![]() ![]() Adoption ![]() Adoptions Adoption is where birth parents place their child undoubtedly with people they do not know. Domestic and International adoption are the two types of adoption. Domestic is where a child is placed in their birth country, and International adoption is where a child is placed outside of its birth country. There are several reasons for placing a child up for adoption, such as not being able to care for the child. But for the most part at least in the United States and the UK, the most common reason for placing a child is mistreatment to the child. Some other reasons are teenage pregnancy, gender preference, or single parenthood. The reason to want to adopt is different from situation to situation. Some couples can not have children, some want to help out by adopting, some are same-sex couples that would rather adopt. Applying to adopt varies from country to country, and occasionally within a country. Many areas have different eligibility ethics, and can require an age limit, weather a single person can apply, to the eligibility for same-sex couples to adopt. In the United States it is free to place a child up for adoption. For the parents adopting fees can very from country to country and in some countries it is illegal to charge an adoption fee. Although in the United States you are allowed a $10,000 tax credit for adoptions. There are many issues that surround adoption. Guarding a Childs ancestry is becoming a major issue. They say that when an adoption is kept secret or closed the adoptee can sometimes have trouble finding themselves. The media doesn't help much either, they either shoe the horrible problems that very few people have or they shoe the perfect family, and have even gone as far as telling us that Children in foster can not be show love because they will continue to push us away for fear of getting to close. This is not always the case. Unfortunately there are several children who do not get adopted and age out of the systems at age eight-teen. Whether Americans have any experience with adoption, not everyone understands it or supports it. The history of adoptions can be traced back as far as the 18th century BC. Adoption was very common during the Ancient periods, and generally involved adults not children. These adults where used to carry on family heritage or to protect property rights. It has been found that both men and women whether married or single could adopt. Our modern adoption laws find heritage in the Hammurabi Code of the 18th century BC. Ancient Times focused on adoption of adults, while during the Middle Ages it focused on children and set some good ground rules. In Ancient Times, the adoptions where merely saying that you wanted someone to follow in your footsteps. During the Middle Ages there were specific laws put into place to protect the child and all adoptions during this time period where handled by the court systems. The first state adoption was in 1851 in Massachusetts. In 1853, Rev. Charles Loring Brace founded a children's aid program to help orphaned and abandoned children. His solution was to get the children off the streets and send them to strong Christian homes. These children where gathered up and placed on trains bound for the mid-west. At each stop the children where displayed for all to see, and who ever was not chosen was placed back on the train to go to the next stop. Things have certainly changed since then. But one thing has remained the same, we still want what's best for the children. Even though sometimes it's hard to know what's best. Adoption has become a wonderful thing and has been a good chance for children without a home for centuries. Adoption When it comes to adoption, you have to realize that it is more than just one person giving another one a child. Adoption is a legal way to allow a child to have permanent residency with another person other than their biological parents. There are also to reasons why someone will put their children up for adoption, but there are also many other reasons why someone wishes to adopt. With an open adoption you will be able to still keep the biological parents in the child's life. They are able to write letters to contact the child, and the child is able to contact them. In time, an understanding can form, but it is very important that you consider your options when it comes to giving a child up for adoption. All the arrangements can vary and it all depends on how both parties feel about having an open adoption. There are many issues that may contribute to a child going into an adoption situation. Sometimes they are abandoned, but often it is the mother who decides that it is best for her baby. Often babies are born to mothers and fathers who are unable to take care of themselves let alone a child. Sometimes a child is removed from the family because of government interfering. There are many reasons why a child is placed in an adoption agency. Generally, adoption is done in the best interest of the child. It is so that the child can have a life better than what was offered to them. You'll also find that adoption is an option in order to give the child a better future. Is Adoption Right for You? When it comes to adoption, you'll want to consider that it is the most difficult decision that you'll have to make. You'll want to think about the responsibility of a child and you'll also want to face some of the good times and bad times that are ahead of you. You'll find that a puppy is much like a child. If you think that adoption is right for you, then you may want to get a dog or cat and see if you can handle that type of situation. If you pass, then you might want to look further into adoption. There are some benefits to adoption. Not only will you be able to use the adoption to gain a new family member, but also you'll be able to give yourself a brand new life. You'll find that there are many emotional benefits to adoption. You'll also find that there is some personal growth to adoption. Adoption is something that many people choose to do because they are able to help the world be better. You'll also find that you are able to reach out for better things with the adoption of a child. Before you start considering an adoption, you may need to look at yourself. First, you have to decide if you are ready to be responsible for another person. You'll also want to think about your patience. Children can be difficult, but can you handle it? Is there a way for you to figure this out without adoption? Try to baby-sit a younger child. Also, you may want to take some parenting classes. This way you will be able to save yourself some time, energy, and also figure out if a child could thrive in your current environment. How do you know if adoption is right for you? Are you considering having children? If so, you may want to think about adoption. Adoptions is where you accept a child that isn't biologically yours, but then make it your own. You will find that there are no limits to your legal rights after the process is gone through. The time period of an adoption will verify by state, but then you will find that the child will be yours for the rest of your life. If you have been trying to have children but are not able to, you might be trying to figure out if adoption is for you. Adoption is hard, but you will want to ask everyone that you know (family, friends, loved ones, clergy) about how they feel about adoption. This is never something that you should decide to do completely on your own, because it is a lifetime commitment. If you are thinking about becoming a single parent, you will want to talk to others so that you can make sure that adoption is right for you. Remember that you are going to be taking a child that someone else has created and making that child your own. You will want to make sure that you are okay with the fact that someone else has the child and then gave the child up. If you are okay with that, then you may want to think about adoption. If you don't care where a child came from, and if all you want to do is give a child a good home, you should consider becoming an adoptive parent. However, also remember that a child requires time and money. You will find that the process of adoption is very expensive and time consuming. You are going to find things about your adoptive child that may end up being a mystery. You will find that if you are given a bit of family history from the adoption agency, then you will be able to understand your new and you will know all of the circumstances that the child was born in. You will know why the parents gave the child up. You will find that sometimes all the information that you want is not available to you, this is where you need to decide if you can live your life like that. If you can live with or without the background information, you should think about adopting a child. Who are adopting children? There is a lot to wonder about adoption. You will want to take a lot in mind when it comes to adoption. You will find that all kinds of people will consider adoption, but adoption is also a wonderful way for you to build a family. There are many people who have their children through adoption. A majority of those are couples who want to have children but for whatever reason can't get pregnant with their own children. There are a lot of couples who will adopt because one or both of the partners have problems with their reproductive system. However, some couples also choose to adopt because there are genetic things in themselves that they don't want to pass on to others. Genetics is something that brings a lot of concern when it comes to conception of a child. Genes are often the reason why a child is born with a disease or disability, and to avoid such things, people will adopt. There are also instances of single people who want to adopt children. Many single parents were divorced or windowed, but still would like to have the opportunity to be a parent. Many times these people have always wanted children but don't want to have biological children, so in order to make a family they turn to adoption. Also, couples that are not married and homosexual couples are also prominent in adopting fields. Many people will try to become parents in any way and every that they can by trying to avoid a foreign baby or child. For these couples, it is simply a matter of wanting to be a parent and not being able to on their own. For them, and for many others, adopting is the best option so that they can be parents and continue to live the lives that they have always wanted to live. Use the many resources that you will find when it comes to considering adoption. You will find a lot of information about adopting so you can make a good choice about wanting to have a family. Adopting is an option that many people will chose and they will find it fulfilling. Talking with your children about their adoption You are going to have the most wonderful time when you are able to go through the adoption process and have adopted a child. There is no difference between the children that you are going to adopt and the child that you have. You should be able to have the same life that you would have with your adopted children as you would with your own. However, it will be that you will need to make a decision regarding whether or not you are going to tell your child they are adopted. This is a big decision, however, you should have made this decision before you signed the papers. There are several schools of thought, and there are reasons to believe each one. You may decide that you will want to have the adoption a part of your child's life by explaining to them that they were adopted. There are many studies that say that this is the best thing that you can do for your child because it is the best way to make sure that they are having good development and will continue to be happy throughout their lives. You may end up making the process of the adoption about of their life by telling them that you chose them and that you got to have them because you loved them from the start. However, you shouldn't make it into too big of a deal, or the child might feel that they aren't as good as regular children. Some people think that the child should be older when you tell them that they are adopted. Their reasoning is that this way the child will have as normal of a life as possible, and they will feel that they are just the same as children that are not adopted. This way things won't seem so awkward and that they will understand that you wanted them and that you loved them all that time This might be a good idea for some, but there is a danger that your child will feel that you have lied to them their entire lives, and will be angry at you for this when you decide to tell them. If you feel like an open adoption is something that you may want to do, you will find that may not have the option, but it is something to research. You will find that many people believe that a child who is loved by many people is better than a few people since it takes a community to raise a child and help them to become a well adjusted and happy adult. Children for Adoption A frequent question among those people looking to become adoptive parents is that of what the children are like. This is understandable, of course. After all, before welcoming a child into one's home, it is useful to know what options are available and what one can expect of the child. Since all children are different, there is no single or precise way to answer this question. By examining the various kinds of children who are generally adopted, it is possible to paint something of a general picture. One option is to adopt an infant born within the U.S. The infants placed for public adoption are generally African-American, Hispanic or mixed-race. The number of Caucasian infants placed for public adoption is relatively small in comparison, as these children are generally handled by private adoption agencies. Adopting an infant is preferable for those people who wish to raise their adopted child from a very early age, possibly to simulate the experience of raising a birth child. Because this is such a widely sought option, it can often be difficult to find a readily available child, often resulting in long waiting periods before being able to adopt. A second domestic option is to adopt a child who is already in foster care and waiting for a family. These children tend to be older, from grade school age up to adolescence. They may have special needs, such as emotional, mental, or physical disability, or they may be part of a sibling group that must be placed together. Often called "waiting children," these special cases are handled by both public and private adoption agencies, with entities called adoption exchanges helping to provide matches between child and parent. Often, adoption subsidies are available to help offset the cost of caring for a child with special needs. A third option is to adopt internationally. Children are available for adoption in over fifty foreign countries. These children have been put for adoption for a variety of reasons, often linked to the nation or culture in which their parents live. In South Korea, for example, unwed mothers are looked upon shamefully, so would-be single moms often put their infant up for adoption. Often these children are living in orphanages, just waiting for someone to adopt them. The process of adopting from abroad can be a tedious one, but there are agencies and attorneys that will facilitate the process. No matter which option is right for a certain individual, one theme remains the same: there are children who need to be adopted. From infancy to adolescence, both at home and overseas, there are children who are without families. For prospective birth parents who do not have the means to raise a child, and for people looking to start a family, adoption is a solution to be considered. If you or someone you know is thinking of adopting and would like some more information, some good online resources include Adoption.com and Adopting.org, both of which are aimed at providing information on adoption to pertinent parties. AdoptableKids.com is an online adoption exchange where one can search and browse photo listings of hundreds of kids currently waiting to be adopted. All about the Reasons to Consider Adoption There happens to be so many reasons why you might want to have a child in your life and you may decide that adoption is right for you. You will want to make sure that you are ready to have children. If you haven been trying to have a child for a long time, you find that there have been circumstances that won't allow you to have children, you will want to think long and hard about adoption. You will want to decide if having a child is right for you, but you will also be taking the first steps into adoption. An adoption is a good idea for many reasons. There are many times that young girls are having a child, but don't have the means to care for the child. This happens more often than you may think. There are mothers and fathers who are simply just too young to take care of a child. Sometimes, the parents never intended to have a child and simply cannot imagine having one in their lives. There are times that a young couple will go through periods of hardships and will decide that the child is simply better off with other people. Sometimes, both parents of the baby die and there is no one who can raise the child. Whatever the reason may be, there are hundreds of children in each area of each state who are in need of adoption. Children, who are in foster homes or in the care of the state, often don't have the affection of a family. There are also children who live in orphanages all over the world who are waiting to be adopted. Orphanages happen to have children who are undereducated and barely loved or held. You can truly make a difference in the world by saving a child from this fate. When you decide to adopt a child, you will find that you are taking a child that has nothing and giving them the world. You are going to give them a family and a future. You will find that you are going to have a child in your life to have new hope and a family to the child. Under all the circumstances, you will find that you are going to give the child a brand new life and they will help you to have a fulfilling life. You will find that raising a child is a rewarding experience for many people. Adoption can be a wonderful gift to both the new parents and the adopted child. Adoptions can go wrong and what you should do Even though there are many things that you might become concerned about adopting, you will want to make sure that you understand everything that could go wrong. One of the most commonly things to go wrong is that you didn't complete all the paperwork that is necessary for you to adopt. You will find that this is going to be consuming and annoying and that you just don't take the time to do correctly. If you haven't finished these things correctly, you are going to run into problems when you begin the adoption process. This is why you should take your time to fill out all of the paperwork and information correctly. Also, the birth mother, at last minute, can try and get their child back. If you haven't signed the forms, or if you haven't completed the waiting periods, it is always a realistic fear that the birth mother is going to change her mind and that she will want to keep the baby for herself, or go with another person to adopt her child. If this happens to you, there is nothing you can do about it. However, you shouldn't allow this to stop you from adopting, because it can be normal part of the process. When this happens to a couple or parent trying to adopt, you are put back into the potential adoptive parent pool. However, you may end up at the bottom of the list and others will adopt before you. In some agencies, you are then given first priority when a new baby becomes available. A lot of people feel very low when they are placed on the waiting list, because it can feel like you are put on waiting list forever. You will also find that the waiting is long because the agency is trying to match the children with the best homes possible. However, you can avoid the long waiting and try to adopt a baby from another country, since you might be able to get a child sooner form the foreign market. It's a great idea because there are children in need all over the world. You will want to give any child in the world a good home. But, the foreign market can take some time too. You will find that it might be less than adopting from your country, but sometimes it may not, depending on what your requirements of the adoption are and the requirements of the foreign country. All About Adoption Agencies When looking to adopt, one faces the decision of whether to use an agency. This is not a simple decision, as agencies provide many support services to ease the process, but they can also be costly. Plus, it raises even more questions: Where can I find an agency near me? How do I know if the agency is reputable? Do I choose a public or private agency? This article aims to answer some of these questions, or at least aide in finding the answers. First of all, there are two types of adoption agencies -- public and private. A public agency is run by the government (either state or regional) and supported by public monies. These agencies generally assist in the adoption of foster care youth. Private adoptions agencies, on the other hand are run by a private entity. They are licensed by the state in which they operate, but are funded privately. These agencies can be of assistance in all types of adoptions. A major advantage of using an adoption agency is that they do all of the "searching" for you. They will do the work of finding and matching a child to you, based on specified criteria. Support options are also generally available through adoption agencies, especially private ones. These services include counseling, referrals, and both pre- and post- adoption education. The downside to all of this is, of course, cost. It is estimated that an adoption can cost from $5,000 to $40,000. Adoption costs money, there's no doubt about that. However, when beginning the adoption process, you may encounter certain costs which should raise red flags. For instance, beware of any agency which requires payment of fees immediately after application. There will usually be a small fee up front, but otherwise proceed with caution. Do not deal with any agency that feels or has been reported to be disreputable. That being said, ask about costs upfront. There may be a sliding scale, and there are resources that exist to defray the costs of the adoption process. Another factor to consider is any specific focus which you would like the agency to take. Some agencies, for example, specialize only in placing bi-racial children, while others focus solely on children with special needs. Be sure to ask about any such emphasis before choosing an agency. Of course, before you can begin doing all of this, you must locate an agency in your area. Adoption.com maintains an online directory of adoption agencies across the United States, as well as in Canada and the United Kingdom. Here you can browse the clickable map, or search by state, category and agency name. There is also the option of selecting a country to adopt from internationally. The directory is available online at http://directory.adoption.com. This, of course, only answers a few of the myriad questions that people face when deciding to adopt. Prospective adoptive parents are encouraged to do as much research and ask as many questions as possible before beginning the adoption process. It can be a tedium of red tape, but in the end it is worth the struggle, and knowing the length of the struggle beforehand can make it that much easier. Foster Child Adoption When it comes to foster children they are in a very unique situation. Foster children are given up or they are placed in the system by the government. Foster children often are moved from one home to the other. Very rarely do they get adopted quickly. Sometimes children will spend their entire childhood moving from one place to the next. If you are thinking about considering adoption you really need to know what it is that you are getting yourself into. Before you start filling out the paperwork, you need to know about the entire process. You have to learn how to understand that this is more like a temporary adoption. It will be awhile before you are able to have a child. First, the agency will give you a number of children that you can look after. Often the children come from bad pasts and are generally sad stories. The older children are the ones that really need to be loved. Often they are considered to be out of touch. You'll want to do everything you can to give the child some emotional support, with behavioral structure. Keep in mind that the kid's age is very important as well. You'll find that the older the child, the more resistance they will give you. Often it is the newborn or toddler that is accepted the easiest. Think about the benefits that both the child and you can have from being a foster parent. You'll also want to consider some of the ways that you'll be able to develop a good relationship with these children as well. It is very important that you understand the process and that you take steps to understand the emotions of being a foster parent. Discussing adoption of step children For those who end up getting involved in a marriage with someone who already has a few children, you will notice that there are going to be step children involved in your daily life. They may not be your legal children, but they are still the reasonability of your partner. You may share in the handling of the children, but you may want to develop a relationship with them. You will want t make sure that you aren't legally in control of the children's lives. When it comes to your step children, you don't have a lot of control over what they do and what they become. If you happen to have a partner that agrees with the way that you raise their children, then you will find that the fact that you aren't legally their guardian, may not matter. Also, you may not think about adopting the children if they already have a parent in their life that will protest the adoption. If this is the case, adopting that child is not a good idea because you probably wouldn't be able to do so, and you wouldn't want to intrude on the different relationships with their parents that your step children already have. Then again, you may end up finding yourself wanting to adopt the children. If your partner wants you to adopt their children, and if these children don't have another parent that is legally responsible for them, you might want to consider adopting the children. The way that it works is if you are able to find the other parent to give up their rights over the child. If the other parent is deceased or willing to give up rights to the child, you might have a good shot at adopting a child. If the children are older, you will want to make sure that the children are happy with you adopting them and allow the children to take part of the process so that they are happy. This is part of the key to a happy family life. Keep in mind that adoption is forever, you will find that if you get a divorce, you are still going to be responsible for the child. You will want to be sure that this is something that you really want to do before you sign all of the paperwork. Rules and Laws when adopting step children When you are in a relationship with someone, you may end up making a decision that will change the legal custody over the children. If you happen to decide that you will want to adopt the children, then you will want to take the following inconsideration before you begin the process. First, you should know that the rules of adoption vary from state to state. Before making any decisions in the adoption, you will want to do your research and check all of the state laws pertaining to adopting of a partner's children. Secondly, you need to know that in most states you cannot adopt a child unless both of that child's parents agree to it. Meaning, that the child that you would like to adopt, has to be available for adoption under the local laws. Your partner must declare that they want you to be the other parent to their child. Also, the other parent of that child must also agree to this. If the other parent of your partner's child is dead, you can legally adopt that child as long as your partner agrees to it. If the other parent is alive, you will want to make sure that they give up all their custody rights. After all of the consideration, if you decide that you would like to adopt the children, then there are several things that you should do. First, you are going to want to act like the child's parent. Remember, if your partner and you end up breaking up, you still have to take responsibility of the child. That also includes if your partner dies, then you will end up with the custody of the child. You will want to make sure that you do what is best for the child and the best for you. Also, you will want to take the child's feelings into consideration. You will want to make sure that if they have a parent that has died; you may end up getting spiteful actions from the child if you adopt them too quickly. They might feel like you are trying to replace their parent. You should always make sure that the adoption is for the best interest of the child and everyone else who is involved and that you are going what everyone would like you to do. Closed Adoption For those who do not understand what a closed adoption is, you'll want to consider that this is where the parents adopt a child, but the biological parents are kept private. There are many reasons why both sides would want to protect their child from this, but it is also a good option for those who are young mothers who wish not be looked up. It's done mostly with young children or infants. The closed adoption is the way that it always was done. Often now you'll find people wishing to find their biological parents, because being open or closed was not an option for most agencies. It was very clear-cut. You would give the baby up and that was it. It was over with. Even with a closed adoption, the child still may be able to contact the biological child. You'll want to consider that when the child is at age, they have the right to look into their own files. If the biological mother allows the records to be released, then the child will be able to find information on why they were adopted and the names of its biological parents. There are some perks and disadvantages to closed adoption. It's nice to keep the privacy if you are giving up a newborn. This way it's easier to cut yourself off. You'll want to continue to keep your privacy, so that you don't have to deal with some of the hurt feelings, however, open adoptions are become more and more popular. This way the child will be able to appreciate the situation and also see both points of view. They can understand why they were adopted without having hurt feelings. Choosing An Adoption Agency When it comes to adoption you'll find that the child and the adopting family will go through a long process. It may seem overwhelming, but you'll find that most important thing to keep in mind is to embrace the experience and keep in mind that the agency is doing the best they can for both parties. When it comes to a good adoption agency, you'll find that they will help you to understand the process and also educate you on adoption and prepare for both the best and worst possible outcomes. Keep in mind that the process is long and drawn out. You'll want to ask the agency questions about anything that may pop into your head. You'll want to get your questions answered in order to find a piece of mind. If you are looking for an adoption agency, you will first want to speak to your doctor. You'll also want to talk to your priest or pastor. Keep in mind that your attorney will also help you to understand the process and also educate you on what is a good adoption agency and what is a potentially bad agency. Never just pick one out of the phonebook. You'll need to also look for referrals. It is up to you to decide what is best for your family and for yourself. You'll want to consider the advantages and disadvantages to each agency. You'll also want to trust your gut feeling. If you don't feel okay about the adoption agency, then you'll want to move on or continue your search. Adoption Announcements The adoption is final and you want to get the word out. You want to show and tell every body about your new family member. What's a better way than sending out adoption announcements? I know your thinking, what is an adoption announcement? Well I will tell you. An adoption announcement is a lit like a birth announcement, but instead of saying something like, we are welcoming the birth of our child, it will say something like, we are welcoming into our family. There are all sorts of different kinds of adoption announcements. Some people make their own announcements. They say it is easier to make announcements than it is to find adoption announcements for older children. Some people buy adoption announcements that contain pictures or have ribbon and bows. Some have both. Adoption announcements come in different languages. They can include the name of the child, the child's birth date, where the child is from, such as what country, the day you met the child and the date the adoption was final. They usually have the adoptive parent's names on it and any siblings. The adoption announcement can also have the names of any pets. Most adoption announcements include pictures. Prices range from two dollars a piece to five dollars a piece, plus shipping and handling. The best thing about adoption announcements is that you can make it your own. You can personalize every aspect. There are no two announcements a like, just like there are no two children exactly a like. Every thing is new and exciting when there is a child in the home, whether the child is biological or adopted, that child will always hold a piece of your heart. Everyday will bring something new and exciting. Not only will you be teaching your child but your child will be teaching you. This is what makes parenting so exciting and also so terrifying. There is nothing more wonderful than having a child to call your own. Adopting is a wonderful way to have this. Adoptive parents have so much fun exploring and make things just right for their new children. So preparing the adoption announcements should be just that, fun and exciting. First you should take into consideration the people that you will send the adoption announcements too. That will give you an idea of what all should be contained in the announcement. Weather they should be humorous or sentimental. After you have your words chosen your layout picked and what style you want its time to shop. Depending on how many you are sending bulk mail may be appropriate. This is a good way to save money on postage. Many people also have welcome home parties after the adopted member of the family is settled in, while you are working on your announcements can be a good time to consider such a party where as you won't have to mail out separate invitations. All in all adoption announcements are a fun and traditional way to inform people of your welcoming a new member to your family. Adoption Photo listing Adoption Photo listing is done in every state and most international countries. To those who may not know what adoption photo listing is, it is where an adoption agency or the local Division of Social Services has pictures and information of children for adoption on the internet. This is done to improve the chances of the child for finding a family. There are more than 100,000 children in the United States in foster care and hundreds of thousands around the world in orphanages or substitute care. All the children listed on photo listing are for adoption and need a permanent home. Most of these children have special needs. Many of the children are over the age of seven, and the majority of the them are much older. These children have physical, emotional, mental and/or learning disabilities. You will find several sibling groups that wish to stay together. In all states you must have finished your home study before you can adopt. After reading the description of a child you can request more information. Adoption Photo listing started in 1994 and over 8,000 children have appeared on it. The Adoption Photo list recieves more than two million hits per month. Adoption photo listing is such a powerful way to motivate people even remotely interested in adopting. Many people have a statistic in the back of their minds, knowing that there are millions of children around the world without a home. But that's just it, it's just a statistic. With adoption photo listing it is no longer just a statistic it is reality. Adoption photo listing places a face where it used to be just a number. Not only does it become a picture, but adoption photo listing describes the child. It gives the Childs age, bithdate, state of residence, and the Childs likes and dislikes. Adoption photo listing is not only beneficial for the child wanting to be adopted, but also beneficial for the adoptive parents. This way the child gets his or her face out there for more to see. Also the adoptive parents have a chance to see pictures and learn about the children. What the children look like, what they like to do, where they come from and sometimes an update on how the child is doing emotionally. This give the adoptive parents more to go on than just a picture or even a number. Adoption photo listing is not just of children for adoption, but also of families or couples that want to adopt. These adoptive parents have been thoroughly screened and have completed all of the prescreening assessments. Many of them have fertility problems, making it near impossible to have children on their own. These adoption photo listings give information such as the ages of the adoptive parents, when they where married, what their hobbies are and the information about any of the children they have whether they are biological or adopted. They also explain how much they would like to adopt and raise a child, and how wonderful it would be just to be considered for adopting. All in all adoption photo listing seems to have helped raise the number of children adopted and also helps with parents that want to adopt. Infertility and Adoption There are some couples who are unable to have a child on their own. They often will turn to other ways of fertility and even check out some of the adoption options. Sometimes it is a medical issue that is stopping them from conceiving. It is often devastating to a couple and to a marriage. Adoption has many benefits to these types of couples. You will be able to get a child that you love and care for, while the child gets a home that is filled with love and respect. There is a couple types of adoptions that you'll be able to consider. Open and closed adoptions are some of your options. When it comes to closed adoption you will be able to hid the fact that the child is adopted and you are able to hide the parent's information in order to conceal their privacy. Then there are open adoptions that will allow the biological parents to still talk to the child through emails or letters. You may even sent the parents pictures. Often the details of an open adoption are different for each case. When it comes to adopting foreign children, you will find that these types of children are able to get a better life. They are able to leave behind some of their less fortunate situations and more on to a home that allows them to grow with a good future. Of course, if the child is of a different race, you'll want to explain some things to the child. It's never right to lie to a child about who they are or who they were. You'll need to consider that this adoption is a gift for both parties and should be treated so. Adoption Dissolution Nothing ever goes according to plan. You'll find that this is definitely something to expect when it comes to adoption. Sometimes a child will be placed in a home, and then the child will be taken out of the home for various reasons. If you are thinking about adoption dissolution is because of an adoption that was more difficult then expected. Often adopting parents find out that they are unable to care for the child or have problems with the child. Sometimes a family does not mess well when there are current siblings and adopted siblings. Some of the problems that you may run into include things like siblings teasing or taunting the new family members. Often you can get help with therapy, but sometimes it doesn't seem like anything helps to relieve the situation adoption dissolution is brought up. Most of the time the children are not bad, but there are medical or health issues that need to be dealt with but the adoption family is unable to give them the attention needed. Keep in mind that adoption dissolution is not always the answer to some of the family problems, but it is also not something that you should be ashamed about. All situations are different, but you'll find that adoption dissolution can work for some people. Sometimes this may be your own option. There are things that you can't control and there are also things that many adoptions agencies will hide just to get a child placed. Although, it seems hard, there are some times that you have to file it. Then there is the child. The child has a right to file for adoption dissolution as long as they are 14 years of age. There are a lot of things hidden to children when there is an adoption in place. Know Your Rights When Discussing Adoption When adopting a child you will find that you are creating a whole new world for them to live in. You will want to research all of the rights that you have as an adoptive parent. You may know all the different rights of parents, but when it comes to adoptive parents the rights are different. When it comes to adopting a child, you might not know it, but you are adopting a child for life and you are having the same rights that any other parent is going to have. You aren't the child's parent until all the paperwork has been filed and the biological parents have given up their rights. You have every right that any other parent has, and there is nothing that can take that away. Remember, when the adoption is final, you are going to be responsible for the child for the rest of your or their life. You are never going to be apart from your child once you have adopted them. Remember though that there might be differences between the time frames. If you are considering adopting, there might be a process in which the birth parent is considering whether or not to give you the rights to their child, and when you don't know whether or not you will be considered, you might feel that you have every right in the world, but you don't. When it comes to going through the adoption, you really don't have any rights over the child until everything is said and done.. It all depends on what kind of adoption you are pursuing and what kind of adopting process you re going through. During a waiting period to adopt, you and your partner may have no rights to the child. If you are considering adoption, there might be a waiting period in which you might not know whether or not you are going to get a certain child, and if that child's parent decides that they don't want to give it up for adoption, you are going to have to wait until a new child is available. If you are at the point where you know that adoption is right for you, you will want to sign the papers and be given full custody of the child. Once you are the proud parents of the child you will find that there aren't any reasons for your child to be taken away from you. Once the whole experience is over and you have signed the papers, you will find that you are now the parents of someone. International Adoptions International adoption offers may benefits and a few hardships. The pros of international adoption are as follows: there are a lot of children to be adopted of both sexes, from infancy and up in age. Once you have an accepted home study you are all but guaranteed a child. With international adoptions you know how long it will take (usually around twelve to eight-teen months). The natural mother will not change her mind, all the children for international adoption are orphans. Once you agree to a referral you will become the parent of that child. You will know in advance how much all the fees are. You will get to travel to another country. The cons are as follows: you will not get a newborn; most infants are at least four months old. The Childs heritage and medical information is not always known. The child might have development problems, but should bounce back quickly. There is a ton of paperwork required. International adopting means that we have to follow the rules and laws of our country and the country that we are adopting from. Every country has conditions like age limits, income guidelines, number of children in the home, maritial stability, and gender (single applicants). The steps for an international adoption can be difficult. First you need to decide what country in which you would like to adopt. You should think about the cultural differences and weather or not you can really deal with them. Consider your family and friends, talk with them and ask them what their opinions and thoughts on the matter might be. You might ask them how they might feel about it. You age and marital status will help you know what countries you can adopt from. Once you have done that then you can narrow it down to one. Once you have chosen a country, you will need to choose an agency that can help you along the way. You should remember when choosing an agency you need to feel comfortable about the people that you will be working with. You also need to make sure that the agencies you are looking at handle international adoptions. Once you have picked your agency it is time to start the paperwork. The agency will assign a social worker to your case. The social worker will come to your home and interview you and any children in your home. They will also want to interview your friends and family. This is called an international home study. Once the home study has been accepted, it is time to start collecting paperwork for your dossier. All this is, is a collection of paperwork. A dossier is a requirement for international adoptions. All documents must be signed and notarized and then sent off to be translated and approved. Once the dossier is finished and accepted you should start receiving referrals of children for adoption. Now all you have to do is accept a referral. You're almost done. It is time to travel to the country you're adopting from for court, and then usually ten days after court you get to bring your child home to meet their new family. Adoption Statistics In sports, there pundits who oppose using statistics alone to measure a player's performance. They say that these numbers only tell part of the story and fail to capture certain intangible aspects of the game that cannot be quantified. This is particularly true of adoption statistics, which are unfortunately incomplete. There is no one body which tracks adoption statistics, leaving what numbers are available scattered somewhat outdated. Useful figures can still be found, however, and serve to paint part of the adoption picture. Perhaps one of the more striking numbers is the number of Americans who are personally touched by adoption in one way or another. A study done in 1997 by the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute found that 60% of Americans had an adoption experience. As defined by the authors of the study, this means that either the participant or one of their family members or close friends had adopted, had placed a child for adoption, or was adopted. Although the research is ten years old, it's still quite interesting, as its findings mean that people who have been affected by adoption compose a majority in the United States. Another tale is told by examining the demographics of women who place their children for adoption prenatally. As it turns out, the likelihood that a woman will place their unborn child has an inverse relationship with socioeconomic status (SES) and level of education within the birth mother's family. For example, if a woman's mother completed at least one year of college, then she is statistically three times more likely to place a child for adoption than a woman whose mother did not finish high school, according to one study. Researchers explain such trends by claiming that these women come from families which are generally more supportive than those of women from lower SES and educational backgrounds. One California study bucks this trend, however, finding that women who placed their children tended to not have an education beyond high school. It was stated above that most of the extant statistics pertaining to adoption are inaccurate or outdated. As with all things, however, financial records remain meticulous, allowing for an accurate estimate of the costs of adoption. The biggest factor influencing adoption cost is the kind of agency of involved. A domestic adoption via a public agency may cost as much as $2500 down to nothing at all. On the other hand, that same adoption when handled by a private agency can cost as little as $4000, or upwards of $30,000. The difference is due largely to the fact that public agencies are subsidized by the state, and private agencies often offer more support services which can be costly. As stated above, these statistics paint only a small part of the picture of adoption. They are merely descriptive, and do not necessarily predict future adoption figures or trends. They do however, provide a certain degree of insight and can be useful for those considering either adopting or placing a child for adoption. Resources for Adopted Individuals Adoption is a life-changing event for all involved, from the birth parents who make the brave decision to give their child up, to the adoptive parents who make an equally brave decision to welcome that child as their own. Yet one group which may go overlooked is that of the adopted children themselves. There are a number of issues that can arise for these individuals. If the child was adopted at a very young age, they may not even know they were adopted until adolescence, or even later. A possible conflict in identity may result, as these children have spent so much time in an identity which they may perceive to no longer be valid. Children who were adopted late enough in life to be cognizant of the process can have their own issues, as well, perhaps wondering why their original parents didn't keep them, or having trouble accepting their adoptive parents as legitimate. Children adopted by parents of an ethnic, racial, or cultural group other than their own often face a unique conflict as they try to reconcile the two identities internally. It has been shown that adult former adoptees suffer from a number of problems, including struggles with identity, low self-esteem, and feelings of abandonment. These underlying troubles may lead to further struggles like alcohol abuse, marital difficulties and depression. Many adult adoptees will also seek out information about their own genetic histories, spending years trying to find siblings, parents or any other biological relatives. The upshot of these issues is that they are nothing new. They are so frequently encountered that they are known about and there exist mechanisms to help these individuals cope. One option is to find a support group. The mere act of connecting with a group of people who have had similar life experiences and dealt with similar issues can be beneficial in itself. The cliche is that misery loves company, and in this case it's true. Seeing that others are going through some of the same things is reassuring. Support groups provide a forum in which former adoptees can discuss their experiences and confess their troubles. National support groups such as ALMA and the American Adoption Congress are good resources for adult adoptees. Individual counseling is another option. Some counselors and therapists specialize in adult adoptees. Some of these professionals are adult adoptees themselves. The therapeutic intervention can treat a number of aspects of the adult adoptee experience. Therapy can help the individual in their interpersonal relationships, help them heal from lingering feelings of abandonment, and even assist in the search for birth parents (which can be a cathartic solution in itself). This kind of counseling can be costly, but some counselors offer group sessions, which may combine some of the advantages of support groups and individual counseling. For the adopted individual, adoption is a lifelong experience. It does not end when the adoption is finalized, nor at the onset of adulthood. It is something that adoptees carry around throughout their lives, and as such it must be addressed and coped with. Fortunately, there are resources for these individuals. For those struggling with issues like those described above, a good starting point is www.adopting.org, a website with resources geared to all people touched by adoption, including adult adoptees. Adoption Records Requirements for gathering information for adoption records are different in each state. Information about the child being adopted or the family putting the child up for adoption in put together by the adoption agency or the local Division of Social Services. A home study is done to gatherer information about the family and the parents of the child being put up for adoption. Information collected on the child being adopted for the adoption records are basically the same in most states, it includes: medical and genetic history, a family and social background, mental health history, religious background, ethnic and racial background, and education level attained. There are some states that require more information such as dental history, immunization records, developmental history, and of course school records. Some adoption Records also hold information on whether or not the child being put up for adoption is eligible for any state of federal adoption assistance. Those states include: Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont. The adoption records also include information on the birth parents and the birth family of the child being put up for adoption. This information is gathered during a home study as well and it includes information such as the medical and genetic history of the family, the family and social background, a mental health history of the family, a religious background, and the level of education attained by the parents. Some states require also the physical appearance, talents, hobbies, field of occupation, and a list of any drugs the birth mother toke during her pregnancy with the child. There are a few states that if obtainable, will also provide the adoptive parents with the names, addresses and any other identifying information about the birth family. These states are Colorado, New York, and American Samoa. You should of course also find information on the adoptive family in the adoption records. Once a family has been chosen for a child they do a check on the family to make sure that the home will be suitable for the child being adopted. The information that they collect is relatively simple. When they do the home study for the adoptive family they include such things as a criminal background check, and they also check with the local child abuse registry. They will also include the adoptive parents' physical health, emotional maturity, financial situation, and a family and social background. Montana seems to be the hardest state to adopt from, they ask for Employment history, history of drug and alcohol abuse, racial ethnic background, and a history of domestic violence. Montana isn't the only state that asks for these, they are the only one that asks for all of them. Michigan, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, West Virginia, Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Colorado, Illinois, Arizona, and the District of Columbia also ask for some of these items for the adoption records. When the paper work for the adoption records is final and the judge has signed it, depending on what form of adoption they have done the adoption record is sealed and completely confidential, or is left open for all to see. If the adoption record is sealed it generally stays that way until the adopted child comes of age. ![]() International Adoption When choosing to adopt a child, some prospective parents make the decision to partake in an international adoption. That is, they choose to adopt a child from a country other than their own. This process can be long and full of bureaucratic red tape, especially since it is a matter conducted entirely between the potential adoptive parents and a foreign court, which acts on behalf of the foreign government. The United States government cannot intervene on the parents' behalf. There a few reasons and some benefits to this option, however. Aside from the usual reasons for which one would choose to adopt, there are a couple of reasons why international adoption specifically may be a preference. One reason can be benevolence. The major countries from which children are adopted into the United States all have glaring social problems which drive the international adoption process. China, for example, has strict population control laws which often force Chinese parents to give their children (especially girls) up for adoption. Russia suffers from poverty to such an extent that raising a child is often not feasible. Americans who adopt children from these environments and others like them may decide that they wish to rescue a child from such circumstances and bring him or her into the home. A second -- and perhaps more substantial -- reason for international adoption is the decline in availability of children for adoption in the United States. The number of adoptions which were conducted transnationally has more than tripled in the last 15 years, due largely to a decrease in potential adoptees available domestically. The potential benefits to the adopted child are fairly obvious. She is raised in a nurturing home by people who wanted the child so badly that they went to great lengths and expense to adopt her. In nearly all cases, the child moves up in socioeconomic class after being adopted. The child may also experience educational opportunities which may not have otherwise been available. While these benefits may be obvious, there are more complex and perhaps more obscure impacts on the societies and cultures involved at both ends of the adoption process. For those interested in international adoption, there are a number of resources available. First of all, it is advisable to first learn about domestic open adoption and explore domestic options before looking abroad. There can be certain risks associated with international adoption. That said, there are many children available in more than fifty countries, all of whom who are legally free for adoption and are in need of caring homes. One good place to start on the journey toward adopting a child from abroad is the website Adoption.com. The site has a great number of resources to answer all questions adoption. They have a section of the site devoted solely to international adoption (http://international.adoption.com). The United States State Department also has some information about intercountry adoption available online (http://travel.state.gov/family/adoption/adoption_485.html). This page clarifies the role that the U.S. government may be able to play in the adoption process, as well as providing phone numbers to call for more information on international adoption. A final word: international adoption is a long process full of bureaucratic hurdles. It can be costly and may require prospective parents to reside in the country of the child's origin for a period of time before the process is complete. Like all things that require effort, however, people who endure the process ultimately find it to be worthwhile. Guatemalan Adoption Guatemalan courts have asked for changes in adoption proceedings in the past and this has caused some set backs. Even with these set backs this program is still attracting American adoptive families. In Guatemala you can find children at extremely young ages. Americans adopted roughly 3,783 children from Guatemala in 2005. With Guatemalan adoption there is no travel required. They also accept single parents. Before adoptions are approved a DNA test is required by the United States. This is done to prove the mother-child connection. Six months of supervision is also required after adopting from Guatemala. Guatemala's population is made up of Mayan Indians and Latino (mostly Hispanic and Mayan Indian). Guatemala started doing international adoption at the end of their thirty-six year Civil War. The war ended officially in 1996. The reason the United States requires DNA testing of the child and the birth mother is because there have been rumors of babies being stolen and sold or place for adoption. Guatemala has the largest population of all the Central American countries, with roughly 14,655,189 people. The main products coming out of Guatemala are coffee, bananas, and sugar. Around seventy-five percent of the population of Guatemala is below the poverty line. Guatemala lies between Mexico and El Salvador. It also borders the North Pacific Ocean. After you have finished your application, home study and compiled your dossier and it has all been accepted, you will start to receive referral from your agency. Once you have chosen the right referral for you, the adoption agency will contact Guatemala and let them know which child you have chosen. A Guatemalan attorney will then collect the consent forms, medical records, and birth certificate. The United States will do the necessary DNA testing. Once all this is done the attorney goes to court for you to finish the adoption. He then gets the Childs passport ready. When all the paperwork and court hearings are finished you have the choice to either go to Guatemala and pick up your child or have the child escorted to you. In Guatemalan adoptions you can be married, or single, meaning single men and single women can adopt. The only real requirement is that the adopting parents be under the age of fifty years old. Referrals generally start around three to six months after your paperwork has been received. Once you accept a referral it takes about eight months for the adoption to become final. An international protocol was endorsed by law makers, because the United States said they will stop allowing American parents adopt Guatemalan children. Guatemala has been told that it needs to make provisions of its secret systems. These systems have been criticized due to high adoptive cost and for payment being made to the women and young girls placing their children up for adoption. Guatemalan adoption is still probably on the better choices for single adoptive parents due to the flexibility of their current protocol. Also with private lawyer's currently still in charge of a great deal of the process, this is also a good alternative for people currently turned down for domestic adoption. Vietnam Adoptions With Vietnam adoptions children age ranges between four months and twelve months, older children are always available as well. There are more boys than girls to adopt, and if you are dead set on a girl it may take longer to find one. The majority of children are healthy, although there is a problem of low birth weight and premature birth. They ask that married couples should be married for at least two years. People who have been divorced before may adopt as long as they have not had more than two divorces. Individuals who are straight may also adopt. To qualify for a Vietnam adoption you must be at least twenty years older than the child you wish to adopt. Adoptive parents under fifty years old are allowed to adopt a baby, while parents over fifty years old can only adopt older children. In Vietnam adoptions parents who have a large family already may not be allowed to adopt, while parents with no children are not allowed to be gender specific. Parents with a child or two are able to be specific. The time frame for a Vietnam adoption is not possible to approximate. In 2005 Vietnam passed new adoption laws. Before the new laws it would take about seven-teen months. Vietnam adoptions seen to be fairly popular, but may be slowing down, due to other programs. Vietnam is a poverty stricken, densely populated country. These conditions have resulted in children being left o abandoned or orphaned. Once your home study has been accepted you will start to get referrals with pictures and medical information. When you have decided on a referral you can gather and compile your dossier. The dossier will be sent to the Vietnamese authorities to be looked over. Once the dossier has been approved by the Vietnamese authorities you will be able to go to Vietnam to pick up your child. Only one parent is required to travel but it is recommended that both parents travel to see the country. Your stay in Vietnam will usually be anywhere from ten to fourteen days. While in Vietnam it is recommended that you indulge your senses and go on several different sight seeing trips. The total cost including agency fees, visas and embassy fees, foreign fees, courier fees, home study fees, documentation fees, hotels, and plane tickets, is usually around $25,000.00 to $30,000.00. Religious beliefs in Vietnam are different as they are here. Buddhism seems to be the largest religion in Vietnam. But the Vietnamese also believe in Islam, Christianity, Confucianism, and Taoism. Their main food source is rice. The Vietnamese are extremely good at preparing vegetarian meals. Vietnam is a very mountainous country. Interest in Vietnam adoptions have seemed to soar since they have opened back up in 2006. America is a melting pot of different cultures and races. Unfortunately people have an issue understanding that this is how it all started. This is how American came to be what it is today. By having Americans adopt from Vietnam shows people that race does not matter and that our cultures mixing together make this world a better place. Russian Adoption Children in Russia for adoption range in age from six months to six years and up. Almost all the children in Russia up for adoption are behind in growth and development due to being institutionalized. Once these children are in a family environment they bounce back. There are a variety of ethnicities such as Asian, Gypsy, Mediterranean, and Caucasian. Children of both sexes are available, but there are more boys than girls. Russian children will remain on the adoption list for six months before being considered for international adoption. This way they have a chance to be adopted by a Russian family. Many of the children in Russian orphanages come from teenage pregnancies, although a few are truly orphans. A handful of them are there because the families couldn't afford to care for them. The Russian adoption program has remained stable, and is second to the top country that Americans choose to adopt from. Americans adopted around 4,639 Russian children in 2005. The Russian Government began a review in 2005 of international adoption procedures, and changes are expected. Fees range from agency to agency but are usually somewhere around $19,900 to $25,500. This does not include travel, immigration filing, visa, document preparation or collection. In order to start a Russian adoption you should choose an agency that deals with Russian adoptions or international adoptions. You should research the different agencies and request information packets from the ones that you might be interested in. In Russia only married couples or single women can adopt. They believe the woman to be the main caregiver. Once you have chosen an agency, you can begin you journey for a Russian adoption. The entire Russian adopting process usually takes about nine months. You start by doing a home study. The home study is basically a report on what the social worker has found out about the adoptive parents. Once you have finished the home study you will have to complete the Dossier. This is paper work that the Russian Government requires. Before having your paper work for your dossier notarized, ask when the notary's commission expires. Most countries require that the notary's commission be valid for at least a year past the date they witness a signature. When the paper work has been gathered and notarized, your agency will send it to Russia to be translated and notarized, and then they will give the paper work to the Russian authorities. When a child is ready for adoption your agency will give you notice that there is a referral waiting for you. They used to just send you a picture and travel information, but in April of 2000, Russia changed the regulations to include that the adopting parents must receive their referrals personally, before the Russian Ministry on Education. When you receive your referral it should include a video tape of the child and any medical information on the child. If for some reason you are not happy with the referral, then your agency should work with you until you are happy. Once you are satisfied with your referral your agency will contact the Russian authorities to prepare the documents for the child being adopted. When the paper work is finished your agency should then contact you and let you know of your departure date and any travel information that you may need to know. Once you agree to a referral, families will take two trips to Russia. Most adoptive children are ready within six months of finding a family. Trip one is usually five to seven days. Usually one month after agreeing to the referral. Families generally wait two to four months between the first and second trip. The second trip is usually about ten days. The adopted child will be able to go home ten days after the court hearing. In Russia if you get along well with your facilitator it will make it easier in the long run if you ever decide to adopt from Russia again. The Status of International Adoptions from Russia For Americans looking to adopt internationally, Russia has long been had a stable adoption program. Russia has typically been the third most popular sending country for international adoptions in the United States. Russian children who are given up for adoption typically are so because the poverty level in the country is such that raising a child would be difficult or impossible for the lower class parents. The result is that a large number of Russian children are made available for foreign adoption. Recently, however, attempts at reform within the Russian adoption system have led to major delays in the adoption process. A recently passed Russian law requires adoption agencies to be re-accredited. The process of applying for and being granting accreditation and licensing has proven to be a slow one, resulting in the delays that are currently being seen. Applications for accreditation must be reviewed by five Russian government ministries: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One of these ministries sometimes requires clarification or additional information on certain applications, which leads to further delay. The website for the United States Embassy in Moscow cites one example in which the Ministry of Justice recently returned several applications to the agencies, asking for further information1. The Ministry of Education can only sign off on the accreditation after receiving approval from each of the four other ministries. At the time of this writing (May 30, 2007) the Ministry of Education had not announced a date by which the review will be complete, and no adoption agencies had yet been accredited by the ministry. These postponements in the adoption process have had some other consequences, as well. For example, prospective adoptive parents are having trouble traveling to Russia for their adoption visits. Russian adoptions require two such visits, the first being about a week and the second lasting two to three weeks. The Russian government issues visas to adopting parents for these visits, with specific parameters indicating the dates of the visit. However, because all adoptions are falling behind schedule, Americans are attempting to travel to Russia outside the dates specified on their visas. This can be especially problematic if they are able to travel to Russia, but wind up staying beyond the departure date of the visa. Significant delays in departing Russia can occur. For the moment, adoptions in Russia are still mired in the bureaucratic accreditation process. The Russian government and the Ministry of Education are unable to say when the review might be over and adoptions will be back up to speed. For those wishing to adopt a Russian child, it is still possible to do so, but one should be prepared to weather a significant waiting period. If enduring the process is not feasible, there are plenty of other countries with available children to consider. Some other viable options include China, South Korea, Guatemala, and many countries in Africa. News and updates on the Russian adoption process are available from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow website: http://moscow.usembassy.gov/consular/consular.php?record_id=adoptions Typical Open Adoption When it comes to having an open adoption you will find that there are some basic things that you'll need to keep in mind. First, you have to understand that the biological parents are permitted to have contact with the baby and they are able to have some type of relationship with the child. This doesn't mean that the child needs to see them or that you have to write to them. This could mean that you send pictures or that they send you things. You'll want to think of this as an agreement to keep each other updated. You also will find that the paperwork on the parents will still be open for the child, if they want to search for their biological parents. You'll be the one that they see the most and also the one that they begin to bond with. Keep in mind that you should talk to the biological parents if you feel uncomfortable with the biological parents calling. You'll want to keep some of the contact to a minimum or you may want to have an open relationship for your child's sake. There are definitely some rules that need to be laid down. You'll need to talk this out before the adoption and set the rules straight. This will help to deal with some of the stress that may be caused by having this joint relationship. You'll find that some biological parents will become very upset when pics are late or when they are missing their contact time. Keep in mind that an open adoption can be as little as giving the biological names to the adoptive parents or as much as having real contact with the family. Tran Racial Adoption Tran racial adoption is where a colored child is placed with white parents. Hoping that the color difference would not match up to the love and belonging the child would feel with its new family. There are fewer young white children available for adoption, leaving adoptive parents feeling the need to reach out and help any child in need, regardless of race. There are different opinions on Tran racial adoption, one is that a child should be put in a home with at least one parent of the same race. Others believe that race should not be considered at all. To prepare for adoption it is important for everyone, but even more important if you're contemplating Tran racial adoption to consider a few things. When thinking of Tran racial adoption one should think about your personnel beliefs and you attitude toward race and ethnicity. When you adopt a child who is considered different, the entire family will be different. One needs to remember that to some, different is strange and sometimes scary. Not everyone will understand your decision to adopt Tran racially. Here are a few more things to ask yourself, where you live, is it integrated? Are the schools in your area integrated? Do you have friends that are different races and ethnicity? To Tran racially adopt you need to become seriously involved in parenting, you can not allow racially or ethnically prejudice remarks in your home. You will need to encompass your family with support. You should celebrate all cultures and do not be afraid to discuss race and culture. Most importantly you should be there for your child and let them know that no matter what someone says to them and no matter how bad it hurts them that you are there for them and that you love them. Parents of Tran racial adoption should encourage themselves and allow themselves to believe strongly that their family belongs together. You should make it very clear that it is not ok to make fun of people who are different. Teach your child to stand up to prejudice without starting fights. They should learn to use their words not their fists. Many agencies are not open about Tran racial adoption policies, because it is such a touchy subject. You should ask your agency about how they feel about it. Tran racial adoption was the subject of a bill before congress in 1994, and after an intense debate they found that they agreed on one thing, that all adults of all backgrounds need to help adopted children of all backgrounds reach their potential. Tran racial adoption began after World War II, when there was a large number of children without a home or family. American adoptive couples were not always childless, but simply family oriented. Parents who adopt Tran racially can not ignore the fact that they become a minority family. They will be subjected to questions, odd looks, and prejudice remarks. Research shows that children raised in a Tran racial environment tend to handle the cultural gap extremely well, and that parents who adopt Tran racially have to work harder than same race parents, this way they can empower their children and teach them about different cultures and backgrounds. All in all, Tran racial adoption could be a wonderful experience for the right family. You might have to work a little harder, but from what I have found it is all worth the effort. Same Sex Adoptions Studies have shown that children tend to blossom in same sex families. The problem is that only one parent is allowed to adopt. By not allowing both parents to adopt the child, it means that he law can not protect the rights of the co-parent. The co-parent should have rights such as knowing that if something where to happen to the other parent they would still be able to care for the child. The co-parent should also have rights if for some reason the couple should split up. The co- parent needs to be allowed to make decisions such as for medical treatment or for educational purposes. Research has also shown that there are really is not a difference between straight and non straight couples when it comes to parenting. Both want what is best for their children. Just because a child is raised by a same sex couple does not meant that they are going to grow up to be non straight. But they do tend to handle people of different cultures better. The outcome of a child being raised in a same sex home is unknown. Many same sex couples are finding it more and more difficult to adopt and instead turn to insemination or sera get mothers. Some states allow one parent to adopt and then the second parent to do a domestic stepparent adoption. There are no international adopting countries that allow same sex couples either and if you gay or lesbian and single, if you keep your sexuality under wraps you may have better luck adopting. In Massachusetts, California, and Vermont, where same sex marriage is legal, they still recommend that the second parent file for stepparent adoption. This way the federal government will recognize the legality of the parent-child relationship. Other than there unique hang ups and legal difficulty, the process is typically the same. A home study is required. So are the standard background checks. None of the steps are different, only getting those accomplished takes some breaking through taboos and stereo types. In general a lot of red tape. In some cases things tend to go right through when the judge is on your side, if he or she is not then there could be friction there too. Regardless of where you decide to adopt, one thing is for certain due to how new this idea is for mainstream America same sex adoptions are likely to be an uphill battle for some time to come. Gay and lesbian couples will still be able to adopt after overcoming the challenges of their sexual orientation. And though little is known about how same sex parenting impacts a child raised in these circumstances, one could scrutinize that many have adopted already, and there are a lot of well adjusted children living in those situations, or it would not still be allowed. Same Sex Adoption For individuals in same sex partnerships who wish to have children, adoption is one a few options. The legality of same sex adoption, however, can often be ambiguous, obscure, or just plain confusing as it varies from state to state in the U.S. and across countries around the world. One form of same sex adoption is called "second parent adoption," in which one partner can adopt the biological or adoptive child of the other partner without terminating the parental rights of the parent. So, theoretically, one member of a same sex partnership could adopt a child as a single parent. Then, the other partner could adopt the same child, essentially making each partner a parent to the child. This process would not work in Florida or Utah. The former forbids adoption by a homosexual, and the latter does not allow adoption by anyone in a cohabiting relationship that is not a legal marriage. Oddly enough, single people may adopt in Utah. Second parent adoption within same sex partnerships is explicitly permitted in the states of California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Washington, as well as in Washington, D.C. In the remaining 38 states, however, any laws regarding adoption by same sex couples are ambiguous at best. With the legal status of civil unions and same sex marriages being pushed to the forefront as a social issue, it may only be a matter of time before these ambiguities and obscurities are shaken out. Much of the reason for the lack of explicit language on same sex adoption is that it is relatively new as a social issue, at least within the public consciousness. Another reason is because it is often seen as such a controversial subject. It is a hotly contested issue, with firmly held opinions on each side. Some opponents object to gay adoption on moral grounds. They feel that homosexuality is amoral in itself, and so adoption by homosexuals is amoral by extension. They may also believe that participants in same sex relationships cannot perform as well as parents as traditional heterosexual parenting units. Several organizations, among them the American Psychological Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics hold that homosexual couples are just as qualified to be parents as heterosexual couples. There are others who fear that being raised by a same sex couple will influence a child to be homosexual, or that there may be a detrimental effect on the child's overall well-being. Research has shown that this is not the case, however, as the sexual orientation of parents is not related to that of their children and that children of same sex couples perform just as well on several measures of overall well-being. What's more, a study conducted UCLA estimates that disallowing adoption by LGBT couples can cost the United States between $87 million and $120 million annually. Researchers say this is because these couples are often willing to adopt children that heterosexual couples are not, such as older children, children with behavioral problems, and children who are HIV positive. If these children go unadopted, the financial strain of their care falls on the foster care system, sapping government funds. Same sex adoption remains a controversial issue, but one on which progress is being made. Same sex couples interested in adopting are encouraged to research laws in their area and investigate possible options. Reading about Adoptions and Open Adoptions Adoption is one of the ways that you can become a parent. There are lot of people who have tried to be apparent, but for some reason was unable to have children. You will find that the possibilities for parenthood is adopting. You will find that adopting a child is where you have a child for life, and raise the child as your own. You will find that the child needs to be treated like your biological children, or how you would treat them. A child that you adopt is yours no matter what anyone says. There are several different types of adoptions, and one of them is called an open adoption. In many states, it was getting harder and harder to find parents who were willing to give their children up for adopting because it was very hard for those parents to ever have contact with those children again. There are many people who end up keeping their child because they don't want strangers to have the child even if they are unable to care for the child. When a person kept a child even though they didn't want to have children, there was going to be a higher percentage of neglect and abuse happening. This is because many mothers feel the need to either give up their child and deal with never being able to see them or right the wrong by being a good parent at some point, but instead decide to keep them, even if they don't want the children. States have created open adoptions to help the mothers who are willing to give up their children and their parental rights. You will find that these adoptions will allow the biological mother to make arrangements with the parents and the courts to have some type of contact with the child. Basically, this is where the mother or father will be sent letters and continuous updates about the child's condition and happiness. Today, more and more adoptive parents are accepting the biological parents as part of the child's life. They allow the children to have a relationship with their biological parents. This is one of the reasons why birth mothers feel more comfortable giving up their child for adoption; they can make sure that the child is loved and happy through every minute of their lives. Putting Your Child Up For Adoption When it comes to putting up your child for adoption, you have to consider that it is one of the most difficult things that you'll ever have to do as a parent. You'll find that your decision is a symbol of love and you know that it is in the best interest of your child. You'll find that as a parent, you may want to go towards adoption, but there are many things that are holding you back from being comfortable with the situation. They are many ways that you can put your child up for adoption, but there are many more reasons why it may be best. There are a lot of parents who are so young. They are too young to be good mothers and fathers. They are unable to take care of themselves, let alone a child. It is in the best interest of the child to be put up for adoption, because they need to be realized in a stable environment. For a child, you need to have a good environment for them emotionally and financially. Children are very needy and expensive and you need to be able to give them everything and sacrifice a lot on your own part. When it comes to closed adoption you will be handing your baby over to an agency and they will place the child. This means that you are unable to keep close communications with your child. It also protects your own privacy as well. Some agencies feel that it is best when it comes to adoptions because it can be difficult to have to deal with both the biological and the adoption parents when raising a child. Petz 5 Adoptions Petz 5 adoptions are the newest alternative to owning a pet. A Petz 5 adoption gives you a little bundle of cyber joy. It is a program that you can download on to your computer that allows you to raise cyber pets. These cyber pets require the same things as a real pet. You have to feed them by selecting the kind of food that they should have, there are healthy things that you can give them and then there are treats. You have to train them and give them affection all through your computer interface. There are several sites that offer petz 5 adoptions you can adopt almost anything that you can think of, from dogs to cats, rabbits and even birds. They are adopted as kittinz or puppyz then through the proper care and attention they grow to maturity and can have litters and families of there own. If you neglect a petz then if simply runs away. Most sites give you a petz owner rating to tell you what kind of pet owner you are. There are many good reasons to adopt a petz instead of a pet. Some of those reasons include limited space, at the office too much, parents won't let you have a pet until you prove yourself, and there is also the expense factor. Once you buy the program, most cost a small fee some are even free, there is no additional cost such as food, training ect. ect. Some of 5the other benefits include you are not stuck with just one kind of pet. You can go out and get all manner of petz once you have the platform for it. They are heart warming little things to have on your desktop. Some play with them like a game while still others use them as an alternative to actually owning a pet. Though it is primarily a game and software that is mostly free, you still must be at least 13 years of age to adopt a petz and agree to the license agreement. Once you start having litterz you can place your petz up for adoption. Some come with names some just have numbers. Word to the wise do not get too many going at one time or you will never be able to keep up to all of them. The feeding and training and loving can get to be a little much if you have too many petz at one time. If they get to where they feel neglected remember they will run away and your ratting will go down. This is a fun game and is defiantly a place to start for young people that want to adopt a pet, for older people that can't have pets or for people that have pets and just love there computer. The programs are user friendly easy to install and use, and most importantly fun. Dog Adoptions Dog adoption generally refers to the taking over of ownership and responsibility of a dog, which the last owner gave up. You can find dog adoptions through a shelter, rescue group, or through a non-for-profit organization online. Dogs end up in shelters for many reasons, such as its owner dies, someone has to move or their financial situation changes, a dog is lost and can not find its way home, a person develops health problems and can no longer care for the dog, or develops allergies. The Humane Society of the United States estimates that three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized every year, due to a lack of homes. The adoption process for dogs is fairly simple and can take anywhere from thirty minutes to two days. To adopt a dog you will need to fill out an application and a questionnaire. If both are accepted the shelter will call any landlords that you might have, to make sure you can have the dog where you live. If this checks out then in some cases, someone will come out to your home and make sure you have an adequate home and yard for the dog to live in. Once this is complete you will be asked to pay an adoption fee, ranging from $50.00 to $350.00. Then the dog will be spayed or neutered before going home. There is no exception to this rule, it is a must. Two to three days after surgery you will be able to pick your new pet up and take it home. When adopting a dog you need to make sure that you pick a dog that matches your living situation and your needs. There is a big difference in dog personalities, so depending on what the dog will be primarily for is depending on what bread you will want. You should also remember that not all dog breads are good with children and some breeds are not good with other animals. Where as allot can be told by breeds or what breads make up the mix, each dog will have its own personality. The temperament varies, and is unique to each individual dog. Most places that do dog adoptions will allow you a visitation period, some will even require it. This is a good idea and should be taken advantage of. Spending time with a potential dog will tell you volumes about their individual unique personality. This can also clue you in on weather or not they will be good with children and other animals. Dog adoption is a big responsibility and should not be taken lightly. Remember to research, and take advantage of all the extras your local shelter offers. If your shelter offers a visitation it should be taken advantage of, bring your children and any other pets that you might have. Check with you local shelter and rescues to find out what they require as far as adopting a dog. You might also ask them what their fees are and if they offer animal visitation. Once you have done the research then you can begin your process of a dog adoption. Dog Adoption Paloma is a runner. She loves to run. She doesn't run anywhere in particular, mind you, she just enjoys the experience. Sometimes she gets to run in wide open spaces, like at the park, sometimes she runs alongside her mom's bike, and sometimes she just runs back and forth through the house. To her, it doesn't much matter, just as long as she gets to run. The way her life started out, however, it was possible that she might never have gotten the chance. Paloma is a one-year-old half English setter/half English pointer mix. Her name, which is Spanish for "dove," was bestowed upon her because as a very young puppy, she was entirely white. The result of an accidental breeding between two show dogs, Paloma and her six sisters were unexpected and unwanted by the owners of both parent dogs. Fortunately, all seven dogs made their way to a pointer rescue shelter, and have since all found happy homes. Paloma's story is not a unique. Thousands of dogs across the country are in need of rescuing and go unadopted. Often these animals spend the rest of their lives in shelters, colloquially known as "the pound." Those that are not cannot be adopted are euthanized. The reasons these dogs wind up in shelters vary. Some of them were bought as Christmas presents for a child, but soon the parents had second thoughts as it became clear that the puppy might be more trouble than they anticipated. Others ran away and were picked up by animal control or the local human society, but went unclaimed by their owners. Still others had to be given up due to their owner's allergies or other health problems. Yet most of these dogs still have plenty of years of companionship and affection left in them, and would love nothing more than to be taken in by someone who will love and care for them. Some people may be hesitant to adopt a shelter dog, for fear of health or behavior problems. While some dogs may have behavior problems as a result of being abused or neglected by their previous owners, not all shelter dogs are like this, and those that are can usually be re-trained by someone who happens to be particularly patient. Dog lovers are encouraged to ask questions about a dog's background before adopting, in order to avoid potential problems and frustrations. Nearly all shelters will not allow a dog to be adopted until any health problems have been successfully treated. Any information on treatment of chronic conditions or other special needs will be passed on to the new owner. If you or someone you know is in search of a new best friend, consider a trip to the local shelter instead of the pet store. Adoption is often cheaper than buying a puppy, and the dogs are just as friendly and loving, if not more so. Plus, most are already housebroken! To get started on the search a new best friend, call your local humane society or search online at PetFinder.com. Free Dog Adoptions The orphaned pet population on a world wide scale continues to increase at a rapid speed and is becoming an epidemic. The need for loving homes is larger than ever. The reason for this problem is owners who fail to spay or neuter their pets. Some organizations are even offering veterinarian reimbursement to owners who have their pets fixed. There are some places that offer free dog adoption clinics, which excite people to come in and meet some of the dogs in need of a home. If you find a dog you wish to adopt at one of these clinics you must first fill out an application. The cost of spay or neutering and the dogs vaccinations may be required and generally are less than $200.00. Considering what a new dog generally cost, it's truly a small price to pay. Some store offer savings or a reward plan when adoption papers are shown. This is their way of showing their support and thanking you for helping a homeless pet. Although these are called free dog adoptions, there are more fees to consider other than the retail price of the dog. One should remember that a new dog will need shots and vet care. The dog will also require leashes, collars, food, and possibly dog training classes. If you are sure that you can spend the time and money on a dog then you should check with your local animal shelters for your free dog adoption. Most pet shelters do not charge for the pet, but rather charge a fee for the veterinarian care. You can also look for free dog adoptions in the classified section of your local news paper. When choosing a dog for a free adoption you should look to see how the dog is being treated. Make sure the kennel is clean, that there is food and water. Dogs that are mistreated or neglected can have behavioral problems. Do some research and decide which kind of dog you would like to adopt. Do not do a free adoption because you are unable to buy a dog. Do a free dog adoption because you want to welcome a homeless dog into your home and your heart. Basically what needs to happen is you need to research for what kind of dog you might want to adopt, look at the temperament and personality characteristics. Then you need to contact your local shelter and or rescue group and ask them about free dog adoptions and if they offer it. You will also want to ask them how much veterinarian fees usually run. Then you need to go and start looking for the right dog for you. Now remember that this may take more than one trip. Once you have found the right dog it will be time to start the application process. You may also be required to do a home study so to speak. This is where someone form the shelter comes to your home and makes sure that your yard and home are adequate for a dog. Once the application process is finished you will be required to pay the veterinarian fees and then you can take you new dog home. Dogs For Adoption There is a lot to think about when adopting a dog. There are some things that should be taken into consideration. Some of those things include what kind of dog, weather it be purebred or mixed breed, male or female, age, full grown size, and your individual needs, and wants. There are a whole lot of dogs out there up for adoption, the good news is that a lot of them would probably fit into your unique situation well. The bad news is there are several that probably will not. Let's start with breed. Weather it is a pure bred Dog you want to adopt or a mix breed you can generally tell how big it will be and a few things about its general temperament by some simple breed research. While you can't learn everything about that particular dog you can learn quite a bit about the kind of dog that you would want to adopt. Certain breeds are said not to be as good with children as others however, some of those very same breeds are better at home security. So again it comes down to what it is that you want out of the dog you are trying to adopt. Size can also be told by breed, or at least guessed at by what breeds make up your mix. Some dogs for adoption should only reach five pounds where others may grow well over two-hundred and five. So If you are looking for a large dog you should look into larger breeds such as, Great Danes, Rottwillers, Saint Bernard's, Great Pyrenees, Labradors and so on. If your individual needs require a smaller companion than maybe a medium sized dog say around thirty to sixty pounds is what you are looking for in the dog that you adopt. In that case maybe you should look into breeds or mixes that include some of the following: Collie, Sheperd, Spits, Spaniel, Boxer, or chow just to name a few. Though sometimes they are considered more hyperactive your dog adoption needs require a small dog to adopt. In this case you may want to look at breeds such as, Tea cup poodles, Daushound, Papillion, Bichon Frise, Pomeranian, and so many others in the miniature category. The age of the dog that you are to adopt can also be of great importance to a person. With age comes some benefits, generally they are already house trained or are outside animals that have grown accustom to life that way. An older animal will be less likely to steal your slippers as a chew toy, or eat the paper rather than bringing it to you. Puppies on the other hand can be a hand full, however you get to decide how they are trained and what things the can and can't do in your house from day one. Though they generally learn fast, they require much more time and attention than an older animal. Puppies have more energy and less control they need constant supervision, and lots of loving attention. The payoff for all your hard work is a very attached dog that will be loyal. There are pros and cons to any age dog that you chose to adopt, the choice is really about what fits your situation. The process is quite simple and will require a small adoption fee. In some cases you will be required to submit an application so that you can be verified as a good pet owner. It is recommended that you visit with the dog on site, if you have children bring them with you so that you can see how the dog will interact with them. All in all adopting a dog is a rewarding adventure. Small Dog Adoptions Adopting a small dog can be done through several different avenues. Shelters are a good source for finding small dogs to adopt, both pure bread and mixed breads alike. The process is rather simple and generally requires an adoption fee and sometimes a pet owner check. This helps them to know what kind of pet owner you have been in the past. It is always a good idea to spend time with the dog before you adopt it. If you have children you should bring them along for the first orientation. Some small dog breads have bread specific medical conditions. For instance Daushounds of regular or miniature variety are more prone to back and hip problems. Some simple bread research will reveal most of these medical issues. Another avenue for small dog adoption would be rescues. Some of the more popular breads such as, bichon frise, Papillion, miniature pincher, dashound, Yorkshire, pug, Boston terrier ect.. Have bread specific rescues. Other rescues are more general and have mixed breads as well. If after you have finished your research, you found that particular bread fits you better, this avenue would probably work best for you. Some small dog breads should not be adopted if there are small children in the home. Breads such as pugs and miniature boxers are just a couple. The smaller breads are too easy for a small child to hurt. This can happen by falling on them or stepping on them. Also some small dog breads are more likely to nip and bite. Small dogs should be adopted into a home where there are older people or a family with older children. Small dogs are rambunctious and require attention. They need room to run. Small dogs tend to be more hyper than larger dogs. These are things that you should consider when wanting to adopt a small dog. Other things to consider when wanting to adopt a small dog are time, money, and love. Whenever you adopt a dog large or small you should make sure that you have time to take care of it. You also need to make sure that you have the money to deal with any medical issues and mandatory maintenance of the dog. Then of course there is love all animals need love to survive and grow. Small dogs make good pets for apartment dwellers and anyone who likes to have a warm lap. Also it is good to remember that in most cases it is easier to control a ten pound dog than it is a do twice that size. You should weigh your options and look at the pros and cons of small dog adoption. Take in our surrounding and ask yourself if this is what's right for you. Check with your landlord to see if there are any pet policies, and maybe talk to someone you know that has a small dog or has adopted a small dog. Make sure that the decision you make is the right one for you and your situation. Using the Internet to Adopt a Pet Some people are dog people. Some people are cat people. Others may be rabbit, hamster, fish, parrot or iguana people. Pets may great companions, and there are as many different kinds of companions as there are people who adore them. Whatever your particular taste, when shopping for a new pet, consider adopting an animal from a shelter as an alternative to high priced pet stores. One convenient way to do this is to use a website like PetFinder.com. The selection is fantastic, and you can search without having to leave the house! An advantage to beginning the pet search online is the powerful search tools at your disposal. At PetFinder.com, for instance, a search function allows users to narrow down animals based on breed, age, size, gender, and range (i.e., how far the animal is from the person searching). Looking for a female Shih Tzu near Montclair, NJ? There are well over 100 listings on PetFinder. Over 200,000 animals are listed at any given time, all easily searchable and most with pictures. You're not limited to just dog, cats, and the occasional hamster, either. Sites like PetFinder have listings for all types of animals, from pigs to snakes and alpacas to sugar gliders. Simply specify the type of animal you're after in the search box, and watch how many results you get. Need a gecko near Castle Rock, CO? Done and done. Many people hear the term "pet adoption" and think that only adult animals can be adopted. Perhaps you're hesitant to adopt an adult animal. After all, part of the experience of owning a pet is raising and training it as your own. But while puppies and kittens are awfully cute, they are also a handful. They require a lot of work, training and patience. They have more energy than you may have ever though possible, and they are in constant need of attention. For some, the joy of a baby animal is worth enduring these difficulties. For those who want an animal but not the aggravation, mature pets are the way to go. A lot of the animals on pet adoption websites are from shelters, so there are plenty of adults available...but there are also plenty of adorable puppies and kittens who need homes, too. Whichever is your preference, you will be able to find it online. Once you've narrowed down your search, you can start looking at listings. A lot of information, including picture previews, is available right from the listing summary. The animal's location, breed, general age, gender and name are listed right on the results page. There are also icons that give any special housing needs, such as for animals who need to be in a home without small children or other animals. When you see an animal you like, click on its name to read more about it. From there, it's just a matter of a phone call or e-mail to initiate the eventual process of adoption. Adopting a pet is a great option as an alternative to pet store animals. The Internet can make the process easier by making the search simpler and more convenient. To see examples of such sites, or to begin your own pet search, visit PetFinder.com or 1-800-Save-a-Pet.com. Open Adoption With Biological Family Contact For those who do not understand what an open adoption is, you'll find that this is the type of adoption where you are able to have the child get information about the biological parents or still maintain a relationship with the biological parents through contact. You will find that with the open adoption, you'll have certain options. You will be able to keep the contact open with not just the parents, but the biological family. You'll want to consider thinking about what an open adoption means to you and to the child. There are some obvious benefits to the open adoption and there are some drawbacks. You may end up finding that by having this open adoption you may end up getting some advice that you don't wish to have. You'll find that there are some times where the biological parents are going to tell you how they think that the child should be raised, and that will be hard to deal with, especially when you believe that you have the final say, but the biological parents feel that its their responsibility to see that the child is raised correctly as well. You'll find that there are some things that sound appealing, but you'll also want to keep in mind that there are times where it may make the adoption harder. It can be very hard to see the biological family and also it may be hard to see the mother or father with your adopted child. You will begin to feel envious and it may hit you a lot harder than you may ever expect. The best way to deal with an open adoption is to try to set up some strict rules that everyone can agree on. This will help you to feel like you are still in control, but also give the biological parents a piece of mind about the child's adoption. Learn More About Adopting Relatives There are tons of reasons why people adopt a child instead of having one of their own. You will find that adopting could make you a better person and parent if you think about adoption as a way to love and care for someone who doesn't have parents or someone to love them. That is just one of the many reasons why adoption might be a good idea for you. However, there are other reasons that you might want to adopt a child as well. Many people will adopt a child that is relative of theirs because of the sudden death or illness of a family member. Sometimes these situations arise because you are feeling that you want to keep children in a family, and it might be that the only way that you can keep the children in the family. There are going to be times when something happens and the parents are unable to take care of their child. If you know someone who is in this type of situation, you may want to adopt so that the children don't end up in the foster system. If you don't want your family to have to go into foster care, you might consider trying to take custody of your relative's child as much as you can so that they can stay in the family. Remember that in these situations it is often important that you call a family meeting and talk to all of the family members that have been affected by this. You should make sure that everyone is in agreement in what should happen to the kids and who is best fit to take care of them. This might become important later on, because often taking care of children is something that makes family ties strained. Even if you end up caring for a child that belongs to a family member for a short period of time, you may end up adopting them sooner or later. You will want to make sure that you are absolutely positive that this is something that you will want for the rest of your life. You will find that a normal adoption will allow you to sign the papers and become a responsible parent for the rest of the child's life. You will want to make sure that you take the children in account, as to the decision to adopt. You will find that it's going to be a family affair where the whole family will be needed to raise the child. You will also want to understand how the birth parents feel about their rights being taken away. ![]() ![]()