient can then
learn techniques to avoid these triggers, and cope with symptoms during
episodes. Seventy percent of bipolar disorder type one patients that undergo
CBT experience one or fewer episodes within four years of starting the CBT

There are two main goals that are met by using CBT as treatment for bipolar
disorder. The first goal is to recognize manic episodes before they become
uncontrollable, and consciously change how they react to the episode. The
second goal is to learn techniques, reactions, thoughts, and behaviors that can
help to offset depression. These goals are realized through various techniques
and activities prescribed by the therapist. With CBT, the treatment of bipolar
disorder rests with the patient, who is given homework in the form of exercises
and reading, which helps them to understand their condition and learn methods to
cope with it.

The first step to successful treatment of bipolar disorder through CBT is to
develop a treatment contract with the patient. This is a treatment plan that
the patient agrees to follow, and also involves the patient's promise to
complete all homework assignments and take any prescribed medication as
directed. Because the success of CBT depends largely on the patient's
responsibility and desire to cope with bipolar disorder, this is an important
first step to successful treatment.

The second step to successful treatment of bipolar disorder through CBT is to
monitor and grade moods. This is done with various worksheets that the
therapist gives the patient. The patient may record their mood for the day, how
many hours they have slept, their level of anxiety, and their level of
irritability. Those with type two bipolar disorder may need to record their
mood two or more times per day, as their moods cycle more often.

Understanding the pattern to mood cycling can help the patient then undergo the
next step to CBT treatment for bipolar disorder. This step of CBT for treatment
of bipolar disorder requires the patient to do homework in the form of
worksheets and reading that will help the patient to understand how their
thoughts effect their emotions. By understanding these things, the patient will
be able to then practice altering their thoughts in a rational way to make
emotions more rational as well, decreasing the number and severity of
depressive and manic episodes.

The next step to CBT treatment for bipolar disorder is to learn how to
recognize triggers. Triggers are the thoughts, emotions, situations, times of
year, events, or environments that set off a depressive or manic episode. By
learning how to understand and recognize their triggers, the patient can then
learn to avoid the triggers entirely, thereby decreasing the number and
severity of depressive and manic episodes.

Overall, CBT is a viable and quite successful treatment for bipolar disorder,
and can be a healthy alternative to medication in some cases. If you feel you
may be a candidate for CBT, you should contact your doctor or therapist to
discuss this and other bipolar disorder treatment options.

Trastorno Bipolar: You and Your Mental Health

Your mental health is an important factor that affects the way you live your
daily life. You have to realize that the brain is one of the most important
organs of the human body and it is needed in order to live a normal and
productive life. However, there are some cases where the brain suffers from
disorders and in turn, it can affect some aspects of your daily activity, such
as your motor skills.

One kind of brain disorder is called Trastorno bipolar or bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can affect your way of thinking, your
emotions and your different moods. What bipolar disorder does is it cycles your
manic and depressive moods. Normally people experience moments of mania and
depression because of their environment. It is a normal body behavior and
reaction to their environment. However, bipolar disorder is a form of mental
illness that will render your moods out of control. A person suffering from
bipolar disorder will experience excessive mania where they feel that they are
very powerful and energetic and they will also feel excessive depression, where
in some cases, some thinks about death and suicide.

The manic and depressive cycles occur at intervals and one affected will feel
energetic or depressed for no reason at all. During the manic episodes of
bipolar disorder, the person affected will feel as if they are on top of the
world, they have ideas popping out of their head and they will often experience
racing thoughts. The racing thoughts is not just all about thinking very fast,
but it is also comprised of not stopping to think. You will your own voice
repeating something you said in the past, you will hear fragments of music, see
fragments of movies you saw, and you will also hear conversations you had over
and over again.

One will also feel very energetic and thinks that they don't need sleep at all.

When the depressive episode occurs in bipolar disorder, the person affected
will experience a depressive mood. They will feel excessively sad, and they
will also feel loneliness and hopelessness. They will also feel tired and
constantly in need of sleep and in severe cases of bipolar disorder, some
people will even think about death and suicide and often attempts the latter.

Because of the symptoms associated with this mental disorder, the person
affected cannot concentrate on their daily activities. It can negatively affect
performance at work or at school and can cause relationship problems. People
with bipolar disorder find it hard to make and keep friends and relationships
because of their unusual behavior.

As you can see, bipolar disorder is a very serious illness that needs to be
carefully managed and treated. You have to consider that there is no known cure
for this disorder and the theories regarding the causes of bipolar disorder are
not entirely solid. Some theories suggest that bipolar disorder is genetic
while others have claimed that it is caused by drug and alcohol abuse. This is
a lifetime illness that needs long term treatment.

The treatment will include psychotherapy combined with special medications that
can reduce the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder. During therapy, the
psychiatrist will teach the person affected with the disorder ways to control
their emotions and moods. The family members of the affected individual will
also be informed about the disorder and will be taught on how to cope with it.
Usually, there are certain drugs prescribed that can help in reducing the signs
and symptoms of bipolar disorder.

As you can see, the treatment for bipolar disorder will also require the family
members of the affected individual to participate. They will be able to
contribute a lot on the treatment process and family support is often the key
to controlling the illness.

In time, with the patient as well as the family actively participating in the
treatment process, the individual affected with bipolar disorder can cope with
the illness effectively. They will be able to lead a normal and productive life
where they can control their emotions and moods effectively.

Always remember that treatment for bipolar disorder is not often easy. It
requires patience and dedication in order for the person affected to
effectively manage their mental disorder.

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

From historical figures to celebrities to everyday people, there are many
people with bipolar disorder. Whether one hears of these people on television
or in real life, the question often arises as to how they know they have
bipolar disorder. So, what are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

Since there are two distinct parts of bipolar disorder, there are also two
separate sets of symptoms of bipolar disorder. These symptoms of bipolar
disorder many times reflect opposites from the manic to the depressive sides of
the illness.

The most obvious of the opposites in the symptoms of bipolar disorder is level
of energy and activity. In depression, the person will feel a loss of energy
and suffer from fatigue. That person may even appear to be slow. On the other
hand, the manic person will have an increased level of energy and much more
than usual activity.

Degree of self-esteem is another of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. A
depressed person feels unworthy or is guilt-ridden. A manic, though, is so full
of him- or herself that he or she has unreasonable ideas of him- or herself or
even delusions of grandeur.

This loss of self-esteem may be what leads the depressed person to be
indecisive, and overblown self importance that urges the manic to become
reckless. Neither the depressed person nor the manic one sees these
decision-making processes as symptoms of bipolar disorder. But that is exactly
what they are.

The symptoms of bipolar disorder differ from the depressive to the manic mostly
because the general themes are different. In depression, everything is slow,
dull, small, introverted, and hopeless. In mania, things are overblown, huge,
fast, outgoing, and full of impossible dreams.

Some symptoms of bipolar disorder seem, on the surface, to be similar. For
example, The poor concentration of the depressed person may appear similar to
the distraction of the manic person. They both, in fact, have trouble holding a
thought in their heads. This happens for different reasons, though. The
depressed person has fewer thoughts but just cannot focus on any, while the
manic person has excessive thought and goes rapidly from one to the next.

Sleep cycles vary in both depressed people and manic people. This is one of the
symptoms of bipolar disorder which cause trouble for both. The depressed person
may not care whether he or she sleeps or not, sometimes sleeping for long
periods and sometimes not bothering to go to bed. The manic person will most
surely feel little or no need for sleep. He or she may go without sleep for

The symptoms of bipolar disorder which vary the most from depressives to manics
happen at the far ends of the spectrum. A person who is extremely depressed is
likely to think dark thoughts about death, suicide, and even plans to commit
suicide. The person who is manic enough can have strange thoughts such as
delusions, and bizarre perceptions such as auditory and visual hallucinations.

If a person is truly bipolar, he or she will display some, if not all, of the
symptoms of bipolar disorder on both the depressed and manic sides of the line.
Because this illness is so serious and can have life changing consequences for
the person with it, it is important to recognize the symptoms of bipolar

Enraged Kid: Common Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in a Child

No one will imagine that a healthy, active and intelligent child will have a
series of unexplainable tantrums and mood swings. Some would think that such
type of child is inflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder while others may
think that the child is bratty and undisciplined by his parents.

Before you jump into different conclusions, take a look at one aspect such as
Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar disorder is a condition wherein an individual
undergoes persistent incidents of combined depression and mania. The common
term for bipolar disorder is "manic depression."

You can gauge if your child has bipolar disorder with the following symptoms:

Noticeable mood and energy changes

A child with bipolar disorder usually has a constant and incessant mood
interruption. The mood swings usually lasts for hours or it can last for days.
Some psychologists say that the mood disorder is commonly a combination of
depression and mania.

Separation anxiety

A child with this type of disorder also experiences "separation anxiety."
Separation anxiety is a condition wherein a child is apprehensive being left
from the individual taking good care of him.

Defiance to authority

Severe disobedience is another symptom that should be taken into account. No
figure of authority especially the parents or caregiver is being respected by a
child with dipolar disorder.


A child with dipolar disorder is usually agitated by different things around
him. You should be on the look out when your child is strangely overactive. He
seems to struggle in concentrating at a specified activity such as sitting
still, eating, and doing school work.

Sleeping Problems

Your child may experience difficulty in sleeping. He may sleep too much or too
little. During his slumber, "night terrors" can occur. Night terror is
sometimes referred to as "pavor nocturnus" wherein a child usually is abruptly
awakened during his sleep yet cannot retain information from his dream. Along
with night terror that can occur is bed wetting wherein your child
spontaneously urinates.

Another sleeping problem which can be encountered by your child is not being
able to easily wake up in the morning. You must have a "waking-up strategy" so
that your child will not be late for classes or any appointment in the morning.

Food cravings

Foods high in carbohydrates and sugar are the most craved by children with
dipolar disorder. The cravings are somewhat strange since it is usually robust
and repeated.

Ill behavior

Mischievous sprite behavior is another common symptom of dipolar disorder. Your
child will usually do strange things such as getting out of a moving vehicle,
fighting with the caregiver with no apparent reason or to some, bullying other

Unhealthy sexual behavior

It is common for a child with dipolar disorder to have unacceptable sexual
behavior. Studies show that there are healthy and unhealthy sexual behaviors
for children. Children are not commonly openly sexual since in their age they
are more likely to explore and be playful. Additionally, they are not
preoccupied with interactions concerning sex.


Hallucinations can be experienced by a child with dipolar disorder.
Hallucination is defined as unusual "sensory perceptions" which happen when
your child is wide awake and aware of the things happening around him. When
your child is telling you that he is hearing voices but he is not speaking with
anyone, then you must be alert and extend help as soon as possible.


A sign of grandiosity is present for children with dipolar disorder.
Grandiosity is referred to as exaggerated assessment of one's value, authority,
understanding, significance and individuality.

In your child's belief, he is magnificent and all-knowing. With this attitude,
you will have difficulty in competing with him. Most of the time, you will end
up having a fight with him.

Speedy and strained speech

There are kids who really talk fast, however when "speedy and strained speech"
is a continuous incident with your child then he may be experiencing dipolar
disorder. It is not normal for a kid to talk fast yet talking with so much

Indeed, a child undergoes tantrums and mood swings. However, you as the parent
or caregiver should be cautious about these things. There is what you call a
"healthy tantrums and mood swings." When these things begin to become
unhealthy, then it is time to closely examine your child and his actions.

Different Scenarios of Bipolar Disease Symptom

If someone asks you to describe a bipolar disorder, you should manage to
explain to him or her without any confusion. Bipolar disorder is always
associated with mood alterations from depression to mania or vice versa. But
the truth is that the main characteristic and symptoms of a bipolar disorder
lies in its ability to bend times in ways wherein even Einstein never

The scenario of such mental disorder is similar to a traffic situation wherein
cars are stuck bumper to bumper. The world becomes slow moving and people are
dull-witted from accommodating you. If another person takes advantage of the
situation, you might feel very frustrated and burst out an occasional rage.

At the beginning, you are sure to experience getting in and out of the traffic
as you manage to leave the cars behind you. However, you can see more cars so
close with each other on the other end also having difficulty to move. Although
you are starting your engine so hard, still you end up banging your head on the
dashboard in desperation because you cannot run the highway freely.

The situation can also be the exact opposite. You are currently standing still.
Then your mind becomes occupied with a particular activity, later on you will
find out that switching off to another activity became very impossible. You can
see yourself standing under a shower and waiting till the waters run cold or
just staring off into space. In some cases, leaving your bed when you wake up
is very difficult.

The ratio of the time between the affected and normal person is 1:2, provided
that everything is right. A person with bipolar disorder can produce faster,
and react faster. If you were the battler facing the pitcher, you can picture
out in your mind the ball that is approaching you, from there, you can already
calculate the ball's trajectory. Then during the actual batting, you can
successfully give the ball a rewarding smack.

However, these things don't stay constant. Certainly, the clock will speed up
or wind down. During the speedy mode, you swing towards the ball too early, but
still you have time to cope up with missed bats doing the batting over and over
again. Then you burst out your rage thinking that the ball is taking so long to
approach you. Now, your focus is not anymore on the ball but on your anger. You
can release it on the bat, on the ground, and worse on the person closest to

Nothing is going right into your mind. Every tree, every rock, and every thing
God has put on earth have completely turned against you. People around you have
plot something in making your life miserable. Computers already developed new
methods of throwing up numbers, error codes, and changes its values right
before your eyes. And because you cannot get hold of what you think is
happening you end up just crying.

You still never forget those moments of standing still, those times under your
covers and showers as well as during your most energetic activity. In your mind
everything is possible, thus space are not enough to accommodate everything you
have planned to do. The sun may take its leave, hot coffee may turn stone cold,
or booming music may turn mute. Thus you could experience a new world you
completely owned.

These characteristics or symptoms can be specifically called as bichronicity
instead of bipolar disorder or manic depression. A bichronic person can
experience time in its full spectrum from standing still to warp speed. Time
never moves in a directed path making the life of a person very unpredictable.
There are instances that you can outsmart even the slickest person in town but
in some situation failed to answer even a simple question. You can become the
star one day and on the next day a total embarrassment. Sometimes you are hyper
productive then becomes too lazy. You can start something big then later dropped

No matter how worse the scenes may become, don't lose hope because treatment
can alleviate symptoms of a bipolar disorder. However, it is a slow process
that needs your cooperation. You need to adjust so that alarming warp speed and
standing still times can be reduced.

Code Signs for Bipolar Disorder Patients: What You Need To Know

Most of the time, there are people who are caught off-guard by written notes
from a physician since they can barely understand the writings. On some
occasions, unless you ask, your physician will not explain in detail what you
or your caregiver should know. There are even instances when physicians only
inscribe codes. This is true when you are a patient with bipolar disorder.
Commonly, mental health experts use codes to interpret their findings.

Psychiatrists habitually scribble codes in your records. Knowing the codes by
heart will help you or your caregiver to understand and gauge the pertinent
actions to undertake.

Codes are arranged by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM). DSM is the typical categorization of mental disorders utilized by
psychiatrists or other mental health experts.

For bipolar disorder, there are chiefly three important codes such as codes for
mood disorders, codes for substance induced mood disorders and code extensions
for psychotic features.

Codes for Mood Disorders

There are several code categories under "codes for mood disorders."

If a patient has a sole "manic episode" and there is no history of major
depressive episodes then mental health experts usually interpret in under code
296.0x (F30.x).

A patient with bipolar disorder who experiences a "hypomanic episode" in
progress and had at least one incident of manic or mixed episode then it is
categorized as code 296.40 (F31.0).

The code 296.4x (F31.x) is characterized in patients who suffers from a current
manic episode who have undergone major depressive, manic or mixed episodes.

A patient with Bipolar I Disorder and have occurrences of mixed episodes and
experienced any of major depressive, manic or mixed episodes falls into code
296.6x (F31.6).

If a patient has major depressive episode and has a history of having manic or
mixed episodes then mental health experts categorize this under code 296.5x

The code 296.7 (F31.9) is being written down for patients who experience any of
the following: mixed, manic, hypomanic or major depressive episodes. Along with
the criteria, the patient suffered from at least one mixed or manic episode.

Bipolar II Disorder can either be hypomania or depressed, has a code of 296.89
(F31.8) wherein the patient has more than one attack of major depressive
episodes or at least one episode of hypomanic. Under this category, you must
take note that there was never an attack of manic or mixed episode.

Codes for Substance Induced Mood Disorder

Mental health experts came up with codes to gauge measurable substances which
heighten mood disorder.

If a patient has alcohol intake which can stimulate mood disorder, then mental
health experts interpret this as code 291.8 (F10.8). Ingestion of cocaine, on
the other hand have code 292.84 (F14.8).

Inhalants can also incite mood disorder, when this happens it is being regarded
as code 292.84 (F18.8). Aside from inhalants, some sedatives can also stir up
mood disorder. Mental health experts code sedatives as 292.84 (F13.8).

For further information on codes for substance-induced mood disorder, you can
check with your physician. It is important for patients as well as caregivers
to know what substance triggers their temper so that preventive ways can be

Code Extensions for Psychotic Features

On this type of code, it will be regarded into two categories (1) severe
without psychotic episodes; and (2) severe with psychotic episodes.

A patient with Bipolar I Disorder having the most current manic episode has
codes 296.43 (F31.1) and 296.44 (F31.2) for severe without and severe with
psychotic episodes respectively.

The code 296.63 is for regarded for patients with severe disorder without
psychotic episodes for patients with Bipolar I Disorder who have current
experience of mixed episodes. On the other hand, 296.64 is the code for
patients with severe disorder having psychotic episodes.

A patient who have depressed episodes with Bipolar I Disorder has a code 296.53
(F31.4) if he has severe disorder with no psychotic episodes while 296.54
(F31.5) is the code for patients have severe disorder but with psychotic

The meanings of codes are not simply for the medical practitioners to know. The
patient should be knowledgeable of such codes for him to understand the course
of his illness. Equally important is for caregivers to also acquire information
with regards to different Bipolar Disorder codes so that they will properly take
good care of their patients.

Psychiatric Evidence of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a serious mental illness that has
eluded doctors for decades. For many years, bipolar disorder patients were
diagnosed as psychotic or Schitsophrinia. However, about twenty years ago,
manic depression became a more common diagnosis. Psychiatric specialists still,
however, did not really understand the illness.

Over time, more psychiatric evidence has come to light that proves that bipolar
disorder, as it is now called, is actually caused by chemical imbalances in the
brain. Other factors, both medical and situational, can be involved as well. In
the last few years, psychiatric specialists and researchers have determined that
bipolar disorder actually has varying degrees of severity, as well as types of

Studies of bipolar patients conducted by psychiatric professionals and
researchers has long suggested that bipolar disorder runs in families, or, in
other words, is hereditary. Through careful study and research of the functions
of the brain, it has now been determined how this illness is indeed hereditary
and biological in nature.

According to research posted in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 2000,
patients with bipolar disorder actually have thirty percent more brain cells of
a certain class that have to do with sending signals within the brain. These
additional brain cells cause patients' brains to actually behave differently,
making them predisposed to have periods of mania or depression.

According to researchers, this type of brain cell regulates moods, how someone
responds to stress, and cognitive functions. When the extra brain cells are
present, a congestion of cells regulated one type of mood or cognitive function
is overloaded, and therefore causes a bout of mania or depression. It is not yet
known by psychiatric researchers, however, why patients with bipolar disorder
have these additional brain cells. To discover this, more genetic research will
be required.

In addition to brain cells and brain chemistry, it has also been speculated by
psychiatric researchers that various genes in the genetic makeup of bipolar
patients can also contribute to the cause of and hereditary nature of bipolar
disorder. Studies have been ongoing experimenting with removal of the gene in
mice. The evidence suggests that circadian genes, which regulate mood,
hormones, blood pressure, and heart activity may be linked to bipolar disorder.
Specifically, the absence or abnormality of the gene actually seems to bring
about mania episodes.

All in all, more research needs to be done. Medical and psychiatric researchers
and doctors have a lot more to learn about the brain and how it functions. While
current treatments seem to work for bipolar disorder, they also have severe side
effects. Often, medications prescribed for bipolar disorder have to be
monitored, dosages modified, or medications switched entirely for patients to
maintain balance. The more we learn about the brain and it's functions, the
more we can learn about the physical, biological causes of bipolar disorder.
The more we learn about the causes of bipolar disorder, the more likely it will
become that effective treatments can be found that offer little side effects and
more permanent treatment options for bipolar patients.

Prozac for Bipolar Disorder, Bulimia, and Anxiety

Prozac is a medication often prescribed for bipolar disorder, bulimia, and
anxiety disorders. The medication is highly effective because it acts as a
serotonin inhibitor, which means that it helps balance serotonin levels in the
brain. Serotonin levels are responsible for mood stability, depressive states,
and control of anxiety, fears, or phobias.

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a mental illness that is caused by a
combination of biological, neurological, emotional, and situational factors.
The true causes of bipolar disorder are not yet fully understood. However, it
is understood that imbalances in the neurotransmitters of the brain, such as
serotonin, are partially responsible for the predisposition of bipolar disorder
in some patients.

Bulimia is an eating disorder in which the patient eats excessively then purges
themselves of the food they have eaten through either vomiting or induced bowel
movements. Bulimia is caused by a combination of psychological and emotional
factors, and in some cases environmental factors. The emotional factors
relating to bulimia are very similar if not identical to factors involved with
depression and low self worth issues, which are connected to serotonin levels
in the brain.

Anxiety disorders are thought to be caused by erratic fluctuations in brain
chemistry. Anxiety is defined as the intense somewhat debilitating feeling that
something horrible is going to happen. Everyone feels anxiety at some point, but
typically the normal person has a logical reason to feel anxious. With anxiety
disorders, the reason for the anxiety may not be known, or it may not be
logical if it is known.

Prozac is an effective treatment for bipolar disorder, bulimia, and anxiety
because it controls and balances the serotonin levels in the brain. In bipolar
patients, it is often prescribed in conjunction with other medications. Prozac
is an effective treatment for depression, but may cause manic episodes to
worsen. For this reason, Prozac is generally prescribed along with an
anti-psychotic drug that helps tone down manic episodes. Therapy sessions or
counseling is also generally a part of treatment.

In bulimia patients, Prozac is often the only prescription given. However, it
is combined with treatment of symptoms via counseling and therapy. The idea
behind this counseling is to identify why the patient has developed a sense of
self-worth, and to allow the patient to learn that what they perceive is not
necessarily reality. This is very helpful in bulimia patients who binge and
purge as a result of how they perceive their bodies.

Anxiety patients are often prescribed Prozac with great success. Counseling may
also be a part of treatment. In therapy sessions, patients may learn techniques
to control their anxiety through rationalization of situations that may not at
first appear rational. For example, if a patient feels anxiety over a cigarette
burning in an ashtray, they can learn techniques to allow their mind to
rationalize the situation and understand that there is no real danger of fire,
and therefore no reason for the anxiety. These techniques are very successful
in conjunction with Prozac for treating anxiety.

Overall, Prozac is an effective treatment for many mood disorders. Along with
Lithium, it is often considered a miracle drug, helping patients gain stability
and normal lives while living with an unstable, unrealistic view of themselves
or their surroundings.

Pediatric Bipolar Versus Asperger's Disorder

Pediatric bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a mental illness that
presents itself in patients as mood swings or mood cycling. Pediatric bipolar
type one patients tend to experience episodes of mania alternating with
periodic episodes of depression. Pediatric bipolar type two patients tend to
experience episodes of depression interspersed with periodic episodes of mild
mania. Depression symptoms include anger, extreme sadness, sleeping too much,
and feelings of worthlessness. Manic symptoms include bursts of rage, extreme
happiness, increased energy, hyperactivity, distractibility, sleeping too
little, and obsessive behaviors.

Pediatric bipolar disorder is caused by a combination of neurological,
biological, emotional, and environmental factors. Not all factors are present
in every case, although most cases include biological and environmental
factors. Little is known about the exact causes of pediatric bipolar disorder.
However, advances are being made in this area.

Asperger's disorder can be described as a mild form of autism. Actually,
asperger's disorder is a type of pervasive development disorder that can cause
developmental issues, especially in the areas of communication and social
development. Symptoms of asperger's disorder include problems with social
skills, odd or repetitive behavior or habits, communication difficulties, and
obsession with a limited range of interests.

The causes of asperger's disorder are not yet known. Studies show that
asperger's disorder tends to run in families, meaning that it is hereditary.
This fact shows that the underlying cause of asperger's disorder must be
biological, meaning that it is either genetic or neurologically related.

Pediatric bipolar disorder can be misdiagnosed as asperger's disorder because
pediatric bipolar disorder can present itself via symptoms such as obsessive
compulsive behavior, odd habits, and bouts of rage. Patients of pediatric
bipolar disorder and asperger's disorder both have symptoms that lead to
lacking social development skills, educational issues, behavioral issues, and
anger issues.

Pediatric bipolar can also be present in conjunction with asperger's disorder.
Typically, this is the case. It is unknown, however, if the pediatric bipolar
disorder is a result of the asperger's disorder, or if the same neurological
issues that cause asperger's disorder are related to the chemical imbalances in
the brain thought to be the cause of pediatric bipolar disorder. Answers to
these questions will likely come to light as research in neurological,
technological and psychiatric areas continue to progress.

Medication treatments for pediatric bipolar and asperger's disorders are quite
similar. There are no medications for asperger's disorder; however, medications
exist to treat the symptoms of asperger's disorder. Since the symptoms of
asperger's disorder, such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and
anxiety, are the same symptoms often experienced with pediatric bipolar
disorder, the medications used in both instances are the same.

Counseling treatments are also commonly used for both pediatric bipolar and
asperger's disorders, used in conjunction with medication or alone. Most
asperger's patients do not need medication. Counseling is required, however, to
help the patient cope with their disability. Counseling treatments for pediatric
bipolar disorder are considered necessary, with or without medication. These
treatments can help the patient learn to recognize and correct irrational
emotions or behavior.

If you notice your child exhibiting any of the behaviors mentioned in this
article, you should contact your pediatrician, doctor, therapist, or other
health care professional to obtain a proper diagnosis and start a viable
treatment plan. Undiagnosed or untreated pediatric bipolar or asperger's
disorder can lead to

Tough yet Rewarding Ways on Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder

Giving unconditional love for bipolar disorder patients is a tough job. It is
not easy to express love when you are being turned away from, disrespected or
even ill-treated. It is never easy to lend a hand to those who think
grandiosely of himself. Most importantly, it is never simple to care and
understand someone who has disorganized thoughts and feelings.

In-depth understanding of the illness is the primary aspect you need to
undertake. If you do not understand what is happening to your loved one, then
you will have difficulty relating to them.

After you have gone through the understanding and assessing specifics of
bipolar disorder of your loved one, then it is time to devise a plan wherein
you should workout the problems.

You need to recognize symptoms.

It is not the fault of your loved one why he is inflicted with bipolar disorder
that is the one thing you should take into account. He does not have control of
his actions or of his feelings.

You need learn to recognize the many symptoms of bipolar disorder. Does he have
sleeping problems? Why is he getting too much or too little sleep?

It is important to observe his moods, his actions and the way he relates to
people. Jot it down so you know when and where it occurred so you have a basis
to present.

When you perceive that the symptoms can be most likely bipolar disorder, do not
be embarrassed.

Do not think of the illness as humiliation.

To love someone knows no illness. Bipolar disorder is not an illness where you
should cast off or put your loved one into shame. This type of disorder can be
treated just like any other diseases.

If you will feel ashamed of your loved one because he is inflicted with such
illness, then you are not helping him restore his good health, instead you are
letting him do worse than expected.

Build trust.

Trust is essential to individuals with bipolar disorder. They need you to trust
them, not entrust them to other people or institutions such as the psychiatrists
or an asylum.

There will be times that you will feel that you cannot deal with your loved one
anymore that you will be tempted to call the doctor for him to be fetched
because you do not want to take care of them. Never let them hear you say those
words because it will just aggravate the situation.

To build up trust, an open and honest communication is needed.

Keep the communication line open.

Once you acknowledged the symptoms, and then ask yourself what you can do.
However thinking of good ways to help your loved ones is not always the best
way. You may think it is good but it may not really be helpful to the patient.
Hence, it is needed that you communicate with the patient.

An open and honest communication is vital. Encourage your loved one to talk
about what he thinks and feels. Let him suggest ways on how you are supposed to
relate to him.

Do not suppress what you feel. However, there are positive ways to let your
loved know how you feel. It is recommended that you avoid nagging, preaching or
lecturing an individual with bipolar disorder. Such negative actions will drive
him to detach. If you are concerned about him, let him see how concerned you
are in a gentle and encouraging manner.

Let him do his way.

Family members or friends usually ends up wanting to serve his loved one
afflicted with bipolar disorder. You begin to do every work he intends to do.
You start to make things he is supposed to construct. Do not do such things.

Along with trust and communication, let the person experience what he can do
for himself. Let him solve problems he can find solutions. Let him live the way
he is supposed to live. By that, he will feel that he is important and has a
good reason why he lives.

Be there. Although you allow him to do his own way, it does not mean that you
will not be there when he needs you to. Let him do his way but make sure that
you are around to give assistance when needed.

Most importantly, apart from assistance, you need to offer your love,
understanding and support.

Treating Your Disorder Successfully: Choose the Right Bipolar Medication

It is believed that knowledge is very important to fight bipolar disorder.
Information can help in the recovery of a person and foster acceptance of one's
self and relate to other people within a community. The motivation of patients
to communicate with their health care providers has a greater chance of
attaining a successful result. There was even a documented report that patients
with chronic illnesses felt better because they had regular doctor visits.

There is an estimated two million Americans who are affected by this
manic-depressive disorder. This is often disruptive and distressing similar to
other serious disorders. It is also difficult to handle for spouses, friends,
family members, and employers. They must cope up with some severe behavioral
problems like uncontrollable spending sprees and its long-term consequences.

A bipolar disorder pertains to a brain disorder that is considered a serious
problem. It is an illness of the mind involving serious episodes of depression
and mania. The mood swings of a person ranges from extremely irritable and high
to hopeless and sad, and vice versa. However, in between this swings, normal
mood and behavior still occurs.

This type of disorder normally begins in early adulthood or adolescence and
goes on throughout life. The only problem is that this is not recognized as a
disease and a person affected by a bipolar disorder needlessly suffers for
years and even for decades.

A bipolar disorder is believed to be inherited. It runs in families in most
cases. However, in spite of vigorous research, a specified genetic defect
related with the illness is not yet determined. A child below twelve years old
can be already diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. Although, this is not very
common for this age range, careful analysis is important since it can be
misinterpreted as an attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorder.

But keep in mind that several studies are conducted by doctors of various
universities in the United States to discover the brain's activity associated
with bipolar disorder to develop a successful treatment plan. Treatments that
are effective are widely available and greatly alleviate sufferings brought by
a bipolar disorder. It also prevents devastating complications such as job
loss, drug and alcohol abuse, marital breakups, and suicide.

All people affected by a bipolar disorder especially those people with severe
cases can get substantial stabilization regarding mood swings. One medication
which is very effective is lithium. It can control mania and prevent recurrence
of depressive and manic episodes. Recently, mood anticonvulsants valproate and
carbamazepine are found very useful for treating refractory episodes of a
bipolar disorder. Typically, these medicines are mixed with lithium to get
maximum effect.

Anticonvulsants medicines are theorized by some scientists as promoters of
kindling on a person affected by a bipolar disorder. It is a process wherein
the brain increasingly became stress sensitive and eventually starts to
manifests abnormal activity episodes without the stressor. Thus lithium is
blocking the kindling process early stages in which valproate and carbamazepine
act later. Valproate has been approved recently by the FDA (Food and Drug
Administration) for treating acute mania.

Adolescents and children having a bipolar disorder are treated generally with
lithium. However, valproate and carbamazepine are also utilized. Benzodiazepine
with high potency such as lorazepam and clonazepam are also helpful for
insomnia. Another valuable form of treatment is the thyroid augmentation.

Various kinds of antidepressants are useful for treating depression especially
when mixed with valproate, carbamazepine, or lithium. ECT or electroconvulsive
therapy is helpful for treating mixed mania and severe depression which failed
to respond on certain medications.

Psychotherapy is another good option. It provides support, guidance, and
education not only to the patient but also to her or his family. Mood chart is
also vital. In this way, mood swings are kept in track. Whatever patterns that
are created, the illness are correctly assessed with the help of a health care
provider. Thus an effective strategic plan is developed to handle mood swings

Since, manic-depressive disease is recurrent, a prolonged prophylactic
treatment is recommended. A bipolar disorder that is untreated having
occasional hypomania episodes and repetitive depressions is called bipolar II.

However, regardless of choosing either the accepted or fought mind frame, a
bipolar disorder's nature demands patients to participate in the treatment

Say No to Ignorance: Learn the Two Types of Bipolar Manic Depression

Bipolar depression can be distinguished in a person if a single manic episode
is present. Moreover, it is assumed as a chronic disease since a greater
population of persons who have manifestations of one episode can portray more
episodes in the days to come. However, the statistics stated that the average
episodes within a year must be only four, provided that no preventive treatment
was been applied.

Every person having a bipolar depression displayed unique patterns of combining
depression, manic episodes, and mood cycles. But if these patterns are
identified, the episodes become predictable. Some studies reveal that genetics
has a strong influence in developing a bipolar depression. Normally, the
disorder can be detected in adolescent stage or early adulthood. Once affected,
it can last a lifetime since the condition is episodic.

Many people are not well informed about bipolar disorder. They do not know that
it has two major types, the Bipolar I and Bipolar II. The distinguishing factor
among the two types lies whether or not a manic episode is present in a person.
One should understand depressive episodes and manic episodes to determine the

Depressive episodes are characterized by different symptoms. It includes weight
gain or weight loss, total absence or diminished happiness and pleasure,
relentless depressed mood, fatigue, excessive guilt, feelings of unworthiness,
need to sleep well, reduced concentration, inability to think better, frequent
thoughts of suicide or death, restlessness, and slow movement of the body.

If a person is experiencing at least five of the depressive symptoms such as
lack of interest in the activities once enjoyed, depressed mood, and others for
a minimum of two weeks, then he or she is manifesting a depressive episode. Keep
in mind that these symptoms are caused either by impairment or significant
distress not by alcohol and drug abuse or medical conditions to be considered
as a depressive episode.

Likewise, manic episodes have also different symptoms. These are racing
thoughts, chattiness, need to reduce sleep, flying ideas, distractibility, and
magnified self-confidence. Others include increased enthusiasm for activities
that are goal-directed, and superfluous extreme involvement in enjoyable
activities including sexual indiscretions or wild shopping,

According to DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) of the APA (American
Psychiatric Association), once mood disturbances are experienced by a person
such as persistent, unexplained euphoria together with three symptoms or more
for a minimum of one week, thus affecting the ability of the person to function
properly and become productive, then he or she is displaying a manic episode.
These symptoms must not be caused by medical conditions or drug abuse to belong
in the criteria of a manic episode.

Look closely on Bipolar I and Bipolar II disorders. A person is having a
Bipolar I disorder if he or she experiences a single manic episode along with a
depression episode. A person is having a Bipolar II disorder if he or she
experiences at least a single hypomania episode without the presence of manic
episodes. Never be confused. The only difference is that one of the symptoms of
a manic episode is experienced by a person having a Bipolar I disorder.

It should not be mistaken that bipolar disorder is classified into two types to
grade the severity of the above mentioned symptoms. Bipolar I and Bipolar II are
used only to differentiate how a person experienced a manic episode. The
classification of the disorders is based on the occurrence degree of the mania
than the impairment levels causing the disorder.

Bipolar disorder affects every person differently. The people who have been
diagnosed with a Bipolar I disorder have displayed different degrees of
distress, impairment, and adaptation. Large spectrum of variations on each
level can be determined. This case is also similar for those people who are
affected by a Bipolar II disorder.

It is advisable to learn everything about the mental disorder in case you are
diagnosed with a bipolar disorder or know someone having the disorder. Talk to
a doctor to find useful information and appropriate treatment. Educating
oneself regarding bipolar disorder can also help your family, friends, and
other important person in your life to also learn. Never forget that this is
your first step to recover and live a more healthy life.

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms of Mania in Manic-Depressive Illness

There are many people today that are unaware or little informed about a very
serious brain condition that can affect their daily life. This condition can
cause difficulties in controlling ones mood that can result in having
relationship problems, and can make their performance at work or at school

Many people consider that having a good physical health is enough in order to
live a normal and productive lifestyle. What most people neglect to consider is
that they should also be aware about their mental health where they may never
know if they are already suffering from a serious bran disorder called bipolar
disorder or sometimes called as manic-depressive illness.

This particular disorder can affect a person's mood which can include unusually
excessive highs and lows in their mood. This means that people with bipolar
disorder experiences different moods, such as excessive happiness, and
excessive depression in cycles. What this suggests is that people with bipolar
disorder can experience being depressed or being euphoric at no reason at all.
It just happens.

You have to consider that this particular condition can cause difficulty for a
person to live a normal and productive life. This is because of the symptoms
that they experience can be very disabling and can affect how they think and
how they make critical decisions and judgments. It is very important that you
should consider the fact that bipolar disorder is a very serious mental
disorder than can be disabling and in severe cases, can be lethal.

Bipolar disorder consists of two different classifications of symptoms. The
person who is suffering from bipolar disorder may experience manic, depressive
phases at a cycle process or both at the same time. In the manic episode, the
person suffering from this illness will experience excessive euphoria. What
this means is that the person will be at an unusually high mood.

Meaning, the person suffering from the manic episode associated with bipolar
disorder will be full of energy. At this episode, the person suffering from
bipolar disorder can experience racing thoughts. The racing thoughts symptom is
not about thinking fast, but it is a condition where the sufferer will
experience never ending thoughts. This means that you can't just make it stop.
There will always be something in your head that you don't even want.

Racing thoughts may include memories about the past that just won't go away and
is completely irrelevant to what you are doing. It may include parts of past
conversation that you had with someone, parts of a movie or music, and it can
even include hearing your own voice repeating some phrase over and over again.

Another symptom of mania associated with bipolar disorder is being unable to
make good judgments. Since your thoughts are constantly on the go and won't
stop, you will always be distracted. In turn, this will cause a person to
become irritable. The symptom can last for a few minutes and in severe cases,
it can last up to a week. As you can see, manic episodes can significantly
affect your work or school performance because you can never concentrate on

Your brain will constantly be active during the manic phase where it can also
contribute into letting you think that you have a lot of energy and don't need
any sleep. You have to consider that this is a particularly dangerous illness
that immediately needs attention.

You have to remember that bipolar disorder has no cure. However, it can be
treated up to the point where you will take control of your mood and your
thoughts again. The treatment will consist of psychotherapy, where a
psychiatrist will encourage you to talk and where he or she will teach you how
to cop with it.

Usually, the psychotherapy is combined with special medication that can
normalize the mood levels and decrease the effects of mood swings. You have to
consider that bipolar disorder will also include depression. It is important
that you should know all about the different signs and symptoms of this illness
in order to be aware of it and know if you are one of the people affected with
this illness.

These are some of the things you should remember about bipolar disorder. By
knowing about the manic symptoms, you will know if you have one or not. It is
important that once you detected the mentioned symptoms of mania mentioned, you
should immediately consult your psychiatrist.

Is Your Child Suffering from Bipolar Disorder?

Diagnosis of bipolar disorder among children have never been made until only
recently in the medical field. Before, the disorder was seen to emerge among
unfortunate adolescents and adults, but with advancement in identification
tests, the disorder can now be detected as early as childhood. Thus, early
treatment can be started.

An early diagnosis of the disorder in children may give them a better chance in
treatment. This will help them cope with the disease more properly, achieve
character equilibrium, realize a top level of wellness, and grow up to be a
self-aware and well rounded adult. With the right treatment, the disorder can
be easily controlled and they may lead a normal happy life.

The prevalence of the disorder in children is suspected to be significant with
those who are already diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit with hyperactivity
disorder) in the United States. Children and adolescents who have suffered from
relapsing depressions may be suffering from an early start-up of bipolar
disorder except that the manic stage of the disorder has not yet occurred. The
more epidemiological studies are conducted the more the medical world is
becoming aware how common this disorder surface among children.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by extreme mood
changes that includes depression and mania (extreme euphoria). But the disorder
has some variations among children compared to those of the adults. Bipolar
among children generally have constant mood alterations that is a combination
of depression and mania in rapid cycles. Persistent irritability is caused by
the rapid mood cycles as well as a few periods of wellness in between phases.

DSM-IV criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV) are used to diagnose
bipolar disorder among adults. Although there is no age limit when using the
DSM-IV, there is no real specific criteria for children which makes it quite
difficult to use.

The following are the common behaviors found in children afflicted with bipolar

*  hyperactive, easily distracted 
*  authority problems 
*  extensively destructive temper 
*  insomnia alternating with oversleeping 
*  irritable 
*  depressed, apathetic, passive 
*  fast changing moods from a few hours to several days 
*  bedwetting 
*  delusions and hallucinations 
*  beliefs of grandiosity 
*  flight of ideas, extremely talkative 
*  extreme anxiety when separated from family even for a short period of time 
*  night time fears and tirades 
*  unsuitable sexual behavior 
*  extreme hunger for sweet food and carbohydrates

The disorder can also be noted during infancy. Parents of later bipolar
diagnosed children frequently cite erratic behavior such as being unusually
clingy and unmanageable tantrums reminiscent of seizures.

Like bipolar syndrome in adults, children or pediatric bipolar syndrome is
classified into four: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymia, and Bipolar Disorder
Not Otherwise Specified.

In Bipolar I, patients undergo interchanging episodes of extreme depression and
psychotic mania.

Bipolar II, the patient undergoes moments of hypomania interchanging with
moments of depression. Hypomania is sometimes attributed to immense creativity.
Hypomania is manifested by irritable or elevated mood with an addition of
enhanced mental and physical energy.

Cyclothymia is the form of disorder wherein the individual afflicted undergoes
stages of milder but specific mood changes.

Lastly, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is the form of the disorder
that the physicians are not able to classify in any of the above mentioned
classifications. It is also characterized by manic-depressive mood swings but
there are symptoms where the illness can not be either identified as Bipolar I,
II, or Cyclothymia.

The parents who are worried about their child's welfare, specifically a child
who talks about suicide, should have them evaluated and/or assessed by a
legitimate professional who is an expert with psychiatric disorders and its

Concerned adults who believe one of their charges is afflicted with the
disorder should take notes everyday of the child's behavior, sleeping patterns,
speech, and strange events surrounding the child. These observations will
importantly help the physician in their evaluations and find an appropriate

The disorder can be controlled through a combination of medication, close
supervision of behavioral symptoms, psychotherapy for both the patient and the
family, knowledge about the disorder, excellent nutrition, regular exercise and
sleeping patterns, and lessening of stressful situations.

It is best if the parents and the medical professionals work hand in hand in
the treatment of the child. The family's involvement in the treatment plan can
lessen the intensity, incidence, and extent of episodes.

A complete guide to bipolar illness

Bipolar illness is also known as manic-depressive illness. This is the disorder
that involves incidents of serous depression and mania. Bipolar illness is
characterized by sudden mood sways of a person which can abruptly shift from
being highly irritable to being overly sad. The change from depression to mania
and vice versa can occur in a very short period of time. The mood fluctuation in
bipolar illness mainly follows a pattern for a person. Analyzing this pattern
will help to foresee the next behavior of a person with bipolar illness.

There are certain signs that will help recognize mania from depression. When a
person is in the state of mania, bipolar illness can be recognized through the
following symptoms:

1.  hyperactivity which leads to restlessness and talking rapidly 
2.  extremely high feelings 
3.  excessive irritability 
4.  fancy belief to unrealistic powers
5.  poor judgment 
6.  increase of sexual urges 
7.  abuse of alcohol, cocaine and other drugs 
8.  aggressive behaviors 
9.  denial that something is wrong with him

However, when a person is in the state of depression, bipolar illness can be
recognized through the following symptoms:

1.  persistent sadness or anxious mood 
2.  pessimism 
3.  uncharacterized feelings of unworthiness and guilt
4.  low sex drives 
5.  feeling of being exhausted even without physical activities 
6.  decrease in energy level even to ordinary activities 
7.  poor judgment 
8.  loss of appetite 
9.  chronic pains that are not due to physical illness 
10. suicidal tendencies

Bipolar illness generally initiates in the adolescence period which is carried
on throughout the person's life. The difficulty of this illness is that it
cannot be readily recognized as an illness, rather counted on as attitude
problem like hyperactivity or attention deficit disorders. Because of this, the
person who has this illness suffers for a prolonged period and can even develop
its complications such as drug and alcohol abuse, poor quality of job, marital
break up or even suicidal tendencies. As of the records, two million Americans
suffer the disruptive and distressing implications of bipolar illness.

The mood states of bipolar illness follow a spectrum. At an early stage of
manic-depressive disorder, hypomania takes place. In this state, the person
shows extreme level of energy that can result to reckless and impulsive
behaviors. For the person suffering from bipolar illness, he is behaving
rightly and will deny that anything is wrong. But for his family and friends,
they can already recognize the unlikely behaviors of that person.

The early signs of bipolar illness can be mistaken to other problems such as
caused by drug or alcohol abuse. In the latter process, the person can then
experience full clinical depression.

There are various treatments to stabilize the mood of a person with bipolar

The popularly known stabilizer is lithium. This is a helpful medication to
control mania and the reoccurrence of both mania and depression episodes. In
recent clinical techniques, carbamazepine and valproate are also used as
anticonvulsants in cases of refractory episodes of bipolar illness. Scientists
have tested the efficiency of anticonvulsant medications in the process of
kindling. Kindling is the process when the brain gradually increases its
sensitivity to stress, thus resulting to abnormal activities and behaviors.
While lithium is found to block the kindling process in its early signs,
carbamazepine and valproate work for the later stages. For the acute cases of
mania, valproate drugs are recommended. These are approved treatments by the
Food and Drug Administration. For those patients with severe bipolar illness
and do not respond to these medications, the electroconvulsive therapy or ECT
is of great value. This is an effective treatment even for severe depression
mixed with frequent mania.

To counteract the effects of hyperactivity such as insomnia, benzodiazepines
clonazepam and lorazepam are helpful medications. It is also important to make
an analysis of the behavioral pattern of the patient as a tool in finding the
right treatment to the symptoms of bipolar illness.

Bipolar illness is a mental disorder that should readily be treated before its
further complications. Otherwise, repeated depression can occur and lead to
another behavioral and mental problem. And in some cases, mania can be the
major problem with occurrences of sudden depression. These are indications that
a long term or prophylactic treatment is highly needed.

Bipolar II Disorder: The Signs, Symptoms and Treatment to Cope Up With This
Brain Disorder

In order to live a normal and productive life, you should have a healthy body.
This is what most people often say and believe. However, what most people don't
know is that they should also consider that their brain should also function
normally. Besides, having a brain that doesn't function properly can affect the
way you live your daily life.

Today, recent advances and research in psychiatry have found different kinds of
brain disorders that can affect almost everyone. One such brain disorder is
called bipolar disorder. This particular disorder can affect the way you
control your mood or your emotion. Normally, there are some instances where you
feel some ups and downs, depending on your environment. This means that when
something happens that you like, you will feel happy or when something happens
that you don't like, you will feel depressed. This is a normal reaction of your

However, a person suffering from bipolar disorder cannot control their mood.
There will be a constant cycle of depressive and manic episodes where a person
will feel excessively happy and excessively depressed at no reason at all.
People suffering from bipolar disorder can seem unusually happy or sad at some
intervals. Severe cases of bipolar disorder have been known to cause several
noticeable mood swings in a single day.

As mentioned before, there are two episodes that a person suffering from
bipolar disorder experiences. The first one is the manic episode where a person
will feel extremely happy, feels that they have a lot of energy, feels that they
don't need sleep and others. The person in the manic episode will usually talk
very fast with racing thoughts that results in jumping from one idea to
another. He or she will also be irritable and will not accept that there is
something wrong.

In the depressive episode, the person will feel depressed and excessively sad.
They will feel that they are useless, they will be irritable, they feel
restless, they feel that they need to sleep, and in severe cases of bipolar
disorder, they think about death and suicide where they can attempt to commit

As you can see, bipolar disorder is a very serious illness.

Another kind of bipolar disorder is called bipolar II. The symptoms are very
much the same but the manic episode in bipolar II are not as severe as bipolar
disorder. However, the depressive episode is the same or even worse in bipolar
II. In the manic episode, the symptoms are not so severe that it can never
really affect their daily life. They will still be able to function in their
daily activities with no problem at all only that they will feel more energetic
than normal.

However, the depressive episode in bipolar II is very much the same as bipolar
disorder where the person suffering from bipolar II can suffer from the same
symptoms as bipolar disorder. There are some cases where bipolar II is very
severe that people with this condition attempted to commit suicide.

You have to consider that bipolar II is also a serious mental condition that
needs attention in order for it to become stable and not get any worse.

First of all, bipolar and bipolar II cannot be cured. The technology to cure
bipolar and bipolar II is not yet available. However, there are treatments that
people should consider in order to help them cope up with bipolar disorder as
well as bipolar II. The treatment will consist of psychotherapy, and
medication. During the psychotherapy sessions, the family should get involved
in order to let them understand about bipolar II and help them learn how to
cope with it. The patient is also taught several methods to minimize the
effects of the episodes associated with bipolar II mainly the depressive

The psychotherapy can be strengthened by prescribing some medications that can
normalize the mood of the patient. This means that the medication can help the
patient prevent their brains to reach a depressive state or manic state.

These are some of the things that you should know about bipolar disorder and
bipolar II. Always remember that it is essential that this condition should be
detected early on by basing on the signs and symptoms in order to treat it as
early as possible and prevent it from becoming worse.

Bipolar II Disorder: A Brain Disorder That Can Make Your Life Difficult To Live

The most important organ in the human body is the brain, without it, the human
body cannot function at all. The brain is like the microprocessor of a computer
that is responsible for controlling everything. From your basic motor skills to
making your body organs function to making decisions, everything is controlled
by the brain.

This is why it is important that you should also be aware of your mental health
and not just your physical health.

Today, there are now a lot of known facts about the different kinds of brain
disorder that can affect the way you live your daily life. Some affects your
motor skills, while other kinds of brain disorders can affect your decision
making skills. There are also different causes for brain disorders. Some are
caused by accidents while there are also brain disorders that are acquired
since birth.

One such brain disorder is called bipolar II. Bipolar II affects your mood and
with this kind of brain disorder, it can make you feel constantly depressed at
no reason at all. Bipolar II is also associated with at least one hypomanic
episode. Unlike bipolar disorder where manic and depressive moods are always
associated, bipolar II makes a person experience one or more depressive
episodes and is accompanied by one hypomanic episode at the least.

During the hypomanic episode, the person with bipolar II will feel a constant
elevated, irritable or expansive mood. This particular feeling will usually
last up to 4 days or more. During this phase, you will see that the behavior is
entirely different from a normal non-depressed mood. The symptoms associated
with bipolar II hypomanic episodes are quite similar to bipolar disorder during
manic episodes but is less severe.

The major depression episodes associated with bipolar II can make a person feel
excessively depressed and can make him or her feel that they are useless. The
person suffering from this illness will also make them pessimistic and make
them feel helpless. In severe cases of bipolar II disorder, the person may even
think of death or suicide and even makes suicide attempts.

The hypomanic episodes associated with bipolar II is usually not severe enough
that it can affect a person suffering from this disorder with their social
activities, performance at work or school and there are no psychotic features.
It is considered that if a person experiences four of more hyponamic and
depressive episodes in a single year, the person has a rapid-cycling bipolar
disorder. The particular cycling period will develop during the course of the
illness. This means that the longer that the illness is left untreated, the
more frequent the person will suffer from the illness.

You have to consider that bipolar II is a version of bipolar disorder. However,
the depressive episodes are more obvious than the manic episodes. Bipolar II is
not classified as manic-depression, but only large mood and energy swings.
However, there are also severe forms of bipolar II where the person suffering
from it can make him prone to commit suicide.

As you can see, bipolar II is a very serious illness that should not be left
unchecked. As soon as you notice the signs and symptoms for bipolar II, it is
important that you should seek help immediately. You have to consider that
bipolar II has treatments that can minimize the effect of the illness in your
daily life. The treatment will consist of psychotherapy, and medications that
can normalize your mood. It is also important that your family and friends
should fully support you in order to help you fully recover.

The therapy will also include helping you to cope up with the illness. It will
include different methods that you can use to minimize the effect of the

Bipolar II, like the bipolar disorder, is a long term illness that needs
constant long term care and management. With patience, you will be able to take
control of your life again and minimize the negative effects of bipolar II.

Be aware of bipolar II and live a more normal and productive lifestyle. Never
be a slave of this illness again by detecting it early on and getting it

The Bipolar Handbook: A Complete Guide about Manic Depressive Illnesses

There are many people who are unaware or are uninformed about the different
kinds of mental disorders. One kind of mental disorder is called bipolar
disorder. This particular disorder is also called manic-depressive illness
where the sufferer will show symptoms of constant mood change. The person
suffering from this kind of disorder will constantly change from being
excessively happy, to excessively sad to normal state and back again. The cycle
repeats again over a period of a few minutes to a month. Some cases have cycles
that lasts more than a month.

You have to consider that this kind of disorder is a very serious mental
condition where it can affect a person's everyday life. You have to consider
that with this illness the person suffering will have problems with their
relationships, and also have problems regarding their performance at work or at

Bipolar disorder usually shows its signs and symptoms during late adolescent
years to early adulthood. However, there are some cases where the signs and
symptoms will show up as early as childhood to later in life. Although there
are no significant theories supporting the causes of bipolar disorder, there
are informative books that can help you determine if a person has bipolar
disorder and help you cope up with it.

One such book is called the "The Bipolar Handbook". Written by Wes Burgess,
M.D, PhD, a well known Los Angeles psychiatrist, the "The Bipolar Handbook" is
comprised of comprehensive information about the illness. This particular
handbook can be helpful in informing you about the bipolar disorder where it
can affect almost anyone.

This book is based upon real questions of patients and families regarding the
disorder. This book is considered to be one of the best books available to know
more about bipolar disorder. It is easy to read and contains all the information
about bipolar disorder and how you can cope up with it. There are also different
home diagnostic included that can teach you and the family to know whether you
have a bipolar disorder or not.

Another great thing about this book is that it contains different information
about bipolar disorder and how it is treated. It also includes theories about
the causes of bipolar disorder, the different medical and psychotherapy
treatments, and also different healthy lifestyle for people with bipolar
disorder. You can consider this book as a self-help book for bipolar disorder
sufferers where they will be informed about the condition and how they can cope
up with it. The book is also useful for families for taking care of their family
member with bipolar disorder.

You should consider that the author, Wes Burgess is a respected psychiatrist
all over the world who specializes in bipolar disorder. This means that you can
be sure that the book will contain accurate and comprehensive information about
the different aspect of the illness. This book contains real questions with up
to date answers about bipolar disorder.

With this book, you will be able to know how to cope up with bipolar disorder
and help yourself live a healthier and more productive lifestyle. It will also
contain different information about the different medications available for
bipolar disorder and what you should do when you have an episode or attack of
mood change.

Here are some quick review of what's inside the book and what to expect in it:

*  What to expect when pursuing a diagnosis
*  How to choose the doctor or specialist for you
*  How to get bipolar disorder under control
*  How to reduce stress to prevent both manic and depressive phase
*  What kind of treatments and medications available and what's best for you
*  What family and friends can do with bipolar disorder

These are some of the things that you can expect to read in the book. You can
also expect to read different strategies for coping with bipolar disorder in
order to be successful in your career and, build a healthy and working
relationship with your significant other, friends, and families.

You have to remember that there is no cure for bipolar disorder. The best thing
you can do is to have it treated, and live your life as best as you can with the
disorder. You have to consider that the illness is manageable and with this
book, you will know how to effectively manage bipolar disorder.

Episodes Symptom of Bipolar Disorder

Not all illnesses are easily detected. Though for some people this might not
sound alarming, those individuals who want to secure their lives as well as
their families are constantly searching for the right answers. They don t
hesitate to seek medical help to ensure that they get the proper treatment
and/or medication.

One of the prevailing disorders that many people suffer from is manic
depression. But today, this is popularly called bipolar disorder. The patient,
family, relatives, or friends may not be aware of this disorder, as it is not
detected easily. During the early stages, the symptoms can be manifested with
the use of drugs, alcohol intake, and poor work/school performance. If the
disorder remains untreated, it can lead to full-blown bipolar disorder with
minor or major episodes.

Usually, the early sign which shows that a person has bipolar disorder may be a
hypomania state. The person exhibits high levels of energy, irritability,
excessive moodiness, and recklessness or impulsiveness; and that person feels
good about it. Though family members and friends may notice these behaviors,
the person will only deny that something's wrong.

A person diagnosed with bipolar disorder oftentimes has episodes. These
episodes are divided into four types: depression, mania, hypomania, and mixed
mood. Each episode exhibits different symptoms. Below is the detailed
information about the symptoms of bipolar disorder based on episodes.

Depression Symptoms:

*  Always feeling sad 
*  Sleeps too much or too little 
*  Feels hopeless, guilty, and worthless 
*  Loses interest in certain things like sex 
*  Change in appetite or weight 
*  Feels restless and tired 
*  Can't make effective decisions
*  Can't concentrate 
*  Thinks about suicide or death

These symptoms happen consistently for about two weeks. The moods exhibited
should represent an actual change in the individual's normal mood. The
depressed mood happens in most time of the day, and the loss of interest in the
usual things is strongly marked. All the other symptoms usually occur every
single day. Psychomotor retardation or agitation is also noted everyday. The
person's social, educational, or occupational functioning is impaired because
of the symptoms.

Mania Symptoms:

*  Increased levels of energy 
*  Thoughts jump or race 
*  Sleeps less
*  Talkative and self-confident unlike before 
*  Accomplishes very little
*  Easily distracted 
*  Does extreme or risky activities

These symptoms are easily noted and the feelings are too severe that all
aspects like emotional and social are greatly affected. The person will have
difficulty in coping with his or her situation that oftentimes, his or her
personal life is sacrificed. Not only is the patient affected, but also the
family members, friends, and co-workers.

Aside from the depression and manic symptoms, there are still two other episode
types. The hypomania is usually characterized by a persistently expansive,
elevated, and irritable mood. This can last for a couple of days, four days at
the most, and the change in mood is very different form his usual mood. This is
not a severe episode and therefore can't cause impairment to a person's life
although some of the symptoms will come as a shock to friends and co-workers.

The mixed episode is characterized by both depressive and manic episode every
day. And this usually happens for a week.

Since bipolar disorder cannot be detected easily, you must be observant of the
things happening around you. A lot of people are not aware that they have the
illness, or are afraid to accept such fact. What the person should do is to
take action. He must consult a medical professional or a specialist that can
diagnose his condition accurately.

Only a specialist in the medical field can give you the right diagnosis, as
well as the right medication or treatment. Don t hesitate or be ashamed of your
condition. Bipolar disorder can't be cured, but there are ways to control it.
After you've found the best medication or treatment that will work for you,
then you can reclaim your normal life back.

Remember, if you or a family member remains untreated, the condition will only
become worse. So why wait until things worsen? Act now and with the help of
your loving family members and friends, you can easily cope up with the
situation and live a happy and normal life.

Medicine or Talk Therapy: Common Bipolar Disorder Treatment

It is not forever that you or your loved one will suffer from the destructing
symptoms of bipolar disorder. There are ways to combat the said illness such as
undergoing bipolar disorder treatment.

There are two types of bipolar disorder treatment, pharmacological and

Pharmacological treatment refers to the use of medicine. Commonly, medicines
are used to stabilize intense mood swings caused by depression and mania. Some
medications are also prescribed to control attacks of severe anxiety.
Pharmacological treatment is categorized into five such as:

1. Anti-anxiety medications and sedatives

There are different types of sedatives which gives relief to individuals with
bipolar disorder. This type of medication is used to help the patient achieve
the amount of sleep he needs. Sedatives also help patients lessen their
apprehension. Most importantly, it helps them control severe episodes of manic.

Some known sedatives used for bipolar disorder are hypnotics, tranquilizers,
anxiolytics and benzodiazepines.

2. Antidepressants

Antidepressants are widely and regularly prescribed to people with bipolar
disorder. There are different types of antidepressants.

*  Atypical antidepressant is an example of antidepressant which is chemically
   not related to other antidepressants. Some examples under this type are
   Desyrel, Remeron and Wellbutrin. 
*  Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors or commonly referred to as MAOIs helps ease 
   the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Manerix, Marplan, Nardil, and Parnate are 
   some drugs under this type. 
*  Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors or SNRIs is a type of 
   antidepressants which concentrates on a neurotransmitter. 
*  Selective Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors or SSNRIs like the 
   above-mentioned types of antidepressants help patients' sufferings from the 
   many symptoms of bipolar disorder. Some known drugs related to this are 
   Cymbalta and Effexor. 
*  Common examples of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs are 
   Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro, Prozac, Luvox and Zoloft. 
*  Tricyclics antidepressant includes Anafranil, Elavil, Asendin, Norpramin, 
   Aventyl, and Adapin.

3. Antipsychotics

This type of pharmacological treatment is referred to as "neuroleptic drugs."
Common antipsychotics are sometimes termed as "major tranquilizers," because
its chief responsibility is to put under sedation the patient taking it.

There are three major types of antipsychotic drugs such as atypical, typical
and dopamine partial agonists. Other options for antipsychotic drugs are
Symbyax and Tetrabenazine.

4. Mood Stabilizers

Mood stabilizer is a type of medication to minister "mood disorders." There are
a lot of drugs to stabilize mood to use for individuals with bipolar disorder.
"Lithium carbonate" is the first mood stabilizer to be approved by the Food and
Drug Administration (FDA). It is also widely used.

There are some mood stabilizers out in the market today which are not yet
approved by the FDA. There are possible uneventful consequences when taking
unapproved drugs. Hence it is important to consult with your physician the
stabilizer that is well suited for you and is FDA approved.

5. Calcium Channel Blockers

If an individual's bipolar disorder is negligible and manageable, then calcium
channel blockers may be appropriate.

The major function of calcium channel blockers is to drop the blood pressure.
Additionally, it slows down the transmission of electrical activity inside the
heart which then results to lowered heart rate.

There are three major categories under calcium channel blockers such as
Dihydropyridine, Phenylalkylamine, and Benzonthiazepine.

Medications should be prescribed by psychiatrists proficient in analysis and
treatment of mental disorders.

Another type of bipolar disorder treatment is psychotherapy which is sometimes
referred to as "talk therapy."

This type of treatment encourages the patient to openly talk about the possible
causes of depression. You will also have the chance to communicate about the
factors which trigger incidents of bipolar disorder.

Upon knowing the causes and triggers of manic depression, then you will arrive
at achievable solutions to administer or evade triggers.

There are two kinds of psychotherapy. Interpersonal therapy has a goal to help
you modify your behavior so that you will have a positive relation to other
people. On the other hand, cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to assess your
belief and feelings that should lead you to alter your response to different

The pains and sufferings caused by bipolar disorder can be generally treated.
Patience and perseverance is needed during the treatment period since most of
the time patients undergo a long-term medication either pharmacological or

Bipolar Disorder: Tests for Determining If a Person Has Bipolar Disorder

In order to live a normal life, it is important for a person to have good
physical health. However, you should also consider that your mental health is
also important. The brain is what controls everything you do in your daily
life. It controls your speech, it controls your motor skills and it also
controls your emotions. Although you are the person who decides whether you are
in a bad mood or in a good mood, there are some people with mental disorder that
cannot control their emotions.

This kind of disorder is called bipolar disorder or commonly called as
manic-depressive illness. Many people call this manic-depressive illness
because a person suffering from this kind of disorder cannot control their
emotions or their mood. You will notice that a person suffering from bipolar
disorder have constant mood swings. In one moment, you will see that they are
happy and the next minute they will get depressed at no reason at all.

Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can affect the daily activities of
those affected. Since they constantly change their mood, they will have trouble
with their relationships as well as their performance in school or at work. You
have to consider that a lot of marriages and friendship, as well as school
grades and jobs have been lost due to bipolar disorder.

This is why you should be aware of this serious problem as it can affect the
way a person live their lives negatively. There are some cases that bipolar
disorder sufferers have come to the point of attempting to commit suicide. The
depressive phase of the disorder makes them feel useless and let them think
that they are useless and should no longer exist. With this kind of thought, it
will result in thinking about death and suicide and in some cases, some people
who suffers from bipolar disorder commits suicide.

You will also notice that in the manic phase, the person suffering from bipolar
disorder is extremely active. They are excessively optimistic, they feel
euphoria, and they also feel that they can do anything. During this phase, the
person will also talk a lot and talk fast, they also have increased energy, and
increased sex drive.

However, during the manic phase of the bipolar disorder, the person has too
much in his or her mind that they are unable to concentrate. They usually jump
from one idea to another and refuse to admit that something is wrong. This is
why bipolar disorder should be treated. It is a condition that can endanger the
life of the sufferer and also the people around him or her.

In order to get an effective treatment for bipolar disorder, it is important
that it should be detected early on. Usually, the first signs and symptoms of
bipolar disorder occur during late adolescent years to early adulthood.
However, there are some cases where bipolar disorder signs and symptoms occur
during childhood and later in life.

In order to determine if a person has bipolar disorder, the psychiatrist will
perform several tests on the patient. You have to consider that bipolar
disorder cannot be detected on CAT scans or X-Rays. The only way to determine
if you have a bipolar disorder is by visiting a psychiatrist. He or she will
let you answer some questions about your manic and depressive moods. The test
will consist of several questions, such as "I feel powerful and I feel that I
can do anything", "I feel very energetic", "I don't need to sleep", and others
in the manic phase. In the depressive phase, questions will be "I am really sad
most of the time", "I'm always tired but I find it hard to get out of bed", "I
feel restless" and others.

Both of manic and depressive phases will cause problems in relationships and at
work or school. This is why it is important that if you notice that you are
having problems with your emotions, you should visit your psychiatrist
immediately. The psychiatrist will be able to perform a series of tests to
determine if you have a bipolar disorder and what kind of bipolar disorder you

Bipolar disorder cannot be cured. However, this particular brain disorder can
be treated. You have to consider that this is a long term illness that will
require long term treatment. With patience, you will be able to live a more
normal and productive life.

Bipolar Disorder: Treatments and Medications

The brain is one of the most important parts of the body. Without it, you will
be unable to live. The brain controls every part of a human's body and is
responsible for everything that you do. It is responsible for your basic motor
skills, such as walking, or handling things and it is also responsible for the
way you feel or your emotions.

There are different kinds of emotions that you can feel throughout your life.
There are times where you are happy, and there are also times where you will
feel depressed about something. This is a normal reaction to the environment.
If something pleases you, you will be happy and if something bad happens, you
will feel depressed.

However, there are some cases where people suffer from a brain disorder where
they have no total control of their emotions. This particular disorder is
called bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that can affect
your emotions or your mood. It is an illness where you will have little or no
control of your emotions where you will experience different kinds of emotions
at fluctuating intervals. People with bipolar disorder often get depressed even
when there is nothing to be depressed about. Even when you cheer that person up,
you will see that it will have no effect on that person. You will also see that
the mood will change to extreme euphoria where they will feel very happy and
have gradual increase in their energy.

Mood change is a normal thing. However, people with bipolar disorder
experiences mood changes at an interval. You will see that in one moment they
are depressed and will suddenly become happy at no reason at all.

There are two classifications of symptoms for bipolar disorder. One is the
manic episode, and the other is the depressive episode. In the manic episode,
the person with bipolar disorder will have increased energy, talkative,
unusually in a high or euphoric mood, irritable, have racing thoughts that can
result in loss of concentration and jumping from one idea to another,
unrealistic beliefs in their abilities and powers, increased sex drive, denial
that anything is wrong, aggressive behavior, and abuse of substances, such as
drugs and alcohol.

In depressive episode, the person with bipolar disorder will experience long
duration of sadness, empty mood, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, feelings
of hopelessness, being pessimistic, loss of interest in activities that is
considered to be pleasurable such as sex, sleeping too much or can't sleep at
all, feelings of irritability, and thoughts of death or suicide. Sometimes,
there comes a point where they even attempt to commit suicide.

These are the two classifications of the different signs and symptoms for
bipolar disorder. Because of the symptoms associated, bipolar disorder is also
called manic-depressive illness. Because of the constant mood change, bipolar
disorder can affect a person's social life. It can also affect a person with
this disorder their job or school performance. They will also constantly
experience making and losing friends because of their behavior.

You have to consider that bipolar disorder is a serious illness that should be
treated with careful management. It is important that bipolar disorder should
be treated immediately as soon as the signs and symptoms for it appear.
Treatment will consist of psychotherapy and medication.

Psychotherapy can help the patient determine if they are going through a mood
change and will also help them control their emotions better. However, there
are cases where psychotherapy isn't enough. Medication is usually prescribed
for bipolar disorder where it can normalize their emotions. Here are some of
the mood-stabilizing medications available in the market that can effectively
treat bipolar disorder:

*  Lithium 
*  Anticonvulsant medications, such as valproate and lamotrigine

It is important that before starting a new medication for bipolar disorder, you
should always consult your psychiatrist first as it may have some side effects.
Depending on the medication, the side effects may include tremors, reduced sex
drive, hair loss, anxiety, weight gain or loss, and dry mouth.

The treatments mentioned can effectively manage the bipolar disorder. You
should consider that there is still no cure for bipolar disorder. It is a long
term illness which requires long term treatment with psychotherapy and also

Sugar and Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder an Overview

Sugar and Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder is a book about a middle aged
woman who had and managed to survive bipolar disorder also known as
Manic-depression, but along the way experiences the bitter and sweet moments of
life in a not so normal way. She only knew of her illness when she turned 32. In
the book, it is vividly detailed what it is like to live in a family threatened
by such an illness, how to fit in school or do work while dealing with the
undiagnosed illness. She also describes her ordeal of facing the failure of her
marriage and other relationships, how she tries to understand that, however she
tries to live a normal life it just bounce back and still she lives a very
different and more complicated life than the persons she knew. Until she admits
that there is something wrong about her and that she needs professional help.

After the acceptance of the strange malady within her comes the long journey to
get treatment as she tries one medication after the other after being mistaken
for a psychotic. For more or less five years her life was devoted in seeking
the proper knowledge and ways to approach the said disorder that she has been
putting up for such a long time until the part came where she realizes that for
her to get the proper treatment she needs she had to enter a mental hospital.
She illustrates the life she had lived in a locked ward and how fortunate she
was when her attending physician finally finds a certain medication that her
disorder responds to. She feels that she had the key to break free from her
long ordeal and finally she gets the normal feeling she always wanted.

As she makes progress in the medication her disorder responds to she reaches
the point where she can now get out of the mental hospital and live like a
normal person. Jane had to face the world on her own again and start a brand
new life. She was able to get the private life she wanted and the dream job
that she had been always dreaming of without her bosses and co-employees
knowing her deep, dark secret. But, after ten long years, unfortunately she
develops an allergy to the one and only medication that has been of very good
service to her and must start the treatment all over again.

At some point in the process, she loses the job she had dreamt about and falls
back into the deep ditches of depression. It is a very touching story about a
woman's triumph over her bipolar disorder that for the second time has
threatened her and once again she survived it. Find out how she managed to
surpass it and how you too can mange the disorder through medication and
therapy should you find out that you have such illness or maybe a family member
experiences such a scary disease. The author, Jane Thompson has worked as a
paralegal, a teacher, as a social worker not to mention as a writer. It's been
several years now since she wrote for the publisher of a certain political
encyclopedia and has also served as one of the medical writer for a training

It was such experiences that she came to learn how to express herself with
great conciseness and accuracy. When the author decided to write her very own
story which is the Sugar and Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder, her
experience aided her in getting her work printed on paper. And so with her
experience, as a medical writer and her stock knowledge about mental health
issues, those made it a bit easier for her to write the said story. When the
author just started, she had twenty short stories printed already and Sugar and
Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder is her first book. Currently Jane Thompson
is the author of Mosby's Clinical Nursing, a comprehensive reference in
clinical nursing to be included as a reference in the educational program
materials of the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations. She is also the co-author of Secrets Volume 15: The Best in
Erotic Romance, Jane Thompson was also the editor of American Express Presents
Top Chefs of the Triangle and a lot more.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Children Scary or Challenging Ordeal

Bipolar disorder is a serious illness of the brain that is treatable and is
also known by the term manic-depression. Its symptoms may include extreme
changes in energy, thinking, behavior and mood or recurrent episodes of
depression, mania. These symptoms may occur during the infancy period or early
childhood, and or may come out rapidly in the stage of adolescence or
adulthood. The said illness can now be diagnosed and treated in young children,
but despite of the many studies conducted, some professionals still say that the
cause or causes of bipolar disorder are elusive and a truly effective cure is
yet to be discovered. However, the said disorder can be managed through
numerous medications and other therapies.

Though the exact bipolar causing agents are not determined yet, some say that
there is a scientific proof that points to a chemical imbalance in the brain as
the culprit. As for the reason of such disparity, there are some viable theories
which points out to a combination of environmental and heredity triggers. Some
data shows that the discrepancy in the chemical messengers among the nerve
cells starting at the brain or the so-called neurotransmitters that happen in
individuals who have bipolar disorder. In most cases patients of such illness
may have a genetic nature for the disorder. On the other hand, not every person
who is related to a person who has a bipolar disorder may develop the illness.

Drug misuse and or nerve-racking or upsetting events may be some of the factors
that may cause it. Individuals with such disorder often don't know how sick they
are when having more than just a mood swing and how much their condition is
affecting their lives and even the lives of the people within their family.
Should a member of one's family show signs of a bipolar disorder, advice that
person to consult the help of a psychiatrist or any professional help that may
assist him or her to deal with it.

A bipolar disorder is usually characterized by the alternating pattern of
emotional highs and lows and from which the intensities may vary. The so-called
manic symptom includes increased talking either too much or too fast, tends to
change topics too quickly or cannot be interrupted while talking. Increased
sexual thoughts, feelings, or behavior; use of explicit sexual language or
Hypersexuality may also occur. The child may also have the ability to go with
very little sleep or no sleep for days. Some patient show overly-inflated
self-esteem; or the display of grandiosity while some tend to be somewhat like
distracted, the attention moves constantly from one thing to the other. Others
experience increased goal-directed activity or physical agitation.

Other symptoms that characterize the said disorder are the depressive ones that
include sudden lack of interest in the activities once enjoyed, trouble with
sleeping or getting too much sleep, feelings of unimportance or unsuitable
guilt, significant change of mood and or frequent thoughts of death or even
suicidal tendencies. Should the disorder remain untreated some complications
may rise such as Anxiety Disorder or even Psychosis, where in the personality
of a person may be disorganized and has difficulty getting in touch with
reality. It may also result to destructive effects on relationships as it may
be with financial problems resulting from overspending in the event of a manic
episode up to nearly complete seclusion and abandonment in the depressive stage.

Bipolar disorder in teenagers can be effectively treated. Treatments usually
start on the education of the patient and the family about the disease,
prevention of the episodes and psychotherapy. Medications on the other hand
help prevent episodes. Medications such as mood stabilizers like lithium and
valporic acid often lessens the severity of manic episodes and may help prevent
depression. Meanwhile, psychotherapy aids the patients in understanding what he
or she is going through, understand himself or herself, cope up with the
stresses, improve relationships and rebuild self-esteem.

Some diagnoses that mask or sometimes occur along with bipolar disorder include
depression, conduct disorder (C.D.), oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD),ADHD,
panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and so much more. There is a great
possibility that bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed with these other
disorders. Even if a child's behavior is unquestionably not normal, correct
diagnosis remains challenging. The proper treatment for the Bipolar Disorder
clears up the bothersome symptoms thought to indicate another diagnosis.

The analysis of Bipolar Disorder in children and teens is intricate and
involves careful judgment and or observation. A careful assessment by a child
and adolescent psychiatrist makes out Bipolar Disorder and the start of the

Bipolar Disorder for Dummy: Simplified Explanation of What Bipolar Disorder Is
and How You Can Cope With It

The brain is one of the most important parts of the body. Think of the brain as
the part of your body that controls everything you do in your daily life. It
controls everything from walking, talking, and other motor skills that you do.
However, you should also consider that the brain also controls your emotions
and your mood. This means that the brain is also responsible for you being
happy or angry.

The brain is the most active part of the brain and even while you sleep, the
brain continues to function. Since the brain controls everything about your
body, you should consider that getting it damaged can cause some irregularities
in your daily function. In some cases, some brain disorder is present since
birth. One brain disorder is called bipolar disorder or also called manic
depressive illness. This particular disorder affects the person's mood and

You will notice when a person is suffering from bipolar disorder when they
constantly change their behavior. You will see that one moment they will be
extremely happy and the next minute, they will feel depressed and back again to
being happy. Although mood changes happen to everyone, you have to consider that
normal mood change will take some time to happen. The abnormal mood change
suggests that this person has a bipolar disorder.

Depending on the severity of the disorder, unusual and extreme mood change can
last for a few minutes to as long as a month. Because of this unusual behavior,
it can dramatically affect their social life as well as their performance at
work or at school. You should consider that this is a very serious condition
where it has to be managed carefully in order for a person with bipolar
disorder lead a normal life.

There are cases where bipolar disorder is left untreated and results in
dangerous situation, such as suicide attempts and substance abuse. This is why
you should be careful when someone in your family or your circle of friends
have this particular condition as it can be dangerous for the people around
them and also for themselves as well.

Bipolar disorder has no cure but there are treatments available in order for
people with this disorder lead a more normal life. Psychotherapy is one of the
best treatments for bipolar disorder where a person with this condition can
learn how to control their unstable emotions and also know when there is an
attack of mood changes happening. With psychotherapy, people with bipolar
disorder can distinguish between what's normal and what's not.

There are also medications available that can stabilize the mood changes to
normal levels and prevents it from getting out of control. It is important that
once you notice something unusual about a family member or a friend's behavior,
you should seek help for them immediately as people with bipolar disorder are
very unpredictable and can think and attempt to commit of suicide anytime.

If it is possible, you should recommend that they should see a psychiatrist.
You have to be insistent because people with bipolar disorder often deny that
there is something wrong with them and they will be aggressive.

Bipolar disorder is a serious long term condition that requires long term
treatment with psychotherapy and medications. There is no cure for it but there
are treatments for it that will enable people with bipolar disorder lead a
healthier and more normal life.

Carefully managing this condition can result in a more productive life for the
person with bipolar disorder. It is also important that the family of the
person with this condition should continually support him or her.

Early detection can result in a much more productive lifestyle for the person
suffering from this disorder. So, you noticed some irregular change in a
person's behavior or mood, you should immediately refer to a psychiatrist about
the symptoms. They will be able to conduct a diagnosis about the condition and
will recommend therapy and medication that can help them lead a normal and more
productive life.

Bipolar disorder is a disabling medical condition that can result in
unproductive and abnormal lifestyle. They will suffer from social problems, and
their physical health will also deteriorate if not treated.

These are some of the things you should know about bipolar disorder in order
for you to know how you can cope up with it.

Your Child and Bipolar Disorder: What You Should Know and What You Should Do

As a parent, your child is one of the most important persons in the world. It
is a fact that parents are normally concerned about their child and ensures
getting the best health possible in order for them to grow up happy. You should
consider that as a parent, you should not only be concerned about your child's
physical health but you should also be considered with their mental health as

It is a fact that there are certain brain disorders that can develop on
childhood and can get worse as they grow up. As a parent, you should be aware
of your child's activity in order to know if they have normal brain function.
You have to consider that there are a lot of people today who has brain
disorder called bipolar disorder. This particular brain disorder can affect a
person's social life, and it can also affect their daily activities. If your
child has a bipolar disorder, it can affect their performance in school and
also their relationship with other kids and even their relationship with their

Bipolar disorder is also called manic depressive illness where it can cause
unusual mood shifts. You will see that your child has bipolar disorder if they
shift from being unusually happy to being depressed or sad and back again to
being happy happening almost instantly. The symptoms for bipolar disorder can
be normally seen during early adulthood or on late adolescent years. However,
you have to consider that bipolar disorder symptoms can also appear as early as
childhood but most parents are not well-informed about this disorder and
consider their child's unusual behavior as normal.

You have to consider that bipolar disorder can affect your child's life as they
grow up. It can cause relationship problems and can severely affect their daily
functions. This is why you should be aware of the signs and symptoms of bipolar
disorder. Here are some signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in order for you
to detect if your child has this condition at its early stages:

*  Excessive happiness 
*  Excessive depression 
*  Increased energy
*  Sleeplessness 
*  Excessive irritability 
*  Talks very fast 
*  Unrealistic beliefs of their ability and powers 
*  Poor judgment 
*  Aggressive behavior

As you can see, a child with bipolar disorder is very hard to detect. Some
parents even consider that these behaviors are normal and will disappear once
they reach a certain age. So, in order for you to know if your child has this
condition, you should take notice on their mood. If they shift from being happy
to being sad and depressed and back to being happy again at a very quick
interval, there is a chance that your child has bipolar disorder.

If you notice this mood changes in your child, you should consult your
pediatrician immediately where they will be able to recommend a psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist will be the one who will treat your child and they will also
be the one to prescribe some medications.

You have to consider that bipolar disorder has no cure. But, there are
treatments that your child can go through in order to develop an effective way
to control their mood and also their behavior. There are medications for
bipolar disorder available today where it can normalize your child's mood.

It is extremely important that your child should be immediately treated for
this kind of disorder in order to prevent it from becoming any worse. If left
untreated, your child can grow up and develop severe bipolar disorder that can
lead to thoughts of suicide and attempt it.

Effective treatment for bipolar disorder means that it should be detected and
diagnosed early in life. This means that once you notice that your child has an
unusually behavior, you should immediately consult your pediatrician or your
psychiatrist. They will be able to determine if they have bipolar disorder or
not by basing on the symptoms shown.

As a parent, your child is one of the most important persons in the world. It
is just right that you should be concerned about their physical and mental
health. With proper care and also with support, you will ensure that your child
will grow up normally and can fight bipolar disorder throughout their lives.

Bipolar Disorder: What You Should Know About This Illness

It is important for people to function daily in the society in order to work,
and whatever their daily activities are. In order to function properly, your
health should also be in good condition especially your brain. You have to
consider that your brain is what controls most part of your body and as well as
your decision and other psychological factors. Emotions and your mood is also
controlled by a certain part of the brain.

However, what if you have or someone you know has brain disorder? With a brain
disorder, you have to consider that it can definitely affect your daily task.
Even controlling your emotions and your mood can be difficult. One kind of
disorder of the brain is called bipolar disorder. This kind of disorder can
affect ones ability to function properly in their daily lives. It can affect
several aspects, such as the emotion, mood, and also your body's energy.

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depressive illness. This particular
illness causes unusual shifts in the person's brain. Normally, people
experience ups and downs in life. However, with a bipolar disorder, the person
affected will experience severe mood change. As you can see, bipolar disorder
can affect everything about a person's lives. With this disorder, it can result
in relationship problems, poor job and school performance, and in some cases, it
can even lead to suicide.

However, if you know someone affected with this kind of disorder, it doesn't
mean that you should lose hope in getting their lives back on track. Bipolar
disorder can be treated. It is a known fact that people who went through
treatment for bipolar disorder have been able to get their lives back on track
and lead a normal and productive life.

Bipolar disorder usually develops during the late adolescent years or early
adulthood. However, there are some people who show early symptoms of bipolar
disorder during childhood. There are also some people who develop this disorder
later in life. Bipolar disorder is commonly not recognized as an illness, and it
is a fact that people may suffer from bipolar disorder until it becomes severe
and diagnosed properly. You have to consider that bipolar disorder is a long
term illness which also requires long term treatment. This particular brain
disorder should be carefully managed throughout their life.

There are some signs and symptoms that you may notice associated with bipolar
disorder. It will include dramatic mood swings from being excessively happy to
being irritable to being hopeless or sad. This happens in intervals and mood
changes are quite noticeable. Here are some specific signs and symptoms that a
person with bipolar disorder shows:

*  Excessively happy or euphoric mood 
*  Increased energy, and restlessness
*  Quickly distracted 
*  Racing thoughts, talks unusually fast, and jumps from one idea to another 
*  Little sleep needed 
*  Spending sprees 
*  Poor judgment
*  Unrealistic beliefs in their abilities 
*  Increased sexual drive 
*  Drug abuse, such as cocaine, sleeping medications, and alcohol abuse 
*  Aggressive behavior
*  Denial that anything is wrong

In severe cases, a person who has bipolar disorder thinks and attempts suicide.
People who have this brain disorder feel that they are useless and it's better
to end their lives.

As you can see, bipolar disorder is a very serious illness that you should be
aware of. It is important that if you see any irregularities in a person's
behavior, they should get treated immediately and not wait for it to become any

It is important if the person is feeling suicidal you should immediately call a
doctor and seek emergency assistance immediately. It is also important that the
person should not be allowed, and make sure that they don't have any access to
large amount of medication where they can overdose on it, weapons such as knife
and gun, and other items that they can use to inflict harm to themselves.

Bipolar can be treated with medication and psychiatric therapy. With patience,
the person with this disorder can lead a normal and productive life.

You have to consider that this particular disorder has no cure and requires a
lifetime of medication and psychotherapy. So, if you suspect that a member of
your family or one of your friends has this disorder, you can help them by
taking them to a psychiatrist where they can be treated.

Bipolar Disorder: A Crippling Disease That You Should Be Aware Of

Many people believe that having a perfectly healthy body means that they will
be able to live a normal and productive life. However, having a healthy body
alone is not enough in order to live a normal life. You have to consider that
mental health is also very important. Besides, the brain is the organ that
controls everything in your body. Having a brain defect means that it can have
significant impact on the way you live your daily life.

You have to consider that there are several kinds of brain disorder. Some types
of brain disorder can affect your basic motor skills, some can affect your
senses, some can affect the memory, and some can affect the emotions and moods
of a person. Bipolar disorder is one of the many brain diseases existing today.
This particular brain disorder can have negative impact in your life because
this disease affects a part of the brain that controls emotions and moods.

With a bipolar disorder, you can never have complete control of your moods and
emotions. It will cycle from manic episodes to depressive episodes that can
disable you in your daily tasks. The psychological symptoms for bipolar
disorder include mania and depression. These are the two classifications of
bipolar disorder and this is also the reason why this disease is also called
manic-depressive illness.

In the manic episodes, the person suffering with bipolar disorder will
experience excessive euphoria or a feeling of high. This means that the mood of
a person is at a high where he or she has increased energy, feeling of not
needing to sleep, racing thoughts, and also confusion about certain ideas. You
will notice that a person that suffers from mania jumps from one idea to
another and will seem that they can never make up their mind about it. Another
factor that you should consider in the manic episodes of bipolar disorder is
that the person will be extremely optimistic, very irritable and cannot
concentrate well. They will never admit that something is wrong.

In the depressive episode, the person suffering from bipolar disorder will
experience excessive depression. The mood will be excessively sad, very
pessimistic, decreased or no interest in doing an activity that is pleasurable
which includes sex, and they will often think about death and suicide. In
severe cases of bipolar disorder in the depressive episode, the person
suffering will actually commit suicide.

As you can see, this particular disease is a very serious illness that needs
careful management and care. Because of the constant cycle of the moods of the
person suffering from bipolar disorder, they will never be able to concentrate
on their daily tasks. This means that having bipolar disorder can disable you
because it can affect your performance level at work or at school negatively.
You should also consider that because of the effects of bipolar disorder, the
person suffering from this illness will also have a poor social life and will
often have relationship problems.

Bipolar disorder has no cure. However, there are treatments available today
that can effectively manage the disease. The treatment will include
psychotherapy, and medications. Sometimes, the psychiatrist will combine the
therapy and medication to effectively manage bipolar disorder.

It is important to remember that there is no cure for bipolar disorder and this
particular disease is considered as a long term illness that needs long term
careful management and care. Also, bipolar disorder can never be detected
through X-rays or CAT scans. The diagnosis is purely based on the symptoms
shown. So, if you notice that you or a member of your family is showing some
symptoms of bipolar disorder, it is important that you should seek help
immediately. The psychiatrist you go to will be able to give you some effective
bipolar disorder management strategies that you can use to minimize the effect
of the illness. The specialist will also prescribe some medications that can
reduce the effects of bipolar disorder

Always remember that careful management and care is the key to treat bipolar
disorder. This disease is something that you will live with for the rest of
your life and knowing how to effectively manage and treat it will mean that you
will be able to take control of your moods and emotions again.

Depression Symptoms Experienced By Bipolar Patients

Different illnesses often cause a lot of confusion among people. In recorded
history, depression has been already cited. If you're familiar with Job and
King David, they suffered from such disorder. Even Hippocrates mentioned about
depression, but at that time, it was referred as melancholia which literarily
meant black bile. Medical physiology before humored about the four fluids
including black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm. Arts and literature was
also able to portray depression for many years. But today, what is meant by a
depressive disorder?

Depressive disorders are not new, in fact, for many years people suffered from
it without getting any treatment. Millions of people at present are not even
aware that they have the disorder. And those that are already aware of it don't
want to accept such fact because they think it's quite embarrassing. Like other
illnesses, depressive disorders are divided into types. People are familiar
with major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder.

A person suffers from major depression if he or she exhibits symptoms of sad
mood, inability to work, eat, sleep, and enjoy. The patient's lives are greatly
affected. Dysthymia is less severe compared to major depression. Long term
symptoms can be noted and some even have major depression episodes. Bipolar
disorder involves depression or mania cycles. And though it can't be cured, the
patients can still control and stabilize their episodes through treatments or

Depressive disorders have many symptoms. And when a bipolar patient is in a
cycle of depression, all depressive disorder symptoms can be experienced.
However, if the person is in the cycle of mania, he will only experience
symptoms associated with the cycle.

Here is a list of the depression symptoms felt by bipolar patients:

*  Persistently anxious, sad, 'empty mood' 
*  Loss of pleasure and interest in activities or hobbies once enjoyed by the 
*  Feelings of pessimism, hopelessness, guilt, helplessness, and worthlessness 
*  Oversleeping or insomnia 
*  Overeating that leads to weight gain 
*  Decreased appetite that leads to losing weight 
*  Thinks about death and suicide 
*  Decreased energy and fatigue 
*  Irritability and restlessness 
*  Can't make decisions, unable to concentrate or remember things 
*  Physical symptoms like chronic pain, headache, and digestive disorders

The following symptoms are not all felt by a bipolar patient. Some of them may
experience only few of the symptoms while others may experience many. Each
individual exhibits varying degrees of symptom severity.

In order to get the appropriate treatment, you must undergo a complete
psychological and physical evaluation. This is necessary in order to determine
the type of depressive illness that he or she is suffering. Bipolar depression
symptoms may be caused by certain medical conditions or medications. Through a
physician's interview, laboratory tests, and physical examination, the
possibilities can be ruled out.

A diagnostic evaluation will look into the patient's history of symptoms and
the physician will ask all sorts of questions like when the symptoms begun, how
long it lasts, how severe, and if the symptoms already occurred. You will also
be asked if you were previously treated and what medications were given to you.
The doctor must also not forget to ask if the bipolar patient used drugs or
alcohol, or if he or she ever thought about suicide and death. Questions
pertaining to the medical history of family members should not be forgotten.

Bipolar depression symptoms can also affect the mental status of an individual.
The evaluation can determine if an individual's thought pattern, speech, and
memory is already affected. Mental disorders don't require laboratory tests
such as x-ray or blood tests. Powerful scans like MRI, CT, PET, and SPECT can't
detect the brain changes of a bipolar patient and that of other mental illnesses.

Only the doctor can properly evaluate a bipolar patient's state. He can also
aid the patient in getting the right treatment or medication necessary to
control episodes. The symptoms need not frighten the patient's family or
friends. Although the symptoms may seem quite normal for the individual, it
still needs to be treated. It can be very alarming for other people because
they might think that you're insane, especially if you're already doing extreme

Don't hesitate to consult your doctor. Check out the major symptoms of bipolar,
and if you exhibit a few of the symptoms, perhaps you're suffering from bipolar.

Essential Overview on Bipolar Depression Characteristics

Bipolar disorder in psychiatry is a medical diagnosis which refers to mania
(mixed states or hypomania) alternated with euthymic or depressed mood
(clinical depression) within a specific duration of time. Compared to ups and
downs experienced by normal people, a person affected by a bipolar disorder can
have extreme swings of moods which can last for a few minutes or even months.
Changes in moods are often associated with disruption and distress with high
suicidal tendencies. There are also instances linking bipolar disorder to
extreme functioning. Most creative talents are attributing bipolar disorder on
their creativity.

A bipolar disorder is categorized either as Type I or Type II. In Type I, a
person may experience a full-blown mania. In Type II, the "highs" of a person
never exceed the hypomania stage unless it was triggered by the mania
medications. During manic periods, psychosis may occur. Rapid cycling is also
possible. When talking about bipolar disorder, severity and problems connected
with moods have its own variations. Thus, a bipolar spectrum disorder concept
is employed more often which includes cyclothymia.

A bipolar disorder is involving periods of abnormally agitated moods which adds
to the depressed mood condition. The intensity and duration of mood condition
widely varies among people diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. Moods can
fluctuate from one state to another causing improved functioning or impairment
depending on the highs and lows of moods and its severity. The energy level,
social rhythms, cognitive functioning, activity level, and sleep pattern is
also altered affecting the normal routine of a person.

The depression experienced by people having a bipolar disorder is similar to a
clinical depression. The symptoms include persistent feelings of anxiety,
sadness, anger, guilt, hopelessness, and isolation, appetite and sleep
disturbances, fatigue, escapism, lack of interest on things once enjoyed,
problems concentrating, indifference or apathy, self-loathing, social anxiety
or shyness, chronic pain, irritability, and suicidal tendencies.

When talking about disability, loss of productive years, potential suicidal
tendency and duration, the periods of depression in a bipolar disorder are
widely recognized today as the most severe problem of an individual. Sometimes,
the mania periods are more disruptive and noticeable to other people.

Some types of serious depression are also accompanied by psychosis symptoms. It
includes hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or sensing stimuli perceive to be
there although it is not), delusions (false beliefs of a person that aren't
subject to contradictory evidence or reason and aren't explained by a cultural
concept), and escapism (creating diversions mentally to escape from unpleasant
and perceived phases of stress).

These people may be also affected with paranoid thoughts that a powerful entity
is monitoring or persecuting them. Some may think that those people who are
close to them are conspiring and bullying against them. Greater levels of
anxiety are felt without a cause. They felt that their family or friends are
giving them up or leaving them. Unusual and intense religious beliefs is also
present, thus some people strongly insists that historic and great missions are
given to them to be accomplished believing that they have supernatural powers.
Delusions can be more distressing in depressions. It is manifested in the form
of a strong guilt for things that are supposedly done wrong inflicting the
lives of other people. Numerous conflicting theories are created considering
different causes associated with bipolar disorder. Nevertheless, nothing is
accepted widely as correct.

The primary nature of a bipolar disorder is flux. It is the state of mental
operation wherein a person is immersed fully on what she or he is doing,
accompanied with a feeling of full involvement, energized focus, and success
during the activity process. The biological markers of a bipolar disorder
include mood, energy, sleep, activity, and thought. The bipolar disorder's
diagnostic subtypes are sometimes static snapshots of the descriptions of the
continual changes of an illness.

According to the US NIMH (United States National Institute of Mental Health),
there is no predetermined cause of a bipolar disorder. However, lots of factors
are acting together to create the illness. This disorder also runs in families,
thus most researchers are searching for a specific gene which increases the
possibility of developing the disease. Most findings suggest that the disorder
is caused by multiple genes similar to other mental diseases.

Bipolar Workbook: A Tool for Controlling Mood Swing Successfully

A biological illness which is believed to have genetic components is bipolar
disorder. Thus treatment often involves combination of medicines in managing
its symptoms. Psychological therapies are also incorporated to deal with the
disorder in order to live a meaningful life. But, one person is different from
another. So, managing a bipolar disorder also varies. Seeking professional help
is essential to minimize episode attacks and achieve a successful treatment.

However, the simplest way is reading s bipolar workbook. It can provide people
with easy resources giving sufferers what they need. The volumes are very
useful, thoughtful, and readable, the issues of adherence and compliance in the
therapy is compelling and comprehensive. It also provides a stable basis to
prevent relapse. There is even a posted format on how clinicians apply
different treatment approaches on the different stages of the disease.

Based from proven techniques of cognitive-behavioral therapy, this book can
offer various tools for helping the readers to determine early signs and
symptoms of an upcoming episode. Developed plans are posted to withstand manic
episodes and escape depression paralysis. Specific chapters discussed the major
challenges of different stages which start on how to overcome denial upon
initial diagnosis to possible treatments as well as maintaining its gains. For
a person to understand this workbook, learning about cognitive behavioral
therapy is needed.

It is clear that CBT effectiveness in treating bipolar disorder lies on the key
strength of therapeutic alliance. A collaborative strong relationship on the
part of clinicians, respects for needs and preferences of patients, and answer
to clinical assessments must be developed. The patients must trust their
therapists not only for hearing what they wanted but also what they don't want
to hear about their condition. Patients should feel comfortable upon telling
about their symptoms.

Utilizing CBT in treating bipolar disorder needs a long-term commitment. The
waning and waxing course needs reinforcement. It is because bipolar disorder
symptoms will spontaneously remit even with the help of treatment will still
recur either on its own or precipitated with events. The task of the clinician
is to help the person not only to overcome the bipolar disorder symptoms and
recover successfully from psychological consequences but also to be always
prepared from its expected return.

This means that the therapy course is following an unconventional pattern.
Generally, you should visit your clinician weekly. The first stage of treatment
is teaching you the skills on how to reduce symptoms. As the treatment progress,
you will observe that the feeling of being distressed is also decreased. Thus
your weekly visits can be done once a month depending on your needs. Once
stability is achieved, you may take a break from undergoing the therapy for a
few moths or even in years. The therapy will again resume once you need it

The cues to resume the therapy include life transitions, stressful events, and
recurrences of symptoms. In case the therapy is stop for more than six months,
it is advisable to retain your contact with your therapist to keep updates of
your current situation. This is helpful whenever the therapy resumes since the
therapist know where to begin with.

Positive feedbacks also provide positive reinforcement from your therapist.
Bonding between patients and the therapist is very important especially when
the patient is having a hard time with regards to the treatment process and
controlling of symptoms.

Psychotherapy is normally the stabilizing force in the patient's lives. Therapy
visits could create a marking structure on the duration of episodes, monitoring
progress, and achieving goals. The therapist's feedbacks about the progressive
results cam make the patient feels good and accomplished.

Remember that optimal treatment of people having bipolar disorder requires an
effective approach which integrates psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. A
bipolar workbook associated with CBT is written with highest clarity. Readers
can always obtain benefits from collective wisdom regarding the ways on how to
intervene with the challenges of a bipolar disorder.

Those who are struggling with the disease have to know effective ways in
controlling mood swings, avoiding relapse, and obtaining the effectiveness of
treatments using medicines through utilizing the bipolar workbook. This is
truly a sound framework for helping people with bipolar disorder, thus it
doesn't have to affect you throughout your life.

The Manifestations shown by a Bipolar Child Helps in Proper Diagnosis

A bipolar disorder or manic depression is a severe illness but can be treated.
It's a brain disorder characterized by extreme swings of energy, mood,
behavior, and thinking. The symptoms are present in early childhood or even
during infancy. It can also suddenly emerge in adulthood or adolescence. But
today, diagnosis of bipolar disorder in childhood is often made. It is because
doctors can identify and treat young children with bipolar disorder easier now.

Early prevention and treatment provide greater chances of getting well, achieve
stability, and enjoy life as these children grow up. Proper treatments reduce
any adverse effects not only in the life of affected children but in their
family as well.

The families of children and adolescents with bipolar disorder can become
desperate for support and information. Learning about bipolar disorder is the
first step for finding the right treatment. The occurrence of this condition in
children is not yet known, since it lacks epidemiological studies. But bipolar
disorder can affect almost 1% to 2% of adults all over the world. Diagnosing
symptoms in children can prevent its long-term effects.

Children that are diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the U.S. have ADHD
(attention-deficit with hyperactivity disorder). The depression in teens and
children is typically relapsing and chronic. Several studies reveal that 3.4
million significant proportions of children and young adults with depression is
actually experiencing the early symptoms of a bipolar disorder however the manic
phase is never yet experienced.

Marked changes of a bipolar disorder in terms of energy and moods are apparent
in children. Persistent condition of extreme agitation or elation accompanied
by high levels of energy is called mania while persistent condition of extreme
irritability or sadness accompanied by low levels of energy is called

This illness afflicting children may appear to be very different compared to
adults. Generally, children have continuous, ongoing mood disturbances with
combined symptoms of depression and mania. This severe and rapid cycling among
moods can produce chronic irritability. Sometimes, state of wellness is
manifested between episodes.

Parents revealed that their children that have bipolar disorder display
symptoms such as irritable or expansive mood, lack of enthusiasm in play,
extreme sadness, rapid mood swings that can last for several hours and even in
days, rages that is lengthy, explosive, and destructive, separation anxiety,
defies authority, hyperactivity, distractibility, agitation, night terrors, bed
wetting, sleeping too little or too much, frequent and strong cravings for
sweets and carbohydrates, excessively involve with multiple activities and
projects, impaired judgment, racing thoughts, impulsivity, pressure on talking
too much, display behaviors of a dare-devil, precocious or inappropriate sexual
behavior, hallucinations and delusions, and grandiose belief or too much self
confidence defying laws or logic.

Bipolar disorder symptoms may emerge earlier. The manifestations can even be
diagnosed in infants. More often, mothers have reported that their children who
are diagnosed later with a bipolar disorder have difficulty in sleeping and
settle erratically. These children extraordinarily seemed clingy, and often had
seizure-like, uncontrollable rages or tantrums that are sometimes not
appropriate for a certain event. These rages are often triggered with the "no"

There are other factors that may triggers symptoms in teens. A traumatic event
or loss can trigger the first episodes of mania or depression. Later episodes
sometimes independently occur when stressed out. Puberty is another risk factor
triggering the illness especially during menstrual cycle in girls. Once the
disorder begins, the recurrence of episodes is possible in most untreated
cases. Some studies show that a lag of ten years after the first episodes is
possible. It is advisable that parents let their teens undergo an evaluation if
more than four symptoms persist.

In addition, teens with bipolar disorder that is left untreated can lead to
drugs and alcohol abuse. Some adolescents who display a normal behavior until
puberty but experiences sudden onsets are more vulnerable to alcohol or drug
addiction. Any child or teen that abuses such substances must be properly
assessed. There are instances that the illness is highly genetic but
environmental factors influences a lot if it will really occur.

There are studies conducted to further explore the characteristics of children
with bipolar disorder. The results are promising thus the safety and
effectiveness of treatments for adults are also appropriate for children.

Helpful Tips to Newcomers on a Bipolar Chat Room

If you are a new comer to a particular bipolar chat room, you may probably have
several concerns and questions. So, it is advised that you orient yourself about
them before logging into the chat

A bipolar chat room can provide you with great benefits regardless of your
present condition. Whether you are manic, depressed, or plain silly, you can
talk it over to somebody as long as you are in the chat room. There is nothing
to worry about since the entire concept of chat is really easy. Soon, you will
be chatting similarly to a professional. Never forget your humor when talking
with other people online.

You can also listen to other people talk after logging in and then later on
chat with other roommates to share what is on your mind. You will never fail in
getting support from them because they also experience the same highs and lows
like you do.

Sometimes you can simply log into the chat room to see other people. You will
feel relieve because you are not anymore alone. In fact, there are lots of
chatters who are doing this. Compared to online coffee houses, the experience
is the same. Thus, never be surprised if coffee and donuts are also served
through the computer monitor, virtually of course.

However, like everything normal in life, occasional aggravation may sometimes
be present. A bipolar chat room is no exception. You will encounter a person
who is rubbing and bugging you more often. The solution is quite easy, just
click the "ignore" button. This will keep you from viewing what that person is
writing. In the same manner, it also hides what you are writing.

If you are a new comer, you need to familiarize some "lingo". The most common
acronyms are PDOC or Psychiatrist, TDOC or Therapist, and LMBPAO or laughing my
bipolar ass off. Others are the same like what you have seen in normal chat
rooms. It includes cyl or see you later, brb or be right back, lol or laughing
out loud, and cyber hugs ((( )))).

Never forget that a bipolar chat room has also its own rules, chatiquette, and
guidelines. It is very important to understand it. Normally, a bipolar chat is
a hosted chat according to schedule. During the scheduled chats, the hosts are
there. However, hosting is not available on a 24-hour basis. So, it is
necessary to keep the environment supportive and respectful for everyone. It is
encouraged to click the "ignore" button whenever a troublesome chatter enters in
case the host is absent. The hosts are not doctors. They also never pretend, but
sharing their opinions is done freely and openly.

It is much easier to get acquainted if you use a nickname when you first enter
a bipolar chat room. It is friendlier and nicer than using "guest". This will
encourage other people to know you better. You will not go astray because
websites already provide their log-in page with the guidelines on how to set up
your password and nickname. The things that are asked upon application is your
name, desired nickname, and email address. Always check the bulk folder of your
email since you could also receive messages through it. The process depends on
your internet service provider. The password sent to you by the website is
needed to log-in successfully into their bipolar chat room. You can change this
password once you logged in.

Never be overwhelmed if you will receive a thousand hellos. This is a normal
way of acknowledging your arrival. Some new comers first observe what's going
on inside the chat room. After familiarizing the atmosphere, they will start to
chat. Shy people can directly speak with someone who patiently listens to
others. Never be afraid to talk to the hosts and express who you are. If you
don't know where to begin, just suggest a topic, it is pretty sure that
somebody in the chat room will respond.

A bipolar chat room is created for people suffering from a bipolar disorder,
their families and loved ones to support them to leading normal and healthy
lives again. Always remember that you can meet people of all ages,
personalities, nationalities, and religions. So, just enjoy and have fun.

Looking for a Support Group? Bipolar Chat is the Best Alternative

The Internet is a great avenue to meet new friends. You can also research about
all sorts of things. It can be used for communication purposes and many others.
Perhaps you're already familiar with chat rooms; and many people use this to
meet new friends or even a partner in life.

Millions of people use the Internet, day in and day out. But did you know that
it can also be used by people who have illnesses? Bipolar is one condition that
can't be cured. Once a person is diagnosed with this disorder, he is bound to
suffer from it as long as he lives. The good news is that it can be treated and
controlled. In fact, many conclusive studies show that medications are a good
way to stabilize the mood swings of a bipolar patient.

Every bipolar patient requires a different treatment because symptoms greatly
vary from each individual. Each person has a different body chemistry,
lifestyle, and genetics. A treatment may work well for one person but not with

Once you're diagnosed with bipolar, the medical provider will instantly give
you medications. You will be provided with a plan that is based on:

1.  Medication 
2.  Talk Therapy 
3.  Education

Medications are usually used for as long as you live. But you can also utilize
talk therapy. This is also known as psychotherapy. What you do is to talk with
a professional all about yourself; and this includes aspects pertaining to your
relationships, situation, and condition. Through this method, you can give sense
to your feelings and thoughts.

When you're under talk therapy, you will get more than just advice and answers.
You will learn a great deal about yourself, get information, honest feedback,
and support. And most of all, since a lot of people are embarrassed about their
condition; talk therapy is done in a private and safe setting.

You can choose between a group setting and a one-on-one setting. Talk therapy
also varies from support and education to learning about yourself and
relationships. This is a very important part of any treatment regimen. And if
you want to talk and talk, why not consider adding bipolar chat in your list.

Around 2.6% of people in the entire world are affected by bipolar disorder. In
US alone, over five million people suffer from this disorder and what's worse,
79% of them are not even aware of their illness. The remaining percentage is
aware but not all of them are willing to undergo any medication. Most of them
are ashamed of their condition and don't want other people to find out. But
this should not be the case because what these people need is the right
support. In fact, there are even big celebrities who have bipolar disorder like
Carrie Fisher, Van Damme, Sting, Ben Stiller, Linda Hamilton, and Axl Rose.

Having bipolar disorder does not mean that you're a bad person. Although you
have episodes from time to time, with the proper medication and support, you
can effectively stabilize your mood swings.

The Internet is a great way to chat with other people having bipolar disorder.
Bipolar has entered the digital scene, and is a fertile setting for bipolar
patient support. Bipolar communities abound the web and chat rooms are great
avenues to discuss the illness online. You can share your experiences and your
condition with other bipolar patients.

Group therapy is rightly simulated in bipolar chat rooms. If you have an
Internet connection at home, this is a great alternative for you. Periods of
depression can happen any time of the day or night. If you happen to have an
episode in the wee hours of the morning, you can turn to the Internet for
possible chat rooms that will accommodate you with open arms. If you want a
support system any time, bipolar chat is the best alternative for you.

Having a bipolar disorder entails careful management of the illness and it can
even be compared to having a heart disease or diabetes. Bipolar chat rooms are
valuable support for bipolar patients. You can live with this disorder without
really thinking that you have the illness. You can get your life back and free
yourself from worries that bipolar patients usually have.

Bipolar Affective Disorder Triggers and Medications

Manic depression or now called bipolar affective disorder, have millions of
people suffering from this mood disorder. Mood swings are but natural, but this
mood disorder is way beyond the normal experiences of people. The disorder is
characterized by extreme low depression and highs of an elated mood or mania.
The frequency usually varies from one individual to another.

The cause of bipolar affective disorder is not yet established although experts
claim that it has something to do with genetics and hormonal levels. There are
also cases when other acquired illnesses of an individual cause bipolar

Everyday, a person experiences different emotions and events, and oftentimes
these things trigger the mood swings. Coping up with happy events and
unpleasant ones can put you in greater threat for depressive and manic episodes.

The triggers cause your mood swings. These are also called stressors, and it
includes the following:

-  not sleeping regularly 
-  drugs or alcohol misuse 
-  medication stoppage 
-  starting depression medicines or herbal products 
-  having medical conditions ike thyroid problems 
-  seasonal changes 
-  illnesses 
-  holidays 
-  disagreements between family/friends 
-  work problems 
-  death of family member, friend, or loved one 
-  marital problems
-  starting college or a new line of work

If you're diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder, you should be able to
identify the triggers. You can do this by having your very own mood chart. You
have to record all your emotions and the corresponding events that took place.
After a while, you may now notice certain patterns.

Making your own mood chart is a tough job. It would be best to have a helpful
talk with your family and trusted friends. You must also try to consult your
therapist or healthcare provider. They may be able to help you more since they
are not part of your life. You can better see things through their professional

After figuring out all the possible mood swing triggers, you have to learn to
evade them. This involves action and would require you to avoid some of your
bad habits. Your friends and family members should also be made aware of the
triggers so that they can assist you in your struggle.

Bipolar affective disorder is not easily detected. In fact, many people may go
for many years without being diagnosed. Unlike other illnesses and disorders,
bipolar does not entail any laboratory test. The medical provider will simply
use the MDQ. This is a questionnaire utilized for bipolar disorder; and the
person conducting such questionnaire fills up the checklist based on the
symptoms exhibited by the person. However, the checklist can only be used and
given the right diagnosis by a medical provider.

There are several medications that can be used for treating bipolar affective
disorder, including the following:

1.  Mood Stabilizers -- this medicine can relieve or delay depression and mania
2.  Antidepressants -- people having a depressive episode can use a
    mood stabilizer together with an antidepressant. If this medicine is used
    alone, the chance of switching into a mania episode is increased. 
3.  Antipsychotic -- persons having mania episodes can use this medication; severe
    mania or depressive episodes can lead to psychosis, and this can be treated
    with antipsychotic. You can use the medication alone or your provider can also
    use it together with other medications especially if the patient feels nervous
    or is unable to sleep. 
4.  Electroconvulsive therapy or ECT -- this is not actually a medication but 
    rather a treatment to help people suffering from severe depression or mania 
    episodes. Those individuals who don't respond to medications can also undergo 
    this therapy.

The ECT is a therapy and it aims to control acute depressive and manic
symptoms. It can effectively reduce mood instability and cycling and at the
same time minimizing bipolar symptoms and treatment side effects. Through a
management plan, the bipolar patient can return to his normal life.

Although the medications are not guaranteed to remove such condition, your mood
swings can be stabilized. You can effectively control symptoms and easily cope
with certain problems.

Not only is the individual affected but also their families. But with proper
medications and treatment, bipolar affective disorder can be stabilized and
controlled. Consult your medical provider now.

Describing a Bipolar Disorder: Learning Its Episodes and Symptoms

Emotions have its ups and downs. It is normal for everyone to feel. But for a
person affected by a bipolar disorder, these highs and lows can become very
extreme and hinder daily activities. There are times that the situation also
became dangerous. A person cannot work because of feeling so depressed. Then
the next day, this person feels great, filled with creativity and endless
energy. However, some people can misinterpret such actions as being reckless
and uncontrollable.

A bipolar disorder can be unpredictable and confusing. This medical condition
is also chronic. Never feel embarrassed if you are affected with this type of
disorder. Learning all about it is helpful to manage such medical illness

A bipolar disorder affects the ability of a person to feel various moods in a
normal range. Manic depression is another term for bipolar disorder. Bipolar is
used to describe two extremes or poles. People affected by this serious medical
condition have mood alterations ranging from an extremely low (depression) to
an extremely high (mania).

The best picture to describe such condition is the globe. The globe is divided
into the North and South Pole. The mania would be the North Pole and the
depression would be the South Pole. If a person experiences the symptoms of
either pole for a definite duration of time, then he or she is experiencing an
episode. These episodes must be thoroughly discussed with a healthcare provider.

There are four kinds of episodes associated with bipolar disorder according to
APA (American Psychiatric Association).

1.  Depression. Sometimes, a person can feel extremely sad for a prolong period
of time. It is very impossible for him or her to eat or leave his or her bed.
The things which he or she enjoys to do seem very difficult.

2.  Mania. This is the other pole of a bipolar disorder. It may begin with a
high or good feeling. But after sometimes a person can feel very angry and
irritable. Doing risky things is not impossible.

3.  Hypomania. Compared to mania, this type of episode is only mild. A person
might feel very good thinking that more things are getting done. But after a
while, his or her mood changes to a full-blown depression or mania.

4.  Mixed mood or mixed episode. The feelings of depression and mania can
affect a person many times during the day.

These episodes can put a person at risk for committing suicide. Experiencing
mania or depression for more than four episodes within a year is known as
rapid-cycling. There are different symptoms for both poles of a bipolar

The mania symptoms include increased levels of energy, reduce needs for sleep,
easily distracted, mind jumps, racing thoughts, more talkative, more confident,
focus on doing things but accomplishes only little, and more risky even if it
means things are going to be bad.

The depression symptoms include feeling blue or sad, feeling down, losing
interests on the things which a person is enjoying including sex, feeling
guilty, feeling hopeless, feeling worthless, sleep too much or too little,
changes in appetite or weight, feeling tired, feeling too little energy,
feeling restless, concentration problems, decision-making problems, and
thoughts of suicide or death.

Moreover, it is also vital to learn how mood swings are triggered. Emotions and
events that happened in a life of a person can be the triggering factors. Sad,
unpleasant, or happy events can make a person experiences either depressive or
manic episodes. Triggers or stressors include irregular schedule of sleep,
misuse of drugs or alcohol, stopping medication, starting medications for
depression or other herbal products, and having problems related to thyroid and
other health condition.

Nevertheless, different people may experience different triggers. Some people
also consider seasonal changes, illness, holidays, work problems, friends or
family's disagreements, marriage, starting a recent job, starting college, love
one's death as triggers. Figuring out what triggers a person can help. Keeping a
mood chart to record varying emotions can determine mood swing patterns. This
can be a tough task but provides many treatment possibilities.

A bipolar disorder is not more of a problem today. There are lots of treatments
available. It is very important to talk to a healthcare provider to create a
plan that will work best in stabilizing mood swings.

A Bipolar Overview: Discovering Bipolar

Many illnesses abound the world today. Before, people live longer and with only
a handful of illnesses. But today's times are very much different because of the
many changes that take place. New technology has brought new things into this
world. Many inventions, new foods, and all the new stuff that people now enjoy
seem to contribute to the many illnesses suffered by millions of people; not to
mention the different day to day experiences that people encounter as they go
through life.

The typical life of an individual begins as he wakes up in the morning. He then
goes through his life everyday doing his routine activities. He goes to work,
meet deadlines, attend meetings, and deals with different kinds of people. At
home, he has to do chores, and spend time with the family. He also does other
activities like going to the supermarket, church, and other important places.
And not only that, he encounters different situations everyday that either he
welcomes or resents. Many factors contribute to making an individual ill.

Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder have to deal with such condition
all the days of their life. Talking about such disorder can be very
embarrassing for some people but this should not be so since the illness can be
managed especially if you know how to do it.

Before, the condition was popularly called manic depression. But now, it is
called bipolar because of the two extreme poles that make up the condition. A
good example is the globe having a north and a south pole. When an individual
experiences different symptoms associated with one pole, then he's having an


The episodes are divided into four types: depression, mania, hypomania, and
mixed mood. When a person feels depressed, he or she feels sad and don't want
to do the usual things. Those that exhibit mania usually start having a high
feeling, and become angry and irritable. They are the ones who tend to do risky
things. The milder form is known as hypomania which can lead to either
depression or mania; this episode also starts with feeling good and the person
may think that more things are done. Others who have episodes with feelings of
depression and mania mixed together is called mixed mood.


Symptoms are divided into depression and mania. Depression symptoms include
feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt. These individuals
sleep too much or too little and experience changes in appetite or weight. They
always feel tired, restless, and can't make a sound decision. The worst case is
when the person thinks about suicide and death. Mania symptoms include an
increase in the level of energy, racing thoughts, sleeps less, easily
distracted, more self-confident, more talkative, focused but accomplishes
little, and often do extreme or unusual activities.


The four main types of bipolar are the following:

1.  Bipolar I -- this type involves manic and mixed episodes, as well as major
episodes of depression. The bipolar patient may experience more than one
episode for several days, weeks, or even months. Seasonal changes also seem to
affect the symptoms exhibited by the person.

2.  Bipolar II -- this involves major episodes of depression and a hypomania
episode. Normal functioning can also take place in between the said episodes.

3.  Cyclothymic Disorder -- this is a fluctuating disturbance in mood with
hypomania and depression episodes. This is considered the milder form since
episodes do not occur regularly and happens for shorter and less severe times.

4.  Not Specified -- this is a treatable disorder and the symptoms exhibited by
the individual does not fall into any of the three types mentioned; the
disorder varies from one person to another.

There is no known cause of bipolar disorder. Some say that it has something to
do with genetics. But that alone is not enough to cause such disorder. Perhaps
other factors contribute to the disorder and that is why further studies are

People from different races, ethnic groups, children, teenagers, or young/older
adults can suffer from bipolar disorder. The brain cells of each individual
don't work normally if there is an imbalance in the neurotransmitters. These
are special chemicals that seem to be involved in the disorder.

If you think you're experiencing bipolar symptoms, then you'd better check with
your doctor as soon as possible.

Alternative Bipolar Medications

Bipolar is considered as a major disorder that can greatly affect an individual
and his family. There are many definitions of this illness. One definition
states that a person with bipolar disorder experiences extreme elations that
alternates with deep depression. Bipolar disorder is also called manic
depression. Generally, it is characterized by depressive episodes and
accompanied by a manic episode.

To put it simply, bipolar disorder affects feelings, thoughts, behavior, and
perceptions. Experts say that it is brought about by the chemical and
electrical elements found in the brain that are not functioning properly. Some
say that it runs in the family, so families having a history of bipolar
disorder or other mental illnesses are more prone to having the disorder.

There are certain medications given for bipolar patients, and not all of them
are quite comfortable in taking daily doses of different medications. Most of
them are interested to secure supplemental or alternative therapies rather than
taking prescription medications.

Omega 3

There are many researches showing that omega 3 found in fish oils and in
certain fishes are excellent for bipolar patients, as well as those having
mental illnesses. There was a significant research done in 30 bipolar patients
for four months. It was a placebo-controlled and double-blind study. It aims to
compare omega 3's efficacy versus olive oil or placebo for the treatment of
bipolar disorder.

According to researchers, bipolar disorder is a neuropsychiatic illness that
has a high mortality and morbidity. In their preliminary study, it was proven
that omega 3 performed better and resulted to longer remissions based on the
four scales of symptom-severity. Further studies are still underway, and
researchers are hoping that they can come up with new classes of psychotropic
compounds that can be used as mood stabilizers.


Most people resolve to the use of herbal supplements instead of taking
prescribed drug medications. But not all herbs are good for the treatment of
bipolar disorder. In fact, there are certain herbs that can worsen the
condition of a bipolar patient. Some herbal supplements actually have a harmful
reaction when used together with certain drugs. Consult your doctor first before
taking any herbal medication in conjunction with other drugs.

Nutrition and Your Diet

You have to adjust your diet, and this means checking your meal menus everyday.
The nutrients which the body receives are very important. Holistic physicians
use b-complex, magnesium, and thiamin for episodes of depression.

Pastoral Counseling

If you're suffering from bipolar disorder, you can also talk to your pastor,
priest, or rabbi instead of talking to therapists. The religious community may
be of great help during these times. In fact, the community is now recognizing
the role of spirituality and prayers. In can even be included in
psychotherapies and medication.

Art Therapies

If you're always staying at home, then perhaps you might want to join
expressive therapies. Through the arts, you can express freely your feelings
and do so without inhibitions. You can enroll in a drawing class, sculpting,
painting, and many others. Find an appropriate therapist in your locality who
specializes in art therapies or expressive therapies.

If you want movement, enroll in a dance therapy. Let your feet fly and your
spirit soar while incorporating your physical, cognitive, and emotional facets
to the dance.

Soothing music can make a person relax. So why not enroll in sound or music
therapy? Your body chemicals can be stimulated to improve blood pressure and
flow, breathing, pulse rate, and changes in posture.

Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicines or the culturally based ones like shiatsu, reiki,
acupuncture, yoga, Ayurveda, talking circles, and sweat lodge are only typical
examples. All these healing arts are based on balancing the states of the
physical, spiritual, and emotional for the wellness of an individual. If the
forces in your body are imbalanced, you will likely get an illness.

If all these things are combined: omega 3, herbal, right diet, pastoral
counseling, art therapies, and traditional healing arts, perhaps the forces of
the body can be balanced and a bipolar patient can be treated effectively. But
remember to consult your doctor for any problems that you may encounter, and
don't just stop your prescribed medication if you have one. Continue using it,
and ask your doctor if you can also use other alternative medication.

About Type 1 Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental illness caused by
a number of factors including neurological, biological, emotional, and
environmental factors. It is typically characterized as mood cycling from
manic, or extra happy, moods to depressed, or extra sad, moods.

Many people are not aware that in the last few years doctors have begun
diagnosing bipolar disorder as two different types, based on how the moods
cycle in the patient. Bipolar disorder type 1, also known as raging bipolar
disorder, is diagnosed when the patient has at least one manic episode lasting
at least one week or longer. Bipolar disorder type two, also known as rapid
cycling bipolar disorder, is diagnosed when the patient has at least one manic
episode and one depressive episode within four days to one week.

Hypomania is a severe form of mania that typically occurs in bipolar disorder
type 1 patients. This state occurs because the patient is almost constantly up;
the normal state for the patient is 1 of mania. Therefore, mood cycling in
bipolar disorder type 1 patients often involves mania combined with the mood
change. Mania combined with mania creates hypomania. Hypomania also can be
accompanied by psychotic symptoms such as the patient becoming delusional or
having hallucinations. This is a very simplistic way to describe how hypomania
and mixed episodes occur.

Mixed episodes also often occur with bipolar disorder type 1. A mixed episode
is hard to explain to the general public. It consists of being both happy and
sad, up and down, all at the same time. Generally, this translates into the
patient being very depressed emotionally, but displaying symptoms of mania such
as inability to concentrate and lack of sleep.

Bipolar disorder type 1 is the most common type of bipolar disorder, and the
most treatable. Because bipolar disorder type 1 typically manifests itself in
the form of long manic periods with possibly one or two short depressive
periods each year, treatment options are much more simple. Since mania requires
one type of medication and depression requires another type of medication, the
ability to treat only mania makes finding effective medications a much simpler
task. Mood stabilizers are also quite effective with type 1 bipolar disorder,
without the use of mania or depression medications.

The symptoms that the bipolar disorder type 1 patient experiences determines
the type of mania medication used to control the excessive moods. In cases of
mild but constant mania, lithium is the drug of choice. However, in cases in
which mixed mania or hypomania are consistently present, a stronger drug or
anti-psychotic, such as Depakote, is typically prescribed.

Bipolar type 1 is also the likeliest candidate for treatment via Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This is because the patient is most often in a state
that allows them to easily focus their mind on rationalizing situations,
recognizing triggers, and suppressing severe episodes. However, when the
patient displays symptoms of hypomania, as some bipolar type 1 patients often
do, cognitive behavioral therapy is not as effective during these episodes.

Overall, bipolar disorder type 1 is easily controlled through appropriate
treatment and medications. If you experience any symptoms of bipolar disorder
type 1 you should contact your doctor to make arrangements for diagnostic
testing and to discuss treatment options. Ultimately, the patient is
responsible for their own illness, and therefore, their own treatment.

Exploring the Various Bipolar Disorders

Bipolar disorders are not all alike. There are even specialized categories for
the bipolar disorders which doctors use to distinguish one kind from another.
This makes it easier for them to discuss the particular types of problems a
patient might be having. A fairly benign and often overlooked member of the
family of bipolar disorders is hypomania. It is overlooked for good reason. It
is seldom a problem for the person who has it. It may even increase his chances
for success by making him more outgoing, quick thinking, and optimistic.
Treatment is rarely sought and seldom needed.

The most common disorder to be thought of as one of the bipolar disorders is
bipolar I. This encompasses all those who suffer from alternating manic and
depressed states. Those with bipolar I go from having the highest opinion of
themselves to having little regard for their own well being. They go from
periods of fast and outlandish activity to times of desperation and thoughts of

Of all the bipolar disorders, bipolar I is perhaps the most difficult to treat.
Mood stabilizers such as lithium or anticonvulsants are useful. If depression,
or especially mania, turns into psychosis, an antipsychotic medication is
called for to bring the patient back to reality.

The difficulty comes in treating simple depression in bipolar I. An
antidepressant would seem to be in order but, for the person who may become
manic, it may be dangerous. It could start a cycle of rapid changes from
depression to mania and back again in relatively short order. In the bipolar
disorders this problem is most prevalent in bipolar I.

Dual diagnosis is another of the bipolar disorders. This is the combination of
any bipolar disorder with alcohol and/or drug abuse. Most often, the abuse, in
this case, of alcohol or drugs comes after the onset of one of the bipolar

These substances are used by the person with bipolar disorder to alleviate the
symptoms of the illness. A stimulant may seem to help a person to overcome
depression, and a depressant, such as alcohol may be thought to lessen the over
activity of mania, for example. In reality, the abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
only makes the episodes more severe in the end. This is not an answer for those
with bipolar disorders.

Less obvious, but also considered one of the bipolar disorders, is MDD, or
major depression. People with MDD spend most of the time that they are ill
being depressed. They may have minor and short manic episodes, but the
depression dominates.

For these people, life is grim, unsatisfying, and perhaps seems unbearable.
Episodes of depression for these people may last for months or sometimes years.

Treatment for these people is usually less complicated. They may respond well
to antidepressants, talk therapy, and even to something as simple as exercise.
There is less chance of triggering a manic episode, so treatment is less risky
in these bipolar disorders.

There are many bipolar disorders. There are also many ways to treat these
bipolar disorders. The trick is to match a disorder to the correct treatment
and to encourage the patient to follow that treatment to the best of his or her
ability. Having words to describe the different bipolar disorders makes it that
much easier for the doctors and others to do their parts.

What Are the Causes of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a difficult illness to manage and to treat. Many who have
it may ask themselves, "Why me? What caused all this?" There are great
disagreements as to the causes of bipolar disorder. They all tend to go back to
the old nature/nurture controversy. In other words, does a thing happen to a
person because of who he or she is, or because of the environment he or she
grew up in?

The nature side of bipolar disorder causes has always been seen in family
histories. This, however, can be misleading. Families often pass behaviors on
from one generation to the next, regardless of whether family members are
natural relatives or adopted ones.

The scientific concept of correlation without causation may account for shared
histories of bipolar disorder in biologically unrelated siblings. This concept
is easy to grasp. For example, a man could state that all summer, every time he
got a sunburn he ate fish. So, did the sunburn cause the man to eat fish? No,
but the act of fishing both caused the man's skin to burn and allowed him to
catch a fish, which he then ate. In a similar way, bipolar disorder can occur
in families without anything in one family member's bipolar disorder causing
the bipolar disorder of another.

Also, for whatever reason, people with bipolar disorder are often drawn to each
other. In this case it is unclear whether the families formed come together
because of their shared genetically similar predisposition towards bipolar
disorder, or whether some members of the families are genetically more prone to
bipolar disorder but the illness of some other members of the family becomes
exaggerated more than it would in another environment.

Research into the genetic causes of bipolar disorder is often done using twin
studies. It is assumed that twins will have environments that are as close as
is possible. Identical twins are used to show the effects of genetics, since
they will share the same genetic materials. Fraternal twins are used as a
control group. While these twins share nearly identical environments with their
twins, the fraternal twins have less genetic material in common.

It has been shown through these twin studies, and other studies where identical
twins are compared to adopted siblings, that there does seem to be a genetic
basis for bipolar disorder. Only one percent of the population has bipolar
disorder. Fraternal twins, who share some genetic information, are 20 percent
more likely to have the disease if one has it. The percentage for identical
twins is even higher, at around 60 to 80 percent chance of one having it if the
other does.

Environmental causes of bipolar disorder are more difficult to assess. Bipolar
disorder has been proven to have a chemical basis in the brain, but the
chemical reactions can be caused by any number of factors. A history of losses
early in life can be a contributing factor, as can any major source of stress.
Physical illnesses such as cancer and others can lead to a depressive state,
which is then often followed by mania.

Neither genetics nor environment can fully explain the causes of bipolar
disorder. Research is constantly being undertaken in both areas. In the
meantime, the nature/nurture controversy is just beginning to heat up.

All About Bipolar Disorder Treatment

Bipolar disorder treatment is not new. Men of medicine were treating for it
before they even knew what it was. Yet every year new medications and
methodologies are added to the bipolar disorder treatment.

Although first recognized in the second century A.D., bipolar disorder has
struggled as a diagnosis to become accepted. Bipolar disorder treatment up to
and through the 1960's, if any, was usually comprised of either locking the
patient away or leaving him or her to fend for him or herself.

In the 1970's manic-depression, as it was then called, began to become seen as
an accepted diagnosis and therefore, bipolar disorder treatment began in
earnest. At that time, laws were enacted and standards set to help those who
sought bipolar disorder treatment.

In bipolar disorder treatment, the first thought may be the use of medications.
They are, actually, a powerful tool in the management of the disorder. One only
needs look at the vast array of medications that is available to see that
medication has been extensively used in bipolar disorder treatment.

Lithium carbonate was the first major breakthrough in the medications for
bipolar disorder treatment. It belongs to a class of medications called "mood
stabilizers". These medications help to prevent or ease manic episodes. They
also help to ward off the extremes of depression, such as suicide.

Bipolar disorder treatment may also include the use of other mood stabilizers
that were originally used as anticonvulsants. These have been shown to have a
great effect on mood. Some of these, such as valproic acid and carbamazepine,
are tried and true. Lamotrigine, gabapentin, and topiramate have also been used
for this purpose but not conclusively proven effective.

Caution must be taken in the use of antidepressant therapy as a part of bipolar
disorder treatment. Mood stabilizers are usually tried first, because
antidepressants can trigger manic episodes or rapid-cycling. If an
antidepressant must be used, there are certain ones which are less likely to
cause these problems. One of these is bupropion.

The treatment of psychotic symptoms has evolved quickly in modern times. At
first, there were powerful anti-psychotics. The first of these were said to put
the mind in a "mental strait-jacket". They virtually stopped all thought. They
also had an intense side effects known as tardive dyskinesia. This causes
permanent neurological damages. Researchers, then were trying to find
alternatives that would cause less, or even no, damage in bipolar disorder

Other anti-psychotics were tried, and found to have fewer neurological effects.
The newest of these medications are actually relatively safe when used as
prescribed. They are also very helpful in bipolar disorder treatment both in
psychotic episodes and even in simple mania. Some of the newer ones are
risperidone and olanzapine.

Talk therapy is also used in bipolar disorder treatment. It can be useful to
help a person to recognize and deal with symptoms of the disorder. Cognitive
behavioral therapy can help a person to identify destructive patterns of
thinking and behavior, and help him or her to act in ways that will have a
positive influence on his or her disease process.

Other types of talk therapy are used in bipolar disorder treatment to help a
person to deal with the devastating consequences of the illness and to explore
the history of that person's disease. Talk therapy has been used successfully
in bipolar disorder treatment.

All of these components constitute a lifelong process. Medication and talk
therapy can contribute to effective bipolar disorder treatment today. No one
knows what science will bring to bipolar disorder treatment in the future.

Considering a Long-Term Medication for Bipolar? Choose LAMICTAL

Bipolar is a disorder that many people all over the world suffer from; some are
already diagnosed with the disease but a lot of undiagnosed cases are also
noted. What people should know is that bipolar disorder can worsen if it
remains untreated. And therefore, those individuals who think that they have
the disorder must seek medical attention at once to get the proper treatment
and medication.

Having episodes is but natural for a person having bipolar disorder. Though it
may not bother the individual, his or her family members and friends may be
gravely affected by it. Your doctor can prescribe medications to control or
treat the current episode symptoms. Medications for bipolar patients may be for
short term only, but now, the FDA has approved a particular medication that is
intended for long term treatments.

The medication is called LAMICTAL. This medication is especially for adults
with bipolar I. Clinical studies have shown that LAMICTAL prevents mood
episodes for extended periods. Although it may not remove initial mania or
depression feelings, preventing the episodes from occurring is already for the
good of the patient.

Only your doctor can tell if LAMICTAL is the right medication for you. Long
term studies on bipolar showed that the medication delays time until the mood
episodes need additional treatment. Depression symptoms last longest and
LAMICTAL is quite effective in delaying it. If you want a long term medication
that offers stability for about eighteen months, LAMICTAL may be for you.

You must remember that this medication is not offered for all bipolar patients.
Those patients using LAMICTAL can tolerate the medication. Some were able to
experience side effects like headache, dizziness, double or blurred vision,
sleepiness, nausea, lacks coordination, vomiting, rash and insomnia. There are
also cases when patients require hospitalization due to severe skin reactions;
but this is very rare and happens mostly with children.

LAMICAL is best prescribed for people 18 years and older, and is used as a
standard therapy. You must be warned that the effectiveness of this medication
is not yet established.

How can you start using LAMICTAL? It's quite easy especially if your doctor
thinks that the medication will work for you. Kits are available which makes it
easier for you to follow the course of your medication. If you want to achieve
the best results, make sure that you take the medication as prescribed. And it
is important to bear these things in mind:

1.  Your doctor will let you start using LAMICTAL whether you're having an
episode or not, since the medication is specifically for delaying episodes and
not as an on-the-spot treatment. 2.  Your doctor will prescribe a low dose at
first which will gradually increase over time. 3.  If you experience any
problems or side effects, inform y our doctor immediately. 4.  You can only
experience full effect after several weeks of using LAMICTAL. If during the
initial period of taking the medication you experience distressing experiences
and thoughts, inform your doctor immediately or go to a hospital. In the event
that your mood episodes worsen, contact your doctor.

If you're out to buy LAMICTAL, make sure that you receive the right medication.
Getting the wrong medication can cause serious problems. Always check and read
the labels.

When you're using LAMICTAL, or any medication for that matter, make sure that
you follow your plan. Bipolar disorder is already a condition that you're bound
to suffer all your life. When you're already feeling well and better, that
doesn't mean that you can stop medication.

If in case you've stopped taking the medication because of a valuable reason,
consult your doctor right away and don't restart without getting help first.
Remember to stick with your dose, don't increase or decrease it unless
otherwise specified indicated by your doctor.

It is also necessary to keep track of the symptoms and the side effects (if
any), and report any problems that you encounter. It would be best to have a
mood chart to track your moods, sleep, and side effects. Every time you visit
your doctor, don't forget to bring the chart.

Precautions should also be observed for people having an allergic reaction to
LAMICTAL. If you're planning for your pregnancy or is already pregnant, or
planning to take hormonal products like pills prior to taking the medication,
you must inform your doctor first.

Your aim in taking any medication is to be able to live a normal life again,
and this can only happen with the right treatment and medication.

Depakote and Bipolar Disorder

Every single day, you can see a lot of people going to and from drugstores.
Different medicines are used to address different kinds of illnesses and
diseases. There are over-the-counter medicines that you can buy without any
prescriptions. But some regulated drugs need the proper prescription before you
can purchase them.

Not all illnesses can be given just about any medicine. Different conditions
require different types of treatment and medications. Just to be sure that
you're on the safe side, consult a doctor before taking any medication. You
must be aware now that there are individuals that abuse certain drugs, and this
can lead to undesirable situations. And if you're suffering from bipolar
disorder, what you really need is the help of a medical professional who knows
a great deal about the illness.

There are several medications available for bipolar disorder. The most common
are mood stabilizers. Valproic acid is usually given to bipolar patients, and
there are a few brand names that sell this medication including Depakene and

Depakote is a brand name of valproic acid. It is considered an anticonvulsant
that doctors usually prescribe as mood stabilizers for bipolar patients.
Valproic acid is a very effective medication for bipolar, however, it has
certain side effects like divalproex sodium.

The side effects can be divided into the common ones and the less common. In
any case, you should always verify with the doctor especially if the side
effects are bothersome and continues on.

Common Side Effects:

-  Mild stomach or abdominal cramps 
-  Diarrhea 
-  Change in your menstrual cycle 
-  Indigestion 
-  Loss of hair and appetite 
-  Nausea 
-  Vomiting 
-  Unusual weight gain or loss 
-  Trembling of arms and hands

Less Common:

-  Unsteadiness or clumsiness 
-  Constipation 
-  Drowsiness and dizziness 
-  Changes in mood, behavior, and mental 
-  Headache 
-  Skin rash 
-  Restlessness
-  Unusual excitement 
-  Irritability 
-  Uncontrolled eye movements 
-  Increased seizures 
-  Weakness and tiredness 
-  Eye spots or yellow eyes (and skin) 
-  Bruising and unusual bleeding 
-  Swelling of the face

The list only includes the most commonly experienced side effects of bipolar
patients. If you feel other side effects not included in the list, then you
must inform your doctor immediately.


Depakote or valproic acid increases the brain concentration of GABA or gamma
aminobutyric acid thereby acting as an anticonvulsant. But its action mechanism
is not yet established and the effect is also unknown with regards to the
neuronal membrane.

Depakote is administered orally and is rapidly absorbed. A single dose can give
peak levels of serum after four hours, and its half-life ranges from 6-16 hours.
Patients taking antiepileptic drugs together with Depakote will have a lower
serum half-life.

If Depakote is administered amid meals, a minor delay can occur in the
absorption of the valproic acid, and is quickly distributed in the body since
it is bound strongly to plasma proteins. Protein binding may be decreased by
increasing the dose. If Depakote needs to be used as a therapeutic drug, the
concentration must only be about 50-100 mcg per ml. At present, good
correlation between serum levels, therapeutic effect, and daily dose, is yet to
be established.

The therapy must be instituted at periodic intervals at first because there
have been reports about platelet aggregation and thrombocytopenia inhibition.
The bleeding time and platelet counts should also be determined.

When your doctor prescribes Depakote, you must follow all instructions
pertaining to dosage and administration carefully. This is essential to avoid
over dosage. Some patients ended in coma with the improper use of valproic
acid. Since valproic acid is rapidly absorbed, there may be limited value of
gastric lavage. Supportive measure must be applied to prevent hypovolemia and
make sure that your urinary output is maintained.

Bipolar disorder requires medication as part of the treatment. Valproic acid is
one of the many medications approved for bipolar disorder. With the right
dosage, this can reduce bipolar symptoms, prevent episodes from occurring,
shorten hospitalizations, and help the individual in living a productive life
despite his condition.

Over time, bipolar disorder exposes people to mood changes which can reach the
point of unacceptability in the society. But with proper treatment and
medication, bipolar patients can lead rewarding lives.

Childhood Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, has in past years only been found in
adults, while children with similar symptoms have been mistakenly diagnosed as
have attention deficit disorder (ADD), or attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD). However, in recent years, psychiatrists and pediatricians have
found that bipolar disorder definitely rears its ugly head in childhood as often
as it does in adolescent or adult years.

Diagnosis of bipolar in childhood increases the chances for bipolar patients to
have successful treatment and ordinary, uninhibited lives as adults. However,
treatment options of bipolar in childhood is a controversial subject. Many
doctors wish to medicate first, and regulate with therapy in addition to
medications. However, many parents and some psychologists disagree with these

Overall, many parents discover that once their child has been put on bipolar
medications, the child seems to lose some of their personality traits that
endear them to the parents. Children, and adults, who have been overly
medicated or medicated when not absolutely necessary lose a sense of who they
are. Some medications can make children overly despondent, seeming "out of it"
or "spacey." This causes concern for parents and doctors, and raises the
question of whether or not the child is really better off on medication.

Play therapy can be quite effective in helping children with bipolar disorder
live more successful childhoods. This play therapy typically involves placing
children in various hypothetical situations in which they must work out a
logical and emotionally healthy solution. While play therapy is very successful
in some children, it is not enough for others. In certain childhood cases of
bipolar disorder, the mood swings and symptoms are so severe that the child is
not able to control their actions or emotional reactions to stimuli and

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a fairly new method of therapy for bipolar
patients in which the patient learns to recognize symptoms of their illness,
triggers for mood swings and inappropriate behavior, and alternatives to
inappropriate behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy also allows the patient to
discover what he or she can do to avoid manic or depressive episodes, and how to
manage the episodes more effectively. In adults, this treatment option is very
viable, and works well both in conjunction with and without medication

However, cognitive behavioral therapy requires a level of problem solving and
critical thinking that is not often present in childhood. For this reason, it
is not commonly used in children with bipolar disorder under a certain age or
maturity level. Some believe that the techniques learned through cognitive
behavioral therapy could be equally viable in treating childhood bipolar
disorder if the exercises and learning could be geared toward children. This,
however, could prove difficult.

In the end, treatment options must be discussed with pediatricians,
psychiatrists, psychologists, parents, and teachers. Everyone involved in
childhood must be involved in the treatment process in order for it to be
successful. If a parent or teacher has concerns about the effects of childhood
treatment for bipolar disorder in their child or student, those concerns should
be expressed immediately so that changes in treatment can be made. Additionally,
parents should not be afraid to change doctors if they feel their child is not
benefiting from treatment or medication.

Celexa and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, is a mental illness that manifests
itself as mood swings or mood cycling between depressed, manic, or normal
moods. There are two types of bipolar disorder. The first type, sometimes
called raging bipolar, manifests itself as almost constant mild mania, with
periods of sever mania alternating with depression. Mixed episodes where the
patient displays both manic and depressive symptoms at the same time can also
occur with this type of bipolar disorder.

The second type, sometimes called rapid cycling bipolar, manifests itself as
almost constant depression, with alternating periods of mania and severe
depression that can often last a few hours or a few days before cycling to the
next episode.

Depression symptoms include oversleeping, extreme sadness, feelings of
worthlessness or despair, irritability, anger, and withdrawl. Manic symptoms
include sleeplessness, increased energy levels, distractibility, racing
thoughts, obsessive behaviors, and extreme happiness.

There are many treatment options for bipolar disorder. Most patients with
bipolar disorder require a combination of medication and therapy or counseling
for successful treatment of symptoms. However, minor cases of bipolar disorder
may not require medication, but may require instead cognitive behavioral
therapy. There are some cases, such as in patients with a history of drug
abuse, where medication may be recommended but is not a viable treatment
option. These cases typically also use cognitive behavioral therapy to assist
patients in coping with their illness.

Celexa is an anti-depressant, commonly used with bipolar patients. Celexa, or
citalopram, is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI. This family of
medications has the effect of balancing serotonin levels in the brain, which
are thought to be responsible for mood stabilization.

Celexa is most successful as a treatment for unipolar depression and bipolar
disorder type two patients. This is because it is an anti-depressant.
Serotonin, the chemical in the brain that balances moods and particularly
controls strong emotions, often presents imbalances in the form of depression.
Celexa corrects these imbalances, giving the patient relief from depression.

Celexa is most successful as a treatment for bipolar disorder type one patients
when used in combination with a mood stabilizer. As an anti-depressant, Celexa
alone causes bipolar disorder type one patients to swing into a manic episode.
Used in combination with a mood stabilizer or anti-psychotic, however, can
allow for a balance of moods to take place, ending rapid or raging mood cycling.

Celexa has several possible minor side effects when used for treatment of
bipolar disorder. Common side effects include drowsiness, cotton mouth, nausea,
and trouble sleeping. Less common side effects include abdominal pain, anxiety,
gas, headache, heartburn, increased sweating, pain in muscles or joints,
increases or decreases in weight, weakness, and vomiting. If these side effects
persist or become unbearable, you should contact your doctor.

Celexa can also have several possible major side effects when used for
treatment of bipolar disorder. Common major side effects include a decrease in
sexual desire or ability. Less common major side effects include agitation,
confusion, blurred vision, fever, increase in urinal frequency, lack of
emotion, decreased memory, skin rashes, and trouble breathing. If you
experience any of these side effects you should contact your doctor immediately.

Friends, family and patients with bipolar disorder should keep in mind that
even when using anti-depressants such as Celexa, suicide, suicide threats, and
suicide attempts can still occur. Always be aware of the signs that can lead to
suicide so that medical treatment can be found before an attempt is made.

Bipolar disorder should, in all cases, be treated with a combination of Celexa,
or other medications, in conjunction with therapy or counseling. Bipolar
disorder patients are encouraged to take active part in their treatment plans.
Additionally bipolar patients should not attempt to self medicate or treat
symptoms with medication alone. If you show symptoms of bipolar disorder, you
should contact your doctor about Celexa and other treatment options.

What is the Real Cause of Bipolar Disorder?

Everything happens with a cause and that is a fact. It has been stressed in
many subjects in school that there is always the so called 'cause and effect';
and one can't happen without the other.

What about bipolar disorder? The illness is considered as the effect; so what
then are the causes? Studies are still underway and researchers are still
trying to determine the exact cause of bipolar disorder. Scientific evidence
claims that the chemical imbalance inside a person's brain has something to do
with bipolar disorder. But then again, what causes the chemical imbalance?
Viable theories say that it is due to environmental triggers and heredity.
Let's deal with these things one at a time.

Chemical Imbalance

Some people believe that the chemical imbalance in a person's brain is caused
by dog bites, osmosis and lithium shortage. But that is a misinformation that
brings a lot of confusion to the minds of the people. Most scientists believe
that psychological and biological explanations may be the cause of the brain's
chemical imbalance.

When you talk about biological explanation, the first thing on the list is
genetics. Inheritability is a great issue and there is overwhelming evidence
that bipolar disorder runs in the family and reflects genetic vulnerability.

Bipolar disorder is said to be caused by neurotransmitter systems. For decades,
scientists are already aware that there is a link between mood disorders and
neurotransmitters. Low or high levels of serotonin, dopamine or norepinephrine
cause bipolar disorder. There are also studies that indicate a change in the
nerve cells' receptors and sensitivity.

For now, the neurotransmitters are considered as part of the cause of bipolar
disorder but their exact role is not yet established. Research is still being

Geneticists are trying to determine the chromosomes and genes that act as
carriers of bipolar disorder. They would like to find out if these chromosomes
or genes come singularly or in tandem. The gene GRK-3 and some chromosomes are
said to be linked with bipolar disorder. But most scientists and geneticists
agree that 50% is caused by genetics and the other half is due to the

Continuous studies are still underway. Sophisticated tools are needed to
uncover what activates the genes or chromosomes, the brain component's code,
and how these things affect human behavior. Once the molecular knowledge is
acquired, new therapies may be engineered to make the lives of bipolar
sufferers much easier.

Environmental Triggers

Life is full of stressful events, and this is the primary culprit that
implicates bipolar disorder manifestation. Stressful events may pertain to job
loss, death of a loved one, or anything that is encountered by an individual.
There have been studies showing that the events results to the symptoms
associated with bipolar disorder. So when bipolar is triggered, it will soon
progress and continue.

To sum it all up, some scientists were able to come up with model called
Diathesis-Stress. This is a term that refers to a person being susceptible to
diseases like bipolar disorder. This model says that every individual inherits
physical predispositions that make him/her at risk to possible problems that
might be encountered. In order for a disorder to be produced, both the
inherited tendency, as well as the stressful conditions is required.

So if you're suffering from bipolar disorder, it's likely that you were able to
inherit some genes that make you susceptible to the disorder, and that some
events in your life triggered it. Scientists are still studying this disorder
and the theories can still be refined.

By expanding and applying the knowledge gained by scientists in their studies,
the bipolar patients can be given the right treatment strategies based solidly
in science; and not on the trial/error method.

Bipolar disorder typically starts during an individual's late twenties, but
there have been cases where teenagers and even children are diagnosed with the
disorder. Physicians and patients still find it hard to struggle with the
disorder especially if the right treatment combinations are not yet struck.

Living with bipolar disorder is quite difficult, but with the many discoveries
yet to be uncovered, the patients and their families can be assured that a
bright and normal future awaits them. Therefore, great attention must be given
to the different studies and researches that specialists undertake.

Tapestry of Causes of Bipolar Disorder

The medical society may have disagreed about so many diseases in this world
since Pandora has opened the little box of horrors. One of the few things that
they have agreed upon is that bipolar disorder is not caused by a lone factor.
Several factors are intertwined together to produce a cloth of the illness.
Hence, its being so called to run among blood relatives, other factors such as
biochemical and environmental can not just be eliminated. In other words,
having a relative with a bipolar disorder doesn't always mean you'll get it
too, but there is a big possibility. Moreover, having a clean slate in the
family background doesn't always save you from the lash of the sickness.

Luck seems to be the key to escaping any illness or disease.

Bipolar disorder is an illness characterized by cyclical mood swings which may
start during the adolescent years or later in life. There are some cases where
young children were afflicted with the disorder. It does not spare any race,
gender, social class, or ethnicity. The disorder is treated with an
amalgamation of mood stabilizers, anti-depressants, anti-manics or
anti-psychotics, and psychotherapy.

In any case, individuals afflicted with the disorder seem to have biologic
similarities that are detected by tests and imaging scans. The patients
manifest an over production of cortisol (stress hormone); more than the usual
hyperactivity in some parts of the brain that is related with movement and
emotional functions; reduced brain activity in parts that are linked with
cognitive functioning; fast biological clock (regulates the body's circadian
rhythm: cycle of sleep and waking); and extreme flooding of calcium into the
brain cells.

Bipolar disorder can be caused by either or a combination of these factors:
biochemical or biological, genetic or familial, medication induced, and

Biochemically speaking, bipolar disorder takes place in a certain part of the
brain where a number of neurotransmitters (a sort of chemical messenger) are
said to have been malfunctioning. Dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine are
just the three, maybe a lot more, of neurotransmitters involved in bipolar
disorder. With this in mind, the disorder may be just sleeping or dormant for
years and can be set off by some external factors such as stress or crisis. A
closer look at the brain research scientists have discovered that a patient's
brain suffering from the disorder is "wired differently" from the normal
person, which may explain the maddening alterations of extreme emotions.

As for its familial/genetic factor in the cause of the illness, individuals
with first-degree blood relatives such as siblings, offspring, or parents are
highly possible candidates for the disorder compared to those who have no
relatives with the illness. Research scientists have been working hard to
discover the specific genes that are involved in the disorder.

Bipolar disorder may also be triggered by medications. This usually happens
during misdiagnosis, and therefore the patient is given a medication that may
not be competent enough to control the disorder. With a different illness in
mind (in some cases only the depressive mood could have been diagnosed), the
physician may not be alert in detecting unusual changes in the patient that may
be sidetracking from the original diagnosis. An example is the antidepressant
medication which can activate a manic incident in patients who are vulnerable
to bipolar disorder. This is due to the fact that the manic stage could have
been overlooked upon in cases of misdiagnosis. Patients suffering from bipolar
disorder should be prescribed both anti-manic and antidepressant medications.
Antimanic medications produce a shield that protects the patient from mania
that is stimulated by the anti-depressant.

Other drugs that can be abused which can cause mania in individuals are
appetite suppressants, cold medications, corticosteroids, designer drugs
(cocaine, amphetamines, etc.), and an excessive intake of caffeine. Abuse of
alcohol and other stimulants can also trigger the disorder.

Stressful life events can also single-handedly trigger this mood disorder.
Events in a person's life that causes much stress may vary from a shocking
death of a loved one, career loss, pregnancy, geographic changes, to financial
bankruptcies. Individuals who are highly likely vulnerable to a stress-caused
bipolar disorder are adolescents, old adults, and pregnant women. These are
population groups that can be easily pinpointed to have been undergoing huge
changes in their lives and thus, with a shaky foundation, whether family
support or low-self-esteem, they may easily find themselves in a crisis.

Studies have shown that a one time trigger of the disorder can cause a
progression and the cycles may begin. If not diagnosed early, it can be hard to
control the disorder. Nevertheless, it all boils down on how strong the
individual's coping mechanisms are, and a little self-awareness, too.

Treatments for Bipolar Disorder: Getting Rid of that Monkey on your Back

It is a common occurrence that bipolar disorder is undiagnosed in a sufferer
for an average of eight years. Individuals afflicted with the disorder do not
seek out professional help for at least a decade after the first manifestation
of symptoms. Though the disorder can be controlled with proper treatment, there
are a lot of people who suffer from the disorder because they are left untreated
or are treated inappropriately.

There is a huge population of sufferers that have multiple incidences and it is
quite uncommon for them to have a sole episode of depression or hypomania in
bipolar disorder in a lifespan. The duration of the symptom-free periods
increase with the advancement of age. The existence of major symptoms may well
forecast long-term psychosocial dysfunction. The danger of a relapse is high in
patients with mood-incongruent psychotic symptoms.

The disorder, being untreated, can cause a variation of damage in the life of
the sufferer. Therefore, it is imperative that the disorder be diagnosed as
early as possible and treatment plans be started at an early stage as well.

There are varieties of treatments for Bipolar disorder. Some may fail but some
are successful in controlling the disorder. Oftentimes the patients easily give
up on their medication thinking that the drugs have failed them when in fact
there are drugs that need a certain amount of time before it works. Compliance
is also a major factor in the success of a treatment. Any lapse in the
medication intake can easily allow a relapse of the disorder.

There are two stages of treatment: the acute and the preventive or maintenance
stage. Acute stage treatment is intended to end the present depressive,
hypomanic, manic, or mixed mood swing episodes. Preventive or maintenance
treatment is for the continuation of the healing process to avoid or control
future episodes.

Treatment is composed of medication, psychotherapy, and education. Medication
is important for almost all patients throughout the acute and preventive
stages. Psychotherapy aids both patients and their families in dealing with the
more than the usual bipolar behavior of the patients. Education is also very
helpful to patients and their families as they become more aware of the
complexities of the disorder as well as how to manage it.

In any case, all treatments aim to decrease the incidence of episodes, prevent
cycling from one mood stage to another, decrease and treat the intensity of
acute mood episodes of depression or mania, and aid the patient as much as
possible in between mood episodes.

Before any treatment is prescribed, the physician will first identify what had
caused the episode and will assess the patient for any other emotional or
medical predicaments that could get in the way of the treatment.

The following are medications and other treatments used to help individuals
suffering from bipolar disorder:

*  Mood stabilizers are the core medication treatment for bipolar disorder.
These medications are efficient for short-term or acute episodes of depression
and psychotic mania. It is also used for maintenance treatment. Lithium and
valproate are mood stabilizers that are commonly prescribed. These two drugs
act to stimulate the liberation of glutamate (a neurotransmitter).

*  Atypical Antipsychotic drugs are prescribed treat schizophrenia. This drug
also has mood stabilizing characteristics which is helpful in the treatment of
bipolar disorder. Olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, ziprasidone, and
ariprazol are the five standard medications for the bipolar mania and mixed
episodes. Quetiapine is only utilized for the treatment of mixed episodes.
These drugs may be used single-handedly or can be combined with mood
stabilizers such as lithium or valproate. Furthermore, a blend fluoxetine and
olanzapine is also accepted for bipolar depression treatment.

*  Antiseizure medications are also utilized for the treatment of patients
suffering from rapid-cycling and mixed episodes, mania, and for those who have
suffered the consequences of substance abuse. Carbamazepine, lamotrigine,
oxcarbazepine are the antiseizure medications usually used in helping patients
suffering bipolar II disorder and rapid cycling.

*  Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) is also an efficient treatment. This is
ordered for patients suffering acute emotional stages or may also be utilized
for maintenance.

*  Sleep Management and Psychotherapy in combination with bipolar medications
are also highly helpful in the treatment plan for bipolar disorder.

Consequences of medications may include increase occurrence of diabetes, high
cholesterol, and weight gain. To diminish such risks, the patient is instructed
to have a dietary intake that will include whole grains, foods that are low in
saturated fats, foods low in sugar, fruits, and vegetables. These can help
decrease the incidence of gaining weight, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

With vigilance and discipline in addition to a strong support of family and
friends the individual who is suffering from bipolar disorder may well sail
through without much difficulty during troubled times.

Going Nuts or Just Normally Moody? (Bipolar Tests)

Bipolar disorder is an illness that is illustrated by extreme mood changes,
from being manically euphoric to the very depressed and vice versa. This
disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness. Changes in the mood to the
extremes are constantly occurring, this can happen within hours, days, or
months. Bipolar disorder typically appears in the late teenage years and
continues until death. There are also cases wherein the illness starts as early
as childhood or as delayed as late adult years.

Although a lot of people experience mood swings every now and then, only a
small group really experience radical changes in their moods which are highly
characteristic of bipolar disorder. This illness can heavily affect everyday
living of the sufferer. It can have a huge impact on their relationships with
significant others, occupation, academics, and their day to day interaction
with other people.

Are you quite curious if you're afflicted with this unlucky pestilence of a
disease? Here are some of the signs and symptoms that you can check yourself

Signs and symptoms of depressive phase:

*  pessimistic, have long moments of crying 
*  a feeling of hopelessness 
*  low self-esteem 
*  diminished libido
*  progressive decrease in energy and activities of daily living 
*  apathetic 
*  antisocial 
*  cognitive difficulties 
*  always anxious and irritable 
*  changes in weight (weight loss or gain) 
*  either insomnia or oversleeping 
*  abuse of drugs or alcoholic substances 
*  suicidal ideations

Signs and symptoms of manic phase: 

*  extremely euphoric 
*  aggressive
*  impulsive, irresponsibly wild 
*  excessively adventurous and involved in activities that are life threatening 
   (sex, drugs, violence, excessive spending)
*  insomniac 
*  flight of ideas, exceedingly talkative 
*  very outgoing
*  self-centered; sometimes with hallucinations or delusions 
*  easily distracted, restless 
*  no idea that the their behavior is causing problems

If you have any of these symptoms and these odd behaviors are causing
disruptions in your normal life, it is best for you to seek professional help.

There may be numerous tests out there that are used to differentiate a bipolar
sufferer from the run-of-the-mill sad and/or energetic individuals, but there
is no exact specific test. This is because the signs and symptoms of this
illness are very similar to other mental aberrations like ADHD, borderline
personally disorder, schizophrenia, or substance abuse disorders.

To diagnose the disorder, physicians provide a battery of tests to potential
patients. The following are the basic tests that these professionals use:

*  Medical examinations. This is used to assess the patient for other probable
   grounds of the mood swings he or she experiences. 
*  Oral and written psychiatric questionnaire or evaluations 
*  Family history. Bipolar disorder have a tendency to run in families 
*  Medical history. There may be medications that the patient is using or has 
   used that could have triggered the mood swings.
*  Interview family members and significant others regarding the patient's
   behavior. These people are usually the first witnesses of the disorder
   unfolding in the patient.

Although the doctor may be armed with these tests to help him diagnose a
patient, it is quite difficult for the doctor if the patient him or herself
doesn't recognize the problem. It is therefore imperative for the doctor to
have an absolute and careful history of the patient's mood swing episodes.
Compared to normal happiness, a person suffering the mania stage is extremely
happy for four consecutive days at the very least. These patients are also
easily distracted, very talkative, and has a flight of ideas.

The disorder is suspected to individuals who have previously suffered from a
depression and had a quick and excellent response to the treatment, but had
frequent relapses which are followed by a disintegration to respond to
antidepressant treatment.

But with early diagnosis, the disorder can be easily controlled. A combination
of psychopharmacologic medications and psychotherapy may just do the trick. A
strong emotional support from family and friends is also imperative for the
patient who's suffering from this disorder. Just make sure you choose the right
medical professional to help you or a friend in need. You may find the best help
even from only searching through the net as some institutions have websites of
their own.

Just remember, anybody who is suspect to any mental disorder is innocent until
examined and diagnosed by a legitimate doctor.

The More than the Usual Moody Disorder

Bipolar Syndrome or manic depression is a psychiatric aberration that is a
group of mood disorders in which an individual afflicted with it undergoes
extreme emotional states from being clinically depressed to an elevated mood
states (or vice versa), and/or a combination of these mood states. If this
disorder is ignored and untreated, it can be a crippling condition and may
possibly cause suicide.

The term "manic-depressive" made its first appearance in the late 1950s and the
present name, bipolar disorder, only became in trend recently. But this mood
disorder has been around since time immemorial. The Romans, thanks to their
Latin, have coined the words 'ania' and 'manos'. Specifically, it was Caelius
Aurelianus, a Roman physician, who proposed these etymologies. 'Ania' means to
generate immense mental distress, while 'manos' on the other hand means relaxed
or calmed down. Through the centuries great minds have tried to understand this
mood swing that had gone terribly wrong. From Gao Lian, the Chinese
encyclopedist who cited the illness in hid Eight Treatises on Nurturing of
Life, to Jules Baillarger the Frenchman who explained the two-phased mental
disorder being the origin of frequent cycles involving depression and mania.

But the considered father of the modern concept of Bipolar disorder is German
psychiatrist Emil Kraeplin. He sorted out and studied the course of untreated 
patients afflicted with the disorder way back before mood stabilizers were 
formulated. From his studies, he conceived the phrase "manic depressive psychosis". 
He observed that his patients undergo a cycle with moments of acute depression or 
mania, with symptom-free intermissions that allows the patient to act normally.

But Kraeplin may be the father of the modern concept of this illness, Dr. John
Cade discovered the treatment. He found out that Lithium Carbonate is the right
medication that can really treat any psychiatric illness. This discovery
pioneered the start of the treatment of psychiatric conditions through

In a nutshell, having a bipolar syndrome is just like having mood swings, and a
terrible one at that. This over the top kind of mood swing can cause either harm
or enhance an individual's everyday life based on the disorder's severity (from
mild to severe) and route (elevated or depressive mood). It causes alterations
in ones sleep cycles, energy and activity levels, cognitive functioning, and
social life.

This disorder time and again appears as depression in the teenage years and
then can have jumpstart as bipolar disorder in the late teens. There are also
cases that started early in childhood or late in life. Bipolar is not exclusive
to any race, gender, social class, or ethnicity. It can strike just about

The female patients are likely to start with a depressive episode, and the
males with manic episode. This disorder has a tendency to run among blood

Mood swing changes or episodes may last for as long as months or as short as
hours. Rapid-cycling bipolar disorder is when a patient undergoes four or more
mood changes or episodes of depression interchanging with mania in a single

A full cycle can be accomplished in days or hours by patients with bipolar
rapid cycling, though mood changes with bipolar disorder usually take place
progressively. These rapid cyclers are very unstable and very difficult to
treat; female patients are prone to be rapid cyclers.

There are four types of bipolar disorder. It is classified based on the
symptoms' intensity and patterns.

*  Bipolar I disorder. This is comprised by one or more or mixed episodes, in
addition to one or more major depressive mood change. This is the severest form
of bipolar disorder since it is manifested by extreme manic episodes.

*  Bipolar II disorder. This is a combination of one or more depressive
incidents with at least one hypomanic episode (mild for of mania that may last
for at least four days). Hypomanic episodes may not cause severe trouble in
everyday living but some patients can be destructive.

*  Cyclothymic disorder. This is a unceasing variation of moods which involves
stages of depression and hypomania. These two stages are more acute, less
severe, and are not experienced with the regularity encountered in the two
previous types of bipolar disorder. Patients with cyclothymia may have the
possibility to progress to a more severe type of bipolar disorder.

*  Unspecified Bipolar Disorder. There are cases that a patient experiences
symptoms of depressive and manic episodes without really fitting in any of the
above mentioned types of the disorder. This disorder is curable.

But this mood disorder should not be looked down on as if it was Leprosy in the
ancient times. Not does it only have an available medication to stabilize the
patient's moods but it oddly gives the individuals afflicted with it a creative
edge. With a good combination of medication and therapy, the disorder is very

Tips on Recognizing Bipolar Symptom and Its Importance

Bipolar disorder, also called as manic-depressive disease has severe effects on
the life of the sufferer as well as those people closest to them. The patients
need almost everybody's attention. They need it from their psychiatrist,
physicians, close friends, and supportive networks.

There are approximately 2 million Americans who are diagnosed with bipolar
disorder. But most of them are unaware that such condition is present. It is
because it can trigger any time. In most cases, the symptoms started to
manifest during adolescence or early adulthood. Fortunately, there is nothing
to worry about because this brain disorder is treatable. You just need to
recognize different symptoms to achieve proper diagnosis as well as treatment.

If you know someone who is suffering from a bipolar disease then you already
know the effects in their daily lives. However, it does not necessarily mean
that a person with bipolar disorder is always down and depressed. Their moods
just have a tendency to alter from an extremely high to an extremely low
status. This mood swings is very hard to recognize. Coping with such condition
is also difficult since the patient is also affected physically.

Always expect for a worst scenario. Never forget that persistent highs and lows
of moods in most patients can mean committing suicide in the end. It is because
they think that it is their way to escape. If this is often the case, calling
911 is important. Do not think that you would waste their time if ever nothing
happened. What matters most is that you have avoided any worst consequences.

Reoccurrences of the illness is possible thus it can affect a person throughout
his or her life. Lifetime treatment is applicable through building and
maintaining a strong support group. But the first step for achieving successful
results in the future is to learn some basic tips on how to spot symptoms of a
bipolar disorder.

1.  It is very easy to determine manic episodes. The most distinguishing factor
is euphoric mood and increased level of energy. These characteristics are easily
noticed and very evident. It is obvious that a person first manifested a
depressed mood for a longer period of time. Other signs include spending
sprees, loss of concentration, and increased drive for sex.

2.  Spotting depression can be quite easy but sometimes it can be
misinterpreted as a bad day. An anxious or a sad mood over an extended duration
of time is a very obvious sign of a depressed person. This is the first
characteristic you must look for. Another is lack of interest on the things
which was once enjoyed by the person, including sex or hobbies.

3.  Mood swings associated with serious cases of bipolar disorder can later
display psychosis symptoms including delusions and hallucinations. These are
also easier to recognize. However, the sufferer may not be aware of it.

4.  To spot a mixed state of a bipolar disorder, you should know that the
sufferer is simultaneously experiencing both depression and mania. It can
include sleep deficiency, agitation, and appetite changes. The patient having
this kind of bipolar disorder can become very depressed, yet he or she still
possesses a very high energy level.

5.  The symptom that is considered to be the most horrifying is morbid
thoughts. Most people ignore it subconsciously hoping that it will just soon
vanish. Suspecting a patient who have morbid thoughts and contemplates suicide
must be acted upon immediately. Call 911 if necessary to prevent worse
consequences from happening.

Keep in mind that recognizing these symptoms correctly is important to reveal
the real nature of a bipolar disease. Improper diagnosis can lead to prolong or
lifetime suffering. The patients can seek advice from professionals when
depression attacks them but sometimes they are not disclosing their manic
behaviors. It is because they linked it with normalcy or happiness.

Recently, more and more people are getting the proper education regarding the
distinguishing symptoms of a bipolar disorder because of the attentions given
on its research and studies. Guidance is available through excellent resources
such as reputable websites or local clinics which provide detailed information.
Never forget that the debilitating nature of a bipolar disorder can be stopped
to lead productive and healthy lives.

Bipolar Support Group: A Guide to a Better Living

The most difficult and stressful experience that you could have is being
diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. If this is your case, managing your disorder 
better is recommended. Whether you handle it by yourself, with your families, or 
with your friends, building and maintaining a strong support group system is very

There are approximately twenty five million Americans who are suffering from
mood disorders including bipolar disorder. In this case, their families need
better understanding of how such illness is affecting their lives. People need
support from those who takes time to understand them.

A support group system is the combined forces of people who are offering
emotional and unconditional support to people having a bipolar disorder. They
have the desire for understanding the difficulties and struggles of people
living in such condition. This group consists of other support groups, mental
health workers, doctors, friends, and families.

A support group for manic depression can be a very good source for getting
support from peers. They can help lots of people how to cope up with emotional
aspects of their lives. A safe place is provided to give a chance for these
people to share their experiences as well as learn from other sufferers who are
facing the same situation.

People having a manic depressive disorder can feel secluded and isolated. They
can also feel alone in their struggle in managing the symptoms. But those
people who attend a support group may feel strong and confident that they're
not alone in facing their battles and easily recover upon treatment. The people
who are within a support group are likely to experience the highs and lows of a
bipolar disorder. No one will relate better with people who are suffering from
a bipolar disorder except those people who also experiences the same situation.

A support group system is not often specifically designed for people having a
bipolar disorder but also for other mood disorders including clinical
depression. Consulting a psychiatrist or therapist to obtain information about
a support group system is advised.

People who are joining a support group should also have their personal
assessment regarding their condition. If something is going better, then
continuous involvement is good. However, when things get worse, it is better to
undergo specific treatments. There are instances that a person may feel hopeless
and desperate if he or she sees other people in a support group displaying such

The idea of a support group is to help each other on their journey to recovery.
Someone during his or her normal period can still be the light of other members
who have difficulty in coping up with their present situation.

Today, the internet technology becomes the major source of finding an
appropriate support group. There are even designed chat rooms for people
experiencing manic depression. Although this is a good resource for sufferers
of bipolar disorders to get the support they need, this isn't enough. They
should continue to attend their local support group system. Since there is
always a tendency for self-isolation, being with other sufferers can provide
good social interactions.

After the illness is diagnosed and treatment is provided, support from other
people is vital in achieving a lifetime wellness. Most support groups have
their own chapters to meet the needs of every sufferer. They will find
direction and comfort in a supportive and confidential setting where a big
difference is made in their lives. The services provided also vary depending on
the needs of their members. However, never think that a support group is your
alternative to professional care.

Many support groups offer self-help by facilitating meetings. People with
bipolar disorder can obtain benefits such as opportunity from reaching out to
others, motivation in following a treatment plan, understand mood disorders,
help rediscover humor and strength, and provide forums for mutual understanding
and acceptance.

Having a family and trusted friends who are always ready to provide emotional
support is a very valuable asset for people suffering from a bipolar disorder.
This is necessary especially for people who always have suicidal tendencies and
have a hard time in controlling outbursts of emotions. That is why a support
group system is extremely essential, truly a guide for a better living.

The Support That a Person with Bipolar Disorder Needs: Effectively Managing the
Manic Depressive Illness

For you to be able to function properly in society, you have to consider that
you need to have a good physical health. You may have heard this over and over
again. However, you have to consider that physical well-being is not the only
thing you need to consider in order to function productively in society. It is
a fact that there are quite a lot of people who is considered to be physically
healthy but cannot function well in society. You have to consider that your
mental health is also very important.

The brain is one of the most important parts of the human body and without it,
you will not be able to live. The brain is needed for your basic motor skills,
for speech, and also for controlling your moods and emotions. The brain simply
acts like a microprocessor in a computer and your nervous system as the wires
that connect all of your body to it. However, there are certain mental
disorders that can affect your daily life where you will have no control of
some aspects of your body.

One example of a mental disorder is called bipolar disorder. This particular
illness can affect the area of your brain that controls your way of thinking,
your emotions and your moods. Bipolar disorder can significantly and negatively
affect your daily functions. Normally, people have some ups and downs in terms
of moods. If something pleasant happens, you feel happy, and if something bad
happens, you will feel depressed about it. This is a normal reaction of the
brain and the body. However, with bipolar disorder, the moods can cycle from
being manic to being normal to being depressive and back to being manic at some

Bipolar disorder can have a negative impact in your daily life as it can impair
the way you think. It can affect your social life, your relationship, and can
also impact your performance at work and at school negatively. You should also
consider that bipolar disorder is a very dangerous disorder that can lead to
death. There have been cases where severe bipolar disorders have forced people
suffering from it to think of death and suicide during the depressive episodes
and some have actually attempted to commit suicide.

Bipolar disorder can cause harm to the person suffering from it and also to the
people around them. This is why it is important that the family should actively
participate in the treatment. Treatments can include psychotherapy and
medications. During the therapy sessions, the family of the people who are
suffering from bipolar disorder should be actively involved during the long and
sometimes hard process of treatment. You have to consider that bipolar disorder
is a long term illness and has no cure. The treatments are usually needed
throughout their entire life and it also needs carefully managing it.

Family and friends should know how to support the person suffering from this
disorder and should understand all about bipolar disorder in order to
effectively treat them and also effectively manage the illness. It is also
important that you should choose a reputable psychotherapist in order to make
sure that they can effectively treat the patient.

Bipolar disorder is a kind of illness that needs support from members of the
family. It does not entirely mean that the person suffering from it needs to be
alone in the treatment process. It is important to realize the fact that the
family plays a very important role during the treatment process. Without family
support, the treatment for the illness can have little or no effect at all. You
should consider that people suffering from this mental disorder are suicidal
and during the treatment process, they will need emotional support in order to
get their thoughts off about death and suicide.

These are the things you should consider when you have a family member
suffering from bipolar disease. With the proper treatment and support, you can
be sure that they will be able to recover from their illness and effectively
manage it throughout their lives. In time, they will be able to live
independently and function productively in society again.

Bipolar and Schizophrenia: Are Both Disorders the Same?

For years, psychiatrists and medical professionals have said that bipolar
disorder and schizophrenia are two very distinct mental illnesses. This idea
came from a world-renowned German psychiatrist named Emil Kraepelin. Eric
Kraepelin has said that bipolar disease and schizophrenia are two very
different mental disorders. Up until today, the separation of bipolar disorder
and schizophrenia is still being practiced by psychiatrists.

However, you have to consider that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is very
difficult to distinguish from each other. Both have the same signs and symptoms
and psychiatrist often makes mistakes when diagnosing a patient with one of the

Today, there are certain methods developed to clearly distinguish both
diseases. Psychiatrists and brain specialists all over the world have
determined that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have distinct signs and
symptoms where they can base their diagnosis from.

The first thing you have to consider is that patients with bipolar disorder can
experience a schizophrenia-like delusions and hallucinations. However, bipolar
disorder has a chronic form of the illness. However, it is still very difficult
to distinguish both diseases from one another.

Schizophrenia disorder has been found that it also contains signs and symptoms
of bipolar disorder, which includes depressive episodes and sometimes manic
episodes. As you can see, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is very hard to
distinguish from one another. In fact, there have been several cases where
psychiatrists and specialists have made a mistake in diagnosing their patients.
There are some cases where severe schizophrenia disorders have the same signs
and symptoms of bipolar disorders and even the same frequency of manic and
depressive episodes.

Further studies and research have found that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
is a form of genetic illness. So, this means that finding out about the genetics
of the person, psychiatrists and brain specialists can find a significant
distinction of both disorders. Today, there are now available treatments for
both disorders that can effectively help you in managing schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder. The treatment for both disorders can be in a form of
psychotherapy and is usually combined with medications that can change the
brain's biochemistry.

The medications combined with the psychotherapy sessions can help in
stabilizing the brain functions and lessen the effect of the signs and symptoms
in your life. It is important to remember that bipolar disorder and
schizophrenia is often misdiagnosed. This will also mean that the patient can
be given the wrong medication for their illness. You have to consider the fact
that there are different medications for bipolar disorder and in schizophrenia.

Today, one of the most popular medications given to schizophrenic is called
Clorazil. This medication is specially made for schizophrenics in order for
them to control their brain functions. On the other hand, people suffering from
bipolar illness are usually prescribed with a medication called Lithium. Lithium
is a very effective medicine that can prevent manic episodes from recurring. For
fast cycling bipolar illness, the medicine usually prescribed by specialists is
called Valproic acid. This is also a great medication for regular cycling
bipolar illness.

It is often very hard to distinguish bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This
is why it is very important for you to choose a doctor, a psychiatrist or a
specialist that is reputable in the field of mental diseases. By choosing the
right doctor, you can be sure that you will be treated with the right treatment
and medications with your illness. It is very important that both bipolar
disorder and schizophrenia should be detected as early as possible in order for
the treatment to be more effective.

You have to consider that both illnesses can mentally cripple you and make you
an unproductive member of the society. By letting the mental illness develop
without getting it treated, it will worsen in time and can significantly affect
your way of life.

So, if you or a member of your family is showing early signs of manic or
depressive symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor about it. They
will be able to refer you to a reputable specialist in brain disorders. The
specialists will be able to determine if it is either schizophrenia or bipolar
disorder and administer the proper treatment for the disorder.

Taking a Bipolar Online Quiz is Important

School children often dreads the hour when a quiz is given by their teacher,
especially the ones who didn't study their lessons. As a child grows, he or she
still has to keep up with various examinations done in and out of the classroom.

What's in an examination or a quiz that most individuals fear? Well, if it's
just a quiz for a school subject, you will only worry about the grades that you
will get. But what if it's a quiz about your mental health?

A lot of people shy away from the subject of mental illness. Having a mental
illness of some sort does not make you insane. That's the common misconception
that people has to live with. Oftentimes, they are ashamed to let other people
know that they have a problem. And if you're diagnosed with bipolar disorder,
there's really no reason to be afraid or ashamed about it.

Bipolar patients have extreme episodes or mood swings, and though these things
may not affect them, it can be very alarming to their family members. Friends,
co-workers, relatives, and neighbors may also notice the mood swings especially
if it's already severe. The symptoms felt by bipolar patients are not the same
all throughout. It differs from one individual to another. Others can
experience mild symptoms while others have to go through severe episodes.

Bipolar disorder does not choose its patients. Men and women can have this
illness because of certain factors. Though further studies are still underway,
factors like genetics, biochemistry, environmental events, and seasons can
cause bipolar disorder.

Not all people are aware that they have the disorder. In fact, a great number
of bipolar sufferers are not yet diagnosed. Most bipolar patients were
diagnosed with the illness only after years of having it. If bipolar remains
untreated, it can cause major disruptions in his or her everyday life; whether
at home, at work, or in any other place. With the right professional attention,
the bipolar patient can receive treatment and/or medication that are necessary
to control their symptoms. Bipolar disorder cannot be cured; it can only be
controlled and stabilized.

Bipolar disorder is not well-known to the public. In fact, according or many
surveys, a lot of people are not even thinking about mood disorders. For every
five respondent, 80% did not even address it as an illness or disorder. Most
college students and people in their 40's are aware of the disorder, but other
age groups have very little knowledge about bipolar and mood disorders.

This may be one reason why many cases of bipolar disorder are left undiagnosed.
Many individuals may regard their condition as simple mood swings. When mood
swings are already extreme, then you'd better think twice.

The internet is a great avenue to help you in your problem. Try to observe the
symptoms that you're exhibiting, and if you think you have the disorder, you
can look into online quizzes. There are many sites that feature bipolar quizzes
and you can use the search engines available like Google and Yahoo.

By taking several online depression quizzes, you will find out the different
symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. And after the quiz, you will get the
results easily. Bipolar online quizzes usually asks the following questions:

-  Are you suffering from extreme changes in mood? 
-  Do you have a family member with bipolar? 
-  Have you experienced the symptoms in intervals?

If after a careful self-evaluation you think that you do have bipolar, then
perhaps it's time to visit a doctor. You have to consult the right person with
the right background, and those that have dealt with bipolar disorder in the
past. A psychiatrist can also help you in your struggle. They can provide you
with the right medication and treatment that will work for you.

Bipolar quizzes are a great way to assess your situation. Mild mood swings are
natural and should not be a cause of worry. However, quizzes like this can't
give you an accurate diagnosis. Bipolar is difficult to diagnose, that is why a
lot of diagnosis are delayed. The symptoms felt by a bipolar patient can mimic
those of other illnesses. Professional diagnosis is required. Take a quiz, and
know your state.

Diagnosed with Bipolar Mood Disorder? Start Mending Fences Now

It's easier to face the hardships of life when your love ones are there for
you. If an individual suffers from an illness, the first ones to assist him in
his situation is his dear family. That is why many people are counting on
family members and relatives especially if they're going through a difficult
phase. What happens if you're diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder? Just as the
word suggests, it's a mood disorder. For some time, you might have observed your
mood swings. Oftentimes, other family members can notice these things easily but
they don't give it much importance. When the behavior becomes radical, this can
already cause a disruption in the family or even at work. Whenever you have an
episode, you will likely do abnormal things, and you can even hurt your love
ones. You tend to make wrong or bad decisions which are hard to fix. Trying to
pick-up pieces after an episode is really hard. This is probably why most
bipolar patients want to isolate themselves and are ashamed to come face to
face with their family members and friends. But isolation will only make things
a lot worse. Instead of closing your doors to the people that greatly cares and
loves you, you have to reach out to them. Reach out to the people you've hurt
and try to explain what happened. Making apologies is the best way and tell
them that you're already seeking help. Once a person is diagnosed with the
disorder, his or her instant reaction is to deny it and not inform others.
Sharing the knowledge of the disorder with others can be very hard. And not
every bipolar patient thinks of it as an excellent idea. But with the aid of
your therapist or doctor, you can arrive at a better decision. Keeping things
secret is not good, especially if it's about bipolar. In fact, it can be very
harmful in the long run. It would be better to inform trusted family members
and friends so that they will understand the situation. Bipolar disorder can
greatly affect an individual, and the worst thing that can happen is suicide.
There are facts that you need to be aware of if you have bipolar disorder like:

1.  Suicide attempts usually occur during mixed or depressed episodes 
2.  Some suicide happens during or after coming out a mania or depressive 
    episode; and this happens when the patient is feeling a lot better 
3.  25 to 50 percent of bipolar patients attempts suicide at least once 
4.  One out of five bipolar patients commits suicide 
5.  Patients who misuse drugs and alcohol are at a greater suicide risk If a 
    bipolar patient has suicidal tendencies, his condition requires control of 
    the symptoms. 

Suicidal thoughts are not really 'you' as a person, but can be associated with 
the symptoms of bipolar disorder. This is a sign which means that you need 
professional attention. The thoughts will not go away alone, what you need is a 
proper treatment and/or medication.

As part of a treatment regimen, you need to build your own support network. You
have to use your available resources to get a good start. Your support
foundation can consist of family members, friends, therapists, doctor, and
members of the community (local or national). You're at the community's center
and acts as a driving force. You can build or maintain this community with the
support of the people around you. Your support group knows your feelings and
thoughts. These people have encountered and struggled with the same problems.
People with the same disorder can give you practical advice and support. They
will teach you coping skills, how to open up, and understand your situation
completely. You can also arrange for a meeting with fellow bipolar patients.
You must remember that treatments and medications are greatly needed in your
condition. And to make things a lot better, finding a support group can help
you in living a normal life. Don't sulk in your home. There are a lot of people
out there who cares about you. All you have to do is to reach out to them, make
them feel that you're exerting an effort to make things a lot better for you,
your family, and the community as a whole.

The Right Medicine for Bipolar

Mood swings are strongly associated with women because compared to men, they
are unpredictable. Men also exhibit mood swings, but they are not that
noticeable. Occasional mood swings can still be accepted and it's but normal to
encounter these things. But that about radical mood swings or emotional changes?
Don't you think it's high time that you consult a doctor or a psychiatrist?

When people hear 'consulting with a psychiatrist', they think of it negatively.
They think that only those with mental illnesses consult with these
professionals. But did you know that it's one of the best ways to address your
problem effectively?

Yes, by consulting with a doctor or psychiatrist, your condition can be
evaluated and the extent of the disorder can be determined. You will be given
the right medication and a treatment that should be followed in order to
stabilize your condition.

Once you have bipolar disorder, like it or not, it's there to stay. You have to
deal with unending episodes day in and day out. You need not fear this situation
because it can be controlled, though not totally cured. With the help of
medications, you're on your way to a normal life again.

Bipolar disorder onsets usually during the adolescence and the early 20's and
the disorder is quite complex, thereby delaying accurate diagnosis for a couple
of years. This is a great disadvantage for the bipolar patient because it would
take years before he can receive treatment or medication.

Psychologists or psychiatrists diagnose and treat bipolar disorder. It would
usually start with an interview and a clinical inventory or scale to assess the
mental status and bipolar symptoms of the patient. The following are the
clinical procedures that need to undertaken:

-  ISS 
-  YMRS 

The tests mentioned above can be done in outpatient settings or in hospitals,
either in writing or verbally. Mental illnesses and bipolar disorder are
diagnosed using the guidelines contained in DSM-IV. According to this
guideline, bipolar disorder is an unusually irritable or elevated mood that
lasts for about a week together with three mania symptoms. However, four
symptoms will be required just in case the person is irritable.

Adolescents and children present symptoms differently. Children exhibit
psychotic features that are often misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. They are more
aggressive and irritable, instead of being elated. The symptoms are also
ongoing and chronic compared to adults that experience it in episodes.

Treatments of bipolar disorder are usually administered with medications. Mood
stabilizers are used in combination with antipsychotics, antidepressants, and
anticonvulsants. These medications regulate bipolar episodes.


Lithium. Oldest and frequently prescribed medication for bipolar disorder, but
this is not recommended for patients having mixed mania. Sometimes, Lithium is
used together with benzodiazepines or neuroleptics.

Carbamazepine. This is an anticonvulsant prescribed along with mood
stabilizers. If the patient did not respond well with the lithium therapy, this
medication can be used.

Valproate. If you're experiencing a rapid cycling of bipolar, this is a very
effective medication. It can be used alone or in combination with other drugs.

Antidepressants may stimulate mania episodes in some patients, therefore used
only for short term.

SSRIs. This is used to regulate depression and it includes flouxetine,
sertaline, and paroxetine.

MAOIs. This drug blocks the monoamine oxidase's action; and to avoid side
effects, you should not eat foods with high amounts of tyramine.

Electroconvulsive therapy. This is very successful in treating bipolar
depression but this is employed only after pharmaceutical treatment options
have been exhausted. The treatment is given together with anesthesia and muscle
relaxant to avoid convulsions.

Neuroleptics. To control manic symptoms, drugs like haloperidol and
chlorpromazine are used; but you must be aware that side effects are more
severe with neuroleptics.

Counseling and Psychotherapy. Some experts claim that bipolar disorder is
biological, and therefore, entails therapy. The therapy alone is not sufficient
to substitute medications and so the patient must continue taking his medicines.
It's a helpful tool for the patients and their families to encourage medication
compliance and reduce suicide risks.

Bipolar medications are really important. When you're completely stabilized and
controlled, don't stop taking medications. Remember that bipolar disorder is for
a lifetime, and so you must continue with your medication and treatment.

A Close Look at Trileptal for Bipolar Disorder

"There is a solution to every problem."

When you or a loved one is inflicted with bipolar disorder, you think that
there is no end to keeping things in order. It seems that answers to your
dilemma have far-fetched solutions. Yet, there is a key to every faced dilemma,
it may not be too soon but there is.

These days, common symptoms such as excessive and uncontrollable moods can be
prevented with Trileptal.

Scientifically, Trileptal is referred to as "oxcarbazepine." Trileptal is a
medication suited to stabilize the mood. It is also an "anticonvulsant" drug.
This medication is principally utilized to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder.

Physical Characteristics of Trileptal

There are four types of Trileptal depending on the patient's dosage need. Among
the different types of Trileptal, three are tablets. All tablets have a line in
the middle which is commonly referred to as "breakline." All tablets come in
Blister pack.

The least tablet dosage is Trileptal 150 mg. This type of tablet can be
distinguished by its pale gray green tablet with initials T D on one side and C
G on the other side.

Three hundred (300) mg is the next dosage after Trileptal 150. It is a yellow
tablet with initials TE TE on one side and CG CG on the other.

The highest Trileptal dosage is 600 mg. The tablet is notable by its light pink
color. It also has CG CG initials on one side and TF TF on the other side.

Another type of Trileptal is the oral suspension. It is stored in an amber
glass bottle wherein the suspension is off-white to reddish brown in color.

Side Effects of Trileptal

Like any other medications, Trileptal also have side effects. Some common side
effects are giddiness, sleepiness, double and irregular vision, exhaustion,
vomiting, lose of balance, stomach pains and indigestion, and shivering.

Pregnant women must be cautious in taking Trileptal since studies show that
there is a possibility for the unborn child to develop birth defects.

There are individuals taking Trileptal who reports that they experience a
"sedative effect" when this medication is taken with alcohol and painkillers.
In addition, some patients also observe weight gain.

Some uncommon side effect of Trileptal is decrease in blood sodium wherein you
may experience less passing of urine, headache, puzzlement, weakness and on
extreme cases convulsions and coma.

There are those who may experience the following rare side effects of

*  Angioedema -- this is a condition wherein the skin and voice box swells due 
   to an allergic reaction. 
*  Encephalopathy -- this is a brain disorder which causes perplexity, loss of 
   memory and on some extreme cases, personality alteration. 
*  Erythema multiforme -- this is a condition where the skin develops red and 
   purple patches due to inflammation. 
*  Lymphadenopathy -- this causes the lymph glands to swell which is visible 
   under the arms, in the jaw and groin area. 
*  Stevens Johnson syndrome -- this is a very uncommon side effect wherein the 
   blisters develop in the eyes. On some cases, bleeding occurs in the eyes.

When Not To Use Trileptal

Not all individuals can be relieved by Trileptal. There are those who are
sensitive to this type of medication such as individuals:

*  With kidney problems 
*  With heart problems 
*  With liver problems 
*  With intolerance to fructose 
*  Allergic to "carbamazepine" 
*  With very low level of sodium in the blood

Hence it is wise to consult your physician before taking Trileptal to prevent
other uneventful things to happen.

How to Store Trileptal

Proper storage is important since it will help your medicines to be kept in its
best condition. You need to read instructions on the label of your Trileptal
medicine before you use it.

You are required to keep the medication in a place away from children's reach.
A locked medicine cabinet is a good place to store this medicine. The oral
suspension should be utilized within seven weeks after first usage.

Equally important is using the drug before its expiration date.

Trileptal may be the solution you are seeking to give you or a loved one
temporary relief from bipolar disorder. In your hands is the responsibility
when you take this medication. No harm is done when you know how to properly
use the medicines you are taking, especially if it is a medication to stabilize
your mood.

Famous People With Bipolar Disorder Past and Present

There have been many famous people with bipolar disorder, or thought now to
have had it based on their lifeworks and stories. There have been so many, in
fact, that it is considered by some to be a mark of genius. That may or may not
be true, but it is easy to see why the connection in made after a look at the
many famous people with bipolar disorder.

Writers have been, and continue to be, some of the great famous people with
bipolar disorder. Mark Twain was one such writer. He, like many such writers,
was highly functional in his writing. However, he could be depressed-seeming
and pessimistic at times. He also had overblown business ideas which. Like many
manics' ideas never were accomplished.

Kurt Vonnegut, who wrote the modern classic Slaughterhouse-Five and many other
books, and William Faulkner, who created an entire fictional place called
Yoknapatawha County as a setting for his novels, were two other famous people
with bipolar disorder

Some of the most well-known names in modern history have been thought to have
had this disorder. These famous people with bipolar disorder include names such
as: Winston Churchill, Abbie Hoffman, Edgar Allen Poe, Beethoven, Van Gogh,
Isaac Newton. The world would not have been the same without these and the many
other famous people with bipolar disorder.

Some famous people with bipolar disorder have written about the disorder. Most
notably, Patty Duke wrote a lengthy book on the subject of her own illness.
There have been other famous people with bipolar disorder who have written
books about the subject. Kay Redfield Jamison, a psychologist well-known in her
field wrote two books, including a memoir and a treatise on the connection
between the illness and creativity. Besides these, there have been many other
books written by famous people with bipolar disorder about their experiences.

Some famous people with bipolar disorder have been posthumously diagnosed to
have had it. Many are current stars and may have actually received the
diagnosis from their doctors. Some of these are actresses Linda Hamilton,
Margot Kidder, Carrie Fisher, and Patty Duke. Others are musicians such as Kurt
Cobain, Ozzy Osbourne, Axel Rose, and Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails.

In the past, famous people with bipolar disorder lived very difficult lives.
They may not have even known that they had any kind of disorder at all. Many
thought the way of mania and depression was just the way of the world.

Now, famous people with bipolar disorder are under an extraordinary amount of
pressure to work through their cycles of mania and depression. The case of Kurt
Cobain proved that bipolar disorder untreated is a disaster. On the other hand,
many feel that the medications stunt their creativity. Therapy is seen by some
as a vent by which the powerful force of their expression is lost.

This is a controversial topic, and many doctors feel that great strides have
been made in medications that are not as debilitating to the creative person.
Therapy, too, has changed in many quarters. One thing is certain. The prognosis
is better these days than it ever has been for famous people with bipolar

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