![]() ![]() Autoresponders ![]() Using Autoresponders With Internet Marketing If you've ever dealt with an online company or subscribed to an ezine or other service on the Internet before, you've more than likely received an email from an autoresponder. Although you may not have realized it at the time, it was probably an email letting you know that the individual you were trying to reach isn't available. Even though it appears that someone else sent the message, it was indeed sent from an autoresponder. Although autoresponders are great for letting others know that you are away, they are even more valuable when used as a marketing tool. If you've thought about selling products or services online or if you already own your own company, you could greatly benefit from autoresponders. In the world of Internet marketing -- few tools and programs can compete with an autoresponder. As many Internet marketers already know, autoresponders are a great way to put your business on autopilot and multiply yourself. With an autoresponder, simply set up your preset messages, and select the schedule that each individual message will go out. When messages go out is entirely up to you, you can send them out on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. You can also use as many messages as you want, and know without a shadow of a doubt that they will go out to those on your customer list when they are supposed to. Best of all, you don't even have to touch it. This will save you a lot of time, as your autoresponder will handle virtually all of your email tasks. It will follow up with your customers as well, saving you a lot of time there. If you had to follow up with each and every one of your customers yourself, it could cost a lot of time that you could easily be using for other things -- even spending time with your family. Even if your business doesn't have a lot of site visitors now, an autoresponder can still help you out. Even though you may not think so, it can do a world of wonders. No matter how many visitors you have, you should always strive to capture all the opt-ins that you can. The best way to do this is by providing high quality products and services that will keep your visitors intrigued. If you keep them intrigued, they will gladly sign up to your list with their email address and their name, so that you can contact them with future offers. Even though may be starting out small, your opt-in list can get really big before you know it. Once your list has grown, it will easily become one of the most valued assets of your entire company. In order for your list to grow, you'll need to answer emails about your products, services, company, and what you can do for your customers. You don't need to spend all day doing this anymore, as you can leave everything to your autoresponder. Your autoresponder can answer all of your email questions and give customers what they want -- which will help your company grow. Almost all autoresponders will enable you to send broadcast messages to your entire client list among other things. They will also let you stay in touch with your customers and establish relationships that will keep your customers coming back. No matter how big or how small your company may be -- an autoresponder is one investment that you is more than worth your money. Using Autoresponders To Keep Up With Email All online businesses, no matter how big or how small, will sooner or later become overwhelmed with how many emails responses they have to send out on a daily or weekly basis. If you've been looking for help with your email troubles, it may be the time to invest in an autoresponder. With the help of an autoresponder, you'll have no trouble keeping up with your email. All you need to do is get yourself an autoresponder and write the scripts. Once you have installed it -- your business will be on autopilot and you'll be free from answering hundreds of emails. Anytime a visitor of your website sends you a business related email, they are looking for an immediate response. If you take your time responding or put the email off, the potential customer can get frustrated and decide to go with another company. If you have an autoresponder on the other hand, the individual will get the immediate response he or she is looking for. There is no waiting involved, as the email response is sent almost immediately. Sit down and think about how much time you spend answering emails or sending them out on a daily basis -- chances are it's a time consuming process. If you get hundreds of emails each day, you probably spend several hours going through them all. An autoresponder will take care of this for you, and give you more time to tend to other things. Autoresponders are all about efficiency -- as they give any successful business an edge towards making great use of your time as well as making your customers feel truly special. Keep in mind that not all autoresponders are built the same. Each and ever one of the different autoresponder programs will differ in terms of what they offer, with some being better in certain situations. When you decide to buy an autoresponder to assist you with email, you should always shop around and select the program best for you and your company. If you compare different programs and companies, you'll find what's best for you. Although it may take you some time, you'll find that it's well worth it in the end. When it comes to your business, you don't want to take any chances. Email is very important with any online business, simply because it's the best way to communicate with customers and visitors of your website. Before someone buys anything from your company, they will normally contact you via email or speak with someone before they make a decision. Although there are some impulse buyers out there who will purchase something on their first visit, most people prefer to take some time and think about. In these cases, you can use your autoresponder to follow up with them, sending them information about your products and your company to help persuade them into buying. The last thing to think about, although it's the first consideration for many is the price. In order to find the best features for the best price, you'll need to shop around and compare. On the Internet, you can find many different autoresponders, some of which are obviously better than others. If you go to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo, you can find dozens of different programs in little to no time at all. You'll have many different programs to review and research at your fingertips, all of which you should at least look over before you purchase your program. If you look at everything available and base your decision on features and price -- you'll get a great autoresponder that will go a long way in helping you with responding to your emails. Using Autoresponders Responsibly In today's world of unsolicited email and spam laws, it is extremely important that you learn to use your autoresponder responsibly. Autoresponders make our lives much simpler, and they are very powerful marketing tools, but if they are used in a way that they are not intended, they can quickly turn your life into a nightmare! First, never add people to your autoresponder mailing list that should not be there. If they have requested information from you, they should automatically be added, and you should have a "double opt-in" method in place to make them confirm that they have requested the information. This serves to protect you and them. Each autoresponder message should include a link that the recipient can click that will automatically remove them from the mailing list. Without this link, you will be breaking the spam laws, and you risk having your website, your ISP service, your email, and your autoresponders shut down! We all want to build a list of a million people, but you must do so responsibly, and it does take time. Don't get in a hurry and break all the rules and laws in an attempt to build a large list. This will only result in losing your list altogether! Using Articles With Autoresponders It's no secret that articles are hot right now. Articles are a great way to promote products you are selling, helping you build your business and reach a broader audience. Articles should be full of information, easy to read and understand, and provide readers helpful information towards their topic of interest. In most cases, articles will include a link to a website, which is designed to sell products or services that relate to the article. Normally, articles are submitted to websites, article banks, directories, and sometimes used with ezines as well. There are many uses for articles, as they are one of the best ways to promote products and services online. Although you can find many different uses for articles, one of the best is with autoresponder. If you combine informational articles with an autoresponder, you'll get results that you can be proud of. Autoresponders are very popular these days -- although few think to use them in combination with articles. You can do this by setting up each one of your articles with your autoresponder. You should ensure that each article has its own address, meaning that you'll need to use an autoresponder that allows you to it. Once you have an autoresponder that allows you to do this, you should make a master list of every article you have, putting the address of the autoresponder beside of the article title. If you prefer, you can also add a description of the article to your master list. If you have a lot of articles, keeping up with them can be a tedious task. Those who have a lot of products, normally have hundreds of thousands of articles. If you sell articles, you probably have more than you can count. All over the Internet, people are looking for articles. One great source we found for PLR articles is www.articlewholesaler.com on the web. Articles contain information, information that can solve problems or describes products. Each and every day on the Internet, millions of people around the world search for information. This information that they search for, is normally in the form of articles. If you were to advertise all of articles one by one, it would take you quite a bit of time. If you have hundreds to show, it can take you weeks -- even months. Through the use of autoresponder, you can save a lot of time. Showing off one address with one article won't take you long at all, as the autoresponder will do a majority of the work. All you have to do is put the link on your website, or add it to your preset messages when you send out emails. Autoresponders can really get your articles and information out there, all you have to do is give them a try. Using an Autoresponder to Publish an Ezine There are many uses for an autoresponder. One such use is the publishing and distribution of an ezine or newsletter. Since autoresponder services usually are set up to send automatic responses to the people on the list at certain intervals after they sign up, setting up an autoresponder to send out an ezine can be a little confusing. Depending on the service or autoresponder that you are using, you will need a "broadcast" feature. The broadcast feature works essentially the same as the autoresponse feature, with one big difference. The messages are not sent out at intervals. The messages can, however, be scheduled to go out on a certain day, which has no bearing on when the subscriber was actually added to the mailing list. Broadcast messages are "one time" messages that are only sent to your current mailing list. People who sign up for your list after the broadcast has been sent do not receive it, unless the specifically request it with an autoresponder address, which you must set up. Using the broadcast feature of most autoresponder services, you can simply go and either type your newsletter, or copy and paste it into the editor, then choose to send the broadcast to your entire mailing list. More advanced autoresponder services will usually have broadcasting features. Using an autoresponder to maintain a mailing list and to distribute a newsletter is a wonderful idea. Your subscribers can easily opt-in, or opt-out, and all of the distribution is handled for you, based on the schedule that you set. List maintenance can become very difficult without the automation that autoresponders provide. You can write each issue of your ezine or newsletter well in advance, and have it delivered to your mailing list, no matter where you are or what you are doing. That is the beauty of automation! Since all past broadcast and autoresponse messages are saved, you can easily refer back to old issues, or allow people to request past issues. You can also use the tracking feature throughout each issue of the newsletter to determine how many clicks you are getting for the various products or websites that you promote in your ezine. If you have not yet purchased an autoresponder or signed up with any autoresponder service, make sure that you inquire about the broadcast feature first. Not all autoresponders or autoresponder services have this feature, and as your marketing progresses, you will find that this is one of the most useful features of the service or program. Using Your Autoresponder to Generate Leads Autoresponders are one of the most important marketing tools that you can have if you are doing business online. In fact, the only thing more important that the autoresponder is your opt-in list! But all autoresponders start out without a list -- the list doesn't exist until your autoresponder mailing list starts filling up with names and email addresses! The easiest and fastest way to build up an email list is to give things away for free. Some marketers will tell you that this is a waste of time -- and if you already have a list of one hundred thousand people that you can market to, then it probably is. But for those who do not already have a list, this is the way that it gets built! You simply pay for advertisement to promote your freebie. Don't think of this as lost money, think of it as an investment in future earnings. Give away an ezine, free reports, free ebooks, free access to private websites, or anything else that you can think of. The object is to get people to sign up to receive that freebie, and to agree to receive email from you in the future! It is a win-win situation for everyone, but you get more than anyone else in the deal. The person gets a freebie. You get their name and email address, and permission to email them in the future. But if you do it right, you get even more than that. The freebie that you give away should also be used to promote your products or services. Even if it just has affiliate links for products or services that are related to the topic of the freebie, it is a way to generate extra revenue. Then, when you send email in the future, you can again promote your products or services. Just be sure to include valuable information in the email as well, or you will have people dropping off of your autoresponder mailing list like flies! Using every opportunity that is presented to you in the world of Internet Marketing is vital to your success. You have the opportunity to earn money in the freebie that you create, you have the opportunity to earn money when you send the "thank you" email after a person has requested your freebie, and you have the opportunity to earn money every time an autoresponder message is sent out to that list in the future! Don't waste those opportunities, and put it all in automatic mode with the use of an autoresponder. Types Of Autoresponders For Internet Marketing There are several autoresponders available on the Internet, although they are divided into three main types -- remotely hosted, locally hosted, and desktop hosted. For many Internet marketers, locally and desktop hosted are far preferred over remotely hosted. Although remote hosted are good, locally and desktop hosted autoresponders will allow you complete control -- as you are running the program on your own site. If you have a domain name, you can use as many autoresponders as you like, all of which will match your domain name. When you use a remotely hosted program, you won't be able to use your domain name with the autoresponder. Instead, you'll receive an address from the provider that resembles their link. This can be great for some, although many prefer to have their own domain names listed in the autoresponder. If you use your own domain name with your autoresponder, you can normally keep it secret that you are using an autoresponder. When you send out emails using your autoresponder, it will display your website email, making it very hard to detect an autoresponder. This can be a great way to use your autoresponder, especially if you don't want your customers to know that you are using one. If you use a remotely hosted autoresponder, those you send messages to with notice that you are using an autoresponder. You should think of this from their prospective -- if you were their customer, you probably wouldn't want to receive messages from an autoresponder. Instead, you would want to receive your emails and messages from someone real, giving you complete individual attention. If you are just starting out with your company and happen to be on a tight budget, a remotely hosted autoresponder may very well be the best solution. You can use it until you get more money and get back on track, although you shouldn't use it long term. Remotely hosted programs can get expensive very quickly; as the monthly charges will add it quick each month you use the program. You can find remotely hosted autoresponders all over the Internet; all you have to do is run a search through a search engine like Google or Yahoo. One of the best on the net is www.automatic-responder.com -- Once you have found a website you can read more about them and what they have to offer. If you like what you see, all you'll need to do is sign up and then you begin using their services with a remotely hosted autoresponder. Although locally hosted autoresponders are preferred, they do have disadvantages. Some types will limit how many domains you can install them on. If the vendor doesn't provide free installation, you could have a problem installing the script, as most require some degree of technical experience. Although you have complete control over the program, locally hosted programs don't have as many features as remotely hosted programs. Desktop hosted autoresponders are also great, although they too have disadvantages. Some types will limit how many copies you can install on different computers. To get the most from them, you'll need a computer that is always connected to the Internet. You'll also need some experience to set them up, and they aren't recommended for those who have large mailing lists. Although there are 3 main types of autoresponders, the type you choose should depend on your website and your needs. What's the best idea for you may be completely useless to someone else. When you make your final decision, you should always decide on what you need for your company -- then pick an autoresponder that works best for you. Tracking Autoresponder Responses As an Internet marketer, it is vitally important to know how well your advertising campaigns are doing. Advertising campaigns cost a lot of time and money, and campaigns that are not doing well need to either be changed or scraped. When using autoresponders for purposes of Internet marketing, you will be able to tell how well your autoresponder messages are doing by using response tracking. Autoresponder response tracking is usually easily set up with the higher quality paid autoresponder services. Using the tracking set up tool, you simply enter the web site address that you want your readers to visit, and the software generates a brand new URL. This URL is used track the number of clicks that you have from the autoresponder message to the website that you are promoting. When a person clicks on that special URL, the click is captured, and they are automatically redirected to the website that you intended them to arrive at. The visitor does not know that they have been redirected in most cases. You can monitor the results through the control panel of your autoresponder service account. The control panel will tell you how many messages were delivered, and how many clicks were received. Most quality autoresponders will even include a feature that allows you to track how many of the emails were opened. This is a great marketing research tool for mass email marketing. Not all autoresponder services offer tracking abilities such as this. If tracking is important to you, you need to make sure that this is one of the features of the autoresponder service before you sign up. This feature gives you the ability to know whether the message you are sending out is effective, or if changes need to be made. It also allows you to see if the sales copy on your website is effective, in a "round-about" way. For instance, if you are getting thousands of clicks from the autoresponder message, but very few clicks from the sales page to the order page, you know that the autoresponder message is working, but the sales copy is failing. If you have never tracked your autoresponder responses before, you should definitely consider it. Again, this information allows you to find out what is working, and what is not working. It will essentially make your autoresponder marketing much more effective and profitable. You will most likely be very surprised at the results of the tracking! Tips For Selecting An Autoresponder Anyone who owns a website can gain a world of benefit from an autoresponder. If you own a website, you probably have hundreds of visitors on a daily basis. Through the use of an autoresponder, you can take their emails addresses and contact them anytime you wish. Although an autoresponder is a great thing -- you should be very careful when you choose the one for your website. When you select your autoresponder, you want to purchase from a company that has a history of being stable and reliable. There have been several companies in the past that have went out of business, taking customer lists and leaving those with their autoresponders hanging. This can be very devastating to a company, and you should avoid it at all costs. You should always choose a company that you can rely on, and never go by price. If you try to save yourself some money, you could end up paying for it down the road. If you run a big company, you'll want an autoresponder that supports multiple lists and allows you to follow up with customers as many times as you wish. An autoresponder can do more than just answer emails, which is why you should pay close attention to features. Although you may have just one website now, you'll want to plan ahead for the future just in case you decide to run more than one site. If you don't know a lot about computers, you'll want to choose an autoresponder that is easy to set up. Non technical autoresponders are always the best, as virtually anyone can install them. Integration is also important, especially if you have a lot of other components on your website such as a shopping cart or a checkout. If you are paying for hosting with your website, you should check and see if the package comes with an autoresponder. For many, price is a very important factor. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, this will be a crucial consideration. Although there are free autoresponders out there, you should usually use them, as they come with ads and other annoyances. One of the best we have found that does offer a free account and no ads is www.Automatic-Responder.com for up to 250 subscribers it is a great deal. If you search around on the Internet, you may be able to find a complete package that offers you web hosting and an autoresponder together for one low price. The savings here can be really good, especially if you use a long term option. If you take your time and choose a reliable autoresponder, you'll save your company and yourself a lot of money in the long run. Buying or downloading a free or cheap autoresponder is never a good idea, as it will end up costing you both money and time. The ideal way to find the best autoresponder is weigh out your options, take your time, and select best autoresponder for your company. Things To Know When Using Autoresponders To help increase the flow of traffic to your website, nothing beats an autoresponder. These programs can save you a lot of time by answering most of your emails automatically. They can handle customer support questions, product related questions, or provide information about your company and services. If you own an online business -- an autoresponder is something you should definitely invest in. Autoresponders can also be used to track your promotions and how effective they are. These days, autoresponders are one of the best tools that you can get for your online business. They are used by some of the biggest and most popular online companies, and for good reason. They simplify your life with your business -- and give you more time to dedicate to other things. If you are planning to submit your website to search engines like Google or Yahoo, you should know that most search engines use autoresponders themselves. Therefore, if you attempt to contact search engines using your autoresponder, theirs will contact yours and you'll have a never ending reply of emails that will eventually flood both of your email boxes. Under no circumstances, should you ever use your autoresponder to subscribe to forums or other discussion type subscriptions. A majority of the time, these discussion groups and such will email you updates regarding new information. If you joined with an autoresponder address, your autoresponder will send a response each and every time. This can get very annoying very fast, and a majority of the time you will end up being unsubscribed. In this event, it can be very hard for the administrator or webmaster to determine who is using the autoresponder. Therefore, to make things easier, you should never use your autoresponder with any subscription. There are some companies out there that completely take advantage of autoresponders. They will use their autoresponder to respond to automated messages, which will automatically subscribe the "from" address in their mailing list. This is totally the wrong way to use and autoresponder, and those who use it in this manner are displaying a very negative image. Using your auto responder this way will send a negative image rather than positive. Instead of spreading good word about you and your company, people will become upset and spread the word that you should be avoided. Whenever you use your autoresponder, you should always use courtesy towards your customers and your visitors. Autoresponders are meant to help your company grow, and help you spread information about your services, products, and your company. There are many creative and innovative ways that you can use this tool, providing you do it the right way. Most customers know when they are receiving an autoresponder message, and if you don't use it the right way they will know it. Although you can always change or add to the preset messages; most contain a unique signature and address that will always be associated with autoresponders. The Internet is one of the best ways to conduct business and promote your products. Autoresponders can help you save a lot of time, although when you use them in the wrong ways, they will eventually get you a negative image. If you know you are using it the wrong way and continue to do so, you will eventually lose a lot of business and your company will suffer a great deal. On the other hand, if you always think in terms of courtesy towards your customers, your autoresponder can help you obtain a lot of business and establish relationships with customers who will always spread the word about your company. The Power Of Autoresponders If you own an Internet marketing or online business, you've probably grown tired of answering the never ending amount of email you get on a daily basis. Most companies get hundreds of emails a day, many of which are questions from clients and potential customers. If you've grown tired of answering email -- you should look into an autoresponder and discover how it can work for you and save you a lot of precious time. When someone sends out an email, they expect to get an instant reply. Although you can meet this demand with some emails, it can be very hard to send an email to over 100 people -- especially when you have hundreds of other things to do with your day. You can always hire additional staff to answer emails, or work longer hours yourself. These options may be good for some -- although many decide to use the power of an autoresponder instead. As most of us already know, emails are very important with business. They give us a way to communicate with others on the Internet, sending messages in a matter of seconds. Emails are also an ideal way for visitors to give you feedback on your products, website, and other concerns free of charge. Through the use of an autoresponder, you can quickly answer emails and reply to hundreds of emails without lifting a finger. What many fail to realize is the fact that autoresponders have many other uses than just answering emails. They also give you the opportunity to email potential customers and clients about future products, special offers, free samples, and anything else you feel would be important to your visitors. You can also offer advice and tips to affiliates as well, helping them to sell your products and services. On top of this, autoresponders are also a great way to build trust and a working relationship with your visitors and customers. You can find autoresponders in several different formats, including programs that run through your email, scripts that operate through your website server and third party programs that are hosted by autoresponder services and providers. There are companies that will offer you free autoresponders, although you may want to look at the features before you decide to try one out. Although free is good -- there are normally downsides to free programs that you won't have to worry about if you purchase one. When you load up your autoresponder with content, you can make the material long or short, although you should make sure that your readers can follow along and keep up with the material you're sending. When a potential buyer or current customer signs up on your list, you should always let them know what it is that they are signing up for. When you sent out your first email, it should be a welcome email to first time subscribers, letting them know what they can expect to receive from you in the future. This way, customers will anticipate your emails. If you give them high expectations, they will anticipate your emails. You should always make your messages enticing, letting readers know that you are offering them great content with your autoresponder for the best price of all -- free. Email is one of the best tools you can have with marketing and business, although autoresponders have the power to take emailing to an entirely new level. Through the use of an autoresponder, you can instantly contact hundreds of thousands of customers, as many times as you wish, with the click of a button. You can learn many things about your autoresponder -- all you have to do is play around with it and let your creativity take over. The Magic Of Autoresponders A majority of those who visit a new website have no intention of purchasing anything. Most of the time, those who visit new sites are surfing the Internet for information, and happen to stumble across your website. There are a few impulse buyers out there though, buyers that will buy from your site on the first visit. Although most visitors will leave without buying anything, you'll find yourself wondering why your visitor counter keeps increasing and your sales aren't improving. In most cases, it takes several exposures to new products or services before someone will decide to buy it. To get the most from your sales and capitalize on visitors who happen to visit your site without making a purchase, you'll need a way to follow up with your visitors several times. An email list is one way to do it, as you can show your product to the same market as many times as you like. To successfully manage an email subscriber list, you'll need something known as an autoresponder. An autoresponder is a great asset to your website, as it can handle virtually any email you receive. You can think of these tools as salesmen who never get sick and are always there to answer emails 24 hours a day -- 7 days a week. They will also follow up with your clients when you instruct them to do so, continuing to add information to your database as well. Autoresponders are very helpful tools that people can subscribe to. It can also capture and manage email databases that it collects from your website traffic as well. Once you have signed into your autoresponder account, you can use a sign up form and capture both the name and email address for any of your website visitors. Once you have the information, you can add it to your customer list so that you can get back to the customer with information about your services and products. There are many other uses for autoresponders as well. Along with sending out personalized emails to your clients, you can also send them free examples of your products, snippets of useful information, or special offers towards your products. You can add virtually anything you want to an autoresponder, and send it out when you wish. You can also send out a broadcast message to everyone on your customer list at the same time, which will get your information out there and save you a lot of time. You can get an autoresponder program for your website in several types and several locations. You can get scripts to add to your website, although they aren't normally recommended. Many prefer to go with third party services, which will operate the autoresponder for you. This type of autoresponder is known as remote hosted, and proves to be very beneficial for those who don't want to operate the autoresponder themselves. If you want to run the autoresponder yourself, you can always go with locally hosted autoresponder programs. These programs will allow you to run the responder yourself, giving you complete and total control. To do it this way, you'll need to buy an autoresponder program then set it up either on your computer or through your website. To get started in the right direction, all you need to do is find yourself an autoresponder. To find one, all you need to do is run a search with a search engine such as Google. You'll receive hundreds of different results, including free programs. You should always avoid free autoresponders though -- as programs that you pay for will give you a lot more in return. The Difference Between Autoresponder Programs and Autoresponder Services Many newcomers to the Internet marketing arena are not aware that there is a vast difference between an autoresponder program and an autoresponder service. Not knowing the difference, they often purchase the wrong type of autoresponder, and find out too late that they have wasted money on a program that is useless to them. An autoresponder program is a program that is set up on your web server. This is usually a free autoresponder that comes with your web hosting account. Many people don't like to use autoresponder services; so instead, they use an autoresponder program that they have more control over. Some of those people don't like the autoresponder programs that come with their hosting accounts either and purchase autoresponder programs or scripts that must be installed on their web server. Other people are quite happy with using an autoresponder service. This is a service that is usually paid for on a monthly or yearly basis. The fees are ongoing, and everything is browser based. In other words, you can set up your autoresponder messages and manage your opt-in list through your web browser - just as you can with an autoresponder program that is installed through your web hosting account. The difference is that the service runs on the autoresponder service's web server -- not yours or your web hosts. Beginners are usually better off using an autoresponder service. These services are very easy to understand and to use, and no technical knowledge is needed to set things up. As a newcomer to the field, however, you might be concerned about the costs of an autoresponder service. If this is the case, you have the option of signing up with a free autoresponder service. Free services make their money by placing advertisements in each autoresponder message that you send out. Sometimes these ads appear at the top of your messages, and sometimes they appear at the bottom. Some of the free services are simply an enticement to purchase the professional version, and have many of the more advanced features, such as tracking, disabled. More advanced users often choose to use autoresponder programs, simply because they have more control over the autoresponder, and they don't have to follow some of the stiffer rules imposed by autoresponder services, such as sending confirmation to each and every person who is entered into the autoresponders list. The autoresponder that you choose is strictly up to you, but in most cases, an autoresponder service should suit your needs. If you are unsure, look for a service that offers free signups, with the option of upgrading to the professional paid version at a later date. Secrets Of Success With Autoresponders The world of affiliate marketing can be very challenging, although very rewarding as well. All across the Internet, there are hundreds of thousands of affiliate marketers making lots of money selling other people's products. Some marketers make a lot of sales overnight, leaving other marketers to wonder just how they done it. Affiliate marketing is indeed a good way to make extra money, or a lot of money if you are proficient at it. If you are just starting out, you may not think there is any potential. Those that have a lot of experience however, have thousands of customers and clients. Once an affiliate marketer has been in the business long enough, it's not surprising to see him or her with 10 -- 20,000 customers. Almost all successful affiliate marketers have used an autoresponder at some point in time. An autoresponder can make business a lot easier, and enable you to contact all of your customers or potential customers with the click of a button. You don't spend hours or days sending out emails or answering questions anymore -- autoresponders take care of all that and a lot more. Anytime you have a new product, all you have to do is write a review about it, add it to the broadcast page of your autoresponder, make a few adjustments, personalize it for your customers, then send it off to everyone on your customer list with the click of a button. If you have a follow up autoresponder, it will keep your message going. Keep in mind that it will take you a long time to build a large customer base. Using an autoresponder can speed up the process, help you save time, and help you manage your list. Once you get your first customer, you can rest assured that a lot more will follow. As we all know, a lot of customers in your customer list will lead to a lot of money with affiliate marketing. If you don't have any customers -- you simply can't make any money. All across the Internet, there are many companies and businesses that offer affiliate marketing programs. All you have to do is contact the company and find out information about their program, then get started selling their products. You can make a commission with each sale, using your autoresponder to do over 50% of the work. Making money doesn't get any easier than affiliate marketing and autoresponders. If you already have a website and companies that you are an affiliate with, you should start building your customer opt in list as soon as possible. Once you have some customers in your list, you should drop them an email or a message every week or so. You can send them information, tips, or just a general newsletter. If you take the time to send them messages -- you'll keep a good relationship with them and they will keep coming back. Researching Auto Responders If you are in the Internet marketing business or if you run a business online, an autoresponder can make a world of difference. They can handle a majority of your technical support questions and informational requests, by sending out automated messages to interested customers. When they get an email, they will respond instantly with a preset message. This can save you quite a bit of time- especially if you get a lot of emails on a daily basis. Out there on the Internet, there are many autoresponders to choose from. They are classified into three main types -- locally hosted, remote hosted and desktop hosted. Each type has pros and cons, depending on your needs. Locally and desktop hosted programs will give you complete control over the program, as you run them through your own server or website. Remote hosted on the other hand, is ran through a third party service provider. Remote programs cost you a monthly fee, while desktop and locally hosted programs cost one fee -- then you have complete ownership of the program. Before you decide to purchase an autoresponder, you should always compare and see what each one has to offer. If you are interested in running one from your server or website, then you'll need to look at desktop and locally hosted autoresponders. There are free programs available online, although they will normally come with strings attached, such as ads in your emails. This can be a bad thing, as ads in your email will give customers the wrong impression. www.Automatic-Responder.com is a great service that also offers a free version for up to 250 subscribers and no advertisements. When you purchase one of these types of autoresponder programs, you should always research and find out all that you can. There are many programs out there that you can buy, many of which will offer you great features at a great price. Buying your program is the way to go, especially if you have an image to uphold. Once you have found a program and buy it, it will be yours for as long as you decide to use it. If you are looking towards a remotely hosted autoresponder, you'll need to research for the best prices and service, this is a must when shopping around. You'll be dealing with a company who has control over the address of the autoresponder, meaning that your domain name won't appear in the emails you send using the autoresponder. This can be good for some, although many prefer to have their name in their emails. When it all comes down to it, you should always research an autoresponder before you decide to make a purchase or use a free program. There are several out there to choose from, although some are far superior to others. If you take the time and research what each one has to offer you and how much it will cost you -- you'll end up with an autoresponder that will prove to be more than worth the cost. Powerful Autoresponders -- Does Yours Measure Up? Autoresponders are very necessary when it comes to marketing or taking care of customers. But the power of an autoresponder, or the lack of power, can mean the difference between success and failure. When you use an autoresponder service, you must make sure that the domain that the autoresponder uses isn't blacklisted by the spam watch groups. If it is, your messages probably won't make it past the majority of spam filters, no matter how much you check it with spam checkers. Also, not having the ability to track responses can cost you business. If you can't track response rates, you won't have any way of knowing whether your messages are doing you any good. A good autoresponder will provide the ability to track responses. If yours doesn't, you might want to shop for a new autoresponder. The ability to add and remove names to your autoresponder manually is vital. Often, people will contact you without going through your autoresponder. These people need to be put on the autoresponders mailing list. If you are moving your list from one service to another, you need the ability to import names and addresses to your list. Again, if your autoresponder service isn't powerful enough to allow this, look for a different one! Personalizing Autoresponders Have you ever walked into a store in your town, and been addressed by name? This has probably happened to you at stores that you frequent often. The shop owner knows your name, and uses it. He remembers you, and he wants you to know that he cared enough about you and your business to remember you. In the offline world, this is just one aspect of customer support. Customer service like this is almost impossible to achieve on the Internet, but some semblance of it can exist when you personalize your autoresponder messages. Autoresponder messages can be set up to address people by their first or last name -- or both. In fact, there is quite a bit of personalized information that can be added, depending on the autoresponder that you are using. The information is included in the autoresponder messages by using codes. Each autoresponder will use different codes to insert the information in your messages. You simply write your message, and put the codes where you want the personalized information to appear. For instance, your message may start out with: Hello (code for first name)! In this case, the person's first name will be inserted where that code is. Personalizing your autoresponder messages will most likely improve your response rate. Research has shown that emails that are personalized with the person's first name are opened more often, and those people are generally more receptive to the contents of the email message. It is usually very easy to do. You write one message, using the codes where you want the personalization, then, no matter who that one email is sent out to, their personal information will appear where the codes are. Of course, the autoresponder must collect the information first. This is done with the use of forms that activate the autoresponder. For instance, if you are giving away a free ebook, and you have your visitor fill out a form with their email address to receive the download instructions for the ebook by email, that form should collect any type of information that you want for personalization - such as a first name, as well as the email address. If that information is not collected, the autoresponder won't have anything to insert where that code appears in your messages! Take a look around the control panel of your autoresponder, and find out what type of personalization you can add to your autoresponder messages. You may be very surprised at the improved results! Motivate Your Downline with Autoresponders Many affiliate marketers have a hard time building a downline -- and an even harder time keeping downline members motivated and selling. If your income depends on the sales of others, you should strongly consider keeping them motivated with autoresponders. You can load your autoresponder with positive messages, sales tips, and news related to the product or service that is being sold. Many affiliates fail simply because they don't know how to market a product, and they have little or no support from affiliate managers or up line members! With the use of autoresponders, all of that can change. You should definitely write on some marketing tips, specific to your product or service, and set you downline members up in the mailing list for that series of messages. Send broadcast messages once a month congratulating the top sellers. Send short motivational articles that will keep your downline member upbeat. Failing to communicate with your downline members is the same as ensuring that they fail at the business in most cases. If you want to succeed in affiliate marketing, you have to take steps to help your downline succeed! Making The Most Of Autoresponders If you've created a website and started adding your content to it, chances are you've also built some links and submitted some articles to the major search engines. After you have done all of the above, the next logical step, which many happen to overlook, is to take your business to the next level with an autoresponder. These tools are great to have, although many simply overlook them. Often times, someone will visit your website through a link or search engine. In many cases, a potential buyer will look around your site and find exactly what he has been looking for. Sometimes, the buyer will get distracted with other things, and leave the site before he makes a purchase. There are many reasons as to why a potential buyer might leave your site on accident before making a purchase, although you can capitalize and make the most of this opportunity with the use of an autoresponder. By capturing the visitor's email address, an autoresponder will give you the chance to contact the potential buyer in the future and capitalize on the sale that you missed out on before. Although autoresponders are mostly known for their abilities to automatically answer email, they are also more flexible, allowing you to do so much more. If you use your autoresponder creatively and productively, you'll gain more leads and customers than you ever imagined. The best autoresponders out there will manage your customer list and continue to follow up with customers who have signed up on your list. You can also keep your autoresponder list updated with new products and services as well. These programs will grow with you, allowing you to build a reputation in your area of business and become an expert over time. Through the use of an autoresponder and an affiliate program you can contact your affiliates quickly and easily to let them know about new offers you have or offer them new material that they can use to help them sell your products to increase your sales and their commissions. You can also send out broadcast emails to your affiliates as well, providing them with tips and helpful advice that will assist them with selling your products. Autoresponders are also a great way to provide advertising as well. If someone is interested in advertising on your website, you can use the autoresponder to automatically send out an email detailing the cost of advertising and how the individual can find out more about it as well. This is a great asset, especially if you make a lot of income with advertising on your website. Another way you can make the most of your autoresponder is by allowing your visitors a taste of what you have to offer and the quality of your products or services. If you plan to send out samples, you should avoid making it appear to be a sales letter. If you do, you'll normally end up losing more business than you gain. Most buyers don't like receiving sales letters, and will avoid doing business with you if they receive a sales letter. Even if you've never used an autoresponder before, you can find many different uses for it. Autoresponders are great for many different purposes, other than answering emails. There are several types to choose from as well, which gives you plenty of opportunities for your business. All you need to do is select the type that works best for you -- then discover more and more creative ways to use it to your advantage. Making Money With Autoresponders These days, autoresponders make for great follow up tools. You can set them up to your liking, as they are easy to set up and will hold a lot of preset messages. Although they are very popular, a lot of people fail to see the power they hold and therefore never use them. If you've been looking to make extra money, the tips below will show you how you can make money using an autoresponder. The first thing to do, is ensure that your site has a signup form. A signup form is an obvious way to use an autoresponder, yet a lot of people don't think about it. Each and every day your website attracts visitors, many of us come back. If you put a signup form on your site, they can sign up and become a contact. This way, your customer base will grow with each passing day. You can stay in close contact with your customers this way, and even increase your audience over time as well. You can also give out free reports or ebooks as well. It's actually an easy task to exchange reports or ebooks for someone's email address. Even though you may not have a website, you can still make the free report or ebook available by having people send blank emails to your autoresponder. In doing so, you will build a client list and get your report out there -- which can help you make money. You can also choose to publish an ezine. To do so, you'll need to load your autoresponder will a course that contains several parts. This way, your clients will receive your reports and material in sections. You can also build a customer base this way, and eventually recommend you to their family and friends. Once you have a relationship and your clients start to trust you, you can send them information for other products. You can also use autoresponders as curriers as well. When you send an email out, ask the recipient to pass your email along to family and friends. As they pass your emails along, you'll gain more subscribers. Although you'll have to start out small when you first begin, you'll find that your client list will grow in little to no time at all. Autoresponders are also great to use with customer response as well. Autoresponders are very handy, and they can answer a large portion of your technical questions. Whenever someone sends you an email needing customer support, simply answer with an autoresponder message that entails a lot of the most common problems. A lot of customers find this to be very helpful, as chances are it will cover the issue they are experiencing. Autoresponders are also handy with site updates as well. If you update your site on a regular basis, you may want to use an autoresponder with individuals who want to be informed when your site is updated. With an autoresponder, all you have to do is send out a broadcast email and everyone will be informed at the same time. No matter how you look at it, an autoresponder can help you bring in profits - as well as make your life a lot easier. They are easy to use, and will work great with your website. If you operate several websites, you simply must have one of these. Once you use an autoresponder -- you'll never want to find yourself without one again. If you're interested in finding out how easy they can make your life, all you need to do is give one a try. Making Business Easier With Autoresponders In the online world of business, an autoresponder can do a lot for your company. Also referred to as mailbots, email and on demand, and automatic email, these tools can help you put your business on autopilot and spend more time doing other things. Autoresponders are great to have, as they are designed to automatically respond to any email they receive with an instant response. Over the years, autoresponders have increased quite a bit in popularity. They are best known for their automatic email responses, which will save you a lot of time. By using one of these programs, you won't have to spend countless hours answering emails again. You can feel free to do other things and always know that your customers have access to the information they need anytime they want it. To set your business on autopilot, all you need to do is get your copy ready and load it into your autoresponder. Once a potential buyer or current customer sends your autoresponder address a message, the information he or she is seeking will automatically be delivered to them. Autoresponders are very quick - delivering information via email in a matter of seconds. Autoresponders can also help you send out free courses, articles and information, reports, information regarding your products and services, price lists, welcome and thank you letters, confirm orders, and tell others about your advertising rates. You can preset information such as this into your autoresponder, so it will automatically send the information out whenever someone requests it. Unlike mass email messages, autoresponders can be set up to your specifications. You can send personalized messages with them as well, which will make your client feel as if the email was made specifically for him. Autoresponders will also follow up with emails as well, to ensure that you get a sale. The better autoresponders out there will notify you each and every time someone has requested your information, so you know when you have potential customers. You can also update your autoresponder messages anytime you wish. From time to time as you get new products or information to send to your clients, you can update your log. When running a business, it's very important that you keep your customers up to date. This way, your customers will know that you have new products available and ready for purchase. If you have a good relationship with them, they will be anticipating your new offers. If you run a business over the Internet, an autoresponder can make life a lot easier. You can let your autoresponder handle a majority of the tasks, including technical support and sending out information about your company and your products. These days, autoresponders are the best tools for online business -- as they give you plenty of free time for other things. Looking Good With Autoresponders When someone sends an email, they would prefer to get an immediate response. Although most responses take time, customers and potential buyers prefer to get their response immediately. To give an immediate response to an email, you can use an autoresponder. They are a great way to let someone know that you received their email, and that you are taking care of their request. Autoresponder messages can be custom tailored, and look much better than simple thank you pages. Some Internet marketers use their autoresponders to save themselves time and make their customers feel a bit more at ease until they get the time to handle the request or issue. If you set up your autoresponder in your email account, you'll find that there are many advantages, although the biggest advantage is answering email questions and acting as tech support. Your autoresponder can act as tech support for your business by answering any questions you receive via email. To make this work smoother, you can always add answers as you go or just include the most common preset answers in your autoresponder. If your website has a technical support page, you can include different addresses for each specific question. When a customer emails the address, the autoresponder at the other end will automatically send them the answer. Using an autoresponder to answer your email questions can drastically cut down the amount of emails that you need to answer. Instead of having to wait on your response, your customer will get an instant reply. Customers love to get instant replies, which is one of the main reasons why autoresponders are so popular with online businesses and Internet marketing. If customers start to ask questions that your autoresponder isn't set up for, you can easily add answers to it anytime you need to. No matter what the question may be, you can use an autoresponder to answer it. With most autoresponders, you simply type the answer to a question or other piece of information into a text file. You can include an answer section on your website as well, where customers will ask their questions. If you set it up so that it includes a mail form, you can add several pages to the answer section. Once a customer sends the question, the autoresponder should immediately send them an answer. For a growing Internet business, an autoresponder is a must have. If you deal with a lot of customers, you'll find this tool to be very beneficial. No matter what type of company you may have online, an autoresponder will help you stand out in a crowd -- and keep you looking good night and day. When customers email you and get an immediate response -- they won't forget it. Locally Hosted Email Responders Locally hosted autoresponders are autoresponders that you host through your own web server. Normally, they are either scripts or programs that you need to have installed on your web server. They often require you to have a database, such as SQL 2000 or mySQL. They will also require you to purchase or lease programs or scripts that were written in ASP, Perl, or PHP. Once the installation has been completed, you'll need a web browser to start using these programs, to set them up, and run your subscriber list. You don't need to be an expert with these programs, although you will need a working knowledge so you can operate them effectively. There are several autoresponders out there, many of which are flexible and offer you powerful features. If you are a webmaster with your own site, a locally hosted email autoresponder is a great investment. If you are in the internet marketing business and have a large subscriber base, locally hosted email autoresponders are a great choice -- especially when you compare them to autoresponders that are remotely hosted. Locally hosted programs will also provide you true flexibility, involving no third parties. You don't have to worry about any company hosting your autoresponder -- simply because you will be doing everything yourself. One of the best things about locally hosted email autoresponders is the fact that you own the program. Once you have purchased the software, you own it for the rest of your life. This way, you don't have to worry about any other charges. You won't have to pay a company to run it, which will save you a lot of money in the long run. There are no monthly charges involved either, which makes locally hosted email responders that much better than remote hosted responders. Providing the licensing condition allows it, you might be able to run the email responder on multiple sites. Some will let you run multiple copies on several different websites, while others require that you pay a small fee to upgrade first. If you are planning to run multiple copies, you should first find out how many copies or how many websites you are able to use the software with, before you make a purchase. This way you'll be able to determine the true cost of the software and whether or not it is right for you. Considering the fact that you'll be running locally hosted email responders yourself, you'll have more control than you would with a remote email responder. Locally hosted email responders give you more control over the database, and a better range of customization features. This way, you can set things up to your liking and rest assured that you are in total control. Some locally hosted email responder programs will allow you to further customize the script to fit your needs. You can do this yourself if you know enough about scripting languages, or simply pay someone to do it for you. If you the program you are using or plan to use allow customization, you can pretty much fine tune it to your liking. All across the Internet, there are several locally hosted email responders that you can get. Some of the best include Post Master, Send Studio, and Intellisponder Pro. There are other great programs out there, although they will cost you money to use. Once you buy them though, they are yours for as long as you use them. When you consider what's best for your online business - you can't rule out the power and features that a locally hosted email responder will provide you with. Invoicing with Autoresponders If you have recurring invoices that you send out, you can easily automate this process with autoresponders. Many business owners find that they spend a good portion the day sending out invoices, or trying to collect on unpaid invoices! This can easily eat into the time that you could be spending generating new business. If the amounts invoiced are the same each month, and due on the same day each week or month, you can easily automate the invoicing process with the use of an autoresponder. Many shopping carts that have autoresponders built in work well for this. Others may take a little time to set up, but in the end, they will save a great deal of time overall. Get extra usage out of the automated invoicing process by adding small messages to the invoices that alert these clients to new products or services that you offer. Think about your phone bill -- doesn't your phone company send out additional sales material with each bill? There is no reason you shouldn't use this same marketing technique with your autoresponder invoices! Innovative Ways To Use An Autoresponder In the world of Internet marketing and online businesses, one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish is effectively managing your time with your day to day tasks. By using a bit of creativity however, you can use an autoresponder to your advantage and drastically reduce your work load. Those of you who are looking to make a lot of money can save a lot of time and still make a lot of money through the use of an autoresponder. There are several ways that you can use an autoresponder to your advantage, resulting in big money and more time for your business so you tend to other things or simply sit back and spend more time with your family. An innovative way to use your autoresponder is to use it with your testimonials. If you lack the room on your site to add your testimonials to your ad copy, you can add them to your autoresponder. If you choose to add them to your responder you should always be sure to include all of them. It will look more professional, and let others know more about your products. You can also choose to use your entire website in autoresponder format. Although this may sound silly to some, it's actually an innovative idea that really works. Not all visitors will have the time to read your website; often times having to leave before they can really read what you have to offer. If you put your website in autoresponder format, you can email bits and pieces from your site to potential customers so they can continue to read when they have time. Another innovative way to use your autoresponder is by including your terms and conditions. Often times, potential customers and clients simply don't have enough time to read through your terms and conditions. The terms and conditions are very important, which is why it never hurts to include them with an email. Your terms and conditions that you email could include the exact copy from your website, or detailed information about your return policies, purchases, refunds, and anything else you think a potential customer would like to know. There are many other ways that you can use your autoresponder. All you need to do is put a little bit of creativity and thought into it, and you'll probably find yourself amazed with all the things you can do with autoresponders. They are very popular with Internet marketing and online businesses these days, and for good reason. If you've grown tired of having to manage every aspect of your online business -- now is the time to invest in an autoresponder. They are user friendly and very affordable -- making them something that no business should ever be without. ![]() Increasing Your Sales With Autoresponders The autoresponder is without a doubt one of the best marketing tools you can get. It is a widely used application that will automatically respond to any email that it receives. They are considered to be magical indeed, triggered by a blank email that they receive to their address. Once they receive this email, they automatically start working for your business. Whenever someone sends the autoresponder a message, the individual who sent the message will receive a preset email message with the information they were seeking. Depending on the servers and speed of the Internet, the email response will happen very fast. Autoresponders have always been known for their quick speed and fast responses to any type of email message they receive. One of the best things about autoresponders is the fact that they are always available. They are always there 24/7, providing your clients and customers with the information they seek. They will make your business life easier, by boosting your sales. They require little work from you, yet they are easy to operate. They can also make managing your customers and clients easier than ever, as they will help you keep track of your responses and keep up with email addresses you receive. Even if you've never used an autoresponder before, you can easily use it to your advantage with your online business. You can preset it to say a variety of messages, even inform your clients about future offers and products. This is a great way to get your message out there, especially if you are currently holding a sale or other deal that you know people won't want to miss out on. Autoresponders will work for you day or night, making your company information available to anyone whenever they want it. Contrary to popular belief, not all buyers are impulse buyers. Research has shown that less than 15% of those who visit websites are impulse buyers. Although most websites focus themselves on getting visitors to buy their products immediately, most buyers need time to think about a product or offer they will purchase it. Most buyers don't like to buy something immediately, simply because they may not be familiar with the product or know what it can do for them. Therefore, most buyers will learn all they can about something before they decide to go ahead and purchase it. You can also use an autoresponder to distribute courses, articles or reports to your clients and subscribers. They are also great for providing free information to interested individuals, or immediately sending out information about your products and opportunities. You can also choose to send out price lists as well, or welcome new clients to your organization. If customers have purchased from you before, you can use an autoresponder to send out confirmations, thank you notes, and even offer discounts to those who buy your products. In the world of Internet marketing, autoresponders are simply beneficial to have. They are worth more than the price you pay for them, simply because they will provide you with so much for so little. One of the best in the business is www.Automatic-Responder.com. Sending out information is easy with an autoresponder -- as it will provide information about your company and products to interested clients the instant they need it. All in all, an autoresponder will help you operate your business easier than ever before. Unlike other programs you can get for your online business, autoresponders will keep you in a constant state of readiness. You can feel free to go out and do what you want -- and rest assured that your autoresponder will be there to supply information to those who need it. Improper Uses of Autoresponders Autoresponders are wonderful! They can be used for a variety of things, but there are several ways that autoresponders should not be used. Using autoresponders in improper ways will make things a bit more difficult for other people, and it could make things really bad for you! Having one autoresponder respond to another autoresponder creates chaos, and in some cases, it can overload servers. This happens when you sign up for something, using your autoresponder email address. You sign up, and a message is sent to someone else's autoresponder, which responds to your autoresponder, which responds to that autoresponder -- and this continues on and on until it is manually stopped and straightened out. Some people use their autoresponder address on purpose when they sign up for discussion lists. In effect, this causes an their autoresponder message to be sent to the entire list, or to one person on the list, each time a person sends a real message to the discussion list. Needless to say, discussion list members and owners frown on this practice, and the autoresponder owner gets banned. Avoid these problems and use your autoresponder in ways that it was meant to be used. Do not use the autoresponder irresponsibly! Not only will you create problems for others, but you may find that you get reported for spam! How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing? Internet Marketing and autoresponders essentially go hand-in-hand. In today's online business world, you simply cannot succeed at Internet marketing without the use of autoresponders. Autoresponders are used to achieve many of the marketing tasks that are essential to a successful online business. Internet marketing can be very time consuming. Whether you do affiliate marketing or market your own products, an autoresponder is a big part of your marketing arsenal. Autoresponders are used to keep in contact with your past customers, and to develop a relationship with potential customers. An autoresponder can be used to deliver sales messages to your opt-in customer list. It can be used to deliver email courses, to send reminders, and even to help you build an opt-in list if you don't already have one. There are many creative ways you can use your autoresponder to make more sales and to build customer relations. Any successful marketer will tell you that there are two tools that are vital to any type of online marketing -- an opt-in list and an autoresponder. In fact, most marketers will agree that you could take away all of their other marketing tools, but they would fight to the death to keep the list and the autoresponder! How Autoresponders Work At some point in our Internet lives, a majority of us have received a message from an autoresponder. It could have been a short response letting you know that the individual is away, or an email thanking you for something that you have done. Perhaps it was even an email letting you know about upcoming products, or even an email letting you know that a message you tried to send couldn't be delivered. Each one of these messages is all but a different version of a useful program known as an autoresponder. Autoresponders are very useful tools, as they will automatically send out an answer to any email that they receive. The answer that they send out however, will all depend on the messages that you have the program set up with. Autoresponders are very flexible, and most will hold a variety of pre set messages. The very first autoresponders were used with email providers or email transfer agents. Whenever an email you sent out couldn't be delivered to the recipient, it would send you an automatic response letting you know that your mail couldn't be delivered. Although these programs were somewhat helpful, they weren't all that sophisticated. Over the years, autoresponders have changed quite a bit, proving to be very useful with big companies and even Internet marketing. These days, autoresponders are used by businesses and companies to give immediate response and feedback to interested clients and subscribers. This could include a response about programs, information about pricing, specific details regarding a product, and even a time that someone from the company can get in touch with the client. In the world of Internet marketing, staying in touch with clients is easier than ever with an autoresponder. They will save you a quite a bit of time, especially when you think about how long it would take you to personally send email responses to each and every email you get. If you run a business, you probably get hundreds of emails a day. An autoresponder can simplify your life, by sending out a preset message response to each and every email you receive. You can set up an autoresponder using either one or two methods -- an outsourced ASP model and server side model. When using an outsourced ASP model, the company wishing to use the autoresponder will their business model will contract through an outside provider. This outside provider will then give the company user access to a web based system, or control panel. From the control panel, the company or individual can set up the autoresponder, preset messages, and decide how the autoresponder will handle the many different types of emails. One of the best services we have found is www.Automatic-Responder.com their service is top notch. To use these types of services, the individual or company will have to pay the autoresponder provider a flat monthly fee. Server side autoresponders are a bit different. Basically, they are programs that a company or individual installs themselves and runs it on their own computer or server. You can save money with these programs, as you don't have to pay a provider to operate the autoresponder. Although server side autoresponders weren't user friendly in the beginning, they have become easier and easier to operate over the years -- and are now the most popular type of autoresponder. In all actuality, autoresponders are great to have. They are very reliable, and can easily save you a lot of time. The way the different types work can be a bit perplexing, although most are easy to use and easy to implement into your website. If you own or operate an online business -- an autoresponder is something you should never find yourself without. Give Potential Customers A Preview With Autoresponders Building customer interest and excitement is the first step to successfully marketing many products. Autoresponders play a vital role in building this interest and excitement. For instance, if you were developing an ebook, you may want to start telling your website visitors and opt-in subscribers about it. Start building interest; tell them what this product will do for them, and how soon it will be available. Do more than build interest by telling them about it. Use an autoresponder to let them preview your product! Even though you will be selling the product, you can allow your potential customers to preview the information. Have you ever seen previews for movies that will be playing intheaters soon? It is the same concept. Load one chapter of the ebook into an autoresponder, and put a form on your website where your visitors can enter their name and email address to receive the preview chapter free of charge. This gets their name on your list of potential customer. Each week, send a reminder email, letting them know how close the release date is, and what they can expect from your product -- keep building interest and excitement. Finally, a couple of days before you are ready to launch your product offer those that received the preview the option to buy a pre-release copy. You canopt to offer a discounted price, or leave the price as it will be on launch day -- the choice is yours. Take a look at the list of people who signed up to receive the preview. How many of them are still "subscribed" to that list? They've had the option to stop receiving notices about your product, but they chose to keep receiving the information you were sending. These are highly targeted prospects for your product. They have already shown you that they have an interest in your product, and a large number of those people are simply waiting on the autoresponder broadcast message that will let them know that it is time to pick up their copy of your product! Isn't automation a wonderful thing? Using an autoresponder, you are able to see how much of a market there is for your product, and build a great deal of interest in it before it is ever released. This isthe key to making sales on launch day. Use autoresponders to build the interest. Get your prospects excited about what is about to come -- and on launch day, give them what they are waiting for andwatch the sales pour in! Getting Your Autoresponder Messages Through The Spam Filters In light of the spam problem, most email clients now have spam filters installed. These filters catch spam email and either move it to a "spam folder" or automatically delete it. After spending a great deal of time laboring over your series of autoresponder messages, it would be a shame to find out that the majority of the messages that are sent out end up in the spam folder, or are automatically deleted as spam! You can avoid this in two ways. First, when anyone signs up to receive information from your autoresponder, have them automatically redirected to a page that gives them instructions for "white listing" you. Email clients have an actual white list where the owner of the email client can add specific addresses that should never be considered spam. The other way to make sure that your autoresponder messages get through the spam filters is to check them using one of the various spam checkers that are available online. These programs are often web based, and free to use. They check your message for words or phrases that commonly trigger spam filters in email clients. Don't send out any autoresponder messages without doing a spam check first! Getting Started With Autoresponders If you've just started your online business or decided to get into affiliate marketing, you'll be looking to make money. Making money on the net with your new business can be a little tricky, unless you have an autoresponder. An autoresponder is the ideal way to carry out your day to day business -- saving yourself quite a bit of time and money. If you don't have a lot of money to spend, there are places on the Internet where you can get an autoresponder for free. Keep in mind that if you don't purchase your autoresponder, the free ones normally come with downsides. The most common downside to free autoresponders are ads on your emails, which will more than likely send your customers the wrong idea. When you get your autoresponder, the first thing you'll need to do is set it up with messages or articles that relate to your business. This way, when you send out emails or messages, you'll be sending out material that relates to your business or products. You should try to write some of your own if you can, which will help you get started in the right direction. When you load up your autoresponder, you should try to load it with at least 52 messages. This way, you'll something to send for each week of the year. If you have trouble loading your autoresponder with this many messages or articles, there are places online where you can get your material for free. If you simply don't have the time, you can always start with a few messages then go back and add more later. Once you have your autoresponder preloaded with messages or articles, you'll need to set up your signature. Your signature will be displayed at the bottom of every message your autoresponder sends, and should be your name and link to your business. You can also add a short description of your business as well, which will let clients or interested customers know a bit of information about your business. Your name and link to your business will go a long way, letting your customers know that you are professional. Once you have everything set up, all you need to do is start sending out emails. Your autoresponder can be set up to send messages automatically. You can also send out emails daily, weekly, or monthly if you prefer. Almost all autoresponders are flexible, easy to use, and will send out your messages when you decide. Once your subscriber list starts to build up, and you get more email addresses to your autoresponder, you'll quickly see that it's very beneficial. After you have used your autoresponder a few months -- you won't be able to imagine your business without it. Formatting Autoresponder Messages Have you received emails that were all broken up? These emails have one or two words on one line, then eight or ten words on the next line. In some cases, one word begins on one line and ends on the next. These emails are very hard to read, and they appear to be very unprofessional. Is this what you want your autoresponder email messages to look like? If not, you need to learn how to format your messages. Start by reading the instructions for your specific autoresponder. Each one operates a bit differently in the way that it handles text. For instance, some autoresponder messages will be messed up if you do put a "hard line break" at the end of each line, while others will be messed up if you don't! Find out what the right option is for your autoresponder! Because each email client is different, you should not allow any line in your message to exceed 65 characters. This will help prevent lines from breaking up, and it is achieved by hitting the "enter" key at the end of each sixty-five character line. The best way to be sure that your autoresponder messages are delivered in the correct format is to send them to yourself, before you send them to your list! Email Courses and Autoresponders Offering free things to your website visitors is one marketing method that often results in a lot of sales. Free courses that are delivered via email are very popular, and people sign up for such courses on a regular basis to learn more about a topic of interest to them. These courses are best maintained and delivered with the use of autoresponders. An autoresponder can be set up to send out a series of lessons for an email course. The lessons can be set for distribution at specific intervals. You determine how often the lessons for the course are sent to the people who have signed up for it. Email courses are very different from traditional courses, web based courses, or any other type of course. There is no student and instructor interaction. The instructor writes the information out, puts each lesson in an autoresponder series, sets the timing for the lessons, and the rest is automated. You can opt to have lessons delivered daily, every other day, every three days, or any other time frame that you think works best for your email students. Email courses are commonly used to sell products and services. For instance, if you sell widgets, you might develop a course that teaches people how to use widgets or how to care for their widget. Experts agree that an email course can be written for almost any product that you can imagine -- if you put enough thought into it. Start by determining what your course will be about, and how long it should be. If the course should be delivered every other day for two weeks, you know that you would need seven lessons. Write the lessons, and load them in the autoresponder. Set the interval for each lesson, which in this case would be 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and 13. This means that the first lesson would be delivered one day after the person has requested the course, and the second lesson would be delivered three days after the person has requested the course, and so on. The interval for each lesson is set for the number of days after the person has signed up Make sure that everything is spelled right, and that your sentences are grammatically correct. You want the lessons to look and sound as professional as possible. Next, simply advertise the email address that will activate the autoresponder. Make sure that you run a test first, sending each lesson to yourself. This will allow you to see what your email students will see when they sign up! Email Autoresponders Those of you who wish to take control of your business on the Internet with automated tasks need a functional and easy to use automatic email response system. An automatic email response system will take care of any emails you receive, and automatically deliver a response to potential clients 24 hours a day -- 7 days a week. You can set up your autoresponder program on your own computer or server without any problems. Using your own program is the way to go, especially if you want to avoid paying a monthly fee to companies that charge for the same services. There are several companies out there that offer autoresponder services, although they can get expensive over time. If you decide to use your own email autoresponder program, you can save a lot of money and a lot of time. These programs will streamline your business, freeing up your time to concentrate on other important areas. You can let your email program handle responses and follow up emails, while you work on making other ideas work or just getting out there and spending time with your family. An email autoresponder can help you generate thousands of leads in little to no time at all. With a lot of leads, comes money. Although you may disagree, a customer list is what leads to money. If you don't have a customer list or database, chances are that you won't be doing a lot of sales. Having customers to send emails and products to is a plus -- especially when you weigh in the fact that customers make your business. Without customers, you wouldn't make any money at all. When you are using an autoresponder with your website, you should always include a subscription box for visitors who wish to sign up. This way, anyone who visits your website and wishes to learn more about your products or offers, can easily sign up. Your autoresponder will instantly send out an email, which will in turn help you build your customer list. To survive in the online world of business, you'll need to have a customer list. Autoresponders will help you manage your list and help it grow at the same time. Everyone who owns a business on the Internet is always looking for better ways to carry out business. Email autoresponders make things easier than ever, helping you to minimize your daily routine by handling email support for you. You'll save money using them as well, simply because you won't be wasting your time answering emails. In the end, email autoresponders will help you get better profits as well. Even though they will cost you money -- the results they give you will far outweigh the cost. Customer Service with Autoresponders Ideally, when you perform customer service, it is done on a one-on-one basis with each of your customers. That works quite well in the offline world -- but on the Internet, that simply will not do. Your customers are literally all over the world, and there is no way that you can really deal with each one of them personally. That is where an autoresponder comes in. Customer service with autoresponders is quite simple. When an order is place, an autoresponder can send out the receipt for the sale, the information for accessing the product, and a "thank you" email. This happens whether you are logged in to your computer or on vacation in an exotic location! But customer service doesn't always end right there, and if you are away from your computer, you may be letting your customers down! For instance, an elderly gentleman sees your product advertised and places an order. Everything goes through just fine, and he receives the receipt, the download information, and your "thank you" email. Your product is an ebook, compiled into a PDF file. This particular gentleman doesn't understand what a PDF file is, and he has no idea what you mean by "right click to download." He needs additional customer service for the product that he has purchased, and there is nobody available to help him -- nobody but an autoresponder. Set up an additional autoresponder that will send out a list of frequently asked questions or problems that deal with customer service or how to access the product. Also set up a support autoresponder. If he sends a message to support, he should get an instant message back letting him know that his message has been received, and how soon it will be addressed. This will give him some measure of comfort, and in most cases, he will wait that specified period of time for assistance. However, if he doesn't know how to download the product, and he sends a message to support, and nothing happens, he will most likely become very dissatisfied in a very short period of time. The difference between a patient customer and an irate customer is one simple autoresponder message that can and should be set up in under five minutes. Really think your ordering process through, and consider the potential problems that may occur for your customers. Get an autoresponder set up to address those problems, and you will find that your customers are more satisfied with your products, and extremely satisfied with your customer service -- all because your autoresponders handle their problems right away! Choosing Your Autoresponder Software It can be a somewhat difficult and time consuming task to find the right autoresponder. There are a lot of choices available on the Internet, each one ranging in price and features. Before you decide to purchase your own autoresponder, you should first think about your budget as well as your requirements. This way, you'll know what you want and how much you are willing to spend. First, you'll need to decide the features you want. Next, you'll need to take a look at some of the different types of autoresponders available on the market. You'll also need to decide which type is right for you, and which brand name you think would work the best. You can answer these questions by comparing different brands, prices, features, and licensing restrictions. For a business, autoresponders can be great. As most of us already know, autoresponders are programs that will send out an automated response via email to a specified address. In most cases, the response you get back from an email autoresponder is short and sweet, normally letting you know that someone is on vacation, away from their computer, or that they have received your message. The only real problem to autoresponders is the fact that they will replay to any email that they receive. If you are subscribed to a mailing list and used your autoresponder address to sign up, it can easily create a problem. Anytime someone sends you an email to your responder address it will send an automated reply. It can also lack important features that you need to follow up on your clients or subscribers as well. For the Internet marketing guru, there are sequential autoresponders. These types of autoresponders are designed to collect different email addresses then send out a variety of pre determined messages through email to subscribers that you have on your list. If you have a sequential autoresponder and use it correctly, it can help you bring back more visitors. It can be a very handy tool to have around, especially if you work with a lot of clients. It can help you keep track of subscribers, as well as keep them informed about what is going on with your business. All across the Internet there are many types of autoresponders. They range from web based programs to scripts or programs that run through your computer or personal server. An autoresponder will be a major part of your online business, which is why you should always put forth the time and effort to find the best one for your money. If you put the proper research and time into finding your ideal autoresponder, you'll save yourself a lot of time and headache in the long run. Basically, there are three main types of autoresponders that you can choose from -- remote hosted, locally hosted, and desktop hosted. Remote hosted are hosted on someone else's server or website. Locally hosted will allow you to work programs for your own web server. Desktop programs on the other hand, will allow you to work from your own computer. Most people choose to go with locally hosted, as it makes things a lot easier. Before you decide on which type of autoresponder to purchase, you should make sure that you understand what each type will offer you. There are a variety of autoresponders to choose from, meaning that some may not offer what you need. You can always research each type, and then compare prices and features. This way, you'll know which type of autoresponder will work the best for your needs as well as your business. Business Automation with Autoresponders Automation is important to all businesses. The less time we have to spend doing small tasks, the more time we have to make more money -- or we could spend that time doing something besides working. Putting an online business on auto pilot isn't difficult at all -- and it is all done with the use of autoresponders! Autoresponders can be used to get people to your website, or to promote products and services. Simply plug your sales message into the autoresponder, along with some valuable information that your potential may want or need, and advertise that autoresponders address. Once the person arrives at your site, and goes through your ordering process, another autoresponder kicks in. This autoresponder should send out a receipt, as well as information that will grant the customer access to whatever it is that they have purchased. Another autoresponder message should be sent out after this, thanking the customer for their business, and letting them know about similar or related products or services that they may be interested in. The beauty of this is that while all of this ordering is going on, and these important customer service emails are being sent, you can be off doing something else! The more automation you can integrate into your online business, the better off you will be. Build Interest With Autoresponder Messages If you are using your autoresponder to sell a product or service, you must be very careful as to how you approach your potential customer. Few people like a hard sale, and marketers have known for years that in most cases, a prospect must hear your message an average of seven times before they will make a purchase. How do you accomplish this with autoresponders? It's really quite simple, and in fact, the autoresponders make getting the message to your potential customers those seven times possible. On the Internet, without the use of autoresponders, you probably could not achieve that. Too often, marketers make the mistake of literally slamming the potential customer with a hard sales pitch with the first autoresponder message -- this won't work. You build interest slowly. Start with an informative message -- a message that educates the reader in some way on the topic that your product or service is related to. At the bottom of the message, include a link to the sales page for your product. Use that first message to focus on the problem that your product or service can solve, with just a hint of the solution. Build up from there, moving into how your product or service can solve a problem, and then with the next message, ease into the benefits of your product - giving the reader more actual information with each and every message. Your final message should be the sale pitch -- not your first one! With each message, make sure that you are giving the customer information pertaining to the topic - free information! This is what will keep them interested in what you have to say. This type of marketing is an art. It may take time to get it exactly right. Use the examples that other marketers have set for you. Pay attention to the messages that you receive from other marketers. Start a "swap" file, and keep those messages. Use some of the better sales copy for your own autoresponder messages -- just make sure that yours doesn't turn out to be an exact copy of someone else's sales message! Remember not to start with a hard sale. Build your potential customers interest. Keep building on what the problem is, and how your product or service can solve that problem or fill that need. If you are doing this right, by the time the potential customer reads the last message in that series, they will be convinced enough to make a purchase! Boosting Business With Autoresponders These days, most everyone is familiar with an autoresponder, although many don't know why they are beneficial to businesses. If you aren't familiar with autoresponders, you would probably find yourself amazed with them. An autoresponder can help your business by automatically emailing your clients and customers with a preset message that will help to increase your sales. An autoresponder can help your list of clients grow, even send each one of them their own personalized email message. If you choose, you can also follow up each individual email with repeated emails, varying the content whenever you wish. These programs will also allow you to keep track of conversations, and send out broadcast email messages whenever you have news or new products to offer your clients. As research in the past has shown, personalized email from autoresponders is a great way to boost your business. When you send a personalized email to one of your clients, the autoresponder by can address him or her by their name -- which always makes a customer take notice. While you could do this yourself using traditional email, it could take you a few hours if you have a long list of customers. Autoresponders make sending personalized email a snap. All you need to do is set up your email template, then select where you like the name to go. You can add everyone in your customer list to the autoresponder, which makes sending emails a snap. Once you have everything ready to go, all you need to do is send out the emails with one simple click. Best of all -- you don't have to set it up again when you need to send out broadcast messages. Although there are some people who will buy products after one or two emails, most people require about seven or eight emails before they will purchase anything. Autoresponders can really help you there, as they will do all of the emailing for you. You don't have to keep sending manual emails or anything like that. All you need to do is set up the email address, type in your preset message, and then feel free to send it as many times as you like. Through the use of an autoresponder you can really boost your business. If you run an Internet marketing business, this tool will prove to be invaluable. You can spend less time sending messages -- and more time doing what you enjoy. If you've never tried an autoresponder before, you owe it yourself to check out everything they will do for you and your business. Online businesses can get a lot of emails on a daily basis -- which is where the autoresponder will really start to shine and show you just how great of an asset it really is. Autoresponders -- The More You Know, The More Effective They Are If you have signed up with an autoresponder service, you need to take the time to read the instructions to learn how to use the service -- before you load the first word of your first message! Not knowing how to use the service will lead to many mistakes, and your customers and potential customers will most likely see every mistake you make! As soon as you have complete the sign up process, load one email address into the autoresponders mailing list -- yours. If there is a manual or help file for your autoresponder, read every word of it, and really learn how to use all of the features of the autoresponder. Work with it, sending messages to your own address, until you know your autoresponder service inside and out! This may take a little time, but after a few hours or so, you should know all that there is to know, and you will be able to set your autoresponders up much more effectively in the future. Taking the time to learn now, will not only save time in the future, it may also help you tweak and tune your autoresponder messages and tracking in a way that increases your responses! Autoresponders and Spam -- What You Need To Know There are laws against sending spam. There are even laws that you must adhere to when you send out email that was requested. No matter what type of email you are sending out, the chances are good that the anti-spam laws apply to you in some way. In order to be in compliance with the anti-spam laws in various states in the US, each commercial email that you send must include your name or business name, your street address, city, state, zip code, and phone number. You must also include instructions that will allow the recipient to remove themselves from your mailing list. If you fail to do any of this, you are essentially breaking the law in various states -- no matter what state or country you live in! Protect yourself from spam complaints in any way that you can. Make sure that when a customer requests any type of information from you that an email is sent requesting confirmation before any other email is sent. If someone is placing an order from you, include a check box on the order form, asking for permission to send them periodic emails. Never use your autoresponder to send unsolicited commercial email! Autoresponders and Shopping Cart Integration When people place orders through your website, it is always a good idea to immediately acknowledge the purchase. One way to do this is with the use of an autoresponder that can be integrated with your shopping cart. In fact, many shopping carts that are available today have their own autoresponders built into the system. When you set up your autoresponder to send a message to someone that has placed an order, there are several things that should be included in the message. This is an opportunity to "speak" to your customer, and to let them know about other deals that you have or special items that you have available. You should not miss this opportunity. Do not try to get your "thank you" sales message on the same autoresponder as the customers email receipt. Putting the sales message on an email that is automatically sent to grant the customer access to their purchase is also a bad idea -- that would go better with the receipt. Make sure your "thank you" sales message is a message that is sent out all by itself, so your customer can focus solely on that! Thank the customer for their recent purchase. Tell them how much their purchase will help them, and then tell them about other available products that work well with the one that they just purchased, or that are similar to the one that they just purchased in some way. For instance hair conditioner works with hair shampoo. Vacuum cleaner bags or carpet powder works well with vacuum cleaners. Just let them know about the various products that you offer that will compliment their purchase in some way. The important thing is to not let your customer get away without further contact! Think about being in a brick and mortar store. When you go up to the counter to pay, there are many items there for sale. These items are meant to be picked up as last minute purchases, or impulsive purchases. Your "thank you" sales letter serves the same purpose. Don't make the mistake of bombarding your customer! You can usually send them periodic information about your specials after they have made a purchase through you, but emailing them on a daily basis with your offers is not good business! Use your autoresponder responsibly! Make sure that your autoresponder is set up to handle automatic remove requests, and make sure that the information that you are sending your customers is of value to them. Autoresponder Training Sessions Autoresponders work very well when it comes to training others. This is why autoresponders are the perfect way to conduct email courses. But there are other types of training that can be done with autoresponders as well. Even college professors have found a use for autoresponders. They can use them to remind students about upcoming tests, or to deliver study guides. Since the information in that professor's course is taught over and over again each time a new class comes in, this saves the professor a great deal of time. Autoresponders are also used by colleges to remind faculty and students about upcoming events. Because events are scheduled in advance, these autoresponder messages are set up in advance, and nobody has to depend on a secretary to get those notices out! Many businesses use autoresponders to keep their employees trained. When new equipment is brought into the office, and employees need to know how to operate it, an autoresponder can be set up with training instructions. No matter what kind of business you are in, there is a way that autoresponders can be used. The use of an autoresponder will save quite a bit of time, and it can also serve to make the people in your organization much for effective. Autoresponder Access to Secret Pages People love to have access to things that other people can't get. It makes them feel special, and it is a marketing tactic that really works. Granting access to secret pages works well on the Internet. It works best when it is limited. For instance, you can grant access to only a lucky few, or you can have a time limit for accessing the pages. You can grant access to secret pages on your website with an autoresponder. The way this works is quite simple. You create a directory on your website that is password protected, with one login and password that everybody can use. You then create some valuable content for that directory. You can call this your secret vault or your private stash or anything else you want to call it -- as long as it sounds like something that your visitors may really want to get their hands on. For instance "the secret tools that helped me earn thousands each month" would probably entice many people who want to learn how to make money. Once you get the directory and the pages set up, put the URL of the pages and the login name and password in an autoresponder. Write a sales page and distribute it to your opt-in list, or have other list owners distribute it to theirs. Make sure you "limit" the offer. Don't let people assume that you are going to share this secret information with the rest of the world -- they want to be the only ones with this special access! Keep access to the secret pages free. The goal is to get people to those pages, so that they can purchase your products or services. However, remember that you've advertised secret tools or secret information. Therefore, when they get to those pages, there must be something of value there for them to collect -- for free in most cases. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you will be losing money by giving something away for free -- you won't. In fact, you've already gained by collecting the names and addresses of the people who were interested in your secret information! Again, this is a marketing tactic that really works, and it is a great way to use an autoresponder. Once people have requested the information for your private pages, you can email them periodically, using your autoresponder, to let them know about updates to the secret site. While you are updating them, you can also tell them about other specials or new products in your line. Articles and Autoresponders Writing articles to market a product or service is an excellent way to build business. The articles should be very informative, providing the reader with information that is relevant to a specific topic. The article usually includes a link to a webpage for more information. The webpage, of course, is designed to sell a product or service that relates to the topic of the article. These articles are commonly submitted to article banks, websites, and ezine publishers. This is one of the most effective ways to market a service or product on the Internet, and it can become even more effective when it is combined with the use of an autoresponder. Begin by setting each of your articles up in your autoresponder. It is important that each article have its very own autoresponder address, so you will need an autoresponder service that will allow you to do this. Next, make a master list of your articles, with the autoresponder address for each article listed beside the title. You can even add descriptions of the articles on your master list if you want to. Advertising your articles one at a time can take a great deal of time: but advertising one autoresponder address -- the one for the master list -- won't take very much time at all. Simply put it in your newsletter and on your website. You can even allow other ezine publishers to use this is a free resource for their subscribers! All About Auto Responders Throughout the Internet, autoresponders make for an excellent promotional tool. Although the technical name is an autoresponder, other known names include auto email, mailbot, and email responder. An autoresponder is a great way to save time, as it responds to any message with an automatic response. Autoresponders can vary from messages that go through email to scripts that are programed to run on servers. All types of autoresponders work the same, as they will automatically send a message out when a message is received. Depending on the message they receive, they will send out the correct return message. This can be determined by the script or the email address. Although they are great for promotional reasons, they are also widely abused all across the Internet. Autoresponders are great to use for your daily tasks, as they will basically do all of the work for you. On the other hand, they can also be quite disastrous on those who happen to come in contact with them. When you submit your website to search engines, directories, or classifieds, you should never attempt to use an autoresponder address. Most of these website types use autoresponders themselves, when they send out their messages. If their autoresponder happens to send a message out to your autoresponder, they will continue responding -- which can be very annoying. When you decide to subscribe to an email or ezine you should always use your valid email address and never use the address for your autoresponder. If you use your autoresponder to subscribe, chances are you'll have your subscription revoked. It can be very annoying if a group sends out emails, only to find that your autoresponder keeps sending return messages. For that very reason, you should never use your autoresponder address to subscribe to anything. Autoresponders can be great to use, although they can also be a hazard as well. Often times, with subscriptions groups or ezines, it can be very hard to locate someone who is using an autoresponder. In most cases, those who use an autoresponder don't have the same reply or from address as they did when they signed up. In cases such as this it can take quite a lot of time and effort to locate the address. If you take care of your autoresponder and don't use it to annoy others or sing up for email subscriptions, it should treat you well. An autoresponder can do a world of good for your business, saving you a lot of time and effort. Autoresponders are easy to set up and easy to use, which is great news for anyone who isn't technical with the Internet. For the price they cost and how easy they are to operate -- autoresponders can make your Internet business easier than ever before. Writing Follow Up Messages For Autoresponders When it comes to making a sell using your autoresponder, follow up messages are very important. Most website visitors won't buy something on the first visit; it normally takes more than 6 or 7 visits before they decide to make a purchase. To keep them interested and eventually make the sale, you'll need to come up with some innovative yet captivating follow up messages. When you start writing your message, you'll need to come up with compelling headlines. Compelling headlines will draw attention from readers, making them feel excited to read the rest of your message. If you send a message with a shoddy headline, chances are that your readers will just glance over the email and not pay much attention to it at all. You can also grab attention from your readers by sending them personalized messages with their names and other details. There are several autoresponders that personalize messages through the insertion of codes. When you send a message out, the code is replaced with the personal information of the subscriber. When receiving the email, the reader will see his or her personal information instead of the code. The first message that you send out is normally an introduction message. This message should be geared towards giving readers what to expect from your messages. You can also mention information about your company and your products as well. Your introduction message is very important, as it sets the pace for the messages that follow. When you send out your second message, you should inform readers about your products and services. Make sure that you explain what your products do and how your readers can benefit from using them. Then, in the messages that follow, you should put added emphasis on your services and products. You should be trying to convince readers that they simply must have your products and that your products are a cut above the rest. To ensure that you get a sale, you should include comparisons between what you offer and what competitors offer. This way, you'll show potential customers that you are indeed the best, with the best features and the best prices. Once you have a few satisfied customers, you'll start to build up your credibility. If a customer is satisfied, he will let you and others know. Once a customer has praised your products, you can add it to a testimonial and send it out in a future follow up message. When you end a message, make sure that you leave a teaser for the next message. This way, your customers will look forward to receiving your next message. You should also carefully weave in messages regarding your contact and order information as well, so readers can place an order without any problems. If you put some time and thought into your follow up messages -- you'll start racking up customers and sales in no time at all. What You Need To Know About Autoresponders The Internet is a great place for business these days. There are hundreds of thousands of companies on the Internet, eagerly anticipating your business. With most companies dealing with hundreds and hundreds of customers on a daily basis, some wonder how they do it. When you break down the basics, you'll see that most use autoresponders -- very nifty tools that can help you with a variety of tasks. Once you have an autoresponder set up on your website, you can make money even if you aren't there. You can be out with your family or doing other things, while your autoresponder draws visitors to your website and makes you some money. Normally, people don't buy anything on their first or second visit to a website. Most like to shop around, compare, and find the best deal for their money. Autoresponders can be thought of as cheap salesman -- as they will follow up your potential customers and keep their interest sparked. When someone visitors your website and likes what they see, they will normally sign up on your customer list. If you don't have a customer list, you should invest in one immediately. A customer, or opt-in list, is the heart and soul of your company. This list will contain each and every one of your customers, and is also the main database for an autoresponder. Autoresponders can be used to send out preset messages anytime you wish. One of the best on the net is www.automatic-responder.com they offer a free trial account. They can inform your customers of news, upcoming products, and answer most questions. Autoresponders can be thought of as salesman, as they will let customers know about products, what features the products have, and how the customer will benefit from using the product. On top of that, autoresponders will also keep your customers up to date and follow up with them to ensure that they feel special. Simply having a website isn't enough these days. There are millions and millions of websites out there on the Internet, hundreds of which are offering the same products and services that you are. You have plenty of competition, no matter what you may be offering. To succeed this day and age, you'll be stand out among the rest and offer your customers more than competitors. Having the edge over your competition means you'll get more traffic -- which results in more sales. Although autoresponders can help you a great deal, they can't do it all themselves. They will handle virtually all of your email related tasks, help you gain traffic, and keep your customers informed with everything going on in your company. To get the most from your autoresponder, you'll need to make sure you use it every chance you get. They are very handy programs -- and can make your business life easier than ever before if you let them. Using Free Autoresponders If you've looked at the prices of autoresponders that are available online, you may have decided to search for and use a free autoresponder for your marketing needs. Using free autoresponders is acceptable in certain situations, and in the world of Internet marketing, any autoresponder is better than not using an autoresponder at all! Your first option for a free autoresponder should be the one that comes with your webhosting account -- if you have a webhosting account. These autoresponders can easily be set up through the control panel of your website, and they do not contain advertisements from the autoresponder company or webhosting service. If you do not have a hosting account, or your hosting account does not include autoresponders, there are other options that you can pursue. There are many free autoresponder services to choose from. These services are free, because the company makes their money by placing a small advertisement in each message that your autoresponder sends out. These advertisements may appear at the top of your auto responses, or at the bottom, depending on which company you use. Many paid autoresponder services offer a free version as well. These free versions may or may not include advertisements in the outgoing messages. These lighter versions of the paid autoresponders typically do not include many of the powerful features of the paid versions. But if you don't need the more advanced features, this is a great choice. Most free autoresponders have a limit on the number of subscribers you can have. Many people start out with the limited free versions, and then upgrade to the paid versions once their lists are large enough to exceed those limits. Many marketers don't feel that the expense of the autoresponder is warranted until the list that they are building is turning a profit. From a business standpoint, this makes sense. As the owner of a business, you are the only one who can decide whether you need a paid autoresponder service, or if a free one will do the job. If your list is small, a free autoresponder should do everything that you need it to do, but as your list grows, you should definitely consider upgrading. However, having the small advertisements that the free services place in the outgoing messages may present a problem if the ads compete with what you are trying to sell. They may even pose a problem if they do not directly compete with your product or business. Again, this depends on what you are trying to accomplish with your autoresponder. ![]() ![]()