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Beatles Memorabilia
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Beatles Memorabilia Rocks On

t seems an age since Beatles music had girls screaming and swooning in packed audiences around the world. Although their first major stadium concert was way back in 1965, the Beatles are still extremely popular. Paul McCartney may have lost that youthful appearance but the lyrics and tunes he dreamt up with John Lennon reverberate around music halls everywhere.

There are dedicated sites on the Internet selling Beatles music and they still do a nice trade. Many young fans are still captivated with the fab-four and their songs. The chemistry of these four working-class lads from Liverpool was something really special. Rolling Stone magazine once quoted them as number one in their top one hundred greatest articles of all time. In their heyday, the Beatles knocked out 40 different best-selling singles many of which hit number ones within the first week of launch. Many bands tend to be popular on one side of the pond or the other, but Beatles music was a hit around the globe.

It's not just music that is in high demand nowadays. You can purchase all kinds of Beatles memorabilia on the net, either by bidding or buy now options. And what a wide selection there is! During their popular era, all kinds of memorabilia were produced: cups, t-shirts, plates, the list is endless. After just viewing a site I found such things for sale such as a ticket stub for a Jacksonville concert, and even a lipstick and compact in its original box with the four guys on.

The boys must have signed some autographs in their time. Just a fraction of them are on sale such as signed photographs, personal messages in autograph books and autographed clothing. Any avid fan can find all kinds of collector items on display. There is no mistaking it, the Beatles bandwagon just keeps rolling on.

I must admit, if you asked anyone what would be the most number of song lyrics they could recall of any group, the Beatles would be one of their top choices. The melodies have become universal and still get those feet tapping as soon as the first notes come out!

John Friedman has built a ninety piece collection of Beatles memorabilia worth thousands of pounds, but wouldn't sell a single piece.

The author Thomas H. Lindblom talks about the greatest rock band of all time, the Beatles. There are dedicated sites on the Internet selling Beatles music and they still do a nice trade. The Beatles' music has become a hymn for many people. Let's enjoy their music. 

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